The SCRIBE A monthly publication of Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church (USA) February Big Events The Presbytery of the Miami Valley will be meeting at Sugar Creek on Saturday February 14th. The gathering will end around noon. There will be a lunch following the meeting—reservations requested. All hands are needed to be a part of our Sugar Creek “Welcome”. We can find a job for you! Contact John or any Staff member of your interest. Below is a description Presbytery website. of the We are more than 10,000 Christians who live in the Miami Valley of Ohio and are members of 53 congregations called: "Presbyterian Churches." We hold beliefs that are central to the Christian faith - namely that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that, through Jesus Christ, salvation is offered to all persons. We believe that the Bible is God's word to us, recording and conveying God's acts in human history and giving instruction for how we should live. We believe that the Church is where God's people worship, learn, work and are in fellowship together. Inside This Issue: From the Pastor ............... 2 Thanks ............................. 3 Birthdays .......................... 3 Directory Updates ............ 3 Christian Nurture ............. 4 EPPIC .............................. 5 Cong. Fellowship ............ 7 Deacon News .................. 7 Worship Coordination. ..... 8 Presbytery Women .......... 8 Pieces of the Past ............ 9 February Calendar ........... 11 Issue 2 February 2015 Rev. Dr. John J. Skelly, Interim Pastor Jessie Fleeman, Editor See you then. Ash Wednesday Communion Service February 18 at 7:30 pm Lent begins on Wednesday, February 18 this year, and Sugar Creek will offer a communion service at 7:30 pm that evening. [See page 8 for more details.] Connecting in Christ’s friendship Growing in God’s grace Serving where the Spirit sends 4417 Bigger Rd, Kettering OH 45440-1698 ~ 937/298-3743 ~ Where’s the Creek? 7 Then a cloud overshadowed them, and from the cloud there came a voice, “This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him!” 8Suddenly when they looked around, they saw no one with them anymore, but only Jesus. 9As they were coming down the mountain, he ordered them to tell no one about what they had seen, until after the Son of Man had risen from the dead. 10So they kept the matter to themselves, questioning what this rising from the dead could mean. Mark 9:7-10 51 When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem. Luke 9:51 The creek flows on… Full on Epiphany is turning toward Lent. The light of the Jerusalem Gate is still in the distance. And a hill outside its walls is hardly visible. Meanwhile, in the day to day of congregational life, Commissions plan, staff is busy, the Elders conduct the “business of ministry” in Session, and the Deacons look after us. The Annual Meeting has been held. God has worked in the discernment of the Nominating Committee and in the hearts of those “called forth” as leaders, and others called to specific tasks. The congregation has confirmed those so chosen through their election. I give thanks to God for each one of our community of faith who together serve Christ in the ministry at Sugar Creek. “The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart, A fountain ever springing! All things are mine since I am his! How can I keep from singing?” As February dawns, the season of Epiphany races toward its conclusion. Jesus will be bathed in the light of God on the mountain; God is present; Jesus is the “beloved Son”; the disciples experience the ultimate “God Sighting”. But the moment is fleeting. The lectionary Scriptures, and the Church year, carry us further along. Epiphany has served as a “call” to us to follow Jesus. As Gandalf says to Bilbo in Tolkien’s The Hobbit; “I'm looking for someone to share in an adventure.” Epiphany is the invitation from God through Jesus to share in an adventure of discipleship. As the Church year turns to Lent, we begin to move from invitation to formation. We are on our way! We will learn from Jesus’ words and actions. We will observe the disciples’ reactions. We may even see ourselves in their responses to Jesus. We are on a faith quest. Each day we learn, we grow. Each day we grow, we push forward in faith. As my faith grows through this change of “church seasons”, I find power in the U2 song, “Still haven’t found what I’m looking for.” Blessing for the adventure of faith journey… 2 We remember those hospitalized/had surgeries: Kris Martin’s mother, Virene MacCagno; Karen Nitsch’s father, David Pina; Sherry Baker, Cindy McCullough, and Marylou Somogyi. We celebrate with Denise and Bob Manley in the birth of a granddaughter, Hazel Lorelei Manley, born on January 21 weighing 9 lbs 9 oz. (We made every effort to note member births, deaths, weddings, and hospitalizations through January 15th. If we have omitted someone, please notify the office, so we can make a correction. THANK YOU MESSAGES Dear friends, Thank you so much for remembering me with cards, calls and prayers during my illness. What a wonderful, caring church. Love to all, Ann Grimes My Dear Friends, Thank you for the prayers, cards, and special notes during my illness. It just takes a little longer for elderly people to heal. My love, Dorothy White Dear Sugar Creek Friends, Thank you for your generous donation of $400 to the House of Bread. Your tax deductible gift will be used directly towards our mission of helping individuals and families. In 2014, we served over 122,000 meals prepared in our kitchen by staff and volunteers working together to create the most nutritious menu possible. We provide meals every day in our dining room, and also prepare meals for community groups that offer job training and evening meals to people in need. Our best wishes for joy and peace during this New Year. Thank you again for your generosity. Sincerely, Melodie Bennett, Executive Director February Birthdays Mary Gilbert Feb 1 Michael Stewart Feb 3 Rosemary Baty Feb 4 Jean Wright Feb 6 Amanda Gouge Feb 8 Yvonne Martin Feb 8 Alicia Nitsch Feb 8 Kristin Brunn Feb 10 Mark Brunn Feb 10 Joyce Hapner Feb 10 Robert Baty Feb 12 Seth Ford Feb 13 Pamela Shively Feb 15 Hunter Dobbins Feb 16 Katie Kelleher Feb 16 Marty Neitman Feb 16 Barbara Burson Feb 17 Jason Tolman Feb 18 Tish Lamb Feb 19 Terry Mundhenk Feb 19 Nancy Bennett Feb 20 Emily Brown Feb 24 Ben Randall Feb 24 Michelle Gouge Feb 24 Jeannette Myers Feb 24 Jack Moore Feb 25 Zachary Gentry Feb 25 Audrey Case Feb 26 Greyson Mauntel Feb 26 Rebecca Lamb Feb 28 Justin Bauser Feb 29 (We make every effort to note birthdays. If we have omitted someone, please notify the office, so we can make a correction.) Please make the following changes in your new 2015 Membership Directory: Email: Jack Moore [email protected] Kemp Prugh [email protected] 3 CHRISTIAN NURTURE Children’s Ministry News Weather Alert Please remember that if the Kettering Schools are closed on a Thursday due to inclement weather, all activities for t.y.p. will also be cancelled. If the weather becomes dangerous after 12:00 noon, please note that a cancellation will be shown on WHIO TV (Channel 7), or you can call the Church office (298-3743). GYD ~ Growing Young Disciples Our rotation system on Sunday morning for elementary age children in February is based on the Biblical Story of “The House on the Rock”, focusing on what a strong faith looks like and how it withstands the storms of life. The rotation leaders for February are Pam Schultz (cooking) and Drew Statt (games and Bible skills). The Preschool and Kindergarten GYD classes will be focusing on Mary, Joseph and how Jesus grew and taught in the Temple. The February leaders are Leah O’Malley and Tish Lamb. t.y.p. Dates to Remember in February To begin our Lenten season together, on February 19th Stanley Aultz will be leading the children in making crepes. Stanley and Lois have always been generous in their teaching of crepes to the children, and tying it into Lent. Spiritual practices during the Lenten season for the children will include prayer and forgiveness. The dates that the children’s choirs will be participating in Worship are as follows: February 15 Angels Sing February 19 Salt & Light need to stay till 7:30 pm to rehearse with Chancel Choir February 22 Salt & Light Sing with Chancel choir 4th, 5th & 6th Grade Lock-In Friday, March 6, is the date for the 3rd annual Lock-In for the current 4th, 5th and 6th graders. This is for our students plus ONE additional friend that they would like to invite. A signed release form will be required for each child to participate, and the cost per child is $15.00. The fee includes dinner, snacks, cosmic bowling and breakfast the next morning. Our time together will focus on prayer and random acts of kindness. More details and forms will be available at the t.y.p. registration table and on Sunday morning beginning February 15, and please see Wendy for any questions. 4 CHRISTIAN NURTURE (Cont.) Vacation Bible School ~ G-Force…God’s Love in Action G-Force is our theme for the upcoming VBS 2015, where children will discover that they can use God’s power in their lives to help them Move! Act! Care! Follow! And Share! Please mark your calendars now for the week of June 8-12 for an exciting week of exploring how to use their whole selves to follow God in new, active ways! Registration will begin on Palm Sunday, March 29 and the cost per child (4 years of age through the 5th grade) will be $7.00. There will be many opportunities for everyone to move out of their comfort zone and act on God’s call to care for the children who will be coming to G-Force. Please follow your heart, and share your time and love the week of June 8! Youth Ministry News Souper Bowl of Caring - February 1 Our youth will hold soup pots at church doors on Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday, February 1, 2015. They will join young people in churches across the country to collect money for those who are hungry and hurting. This year donations will be split between House of Bread and Daybreak (a shelter for homeless teens and young adults.) Please support the youth of our church in this effort to “love our neighbors” by dropping your dollar in the soup pot on Sunday, Feb. 1. 2/1 EPPIC SNAC Super Bowl Gathering (6-8:30PM) at the Schultz home [3850 Polo Trace Ct., Bellbrook 45305] 2/8 EPPIC SNAC at Sugar Creek 6-8:30PM 2/15 EPPIC SNAC goes bowling at Woodman Lanes (6-8:15PM) cost is $10 for 2 hours of bowling, shoe rental, pizza and pop 2/22 EPPIC SNAC at Sugar Creek 6-8:30PM Who: When: Theme: Where: Youth in grades 7-12 April 10-12, 2015 Unmasked: Recognizing Jesus Kirkmont Center in Zanesfield, OH Dates: Who: Where: 5 July 5-10 Students completing grades 8-12 in the 2014-2015 school year Braxton County, WV CHRISTIAN NURTURE (Cont.) Adult Opportunities During Lent Lenten Devotionals Beginning Sunday, February 15, devotionals for the Lenten season will be available for all ages in the Commons. There will be choices for adults, children and families, including an interactive calendar and “fish box” for One Great Hour of Sharing. We will be encouraging the children to bring back their boxes on Palm Sunday, March 29, the day of the Jerusalem Marketplace. Forty Days of Fruitful Living Christian Nurture is planning an all congregation “read” utilizing the book “Forty Days of Fruitful Living…Practicing a Life of Grace” for the 40 days of Lent. The book will be available beginning February 8, and the cost is $12.00. There will also be small group opportunities on Sunday mornings to discuss the book, which will begin on February 22. This daily devotion book will open your heart to the joys of a life rich with meaning, relationship and contribution. Its focus is on receiving God’s love, loving God in return, growing in Christ, serving others and giving back. Sign-ups to purchase the book and to participate in a small group is available in the Cove beginning Feb. 8. Lenten Film Festival Beginning Sunday, February 22, there will be five Sundays of opportunity to view a film and “unpack” its meaning together. This Lenten Film Festival will feature films and documentaries that focus on a theme such as transformation, forgiveness, love and grace. Please join us each Sunday at 2:00 pm in the Youth Room and enjoy snacks that will be provided. Please RSVP in the Cove beginning Feb. 8 if you are interested in participating . This was a very successful Lenten study many years ago and the Christian Nurture Commission is excited to bring it back to the congregation! Please watch the bulletin for details on films and dates. Midweek Bible Study: Wednesdays with Soup and Scripture will be offered on Wednesdays in the Knox room from 11:30am-12:30pm beginning February 18—March 25 and will be led by Pastor John. It will be a blend of lecture, video, questions and some answers, and discussion based on the following Sunday’s Gospel Lesson. Sign up in the Cove for this exciting midweek Bible Study! SCRIPTURE 6 CONGREGATIONAL FELLOWSHIP Retirees’ Lunch Bunch 2015 The following is a list of restaurants that the Lunch Bunch will visit during February—March 2015. Lunches start at 11:30 am on the second Tuesday of each month. Feb 10 First Watch (Town & Country) Mar 10 Scrambler Marie’s (9600 Springboro Pike) All retirees are invited to join us for fun, food and fellowship. Each month a sign-up sheet will be placed in the Cove so you can sign up for that month’s restaurant. If at any time you need a ride, please put “ride” beside your name on the sheet. For questions please contact Joyce Kemp at 299-9236. DEACONS The Deacons Are Ready to Help. The Key Deacon is the Deacon who is primarily responsible for attending to the needs of the hospitalized members/friends of the congregation. Also, when the pastor is away, the Key Deacon (along with the on-call pastor) is available to assist with any other special needs or concerns. The Transportation Deacon is available to meet any church-related transportation needs. Key Deacon for February is Abby Elton (648-0180). Transportation Deacon: Debbie Ellington (513-217-1194). Healing Touch Sessions are available at the church on the second Thursday of the month. For more information, or to schedule a time, please contact Lois Milligan (513-855-4178). Discovering Stephen Ministry During the month of December Stephen Ministry classes covered Module 9— Confidentiality, Module 10—Telecare: the next best thing to being there and Module 11—Using Mental Health Professionals and Other Community Resources. And for our first class of 2015 we skipped to Module 25—Providing Spiritual Care. A weekend “retreat” in the middle of January covered Modules 13 and 14—Dealing with Depression and Helping Suicidal Persons get the help they need. “Ministering to Those Experiencing Grief” and “Ministry to the Dying and Their Family and Friends” were the final two Modules (12 and 19) presented in January. As our Stephen Ministers study, share and practice the skills for the ministry of caregiving they are seeking God in their own lives and growing as faithful disciples. Let us pray with and for our Stephen Ministers in this important endeavor: “With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Thessalonians 1:11-12) Your Stephen Leader, JoAnne Riddell 7 WORSHIP COORDINATION Ash Wednesday Service Ash Wednesday got its name from a worship tradition called the “Imposition of Ashes.” In the ceremony, the worship leader makes the sign of the cross (“imposes the cross”) on the forehead of the worshiper, saying something such as “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return” or “Remember your baptism and be thankful.” The ashes themselves are the remains of palm branches, ground to a very fine black powder. This ceremony is a way of remembering we are mortal and dependent on God’s grace, as we begin this season of soul-searching self-examination. Taking part is completely voluntary, and all are welcome. Our service will be Wednesday, February 18 at 7:30 pm, and it will include communion. Flower Calendar 2015 These are the following dates still open for February through December 2015: Feb. 1, 8; March 22, 29; April 12; May 10, 17; June 14, 28; July 5, 12, 26; Sept. 13, 27; Oct. 25; Nov. 15, 22. The cost of the Sunday morning flower arrangement donation is $28.00. For the convenience of our staff and volunteers, we are asking that all flower donation requests be prepaid. Call the church office (298-3743) to reserve your spot. February 2015 Calendar Feb. 4 Feb. 9 Feb. 11 Feb. 21 Feb. 18 Feb. 25 10:00 am 7:00 pm 9:30 am 11:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am PW Board Meeting (Joyce Kemp 299-9236) Deborah Circle (Tish Lamb 435-6692) PW Crafts (Janice Simmons 298-4519) Dorcas Circle (Dorothy White 253-4767) Naomi Circle (Denise Manley (433-5619) PW Crafts (Janice Simmons 298-4519) Knox Room Knox Room FH Murphy’s Grille Knox Room FH The Deborah Circle will meet Monday, February 9, at 7 pm in the Knox room. Join us for an evening of learning, prayer, fellowship, and refreshments. The Naomi Circle will meet Wednesday, February 18, at 9:30 am in the Knox room to discuss chapters 9 & 10 of Fearless by Max Lucado. All are welcome. 8 Laurie Elder Although Laurie Elder passed away on October 2, 2014, her memory will remain at Sugar Creek Church for years to come. Many things were told about her at her Memorial Service on October 11th, but one aspect of her personality that was not mentioned was her creativity in composing amusing lyrics for church related songs and in putting programs together for special events at Sugar Creek. The following lyrics were written by Laurie down through the years for special events at Sugar Creek Church. The following “Song for Vision” for Sugar Creek Church is to be sung to the tune of “God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending,” on #422 in our blue hymnal. Verse 1 We’re connecting in Christ’s Friendship And we’re growing in God’s grace Serving where the Spirit leads us In this very time and place. Lead us forward towards your kingdom Take our doubts, remove our fear Your disciples, we implore you Give us vision, bright and clear. Verse 2 For two centuries you have led us Like a parent, showing love Like a friend who stands beside us In our midst, within, above So connecting in Christ’s friendship Ever growing in your grace Serving where the Spirit leads us Your commission we embrace. The following lyrics were written by Laurie for Vacation Bible School one summer. It was to be sung to the tune of “Twist and Shout,” played by the Vacation Bible School band combo. Laurie played her guitar with this band while singing the song she wrote. 1.Well, shake it up, chefs, now (Shake it up, chefs) Twist and shout (Twist and shout) Twist and Shout 2. Well, shake it up, chefs, now (Shake it up, chefs) Twist and shout (Twist and shout) C’mon, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon, chefs, now (Come on chefs) Come on and work it all out (Work it all out) C’mon, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon, chefs, now (Come on chefs) Come on and work it all out (Work it all out) Hey Scraps, you’re lookin’ fine (Lookin” fine) Raccoon extraordinaire (Extraordinaire) Chef Wendy says “Be ready now” (Ready now) Believe with all your heart (All your heart) You know you got me cookin’, now (Got me cookin’) With the news you share (News you share) Come on and serve your neighbor now (Serve your neighbor) Come on and do your part (Do your part) (Instrumental interlude, then) ahh – ahh – ahh – ahh 9 Pieces of the Past (Cont.) 3. Well, shake it up, chefs, now (Sake it up, chefs) Twist and shout (Twist and shout) 4. Yes, Jesus, he’s the Master Chef (Master Chef) Forever and a day (forever and a day) C’mon, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon, chefs, now (Come on chefs) Come on and work it all out (Work it all out) Well, shake it, shake it, shake it chefs, now (Shake it up chefs) Well, shake it, shake it, shake it, chefs, now (Shake it up chefs) Well, shake it, shake it, shake it, chefs, now (Shake it up chefs) With Jesus as our guide (He’s our guide) We’ll always find our way (Find our way) Ahh – ahh – ahh – ahh This third set of lyrics were written by Laurie one autumn during the annual pledging campaign at Sugar Creek Church. This “Stewardship Version” should be sung to “Here, I Am, Lord,” which is #525 of our blue hymnal. 1. Every autumn as leaves fall We receive the giving call Stewardship for one and all That time is now! 3. I bake pies for the church bazaar I drive the youth group in my car I sing in choir – I’m their star I do my part. I cannot give God 10 percent I’ve got a mortgage, I pay rent I’m sure that’s not what our God meant When God said “tithe” I’m on the Session, Deacons too, I tell the Pastor what to do And yet God tells me I’m not through God wants my heart! Refrain Here am I Lord Where’s that pledge card? I have heard you calling day and night I will give Lord If You lead me It is you who shows me what is right. Refrain Here I am Lord Where’s that pledge card? I have heard you calling day and night I will give Lord If You lead me It is you who shows me what is right. 2. I have a smart phone that is new, And cable TV costs lots too My 401 k’s in the loo And college looms But when I think about my days I’m filled with gratitude and praise God never ceases to amaze I must respond! Refrain 10 1st Sunday in Lent 12pm Staff Ministries 6pm MVC-FH 6:30pm GS-t.y.p. room 23 24 17 19 20 26 27 6:45am Man in the Mirror-CAL 4:15pm t.y.p.-FH 7pm AA Mtg.-KNX 9:30am PW Crafts-FH 7:30pm Chancel Choir-CR 11:30am Soup & ScriptureKNX 6pm SM Training-KNX 7pm Session-KNX 25 4:15pm t.y.p.-FH 7pm AA Mtg.-KNX 6:45am Man in the Mirror-CAL 7:30pm Chancel Choir-CR 9:30am Naomi Circle-CAL 11:30am Soup & ScriptureKNX 7pm Compassionate FriendsFH 7:30pm Ash Wednesday Service/Communion-S 18 ASH WEDNESDAY 4:15pm t.y.p.-FH 7pm AA Mtg.-KNX 5:30pm Youth Ministry Prayer Team-YR 7:30pm Chancel Choir-CR Sat 28 21 Hosting Presbytery 14 7 LEGEND: GROUPS: CF = Compassionate Friends; PW = Presbyterian Women, t.y.p. = Thursday Youth Program, EPPIC = Youth Fellowship, GS = Girl Schouts, SM = Stephen Ministries; YMPT = Youth Ministry Prayer Team. ROOMS: CAL=Calvin Room, CO=Commons-new entryway, CR=Choir Room, CV= Cove, FH=Fellowship Hall, KNX=Knox Room, S=Sanctuary, YR=Youth Room. 10am Worship/GYD/Salt & Light Choir 11:15am ReVive-KNX & CAL 11:15am Holy Chaos-FH 2pm PW Silent Auction-FH 6pm EPPIC SNAC 22 SCRIBE Deadline 6:30pm GS-t.y.p. room PRESIDENTS’ DAY/ OFFICE CLOSED 16 15 10am Worship/Communion/ GYD/Angles 11:15am ReVive-KNX & CAL 11:15am Holy Chaos-FH 6pm EPPIC SNAC - Bowling at Woodman Lanes Mirror-CAL 9:30am PW Crafts-FH 10am Staff Ministries-KNX 6pm SM Training-KNX 11:30am Lunch Bunch @ First Watch 6:30pm Girl Scouts-t.y.p. room 7pm Deborah Circle-KNX 12 Healing Touch 13 11 6:45am Man in the 10 9 6 10am Worship/GYD 11:15am ReVive-KNX & CAL 11:15am Holy Chaos-FH 6pm EPPIC SNAC 5 8 4 5:30pm VBS Planning Mtg- 6:45am Man in the Mirror-CAL 4:15pm t.y.p.-FH 7pm AA Mtg.-KNX CAL 10am PW Board Mtg-KNX 7:30pm Chancel Choir-CR 7pm Deacons-KNX 6pm Stephen Ministry Training-KNX 7pm Commissions Fri 3 Thu 6:30pm New Mentor Mtg.-YR Wed 2 Tue 10am Worship/GYD 11:15am ReVive-KNX & CAL 11:15am Holy Chaos-FH 6pm EPPIC SNAC Super Bowl Gathering-Schultz home Mon Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church 1 Sun February 2015 Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church, USA 4417 Bigger Road, Kettering, OH 45440-1698 937. 298. 3743 Session Deacons Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Mark Brunn Debbie Ellington Jenni Cyprych Donna Courtney Mark Hughes Aimee Lamb Dan Gouge Denise Manley George Lamb Ann Mundhenk JoAnne Riddell Marge Morgan Tori Statt Jackie Myers Debbie Ellington, chair Stanley Aultz Abby Elton Kathryn Graham Tish Lamb Irwin Roberts Janice Simmons Janice Studebaker Rev. Dr. John J. Skelly, Moderator Ann Mundhenk, Clerk Rev. Dr. John J. Skelly INTERIM PASTOR Wendy D. Berkshire DIRECTOR OF FAMILY MINISTRIES The Rev. Carmen Garrigan DIRECTOR OF YOUTH MINISTRIES Michael Stewart CUSTODIAN Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church (USA) 4417 Bigger Road, Kettering, Ohio 45440-1698 Nolan Long CHANCEL CHOIR DIRECTOR Jessie Fleeman ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY Willa Bailes ORGANIST
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