TryItOut Trios Winter 2015 1/29/2015 Week 4 of 11 Thursday 6:00 PM Page 1 Lanes 5 - 12 Northgate Bowl Team Team Standings Standings Place Lane 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 5 8 10 12 11 9 6 # Team Name 4 5 6 1 2 7 3 8 Pin Punishers Rolling Bowlers Alley Cats Gophers Cousins Team 7 Honey Badgers BYE Points Won Points Lost 14 11 9 9 8 8 1 0 2 5 7 7 8 8 15 0 Review of Last Week's Bowling..... Lanes Team Name 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 Rolling Bowlers BYE Cousins Alley Cats HDCP HDCP HDCP -1-2-3- 565 0 601 635 588 0 573 596 HDCP Total 615 0 576 543 Team Pins + Ave HDCP HDCP 459 247 394 369 384 469 378 0 Last Wk WON 1768 0 1750 1774 4 0 3 2 125 317 185 207 193 117 198 0 Scratch Pins 7224 6914 6966 6742 7077 5357 6754 0 5523 2903 4713 4702 4611 4190 4552 0 503 318 448 463 455 511 431 0 Honey Badgers Team 7 Gophers Pin Punishers 554 614 583 624 580 635 529 571 High HDCP 10 30 1423 787 1213 1345 1255 1464 1198 0 HDCP HDCP HDCP -1-2-3- Team Name <---> <---> <---> <---> High Scratch 10 30 654 654 635 617 666 642 611 0 HDCP Total 553 596 594 618 1858 1768 1780 1753 1888 1845 1738 0 Last Wk WON 1687 1845 1706 1813 0 4 1 2 Lane Lane Assignments Assignments 5-6 5- 8 5- 8 5 02/05 6 02/12 7-8 4- 6 2- 3 9-10 11-12 3- 1 7- 2 4- 6 1- 7 Season Season High High Scores Scores Team Scratch Game 511 Team 7 503 Pin Punishers 463 Gophers Team Scratch Series 1464 Team 7 1423 Pin Punishers 1345 Gophers Team Handicap Game 666 Cousins 654 Pin Punishers 654 Rolling Bowlers Team Handicap Series 1888 Cousins 1858 Pin Punishers 1845 Team 7 Bowlers must have a minimum of 12 games (before bowling) to be listed for high handicap game and series. Men Women Scratch Game 229 Eric 228 Kevin 198 Mike Patrick Scratch Series 553 Kevin 526 Mike Patrick 516 Eric 191 Ann Wilkins 180 Karen Trussell 169 Debbie Jamison 480 Karen Trussell 432 Debbie Jamison 412 Ann Wilkins Handicap Game Handicap Series Last Last Week's Week's Top Top Scores Scores Team Scratch Game 508 Team 7 494 Pin Punishers 448 Alley Cats Scratch Game Men 229 Eric 184 Mike Patrick 180 Kevin Women Team Scratch Series 1464 Team 7 1423 Pin Punishers 1213 Alley Cats Scratch Series 516 Eric 504 Mike Patrick 489 Kevin 158 Debbie Jamison 141 Victoria 136 Joan Otteson Team Handicap Game 635 Alley Cats 635 Team 7 624 Pin Punishers Handicap Game Team Handicap Series 1845 Team 7 1813 Pin Punishers 1774 Alley Cats Handicap Series 423 Debbie Jamison 369 Victoria 366 Karen Trussell Team Team Rosters Rosters Bowling Hand Name 1 - Gophers Lane 10 HDCP=207 Ave=369 ID # 19 11 24 Elton Warner Richard F Agustin Ferrer To Raise Avg +1 To Drop Avg -1 12 12 3 439 377 311 423 361 304 12 12 11 343 399 442 327 118 136 100 354 591 383 122 109 135 366 555 427 166licensed 133toto Greg 146Laird 445 604 BLS-2010/Pro BLS-2010/Pro BLS-2010/Pro licensed licensed to Greg Greg Laird Laird Northgate Northgate Northgate Bowl Bowl Bowl Ave HDCP Pins Gms 144 123 102 50 69 88 1736 1483 307 113 128 143 78 64 51 1367 1536 1574 -1- -2- -3- HDCP Total Total 160 130 161 451 124 100 134 358 a92 a92 a92 276 607 559 540 2 - Cousins Lane 12 HDCP=193 Ave=384 7 8 9 Joan Otteson Karen Trussell Darrell Trussell 1/29/2015 8:58 PM Page 1 of 2 BLS-2010/Pro BLS-2010/Pro BLS-2010/Pro licensed licensed licensed to to to Greg Greg Greg Laird Laird Laird Northgate Northgate Northgate Bowl Bowl Bowl 1/29/2015 Week 4 of 11 Thursday 6:00 PM TryItOut Trios Winter 2015 Lanes 5 - 12 Northgate Bowl Bowling Hand Name Ave HDCP 3 - Honey Badgers Lane 9 HDCP=198 Ave=378 ID # 2 1 14 Page 2 Marissa Foster Kevin Foster VACANT Pins Gms To Raise Avg +1 To Drop Avg -1 -1- -2- -3- HDCP Total Total 109 149 120 81 45 72 987 1348 0 9 9 0 333 452 320 439 99 101 122 322 141 165 117 423 v120 v120 v120 360 565 546 576 146 149 164 48 45 32 1759 1788 1976 12 12 12 446 462 499 430 446 483 173 146 143 462 161 135 161 457 160 160 184 504 612 598 603 110 57 80 56 81 128 108 129 1321 688 724 170 12 12 9 3 344 182 248 172 328 166 235 165 86 56 81 223 57 64 74 195 95 141 133 369 0 433 588 747 0 132 142 120 61 52 72 1593 1284 0 12 9 0 402 432 386 419 158 158 107 423 170 131 129 430 v120 v120 v120 360 612 586 576 146 172 151 48 25 44 880 1553 1367 6 9 9 443 523 457 433 510 444 176 133 150 459 180 146 163 489 131 229 156 516 621 549 675 4 - Pin Punishers Lane 7 HDCP=125 Ave=459 4 5 6 Brian Patrick Jeff Simpson Mike Patrick 5 - Rolling Bowlers Lane 5 HDCP=317 Ave=247 10 26 25 27 Ann Wilkins Hannah Victoria Diana 6 - Alley Cats Lane 8 HDCP=185 Ave=394 16 18 20 Debbie Jamison Mike Dulley VACANT 7 - Team 7 Lane 11 HDCP=117 Ave=469 17 22 23 Daniel Kevin Eric 8 - BYE Lane 6 HDCP=0 Ave=0 Temporary Temporary Substitutes Substitutes Name Dennis 1/29/2015 8:58 PM Page 2 of 2 Ave HDCP 150 45 High High Pins Gms Game Sers 900 6 178 517 HDCP Game HDCP Sers -1- -2- -3- Total 0 HDCP Total 0 BLS-2010/Pro BLS-2010/Pro BLS-2010/Pro licensed licensed licensed to to to Greg Greg Greg Laird Laird Laird Northgate Northgate Northgate Bowl Bowl Bowl licensed to Greg Laird Northgate Bowl BLS-2010/Pro BLS-2010/Pro BLS-2010/Pro licensed to Greg Laird Northgate Bowl
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