Email: Deadline: Jan. 9 ❐ Vegetarian Please let us know if you prefer a vegetarian meal. ❐ Vegetarian Please let us know if you prefer a vegetarian meal. ❐ Vegetarian Please let us know if you prefer a vegetarian meal. ❐ Vegetarian Please let us know if you prefer a vegetarian meal. ❐ Vegetarian Please let us know if you prefer a vegetarian meal. ❐ Vegetarian Please let us know if you prefer a vegetarian meal. E-mail address for invoice: ___________________________________________________________________ credit cards. To pay with a credit card, please print your e-mail address below and you will receive an electronic invoice with a link to process your card. For payment questions, please contact the accounting department at (865) 584-5761, ext. 102 WANT TO CHARGE YOUR REGISTRATION TO A CREDIT CARD? Register online at www.tnpress. com or complete this form and fax to (865) 558-8687. For added protection, TPA is now using PayPal to process Questions: (865) 584-5761 x 105 ❐ $15 Student ❐ $50 Faculty Summit registration ❐ $15 Student ❐ $50 Faculty Summit registration ❐ $15 Student ❐ $50 Faculty Summit registration ❐ $15 Student ❐ $50 Faculty Summit registration ❐ $15 Student ❐ $50 Faculty Summit registration ❐ $15 Student ❐ $50 Faculty $ Grand Total Due: $ $ $ $ $ $ Total fees per person Register Online: Or fax to:(865) 558-8687 Or mail to: TPA TN Collegiate Media Summit, 435 Montbrook Lane, Knoxville, TN 37919 (After this date, we have already incurred the costs of registration and will be unable to issue a refund.) Parking: Parking is available in a nearby lot, regular rates apply. Cancellation Deadline (Must be made in writing) January 30, 2015 315 Fourth Avenue North, Nashville, TN 37219 (615) 244-8200 Rate: $140 plus tax, parking Hotel Information: Doubletree Hotel in Downtown Nashville Deadline to register: JAN. 28, 2015 6. Name: Email: 5. Name: Email: 4. Name: Email: 3. Name: Email: 2. Name: Email: Summit registration The Foundation will help offset the registration costs for up to 60 total students for the lunch and Summit. Space is available on a first come, first served basis. 1. Name: Summit Registration Name of Registrant The TPA Foundation is providing a limited number of scholarships for college students. EMAIL: CONTACT: TELEPHONE: Please list your name as you want it to appear on your name badge. Please provide an email address if you want to receive convention-related updates CITY: TENNESSEE PRESS ASSOCIATION • TN COLLEGIATE MEDIA SUMMIT • DOUBLETREE HOTEL • NASHVILLE, TN • THURSDAY, FEB. 5, 2015 COLLEGE: DETAILS:
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