Bloque No.1 7 de Febrero del 2014 FÍSICA Titulo Handbook of inorganic electrochromic materials Autor Granqvist, Claes G. Clasificación TA1750 G73 Making things work : solving complex problems in a Bar-Yam, Yaneer. complex world BF449 B37 Introduction to nanoscience and nanotechnology Binns, Chris. QC176.8 N35B56 Emmy Noether's wonderful theorem Neuenschwander, Dwight E. QC174.17 S9N48 Introduction to cosmology Ryden, Barbara Sue. QB981 R93 An introduction to error analysis : the study of uncertainties in physical measurements Taylor, John R. QC39 T4 1997 Introduction to percolation theory Stauffer, Dietrich. QC174.85 P45S73 Introduction to spintronics Bandyopadhyay, S. TK7874.887 B36 The infinity puzzle : quantum field theory and the hunt for an orderly universe Close, F. E. QC174.45 C56 2011 Atmospheric turbulence : a molecular dynamics perspective Tuck, Adrian F. QC880.4 T8T93 Density functional theory : a practical introduction Sholl, David S. QC20.7 D43S55 A chemist's guide to density functional theory Koch, Wolfram. QD462.6 D45K63 Computational nanoscience : applications for molecules, clusters, and solids Varga, Kálmán. QC176.8 N35V37 Introduction to nanoscience Hornyak, Gabor L. (Gabor Louis). QC176.8 N35I685 Handbook of instrumentation and techniques for semiconductor nanostructure characterization Haight, Richard. TA418.9 N35H347 2012 V.1 Handbook of instrumentation and techniques for semiconductor nanostructure characterization Haight, Richard. TA418.9 N35H347 2012 V.2 Lectures on quantum mechanics Weinberg, Steve. QC174.125 W45 Physical mathematics Cahill, Kevin. QC20 C24 2012 The conceptual framework of quantum field theory Duncan, Anthony. QC174.45 D86 2012 Relativistic cosmology Ellis, George F. R. (George Francis Rayner). QB981 E4654 2012 Atoms, radiation, and radiation protection Turner, J. E. (James Edward). QC795 T87 2007 Spatio-temporal pattern formation : with examples from physics, chemistry, and materials science Walgraef, D. (Daniel). Q172.5 C45W35 1996 Bloque No.1 7 de Febrero del 2014 FÍSICA Titulo Autor Clasificación Spatio-temporal pattern formation : with examples from physics, chemistry, and materials science Walgraef, D. (Daniel). Q172.5 C45W35 1996 ej.2 Pattern formation in liquid crystals Buka, Agnes. QD923 P37 1995 Pattern formation in liquid crystals Buka, Agnes. QD923 P37 1995 ej.2 An introduction to chaos in nonequilibrium statistical Dorfman, J. Robert. (Jay Robert). QC174.8 D67 1999 mechanics Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics Mazenko, G. (Gene). QC174.86 N65M39 2006 Dynamics of the liquid state Balucani, U. (Umberto). QC151 B25 1994 Rigidity theory and applications Thorpe, M. F. TA407 R54 1999 Nonlinear physics of complex systems : current status Parisi, Jürgen. and future trends QC1 L43 V.476 Response and stability : an introduction to the physical theory Pippard, A. B. QC20.7 S68P56 1985 Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics : ensemble method Eu, B. C. (Byung Chan). QC174.8 E93 1998 Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics : ensemble method Eu, B. C. (Byung Chan). QC174.8 E93 1998 ej.2 Introduction to nonequilibrium statistical mechanics McLennan, James A. QC318.17 M35 1989 Noise sustained patterns : fluctuations and nonlinearities Loecher, Markus. QC20.7 S8L64 Wave turbulence under parametric excitation : applications to magnets L’vov, V. S. (Viktor Sergeevich). QC762.6 S65L8 1994 Wave turbulence under parametric excitation : applications to magnets L’vov, V. S. (Viktor Sergeevich). QC762.6 S65L8 1994 ej.2 Interfacial wave theory of pattern formation : Xu, Jian. selection of dendritic growth and viscous fingering in Hele-Shaw flow QC173.458 C78X82 1998 Spin glasses and random fields Young, A. P. (A. Peter). QC176.8 S6865 1997 Slow relaxations and nonequilibrium dynamics in condensed matter Barrat, Jean-Louis. Q1 G7L47 V.77 The physics of amorphous solids Zallen, Richard. QC176.8 A44Z3 1983 Bloque No.1 7 de Febrero del 2014 FÍSICA Titulo Autor Clasificación Colloidal particles at liquid interfaces Binks, Bernard P. QD506 S65C65 2006 Complex dynamics of glass-forming liquids : a mode-coupling theory Götze, Wolfgang. QC145.4 V5G67 2009 Statistical physics of liquids at freezing and beyond Das, Shankar P. (Shankar Prasad). QC145.4 T5D37 Projection operator techniques in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics Grabert, Hermann. QC1 M63 V.95 Projection operator techniques in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics Grabert, Hermann. QC1 M63 V.95 ej.2 2011 MATEMÁTICAS Titulo Autor Clasificación Computational methods for option pricing Achdou, Yves. HG6024 A3A26 2005 Integral equation methods for electromagnetics Volakis, John Leonidas. TK7867.2 V653 2011 Fundamental practice of applied PDE & beyond Kim, Boguk. QA374 K56 2013 Games and dynamic games Haurie, A. (Alain) QA272.4 H38 2012 A survey of dynamic games in economics Long, Ngo Van. HB144 L65 2010 Selected topics on continuous-time controlled Markov chains and Markov games Prieto Rumeau, Tomás. QA274.7 P75 2012 Ergodic control of diffusion processes Arapostathis, Ari. QA5 E53 V.143 Spectral theory and its applications Helffer, Bernard. QC20.7 S64H45 2013 Numerical solution of elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations Trangenstein, J. A. (John Arthur). QA274 T655 Numerical solution of elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations (CD-ROM ) Trangenstein, J. A. (John Arthur). QA274 T655 Nanostructured and subwavelength waveguides : fundamentals and applications Skorobogatiy, Maksim. 2012 2012 (CD-ROM) TK8305 S55 2012 Linear and nonlinear inverse problems with practical Mueller, Jennifer (Jennifer L.) applications QA378.5 M84 2012 Approximation theory and approximation practice QA221 T73 2012 Trefethen, Lloyd N. (Lloyd Nicholas) Bloque No.1 7 de Febrero del 2014 Titulo MATEMÁTICAS EDUCATIVA Autor Clasificación Publication manual of the American Psychological American Psychological Association Association. (APA) BF76.7 P83 2010 Publication manual of the American Psychological American Psychological Association Association. (APA) BF76.7 P83 2010 ej.2 Publication manual of the American Psychological American Psychological Association Association. (APA) BF76.7 P83 2010 ej.3 Real-world problems for secondary school mathematics students : case studies Maasz, Jürgen. QA63 R43 2011 Letters to a young mathematician Stewart, Ian. QA99 S74 2006 Interdisciplinarity, creativity, and learning : mathematics with literature, paradoxes, history, technology, and modeling Sriraman, Bharath. QA11.2 I66 2009 Mathematics classrooms : students' activities and teachers' practices Vandebrouck, Fabrice. QA13 M39 Language and mathematics education : multiple perspectives and directions for research Moschkovich, Judit N. QA135.6 L37 2010 Creativity in mathematics and the education of gifted students Leikin, Roza QA11.2 C74 2009 ej2 Russian mathematics education : programs and practices Karp, Alexander (Alexander P.) QA14 R9R872 2011 Russian mathematics education : history and world Karp, Alexander (Alexander P.) significance QA14 R9R87 2010 Phenomenological research methods BF204.5 M68 1994 Moustakas, Clark E. Bloque No.2 14 de Febrero del 2014 FÍSICA Titulo Autor Clasificación How nature works : the science of self-organized criticality Bak, P. (Per). QC173.4 C74B34 1996 ej.2 Statistical analysis techniques in particle physics : fits, density estimation and supervised learning Narsky, Ilya. QC793.47 S83N37 2014 Morphology of condensed matter : physics and geometry of spatially complex systems Mecke, Klaus R. QC1 L43 V.600 Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases Pethick, Christopher. QC175.47 B65P48 2008 Introduction to relativistic quantum chemistry Dyall, Kenneth G. QD462 D93 2006 Introduction to nanoscience Lindsay, S. M. (Stuart Martin). QC176.8 N35L56 2010 Introduction to nanoscience (CD-ROM) Lindsay, S. M. (Stuart Martin). QC176.8 N35L56 2010 Theory of structural transformations in solids Khachaturian, A. G. (Armen Gurgenovich). TN690 K453 2008 Einstein gravity in a nutshell Zee, Anthony. QC173.6 Z44 2013 Renormalization methods : a guide for beginners McComb, W. D. QC174.17 R46M33 2007 Aspects of streak image tube photography Schelev, Mikhail Ya. (Advances in imaging and electron physics; V.180) TR593 A76 2013 Molecular beam epitaxy : from research to mass production Henini, Mohamed. QC611.6 M64M645 2012 Quantum mechanics : with applications to nanotechnology and information science Band, Yehuda Benzion. QC174.12 B355 2013 Statistical methods in experimental physics 2nd ed. James, F. (Frederick). QC39 S74 2006 Solid state physics 2nd ed. Grosso, Giuseppe. QC176 G76 2014 Introduction to practice of molecular simulation : molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo, Brownian dynamics, Lattice Boltzmann, dissipative particle dynamics Sato, Akira. QP517 M65S286 2011 Metastable liquids : concepts and principles Debenedetti, Pablo G. QC145.48 S9D43 1996 Biochemical oscillations and cellular rhythms : the Goldbeter, A. molecular bases of periodic and chaotic behaviour QP84.6 G6513 1996 Bloque No.2 14 de Febrero del 2014 FÍSICA Titulo Autor Glassy materials and disordered solids : an introduction to their statistical mechanics Binder, K. (Kurt). Nonequilibrium thermodynamics : transport and Demirel, Yasar. rate processes in physical, chemical and biological systems Clasificación QC176.8 A44B56 2011 QC318.I7 D46 2007 MATEMÁTICAS Titulo Autor Clasificación The universe in zero words : the story of mathematics as told through equations Mackenzie, Dana. QA211 M16 2012 Stochastic-process limits : an introduction to stochastic-process limits and their application to queues Whitt, Ward. QA274.8 W45 2001 Game theory evolving : a problem-centered introduction to modeling strategic interaction 2nd ed. Gintis, Herbert. HB144 G56 2008 Random walks and random environments Hughes, B. D. (Barry D.). QA274.73 H84 1995 V.1 Random walks and random environments Hughes, B. D. (Barry D.). QA274.73 H84 1995 V.2 Titulo MATEMÁTICA EDUCATIVA Autor Clasificación The child's conception of movement and speed Piaget, Jean. BF723 M6P53 2006 The prefrontal cortex. 4th ed. Fuster, Joaquín M. QP382 F7F85 2008 Bloque No.3 25 de Febrero del 2014 FÍSICA Titulo Autor Clasificación Handbook of monochromatic XPS spectra Crist, B. Vincent. QC482 S6C75 2000 V.1 Chemoinformatics : a textbook Gasteiger, J. (Johann). QD39.3 E46C45 2003 Diffusion in condensed matter : methods, materials, models Heitjans, Paul. QD543 D49175 2005 Science and technology of chemiresistor gas sensors Aswal, Dinesh K. TP754 A79 2006 Matemática Educativa Titulo Autor Clasificación Learning and teaching number theory : research in Campbell, Stephen R. cognition and instruction QA241 L43 2002 El error de Descartes : la emoción, la razón y el cerebro humano QP401 D218 2010 Damasio, Antonio R. Bloque 4 4 de Marzo del 2014 Matemática Educativa Titulo Autor Clasificación A mathematician's lament Lockhart, Paul. QA13 L63 2009 La socialisation : construction des identités sociales et professionnelles Dubar, Claude. HQ783 D83 2000 Finding Flow : the psicology of engagement with everyday life Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. BF575 H27C848 1997 Matemática Titulo Population games and evolutionary dynamics Autor Sandholm, William H. Clasificación HB144 S27 2010 Bloque No.5 14 de Marzo del 2014 Matemáticas Titulo Autor Clasificación Evolutionary game theory Weibull, Jörgen W. QA269 W45 1995 Topics in random matrix theory Tao, Terence. QA196.5 T36 2012 Continuous time Markov processes : an introduction Liggett, Thomas M. (Thomas Milton). QA274.7 L54 2010 Matemática Educativa Titulo Autor Clasificación History in mathematics education : An ICMI study Fauvel, John and Maanen, J. A. van. (Jan A.). QA11 H57 2000 Algèbre : théorie des groupes : cours & excercices Cortella, Anne. corrigés QA174.2 C67
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