Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems Mobility of a Microgravity Rover using Internal Electro-Magnetic Levitation 31 , Yoshihiko NAKAMURA 31 32 , Shingo SHIMODA 31 Sanefumi SHOJI Dept. of Mechano-Informatics, University of Tokyo 7-3-1 Hongo Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, 113-8656 Japan 32 Dept. of Environmental Studies, University of Tokyo fnakamura, Abstract A new type of mobility is discussed for space projects such as the MUSES-C aiming at small asteroid exploration. Since the environment of asteroids is of vacuum and microgravity, oatation is a possible choice for enhancing a new mobility of the rover. In this paper, we propose the use of electro-magnetic levitation in order to integrate a mobility into the microgravity rover. The rover has a spherical shape and a smaller spherical shell inside. Four electro-magnets are symmetrically located between the outer sphere surface and the inner sphere shell with one end of each directed to the center of the shell. With electromagnetic force of the magnets, a sphere iron ball inside the shell is controlled and levitated. When the rover lifts the ball inside with the electro-magnetic force, the rover is in return pressed down the ground by the reaction force, due to which the rover system not only gains upward momentum for oatation, but also obtains friction that enables its rolling on the ground. The prototype microgravity rover was developed and provided experimental results indicate eectiveness of the proposed mobility. 1 Introduction The Mars Pathnder of NASA/JPL succeeded in soft-landing on the equator of Mars in 1998[1]. Sojourner[2], the micro-rover was released on Mars and sent us numerous observation and image data. In the investigation of the planets, satellites and asteroids, the importance of robot rovers that move and investigate on the surface is increasing[3][4]. For micro-rovers, Nakatani[5] listed up the following requirements: 1. wide area of investigation (dozens ∼ several hundreds [km]) 2. underground investigation (dozens [cm] ∼ several [m] in depth) 3. long time investigation 4. investigation of crust exposures such as craters and precipices 5. sample selection and analysis 6. settlement of observation and experimental devices In addition to the restrictions on weight, size, and electric power, rovers must survive in an unknown environment with high/low temperatures, cosmic rays, vacuous, regolith and so on. 0-7803-6348-5/00/$10.00 ©2000 IEEE. g shimoda, shoji The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science designed the satellite MUSES-C for investigation of asteroid Nereus, and scheduled its launch in 2002[6]. MUSES-C discharges a rover for sampling the surface of the asteroid[7]. The microgravity environment on asteroid is not suitable for the conventional rovers, that move using the gravity and friction forces between the rover and the ground. It is required to develop a rover with new type of mobility. In this paper, we develop a microgravity rover that moves using electro-magnetic levitation. 2 Requirements for the MUSES-C Microgravity Rover The conditions on the rover for MUSES-C are as follows [8]: mass: 1 kg or less including the separation system from MUSES-C size: within 10 2 10 2 10cm3 life: several weeks communication: earth-reachable via MUSES-C. temperature: durable within -100 ∼ 140℃ Mobility is, however, the most essential requirement. The rover should move and reorient in any direction in the unknown environments, since none of the gravity, the escape velocity, and the surface friction is precisely predictable. 3 3.1 Mobility Structure In order to move on the asteroid, a common rover would rely on the friction force with the asteroid surface. Since the gravity of Nereus is estimated in the order of 1004 m/s2 , it is dicult to obtain sucient friction force from the gravity force. On the other hand, taking an advantage of microgravity and vacuous, the rover can move for a long period of time and for a long distance, once it oats with a horizontal velocity. In this paper, we adopt the oating mobility due to electro-magnetic levitation using four electro-magnets and an iron ball installed within the rover body, as shown in Figure 1. The rover attracts the iron ball and thereby gets the reaction force, that presses itself against the ground. In turn, the rover gains the lifting force, the friction force, and the momentum. This rover can jump and reorient itself in the air. Figure 3: Mobility control of spin electromagnet iron ball Figure 1: Structure of Microgravity rover Figure 4: Mobility control of horizontal jump Figure 2: Mobility control of vertical jump 3.2 Floatation The mobility of the rover is oatation and reorientation, whose combination allows it to move freely on the asteroid. We explain in this subsection the principle of oatation using Figure 2. Initially assume the rover stays on the ground and that the iron ball is at rest in the bottom of the spherical cavity inside the rover (Figure 2 (a)). First, the rover pulls up the iron ball with the electro-magnets, and, in turn, is pressed against the asteroid due the reaction force of the electro-magnetic force(Figure 2 (b)). The iron ball with the upward momentum collides at the top of the spherical cavity(Figure 2 (c)). The collision transfers a part of the upward momentum of the iron ball to the rover, and the whole rover oats(Figure 2 (d)). 3.3 Reorientation in the air There are two conceivable ways to reorient the rover in the air. One method is to rotate the iron ball like a spherical induction motor generating eddy currents on the iron ball. Through the rotation of the iron ball, the rover obtains the reaction moment to reorient itself. However, this would require more than seven electro-magnets in addition to gap sensors, and precision control using them. Another simpler method is to employ only four electro-magnets and control the position of the iron ball. We explain the principle using the basic equation. From the angular momentum conservation, we have: Ib!b + mb rb 2 r_b + Ir !r + mr rr 2 r_r = 0 (1) Ib : inertia matrix of the iron ball Ir : inertia matrix of the rover without the iron ball mb : mass of the iron ball mr : mass of the rover without the iron ball rb : vector from the center of gravity of the whole rover to that of the iron ball rr : vector from the center of gravity of the whole rover to that of the rover without the iron ball !b : angular velocity of the iron ball !r : angular velocity of the rover From the abobe equations !r is resolved as follows, !r = 0Ir 01(Ib !b + mbrb 2 r_b + mr rr 2 r_r ) = 0Ir 01(Ib !b + mb(mmr 0 mb) rb 2 r_b) (2) r where the equation of momentum conservation was used. From Eq.(2), we can conclude 1. When mr =mb , !r and !b is simple mapping, where the rover can rotate in proportion to the rotation of the iron ball. 2. When mr 6= mb , in addition to the rotation due to !b, the rover can rotate even without the rotation of the iron ball using the second term of Eq.(2). Therefore, we propose to choose mr 6= mb. Note that with only four electro-magnets we can directly control rb. However, indirectly we have an access to control !b by rolling the iron ball in frictional contact with the inner surface of spherical shell as shown in Figure 3. 3.4 Horizontal Jump During the rover is pressed against the asteroid, the gravity is virtually generated. Horizontal jump becomes possible depending upon the virtual gravity and Table 1: Specications of microgravity rover electro- iron core magnet coil iron ball inner spherical shell rover body 4 Figure 5: Mesh used for FEM analysis of electromagnetic force Figure 6: Electro-magnetic force v.s. distance (maximum gap : 2.5cm; iron ball : 3cm; electro-magnet : 1cm 2 2cm (iron core), 5A (current)) the surface friction. When a rover would have more than seven electromagnets and an iron ball would possessed independent six degrees of freedom like a spherical induction motor, we could independently rotate the rover while generating the virtual gravity. This allows to have horizontal velocity when it starts to oat. Since the natural gravity is in the order of 1004 0 1005m/s2 , the rover would have a reasonable horizontal jump ever with a small vertical jump. Another method is feasible with only four magnets. By pulling up an iron ball in the inclined direction as much as angle from the vertical of momentum from the ground if tan > 1 Where is the frictional coecient between the asteroid and the rover. 1cm 2 2cm 1000 turns 3cm, weight 100g 4cm 14cm, weight 1000g Magnetic Levitation System 4.1 System Design 4.2 Simulation of Magnetic Floatation Using a FEM software, we analyzed the relationship between the electro-magnetic forces and the distance from the iron ball to the electro-magnet. The whole model was subdivided into nite elements as shown in Figure 5. Since the gravity of the asteroid is estimated in the level of 1003 ∼1005 m/s2, the electro-magnetic force on the iron ball needs more than F = 1002 ∼1003 N . The electro-magnetic force was calculated assuming the iron core of the electro-magnet (1cm2 2cm), the coil (5000 turns), current (5A), the maximum gap (2.5cm), and the iron ball (3cm). Figure 6 shows the result. Since the large electric power over 5A is demanded to generate 1003 N when the gap is 2.5cm, it would be unrealistic under the imposed constraints. Figure 7, on the other hand, shows the electromagnetic force versus the radius of the iron ball under the condition of constant distance between the iron ball and electromagnet. The longer the radius of the iron ball becomes, the larger the attracting force grows. Figure 8 shows the maximum velocity of the iron ball versus the initial gap between the surface of the iron ball to the electro-magnet. Note that the maximum velocity saturates against the growth of the gap. From these considerations, we can conclude that the combination of the the small space and the large iron ball is more eective in obtaining momentum than that of the large space and small iron ball. We determined the dimensions of the electro-magnets and the iron ball as shown in Table.1, where the initial gap between the electro-magnets and the iron ball is 1cm. Assuming 7V and 500mA for the battery, we designed the coil as follows: 0.3mm copper wire of 50 m in length, and of 14 [9] in resistance. The electro-magnetic force that attracts the iron ball is approximated by F= ax2 +1bx+c [10], where x is the distance between the iron ball and the magnet. Figure 9 shows the computational result. Figure 10 shows the velocity of the iron ball when the initial gap is 1cm. Figure 11 shows velocity versus position of the iron ball when it starts from 1cm of the initial distance. From these analysis, we obtained the following results: 1. The iron ball collides with the rover body after 0.7 second 0.12m/s. 15 2.5 1.5 force (N) Force(N) 2 10 5 1 0.5 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 radius(m) 0.04 0 0.05 Figure 7: Electro-magnetic force v.s. radius of iron ball (electro-magnet : 1cm 2 2cm (iron core), 5A (current)) 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 x 10 3 distance (m) Figure 9: Electro-magnetic force v.s. distance (approximated computation due to Sugie at al.[6]) 0.14 0.1 velocity (m/s) velocity (m/s) 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 distance (m) 0.08 0 0.1 Figure 8: Initial gap v.s. maximum velocity of iron ball (electro-magnet : 1cm 2 2cm (iron core), 500mA (current); iron ball : 3cm) 2. Based on the momentum conservation low, the whole body obtains 0.012m/s of velocity after the collision if we assume complete non-elastic collision and zero restitution coecient. 3. The rover ies for 200 seconds up to the maximum height of 40cm when we assume gravity acceleration 1004 m/s2. 4. When the friction coecient of the surface is assumed 0.5, the friction force is represented by f = 0:5F (3) where F and f are the virtual gravity force and the friction force. If we also assume the virtual gravity as shown in Figure 11, the friction force of Eq.(3) provides the horizontal momentum and velocity indicated by Figure 12. Figure 12 suggests that the rover jumps 90cm in the horizontal direction with the initial horizontal velocity of 4.503 210 m/s. 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 time (s) Figure 10: Result of theoretical computation; velocity of iron ball v.s. time (initial distance : 1cm) 5 Experiments 5.1 Prototype of the Microgravity Rover To evaluate the mobility of the rover, we prototyped of the microgravity rover. Figure 13 shows the photograph of the rover. The preliminary experiments were conducted under the gravity. To approximate the microgravity environments, the rover was hung by a long string, and the experiments were done in the horizontal plane. The experiments were then conducted in the microgravity environments using the drop-shaft facility, JAMIC(Kamisuna-gawa-cho Hokkaido, Japan). 5.2 5.2.1 Preliminary Experiments under the Gravity Method of Experiments We hung the rover body with long strings(6.44m and 23.58) and measured its motion in the horizontal direction. The iron ball was also hung with a short inner spherical shell velocity (m/s) 0.14 0.12 battery electro magnet 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 distance (m) Figure 11: Result of theoretical computation; velocity v.s. position 4x 10 -3 outer spherical shell velocity (m/s) 3.5 iron ball 3 Figure 13: Prototype of microgravity rover 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 time (s) Figure 12: Result of theoretical computation; horizontal velocity v.s. time string xed to the rover body. The experiments were on the free rotation in the air and on the horizontal jump from the vertical wall. In the drop-shaft experiment, to avoid the initial vibration, the rover is xed by an external electromagnet for a second after drop. To investigate the inuence of the remaining magnetic eld of the external magnet, we also user an electro-magnet xed on the vertical wall. 5.2.2 Theoretical Analysis As shown in Figure 11, the iron ball collides with the rover body with 0.12m/s under the microgravity. Under the normal gravity and with the strings as seen in Figure 14, the height of horizontal jump is estimated by the following equation: x= s 2 2 p2 2 m 2 2 l 0 l1 0 2gM 2 v 0 2g l2 0 l2 0 a 2 1 l1 : length of string hanging the rover l2 : length of string hanging the iron ball a : initial distance of the iron ball and the rover g : the gravity acceleration v : colliding velocity of the iron ball with the rover Figure 14: Preliminary experiments hanged by strings m : mass of the iron ball M : mass of the rover body By substituting m=0.1kg, M =0.8kg, v=1.2m, a=5.0 1003 m, and g =9.8m/s2 into the equation, we obtain x = 0:602 1003m for l1 =6.44m, and x = 1:15 1003m for l1=23.58m. The period of the vibra- 2 2 2 tion is s T l12 + 6M l1 = 2 62M g + 3l1 g (4) : string mass of the unit length of the We also conducted the experiments of the inclined jump, where friction was approximately = 0:21. From Eq.(3), we can estimate that the rover jumps in the direction of 10 degree inclined from the normal of the wall. The theoretical results are summarized in Table.2. Table 2: Result of experiments hanged by a string normal jump(m) Spin rate(rad/s) inclined jump(m) string(m) 6.44 6.44* 23.58 23.58 6.44 theory 6:02 10 6:02 10 11:5 10 0.22 1:52 10 2 2 2 2 03 03 03 03 experiment 5:72 10 3 2:88 10 3 13:2 10 3 0.16 1:43 10 3 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 * : with electro-magnet xture 5.2.3 Result of Experiments The results of experiments is shown in Table.2. The rover could spin in the air and jump, which clearly shows the eectiveness of the proposed mobility. The experimental results closely followed the theoretical results, without the external electro-magnet for the xation of the iron ball. The result with the electromagnet shows the inuence of the remaining magnetic eld. 5.3 Drop-shaft Experiment 5.3.1 Method of Experiment 5.3.2 Result of Experiment We conducted the drop-shaft experiments in JAMIC, on December 2nd and 3rd 1999. The dropshaft distance(free drop) is approximately 490m, and the microgravity lower than 61005 m=s2 keeps for 10 seconds. The rover was xed by the external electromagnet. The xture force of the magnet was gradually released in 3 seconds. By this method, we reduced the eect of the remaining magnetic led. After 3 seconds from the drop, the inner electro-magnet started to attract the iron ball, and the rover oated after 3.7 seconds from the drop. The result of experiment is in Figure 15. After 3.7 seconds from the drop, the iron ball attracted by the inner electro-magnets collided with the rover body. After the collision, the rover oated with approximately 5mm/s of upward velocity. 7th result are summarized as follows. Until the iron ball collided, the rover was in the rest, which indicates that the inuence of the initial vibration was eciently removed. The rover oated after the collision, which clearly shows that the rover obtained the momentum from the iron ball through the collision. The upward velocity was approximately 0.005m/s, which was less than that of the theory. The rover rotated in the drop-shaft experiments. The angular velocity was approximately 0.017 rad/s, while that on the experiment under the gravity was approximately 0.16rad/s.Through additional experiments, it turned out that the spin control inside the shell as shown in Figure 3 was not stable although it was stable in the experiment under the gravity. The renement of spin control is a issue to be solved. Figure 15: Floatation of the rover in the drop-shaft experiment: The left side are images from the camera over the rover and the right side are images from the camera under the rover 6 Conclusion The results of this paper are summarized as follows: 1. The microgravity rover with a new mobility was proposed using internal magnetic levitation, where the rover obtains the reaction force to move by attracting an iron ball inside. 2. The FEM magnetic eld analysis enable the theoretical design of the rover. 3. The prototype spherical rover(14cm in diameter, and 1kg of mass) was fabricated. By the preliminary experiments under the gravity using string, we conrmed the oating mobility, and compared the experiments and the theory. 4. We conducted the experiments under the microgravity environment at JAMIC. The rover successfully oated with approximately 0.005m/s of upward velocity and rotated with approximately 0.017rad/s of angular velocity. 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