MARION COUNTY Post-Adjudicatory Drug Court EXPANSION Program The Honorable HALE R. STANCIL Drug Court Judge Adult Post-Adjudicatory Drug Court EXPANSION Program The discretionary Program is a court supervised, structured program consisting of comprehensive out-patient substance abuse treatment and case management supervision. The Program includes regular court appearances. The length of this IV-Phase Program is normally 12 to 18 months. If you meet the criteria to enter the Adult Post-Adjudicatory Drug Court Expansion Program and your application has been approved by the State Attorney’s Office, you will be noticed to appear before the Drug Court Judge. If the Judge approves your entrance to the Program, you will be required to enter a guilty plea to your charges and sign a prosecution agreement before entering the Program. 2. Sentencing score points are 22 to 60; 3. Eligible pending felony charges; 4. No disqualifying prior convictions or adjudications withheld; 5. Substance abuse screening or assessment indicates that drug court substance abuse treatment services are therapeutically appropriate; 6. Defendant must be fully advised about the program, amenable to participating and agree to enter and successfully complete drug court as a condition of probation or community control; 7. Candidate agrees to maintain residence in Marion County until successfully completing program. Office of the Court Administrator, Fifth Judicial Circuit Adult Post-Adjudicatory Drug Court Expansion Program Marion County Judicial Center 110 NW First Avenue, Rm. 1-1027 Ocala, FL 34475 Eligibility Criteria Phone: 352-401-6725 Fax: 352-401-6726 Revision: 4/2/2013 1. If not for entering the Program, this defendant would have been sentenced to prison; Pending charges in other jurisdictions; Previously adjudged incompetent or insane; Suffers from significant mental health problems beyond the program’s ability to serve; This program is not designed for drug dealers or profiteers. Candidates with prior trafficking, sales, manufacturing or cultivation offenses within the past ten years may be considered ineligible by the Judge; In violation of conditions of controlled release or parole. Other considerations Eligible Pending Felony Charges Target population Non-violent, felony, prison bound adult offenders from Marion County and Offenders in Violation of Florida Department of Corrections Probation and/or Violation of Community Control status based on a positive or missed drug test are prime candidates. Entry into this program must be based upon the sentencing court’s assessment of the defendant’s criminal history, substance abuse screening outcome, amenability to the services of the program, total sentence points, the recommendation of the state attorney and the victim, if any, and the defendant’s agreement to enter the program. (See FS 397.334). Other disqualifiers Non-violent felony offenses to include VOP/VOCC (Not on the “forcible felony” list defined in FS 776.06). Findings that result from substance abuse screening or assessment; Entirety of candidate’s criminal history; Felony Burglary and Trespass as defined in FS Chapter 810 to include VOP/VOCC; and/or Candidate’s motivation and potential for success; Arrests without convictions or adjudications withheld will not be used to deny entry into the program. Disqualifying Pending Drug trafficking, sales, manufacturing or cultivation ; Only misdemeanor charges without being attached to a felony charge; Violent charges as defined above. Disqualifying Prior Convictions or Adjudications Withheld Violent felony offenses listed under FS 779.06 as a “forcible felony” except burglary and trespass as defined in FS Chapter 810. PHASE I (Minimum of 16 weeks) PHASE II (Minimum of 16 weeks) PHASE III (Minimum of 16 weeks) PHASE IV 20 WEEKS (Minimum of 4 weeks) 1. Orientation, Assessment and Introduction to Treatment. 2. Develop an Individual Treatment Plan (ITP). 3. No alcohol or drug use. 4. Daily “color” line calls. 5. Random drug screens. 6. Bi-Monthly Court Appearances or as instructed by the court or drug court staff. 7. Minimum of two (2) hours of Group or other counseling weekly. 8. Individual Counseling sessions as instructed by the counselor. 9. Attend regular meetings with case manager or counselor. 10. Obtain full time employment, be involved in an academic/vocational training program or perform community service hours. 11. Attend at least four (4) 12-Step meetings (AA/NA/CA) per week with proof of attendance. 12. Obtain a 12-Step meeting (AA/NA/ CA) home group. 13. Obtain a 12-step meeting (AA/NA/ CA) sponsor. 14. Make all scheduled drug court payments as instructed by the Judge or drug court staff. 15. Community service hours as directed by the Judge or drug court staff. 16. Follow all Drug Court Rules and Guidelines. 1. Ongoing review and updating of treatment plan. 2. No alcohol or drug use. 3. Monthly Court Appearances or as instructed by the court or drug court staff. 4. Daily “color” line calls. 5. Random drug screens. 6. Minimum of two (2) hours of Group or other counseling weekly. 7. Individual Counseling sessions as instructed by the counselor. 8. Development of relapse plan. 9. Attend regular meetings with case manager or counselor. 10. Obtain/Maintain consistent full time employment, school, vocational training or performance of community service hours. 11. Attend at least three (3) 12-Step meetings (AA/NA/CA) per week with proof of attendance. 12. Focus on employment and/or education goals. 13. Make all scheduled drug court payments as instructed by the Judge or other drug court staff. 14. Other case management services as determined by the drug court treatment team. 15. Community service hours as directed by the Judge or drug court staff. 16. Follow all Drug Court Rules and Guidelines. 1. Ongoing review and updating of treatment plan. 2. Drug and alcohol free lifestyle. 3. Monthly Court Appearances or as instructed by the court or drug court staff. 4. Daily “color” line calls. 5. Random drug screens. 6. Minimum of one (1) hour of Group counseling weekly. 7. Individual Counseling sessions as instructed by the counselor. 8. Attend regular meetings with case manager or counselor. 9. Maintain full time employment, school or vocational training. 10. Attend at least two (2) 12-Step meetings (AA/NA/CA) per week with proof of attendance. 11. Focus on employment and/or education goals. 12. Make all scheduled drug court payments as instructed by the Judge or other drug court staff. 13. Community service hours as directed by the Judge or drug court staff. 14. Other case management services as determined by the drug court treatment team. 15. Follow all Drug Court Rules and Guidelines. 1. Fulfill goals of treatment plan. 2. Drug and alcohol free lifestyle. 3. Develop and obtain an aftercare plan. 4. Monthly Court Appearances or as instructed by the court or drug court staff. 5. Daily “color” line calls. 6. Random drug screens. 7. Minimum of one (1) hour of Group counseling bi-weekly or as directed by the drug court treatment team. 8. Individual Counseling sessions as instructed by the counselor. 9. Attend regular meetings with case manager or counselor. 10. Maintain consistent full time employment or school, vocational training with proof provided monthly. 11. Attend at least two (2) 12-Step meetings (AA/NA/CA) per week with proof of attendance. 12. Community service hours as directed by the Judge or drug court staff. 13. Be up to date with all drug court payments. 14. Follow all Drug Court Rules and Guidelines. Sanctions / Incentives Incentives may include but are not limited to: Court recognition and Recommendations for earlier movement in a phase. Program Cost Outpatient Prevention Treatment. There is also a $35.00 application fee. The fees are to be in the form of money orders made payable to Marion County BOCC. The Program utilizes incentives to reward progress and sanctions to address violations. Sanctions may include but are not limited to: Additional or increased services and/or Program requirements to incarceration. The Program’s cost is $50.00 weekly payable over the Program’s length. This includes the Participation Cost, Drug Screens, Case Management, and
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