IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES PREFACE Land values are derived primarily by the sales comparison method. It is, therefore, important that certain factors be accurately shown and considered. These factors include location, size, topography, present use, highest and best use, etc. The following chapter describes procedures for recording these important elements and determining land values. Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 1 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION The market or sales comparison approach is the most applicable method for the valuation of land. The income approach should also be considered for properties for which sufficient sale data are not available for vacant parcels, as often happens in downtown areas and subdivisions where no vacant parcels remain. The value may be estimated using a land residual approach as detailed in the Income Property Valuation Chapter. Land value is generally estimated by comparing the subject property to similar properties which have recently sold and making adjustments to the comparable for the different factors affecting land value. Some of the factors which must be considered include: location, size, shape, topography, accessibility, present use, highest and best use, zoning, utilities, and income to the land, supply and demand for the particular type land, improvements to the land and improvements on the land. Drainage, sidewalks, curbs, gutter, etc. are examples of improvements to the land and are included in the value of the land. Building structures are improvements on the land and with few exceptions, (some condominium or cooperative buildings), are valued apart from the land. LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURE All splits to the property ownership maps must be posted current to the appraisal. All zoning and use should be shown on the property ownership maps. Roads should be classified paved, dirt, nonexistent, etc. and the availability of public improvements indicated on the property ownership maps as necessary. Neighborhood Delineation Iredell County Iredell County uses the neighborhood concept for placing values. By having neighborhoods defined, the County is able to closely monitor the actions of the market in each. Neighborhoods may be in a stage of growth, a stage of stability, a stage of revitalization, or a stage of decline. Neighborhoods Consider: 1. The environment of a subject property that has a direct and immediate effect on value 2. A defined geographic area 3. Properties that are homogeneous 4. Land values consistent 5. Share important location characteristics The following table of road classifications, entered in field as RT (Road Type) and public improvement classifications are to be used as a note to the land data. Adjustments made may be inserted in the "Other Adjustments" portion of the Land Data section of the Field Data Collection Instrument: Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 2 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL ROAD CLASSIFICATIONS Refer to page 4-21 through 4-23 State Maintained: Not State Maintained: Paved: Interstate .............................................IS Rural Dirt Road .................................. RT Paved w/water & sewer ......................PS Private Drive ...................................... PD Paved w/water ....................................PW (public or community) Nonexistent ........................................ NX (no legal access to property) No water or sewer: Rural Paved ........................................RP Suburban Paved..................................SP Urban Paved .......................................UP Not Paved Rural Gravel .......................................RG Rural Gravel w/water .........................GW Rural Dirt ...........................................RD Rural Dirt w/water .............................DW Suburban Dirt .....................................SD Urban Dirt ..........................................UD PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CLASSIFICATIONS: Curb .................................. C Sewer ................................ S Electric ............................. E Sidewalk ........................... K Gutter ................................ G Storm Drainage ................. D Natural Gas ....................... NG Water ................................ W Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 3 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL Qualified, recent sales data should be posted to the property ownership maps. This data should include whether the sale was vacant or improved, the month and the year of the sale, the amount of the sale and the units and unit price of the sale if it was a vacant sale as follows: V-6/93 250,000 (50,000 Ac) or I-5/93 24,500 The maps are then checked, and each sale is then studied and analyzed for their characteristics. The appraiser can then use the sales to compare to other parcels with similar characteristics in the immediate area. Notes should be placed on vacant parcels to indicate the condition of the land if fill is required as follows: LAND CONDITION Vacant no fill required NOTATION VOK CONDITION FACTOR 100 Vacant minimum fill VF 75-95 Vacant major fill VJF 50-75 Vacant not usable VNU 30-50 The appraiser should also note the characteristics of the area appraised for similarities which may be encountered in other areas which have insufficient sales. The appropriate unit values and depth table can then be posted to the property ownership map using the same format for each type of property; however, the depth table on Card 01 cc 52 will only function when the unit type in Card 02 cc 49-50 is LT or FF. Generally residential property is valued by lot (LT) or square foot (SQ) and sometimes by front foot (FF), or units (UT); commercial property by square foot (SF), or sometimes by front foot (FF), or units (UT); industrial property by square foot (SF), or acreage (AC), or units (UT); and agricultural property by acreage (AC). (Some tracts may require two or more different land units.) CALCULATION FOR VARIOUS LOT SHAPES The following grouping of regular and irregular-shaped lots has been prepared to illustrate lot shapes most frequently encountered and the method of computing their value. Note: The depth factor chart for a standard lot of 150-foot depth, shown in Depth Table No. 3, and a unit foot value of $10.00 have been used in all of the example calculations. Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 4 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND MODEL 01 - 03 EXAMPLE 1 - (LINE 1) EXAMPLE 2 - (LINE 2) RECTANGULAR LOT RULE: Use frontage and 100% condition factor RECTANGULAR LOT RULE: Use frontage and 100% condition factor CODE 1 0100 2 0100 3 4 5 6 ZONING R6 R6 FRONT DEPTH DE/FA L/M CO/FA +RF+AC+LC+T0+0T 20 60 0.65 2 1.00 EX.1 50 165 1.03 2 1.00 EX.2 UNIT PRICE NO. UNITS TY 100.00 20.00 FF 100.00 50.00 FF Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 5 07/01/2014 RT IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND MODEL 01 - 03 EXAMPLE 3 - (LINE 1) EXAMPLE 4 - (LINE 2) TRIANGLE WITH APEX ON STREET RULE: Use 30% condition factor TRIANGLE WITH APEX ON STREET RULE: Use perpendicular for depth as shown and 30% condition factor CODE 1 0100 2 0100 3 4 5 6 ZONING R6 R6 FRONT DEPTH DE/FA L/M CO/FA +RF+AC+LC+T0+0T 50 111 0.89 2 .30 EX.3 50 100 0.85 2 .30 EX.4 RT UNIT PRICE NO. UNITS TY 100.00 50.00 FF 100.00 50.00 FF Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 6 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND MODEL 01 - 03 EXAMPLE 5 - (LINE 1) EXAMPLE 6 - (LINE 2) TRIANGLE WITH BASE ON STREET RULE: Use 70% condition factor TRIANGLE WITH BASE ON STREET RULE: Use perpendicular for depth as shown and 70% condition factor CODE 1 0100 2 0100 3 4 5 6 ZONING R6 R6 FRONT DEPTH DE/FA L/M CO/FA +RF+AC+LC+T0+0T 50 111 0.89 2 0.70 EX.5 50 111 0.85 2 0.70 EX.6 RT UNIT PRICE NO. UNITS TY 100.00 50.00 FF 100.00 50.00 FF Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 7 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND MODEL 01 - 03 EXAMPLE 7 - (LINE 1) EXAMPLE 8 - (LINE 2) BACK LOT RULE: Use difference between longest depth factor and shortest depth factor PARALLEL LOT RULE: Use perpendicular depth as shown i.e. 1.03 - .69 = .34 CODE 1 0100 2 0100 3 4 5 6 ZONING R6 R6 FRONT DEPTH DE/FA L/M CO/FA +RF+AC+LC+T0+0T 50 96 1.00 0 0.34 EX.7 50 100 0.85 2 1.00 EX.8 RT UNIT PRICE NO. UNITS TY 100.00 50.00 FF 100.00 50.00 FF Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 8 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND MODEL 01 - 03 EXAMPLE 9 - (LINE 1) EXAMPLE 10 - (LINES 2&3) PARALLEL SIDES RULE: Use average depth i.e. 120 + 100 = 220 = 110 2 2 IRREGULAR LOT RULE: calculate as rectangle and triangle CODE 1 0100 2 0100 3 0100 4 5 6 ZONING R6 R6 R6 FRONT DEPTH DE/FA L/M CO/FA +RF+AC+LC+T0+0T 50 110 0.89 2 1.00 EX.9 200 100 0.85 2 1.00 EX.10 50 100 0.85 2 0.30 EX.10 RT UNIT PRICE NO. UNITS TY 100.00 50.00 FF 100.00 200.00 FF 100.00 50.00 FF Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 9 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND MODEL 01 - 03 EXAMPLE 11 - (LINES 1&2) EXAMPLE 12 - (LINE 3) IRREGULAR LOT RULE: Calculate as rectangle and triangle CORNER LOT RULE: Use sides with highest value frontage (side with highest dollar value per front foot for frontage figure) CODE 1 0100 2 0100 3 0100 4 5 6 ZONING R6 R6 R6 FRONT DEPTH DE/FA L/M CO/FA +RF+AC+LC+T0+0T 200 100 0.85 2 1.00 EX.11 50 100 0.85 2 0.70 EX.11 100 50 0.49 2 1.00 EX.12 RT UNIT PRICE NO. UNITS TY 100.00 200.00 FF 100.00 50.00 FF 100.00 100.00 FF Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 10 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND MODEL 01 - 03 EXAMPLE 13 - (LINE 1) EXAMPLE 14 - (LINES 2 & 3) TRIANGULAR CORNER LOT RULE: See #12 and #5 THROUGH LOT STANDARD DEPTH OR MORE RULE: Compute on high value street and compute on low value street CODE 1 0100 2 0100 3 0100 4 5 6 ZONING R6 R6 R6 FRONT DEPTH DE/FA L/M CO/FA +RF+AC+LC+T0+0T 50 100 0.85 2 0.70 EX.13 50 150 1.00 2 1.00 EX.14 50 50 1.00 2 1.00 EX.14 RT UNIT PRICE NO. UNITS TY 100.00 50.00 FF 100.00 50.00 FF 50.00 50.00 FF Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 11 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND MODEL 01 - 02 EXAMPLE 15 - (LINES 1&2) EXAMPLE 16 - (LINE 3) THROUGH LOT OVER STANDARD DEPTH RULE: Compute on high value to standard depth and on low value street the remainder IRREGULAR LOT RULE: Compute as parallel sides see #9 CODE 1 0100 2 0100 3 0100 4 5 6 ZONING R6 R6 R6 FRONT DEPTH DE/FA L/M CO/FA +RF+AC+LC+T0+0T 50 150 1.00 2 1.00 EX.15 50 50 0.59 2 1.00 EX.15 50 110 0.89 2 1.00 EX.16 RT UNIT PRICE NO. UNITS TY 100.00 50.00 FF 50.00 50.00 FF 100.00 50.00 FF Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 12 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND MODEL 01 - 03 EXAMPLE 17 - (LINES 1&2) EXAMPLE 18 - (LINES 3&4) L-SHAPED LOT WITH THE BASE OF THE "L" OFF THE STREET RULE: Compute as rectangle and back lot (See #7 back lot depth = .83 - .65 = .18) L-SHAPED LOT WITH THE BASE OF THE "L" ON THE STREET RULE: Compute as two separate rectangles 1 2 3 4 5 6 CODE 0100 0100 0100 0100 ZONING R6 R6 R6 R6 FRONT DEPTH DE/FA L/M CO/FA +RF+AC+LC+T0+0T 77 95 0.83 2 1.00 EX.17 20 35 1.00 0 0.18 EX.17 77 95 0.83 2 1.00 EX.18 20 35 0.46 2 1.00 EX.18 RT UNIT PRICE NO. UNITS TY 100.00 77.00 FF 100.00 20.00 FF 100.00 77.00 FF 100.00 20.00 FF Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 13 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND MODEL 01 – 02 EXAMPLE 19 IRREGULAR LOT See #5 and #9 - Figure as 67% triangle and parallel sides EXAMPLE 20 IRREGULAR LOT See #2 and #3 - Figure as 33% triangle and rectangle EXAMPLE 21 TWO STREET FRONT LOT RULE: Compute on high value street for full depth and on low street as remainder Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 14 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND MODELS Currently there are seven different land models in use with the BITEK Appraisal System which when properly used give reliable results. It has been our experience that the Somers Depth Curve gives excellent equalization and values. Models 1, 2 and 3 are based on the Somers curves and standard depths as follows. Model 4 is used when pricing rural or residential acreage. Model 5 is used with the present or farm use value schedules. LAND MODEL 0 Unit Lot Value LAND MODEL 1 100 Feet Standard Depth Appraised per Front Foot LAND MODEL 2 150 Feet Standard Depth Appraised per Front Foot LAND MODEL 3 200 Feet Standard Depth Appraised per Front Foot LAND MODEL 4 Base Price - Market Value LAND MODEL 5 Present Use by Soil Types Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 15 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND MODEL #1 DEPTH FACTOR TABLE 100 FEET STANDARD DEPTH DEPTH D.F. DEPTH D.F. 10-12 13-16 17-20 .26 .33 .40 102-103 104-106 107-110 1.02 1.03 1.04 21-24 25-28 29-32 .45 .50 .55 111-114 115-118 119-122 1.05 1.06 1.07 33-36 37-40 41-44 .59 .63 .67 123-128 129-134 135-140 1.09 1.11 1.12 45-48 49-52 53-55 .70 .72 .75 141-146 147-152 153-158 1.14 1.15 1.16 56-59 60-63 64-67 .78 .81 .83 159-164 165-169 170-175 1.17 1.18 1.19 68-71 72-75 76-79 .85 .87 .89 176-181 182-187 188-193 1.20 1.20 1.21 80-83 84-87 88-91 .91 .93 .95 194-199 200-Up 1.22 1.22 92-95 96-98 99-101 .97 .98 1.00 Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 16 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND MODEL #2 DEPTH FACTOR TABLE 150 FEET STANDARD DEPTH DEPTH D.F. DEPTH D.F. 10-12 13-17 18-22 .18 .25 .29 168-172 173-177 178-182 1.04 1.05 1.05 23-27 28-32 33-37 .36 .41 .46 183-187 188-192 193-197 1.06 1.07 1.07 38-42 43-47 48-52 .51 .55 .59 198-205 206-215 216-225 1.07 1.08 1.09 53-57 58-62 63-67 .62 .65 .69 226-235 236-245 246-255 1.10 1.10 1.11 68-72 73-77 78-82 .72 .74 .77 256-265 266-275 276-285 1.12 1.12 1.13 83-87 88-92 93-97 .79 .81 .83 286-295 296-310 311-330 1.13 1.14 1.15 98-102 103-107 108-112 .85 .87 .89 331-350 351-370 371-390 1.16 1.16 1.17 113-117 118-122 123-127 .91 .93 .94 391-410 411-430 431-450 1.17 1.18 1.18 128-132 133-137 138-142 .96 .97 .98 451-470 471-490 491-510 1.18 1.19 1.19 143-147 148-152 153-157 .99 1.00 1.01 511-530 531-550 551-570 1.20 1.20 1.21 158-162 163-167 1.03 1.03 571-590 591-Up 1.21 1.22 Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 17 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND MODEL #3 DEPTH FACTOR TABLE 200 FEET STANDARD DEPTH DEPTH D.F. DEPTH D.F. DEPTH D.F. 10-12 13-17 18-22 .14 .19 .25 143-147 148-152 153-157 .89 .90 .92 278-282 283-287 288-291 1.07 1.08 1.08 23-27 28-32 33-37 .30 .34 .37 158-162 163-167 168-172 .93 .94 .95 293-297 298-305 306-315 1.08 1.08 1.09 38-42 43-47 48-52 .41 .45 .49 173-177 178-182 183-187 .96 .97 .97 316-325 326-335 336-345 1.09 1.10 1.10 53-57 58-62 63-67 .52 .55 .58 188-192 193-197 198-202 .98 .99 1.00 346-355 356-365 366-375 1.11 1.11 1.12 68-72 73-77 78-82 .60 .63 .65 203-207 208-212 213-217 1.01 1.02 1.02 376-385 386-395 396-410 1.12 1.13 1.13 83-87 88-92 93-97 .68 .70 .72 218-222 223-227 228-232 1.02 1.03 1.03 411-430 431-450 451-470 1.14 1.14 1.15 98-102 103-107 108-112 .74 .76 .78 233-237 238-242 243-247 1.04 1.04 1.05 471-490 491-510 511-530 1.16 1.16 1.16 113-117 118-122 123-127 .80 .82 .83 248-252 253-257 258-262 1.05 1.06 1.06 531-550 551-570 571-590 1.16 1.17 1.17 128-132 133-137 138-142 .85 .86 .88 263-267 268-272 273-277 1.06 1.07 1.07 591-UP 1.17 Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 18 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND MODEL 04 THE BASE PRICE METHOD The Base Price Method of appraising land is referred to as Land Model 04. These land models are utilized to reflect market value when appraising acreage. The market indicates that land values change when properties have different amenities such as road frontage, public utilities, road types and the size of tract. Land Model 04 is also an excellent appraisal tool when utilizing the neighborhood concept for different locations within the jurisdiction being appraised. The following is a description of how these factors affect each parcel of land: A. Location: Location is the key factor in the determination of market value in the County. Depending on market demand and sales prices, Base Price Areas were established throughout the County. Within each base price area other factors may be applied to a given parcel. The concept of neighborhood homogeneity may fluctuate in value as the parcel comes more under the influence of the neighborhood and less under the influence of the total base area. The market demands higher prices for property in or near active market areas. Desirable subdivisions, availability of water and sewer, proximity to shopping areas, higher base price areas and the existence of amenities are factors which tend to increase market demand. The inverse may be true for parcels near a declining subdivision or undesirable industrial or commercial use area. These influences must be determined and adjusted on an individual basis by the appraiser. B. Size: The size of a parcel plays a major role in determining the per acre price at which a parcel of land will sell. The total price asked for a parcel of land has an indirect correlation with the number of potential buyers in the market. This situation stimulates more price negotiation and longer turnover periods for large tracts. Typically, the actual cash value per acre decreases as the size of the parcel increases. The value of small lots containing less than one acre depends greatly on zoning and health department restrictions, therefore, these lots may be priced by the lot or by front footage. Generally, tracts one acre or greater are to be priced using the base price in conjunction with the following size factor chart: Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 19 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL SIZE ADJUSTMENTS FOR RURAL ACREAGE (Land Model 04) Min Size 0.01 0.50 0.71 0.81 1.11 1.21 1.31 1.41 1.51 1.61 1.71 1.81 1.91 2.01 2.11 2.21 2.31 2.41 2.51 2.61 2.71 2.81 2.91 3.01 3.11 3.21 3.31 3.41 3.51 3.61 3.71 3.81 3.91 4.01 4.11 4.21 4.31 4.41 4.51 4.61 4.71 4.81 4.91 Max Size 0.49 0.70 0.80 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 4.10 4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50 4.60 4.70 4.80 4.90 5.00 Factor 270% 270% 250% 250% 240% 220% 210% 205% 200% 195% 190% 190% 185% 185% 185% 185% 180% 180% 175% 175% 175% 170% 170% 165% 165% 165% 165% 160% 160% 160% 160% 160% 155% 155% 155% 155% 155% 150% 150% 150% 145% 145% 145% Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation Min Size 5.01 5.11 5.21 5.31 5.41 5.61 5.81 6.01 6.21 6.41 6.61 6.81 7.01 7.31 7.61 7.91 8.21 8.51 8.81 9.11 9.41 9.71 10.01 10.51 11.01 11.51 12.01 12.51 13.01 13.51 14.01 14.51 15.01 15.51 16.01 17.01 18.01 19.01 20.01 25.01 30.01 40.01 50.01 Max Size 5.10 5.20 5.30 5.40 5.60 5.80 6.00 6.20 6.40 6.60 6.80 7.00 7.30 7.60 7.90 8.20 8.50 8.80 9.10 9.40 9.70 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 Factor 140% 140% 140% 135% 135% 135% 135% 135% 135% 130% 130% 130% 130% 130% 130% 130% 130% 130% 130% 130% 125% 125% 125% 120% 120% 120% 115% 115% 115% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 105% 101% 100% 99% 98% 97% 97% Min Size 60.01 70.01 80.01 90.01 100.01 110.01 115.01 120.01 125.01 130.01 135.01 140.01 145.01 150.01 155.01 160.01 165.01 170.01 175.01 180.01 185.01 190.01 195.01 200.01 205.01 210.01 Max Size 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 115.00 120.00 125.00 130.00 135.00 140.00 145.00 150.00 155.00 160.00 165.00 170.00 175.00 180.00 185.00 190.00 195.00 200.00 205.00 210.00 Up Factor 97% 96% 96% 95% 95% 94% 93% 92% 91% 90% 89% 89% 88% 87% 87% 86% 85% 84% 83% 82% 81% 80% 79% 78% 77% 76% LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 20 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL C. Road Frontage: The market tends to recognize parcels containing 10 acres or less as residential home sites. Tracts of this size are more desirable if they have at least 29 - 30% road frontage. Sales of large tracts, which have potential for development tends to reflect the amount of road frontage in relation to total parcel size. Parcels containing more than ten acres are considered to have adequate frontage if 10% of the total acreage is in road frontage. Dividing the number of acres of road frontage (1 Acre = 208' X 208') by the total acreage, yields the percent of frontage to total acreage. This percent when applied to the following chart produces a plus or minus factor to be applied to each parcel. Percent FTG To Total Acreage .01 .99 1.00 - 1.49 1.50 - 1.99 2.00 - 2.50 2.50 - 2.99 3.00 - 3.99 4.00 - 4.99 5.00 - 5.99 6.00 - 6.99 7.00 - 7.99 8.00 - 8.99 9.00 - 9.99 10.00 - 10.99 11.00 - 12.99 13.00 - 17.99 18.00 - 22.99 23.00 - 25.99 26.00 - 28.99 29.00 - 30.99 31.00 - 32.99 33.00 - 34.99 35.00 - 36.99 37.00 - 38.99 39.00 - 40.99 0-10 Acres -15% -14% -14% -13% -13% -12% -11% -10% -9% -8% -7% -6% -6% -5% -4% -3% -2% -1% 0 +1% +2% +3% +4% +5% 10.01 Acres And Up -12% -11% -10% -9% -8% -7% -6% -5% -4% -3% -2% -1% 0 +1% +2% +3% +4% +5% +6% +7% +8% +9% +10% +11% Percent FTG To Total Acreage 41.00 - 42.99 43.00 - 44.99 45.00 - 46.99 47.00 - 48.99 49.00 - 50.99 51.00 - 52.99 53.00 - 54.99 55.00 - 56.99 57.00 - 58.99 59.00 - 60.99 61.00 - 62.99 63.00 - 64.99 65.00 - 66.99 67.00 - 68.99 69.00 - 70.99 71.00 - 71.99 72.00 - 72.99 73.00 - 73.99 74.00 - 74.99 75.00 - 75.99 76.00 - 76.99 77.00 - 77.99 78.00 - 78.99 79.00 - 79.99 80.00 - 100.00 0-10 Acres +6% +7% +8% +9% +10% +11% +12% +13% +14% +15% +16% +17% +18% +19% +20% +21% +22% +23% +24% +25% +26% +27% +28% +29% +30% 10.01 Acres And Up +12% +13% +14% +15% +16% +17% +18% +19% +20% +20% +21% +21% +22% +22% +23% +23% +24% +24% +25% +25% +26% +27% +28% +29% +30% *Note - Parcels that front on intersections or corners will be adjusted so that usable frontage will be considered only once. This adjustment is typically made by subtracting 200 feet from the total frontage feet. D. Access: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Paved - This is considered to be the norm and no adjustment is needed. Dirt - Parcels located on dirt roads are to be adjusted -10% for access. Gravel - Dirt roads that have been improved with the addition of loose gravel are adjusted -10% for access. Rural Dirt Road Not State Maintained - These roads are usually maintained by a group of property owner and adjusted -20% for access. No State Maintained Access - Parcels having no access are useful mainly as add on property for adjoining owners which have access. Residential use is limited on these parcels; therefore, small tracts do not show the dramatic increase in per acre price. The following factors are to be applied to parcels having no access in order to reduce both the base price and the size factor influence. No Public Access - Private Drive. Parcels have established access drive to property but no state maintained frontage. Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 21 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL Access Type Code RP SP UP IS PS RD SD UD RG RT DW GW PD PW NX Factor +00 +00 +00 +10 +25 -10 -10 -10 -10 -20 Rural paved are considered normal. Suburban paved (no water or sewer). Urban paved (no water or sewer). Interstate Paved with public water and sewer. Rural dirt state maintained road. Suburban dirt Urban dirt Rural gravel state maintained road. Rural dirt road not state maintained. Rural dirt state maintained road with water; see following chart Rural gravel state maintained road with water; see following chart Private drive or easement (no public access); see following chart Paved with public or community water; see following chart No legal access to property - see following chart. No Legal Access (NX) 0.01 - 1.5 Acres = -60% 1.51 - 3.0 Acres = -57% 3.01 - 4.0 Acres = -54% 4.01 - 5.0 Acres = -52% 5.01 - 6.0 Acres = -51% 6.01 - 7.0 Acres = -50% 7.01 - 8.0 Acres = -49% 8.01 - 9.0 Acres = -48% 9.01 - 10.0 Acres = -47% 10.01 - 15.0 Acres = -46% 15.01 - 30.0 Acres = -45% 30.01 - 50.0 Acres = -44% 50.01 - 70.0 Acres = -43% 70.01 - 100.0 Acres = -42% 100.01 - 150.0 Acres = -41% 150.01 - Up Acres = -40% No Public Access (PD) 0.01 - 1.5 Acres = -40% 1.51 - 3.0 Acres = -37% 3.01 - 4.0 Acres = -35% 4.01 - 5.0 Acres = -34% 5.01 - 6.0 Acres = -33% 6.01 - 7.0 Acres = -33% 7.01 - 8.0 Acres = -32% 8.01 - 9.0 Acres = -32% 9.01 - 10.0 Acres = -32% 10.01 - 15.0 Acres = -31% 15.01 - 30.0 Acres = -31% 30.01 - 50.0 Acres = -31% 50.01 - 70.0 Acres = -30% 70.01 - 100.0 Acres = -30% 100.01 - 150.0 Acres = -30% 150.01 - Up Acres = -30% Dirt road with water (DW) 0.01 - 1.5 Acres = +10% 1.51 - 3.0 Acres = +09% 3.01 - 4.0 Acres = +08% 4.01 - 5.0 Acres = +07% 5.01 - 6.0 Acres = +06% 6.01 - 7.0 Acres = +05% 7.01 - 8.0 Acres = +04% 8.01 - 9.0 Acres = +03% 9.01 - 10.0 Acres = +02% 10.01 - 15.0 Acres = +01% 15.01 - 30.0 Acres = 00% 30.01 - 50.0 Acres = -01% 50.01 - 70.0 Acres = -02% 70.01 - 100.0 Acres = -03% 100.01 - 150.0 Acres = -04% 150.01 - Up Acres = -05% Gravel road with water (GW) 0.01 - 1.5 Acres = +10% 1.51 - 3.0 Acres = +09% 3.01 - 4.0 Acres = +08% 4.01 - 5.0 Acres = +07% 5.01 - 6.0 Acres = +06% 6.01 - 7.0 Acres = +05% 7.01 - 8.0 Acres = +04% 8.01 - 9.0 Acres = +03% 9.01 - 10.0 Acres = +02% 10.01 - 15.0 Acres = +01% 15.01 - 30.0 Acres = 00% 30.01 - 50.0 Acres = -01% 50.01 - 70.0 Acres = -02% 70.01 - 100.0 Acres = -03% 100.01 - 150.0 Acres = -04% 150.01 - Up Acres = -05% Paved with water (PW) 0.01 - 1.5 Acres = +20% 1.51 - 3.0 Acres = +19% 3.01 - 4.0 Acres = +18% 4.01 - 5.0 Acres = +17% 5.01 - 6.0 Acres = +16% 6.01 - 7.0 Acres = +15% 7.01 - 8.0 Acres = +14% 8.01 - 9.0 Acres = +13% 9.01 - 10.0 Acres = +12% 10.01 - 15.0 Acres = +11% 15.01 - 30.0 Acres = +10% 30.01 - 50.0 Acres = +09% 50.01 - 70.0 Acres = +08% 70.01 - 100.0 Acres = +07% 100.01 - 150.0 Acres = +06% 150.01 - Up Acres = +05% *Note - This chart is in the computer and will be applied by the appraiser if appropriate in his opinion. Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 22 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL E. Topography: Land considered usable but having rough topography may need further adjustment in order to achieve market value. Rough topography increases the development and building cost required to gain the optimum use from a parcel of land. The usable land on each parcel must be looked at as a whole and adjustments applied as indicated by comparable sales and appraisal experience. Unusable Tracts: Certain tracts of land in the County have problems with percolation. Adjustments will be made only when a rejection certificate from the Health Department or appropriate state agency accompanies the property owner’s request. The following factors are to be a guide applied to such parcels in order to reduce appraised values proportionate to market value analysis. .01 - 5.00 Acres = -50% 5.01 - 10.00 Acres = -40% 10.01 - 50.00 Acres = -30% 50.01 - 100.00 Acres = -25% 100.01 - Up Acres = -20% Residential Building Lots that are unbuildable due to percolation problems are adjusted to be 30%good with documentation from the Health Department F. Shape: The utility of a specific parcel may be affected by its shape. The appraiser determines what is unusable and to what extent it affects the value of the subject parcel. G. Right of Ways: Land falling within a state road right-of-way or other roadway easement is to be coded 9400. Appropriate adjustments are to be made for size, location etc. The easement must be clearly identified on a recordable survey including the acreage within the easement. Surface easements governing power and petroleum right-of ways may have varying affects on each parcel. The extent of their liability is based mainly on their location within the parcel. Therefore, these easements are priced according to the base price and adjusted at the discretion of the appraiser. Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 23 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND MODEL 04 CODE: Land model 04 will work with any use code. ZONING: Land model 04 will work with any zoning code. FRONTAGE: Number of feet of road frontage is mandatory unless the road type is NX, PD, or RT. DEPTH: Depth is left blank. The system will use 208 feet of depth to calculate the number of acres of frontage. DE/FA: The size factor is assigned by the computer from the size chart in this chapter. Enter 1.00. L/M: Enter Land Model 04. CO/FA: The condition factor will be calculated by adding the factors present in the following field: Enter 1.00. RF: The road frontage field may be + or -. This field is entered by the computer based on the road frontage chart in this chapter. AC: The access factor is entered by the computer based on the road type factors in this chapter. LC: The location factor may be + or -. This is assigned by the appraiser through market analysis. TO: The topo factor may be + or -. This is assigned by the appraiser through market analysis. OT: The other factor may be + or -. This factor is used for all factors not previously described such as shape, right of ways, etc. This is assigned by the appraiser through market analysis. RT: The road type is used to describe the paving and utilities of the road as described in this chapter. UNIT PRICE: The base price used for acreage in the neighborhood is entered in this field. NO. UNITS: Total acreage is entered in this field. TY: Unit type AC (Acres) is required when using Land Model 04. NOTES: Free form notes field. Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 24 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND MODEL 04 CONT. Typical Land Model 04 Pricing ..................................................................................... #1 LAND ................................................................................... CODE [0120 ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ZONING [A1 ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] FRONT [ 1000 ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] DEPTH [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] DE/FA L/M [ 1.00 ] [04 ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] CO/FA +RF +AC +LC +TO +0T [ 1.00 ] [ +10 -05 -10 [ ] [ [ ] [ [ ] [ [ ] [ [ ] [ RT [RP [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] ..................................................................................... #2 LAND ................................................................................... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. [ [ [ [ [ [ UNITS 2000.0 ] ] ] ] ] ] NO.UNITS [ 50.00 [ [ [ [ [ TY [AC [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] NOTES ] ] ] ] ] ] [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] 50.00 AC 1000.00 FF 0120 Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation $ 2,000/AC LM 4 RP LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 25 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND MODEL 04 CONT. Calculation of access factor when frontage is partially dirt. Enter road type as paved and enter access adjustment in the other adjustment field. Example 1 Example 2 1400' = 61% 2300' - 10% (dirt acc.) x 61% = - 6.1% dirt = -06 Other Adj. 500' = 38% dirt 1300' - 10% (dirt acc.) x 38% = - 3.8% dirt = -.04 Other Adj. ..................................................................................... #1 LAND ................................................................................... CODE [0120 ] [0120 ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] ZONING [A1 ] [A1 ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] FRONT [ 2300 ] [ 1300 ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] DEPTH [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] DE/FA L/M [ 1.99 ] [04 ] [ 1.19 ] [04 ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] CO/FA +RF +AC +LC +TO +0T RT [ 1.08 ] [+14 +00 +00 +00 -06 [RP ] [ 1.11 ] [+15 +00 +00 +00 -04 [RP ] [ ] [ [ ] [ ] [ [ ] [ ] [ [ ] [ ] [ [ ] ..................................................................................... #2 LAND ................................................................................... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. [ [ [ [ [ [ UNITS 2000.00 ] 2000.00 ] ] ] ] ] NO.UNITS [ 28.93 [ 9.18 [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation TY [AC [AC [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] NOTES [EXAMPLE 1 [EXAMPLE 2 [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 26 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND MODEL 04 CONT. OTHER EXAMPLES: ..................................................................................... #1 LAND ................................................................................... CODE [0120 ] [0120 ] [0120 ] [0120 ] [ ] [ ] ZONING [A1 ] [A1 ] [A1 ] [A1 ] [ ] [ ] FRONT [ 800 ] [ ] [ ] [ 1200 ] [ ] [ ] DEPTH [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] DE/FA L/M [ 1.15 ] [04 ] [ 1.04 ] [04 ] [ 1.02 ] [04 ] [ 0.98 ] [04 ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] CO/FA +RF [ 1.02 ] [+02 [ 0.69 ] [+00 [ 0.45 ] [+00 [ 1.04 ] [+04 [ ] [ [ ] [ +AC +LC +00 +00 +31 +00 -45 +00 +00 +10 +TO +0T +00 -00 +00 -00 -10 +00 -05 -05 RT [RP ] [PD ] [NX ] [RP ] [ ] [ ] ..................................................................................... #2 LAND ................................................................................... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. [ [ [ [ [ [ UNITS 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00 ] ] ] ] ] ] NO.UNITS [ 11.00 [ 16.80 [ 18.30 [ 33.00 [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation TY [AC [AC [AC [AC [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] NOTES [EXAMPLE 1 [EXAMPLE 2 [EXAMPLE 3 [EXAMPLE 4 [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 27 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND MODEL 05 PRESENT USE VALUE NORTH CAROLINA DEFINITIONS OF CLASSIFICATIONS Reference: North Carolina General Statutes Pertaining to Present Use Value Assessment and Taxation of Agricultural, Horticultural and Forest Lands (AV-4/Rev 08-11) 105-277.2., Agricultural, horticultural and forestland - Definitions For the purposes of G.S. 105-277.3 through 105-277.7 the following definitions shall apply: (1) "Agricultural land" means land that is part of a farm unit that is actively engaged in the commercial production or growing of crops, plants, or animals under a sound management program. Agricultural land includes woodland and wasteland that is part of the farm unit, but the woodland and wasteland included in the unit shall be appraised under the use value schedules as woodland or wasteland. A farm unit may consist of more than one tract of agricultural land, but at least one of the tracts must meet the requirements in G.S. 105-277.3(a) (1), and each tract must be under a sound management program. (2) "Forestland" means land that is part of a forest unit that is actively engaged in the commercial growing of trees under a sound management program. Forestland includes wasteland that is part of the forest unit, but the wasteland included in the unit shall be appraised under the use-value schedules as wasteland. A forest unit may consist of more than one tract of forestland, but at least one of the tracts must meet the requirements in G.S. 105-277.3(a) (3), and each tract must be under a sound management program. (3) "Horticultural land" means land that is part of a horticultural unit that is actively engaged in the commercial production or growing of fruits or vegetables or nursery or floral products under a sound management program. Horticultural land includes woodland and wasteland that is part of the horticultural unit, but the woodland and wasteland included in the unit shall be appraised under the usevalue schedules as woodland or wasteland. A horticultural unit may consist of more than one tract of horticultural land, but at least one of the tracts must meet the requirements in G.S. 105-277.3(a) (2), and each tract must be under a sound management program. The per acre values used for acreage enrolled in the Present Use Value Program was derived from data in the 2015 Use Value Manual for Agricultural, Horticultural and Forest Land. This manual, dated March, 2014, was prepared by The North Carolina Use Value Advisory Board and the North Carolina Department of Revenue. Agricultural and Horticultural lands were valued by using established land rent divided by a capitalization rate of 6.5%. Forestland values were based on net income divided by a capitalization rate of 9%. Additional present use value assessment definitions and values can be attained by referring to Tab 13 of this manual. Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 28 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND USE CODES RESIDENTIAL CODE DESCRIPTION 0100 0101 0108 0111 0112 0113 0114 0115 0116 0117 0118 0119 0120 0121 0122 0123 0124 0125 0126 0127 0128 0129 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL CREEK SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL CAMPS SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL COMMON AREA SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL CANAL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL RIVER SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL INLAND WATERWAY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 2ND ROW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 3RD ROW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL POND SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MARSH SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL RIPARIAN RIGHTS SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL RURAL ACREAGE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL MOUNTAIN VIEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL WATER FRONTAGE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL GOLF COURSE FRONTAGE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL WATER ACCESS SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BOAT SLIPS SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SHOALS SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SOUND SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BEACH SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BAY 0150 0151 0152 0153 0154 0155 0156 0157 0158 0159 0160 0161 0162 0163 0164 0165 0166 0167 0168 0169 PATIO HOMES PATIO HOMES COMMON AREA PATIO HOMES CANAL PATIO HOMES RIVER OR CREEK PATIO HOMES INLAND WATERWAY PATIO HOMES 2ND ROW PATIO HOMES 3RD ROW PATIO HOMES POND PATIO HOMES MARSH PATIO HOMES RIPARIAN RIGHTS PATIO HOMES RURAL ACREAGE PATIO HOMES MOUNTAIN VIEW PATIO HOMES WATER FRONTAGE PATIO HOMES GOLF COURSE FRONTAGE PATIO HOMES WATER ACCESS PATIO HOMES BOAT SLIPS PATIO HOMES SHOALS PATIO HOMES SOUND PATIO HOMES BEACH PATIO HOMES BAY 0200 0201 0210 0220 MOBILE HOME SUBDIVISION MOBILE HOMESITE MOBILE HOME PARK RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 29 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND USE CODES CONDOMINIUM CODE DESCRIPTION 0300 0306 0311 0312 0313 0314 0315 0316 0317 0318 0319 0320 0321 0322 0323 0324 0325 0326 0327 0328 0329 CONDOMINIUM CONDOMINIUM HIGH RISE CONDOMINIUM COMMON AREA CONDOMINIUM CANAL CONDOMINIUM RIVER OR CREEK CONDOMINIUM INLAND WATERWAY CONDOMINIUM 2ND ROW CONDOMINIUM 3RD ROW CONDOMINIUM POND CONDOMINIUM MARSH CONDOMINIUM RIPARIAN RIGHTS CONDOMINIUM RURAL ACREAGE CONDOMINIUM MOUNTAIN VIEW CONDOMINIUM WATER FRONTAGE CONDOMINIUM GOLF COURSE FRONTAGE CONDOMINIUM WATER ACCESS CONDOMINIUM BOAT SLIPS CONDOMINIUM GARAGE CONDOMINIUM SOUND CONDOMINIUM BEACH CONDOMINIUM BAY 0309 0371 0372 0373 0374 0375 0376 0377 0378 0379 0380 0381 0382 0383 0384 0385 0386 0387 0388 0389 TOWN HOUSE SFR TOWN HOUSE COMMON AREA TOWN HOUSE CANAL TOWN HOUSE RIVER OR CREEK TOWN HOUSE INLAND WATERWAY TOWN HOUSE 2ND ROW TOWN HOUSE 3RD ROW TOWN HOUSE POND TOWN HOUSE MARSH TOWN HOUSE RIPARIAN RIGHTS TOWN HOUSE RURAL ACREAGE TOWN HOUSE MOUNTAIN VIEW TOWN HOUSE WATER FRONTAGE TOWN HOUSE GOLF COURSE FRONTAGE TOWN HOUSE WATER ACCESS TOWN HOUSE BOAT SLIPS TOWN HOUSE GARAGE TOWN HOUSE SOUND TOWN HOUSE BEACH TOWN HOUSE BAY Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 30 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND USE CODES MULTI - FAMILY CODE DESCRIPTION 0500 0501 0502 0503 0504 0505 0506 0507 0508 0509 0510 0511 0513 0514 0515 0516 0517 0518 0519 0560 0561 0562 0563 MULTI FAMILY MULTI FAMILY COMMON AREA MULTI FAMILY CANAL MULTI FAMILY RIVER OR CREEK MULTI FAMILY INLAND WATERWAY MULTI FAMILY 2ND ROW MULTI FAMILY 3RD ROW MULTI FAMILY POND MULTI FAMILY MARSH MULTI FAMILY RIPARIAN RIGHTS MULTI FAMILY RURAL ACREAGE MULTI FAMILY MOUNTAIN VIEW MULTI FAMILY GOLF COURSE FRONTAGE MULTI FAMILY WATER ACCESS MULTI FAMILY BOAT SLIPS MULTI FAMILY SHOALS MULTI FAMILY SOUND MULTI FAMILY BEACH MULTI FAMILY BAY MULTI FAMILY GARDEN MULTI FAMILY TOWN HOUSE MULTI FAMILY DUPLEX/TRIPLEX MULTI FAMILY HIGH RISE LAND USE CODES OFFICE CODE DESCRIPTION 0400 0418 0419 0420 0424 0431 OFFICE OFFICE > 4 STORY MEDICAL OFFICE MEDICAL CONDOMINIUM OFFICE CONDOMINIUM DAY CARE CENTERS Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 31 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND USE CODES INDUSTRIAL CODE DESCRIPTION 0600 0601 0628 0630 0641 0642 0643 0644 0645 0646 0602 0647 0648 0649 0651 0652 0653 0657 INDUSTRIAL FERTILIZER PLANTS MINI - WAREHOUSE LABORATORY/RESEARCH LIGHT MANUFACTURING HEAVY MANUFACTURING LUMBER YARDS PACKING PLANTS CIGARETTE MANUFACTURERS BREWERIES, BOTTLERS, CANNERIES, WINERIES SEAFOOD PROCESSING WAREHOUSE CONDOMINIUM WAREHOUSING STEEL FRAME WAREHOUSE COLD STORAGE/FREEZER TRUCK TERMINAL SERVICE GARAGE MOTOR SPORTS GARAGE LAND USE CODES COMMERCIAL CODE DESCRIPTION 0700 0701 0711 0712 0713 0714 0715 0716 0721 0722 0723 0725 COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL WATER FRONTAGE CONVENIENCE STORES PHARMACY DEPARTMENT STORE SUPERMARKET SHOPPING CENTER (MALL) SHOPPING CENTER (STRIP) RESTAURANTS FAST FOODS BANKS COMMERCIAL SERVICE (LAUNDRIES, TV & RADIO REPAIR, ELECTRIC REPAIR, ETC.) STATION AUTO SALES & SERVICE PARKING THEATERS LOUNGES, NIGHT CLUBS, BARS BOWLING ALLEYS, SKATING RINKS, ARENAS COMMERCIAL CONDOMINIUM BUSINESS PARK HOTELS, MOTELS - > 3 FLOORS FURNITURE STORES MOTELS, HOTELS - < 3 FLOORS CAR WASH MARINA LAND 0726 0727 0728 0732 0733 0734 0735 0736 0737 0738 0739 0765 0780 Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 32 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND USE CODES AGRICULTURAL CODE DESCRIPTION 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 5500 5600 5900 6000 6100 6200 RURAL HOMESITE OPEN AND CULTIVATED - GOOD OPEN AND CULTIVATED - FAIR OPEN AND CULTIVATED - POOR PASTURE LAND - GOOD PASTURE LAND - FAIR PASTURE LAND - POOR SWAMPLAND TIMBERLAND - GOOD TIMBERLAND - FAIR TIMBERLAND - POOR LAND MODEL 05 CODE PRESENT-USE VALUE CLASS 5000 5110 5210 5310 5410 5510 5610 RURAL HOMESITE AGRICULTURAL I AGRICULTURAL II AGRICULTURAL III AGRICULTURAL IV AGRICULTURAL V AGRICULTURAL VI 6110 6210 6310 6410 6510 6610 FORESTRY I FORESTRY II FORESTRY III FORESTRY IV FORESTRY V FORESTRY VI 6711 6721 6731 6741 6751 6761 HORTICULTURAL I HORTICULTURAL II HORTICULTURAL III HORTICULTURAL IV HORTICULTURAL V HORTICULTURAL VI 6800 6810 6820 6830 6840 6850 6860 6870 FARM - MKT FARM - SFR FARM - MH FARM - CONDO FARM - OFFICE FARM - M/FAM FARM - INDUS FARM – COMM 6880 CONSERVATION DEFERMENT Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 33 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND USE CODES INSTITUTIONAL/SPECIAL PURPOSE CODE DESCRIPTION 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 INSTITUTIONAL CHURCHES SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, PRIVATE HOSPITALS, PRIVATE HOMES FOR THE AGED ORPHANAGES FUNERAL (MORTUARIES, CEMETERIES, CREMATORIUM, MAUSOLEUMS) CLUBS, LODGES, UNION HALLS YACHT CLUBS RETREATS CONSERVATION EASEMENTS CAMPS COUNTRY CLUBS PAR “3” GOLF COURSES MINIATURE GOLF COURSES PUBLIC GOLF COURSES - REGULATION AIRPORTS MARINAS AIRPORT HANGER 7700 7710 7720 7721 7730 7800 7801 7802 7803 7900 8000 8100 LAND USE CODES GOVERNMENT OWNED CODE DESCRIPTION 8200 8300 8400 8500 8600 8601 8602 8603 8604 8700 8701 8800 8900 8901 8902 8903 REC AREA SCHOOLS (PUBLIC) COLLEGES (PUBLIC) HOSPITALS (PUBLIC) OTHER COUNTY PROPERTY WATER PLANTS FIRE DEPARTMENTS RECYCLING DISPOSAL OTHER STATE (MARSHLAND) STATE PORTS OTHER FEDERAL OTHER MUNICIPAL MUNICIPAL EDUCATION MUNICIPAL AIRPORT MUNICIPAL HOUSING AUTHORITY Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 34 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND USE CODES MISCELLANEOUS CODE DESCRIPTION 9000 9010 9100 LEASEHOLD INTEREST NO LAND INTEREST UTILITY (GAS, ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, TELEGRAPH, RAILROAD, WATER TOWER) SEPTIC/WELL LOT CELL TOWER SITE MINING PETROLEUM AND GAS RIGHT OF WAY SUBMERGED LAND, RIVERS AND LAKES ISLAND WASTELAND, GULLIES, ROCK OUTCROP WETLAND FLOOD PLAIN MINERAL RIGHTS LESS MINERAL RIGHTS (MINERAL RIGHTS TAXED ELSEWHERE) OWNER UNKNOWN FOR FUTURE USE NEW PARCEL DELETED PARCEL (VOID) 9101 9150 9200 9300 9400 9500 9501 9600 9611 9612 9700 9710 9800 9909 9900 9910 Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 35 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL LAND VALUE BASE RATE RANGES ACREAGE METHOD (VALUE PER UNIT) See Chapter 11, Pages 52-53 LOTS & SOUND VALUE METHOD (VALUE PER UNIT) $1,000 TO $800,000 SQUARE FOOT METHOD (VALUE PER UNIT) $.05 TO $20.00 FRONT FOOT METHOD (VALUE PER UNIT) Not Currently Used Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 36 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL RESIDENTIAL-AGRICULTURAL-LAKE-GOLF COURSE-RESORT MOBILE HOME PARKS-CAMP GROUNDS SPECIAL PURPOSE PROPERTIES LAND VALUE BASE RATE RANGES ACREAGE METHOD (VALUE PER UNIT) $200 TO $400,000 SQUARE FOOT METHOD (VALUE PER UNIT) $.02 TO $20.00 LOT & SOUND VALUE METHOD (VALUE PER UNIT) $1,000 TO $800,000 FRONT FOOT METHOD (VALUE PER UNIT) Not Currently Used Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 37 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL BASE RATE RANGES APARTMENT LAND RATES POOR FAIR AVERAGE GOOD EXCELLENT $30,000 TO $45,000 $45,000 TO $60,000 $60,000 TO $75,000 $75,000 TO $90,000 $90,000 TO $150,000 BUSINESS PARK / RACING PARK LAND RATES POOR FAIR AVERAGE GOOD EXCELLENT $50,000 TO $75,000 $75.000 TO $100,000 $100,000 TO $150,000 $150,000 TO $200,000 $200,000 TO $300,000 COMMERCIAL LAND RATES POOR FAIR AVERAGE GOOD EXCELLENT $25,000 TO $100,000 $100,000 TO $200,000 $200,000 TO $300,000 $300,000 TO $500,000 $500,000 TO $800,000 INDUSTRIAL LAND RATES POOR FAIR AVERAGE GOOD EXCELLENT $25,000 TO $37,500 $37,500 TO $50,000 $50,000 TO $62,500 $62,500 TO $75,000 $75,000 TO $125,000 Note: “Poor” and “Fair” classifications may include a less desirable location such as rural in nature. Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 38 07/01/2014 IREDELL COUNTY 2015 APPRAISAL MANUAL BASE RATE LAND VALUATION TECHNIQUE COMMERCIAL, OFFICE, MULTI-FAMILY & INDUSTRIAL The Base Land Valuation Technique allows the appraiser to establish land rates using a price per acre, price per square foot or price per lot for each parcel located within an individual neighborhood. Incremental/Decremental Rates are developed as a percentage of the Base Land Rates to allow for size adjustments for those parcels which are larger than one acre. Parcels can be further adjusted for Parcel Specific Condition Factors as shown in the chart below. Multi-family base values are not normally adjusted for a size factor. All other condition factors may be applied to multi-family base land values. Primary lots and tracts are appraised at the base land value for the neighborhood or community. Secondary sites as determined by the appraiser are normally appraised at 50% to 75% of the base land value. Transition areas or those that are mixed in use between commercial, industrial, office and residential may be appraised at less than 50% of the neighborhood base as determined from the market. Parcel Specific Condition Factors Condition Factor Shape Easement, R/W Topography Corner Lot Interstate Out Parcel Road Frontage Private Drive No Access Code SH RW Topo CL I OUT FTG PD NX Adjustment Range/Notes 0 to .25 0 to .25 0 to .50 Undeveloped and Tracts only 1.15 to 2.00 Up to 2.00 1.25 to 1.50 0 to 1.50 0 to .40 0 to .60 Other adjustments may be added, and the adjustment ranges may be increased or decreased for unusual land tracts. The size factor assumes that the primary site of all commercially and industrially zoned properties is (1) acre or less. No adjustment for size is applied in cases where the acreage is less than 1 acre, with a few exceptions where the land is so small as to be undevelopable without combination with surrounding parcels. Any acreage in excess of (1) acre is valued at 50% of the base rate in this subject’s neighborhood. Based on the overall size of the property the size factor is calculated as follows. EXAMPLE: (Acre Method) Size Factor for 0 < (1) Acre Size Factor for > (1) acre = = 100% or 1.00 50% or .50 Subject Tract = 10 Acres Primary Acreage Secondary Acreage = = 1 Acre 9 Acres Formula: ((Primary/Total)*1.00) + ((Secondary/Total)*.50) = Size Factor Therefore in this example… Size factor = ((1/10)*1.00) + ((9/10)*.50) = .55 (Indicated Size Condition Factor) Iredell County – 2015 Revaluation LAND APPRAISAL PROCEDURES 4- 39 07/01/2014
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