HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL Lakeside, North Webster All District PAGE 6 MINDEN PRESS-HERALD www.press-herald.com January 29, 2015 | 50 Cents THURSDAY SOUTH WEBSTER Heflin library gets modern upgrade PAT CULVERHOUSE [email protected] Chad Hammons, who has Multiple Myeloma and his wife, Racquael know the importance of the national bone marrow registry and how it can save lives. 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Throughout the years she has submitted poetry and articles that were published in several magazines. 769(3 #/, 7;)30* 09 05<0: ,+ :6 (::,5+ &,)9:,8 0./ "*/663 3;450 4,,:05. =033 ), /,3+ (: 7 4 05 :/, 3;450 ,5:,8 (: #(3 :65 ":8,,: --0*,89 *3(99 8,78,9,5:(:0<,9 (5+ -68 4,8 9:;+,5:9 (8, 05<0:,+ :6 (::,5+ 0./: -68 :/, ;9,;4 =0:/ :/, (40,965 (5+ 0-, -(4030,9 =033 ), /,3+ (: :/, 68*/,(: 09:680*(3 996*0(:065 ;9,;4 ,(83 ":8,,: 55 (?9 (83(5 =033 78,9,5: ( /09:68? 6- :/, (40,965 -(403? 05 05+,5 =/03, 6550, (40,965 ;3<,8 /6;9, =033 78,9,5: ( /09 :68? 6- :/, 0-, -(403? ;9,;4 +6689 67,5 (: 7 4 786.8(4 9:(8:9 (: 7 4 3( '377 % 64)'-%0-67 -2 *033( ,%=%5( 1-7-+%7-32 :-00 &) 7,) *)%785)( 64)%/)5 !,856(%< %7 7,) -326 08& 1))7-2+ '377 6 );4)5-)2') -2'08()6 135) 7,%2 <)%56 %6 % '3275%'735 5)4%-5-2+ *033( %2( *-5) (%1%+)( 6758' 785)6 ) '%1) 73 38-6-%2% -2 73 0)%52 %&387 ,31) )0)9%7-32 *3003:-2+ 855-'%2) %75-2% %2( :35/)( -2 7,) ,31) )0)9%7-32 -2(8675< :,)5) ,) :%6 -29309)( :-7, 135) 7,%2 )0)9%7-32 453.)'76 !,538+, 7,-6 );4)5-)2') '377 +%-2)( 75)1)2(386 /23:0)(+) 32 7,) 1%2< %64)'76 3* 4367 (-6%67)5 5)'39 )5< !,-6 -2'08()( %2 82()567%2(-2+ 7,%7 7,)5) -6 % ()64)5%7) 2))( *35 -2*351%7-32 &37, 45) %2( 4367 (-6%67)5 %6)( 32 7,-6 2))( '377 ()9)034)( % 48&0-' )(8 '%7-32 453+5%1 '%00)( 0)9%7-32 %2( ()403<)( 7,-6 453+5%1 39)5 % 4)5-3( 3* 1327,6 -2 7,) 2357, )%67 *3003:-2+ 855-'%2) %2(< !,-6 453+5%1 :%6 %:%5()( 7,) 663'-%7-32 3* 7%7) 033(40%-2 %2 %+)56 3,2 ,)%**)5 :%5( *35 ;')00)2') -2 033(4533*-2+ 3: &%'/ %7 ,31) -2 38-6-%2% ,) -6 7,) !)',2-'%0 (8'%7-32 -5)'735 *35 1%57 #)27 53(8'76 %2( -6 %063 82()5 '3275%'7 :-7, " + )27)5 73 84(%7) 7,) )(8'%7-32 6)5-)6 32 *033( ,%=%5( 1-7-+%7-32 %2( ,31) )0)9%7-32 !,) -326 08& 1))76 %7 2332 )9)5< !,856(%< -2 7,) 1)5-'%2 )+-32 %00 32 -2) 75))7 ( ")()+ ) & % #,-)+2 )(-" #( ( + ,, + & #, " /#(! 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F '*;2<=B 1.*- ,8*,1 *7=15.=2, 2;.,=8; .// *5=87 .,18.- =18<. <.7=26.7=< E G6 ?.;B 9;8>- 8/ =1. +8B< F *5=87 <*2- E 5884 /8; @*;- =8 1*?270 =8 1*?270 =1. <2A=1 0;*-.;< 27 3>72; 1201 7.A= B.*; @8>5- *5<8 524. =8 =1*74 %8-- $9>;58,4 /8; *55 12< 1*;@8;4 @2=1 =1. =.*6 = <18>56*4. * -2//.;.7,. 27 8>; 9;8 0;*6 08270 /8;@*;- F SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS Would you like to write a column for the Good News page? Send a message to Bruce Franklin. Phone: 377-1866 ext. 126 E-mail: [email protected] THE BIBLE SPEAKS GOODNEWS Thursday, January 29, 2015 – Minden Press-Herald 7 Right and Wrong Kings, continued KATHY IRIZARRY Jeroboam, King of Israel, chose to defy God and intentionally set up idol worship at the very beginning of his reign over the ten tribes. The influence of this evil was so penetrating that it became the standard of evil. A read through the book of 2 Kings reveals the following words in conjunction with each of Israel’s kings. “And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD, and followed the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which made Israel to sin” 2 Kings 13:2. ALONG THE WAY What a sad legacy. Not one king of Israel did right in God’s eyes. The history of Judah’s kings was far from perfect. Too many of them also chose evil; however, there were several of whom it was recorded “And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD . . . Save that the high places were not removed” 2 Kings 15:4. I was glad to read the account of Hezekiah. He removed the high places” 2 Kings 18:4. Sadly, his son, Manasseh, reinstituted all the evil that had been removed. God bore long with Israel. Choosing their own way, they were finally defeated as a nation by Assyria. But what became of the prophecy given so many years previously in the presence of King Jeroboam, of a coming reformer king, Josiah? It was about three hundred years after that prophecy that Josiah, at the age of eight years, began to reign over Judah. “And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD . . . and turned not aside to the right hand or to the left” 2 Kings 22:2. The book of the law was found which motivated the greatest of reforms. Not only were all the high places removed, but “the altar that was at Bethel, and the high place which Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin, had made, both that altar and the high place he brake down, and burned the high place, and stamped it small to powder, and burned the grove. And as Josiah turned himself, he spied the sepulchres that were there in the mount, and sent, and took the bones out of the sepulchres, and burned them upon the altar, and polluted it, according to the word of the LORD which the man of God proclaimed, who proclaimed these words” 2 Kings 23:15, 16. We have a God whose word is good. Just as in this story, though there may be long years dominated by evil, He will bring right to triumph. The winter bug is as old as the hills After football, the “flu bug” seems to be the next hot topic. Many of our school children, along with nursing home patients, and just common folk like you and me – have been dealing with the symptoms of this annual menace. And believe me, it is no fun! Since Christmas, my wife and I have been ‘under the weather’ most of this month. For about two weeks our sinus infections had taken us to the ER a couple of times (weekends) and to the doctor’s office two other times. But when fever was mixed into the equation, I knew I needed more help. Another trip to the doc confirmed our worse dread – flu, Type A. Oh, no! Another week inside, medicines, cough syrup, and tamiflu tabs! That translates into chicken soup, comfort foods, and several visits from friends with their favorite vittles. Now it was all good and tasty, but the nasty ‘stuff’ (flu) lingers on and on, doesn’t it? We are so thankful for the light at the end of the medi-tunnel...... During this time, several of my daily devotions dealt with sick people in the Scriptures. There are more than 100 references to ill people in the Bible. We are not the first ones to deal with being sick. Our ordeal has reminded us again, how thankful we should be for our medical community. They help us identify and deal with our ailments. What a great blessing God has placed within our reach in our times of need. What a calling He has placed on their lives! Throughout Scripture we find where God imparts spe- BILL CRIDER cial gifts to some holy people, praying for sick folks in their midst. Even if immediate healing takes place or not, we know God answers prayers when offered from a committed believer.....trusting His perfect will to be done. It may not always what ‘we want’, but He promises ‘only good for His children.’ Research verifies the role of a deep faith in the healing processes. We feel a sense of comfort when others tell us they are praying for us in our time of need. When death invades our ranks, it is a great source of strength for friends to come, lock arms with us and pray for God’s abiding comfort to sustain our loss. Words of spiritu- al encouragement serve as a source of ‘good medicine’. There are illnesses much worse than flu, whether it be physical, mental, or spiritual. Many suffer from spiritual ills where only the Great Physician can help us. Only He has the Words of Life (John 6:68) to heal a weary soul; He alone can bring comfort to a grieving heart; He is our Everlasting Hope (Ps 38:15, 39:7), when we are drawing our last breath. I thank God for our medical community who always stands ready to help us in our times of illness, accidents, or malfunctions of the body. Moreover, I am grateful to our Heavenly Father for His guiding force that maneuvers us through life’s challenges. He alone forgives us of our transgressions (Matt 2:7) and gifts us with eternal salvation through Jesus Christ (John 3:16). Our bodies will one day ‘wear out’ and will return to dust from which they came (Job 34:15), but the Balm (Jer. 8:22) that our Lord supplies will bring eternal healing to our souls. No more death, suffering, pain or tears (Rev 21:1-5); we will be changed, there will be new bodies and we will never grow old. “I am making everything new”, said the Lord. O glorious day! Thursday, January 29, 2015 — Minden Press-Herald 9 GAME REVIEW A new life for old video games ilp=^kdbibp=E^mF=Ô cçê=ëçãÉ=îáÇÉç=Ö~ãÉëI ïÜ~íDë=çäÇ=áë=åÉï=~Ö~áåK cçääçïáåÖ=ä~ëí=óÉ~êDë=êÉJ êÉäÉ~ëÉ=çÑ=?e~äç=OI?=DDqÜÉ i~ëí=çÑ=rë?=~åÇ=?dê~åÇ qÜÉÑí=^ìíç=sI?=ëÉîÉê~ä çíÜÉê=íáíäÉë=Ô=~åÇ=çåÉ Ü~åÇJÜÉäÇ=ÇÉîáÅÉ=Ô=~êÉ êÉÅÉáîáåÖ=ëáãáä~ê=êÉëìêêÉÅJ íáçåë=áå=OMNRK ^=äççâ=~í=êÉÅÉåí êÉîáî~äëW Ô=?dêáã=c~åÇ~åÖç oÉã~ëíÉêÉÇ?W=qÜÉ=íêÉ~ëJ ìêÉÇ=NVVU=~ÇîÉåíìêÉ=Ö~ãÉ Ü~ë=ÄÉÉå=äçîáåÖäó=êÉëíçêÉÇ Ñçê=mä~ópí~íáçå=QI mä~ópí~íáçå=sáí~=~åÇ=m` ïáíÜ=ÄÉííÉê=Öê~éÜáÅëI=~ åÉï=éçáåíJ~åÇJÅäáÅâ=áåíÉêJ Ñ~ÅÉ=~åÇ=~=ÑêÉëÜäó=êÉÅçêÇÉÇ çêÅÜÉëíê~ä=ëçìåÇíê~Åâ=éÉêJ ÑçêãÉÇ=Äó=íÜÉ=jÉäÄçìêåÉ póãéÜçåóK=tÜáäÉ=ëÉ~êÅÜJ áåÖ=Ñçê=ÅäìÉë=áå=íÜÉ=Ö~ãÉDë i~åÇ=çÑ=íÜÉ=aÉ~Ç=äçÅ~äÉ ÑÉÉäë=~=Äáí=Ç~íÉÇ=Äó=íçÇ~óDë ëí~åÇ~êÇëI=íÜ~í=Çêó=?dêáã c~åÇ~åÖç?=ïáí=ëíáää=ÜçäÇë ìé=NT=óÉ~êë=ä~íÉêK=qÜêÉÉ ëí~êë=çìí=çÑ=ÑçìêK Ô=?p~áåíë=oçï=fsW=oÉJ bäÉÅíÉÇ?W=líÜÉê=íÜ~å=îçáÅÉ Åçãã~åÇë=~åÇ=ëäáÖÜíäó ëãççíÜÉê=Öê~éÜáÅëI=åçí ãìÅÜ=ÅÜ~åÖÉ=Ü~ë=ÅçãÉ=íç íÜáë=êÉÑêÉëÜÉÇ=ÉÇáíáçå=çÑ íÜÉ=ò~åó=?dê~åÇ=qÜÉÑí ^ìíç?=ëéççÑ=Ñçê=íÜÉ mä~ópí~íáçå=Q=~åÇ=uÄçñ låÉK=fíDë=çåäó=ïçêíÜ=~=éìêJ ÅÜ~ëÉ=Ñçê=ÇáÉJÜ~êÇ=?p~áåíë oçï?=Ñ~åë=ïÜç=ãáëëÉÇ=íÜÉ ÑçìêíÜ=ÅÜ~éíÉê=áå=OMNPI=çê Ñçê=íÜçëÉ=ïÜç=ÇÉëáêÉ=~ ÄìåÇäÉ=ïáíÜ=~ää=íÜÉ=Ö~ãÉDë Ççïåäç~Ç~ÄäÉ=Äçåìë=ÅçåJ íÉåíI=áåÅäìÇáåÖ=íÜÉ=åÉï ~ÑíÉêäáÑÉJëÉí=~ÇÇáíáçåI=?d~í lìí=çÑ=eÉääK?=qïç=ëí~êëK Ô=?oÉëáÇÉåí=bîáä=ea oÉã~ëíÉê?W=qÜÉ=ä~åÇã~êâ NVVS=ëìêîáî~ä=Üçêêçê=Ö~ãÉ Ü~ë=ÄÉÉå=êÉÄìáäí=Ñçê=åÉï m`ë=~åÇ=ÅçåëçäÉëI=ã~âáåÖ ÅêÉÉéó=péÉåÅÉê=j~åëáçå ÑÉÉä=ÉîÉå=ÅêÉÉéáÉê=áå=NMUMé êÉëçäìíáçåK=qÜÉ=ÇÉëáÖåÉêë Ü~îÉ=ëã~êíäó=~ééÉ~äÉÇ=íç éìêáëíë=~åÇ=ãçÇÉêå=éä~óJ Éêë=~äáâÉ=Äó=áåÅäìÇáåÖ=íÜÉ çéíáçå=íç=ëïáíÅÜ=ÄÉíïÉÉå çêáÖáå~ä=~åÇ=ìéÇ~íÉÇ=ÅçåJ íêçäëI=~ë=ïÉää=~ë=~ëéÉÅí ê~íáçëK=fíDë=åçí=èìáíÉ=?qÜÉ t~äâáåÖ=aÉ~ÇI?=Äìí ?oÉëáÇÉåí=bîáä?=ëíáää=ÇÉäáîJ Éêë=òçãÄáÉ=íÜêáääëK=qÜêÉÉJ ~åÇJ~JÜ~äÑ=ëí~êëK Ô=kÉï=káåíÉåÇç=Pap uiW=káåíÉåÇç=Ü~ë=ã~ÇÉ çîÉê=íÜÉ=ä~êÖÉ=îÉêëáçå=çÑ=áíë Öä~ëëÉëJÑêÉÉ=PJa=Ü~åÇJÜÉäÇ ÇççÇ~Ç=ïáíÜ=~=Ñ~ëíÉê éêçÅÉëëçêI=ëÉÅçåÇ~êó=~å~J äçÖ=ëíáÅâI=ëÜçìäÇÉê=ÄìíJ íçåëI=ÉóÉJíê~ÅâáåÖ=Å~é~ÄáäJ áíó=Ñçê=áãéêçîÉÇ=PJa=îáÉïJ áåÖ=~åÇ=~=ëÉåëçê=íÜ~í=Å~å êÉÅçÖåáòÉ=?~ãááÄç?=ÑáÖJ ìêÉëK=_áò~êêÉäóI=~=éçïÉê ~Ç~éíÉê=áëåDí=áåÅäìÇÉÇI ~åÇ=íÜÉ=êÉÇÉëáÖå=~ååçóJ áåÖäó=ÜáÇÉë=íÜÉ=ìåáíDë ãáÅêçJÅ~êÇ=ëäçí=ìåÇÉêJ åÉ~íÜ=íÜÉ=Ä~Åâ=çÑ=íÜÉ=PapK píáääI=áíDë=~å=áãéÉÅÅ~ÄäÉ áãéêçîÉãÉåí=çîÉê~ääK qÜêÉÉ=ëí~êëK Ô=líÜÉê=êÉã~ëíÉêÉÇ Ö~ãÉë=ÇìÉ=íÜáë=óÉ~êW=åÉïJ ÖÉå=êÉåÇáíáçåë=çÑ=íÜÉ=êçäÉJ éä~óáåÖ=ÉåíêáÉë=?cáå~ä c~åí~ëó=qóéÉJM?=~åÇ ?cáå~ä=c~åí~ëó=uLuJO?X=~ Åçãéáä~íáçå=çÑ=íÜÉ ?eçãÉïçêäÇ?=ëÅáJÑá=ëíê~íÉJ Öó=ëÉêáÉë=Å~ääÉÇ=?qÜÉ eçãÉïçêäÇ=oÉã~ëíÉêÉÇ `çääÉÅíáçå?X=îÉêëáçåë=çÑ ?qÜÉ=iÉÖÉåÇ=çÑ=wÉäÇ~W j~àçê~Dë=j~ëâ?=~åÇ ?uÉåçÄä~ÇÉ=`ÜêçåáÅäÉë? çéíáãáòÉÇ=Ñçê=íÜÉ=kÉï káåíÉåÇç=Pap=uiX=~åÇ=íÜÉ êÉJáåîáÖçê~íÉÇ=Ü~ÅâJ~åÇJ ëä~ëÜ=Ö~ãÉ=?aÉîáä=j~ó `êóI?=ÇìÄÄÉÇ=?aã`W aÉÑáåáíáîÉ=bÇáíáçåK? 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BABY BLUES | RICK KIRKMAN AND JERRY SCOTT HAGAR THE HORRIBLE | CHRIS BROWNE BEETLE BAILEY | MORT & GREG WALKER HI AND LOIS | BRIAN WALKER, GREG WALKER AND CHANCE BROWNE BLONDIE | DEAN YOUNG AND JOHN MARSHALL MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM | MIKE PETERS FUNKY WINKERBEAN | TOM BATIUK SAM AND SILO | JERRY DUMAS CLASSIFIEDS 10 Thursday, January 29, 2015 - Minden Press-Herald NORTHWEST LOUISIANA The Marketplace of Webster and Bossier Parishes. MINDEN PRESS-HERALD | ! ' $# ( & ( - # # , , *** % & ' ' &! $" Jerry opened We are currently the undersigned no Madden a prayer. later than 2:00 p.m., with Monday, February A motion was candidates for the 2, 2015 in the third made to approve position of Store the August 19, the Webster 2014 minutes by The outpost travel Manager. Oversees of center, america’s the day-to-day op- Parish Courthouse, Terry Snook and friendliest travel cen- erations of the store 410 Main Street, seconded by Jerry ter is now hiring for by assuming total Minden, Louisiana Madden. The The motion all positions. We are store accountability 71055. passed. bid forms and A motion was made currently seeking - long term employto approve the Financial ees to grow with us! ity, and loss pre- are available at no August Report by Mary We have several vention. Hire and and shifts and positions develop staff to pro- of the Secretary- McKinney Treasurer, Webster seconded by to choose from. Gen- vide excellent cusParish Police Jury. Terry Snook. The eral manager * casino tomer service. FlexThe Webster motion passed. cashiers * c-store ca- ible work schedule; Parish Police Jury motion was shiers send resumes open availability is a tax exempt A made to amend to dbordelon@horng o v e r n m e n t a l needed. Previous the 2014 Budget holdingsllc. com or experience agency. by Mary McKinney apply in person at lo- retail The Webster cation 598 s louisiana preferred and man- Parish Police Jury and seconded by experi- complies with the Jerry Madden. The st plain dealing- 318- agement passed. 688-0141 drug free ence required. State of Louisiana motion environment. Equal - Public Bid Law as The Grant Report by opportunity employer. dates can e-mail stated in LA R.S. presented Johnnye Kennon Criminal background their resume to 38:2211. checks required Webster showed all grant twenzel@theunifor- The Parish Police Jury applicants to be moutlet.com reserves the right in compliance and LOST a grant workshop TOWN & COUN- to reject any and all AND was planned TRY HEALTH AND bids and to waive January. informalities or to for REHAB IN MINFOUND motion to accept the bid, A which may best approve the 2015 FOUND ON LAKE DEN, LA Budget was made BISTINEAU Duck Is currently seek- serve its interest. Full-Time by Mary McKinney Hunter’s boat. Dan- ing ALL BIDS and seconded by Dietary Aide’s iel 377-5274 & PRN Nurses S U B M I T T E D - Terry Snook. The ENVELOPE MUST motion passed. (Day & night SERVICBE CLEARLY Homer Humphrey shifts) MARKED. updated the ES Long Term Care Commission on the WINTER CLEAN Experience pre- W E B S T E R status of the Lake POLICE Bistineau UP? Leaves, limbs, ferred. We off PARISH State hedges? Gutter & competitive pay, JURY Park project and the Ronda C. Carnahan salvinia problem. rooftops cleaned. S e c r e t a r y - Lynn Dorsey It’s time! Please great working Treasurer updated the call for free quote. e n v i r o n m e n t . LAWN MANAGE- Apply in person January 15 & 22 & 29, 2015 C o m m i s s i o n on several MENT 377-8169 or send resume Minden Press-Herald tourism projects 614 Weston _______________ and marketing Webster Parish s t r a t e g i e s . EMPLOY- to St. Minden, LA C o n v e n t i o n A motion was 71055 MENT and Visitors made to reinstate C o m m i s s i o n the Scottish Tartan ALLIANCE NORTHM i n u t e s Festival to line WEST HEALTHNovember 18, 2014 item CARE is seeking status by Jerry Madden DSW/CNA’s in the The Webster and seconded by Minden area. Lifting INVITATION FOR Parish Convention Terry Snook. The required. Please and Visitors motion BID passed. C o m m i s s i o n In a related issue, a between the hours One (1) New met at 8:00 AM motion to increase Tuesday, the 8:30am-4:30pm at 2015 or Newer on Scottish 18, Tartan Diesel November 318-742-4510 to Tandem Festival in the line item to $4000 Truck for Low Boy 2014, apply board room of the if the festival can Application NEEDED! PRN Minden Chamber produce matching Purchase price LPN’s All shifts. of Commerce. funds was made Leslie Lakes Re- Two (2) New 2015 Present at the by Jerry Madden tirement. Arcadia, or Newer Tandem meeting were and seconded by Diesel Trucks with Chairman Kerry Terry Snook. The LA 318-263-9581 Vice- motion NOW HIRING quali- 14 Foot Dump- Easley, passed. Bed C h a i r m a n A motion to renew Purchase option: Terry Snook, the Cooperative esses and food run- g o v e r n m e n t a l / C o m m i s s i o n e r s Endeavor with ners/ bussers. municipal lease Jerry Madden, and the Minden-South Email contact in- for 24 month and Mary McKinney. Webster Chamber formation and pre- 36 month Also in attendance of Commerce were WPCVC with no changes vious work experiThe Webster Parish Director Lynn ence to admin@ was made by Police Jury solicits myromas.com. Madden sealed proposals Assistant Johnnye Jerry and seconded by for the following: Kennon. Guests Terry Snook. The 1One (1) included Homer passed. 2015 or Newer Humphrey, Michelle motion SMALL ADS DO New Tandem Diesel Bates from the A motion to table the Proposed Addition Truck for Low Boy SELL! Minden Press and to the Employee Application Tanya Capps from CALL AND 2Two (2) Agreement to the Springhill Press. address Workman’s New 2015 or Newer PLACE Tandem Diesel Compensation meeting was was made by YOURS TODAY! Trucks with 14 Foot The called to order Mary Dump-Bed McKinney by Kerry Easley 377-1866 and seconded by The proposals must who also led the Terry Snook. The APARTMENTS WANTED FOR RENT IMMEDIATE CASHIER OPENINGS Grow Your Business !! "# ( $% ! +$) & 377-1866 PLACE YOUR AD TODAY! ! ' '. ! # ' & %)!' $# + ( &$) & + #( # # & ' ' &! $' ' & & ' ' &)# #$# !# ( Rates Pricing is easy! $7.75 Per Day - Up to 20 words! Additional words are only 30¢ cents more! Garage Sales No word limit. $11 One Day $16.50 Two Days Receive a FREE Garage Sale Kit with your two day ad! *Garage Sale ads must be prepaid. Deadlines Ads Line ads must be submitted by noon the day before publication. Display ads two days prior to publication. Public Notices Public notices must be submitted two days prior to publication date depending on the length. Notices may be emailed to [email protected] Payments Cash, Checks, Billing Real Estate Notice “All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. RENTAL 3BR 1BA 1300sqft. Central Heat/AC. Refrigerator, stove, washer & dryer. Large fenced yard $850/mo $850/dep. 639-7445 3BR 2BA MH on 1 acre in Dubberly. Front porch. Newly refurbished. $650/ mo $650/dep. 318464-2822 BOATS SALE 2008 Nitro Z-6 115 HP Merc. $12,500 Firm. 318-2650266 FOR LAND FOR SALE FOR SALE 10 acres suitable for home site $80,000; 4800 sqft home with 5 acres $550,000. 318-510-5456 or 318-245-8555 MISC. DENIED Social Se- curity DISABILITY and/or SSI? Please CALL 318272-3312 ALWAYS leave a message. NO money up front STORE MANAGER: be in the hands of pledge. motion passed. A motion to approve the Commission meeting dates was made by Mary McKinney and seconded by Terry Snook. The motion passed. A motion was made to approve a 3% cost of living raise for the Director was made by Jerry Madden and seconded by Mary McKinney. The motion passed. Motion to adjourn by Jerry Madden and seconded by Terry Snook was passed. Kennon. Jerry Lott nominated Charles Strong. Motion was made by Linda Kinsey to close the nomination on these two names; it was duly seconded by Frankie Mitchell that the nominations be closed. Votes were taken by raising of the hands. Charles Strong – 7 votes; Johnnye Kennon – 4 votes; abstaining – 1. Nomination of VicePresident: Linda Kinsey nominated Johnnye Kennon. Motion was Submitted by made by Frankie Mary McKinney, Mitchell to close S e c r e t a r y the nomination. By acclamation January 29, 2015 Johnnye Kennon is Minden Press-Herald the Vice-President. _______________ On motion of W E B S T E R Malachi Ridgel, PARISH SCHOOL duly seconded BOARD MINUTES by Linda Kinsey, F O R the minutes of M o n d a y , December 8, 2014 January 5, 2015 were unanimously 6:00 P.M. a p p r o v e d . Frankie Mitchell had questions from December 8, 2014 minutes on Item #14 – Superintendent’s report where he commented on the decision to go paperless. This will take place on March 1, 2015. The decision is not a policy but a procedure. Ronnie Rhymes wanted to know whether it will be safe from computer hackers. Crevonne Odom, Finance Director, explained that other parishes that make up the consortium are Webster, Desoto, Lincoln, Avoyelles, and Sabine parishes who have gone paperless. Correction to state, instead of LSBA, Next was the should read, “The swearing in of new parishes that make board members up the consortium John A. Madden, of which we are a Jeri “JJ” O’Neal, member.” Motion and Ronald was made by “Ronnie” Rhymes Ronnie Broughton, by Holli Vining, seconded by Clerk of Court. Penny Long to give accounting At this time, the d e p a r t m e n t Clerk of Court approval to go administered the paperless, along with approving all Board members. corrections of which (January 5, 2015 Ms. Mitchell made – December mentioned, making 31, 2018). this a policy instead of procedure. Vote Election of was by a show School Board of right hands. Frankie Mitchell N o m i n a t i o n s stated that by were opened making this a for President policy, we will not of the Board. have a choice. At Frankie Mitchell voting time, it was nominated Johnnye noted Jerry Lott, The Webster Parish School Board met in regular session in the Educational Services Center, 1442 Sheppard Street, Minden, Louisiana, on Monday, January 5, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. with the following members present: Linda Kinsey, Frankie Mitchell, Ronnie Broughton, Penny Long, Johnnye Kennon, Charles Strong, Malachi Ridgel, Jerry Lott and Brandon Edens. Absent: none. The meeting was called to order by President Charles Strong; prayer by Ronnie Broughton; Penny Long led the Pledge of Allegiance. Grow Your Business Bu usiness The Press-Herald wants to o help you grow your business. Conta act advertising representatives Telina McV Vay and Curtis Mays today. Phone: 377-1866 E-mail: advertising@pres ss-herald.com Thursday, January 29, 2015 - Minden Press-Herald d 11 CLA LASSIFIEDS STATEWIDE ADS "'"%& +& Hospitals & Clinics are hiring now! 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Long; seconded is open air concept. by Jerry Lott. Witth #19 no objections, this ITEM item was adopted d. A n n o u n c e m e n t s Next Board ITEM #14 - Approve Meeting – Homeland Safetty February 2, 2015 Systems, Inc. to t install new bldg g. There being no C a m s - P e r i p h e r a l further business, at Doyline High the meeting School in the a d j o u r n e d amount of $467.15 at 6:45 p.m. using Doyline Bond _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fund. Motion wa as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ made by Penn ny _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Long; seconded _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by Jerry Lottt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Motion passed d. C H A R L E S S T R O N G , ITEM #15 - Approve President the reimbursemen nt DR. DANIEL of $5,487.00 to J.E E. R. RA AWLS, Harper Elementary Secretary School for delivery, assembly, and January 29, 2015 installation of Minden Press-Herald partitions using _______________ District 6 Half Cent Sale Tax Fund. Motion was made by Ronnie Broughton; seconded by John Madden. No objection; j ; item was approved. ITEM #6 – Correction to read: Approve Zake Crete to pour four diffferent concrete slabs at ITEM #10 Lakeside School Approve the in the amount Payne Company to t of $5,962.50, replace three 5-ton to support new slip sysstem units ne School bleachers at at Doylin Gym in the t amount 30.00 using C o n s o l i d a t e d of $26,63 B Fund. District #3 School Doyline Bond Building Fund. Motion to accept Motion was was made by Penny econded by made by Jerry Long; se Lott; seconded Ronnie Broughton. by y Pennyy Long. g Motion passed. p No discussion; no objection; ITEM #11 motion passed. Approve the Payne ITEM #16 - FYI Company y to add – APPROVED ITEM #7 - Approve VRC for the boys’ FIELD TRIPS: oom, girls’ Main Street LED locker ro room, Signs, LLC to locker Upper replace sign in Webster ndry room Elementary School front of campus at and laun ne School to attend PBIS, Lakeside School at Doylin a of Springhill, LA on in the amount of in the amount $5,392.00 using $51,538.00, using December 4, 2014. C o n s o l i d a t e d Doyline y Bond District No. 3 Fund. Motion to Brown Uppe er School Building approve was made Elementary tto a Fund. Motion was by Penny Long, attend movie at made by Jerry seconded by Jerry Spring Theater on er Lott; seconded by Lott. The item Monday, Decembe 2014 Ronnie Broughton. was unanimously 15, Jerry Lott gave a p p r o v e d . ITEM #17 remarks on how the stafff at the ITEM #12 - PERSONNEL school worked on Approve (See additive REPORT additional funding price #4 includes Attached Reportt) to help in the project furnishing and with Claiborne installing supply Electric donating air r rectangu lar ITEM #18 $6,000. Claiborne duct work trunk S u p e r i n t e n d e n t ’ s ed parallel Report: Dr. Rawls Electric also gave line route he length informed the Central Elementary and th memberrs $ 8 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 . of the bleachers board President Strong with drum louvers of the outstanding ne located auditor ’s reporrt. commended them (trunk lin on this project and about 15’ offf the Kudo’s to Crevonne Finance asked that a letter wall) att Doyline Odom, S in Director, for such of thanks be sent to High School am mount of hard work and Claiborne Electric. the With no objection, $44,727.00 using a job well done motion passed Doyline passed. Bond with the recordss. s Fund. Motion was There will be a ITEM #8 - Approve made by Penny called meeting on Homeland Safety Long; seconded by Monday, Januarry Systems, Inc. to Ronnie Broughton. 12, 2015 at 6:00 install new security Motion passed. P.M. to have the audit exit interview w. camera and repair w #13 - Voting with a show existing cameras ITEM hands wa as in the amount Approve Homeland of He Systems, unanimous. of $1,133.30 at Safety reminded Lakeside School Inc. to install new also A Cams- them of the LSBA using Consolidated building District No. 3 State at Doyline Convention which Building Fund. Fund On High School in will be held in motion of Jerry Lott, the amount of Shreveport, LA nexxt seconded by Jeri $16,965.90 using month. On-going “JJ” O’Neal, the Doyline Bond project at Harper: board unanimously Fund. Motion was teachers being in at a p p r o v e d . made by Penny an old building tha AIRLINE MECHANIC NIC CAREERS Get trained d as !%' + ) ' "! Mechanic. 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Tanker. 1 year drivin ng REDUCE YOUR CAB BLE experience. Home 1 Wee ek CDL DRIVERS - NO BILL!* Get a wholeoleMonthly. Paid Trave el, EXPERIENCE NEEDED! home Satellite systtem Lodging. Relocation NO OT Schneider National is the installed at NO COST and necessary. 1-800-588 8- best place to begin your programming starting at 2669 www.tttransportss. career. NO EXPERIENCE $19.99/mo. FREE HD/ NEEDED! We can get you DVR Upgrade to n com new trained! 1-888-379-3550 callers, SO CALL NO OW 1-800-470-2056 25 DRIVER TRAINEE ES N Medical Guardian - Topop prated medical alarm m and 24/7 medical ale ert monitoring. it i F a limite For li ited d time, get free equipmen nt, no activation fees, no n commitment, a 2n nd waterproof alert butto on for free and more - only $29.95 per month. 800 0685-6707 Help Wanted Satellite TV V CRYPTOQUIP PUBLIC NOTICES who was in the audience area, did not vote. Upon his return to the board meeting area, he voted, making the vote unanimous. Miscellaneou us CROSSWORD Thanks Th hanks for for rreading! eading! 12 Thursday, January 29, 2015 - Minden Press-Herald ADVERTISE HERE! Call 377-1866 and speak to an advertising representative today! >> The Marketplace of Northwest Louisiana. Call and advertise today! 377-1866
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