Route 228 - To Thornlie Timed Stops Stop No. Route No. Route 229 - To Cannington 22735 13430 13464 20616 22739 Gosnells Stn Westfield St / Pitchford Av Maddington Stn Thornlie Av / Spring Rd Thornlie Stn Monday to Friday am 228 228 228 A 228 228 A 228 S 228 H 228 S 228 H 228 228 228 pm 228 228 228 228 228 S 228 H 228 228 Timed Stops Stop No. Route No. 19153 13465 13491 13521 12179 13627 Centro Maddington Maddington Stn Dellar Rd / Carter St Kenwick Rd / Stafford Rd (Kenwick Stn) Cannington Stn Carousel Shop Ctr / Grose Av 5:48 6:30 7:00 7:20 7:33 7:48 8:30 9:32 10:32 11:32 12:32 1:32 2:32 2:54 3:55 4:25 4:55 5:25 5:54 6:10 6:40 5:50 6:32 7:02 7:23 7:36 7:51 8:33 9:34 10:34 11:34 12:34 1:34 2:34 2:57 3:58 4:28 4:58 5:28 5:57 6:12 6:42 5:55 6:38 7:08 7:28 7:41 7:56 8:38 9:39 10:39 11:39 12:39 1:39 2:39 3:02 4:04 4:33 5:03 5:33 6:02 6:17 6:47 8:20 9:20 10:20 11:20 12:20 1:20 2:20 3:20 4:20 5:20 8:23 9:23 10:23 11:23 12:23 1:23 2:23 3:23 4:23 5:23 8:27 9:27 10:27 11:27 12:27 1:27 2:27 3:27 4:27 5:27 Monday to Friday 6:21 6:50 7:05 7:18 7:33 8:00 8:05 8:25 8:30 9:14 10:14 11:14 12:14 1:14 2:14 3:27 3:34 4:30 5:00 6:28 6:57 7:12 7:25 7:40 8:12 8:12 8:37 8:37 9:21 10:21 11:21 12:21 1:21 2:21 3:40 3:40 4:36 5:06 6:35 7:05 7:20 7:33 7:48 8:20 8:20 8:45 8:45 9:28 10:28 11:28 12:28 1:28 2:28 3:13 3:48 3:48 4:43 5:13 6:46 7:16 7:46 8:33 8:33 8:57 8:57 9:39 10:39 11:39 12:39 1:39 2:39 3:24 3:59 3:59 4:54 5:24 6:52 7:22 7:52 8:39 8:39 9:03 9:03 9:45 10:45 11:45 12:45 1:45 2:45 3:30 4:05 4:05 5:00 5:30 7:24 8:24 9:24 10:24 11:24 12:24 1:24 2:24 3:24 4:24 5:24 7:30 8:30 9:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 1:30 2:30 3:30 4:30 5:30 7:37 8:37 9:37 10:37 11:37 12:37 1:37 2:37 3:37 4:37 5:37 7:47 8:47 9:47 10:47 11:47 12:47 1:47 2:47 3:47 4:47 5:47 7:53 8:53 9:53 10:53 11:53 12:53 1:53 2:53 3:53 4:53 5:53 am 229 A 229 A 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 pm 229 229 229 W 229 S 229 229 229 229 229 B 229 B 229 B 6:05 6:50 7:20 7:40 7:54 8:09 8:50 9:50 10:50 11:50 12:50 1:50 2:50 3:20 4:16 4:43 5:13 5:43 6:12 6:27 6:57 6:19 7:04 7:34 7:54 8:08 8:23 9:04 10:04 11:04 12:04 1:04 2:04 3:04 3:34 4:30 4:57 5:27 5:57 - 7:40 8:00 8:14 8:29 9:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 1:10 2:10 3:10 3:40 4:36 5:03 5:33 6:03 - Saturday am 228 228 228 228 228 pm 228 228 228 228 228 228 Saturday am pm 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 8:36 9:36 10:36 11:36 12:36 1:36 2:36 3:36 4:36 5:36 8:49 9:49 10:49 11:49 12:49 1:49 2:49 3:49 4:49 5:49 8:54 9:54 10:54 11:54 12:54 1:54 2:54 3:54 4:54 5:54 Sundays & Public Holidays - No Service Sunday and Public Holidays am 228 A 228 A pm 228 A 8:12 11:12 3:12 8:18 11:18 3:18 8:25 11:25 3:25 Legend - - Legend 229 A Terminates at Cannington Station. 229 B Terminates at Kenwick Station. 229 S Deviates via Yule Brook College on school days only. 229 W Deviates via Yule Brook College on Wednesday school days only. 228 A Terminates in Maddington Station. 228 H Operates on school holidays only. 228 S Operates on school days only and deviates via Lumen Christi College Stand Departure Information Route No. Location Stand 228 Gosnells Stn Thornlie Stn 2 5 229 Cannington Stn (to Carousel Shop Ctr) Cannington Stn (to Maddington) 2 Effective: 01/02/2015 Bus Timetable 5 9 Routes 228 Thornlie Stn - Gosnells Stn via Maddington 229 Carousel Shopping Centre Maddington Stn via Kenwick For information about connections with other bus and train services, please use JourneyPlanner at Transperth Information Call us InfoLine on 13 62 13 (TIS 13 14 50) Hearing or speech impaired? Call via NRS on 133 677 Visit an InfoCentre at: • Esplanade Busport • Perth Underground Station • Perth Station • Roe St Bus Station Got an iPhone® or Android™ device? Download our free app now to help you plan your journey. Visit us online Suburbs See it now at Beckenham Kenwick Cannington Maddington East Cannington Thornlie Gosnells Legend Serviced by accessible buses Route 228 - To Gosnells Timed Stops Stop No. Route No. Route 229 - To Maddington 22743 20612 13465 13442 22738 Thornlie Stn Thornlie Av / Spring Rd Maddington Stn Westfield St / Pitchford Av Gosnells Stn Timed Stops Stop No. Route No. Monday to Friday am 228 S 228 S 228 228 228 228 pm 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 8:03 8:52 9:22 10:22 11:22 12:22 1:22 2:22 3:20 3:50 4:20 4:52 5:22 5:37 5:52 6:22 7:07 8:08 8:55 9:25 10:25 11:25 12:25 1:25 2:25 3:23 3:53 4:23 4:55 5:25 5:40 5:55 6:25 7:10 8:03 8:20 9:10 9:40 10:40 11:40 12:40 1:40 2:40 3:40 4:10 4:25 4:40 4:55 5:10 5:25 5:40 5:55 6:10 6:25 6:40 7:25 8:06 8:23 9:13 9:43 10:43 11:43 12:43 1:43 2:43 3:43 4:13 4:28 4:43 4:58 5:13 5:28 5:43 5:58 6:13 6:28 6:43 7:28 8:21 8:38 9:23 9:53 10:53 11:53 12:53 1:53 2:55 3:56 4:26 4:38 4:53 5:08 5:23 5:38 5:52 6:07 6:22 6:37 6:52 7:37 9:07 10:07 11:07 12:07 1:07 2:07 3:07 4:07 5:07 6:07 9:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 1:10 2:10 3:10 4:10 5:10 6:10 9:24 10:24 11:24 12:24 1:24 2:24 3:24 4:24 5:24 6:24 9:27 10:27 11:27 12:27 1:27 2:27 3:27 4:27 5:27 6:27 9:37 10:37 11:37 12:37 1:37 2:37 3:37 4:37 5:37 6:37 228 228 228 - 11:25 3:25 5:25 11:28 3:28 5:28 11:38 3:38 5:38 - Carousel Shop Ctr / Grose Av Cannington Stn 13506 Kenwick Rd / Stafford Rd (Kenwick Stn) 13358 13464 19155 Dellar Rd / Carter St Maddington Stn Centro Maddington 7:44 7:44 8:22 8:52 9:52 10:52 11:52 12:52 1:52 2:52 3:36 4:08 4:38 5:08 5:23 5:38 5:53 6:08 6:38 7:08 7:49 7:49 8:27 8:57 9:57 10:57 11:57 12:57 1:57 2:57 3:42 4:13 4:43 5:13 5:28 5:43 5:58 6:13 6:43 7:13 6:03 6:33 7:02 7:17 7:47 8:01 8:02 8:38 9:08 10:08 11:08 12:08 1:08 2:08 3:09 3:57 4:26 4:56 5:25 5:40 5:55 6:10 6:25 6:55 7:23 6:12 6:42 7:12 7:27 7:57 8:13 8:17 8:48 9:18 10:18 11:18 12:18 1:18 2:18 3:19 4:09 4:36 5:06 5:35 5:50 6:04 6:19 6:34 7:04 7:32 6:18 6:48 7:18 7:33 8:03 8:19 8:23 8:55 9:24 10:24 11:24 12:24 1:24 2:24 3:27 4:17 4:43 5:13 5:41 5:56 6:10 6:25 6:40 7:10 7:38 6:23 6:53 7:24 7:39 8:09 8:25 9:01 9:29 10:29 11:29 12:29 1:29 2:29 3:32 4:22 4:49 5:19 5:47 6:02 6:16 6:31 6:46 7:16 - 8:39 9:39 10:39 11:39 12:39 1:39 2:39 3:39 4:39 5:39 8:44 9:44 10:44 11:44 12:44 1:44 2:44 3:44 4:44 5:44 8:55 9:55 10:55 11:55 12:55 1:55 2:55 3:55 4:55 5:55 9:05 10:05 11:05 12:05 1:05 2:05 3:05 4:05 5:05 6:05 9:10 10:10 11:10 12:10 1:10 2:10 3:10 4:10 5:10 6:10 9:14 10:14 11:14 12:14 1:14 2:14 3:14 4:14 5:14 6:14 Saturday am pm Sunday and Public Holidays am pm 27104 Monday to Friday am 229 229 229 229 229 229 H 229 S 229 229 229 229 229 pm 229 229 229 C 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 A Saturday am 228 228 228 pm 228 228 228 228 228 228 228 13627 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 229 Sundays & Public Holidays - No Service Legend Legend 229 A 229 C 229 H 229 S 228 S Deviates via Lumen Christi College on school days only. Terminates at Maddington Station. Deviates via Yule Brook College on school days only. Operates on school holidays only. Operates on school days only and deviates via Yule Brook College before terminating at Maddington Station. Route 228, 229 Map Cannington Station Cecil Ave Carousel Rd 2 Z Train and Bus Transfer Train Station Jameson St KENWICK 229 Lena Timed Stop Bent St 229 St Grose Beckenham Ave Train-line Wanaping Sydenham Rd Bickley St Secondary School, Rd Rd Railway University, TAFE Rd Pde Ca k c i w 229 Ladywell Shopping Centre K en Emerald ORANGE St Rd ParksGROVE Ev MADDINGTON Kenwick a St 229 Station 228 De 229 lla lc Maddington oc Yale Rd rR Rd ing r p S k t Thornlie d fi e Maddington 228 ld Station 22 Rd Station 22 9 S Attfield 229 8 t Yule Brook Coll Ave Spencer Rd Culross 2 Maddington Olga Rd 28 Ave 228 Village Centro St Connemara Dr Maddington Gosnells Tullamore Ave l rs Rd West er Glyndebourne Ave Bu D r R iv Bardwell St THORNLIE Albany Hwy Polytechnic Fremantle Rd Railway West Thornlie Market GOSNELLS 2 228 Wheatley St NE 3 O Gosnells E Z N Station ZO n to FERNDALE Legend ix Br Westfield Carousel Gerard St Renou St Lacy St William St es W Th lv in A Rd ing nn em lie o rn e Av Ke Register your vehicle today. OV ERNME N T G OF WE S TE A Scale 1km LI 0 THE E ON RN R AUST A Public Transport Authority
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