l COMPOSITE BULLETIN OF AGROMETEOROLOGICAL ADVISORY KARNATAKA STATE ISSUED BY METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE, BENGALURU (IMD) IN COLLABORATION WITH STATE AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT & AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITIES OF KARNATAKA FOR THE PERIOD 07TH TO 11TH FEBRUARY 2015 ISSUED ON FRIDAY, THE 06TH FEBRUARY 2015 AGROCLIMATIC ZONES OF THE STATE SL. AGROCLIMATIC ZONE NO. 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. DISTRICTS North East Transition Zone Bidar Northeastern Dry Zone Kalaburgi, Raichur, Ballari, Yadgiri, Koppal Northern Dry Zone Vijayapura, Gadag, Bagalkot Central Dry Zone Tumkuru, Chitradurga, Davangere Eastern Dry Zone Bengaluru Rural, Bengaluru Urban, Kolar, Ramanagara , Chikballapura Southern Dry Zone Mysuru, Mandya, Chamarajanagar, Kodagu Southern Transition Zone Hassan, Shivamogga, Chikkamagaluru North Transition Zone Dharwad, Belagavi, Haveri Hill Zone Uttara Kannada Coastal Zone Dakshina Kannada, Udupi AGROMET FIELD UNIT (AMFU) LOCATION Bidar Raichur Bijapur Hiriyur Bengaluru Naganhalli Shimoga Dharwad Sirsi Bramhavar WEEKLY RAINFALL STATISTICS SEASONAL RAINFALL STATISTICS Summary for the past 3 days over the State On 03th, dry weather prevailed over the State. Minimum temperatures were normal over the State. On 04th, dry weather prevailed over the State. Minimum temperatures were appreciably below normal at many places being markedly so at isolated places over North Interior Karnataka; however they were appreciably above normal at a few places over Coastal Karnataka and remained normal over South Interior Karnataka. On 05th, dry weather prevailed over the State. Minimum temperatures were below normal at many places being markedly so at isolated places over North Interior Karnataka and were normal over Coastal Karnataka & South Interior Karnataka. Lowest Minimum Temperature: Vijayapura recorded 11.4oC on 04.02.2015. State Rainfall forecast: Day 1 February 07th : Dry weather would prevail over the State. Day 2 February 08th : Dry weather would prevail over the State. Day 3 February 09th: Dry weather would prevail over the State. Outlook: No significant change. Rainfall forecast for the next five days 07.02.15 - 11.02.15 PART II AGRICULTURAL ADVISORIES VEGETABLES Districts Bidar Kalaburgi Yadgiri Koppal Ballari Raichur Vijayapura Bagalkote Gadag Tumkuru Chitradurga Davangere Bengaluru (R) Bengaluru (U) Chikballapura Kolar Ramanagar Chamarajnagar Kodagu Mandya Mysuru Hassan Shivamogga Chikkamagaluru VG GN/TU CI Fr Fr Fr H H H M M M Belagavi Dharwad Haveri Uttara Kannada Dakshina Kannada Udupi F F F H H H HORTICULTURAL CROPS Districts Bidar Kalaburgi Yadgiri Koppal Ballari Raichur Vijayapura Bagalkote Gadag Tumkuru Chitradurga Davangere Bengaluru (R) Bengaluru (U) Chikballapura Kolar Ramanagar Chamarajnagar Kodagu Mandya Mysuru MG F Fr Fr Fr Fr Fr F F F F F F F F F GR CH CO BA PG WM CW Hassan Shivamogga Chikkamagaluru Belagavi Dharwad Haveri Uttara Kannada Dakshina Kannada Udupi F F F F/M F/M F/M F CROPS Districts Bidar Kalburgi Yadgiri Koppal Raichur Ballari Vijayapura Bagalkote Gadag Tumkuru Chitradurga Davangere Bengaluru (R) Bengaluru (U) Chikballapura Kolar Ramanagar Chamarajnagar GN V V SC P Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra H H Rg SOR COT BG/GG/RG COP MZ SF PD WH HE/GF M GF GF M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M GF GF GF T T T GF HE H HE H HE H HE H HE H SB AN S Kodagu S Mandya Mysuru Hassan Shivamogga S S H H S S T T F F Chikkamagaluru H S F T Belagavi M/R/P F/GD P F/GF Dharwad M/R/P F/GD P F/GF Haveri M/R/P F/GD P F/GF Uttara Kannada Udupi Dakshina Kannada Th H H LEGEND CROP/VEGETABLE NAMES: GN-Groundnut, M-Maize, AN-Areca nut, COP-Cowpea, BG-Black Gram, GG-Green Gram, RG-Red Gram, SC-Sugarcane, CP-Chickpea, SOR-Sorghum, SB-Soya bean, WM-Watermelon, VG-Vegetables, CI-Chili, SF-Safflower ;RI: Rice ;PD: Paddy; MG: Mango, CH: Chico, CW: Cashew; GR: Grapes, COT: Cotton; BA: Banana; PG: Pomegranate; GN: Ginger; TU:Turmeric CROP STAGES NP: Nursery Preparation; T: Transplanting, F: Flowering, GF: Grain filling, FM: Fruit maturity G: Germination, EV: Early vegetative, VG: Vegetative growth, BF: Boll Formation: BM: Boll maturity, P: Picking, FLI: Flag leaf initiation, PF: Pod formation, PD: Pod Development; PM: Pod Maturity, CRI: Crown root initiation, B: Branching, FD: Fruit Development, H: Harvesting, LJI: Late jointing Stage. M: Maturation, R: Ripening. CI: Cob initiation F& FS: Flowering to fruit setting, HE: Head emergence, MS : Milking stage Pl: Planting, FI: Filling, GM: Grain Maturation, R: Ripening, FR: Fruiting, TI: Tillering, ; Bf: Bud formation; PI: Panicle Initiation; S: Sowing; GG: Grand Growth; NUF & M: Nut formation and Maturity; JU: Juvinile; LP: Land preparation; NM: Nut Maturity, NU: Nursery; KH: Knee high ; Sd: Seedling stage; B: Branching; Sq: Square formation; Re: Reproductive; Pe: Pegging; PoI: Pod Initiation; Ts: Tasselling; E: Establishment; PgI: Peg Initiation; PL:Ploughing; HD: Hard dough stage; Ra: Ratoon;; Fr: Fruiting; SS: Seed Setting; IBI: Inflorescence Bud initiation ADVISORIES NORTH EAST TRANSITION ZONE, BIDAR BIDAR Crops Stage Sugarcane Planting Mango Flowering Safflower Grain filling Bengal gram Maturity Pigeon pea Wheat Rabi Sorghum Maturity Grain filling Ear head emergence / Grain filling Agricultural Advisories • For the planting of sugarcane land preparation has to be done by deep ploughing, apply 25 t/ha FYM or 2.5 t/ha varmi compost or 12.5 t/ha pressmud and select recommended varieties such as Co-86032, Co-94012 • Before planting treat the seed sets with Carbendazime 40 g + Chlorpyriphos 40 ml + urea 40 g in 40 litres of water for about 10 minutes. Use 10,000 – 14,000 three budded setts for one acre. • For effective control of Hoppers take up spraying of 4 gm Carbaryl 50WP or 2 ml Malathion 50EC or 1.5 ml Monocrotophos 36SL or 0.5 ml Phosphamidon 40EC in one litre of water • For the control of Helicoverpa insect spray 1 ml/ liter monochrotophos 36 SL or 2ml/lter Quinalphos 25 EC. • For control of Helicoverpa insect spray insecticides like Profenophos or Chlorpyriphos 2ml/liter or Indoxacarb @ 0.3 ml/l or Spinosad @ 0.2ml per liter of water • Harvest the early sown crop as early as possible • Spray 0.25 g Thiomethaxam per liter of water to avoid the pod fly damage which was noticed throught out the district • Harvest the crops as early as possible • Apply irrigation to wheat crop as there is no rainfall • For control of ear head fly take up spraying of Carbaryl 2 gm or Malathion 2 ml per liter of water. Take up spraying when there is 50% ear head emergence NORTHEASTERN DRY ZONE, RAICHUR KALABURGI crops Stage Agricultural Advisories Wheat/ Bengalgram/ As there will be no rainfall forecast harvesting can be taken up as Rabi Maturity early as possible Sorghum/ Safflower Mango Fruiting Provide irrigation as the fruit setting is at mustard stage High incidence of shoot and fruit borer is observed. Spray Brinjal Fruiting Malathion 2 ml or rynaxpir 0.3 ml per litre of water. • Apply 40 kg nitrogen and 24 kg potash per acre after irrigation. Sugarcane Ratoon • In iron and zinc deficient soils take up spraying of 0.25% ferrous sulphate + 0.5% zinc sulphate + 1% urea. Spray 56 times with 10 days interval YADGIRI Crops Stage Agricultural Advisories Summer Transplanting of paddy to the main field can be taken up Transplanting Paddy under irrigation Wheat/ Bengalgram/ As there will be no rainfall forecast harvesting can be taken Rabi Maturity up as early as possible Sorghum/ Safflower Mango Fruiting Provide irrigation as the fruit setting is at mustard stage High incidence of shoot and fruit borer is observed. Spray Brinjal Fruiting Malathion 2 ml or rynaxpir 0.3 ml per litre of water. • Apply 40 kg nitrogen and 24 kg potash per acre after irrigation. Sugarcane Ratoon • In iron and zinc deficient soils take up spraying of 0.25% ferrous sulphate + 0.5% zinc sulphate + 1% urea. Spray 5-6 times with 10 days interval RAICHUR crops Stage Agricultural Advisories Summer Transplanting of paddy to the main field can be taken up Transplanting Paddy under irrigation Wheat/ Bengalgram/ As there will be no rainfall forecast harvesting can be taken Rabi Maturity up as early as possible Sorghum/ Safflower Mango Fruiting Provide irrigation as the fruit setting is at mustard stage Wheat/ Bengalgram Maturity Brinjal Fruiting Sugarcane Ratoon As there will be no rainfall forecast harvesting can be taken up as early as possible High incidence of shoot and fruit borer is observed. Spray Malathion 2 ml or rynaxpir 0.3 ml per litre of water. • Apply 40 kg nitrogen and 24 kg potash per acre after irrigation. • In iron and zinc deficient soils take up spraying of 0.25% ferrous sulphate + 0.5% zinc sulphate + 1% urea. Spray 5-6 times with 10 days interval KOPPAL Crops Stage Agricultural Advisories Summer Transplanting of paddy to the main field can be taken up Transplanting Paddy under irrigation Wheat/ Bengalgram/ As there will be no rainfall forecast harvesting can be taken Rabi Maturity up as early as possible Sorghum/ Safflower Mango Fruiting Provide irrigation as the fruit setting is at mustard stage Summer Provide irrigation because of continuation of dry weather Vegetative Groundnut followed by no rains. • Apply 40 kg nitrogen and 24 kg potash per acre after irrigation Sugarcane Ratoon • In iron and zinc deficient soils take up spraying of 0.25% ferrous sulphate + 0.5% zinc sulphate + 1% urea. Spray 5-6 times with 10 days interval BALLARI Crops Stage Agricultural Advisories Wheat/ Bengalgram/ As there will be no rainfall forecast harvesting can be taken up Rabi Maturity as early as possible Sorghum/ Safflower Mango Fruiting Provide irrigation as the fruit setting is at mustard stage Summer Provide irrigation because of continuation of dry weather Vegetative Groundnut followed by no rains. • Apply 40 kg nitrogen and 24 kg potash per acre after irrigation Sugarcane Ratoon • In iron and zinc deficient soils take up spraying of 0.25% ferrous sulphate + 0.5% zinc sulphate + 1% urea. Spray 5-6 times with 10 days interval NORTHERN DRY ZONE, BIJAPUR VIJAYAPURA /BAGALKOTE • Plant Protection : Since dry weather will prevail in the district during the next five days, plant protection measure may be taken up. Harvesting : Since dry weather will prevail in the district during the next five days, harvesting and threshing of crops may be taken up. Agro advisories Field crops: The crop is in grain filling stage. So if possible give irrigation. Wheat • Chickpea • • • Sugarcane • • Chilli Brinjal • To manage, pod borer, take up spraying of 0.15 ml Rynaxiphyr 20 SC or 2 gram Imamectin Benzoate 5 SG, dissolved in one liter of water. Adopt drip irrigation system to save the water up 40%. If there is shortage of water, irrigation can be given to alternate furrows and alternate furrows alternatively. Hand hoeing and weeding should be done immediately after the harvest of the crop. If, broad leaved weeds are present, a post-emergent spray of 2,4-D @1kg a.i./ha. To manage wooly aphids provide proper drainage and apply Phorate 10G @20kg/ha or Spray the crop with 2 ml, 20 EC Chlorpyriphos or 2 ml , 36 EC, Monocrotophos, dissolved in one liter of water. After harvesting the crop, the trash should not be burnt. It should be used for vermicompostinmg or should be allowed to decompose within the rows in the field Matured fruits can be harvested and sundried before storing. To manage stem borer, take up spraying of 2 garm Carbaryl 50 % WP + 2 garm Wettable sulphur, 50 % WP, dissolved in one liter of water. HORTICULTURE CROPS: To manage Bacterial blight disease in pomegranate, spray the crop with Streptomycin Sulphate 0.5 g. + Copper oxy-chloride 2 g. + 2 g. Blitox dissolved in one liter water. Then take up spraying of micro nutrients viz., 1 g. Pomegranate Zinc Sulphate + 1 g. Magnessium Sulphate + 1 g. Barax + 1 g. Calcium dissolved in one liter of water. To manage sucking pests, take up spraying of 1.7 ml Dimethoate or 0.25 gram Acetamaprid dissolved in one liter of water. Remove the dried twigs and branches and then take up spraying of 1 % Bordo Lime mixture to manage Canker disease. To manage leaf minor pest, spray the crop with 0.3 ml Imidachloprid dissolved in one liter of water or spray with 3 per cent bio-digester solution. To manage Mites, take up spraying of 2.5 ml Dicofal or 0.75 ml Spiromeshiphane dissolved in one liter of water. To manage Mites, take up spraying of 2.5 ml Dicofal or 0.75 ml Spiromeshiphane dissolved in one liter of water. To manage mealy bug, take up spraying of 2.5 ml Dichlorovas + 5 ml fish oil dissolved in one liter of water. To manage sucking pests, take up spraying of 2 ml Dimethoate dissolved in one liter of water or 1 gram Acetamaprid dissolved in one liter of water. Grape Tomato/ladies finger/Water millon GADAG • Plant Protection : Since dry weather is going to prevail, plant protection measure may be taken up. Harvesting : Since dry weather is going to prevail, harvesting and threshing of crops and picking of chilli may be taken up. Agro advisories Field crops: The crop is grain filling stage. So if possible give irrigation. Wheat • Chickpea Chilli • • To manage, pod borer, take up spraying of 0.15 ml Rynaxiphyr 20 SC or 2 gram Imamectin Benzoate 5 SG, dissolved in one liter of water. To manage, leaf spot disease, take up spraying of 2 gram Mencozeb 75 WP or 1 ml Hexaconazole dissolved in one liter of water. • Matured fruits can be harvested and sundried before storing. Vermicompost pit management : Care should be taken that excess moisture is not there in the Vermin-compost pits. CENTRAL DRY ZONE, HIRIYUR CHITRADURGA Since, no rainfall is expected after three days, plant protection measures may be taken up Safflower • To manage sucking pests, take up spraying of 0.25 Gram Thimathoxycam dissolved in one liter of water. Chickpea • To manage pod borer, take up spraying of 0.3 ml Indaxicarb or 4 gram Carbaryl or 0.5 ml Rynaxiphyr per liter of water. • Repeat the same spray at the time of flowering and pod development stage if the incidence of pod borer is noticed. Animal husbandry Maintain optimum room temperature in Sericulture and Poultry unit DAVANGERE Since, no rainfall is expected after three days, plant protection measures may be taken up. Animal husbandry Maintain optimum room temperature in Sericulture and Poultry unit Safflower • To manage sucking pests, take up spraying of 0.25 Gram Thimathoxycam dissolved in one liter of water. Pomegranate • To manage leaf and fruit spot disease, spray the crop with 2 ml Chlorothonil dissolved in one liter of water. • To manage sucking pests, spray the crop with 0.3 ml Imidachloprid dissolved in one Liter of water. Chickpea • To manage pod borer take up spraying of 0.3 ml Indaxicarb or 4 gram Carbaryl or 0.5 ml Rynaxiphyr per liter of water. • Repeat the same spray at the time of flowering and pod development stage if the incidence of pod borer is noticed. Banana • Drench with carbendazim @ 1.0 g/litre of water to control panama wilt. TUMKURU Since, no rainfall is expected after three days, plant protection measures may be taken up Maize • To control stem borer in maize put 2-3 carboryl granules (4%) to the voral of the plant Safflower • To manage sucking pests, take up spraying of 0.25 Gram Thimathoxycam dissolved in one liter of water. Chickpea • To manage pod borer, take up spraying of 0.3 ml Indaxicarb or 4 gram Carbaryl or 0.5 ml Rynaxiphyr per liter of water. • Repeat the same spray at the time of flowering and pod development stage if the incidence of pod borer is noticed. Banana Drench with carbendazim @ 1.0 g/litre of water to control panama wilt. Animal husbandry Maintain optimum room temperature in Sericulture and Poultry unit EASTERN DRY ZONE, BENGALURU BENGALURU URBAN/ BENGALURU RURAL / CHIKBALLAPURA/ KOLAR Crop Stage/ Condition Pest and Disease Agro advisories Bengal gram Redgram Ragi (Rabi crop) Mango Potato Grapes Agriculture crops Pod maturity to harvesting stage. This is the right time for harvesting Bengal gram in the field Red gram harvesting is completed. Threshing and cleaning, drying and storage is going on. Irrigation is required for ear head emergence stage of the crop Horticulture crops Due to low temperature in morning hours congenial condition for attaching powdery mildew disease and leaf hopper pest on mango orchard, hence farmers are advised to control measure taken to spray of Carbaryl WP@ 4 g/ lt of water or Spray Carbendazim @ 1 g/L or Confidor @ 0.5 ml/ lt of water For the management of Late blight of potato Control measure: Sectin 3gm/L or MelodyDuo-3gm/L Due low temperature is observed in the morning hours. This is congenial condition for the occurrence of powdery mildew. Control measure: Spray Carbendazim @ 1 g/L or Tridemarf @ 0.5 ml/L. In grape to control the sucking pest take spay of confidor@ 0.5ml/lt of water. RAMANAGARA Crop Redgram Ragi (Rabi crop) Mango Stage/ Condition Pest and Agro advisories Disease Agriculture crops Red gram harvesting is completed. Threshing and cleaning, drying and storage is going on. Irrigation is required for ear head emergence stage of the crop Horticulture crops Due to low temperature in morning hours congenial condition for attaching powdery mildew disease and leaf hopper pest on mango orchard, hence farmers are advised to control measure taken to spray of Carbaryl WP@ 4 g/ lt of water or Spray Carbendazim @ 1 g/L or Confidor @ 0.5 ml/ lt of water SOUTHERN DRY ZONE, NAGANHALLI MYSURU/MANDYA/CHAMARAJNAGARA / KODAGU Crop Stage/ Condition Pest and Disease Agro advisories Paddy Grains In the area where the paddy harvesting is Paddy completed, farmers are advised to take up the sowing harvested of pulses like Black gram, Green gram and also the green manure crop sun hemp to utilize residue moisture after harvest of the paddy in Paddy field. While sowing of pulse crops, seeds may be treated with appropriate strain of rhizobium culture before sowing. 20gm/kg. of seeds. The grains of the harvested crops should be Storage properly dried by retaining moisture percentage as mentioned bellow for long storage & also minimize the store pest damage Cereals 11-12 %, Pulses-9%, Oilseeds-8 and Vegetable seeds 5-6%. SOUTHERN TRANSITION ZONE, SHIMOGA SHIVAMOGGA/HASSAN/CHIKKAMAGALURU Crops/ Components Stage / Condition Paddy Transplanting Maize Sowing Red gram Harvesting Areca nut Flowering Pest and Disease - Agro advisories Go for transplanting of paddy seedlings. Apply Butachlor 50 EC. At 2 litre/ha. 2-3 days after transplanting Go for intercultivation operations. Harvest and thresh the matured pods. Physical condition of the soil should be improved by deep digging and adding sand/organic matter. In heavy sticky soils, gypsum @ 500 kg / ha may not be incorporated, once in two years prior to normal fertilizer application. Adequate drainage should be provided, Yellow leaf especially during monsoon season. Phyto-sanitary and plandisease protection measures should be adopted to control Anabe, bud rot, spindle bud and mite infestation. Sun-scorching of the stem should be avoided by covering with arecanut leaves or painting with lime slurry. Application of NPK fertilizers as per schedule along with lime and zinc @ 8.5 g each per palm. Pouring of 0.3% of Calixin in 15-20 litre of water at three month Anabe roga intervals or root feeding of 1.5% calixin solution or drench (Ganoderma) Hexaconozole (Contof) solution @ 1 ml/lit. Mites As a precautionary measure spray dicofol @ 2.5 ml / litre of water or Sulphur @ 4g/litre of water. Hidimundige Spray 225 gm/palm equal proportion of copper sulphate + lime twice disease in a year Nut Application of borax (2 g/litre of water) during early stages of the Coconut Ginger/ Turmeric Flowering/ Maturity Maturity Banana - Vegetable crops - Mango Flowering drop/splitting disease reduces splitting. Improve drainage in ill drained gardens Improving the drainage may help in minimizing its incidence. Stem Scooping out the affected portions and application of coal tar or bleeding Bordeaux paste @ 1% is effective to reduce the incidence. Inflorescence Place the 10 g Phorate granules in small polythene bag and keep bug inside the inflorescence part of arecanut Spray water soluble sulphur @ 5 g/liter of water or spray a mixture of Mites neem oil (20 ml) + garlic solution (20 g) + soap powder solution (5 g) per liter of water to the coconut flower and fruit bunch. Pouring of 0.3% of Calixin in 15-20 litre of water at three month Anabe roga intervals or root feeding of 1.5% calixin solution or drench (Ganoderma) Hexaconozole (Contof) solution @ 1 ml/lit. Irrigation should be provide once in the week and cover the beds with mulches. As a precautionary measure spray carbendizim + mancozeb (SAAF) Banana Leaf @ 2.0 g / litre of water followed by (15 days after) chlorothalanil@ spot/Sigatoka 2.0 g/ litre of water Sucking Advised to go for 2.5 ml Chlorpyriphos dissolved in one liter of pests water. Spray 4 g Carbaryl 50 WP or 2 ml Melathion 50 EC or 0.25 ml Hoppers Imidacloprid per liter of water at before flowering and immediate after fruit setting. Spray 3 g sulphur or 1 g Trydimephan 50 WP or 1 g Carbondizim 50 Powdery WP or 1 ml Hexaconozol 5 EC per liter of water at before flowering mildew and immediate after fruit setting. NORTH TRANSITION ZONE, DHARWAD BELAGAVI/DHARWAD/HAVERI Farmers are advised to harvest the crops (Chilli, Cotton and Chickpea). • To manage pod borer pest, take up spraying of 0.3 ml Indaxicarb or 4 gram Carbaryl or 0.5 ml Rynaxiphyr or 20 ml of Garlic and Chilli extract dissolved in one liter of water. • New planting of Sugarcane: (January- February) apply Uriya: 480 kg, DAP: 163 Kg and MOP: 317 kg per ha. Nitrogen should be applied in split dose: 10% at the time of planting: 20% at 6th week, 30% at 10th week and remaining 40 % at 14th week after planting. Full dose of DAP & MOP is applies at time of planting. • Incorporation of crop residues @ 5t./ha increase the crop yields after 2-3 years of incorporation & it also improves the soil physical property, infiltration rate and soil water holding capacity. • Rabi Sorghum • Early sown crop is at flowering to grain development stage. This phase, plants are highly sensitive to any type of stress such as nutrient deficiencies or water deficits or excess. It is advised to irrigate the crop immediately and top dressing with 1 bag (50 kg) Wheat Chickpea Sugarcane urea per ha. • Earhead bug: They suck the sap from developing grains leads to choppy seeds. • Control: Dust the earheads with 5% Melothion @20 kg or 10% Carbaryl @ 20kg per ha. • Crop sown during the month of October 1st week is at flowering to grain filling stage, these stages are sensitive for any kind of stress it may reduce kernels / head so it is advised to give irrigation immediately. • Wherever crusting is a problem it can be solved by timely irrigation. • For control of rust Disease in Wheat (Flowering to grain filling stage) spray 1ml Proficonezol 25EC per litre of water looking to severity repeat the same spray 15 days after first spray. • Early sown crop is at Harvesting stage, harvesting can be done in the early morning to avoid shredding of the seeds. • Crop sown during the month of October 1st week is at pod Development to maturity stage (85 to 90 days of sowing) • Crop sown during the month of November1st week is at flowering to pod formation stages (55 to 60 days of sowing) irrigate the crop immediately. • To manage pod borer pest, take up spraying of 0.3 ml Indaxicarb or 4 gram Carbaryl or 0.5 ml Rynaxiphyr or 20 ml of Garlic and Chilli extract dissolved in one liter of water. Repeat the same Spray at the time of flowering and pod development stage if the incidence of pod borer is notice • If water scarcity is the there irrigate the crop in alternate row, to save the water. Drip irrigation save the water up 40%. • To reduce the wooly aphids provide proper drainage excess water and Soil application of Phorate 10G @20kg/ha or Spray the crop with Chlorpyriphos 20EC @2ml or monocrotophos 36 SL @ 1ml/litre of water. • Maturation and Ripening - This phase lasts for about three months - Detrashing should be taken up, it could be done at bi-monthly intervals depending upon the labour availability. Depending up on the maturity of standing crop complete the harvesting within 8-10 days, Immediately after the completion of the harvest within a week remove the trash and use it for compost making or allow the trash to decompose in between the rows. • Shave the stubbles as close as possible to the ground level with sharf knives to allow uniform establishment the ratoons. • For New planting: it should be done in January – February month Use diseased free sets from 8-10month old plantation. • Dip the sets for 10 minutes in solution prepared form 100gm Carbendizim + 100 ml Chlorpyriphos + 100 gm Urea in 100 litre of water. Use 25000 – 35000 three budded sets/ha. • Fertilizer: Nitrogen:250 kg (10% at the time of sowing, 20% at 6th week after planting, 30% at 10th week, remaining 40% at 14th week after planting. • Fresh planting can be start, apply 10 kg Zinc sulphate + 10kg Ferrous sulphate + 4kg Magnesium sulphate + 1kg boran per ha. To make best use, always apply fertilizer in plough furrow on either side of crop roes and cover at the time of Intercultivation. • Application of sulphur in the form of Gypsum @ 500 kg /ha to sulphur deficient soils to increase the cane yield and juice quality. • In majority cotton growing areas the seed cotton is nearing completion. It is advised not to irrigate the crop to get new growth and few flowers and bolls. It will lead to build up of pest and diseases which will affect the forthcoming regular cotton crop in the next season. • Light irrigation in alternate furrows is advised in black soils wherever the crop is at boll development stage. Avoid picking of kapas during early morning hours and kapas should be sun dried for a day and to be sent to market pickingwise separately to get higher price. • It is suggested not to irrigate the crop where kapas picking is completed to avoid new growth. use cotton stalks for compost making instead of burning or using as fuel. Cotton stalks can be rotoslashed in the field itself by tractor operated rotovator. • Incorporation of crop residues @ 5t./ha increase the crop yields after 2-3 years of incorporation & it also improves the soil physical property, infiltration rate and soil water holding capacity. Pest and Diseases management • Shoot weevil incidence has been reported in few districts in 30-45 days old crop. Advised spraying of Profenophos 50 EC @ 2 ml/lit + Dichlorovos 100 EC @ 2.0 ml/lit of water • If, Mirid bug incidence were noticed - Spraying of Acephate 75 SP @ 1 g/lit of water is advised for effective control. • Chilli crop which is sown in the month of June is at harvesting stage. • Dry fruits can be harvested 70-80 days after trance planting Pest and Diseases management in Tomato • Tomato - If fruit borer is noticed- spray Thiodicarb 1gm 75WP per litre of water. • At flowering stage spray NAA 50ppm @5ml in 100 litre of water to reduce flower dropping. • For control of Shoot & Fruit borer in brinjol Collcet and destroy the damaged tender shoots, Fallen fruits and Spray Carbaryl 50% WP 2glitre + wettable Sulphur 50% WP 2g/litre of water. • Cotton Chilli/Tomato/ Brinjol Watermelon Animals • To control powdery mildew in watermelon spray Metalexyl @ 2g/litre of water • For milch animals regularly follow schedule of 1 kg feed + 50 g mineral mixture per 2 litres of milk yield. Feed animals with a mixture of green grass + hay + minerals + dry feed like a khichri • Keep the cattle shed clean. • Protect milch animals from cold weather. • Proper ventilation should be maintained for free circulation of air in the sheds. • Maintain optimum moisture of 50 to 60 per cent in vermin compost pits and drain out the excess water from the vermipits. HILL ZONE, SIRSI UTTARA KANNADA Paddy • • • Paddy threshing can be continued. Farmers are advised to take up the sowing of pulses like Black gram, Green gram and also the green manure crop sun hemp to utilize residue moisture after harvest of the paddy in Paddy field. In paddy fields where there is no residue moisture, in such fields farmers can take up deep ploughing, so that the soil pathogens will die and in turn it will help to reduce pest incidence for the next paddy crop. Mango • It is at flowering stage. • For control of powdery mildew spray Carbendezim @1 gm / lit of water or Hexaconozole @1g / lit of water. • For control of Hoppers spray Melathion @ 2ml / lit of water or Monocrotophos @ 1.25ml / lit of water. Arecanut • The incidence of button dropping, inflorescence dieback will occur. For the control of these spraying of Carbendezim @ 1 gm/lit or Mancozeb @ 2 gm/lit of water can be taken. • Root grub in arecanut: Pour 3 liters of Chloropyriphos solution (3 ml per liter of water) to base of arecanut. Black Pepper • • Harvest the completely ripened bunch (In a bunch one or two seed turned to red colour) and separate the seed from the bunch. Dip those seeds in boiling water for a minute and remove and dry it. To prepare the white pepper this is the right time. Harvest the completely ripened bunch and keep it in flowing water for 9 days. After that wash it thourolly and dry it. Cardamom • For control of Leaf spot and rot Spray with 1% Bordeaux mixture or 3 gm copper oxy chloride per lit of water. Banana • For control of panama disease 1 gm Carbendezim /lit Drench 3-4 lit per plant. Cashew • For the control of Tea Mosquito Spray Monocrotophos @ 1ml / lit of water or Dimethoate @ 2ml Per lit of water. Irrigate the areca nut, coconut and black pepper gardens either furrow or drip irrigation. For each coconut tree requires 60-70 lit of water per day. COASTAL ZONE, BRAMHAVAR UDUPI/DAKSHINA KANNADA Bulletin yet to be received
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