FEBRUARY 2015 Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, P.O. Box 457, 622 Joppa Farm Road, Joppa MD 21085 – 410-679-3322 www.holy411.org The Reverend Dr. Daris Bultena, Senior Pastor The Reverend Jung Lip Kim, Associate Pastor FROM THE PASTOR’S PEN Dear Friends, As we flip the calendar page to the month of February, I cannot help but think about Valentine’s Day. I noticed the other day in the big box store that red is THE color and it is plastered on everything. When I think of that vivid red color I cannot help but think of my favorite sneakers. I have a pair of running shoes which I purchased a few years ago that are that bright blaring red color. They are great shoes. They still look good, but they are worn out. There is something that does not fit in my mind about that—they look good but they are worn out. If they are worn out then there should be holes in the soles and the tops should be tattered or stained. Yet, I have used them to run many miles on the treadmill, and now the insides are compressed and they don’t provide the support and cushion they once did. They are worn out. But, they look good! Ultimately function wins over appearance. Does it function is the question that not only relates to shoes but to other things too. Old electronic equipment—do other people have an old computer (or three) sitting around or is that just me? The list could be long about things we hang onto that no longer function. Dare I say, the real issue is probably deeper than a need-to-be-discarded desktop computer and a pair of have-seen-too-many-miles sneakers. The real issue is why do we hang on and keep coming back to that in our lives which no longer functions? Is it because we live in a constant state of wanting to deny how temporary life really is so we insist on things having a permanence? Is it because we are reluctant to change and want things to stay the same? Or, is it because we are creatures of habit and do not alter our patterns of behavior and existence with ease? So…which is it? It is Answer D—“all of the above.” We can lament changes and shifts all day long. We can dig our heels in and insist that things stay the same. We can tell ourselves that the red sneakers are still good, but the reality is while looking good they do not function the way we need them to function. I’m sure you get it that I’m not just talking about sneakers anymore: What if, rather than digging in with insistence about the value of the old sneakers I/we were to celebrate the newness of new sneakers? What if, I/we shifted the focus from trying to justify the adequacy of the old and embraced fully the functions of the new? (Go get some new fun colored sneakers!) What if we did that in our families, and with our attitudes, and even with our possessions? What if we embraced newness and change? Perhaps newness and change would be more welcome fixtures in our lives rather than reluctant inconveniences. February is the month of Valentine's Day. Valentine’s Day is about new love and possibilities for relationship. God calls us to be the “new creation.” Part of being new includes letting go of that which no longer functions. The other big event in February is Ash Wednesday. That day begins the season of Lent and is a day in which we acknowledge that there are things in our lives that truly no longer function. God gives us assurance that we can let go of those things which no longer work in our lives. God gives us the assurance that from the ash heap of our living God can bring about new possibilities and plans. In our baptism and in our living, even with as on our Ash Wednesday, God marks us with love. Such a mark is a Valentine in our spiritual lives. Blessings, Daris ASH WEDNESDAY On Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015, we will worship at 7:00PM. This worship service will be about 45 minutes in length and will include the imposition of ashes as well as the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. Some history… Ash Wednesday developed as a day of penitence to mark the beginning of Lent—the forty days of preparation for the paschal celebrations of Easter. Ash Wednesday is a particular time for new beginnings in the faith; it is a time for returning to the Lord. On this day we recall our mortality and wait upon the Lord for a renewing Spirit. This is a time for putting aside the sins and failures of the past in light of who we are yet to become by the grace of God. Did you know that when calculating the days of the Lenten season the Sundays are not counted? Sundays are to be a mini-celebration of resurrection even in a season of reflection/repentance. SUNDAYS IN LENT On Sunday, February 22, March 1, 8, 15, and 22 we will hold a Lenten DEEP & WIDE study immediate following worship. It will be held in the Upper Room (and food is always involved too!). Each Lenten Study opportunity will conclude by 1PM. We will be sharing in Deep & Wide as a church. DEEP—We will deepen our understanding of God’s Word in our lives. WIDE—We will widen our vision as to what it means to live a meaningful life as apostles in this world. Join us for Deep & Wide in the season of Lent. SHEPHERD’S KIDS In January the weather was such that we had to be flexible. Our 2nd week of Shepherd’s Kids had to be postponed for a week because of snow. The kids and staff rolled along fine with the shift in schedule. We thank Elaine for teaching in January as well as all the helpers. In the hallway you will see portrayals the kids made of themselves. They also learned how important it is to be able to understand and enjoy who they are. “I like myself.” In February our Shepherd’s Kids dates are the 2nd and 3rd Wednesdays. So we will be meeting on February 11 and 18 at 5:30PM. We are hoping some families will stay with us for our Ash Wednesday worship on the 18th too. Shepherd’s Kids is a great time of learning and sharing together. Join us. Bring children. Lend a helping hand. WEEKLY EMAIL AND POST Are you getting the email from Daris about what is happening each weekend at our church? He sends it out on Friday’s at lunchtime. If you have not been getting it and would like to, just email him and he will add you to the list. His email is [email protected] It is a great way to know what’s happening each weekend at Good Shepherd Church. PRAYER LIST Please submit names to GSprayers @juno.com Philip Pugh, Wayne Weich, Mary Lou & Bob Aims, Sabre Workman, Lesley & Mike Pinkosz, Sarah Weich, Suzy Phillips, Ron Doughty, Brianna Luu, Diana Ciccotelli, Bill Workman, Elaine Dodd, Tim Morgan, Dick Byrne, Dave Green, Judee Utterback, Ray Clark, Rev. Bruce Barstow, Marcie McNamara, Linda Bates, Cindy PreVatte, Vyona Bultena, Ms. Irene, Janet Straitwell, Joann Murphy, Betty Hamilton, Judy Radebaugh, Pastor Kim's Family, Monica, Susan Luu, Bud Johnson, The Straitwell Family, Pam Zachary, Erle LaComb, Susan Wiggins, John Lieders, Larry Foley, Jim Manthei, Ann Phipps SCHEDULES Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Usher: Tellers: Matthai(2), Petnic Tich(2), McKemy Douglas(2), Goldberg, Lawson Maas(2), Wronowski (2) Lawson & Terry Starke & Aims Tich & Pfoutz Kent & PreVatte ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION The Church hosted a wonderful celebration of our 50 years as a congregation on January 25, 2015. The worship and luncheon were attended by many and all had a great time sharing memories, worship, and fellowship. HAPPY – HAPPY We would like to recognize important dates in the lives of our members for February 2015 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY HAPPY FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY February 14, 1983 Ellyn and Ed Hooper February 15, 2008 Ann and Jon Bornstein 7 Jacob Wylam 10 Tony Barnes Linda Link 17 Amanda Barnes 19 Daris Bultena 20 Kristin Barnes Brianna Luu 22 Gary Workman 27 Jason Moeller SHARING TABLE Dear Good Shepherd Members and Friends. February 14, 2015 Is our first 2015 date to serve the guests at The Sharing Table, Prince of Peace Catholic Church, 2006 Willoughby Beach Road, Edgewood. We need your participation to make this ministry a success. A few of our regular participants will not be available this time; so we really need others to volunteer their time and talents to ensure the success of our service. Should you be willing to bake a casserole, the pans and recipe are located behind the door in the Church Office. The recipe is enough to fill two pans. If you do not care to bake, but would be willing to assist in serving the meal, you need to know the following: 1. Sign up on the schedule sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway. 2. The time to arrive at Prince of Peace (use the entrance on the backside of the church) is 10 a.m. 3. The first items of business will be to set up the dining hall and getting the meal items prepared. 4. Meal service starts at 11:30 a.m. and ends at 1 p.m. 5. After serving the meal, we must then clean the dining hall and kitchen. If you feel you would not be able to stay the entire time, but could assist with the cleaning at the end of the day, you should indicate that and your arrival time would be 12:30 p.m. We do hope you will consider joining us for this very special service for those in our community who benefit from it. HONOR ROLL - CONGRATULATIONS Mafese Elonge - Honor Roll at Magnolia Middle School! WOMEN’S CIRCLE BIBLE STUDY GSPC WOMEN’S CIRCLE BIBLE STUDY Thursday, February 12 10:00 am – 11:30 am Upper Room Reconciling Paul Lesson 6: “The Aroma of God Among Us” FOCUS: This lesson examines the connection between 2 2Corinthians 2:14-17 and 6:14-7:1 in light of the ancient practice of epiphany processions. Paul uses processions or parades as metaphor to clarify his authority and to emphasize the idea that all followers of Christ are called to show their faith in action by “being the aroma of God among those who are perishing.” We will be preparing our lunch as part of the lesson. Prayer Leader: Gert Bruno & Sarah Weich Hospitality: Jo White & Norma Webster GSPC WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION HUMMINGBIRD EVENTS You are invited to participate in TWO Hummingbird events PROJECT 1 - PILLOW CASE DRESSES WHEN: Thursday, February 26 and March 5 WHO: Anyone who can cut, iron, pin, measure, sew, snip or sew. You don’t have to bring anything, just your sense of fun, whimsy, creative spirit and fellowship. There’s something for everyone to do. You don’t have to be able to sew. You can even bring a friend. WE ARE IN NEED OF PILLOWCASES FOR THIS YEAR'S PROJECT. CHECK YOUR LINEN CLOSETS CHECK THE THRIFT STORES ASK YOUR FRIENDS ASK YOUR CO-WORKERS CAN'T COME AND CONSTRUCT – CONSIDER DONATING..... 1. Pillow cases - Cotton blend - Prints, stripes, plain, checkered, all types work well. They don't have to be new. 2. Bias Tape – Extra wide, double fold bias tape- any color. 3. Elastic – packages of ½ inch wide elastic. 4. Boys' t-shirts - As you can see by the picture, the boys loved their t-shirts. All sizes are needed but shirts for ages 8-14 would be greatly appreciated. Please wash the pillowcases and the shirts before donating. Beginning February 1st, a collection basket will be placed in the narthex or you can give them to Ellyn Hooper or Ellie Pfoutz. QUESTIONS: Contact Joan Pugh, [email protected] or 410-679-8458 EVENT #2 – VALENTINE GOODIE BAGS FOR SHARING TABLE PATRONS GSPC will be hosting THE SHARING TABLE on Valentine's Day, February 14th. The Women's Association thought it would be a nice gesture to spread “the aroma of God” as presented by Paul in his letter to the Corinthians, by assembling a goodie bag of treats for the SHARING TABLE patrons. If you would like to participate by donating packages of small wrapped candies to be placed in the goodie bags, please bring them to Norma Webster. The women will be assembling the bags after Circle on February 12th. The Dollar Store is a good source for these goodies. WE ARE UNABLE TO ACCEPT FOOD THAT IS NOT COMMERCIALLY WRAPPED. “Being the aroma of God and becoming a temple of the living God means drawing closer to others as we embody God's presence through acts of reconciliation and love”. (2014-2015 Horizons Bible Study) DEACONS February 8, 2015 is Movie Night at Good Shepherd!! We will be showing “God’s Not Dead” after one of our famous pot luck suppers beginning at 6 PM. It is an excellent movie! In the event of a change due to bad weather please check the church web page Holy411.org or call Kathy Young Don’t forget to be checking your closets, drawers and treasure boxes for things that need a new home! Sunday, May 17th is Auction Day at Good Shepherd and your items will be loved by a new owner and the funds raised will be used for the Glory of God!! Thank you!!! February 2015 SUNDAY 1 Adult Sunday School 9:30 Worship 11:00 Coffee 12:00 8 Adult Sunday School 9:30 Worship 11:00 Coffee 12:00 MONDAY 2 TUESDAY 3 WEDNESDAY 4 Deacons 6:45 THURSDAY 5 6 FRIDAY SATURDAY 7 13 14 Session 7:00 Choir 7:30 9 10 11 Shepherd's Kids 5:30-7:00 12 18 19 Sharing Table 10:00 Prince of Peace Women's Bible Study 10:00 Movie Night & Pot Luck Dinner 6:00 15 Adult Sunday School 9:30 Worship 11:00 Coffee 12:00 22 Adult Sunday School 9:30 Worship 11:00 Lenten Deep & Wide 12-1 16 17 21 27 28 ASH WEDNESDAY Presidents' Day Office Closed 23 20 Shepherd's Kids 5:30-7:00 24 WORSHIP 7:00 25 26 Women's Meeting 10:00
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