Deccan College, Deemed University, Pune Criterion-VII Criterion VII: Innovation and Best Practices 7.1 Environment Consciuosness 7.1.1 Does the University conduct a Green Audit of its campus? In order assess the impact of the University campus on the environment, the University conducted the green audit under the supervision of eminent city environmentalist Prof. Sanjeev Nalavade and his team in year 2013- 2014. It has been revealed following facts: The University campus is one of the green islands of the city. It has a vast landed property and only a small portion of this is occupied by buildings. The large remaining open area is brought under extensive tree plantation. This has contributed greatly to the preservation of climatic conditions around the University and has also added to the greenery and beauty of the city. The botanical diversity on campus includes 250 species of plants like Acacia concinna (Shikakai), Delonix regia (Gul-mohor), Ficus benghalensis (Wad), Ficus racemosa (Umbar), Fecus religiosa (Pimpal), etc. It is noteworthy that the extensive plantation on campus, calm and quiet atmosphere has attracted a great diversity of birds. Total 44 species of birds are found on the University campus in various seasons of year. This biodiversity includes spotted owlet, Magpie Robin, Indian Robin, Pigeon, Hill Mynah etc. Some rarest spies have also been located on the campus like Golden Oriole, Barn Owls, Rosy Paster Myna, Paradise Flycatcher, Red-throated Flycatcher, Flan tail Flycatcher, Treepie, Green Pheasant (State bird of Maharashtra). The University is gifted with beautiful green environment. However, not just remaining satisfied with the gift of nature, it is making conscious efforts to preserve and cherish it. The ‘Deccan College Nature Club” is a group of faculty and staff members which keeps record of plantation, animal and bird habitations on the campus, undertakes sensitization programmes as “Know Your Campus”, publishes articles on flora and fauna on the campus in popular media. The club has installed bird nests and water ponds to encourage bird habitation. The curriculum of P.G. Archaeology includes a paper of Environmental Archaeology which covers branches like botany, microbiology, zoology, geology, thus creating a strong awareness of environment among students. Every year the students of M.A. Archaeology are taken to the environmental awareness tours in the parts of Western Ghat. This practice is in place for more than past 25 years. 181 Deccan College, Deemed University, Pune Criterion-VII Properly maintained lawn gardens and a wood island have added to the greenery of the campus. Besides, this e-waste and other waste is properly managed. Overall, the University campus has very positive impacts on the environment around. 7.1.2 What are the initiatives taken by the university to make the campus eco-friendly? Energy Conservation l Minimum use of AC and UPS in the Departments thus saving energy. l Desktops have been bought with LCD screen to save on energy. l Printing is minimized and is always taken on both sides of the paper. l Careful usage of water. Use of renewable energy l Solar water heater has been installed in hostels and guest house and use of electric geyser has been stopped. l The latest construction in the campus are using water retaining tiles which holds the water and then permits it to be absorbed by the soil which in turn increases the level of ground water table. Water Harvesting l There is a well built on the campus. Being located in the low land area, rain water is naturally drained into it. Water percolating from the open land area increases the level of water in this well. This water is lifted to the tanks and is circulated on the campus for use. The University has undertaken new plant of water harvesting on three buildings. Check Dam Construction l The University is planning check dam construction on the eastern side of the campus. Efforts for Carbon Neutrality l Carbon capturing methods such as planting trees and installing flower pots in the building areas. Plantation l The University has a campus of 115 acres. The campus is very verdant. As a matter of fact, the University has arranged to plant over ten thousand trees over the past few years with the help of Pune Forest Department. From time to time the University keeps planting trees after the names of great personalities of the University 182 Deccan College, Deemed University, Pune Criterion-VII and Nation. The University has developed five beautiful gardens on the campus. Hazardous Waste Management l Acids like Sulfuric acid (H SO ), nitric acid (HNO ) that are used 2 4 3 in Archaeochemistry laboratory are all diluted before being drained out and has no hazardous impact on the campus environment. e-waste management l The computers, printers and other electrical and electronic devices, which are out of use and irreparable are not given to scrap vendors, instead they are disposed off in a scientific manner. This e-waste is given to an NGO JanAdhar, Pune which furthers this to the Recycling agency authorized by the Government of India. In exchange of this e-waste, the University purchases recycled, ecofriendly stationary like conference kits etc. from this NGO. 7.2 Innovations 7.2.1 Give details of innovations introduced during the last four years which have created a positive impact on the functioning of the University. Certain important innovations introduced by the University during years under assessment have exerted positive impact on the overall functioning of the University. They deserve mention as follows: l The University has introduced several innovations in curricular aspects, teaching, learning and evaluation during the assessment periods. For instance, the University has revised syllabi of M.A. degree courses. It has introduced new papers such as Heritage Management, Computational Linguistics. The revision of syllabi and introduction of new papers have created very positive impact and a large number of students have sought admission to M.A.. programmes of the University. l Effective uses of technology such as AV classrooms, PPT presentations, computerized language laboratory for study of practical Phonetics, students’ discussion group activity have enhanced the teaching and learning process. Newly started Certificate Course in Research Methodology is proving usefulness for new researchers. Computerization on the Academic section is helping in keeping accurate records. l Developing of documentation programme using computer generated Filemaker Pro, in the Archaeology Department and the digitization of Sanskrit scriptorium are important achievement towards 183 Deccan College, Deemed University, Pune Criterion-VII preservation of valuable data stored in the Institute. New customised software has been implemented in the Sanskrit and Lexicography Department. The editors have shifted from the age-old mode of writing entry articles and have adopted machine aided editing, thus expediting the editing of the Dictionary. l Library automation and Digital Library Project: All the library functions are automated through SLIM 21 Library Management software. This has enhanced the library services. 7.3 Best Practices 7.3.1 Give details of any two best practices which have contributed to better academic and administrative functioning of the University. Title of the Practice: Liberal Policy Objective of the Practice The University has created Faculty and conducive atmosphere and the staff are given freedom to carry out academic and administrative activities. The Authority of the University encourages the Faculty and staff to undertake various developmental activities, but at the same time the accountability factor is also International seminars, conferences, workshops and provided freedom to organise similar activities in this University also. l Following the principle “where the mind is without fear and the head is held high- Rabindranath Tagore”- providing mental and physical space so that person concerned can give his/her best to the Institute. l To boost research productivity. l To have diversity of opinion among all stakeholders in order to increase the academic and administrative competence for the smooth running of the University. l To encourage the Faculty and research staff to develop their expertise though participation in seminars, conferences, workshops and symposium both Nationally and Internationally. The Context l Since Deccan College Deemed University is a teaching cum research Institute, there is a lot of pressure over the Faculty and research staff to produce high quality research and publish them annually and also to provide a high quality teaching and training to Masters, P.G. Diploma and Ph. D. students. In this context the liberty and freedom provided by the authority comes in advantage to carry out research and teaching smoothly. 184 Deccan College, Deemed University, Pune Criterion-VII The Practice l The Faculty The research staff and students participate and present their latest research in seminars, congresses, workshops, symposiums in and outside the country. l The staff and students are encouraged to be associated with many organization, associations, society related to one’s subject and specialization so that the research output can get maximum exposure both Nationally and Internationally. l Faculty members give specialised lectures in other Institutes as visiting faculty. l The field based research of this University is always combined with community programmes and social development. l Constant collaboration not only In Institute level but also individual level with National and International Organizations. l Students are given open access to books, scriptorium and even to rare collections. Evidence of Success As a result of this policy the Department of Archaeology was able to excavate in the assessment period, 29 archaeological sites of different cultural period ranging from Stone age to Medieval. It should be recorded that no other Department, either University or Goverment in the country is able to carry out research on such a scale and in such diverse fields. The Department of Linguistics and Sanskrit and Lexicography are involved in carrying out fundamental research in the literary field. Their help is always sought by corporate bodies for advice, feedback and training purpose. Periodically, the results of the research are presented in National and International gatherings and the work done by the University is always appreciated as an original piece of research. It is also reflected in the large number of publications, many of which in highly reputed International journals and books. The rate of citation of the publications of this University is extremely high in comparison to other Universities. It has been noticed that the students and researchers of this University are always given priority in admissions in prestigious National and International Universities, in placements, as resource persons and for specialised training purpose. Problems encountered and resources required Because of the accountability factor the authorities are occasionally constrained to take such decisions which are not appreciated by researchers of the University. The University gets limited funding for 185 Deccan College, Deemed University, Pune Criterion-VII research and training purpose. The resource crunch is preventing the University in hiring research experts which are not on the regular staff of the University to develop some neglected fields. Title of the Practice: Departmental Synergy Objectives of the Practice The University has three Departments and the common aim and objective is to undertake study and research in heritage related fields. All the three Departments are dealing with some aspects of ancient heritage studies and fortunately located on the same campus. It is absolutely necessary to develop interdepartmental collaboration to meet the aims and objectives set by the University. Context Most of the Departments in the country are following either literary sources or material sources for reconstruction of past life ways. This has not been able to remove some of the drawbacks of the reconstruction of history. The history that is reconstructed by other Universities by following the above practice has therefore remained biased. In this context this University has realised the authentic reconstruction can be done only by synthesizing archaeological and literary sources. As both the sources are generated by three Departments, this University is able to build authentic history. The Practice The University has introduced some common papers on literary and archaeological sources for the students for the Masters and Ph.D. Its Bulletin is the only journal in the world publishing the results of archaeological, linguistics and Sanskrit and Lexicography fields together. On the Editorial board are experts from all the three Departments. Interdepartmental participation of teachers in research and teaching is also a common practice in this University. Evidence of success The University has been very productive in the research and teaching field mainly because of the support and co-operation extended by all Departments, administration and the authority. Problems Encountered and Resources Required The Department of Linguistics, Sanskrit and Lexicography do not have the required number of specialists. As a result the Faculty of Archaeology Department has to depend on some other Departments outside the University campus. The lapsed post of the Linguistic Department and the posts provided by MHRD in Sanskrit and Lexicography Department needs to be revived and filled. rr 186
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