International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies Advance Access published June 23, 2014 An integrated approach for sustainable design and assessment of residential building envelope: part II .............................................................................................................................................................. Joseph Iwaro*, Abrahams Mwasha, Rupert G. Williams and William Wilson Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of West Indies, St. Augustine Trinidad and Tobago ............................................................................................................................................. Abstract Keywords: energy; building; envelope; sustainable; performance; assessment *Corresponding author. [email protected] Received 14 April 2013; revised 1 April 2014; accepted 4 April 2014 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1 INTRODUCTION Building development has been recognized as a major cause of environmental degradation and consumer of natural resources [1]. Building development consumes materials throughout its life cycle, thereby undermining the sustainability of natural resources [1, 2]. Apart from being a major consumer of resource, buildings create interior conditions that bring comfort to the occupants and their activities by protecting the interior environment against adverse environmental impacts and climatic conditions [1, 3, 4]. Besides, building envelope is the main component in a building responsible for protecting the indoor environment from external environmental impacts. Building envelope is the interface between the external environment and indoor environment. The building envelope protects the indoor environment, provides comfort conditions against adverse environmental effects and subsequently regulates energy consumption, carbon emission, resource consumption and environmental degradation [1]. Therefore, it is necessary for the building envelope to be made sustainable by considering a specific integrated approach for the sustainable performance assessment. This will help in achieving building sustainability. The assessment of building sustainability using existing building performance assessment methods is still a challenge and yet to be fully addressed [5, 6]. This is due to their single-dimensional nature and the need to integrate important sustainable development values. Sustainable development values are the important performance indicators needed for sustainable performance assessment of building envelope such as energy efficiency, material efficiency, environmental impact, external benefit, regulation efficiency and economic efficiency. However, making building envelope sustainable in order to achieve building sustainability require using appropriate assessment method with special attention on energy consumption. Energy efficiency is considered as a major indicator of building sustainability [1] while Assessment method is central to sustainable performance assessment, sustainable design and building sustainability [6–8]. For this purpose, an integrated approach was developed and discussed in the Part I of this paper as the Integrated Performance Model (IPM). As such, the focus of this paper is to apply IPM to selected building envelope case studies. This application will help to validate the capability of this model in aiding sustainable performance assessment and sustainable design of residential building envelope that can achieve building sustainability and ensure sustainable performance. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2014, 0, 1– 20 # The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact [email protected] doi:10.1093/ijlct/ctu021 1 of 20 Downloaded from by guest on February 5, 2015 The impact of environment on building and the impact of building on the environment have necessitated that building envelopes be made sustainable. Besides, the issue of sustainability assessment in building envelopes requires considering many factors including life cycle consideration through an integrated approach. As such, an integrated performance model that combines sustainable development values in a single performance framework was developed. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to apply this model to selected building envelope case studies. The model application indicates that sustainable performance of building envelope in an extreme weather and climatic condition is significantly influenced by the energy efficiency performance of the development. J. Iwaro et al. 2 INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE MODEL ASSESSMENT INDEX The methods and procedures in IPM have been discussed and present in Paper l. The IPM is developed based on an integrated framework that involves four conventional evaluating techniques, such as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA), Life Cycle Energy Analysis (LCEA) and MultiCriteria Analysis (MCA) technique. The major component of IPM integrated framework responsible for modelling life cycle performance (LCP) values is Life Cycle Performance (LCPi) modelling framework as shown in Figure 1. The performance criteria involved in IPM development include energy efficiency, material efficiency, environmental impact, external benefit (social impact), regulation efficiency and 2.1 Development of IPM index Figure 1. Components of Life Cycle Performance (LCP) framework. Figure 2. Integrated criteria weighting framework. 2 of 20 International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2014, 0, 1 –20 The sub-indexes involved in LCPi framework were derived as follows: in the case of building envelope life cycle cost modelling, cost variables and cost categories relevant to sustainable performance assessment were considered, such as pre-construction cost category (Po) with site costs (Sc), temporary works (TWc), regulatory and planning cost (RPc), engineering costs (Ec), construction earthwork cost (Ce) and design cost (Dc) serving as its cost variables; ‘Co’ denotes construction cost category with construction cost (Cc) and commissioning costs (Cm) as cost variables, ‘Mc’ represents maintenance cost category with annual regulatory costs (Ar), replacement cost (RL), repair cost (Rp), Downloaded from by guest on February 5, 2015 economic efficiency [9]. As such, the LCPi framework incorporated into the IPM comprised: Life Cycle Building Envelope Cost Analysis (LCBeCA), Life Cycle Building Envelope Energy Analysis (LCBeEA), Life Cycle Building Envelope Environmental Impact Analysis (LCBeEIA), Life Cycle Building Envelope Material Impact Analysis (LCBeMIA), Life Cycle Building Envelope Regulation Impact Analysis (LCBeRIA) and Life Cycle Building Envelope External Benefit Analysis (LCBeEBA) as shown in Figure 1. Moreover, the major component of IPM integrated framework responsible for assigning weight to the criteria is the integrated criteria weight framework as shown in Figure 2. The framework was developed based on the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method [10] and entropy method [11] to model integrated weight for decision-making criteria in IPM. The integrated weighting framework is designed to make use of Modified Analytical Hierarchy Process (MAHP), hierarchy structure discussed in Paper 1, MAHP subjective data and life cycle performance data to model the integrated weight for decision-making criteria. Sustainable design and assessment of residential building envelope refurbishment cost (Rf ) as cost variables; ‘Oc’ stands for operating costs with insurance costs (Ic), energy costs (En), cleaning cost (Cn), security cost (Se) and management cost (Mn) as cost variables, while ‘Sv’ represents salvage costs with demolition cost (Dm) and disposal cost (Dp) as cost variables. These cost variables were subsequently combined to form equation (1) which serves as LCBeCA sub-index for economic efficiency performance modelling. Xn ½Sc þ TW c þ RPc þ Ec þ Dc þ Ce LCBeCAi ¼ i¼1 þ ½Cc þ Cm þ ½Ar þ RL þ Rp þ Rf ð1Þ þ ½Ic þ En þ Cn þ Se þ Mn ½Dm þ Dp: Moreover, the introduction of annual and non-annual recurring factors into equation (2) led to the separation of annual recurring cost variables from non-annual recurring cost variables in the following equations: LCBeCAi ¼ XmT i¼1 ½Po] þ [Co] þ [McA ] þ [OcA ] ð3Þ þ [McN ] þ [OcN ] [Sc; LCBeCAi ¼ XmT þ ½Po þ ½Co þ i¼1 Xm i Xm i ½McA þ OcA ½McN þ OcN ½Sc: ð4Þ where T is the period of analysis; i the cost items; Po the preconstruction cost category; Co the construction cost category; m the total number of cost items; McA the annual recurring maintenance and repair costs; OcA the annual recurring operating cost; MCN the non-annual recurring maintenance and repair cost; OCN the non-annual recurring operating costs. Also, since, these two factors are important to the successful implementation of LCBeCA model for sustainable performance assessment, the maintenance and operating costs were further classified into annual costs that are continuous throughout the analysis period such as energy, security, cleaning and some maintenance works and discontinuous costs that occur occasionally, such as repair works, repainting and replacement of damaged components in building envelope. In addition, LCBeCA is calculated as a present value of the accumulated annual costs and non-annual costs over a period of analysis (T) such 60 years and agreed discount rate (d) based on the interest and inflation rate. As such, the cost LCBeCAi ¼ X 9 > ½Sc þ TW c þ RPc þ Ec þ Dc þ Ce > > > > X X > > þ ½Cc þ Cm þ ½ArA þ RLA þ R pA > > > > > > > þ R f A þ IcA þ EnA þ CnA þ SeA þ MnA > > > = X T 1 : ½ArN þ RLN ½d ½1 ð1 þ dÞ þ > > > > þ RpN þ Rf N þ IcN þ EnN þ CnN þ SeN > > > > > > > nf f > þ MnN ½1 ð1 þ dÞ /(1 þ d) 1 > > > > X > T ; ½Dm þ Dpð1 þ dÞ ð5Þ Subsequently, equation (5) was further reduced to equation (6) as LCBeCA sub-index to be used for modelling the economic efficiency performance of building envelope. XmT LCBeCAi ¼ Po þ Co þ PVAF ARi i¼1 XmT XmT þ NRi PVFS S, i¼1 i¼1 ð6Þ where ARi is the annual recurring cost of items; NRi the nonannual recurring cost of items; i the cost items, i ¼ 1, 2, 3, . . . , m; Co the construction cost; Po the preconstruction cost; S the residual cost or salvage cost at the end of analysis period. In addition: PVAF is the present value factor for annual recurring costs ¼ [(1 þ d)T – 1/d(1 þ d)T] ¼ d 21[1 2 (1 þ d)2T]; PVNF is the present value factor for non-annual recurring costs ¼ [1 2 (1 þ d)2nf/(1 þ d)f 2 1]; PVFS is the present value factor for salvage value ¼ [(1 þ d)2T]; where T is the length of analysis period; n the number of recurrences of non-annual recurring costs; f the frequencies of non-annual recurring costs. Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) sub-index was developed to model the life cycle environmental impact performance, life cycle material efficiency, life cycle external benefits and life cycle regulation efficiency of building envelope alternatives for sustainable performance assessment. This requires using LCIA sub-index to quantify the life cycle performance values associated with the main criteria in the IPM. An important step in the LCA framework implementation is life cycle inventory analysis. It involves identifying all the materials used for building envelope development. This is followed by LCIA of those material identified. As such, in the IPM, life cycle inventory analysis of building envelope alternatives will be undertaken in order to perform their LCIA. This will require assessing the impact of envelope material at production phase, construction phase, operational phase, maintenance phase; demolition phase and disposal phase based on the main criteria incorporated into this model. However, since the impact performances of these criteria are difficult to quantify through objective technique, subjective International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2014, 0, 1– 20 3 of 20 Downloaded from by guest on February 5, 2015 However, in order to satisfy the ISO standard, the LCBeCA index incorporates all relevant cost variables associated with building envelope economic performance, excluding water and sewage costs, environmental costs, eco costs externality costs. Nevertheless, these excluded costs are more relevant to the entire building and yet to be considered for envelope LCC modelling. As such, further categorization of equation (1) resulted into the following equation: Xn ½Po þ ½Co þ ½Mc þ ½Oc ½Sc: ð2Þ LCBeCAi ¼ i¼1 variables in equation (4) were discounted for purpose of incorporating time value effect into LCBeCA model as shown in the following equation: J. Iwaro et al. technique through expert opinion was used. Moreover, in conducting this impact assessment, the impact performance value at production phase is denoted as P, at construction phase as C, at operational phase as O, at maintenance phase as M, demolition phase as De and disposal phase as Di. Besides, the life cycle material efficiency is denoted as ME, life cycle environmental impact as EI, life cycle external benefit as EB and life cycle regulation efficiency as RE. These variables are incorporated into the Integrated Performance index (IPI) through LCIA sub-index. The LCIA sub-indexes for these criteria were derived as follow: LCBeEIA ¼ I X PEI þ CEI þ OEI þ MEI þ DeEI þ DiEI ; I X V ji ði; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; IÞ; LCBeEAi ¼ EEi þ EEr þ EED þ EEO þ EPS . ð15Þ P Such as: EEi ¼ mi Qi where Qi is the quantity of building envelope material and mi the coefficient of embodied energy. X LEV ; EEr ¼ mi Q i LQi ð7Þ where EEr is the recurrent embodied energy, LEV the lifespan of building envelope and LQi the lifespan of building envelope material. ð8Þ EED ¼ ED þ ET ; j¼1 LCBeEIA ¼ performance of building envelope EPS ¼ EPij j¼1 LCBeMIA ¼ I X PME þ CME þ OME þ MME þ DeME þ DiME ; ð9Þ j¼1 LCBeMIA ¼ I X M ji ði; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; IÞ; ð10Þ j¼1 where Mji represents the life cycle material efficiency performance score of the envelope alternative ‘i’, subject to the sub-criteria ‘j’ performance scores LCBeRIA ¼ I X PRE þ CRE þ ORE þ MRE þ DeRE þ DiRE ; ð11Þ j¼1 LCBeRIA ¼ I X R ji ði; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; IÞ; ð12Þ where Rji represents the life cycle regulation efficiency performance score of the envelope alternative ‘i’, subject to the subcriteria ‘j’ performance scores. I X PEB þ CEB þ OEB þ MEB þ DeEB þ DiEB ; ð13Þ j¼1 LCBeEBA ¼ I X B ji ði; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; IÞ; ð14Þ j¼1 where Bji represents the life cycle external benefit performance score of the envelope alternative ‘i’, subject to the sub-criteria ‘j’ performance scores Also, the Life Cycle Building Envelope Energy Analysis (LCBeEA) sub-index for building envelope is derived by combining Initial Embodied Energy (EEi), Recurrent Embodied Energy (EEr), Demolition Energy (EED), Life Cycle Envelope Operational Energy (EEO) and subjective energy efficiency 4 of 20 where AEO is the annual operational energy and LEV is the lifespan of building envelope. EPij is the subjective energy efficiency performance associated with building envelope design, energy conservation strategies, equipment and appliance, wall insulation, renewable resources depletion, non-renewable resources depletion, door and window frame, door and window glazing, labelling and certification. The overall LCPi sub-index is derived by combining the subindexes 6– 15 in the following equation: LCPi ¼ n X P ji ; ð16Þ j¼1 j¼1 LCBeEBA ¼ EEO ¼ AEO LEV ; International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2014, 0, 1 –20 where Pji ¼ ffLCBeEA, LCBeEIA, LCBeMIA, LCBeRIA, LCBeEBA, LCBeCAg ( j ¼ 1, 2, 3, . . ., n) (i ¼ 1, 2, 3, . . ., n). On the other hand, based on the principle of additive utility theory [12] and multi-criteria approach [13] which emphasized the importance of weight in sustainability assessment, this study therefore developed an Integrated Weighting index to compute integrated weight for all criteria involved in IPM. This requires developing subjective weighting index for subjective weight and objective weighting index for objective weight. The sub-indexes involved in integrated weighting framework are presented in Sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 as follows. 2.1.1 Modified Analytical Hierarchy Process index The MAHP index was developed to compute subjective weights for all the decision-making criteria in IPM. The derivation of MAHP index involves normalizing the pair-wising judgement values on decision-making criteria from Table 1. This can be done by dividing all elements in each column by the total element sum to generate normalized elements for that matrix. Then, the local priority weight, W is computed for criteria in Downloaded from by guest on February 5, 2015 where Vji represents the life cycle environmental impact performance score of the envelope alternative ‘i’, subject to the subcriteria ‘j’ performance scores. where ED is the energy incurred during building envelope destruction and ET is the energy used for transporting envelope waste materials. Sustainable design and assessment of residential building envelope Table 1. Priority vector weight matrix. Table 2. Random index table. Main criteria M1 M2 M3 Mn Row sum (Q) Local priority weight (W) M1 M2 M3 Mn P11 P21 P31 Pn1 P12 P22 P32 Pn2 P13 P23 P33 Pn3 P1n P2n P3n Pnn Q1 Q2 Q3 Qn W1 W2 W3 Wn 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0.53 0.87 1.09 1.23 1.32 1.21 1.25 1.28 1.11 1.32 1.15 1.35 1.17 Table 3. Eigenvalue maximum (lmax) matrix. Eigen vector, Wev Eigenvalue l Priority Vector Weight Matrix in Table 1 by summing the normalized elements (Pij ) in each row and divides this sum (Q) by the number of elements (n) in the row. The mathematical index involved in the computation of local priority weights in Table 1 was derived through the following steps: n X i, j ¼ 1,3, . . . ; n aij ð17Þ a12 a13 a1n Wev1 Wev1/W1 W1 1/a12 W2 1 W3 a23 Wn a2n Wev2 1/a13 1/a23 1 a3n Wev3 1/a1n 1/an2 1/an3 1 Wevn Wev2/W2 Wev3/W3 Wevn/Wn derived based on local priority weight index in equation (21) as shown in the following equation: " # " # n n aij aij 1X 1X P P WG ¼ : ð22Þ n j¼1 ni aij n j¼1 ni aij mc sc i (2) Dividing all elements in each column by the total element sum in each column to generate normalized elements, Pij using the following equation: a Pnij ¼ Pij i aij ð18Þ (3) Summation of normalized elements in each row to generate Sum Qij using the following equation: n X pij ¼ Qij : ð19Þ i (4) Then, divide sum (Q) by the number of elements (n) in the row to generate local priority weight, W using the following equation: Qij ¼ W: n ð20Þ Therefore, the combination of the above Steps 17 –20 produced local priority weight index shown in the following equation for computing criteria local priority weight (W): W¼ n a 1X Pnij ; n j¼1 i aij i; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n: ð21Þ (5) The derivation of mathematical index for computing global priority weight (WG) requires the product of main criteria local priority weights (Wmc) and sub-criteria local priority weights (Wsc). Hence, global priority weight (WG) was The mechanism to determine the level of consistency in decision-making process involves calculating the consistency ratio index (CRI) based on the ratio of consistency index (CI) and random index (RI). As such, the CI is computed using the Eigenvalue maximum (lmax) and the matrix size (n). The Eigenvalue maximum (lmax) is computed using original judgement values from pair-wise matrix and the local priority weights computed for decision-making criteria as shown in Table 1. Also, the RI is determined from the RI table developed for this study as shown in Table 2. The table was developed by averaging different RI values obtained from past studies [10, 14 – 16]. Moreover, Table 3 shows the computational process involve in computing the Eigenvalue maximum (lmax). The process involves transposing the original pair-wise matrix and the column containing local priority weights in Table 1 as shown in Table 3. Then, Eigenvalue maximum (lmax) is derived by dividing each element of Eigenvector (Wev) in Table 3 matrix by their corresponding priority vector weight, W from Table 1. The average of the resulting Eigenvalues (l ) is computed as Eigenvalue maximum (lmax). This value and the matrix size (n) are then used to compute CRI for pair-wise matrix as following: CI ¼ lmax n ; n1 CRI ¼ CI ; RI ð23Þ ð24Þ where the value of RI is derived from RI in Table 2. The judgements from decision makers are considered to be consistent if the computed CRI is ,0.1. However, if the value exceeds 0.1, the judgements may be considered inconsistent and not reliable for decision-making process involving the selection of sustainable envelope. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2014, 0, 1– 20 5 of 20 Downloaded from by guest on February 5, 2015 (1) Summation of element in each column using the following equation: 1 J. Iwaro et al. 2.1.2 Criteria Relative Important Through Objective Rating Technique The method determines the objective weights of criteria through Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MADM) matrix. The matrix comprises four main parts, namely: alternatives, criteria, weight or relative importance criteria and measures of alternatives’ performance values with respect to the criteria. In the derivation of the weighting index, the following representations were used: alternatives, Ai for i ¼ 1, 2, . . .., m), criteria, Bi for j ¼ 1, 2, . . ., n), weights of criteria, Wo for i ¼ 1, 2, . . ., m: j ¼ 1, 2, . . .., n). Given the MADM matrix information, a weighting index was developed for criteria relative important through objective rating technique (CRITORT) to compute objective weight for each criterion. This involves normalizing all the performance elements in the matrix table to the same unit using the following equation along with other steps stated below. aij Pij ¼ Pn i ¼ 1; 2; . . . :; m; j¼1 aij ð25Þ j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n: (2) Obtain the statistical variance, Rij of the normalized data unit using the following equation: X 1 m ½ pij ð pij Þmean 2 : ð26Þ Rij ¼ m i¼1 (3) Obtain the entropy of the statistical variance, Ej of normalized data using the following equation: Ej ¼ ½Rij InðRij Þ In(n) ð27Þ (4) Compute the objective weights, Wo using the following equation: 1 Ej Wo ¼ P n : j¼1 1 Ej ð28Þ 2.2 Integrated weighting index Integrated Weighting Index is derived by combining the MAHP index from equation (22) and CRITORT index in equation (28) to compute integrated weights for criteria involved in IPM. Hence, the subjective and objective weights WG and Wo are combined into the Integrated Aggregating index to generate integrated weight, WT using the following equation: WG WO j¼1 WG WO WT ¼ P n ð j ¼ 1; . . . ; nÞ: ð29Þ Overall, the IPI is developed based on the principles of sustainable development and MCA. Also, since the index is based on 6 of 20 International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2014, 0, 1 –20 IPIi ¼ n X P ji WTj ð30Þ j¼1 where Pji ¼ ffLCBeEA, LCBeEIA, LCBeMIA, LCBeRIA, LCBeEBA, LCBeCAg ( j ¼ 1, 2, 3, . . ., n) (i ¼ 1, 2, 3, . . ., m). IPIi denotes the IPI for envelope design alternatives as denoted by i. Also, WTj stands for the integrated weight for each criterion j, while Pij represents the Life cycle performance values computed for envelope design alternatives, i based on the criteria performance values j. This means that the higher the value of Pji and WTj the better is the sustainable performance of that alternative. Also, the higher the overall sustainable performance value, the more sustainable is the alternative. 3 MODEL APPLICATION TO CASE STUDIES OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDING ENVELOPES 3.1 Overview of the proposed single family unit building envelopes The model application was carried out by applying it to case studies of building envelope designs developed for a residential building project. The case studies show the practical application of IPM to sustainable envelope design selection problem. The proposed sustainable envelope design was the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) single-family units’ project to be located at Union Hall, San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago. The Ministry of Housing and Environment (MOHE), Trinidad and Tobago, has initiated a project on designing sustainable envelope. The design for single-family residential units specifies that the envelope should be sustainable, able to withstand extreme weather and climate conditions and ensure energy efficiency. Furthermore, major consideration should be given to cost efficiency. As such, three different building envelope design alternatives were proposed for MOHE from which one is selected for this single-family unit’s project. Therefore, in order to address the challenge of sustainability, the IPM was used to appraise the sustainable performance of the three proposed designs. This facilitates the selection of the best sustainable envelope design alternative that satisfies the clients’ needs. Figures 3–5 show the floor plans of the three proposed building envelope sustainable designs. Also included in Table 4 are major elements of the building envelope and Downloaded from by guest on February 5, 2015 (1) Normalize the raw performance data additive utility theory, the theory emphasizes the need to assess the sustainable performance of an element using the criteria weights and performance [12]. This involves assessing the sustainable performance of the building envelope alternatives based on the criteria life cycle impact performance scores and integrated weights. As such, the sustainable performances of the building envelope design alternatives are assessed based on their overall sustainable performance values. The sustainable performance values for building envelope design alternatives (i) are computed using IPI through the following equation: Sustainable design and assessment of residential building envelope Downloaded from by guest on February 5, 2015 Figure 3. Building envelope design alternative – A (scale 1 : 100). Figure 4. Building envelope design alternative – B (scale 1 : 100). International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2014, 0, 1– 20 7 of 20 J. Iwaro et al. Table 4. Summaries of material and envelope elements used for the proposed sustainable envelope designs alternatives. Envelope elements Roof structure Roof finishes External wall External wall finishes (wall insulation) Windows External doors Floor Floor finishes Ceiling Envelope gross floor area (m2) Material used Alternative A Alterative B Alternative C 50 150 mm steel frame Red clay tiles 40 thick hollow core horizontal clay block 12 mm plastered (both sides) with ceramic wall tiles for bathrooms 50 150 mm steel frame Corrugated aluminium roofing sheet 40 thick hollow core vertical concrete block 12 mm plastered and painted both sides with ceramic wall tiles for bathrooms 50 150 mm steel frame 26-gauge AluZinc roofing sheet 60 thick hollow core vertical concrete block 12 mm plastered and painted both sides with ceramic wall tiles for bathrooms Sliding aluminium glazed window(400 400 ) and 400 Louvre windows with solar shading and side fins Aluminium panel filled with Styrofoam; Hardwood patterned door 3000 psi concrete structure—65BRC. 100 mm thick reinforced concrete slab overlay 100 thick ceramic tiles (1200 1200 ) 40 Louvre windows with glazing and aluminium casement glass window with solar shading and side fins Hardwood framed and glazed panelled doors; panel wooden door 3000 psi concrete structure—65BRC. 100 mm thick reinforced concrete slab overlay Terrazzo tiles (1200 1200 ) 100 thick ceramic tiles (1200 1200 ) Suspended wood tile ceiling Steel casement French-type glazed windows(4 4), steel casement-type glazed window (2 4) with solar shading and side fins Steel panel door with steel framework 78.1 81.5 Suspended acoustic ceiling boards; low sheen emulsion paint to ceiling 70.0 summaries of the material used for the sustainable envelope design alternatives. Moreover, in order to adequately assess the sustainable performance of these envelope alternatives through the IPM, integrated weights are computed for the criteria involved in this model. 8 of 20 International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2014, 0, 1 –20 3000 psi concrete structure—65BRC. 100 mm thick reinforced concrete slab overlay 12 mm thick Screed Suspended gypsum ceiling boards 3.2 Data quantification and modelling Based on the literature reviewed and the outcome from the sustainable performance criteria survey conducted by Iwaro et al. [9], six main criteria were identified for sustainable performance assessment. However, in order to identify those sub-criteria to Downloaded from by guest on February 5, 2015 Figure 5. Building envelope design alternative – C (scale 1 : 100). Sustainable design and assessment of residential building envelope Table 5. Distribution of survey participants. Profession Const Arch Cont Eng Env PM QS Others Total Sent Returned % of total 45 10 8.3 15 5 4.2 75 24 20.0 100 35 29.2 35 12 10 45 20 16.7 15 6 5.0 20 8 6.6 350 120 34 Arch, architect; PM, project manager; Cont, contractor; QS, quantity surveyor; Const, consultant; Eng, engineer; Env, environmentalist; Others, included land surveyors and developers. 3.2.1 Criteria weight modelling A MAHP pair-wise comparison questionnaire was developed to collect expert judgements and compute subjective weights for decision-making criteria incorporated into the model. This required the participation of building experts or professionals with great insight and experience. As such, a relative importance scale was developed to measure the intensity of the building experts’ judgement to enable pair-wise comparison of decisionmaking criteria and alternatives. The scale reflects the judgement intensity of respondents ranging from equal to extreme corresponding to the numerical judgments ranging from 1 to 9, with ‘1 representing equally important, 2 equally to slightly important, 3 slightly important, 4 slightly to essentially important, 5 essentially important, 6 essentially to strongly important, 7 strongly important, 8 strongly to extremely important and 9 extremely important. Hence, a total of 140 MAHP pair-wise questionnaires were sent to building professionals that participated 3.3 Life cycle performance modelling for building envelope design alternatives 3.3.1 Energy performance simulation and modelling Data on operational energy for the proposed sustainable designs were simulated using Graphi soft EcoDesigner Software. EcoDesigner is well-known software for energy evaluation [18]. As such, three types of single-family residential unit designs proposed for sustainable designs to be constructed at Union Hall, San Fernando, Trinidad, were modelled by EcoDesigner to stimulate the operational energy consumption associated with each of the envelope design. This helped to forecast the average household electricity consumption. The EcoDesigner simulations made used of online climate data for Trinidad and Tobago. The materials and building elements used in the simulation of these envelope designs were described in Table 4 while Figures 3–5 illustrated the floor plans for the three envelope design types of the proposed single-family unit’s sustainable envelope designs with an average floor area of 80 m2. Other data imputed into Graphisoft EcoDesigner Software are shown in Tables 8–10. Subsequently, the simulated energy consumption outcomes from the three proposed envelope designs were compared with the actual electricity consumption for validation purpose. The actual electricity consumption was obtained from a typical single-family residential unit constructed by a private residence with similar gross floor area of 76 m2. Though, St Augustine and Union Hall, San Fernando are different regions of Trinidad but with similar climatic conditions such as temperature, rainfall, humidity and pollution rate. Besides, the St Augustine location International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2014, 0, 1– 20 9 of 20 Downloaded from by guest on February 5, 2015 be assessed under each of the main criteria, a questionnaire was developed to get building experts involved. The sampling was done using purposeful sampling which means respondents were selected based on the research purpose. The questionnaire was divided into three main sections. The first section collected information pertaining to general details about the respondents such as their position in the organization, type of organization and client type etc. The second and third sections collected information on the rating of sub-criteria using a scale of 1– 5, from least important ‘1’ to most important ‘5’. The survey was conducted in two phases. Firstly, a pilot study was conducted to test the questionnaire. The pilot questionnaire was sent out to 45 building professionals from different organizations in Trinidad and Tobago and the construction industry. A total of 30 completed questionnaires were returned in the first phase of the survey, representing a 67% response rate. Following the pilot study, an extensive questionnaire was carried out. A total of 350 questionnaires were sent to construction and building professionals working in different organizations in Trinidad and Tobago construction sector. These participants were from both private and public organizations. A total of 120 completed questionnaires were returned representing a 34% response rate. This response rate is acceptable for research of this nature as a low response rate is inevitable [17]. The summary of the experts’ responses are presented in Table 5 while the identified main criteria and sub-criteria are presented in Table 6. earlier in this research. Consequently, a total of 84 completed pair-wise questionnaires were returned. The data collected were incorporated into MAHP index in Section 2 to model local priority weight, W, and global priority weight, WG for main and sub-criteria in Table 6. The subjective weights derived from the above modelling processes as depicted in Table 6 were later used for the integrated weight modelling in Table 7. Subsequently, the consistency of experts’ decisions was checked by modelling the CI and CRI for all the matrices. The CIs modelled for all the matrices used were found to be within the range of 0.033 – 0.098 while CRIs were found to be within the range of 0.023 – 0.066. These findings mean that the experts’ judgements on the pair-wise criteria were consistent and reliable. Moreover, the computation of integrated weights for decisionmaking criteria required that objective weights be computed for decision-making criteria using CRITORT index and procedures stated in Section 2. The modelling of objective weights for integrated weights computation through CRITORT required criteria life cycle performance data. As such, the life cycle performance data in Table 20 was used for objective weight modelling. Details of the life cycle performance data collection processes are presented in Section 3.3. Subsequently, both objective and subjective weights were used to model integrated weights for main criteria depicted in Table 7 using the integrated weighting index and procedures stated in Section 2. J. Iwaro et al. Table 6. Computed global priority weights for decision-making criteria. Local priority weight (Wmc) (main criteria) 1 Sustainable performance sub-criteria Local priority weight (Wsc) (sub-criteria) 2 Global priority weight (WG) 3 Environmental impact 0.197 Energy efficiency 0.328 Material efficiency 0.066 External benefit 0.051 Regulation efficiency 0.036 V1, renewable resources depletion V2, non-renewable resources depletion V3, deforestation V4, indoor air quality V5, air pollution V6, noise pollution V7, material emission V8, construction waste V9, energy consumption V10, carbon emission V11, acidification potential V12, eutrophication potential V13, global warming potential V14, ozone depletion potential V15, fossil fuel depletion V16, smog formation potential V17, resource usage E1, building envelope design E2, energy consumption E3, energy conservation E4, equipment and appliance E5, wall insulation E6, embodied energy E7, renewable resources depletion E8, non-renewable resources depletion E9, door and window frame E10, operational energy E11, window and door glazing E12, labelling and certification M1, low pollution effect M2, embodied energy M3, minimal emission M4, indoor air quality M5, high moisture resistance M6, material life span M7, low maintenance M8, durability M9, minimum heat gain M10, energy saving potential M11, renewable potential M12, recycling potential B1, social image B2, environmental ecological value B3, environmental economical value B4, local community economic B5, landscape beautification B6, environmental beautification B7, user productivity B8, indoor air quality B9, living environment B10, indoor environment R1, regulation compliance R2, moisture resistance R3, air tightness R4, energy consumption R5, heat loss R6, design flexibility R7, construction quality R8, carbon emission 0.112 0.072 0.059 0.077 0.149 0.065 0.193 0.069 0.112 0.091 0.172 0.121 0.082 0.201 0.162 0.140 0.113 0.110 0.183 0.150 0.114 0.040 0.021 0.063 0.076 0.035 0.142 0.032 0.033 0.042 0.013 0.050 0.128 0.042 0.120 0.047 0.118 0.052 0.173 0.107 0.108 0.128 0.036 0.113 0.089 0.047 0.036 0.069 0.140 0.177 0.165 0.324 0.035 0.093 0.221 0.097 0.091 0.048 0.092 0.022 0.014 0.012 0.015 0.029 0.013 0.038 0.014 0.022 0.018 0.034 0.024 0.016 0.041 0.032 0.028 0.022 0.036 0.060 0.049 0.037 0.013 0.007 0.021 0.025 0.011 0.047 0.010 0.011 0.003 0.001 0.003 0.008 0.003 0.008 0.003 0.008 0.003 0.011 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.002 0.006 0.005 0.002 0.002 0.004 0.007 0.009 0.008 0.012 0.001 0.003 0.008 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.003 Continued 10 of 20 International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2014, 0, 1– 20 Downloaded from by guest on February 5, 2015 Sustainable performance criterion Sustainable design and assessment of residential building envelope Table 6. Continued Sustainable performance criterion Local priority weight (Wmc) (main criteria) 1 Sustainable performance sub-criteria Local priority weight (Wsc) (sub-criteria) 2 Global priority weight (WG) 3 Economic efficiency 0.322 P C1, pre-construction cost C2, construction cost C3, operating cost C4, maintenance cost C5, replacement cost C6, residual cost 1.000 0.230 0.210 0.250 0.151 0.109 0.050 P 0.074 0.068 0.080 0.049 0.035 0.016 1.000 Table 7. Integrated weight computations for decision-making criteria. Global priority weight (WG) Objective weight Integrated weight (Wo) (WT) External benefit Energy efficiency Environmental impact Material efficiency Regulation efficiency Economic efficiency 0.051 0.328 0.197 0.166671 0.166644 0.166673 0.109 0.247 0.182 0.066 0.036 0.166671 0.166669 0.116 0.101 0.322 0.166673 0.244 Table 8. Input data for building envelope design –type A simulation. Single-family residential building envelope—type A General project data Location Primary operation profile Building envelope geometry data Gross floor area Building envelope area Ventilated volume Glazing ratio Building envelope performance data Air leakage Heat transfer coefficient Building envelope average Floor External wall Window Roof Specific annual energy demand Net heat energy Net cooling energy Total net energy Energy consumption San Fernando 100% residential 71.9 m2 173.5 m2 208.148 m3 4% 3.41 ACH U-value W/m2 k 2.29 W/m2 k 0.20–15.50 W/m2 k 0.59–3.26 W/m2 k 2.65–4.92 W/m2 k 0.16–0.20 W/m2 k 0.00 kWh/m2 a 346.10 kWh/m2 a 346.10 kWh/m2 a 498.93 kWh/m2 a was selected for easy data collection. Also, the building energy consumption was simulated based on the electricity consumption since most single-family houses in Trinidad used electricity. Electricity is being used for mechanical cooling, hot water generation, ventilation fans, lighting and appliance. Tables 11 – 13 present the energy performance evaluation reports for proposed envelope design alternatives for HDC single-family units at Union Hall, San Fernando. Single-family residential building envelope—type B General project data Location Primary operation profile Building envelope geometry data Gross floor area Building envelope area Ventilated volume Glazing ratio Building envelope performance data Air leakage Heat transfer coefficient Building envelope average Floor External wall Window Roof Specific annual energy demand Net heating energy Net cooling energy Total net energy Energy consumption San Fernando 100% residential 81.7 m2 276.0 m2 257.292 m3 3% 4.34 ACH U-value W/m2 k 5.90 W/m2 k 0.50–15.50 W/m2 k 0.59–15.50 W/m2 k 2.65–5.12 W/m2 k 0.20–0.26 W/m2 k 0.00 kWh/m2 a 362.91 kWh/m2 a 362.91 kWh/m2 a 516.56 kWh/m2 a Table 10. Input data for building envelope design –type C simulation. Single-family residential building envelope—type C General project data Location Primary operation profile Building envelope geometry data Gross floor area Building envelope area Ventilated volume Glazing ratio Building envelope performance data Air leakage Outer heat capacity Heat transfer coefficient Building envelope average Floor External wall Window Roof Specific annual energy demand Net cooling energy Total net energy Energy consumption San Fernando 100% residential 85.4 m2 281.9 m2 244.740 m3 3% 4.66 ACH 144.29 J/m2 k U-value W/m2 k 6.09 W/m2 k 4.05– 15.20 W/m2 k 00.82–15.50 W/m2 k 2.65– 5.12 W/m2 k 0.16– 1.25 W/m2 k 364.56 kWh/m2 a 364.56 kWh/m2 a 517.35 kWh/m2 a International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2014, 0, 1 –20 11 of 20 Downloaded from by guest on February 5, 2015 Main criteria Table 9. Input data for building envelope design –type B simulation. J. Iwaro et al. Table 11. Output data from Graphisoft EcoDesigner Software simulation–type A. Energy consumption by source Source name Quantity (kWh/a) Cost (TT/a) CO2 emission (kg/a) Electricity 4757 1760 3515 Energy consumption by target Target name Share of total energy consumption (%) Quantity (kWh/a) Cost (TT/a) CO2 emission (kg/a) Mechanical cooling Hot water generation Ventilation fans Lighting and appliance 45.6 41.9 3.1 9.4 2169.2 1993.1 147.5 447.1 – – – – 1602.8 1472.8 108.97 330.4 Table 12. Output data from Graphisoft EcoDesigner Software simulation for– type B. Energy consumption by source Quantity (kWh/a) Cost (TT/a) CO2 emission (kg/a) Electricity 5440 2013 4020 Energy consumption by target Target name Share of total energy consumption (%) Quantity (kWh/a) Cost (TT/a) CO2 emission (kg/a) Mechanical cooling Hot water generation Ventilation fans Lighting and appliance 70.3 22.8 1.9 5.1 3824.3 1240.3 103.4 277.4 – – – – 2826.0 916.6 76.38 205.0 Table 13. Output data from Graphisoft EcoDesigner Software simulation for type C. Energy consumption by source Source name Electricity Quantity (kWh/a) 5612 Cost (TT/a) 1760 CO2 emission (kg/a) 4147 Energy consumption by target Target name Share of total energy consumption (%) Quantity (kWh/a) Cost (TT/a) CO2 emission (kg/a) Mechanical cooling Hot water generation Ventilation fans Lighting and appliance 70.5 22.8 1.7 5.1 3956.5 1279.5 95.4 286.2 – – – – 2923.6 945.5 70.5 211.5 Moreover, since operational energy constitutes the larger percentage of the building life cycle energy consumption, the modelling of operational energy for each envelope design was done by estimating the annual energy used for cooling and ventilation (ECV), lighting and appliance (ELT), hot water generation and equipment (EAE). The above energy performance evaluation reports indicated that mechanical cooling and hot water generation consumed the largest share of total energy consumption and contributed most to the building operational energy with mechanical cooling, 45.6% and hot water generation, 41.9% for envelope type A, mechanical cooling, 70.3% and hot water generation, 22.8% for envelope type B and mechanical cooling, 70.5% and hot water generation, 22.8% for envelope type C. Hence, the operational energy data obtained from these simulations were 12 of 20 International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2014, 0, 1– 20 incorporated into the operational energy index (EEo) in Section 2 to model the life cycle energy operational energy performance for each envelope alternative. 3.3.2 A typical private single-family residential building at St. Augustine area of Trinidad To validate the simulated results from the three sustainable envelope designs proposed for the HDC’s one-storey single-family units in Union Hall with actual data, a typical private singlefamily unit with similar gross floor area of 76 m2 and climatic conditions was selected at the St Augustine area of Trinidad. The floor plan of a private single-family residential building at St Augustine area of Trinidad is shown in Figure 6. Downloaded from by guest on February 5, 2015 Source name Sustainable design and assessment of residential building envelope The electricity consumption data were collected from this building through daily metre readings for 1 week and projected per annum. Hence, the electricity consumption estimated for private single-family residential home was 4896 kWh/year as shown in Table 14 while the results of the simulation conducted for the three envelope design alternatives in Tables 11 –13 were 4757 kWh/year for alternative A, 5440 kWh/year for alternative B and 5612 kWh/year for alternative C. The results compared fairly to actual electricity consumption of 4896 kWh/year obtained in Table 14. Moreover, the data obtained from operation energy, embodied energy along with subjective life cycle energy performance value were incorporated into life cycle energy analysis index in IPM in Section 2 to model life cycle energy efficiency performance for three envelope design 3.3.3 Life cycle embodied energy modelling Embodied energy is an important component of life cycle building energy efficiency. It serves as an indicator of building sustainability but it quantification has been a major challenge to building professionals. Some researchers derived embodied energy through experimentation while some used embodied energy coefficient derived from their studies and also from the literature review [19 – 22] [27 – 30]. However, the accuracy of the experimental approach and the variation inherent with embodied energy coefficient approach has been a matter of controversy. In view of this challenge, this study made used of embodied energy coefficient approach which has been considered as a viable method to quantify embodied energy in building [19, 20]. In order to address the problem of variation associated with embodied energy coefficient, this study undertook parametric study of existing embodied energy coefficient in the literature. This led to derivation of an accepted embodied energy coefficient for this study through ammonization process. The embodied energy coefficient data ammonized through this process for building envelope components were sourced through the following sources: [21 – 38]. These values were incorporated into the Life cycle building envelope embodied energy analysis index in Section 2 to model different components of embodied energy for this study. Moreover, the building envelope design’s life cycle embodied energy performance was modelled through initial embodied energy sub-index, recurrent embodied energy sub-index and demolition energy sub-index of IPM described in Section 2. The summary of the life cycle embodied energy modelled through these sub-indexes are presented in Table 15. Thereafter, the data obtained from operational energy simulation of the three envelope design alternatives, the life cycle embodied energy in Section 3.3.3 along with subject subjective life cycle energy performance values were incorporated into Life Cycle Building Envelope Energy Analysis index in Section 2 to model the life cycle energy efficiency performance for the three Table 14. Daily reading of the electricity consumption from private single-family residential. Reading time (a.m.) Day Period Energy consumption (kWh) 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tuesday–Wednesday Wednesday–Thursday Thursday– Friday Friday–Saturday Saturday– Sunday Sunday–Monday Monday–Tuesday 28 577 28 591 28 603 28 618 28 635 28 644 28 660 28 679 Energy consumption per annum kWh used 14 12 15 17 9 16 19 102 102 kWh 4 weeks ¼ 408 kWh/month ¼ 4896 kWh/year International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2014, 0, 1 –20 13 of 20 Downloaded from by guest on February 5, 2015 Figure 6. Floor plan of a private single-family residential building at St Augustine of Trinidad. alternatives. The data collection process for subjective life cycle energy performance is presented in Section 3.3.5. However, there is need to model the life cycle embodied energy consumed by the three envelope design alternatives for life cycle energy efficiency performance modelling. This aspect is discussed in Section 3.3.3. J. Iwaro et al. Table 15. Building envelope life cycle embodied energy. Alternative A Alternative B Alternative C Initial embodied energy (MJ) Recurrent embodied energy (MJ) Demolition embodied energy (MJ) Total embodied energy (MJ) 1088.179 1165.354 1364.793 482.181 534.975 531.917 21.764 23.307 27.296 1592.123 1723.636 1924.006 3.3.4 Life cycle cost analysis of building envelope design alternatives In the case of economic efficiency criteria, the envelope alternative’s life cycle cost was modelled using life cycle cost analysis index described in Section 2. As such, the life cycle cost for the three building envelope designs were assessed for the proposed HDC’s single-family units to be constructed at Union Hall, San Fernando, Trinidad, by the Ministry of Housing and Environment. The life cycle cost performance data obtained are presented in Table 17 where envelope alternative A recorded the least lice cycle cost per gross floor area. This means that envelope option A is the most economical efficient with the highest economic efficiency value of 2500 when compared with other two options. 3.3.5 Life cycle impact assessment of building envelope design alternatives In an effort to compute the life cycle impact performance value for decision-making criteria shown in Table 6, life cycle impact performance data were obtained through LCIA. This involved modelling life cycle impact performance for each envelope design alternative based on the main criteria and sub-criteria. The LCIA questionnaire was developed to measure the life cycle impact performance of subjective criteria associated with external benefit, material efficiency, energy efficiency, environmental impact and regulation efficiency under each envelope design alternative. The questionnaire was used to collect expert opinions on the three envelope design impacts based on the life cycle phases stipulated in Figure 7 and criteria stipulated in Table 6. Also, there was direct measurement of life cycle impact performance values for objective criteria associated with environmental impact and regulation efficiency such as carbon emission using Graphisoft Eco Designer computer simulation software. Apart from obtaining the energy consumption of these three envelope design alternatives, their associated carbon emissions were also simulated using Graphisoft Eco Designer software as presented in Table 18. In the simulation results, alternative A was the most carbon emission efficient with 2800 efficiency performance score. It thus means that the energy efficiency performance of alternative A influenced its carbon emission efficiency performance and led to higher environmental impact performance. Table 16. Building envelope life cycle energy efficiency performance modelling. Index LCEA component Life cycle energy performance values Alternative A LCEAi Energy efficiency (subjective) Total embodied energy (MJ) (objective) Embodied energy efficiency Operational energy Operational energy for 50 years (GJ) (objective) Operational energy efficiency Efficiency scale 14 of 20 International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2014, 0, 1– 20 Alternative B 13 996.00 14 403.00 1592.12 1723.64 2000 1500 4757 5440 856.26 979.20 5500 5000 Energy consumed (2000 , X . 0) Energy efficiency (0 , X . 10 000) Alternative C 14 844.00 1924.01 500 5612 1010.16 5000 Downloaded from by guest on February 5, 2015 envelope design alternatives. The outcomes are depicted in Table 16 for further sustainable performance modelling. In terms of subjective assessment in Table 16, alternative C emerged as the most energy efficient with a performance score of 14 844. This is closely followed by alternative B with a performance score 14 403 while alternative A is the least energy efficient. However, alternative C had the highest operational energy consumption of 1010.16 GJ and embodied energy consumption of 1924 MJ when operational and embodied energy was quantified objectively. This indicates low energy efficiency on the part of envelope alternative C. Moreover, in order to measure the efficiency performance of the energy consumption, the efficiency scale was introduced. This was developed based on the principle that the higher the energy consumption, life cycle cost, environmental impact and carbon emission, the lesser is the efficiency performance while lesser energy consumption, life cycle cost, environmental impact and carbon emission the higher is the efficiency performance of a building [12]. The energy efficiency scale was chosen to accommodate all the operational and embodied energy consumption data. These data fall within the range of 0 and 2000 in Table 16. Also, the highest efficiency value of 10 000 was chosen considering the highest energy efficiency value of 14 844.00 from Table 16. Similar scaling process and principle was used for life cycle cost, environmental impact and carbon emission. This means that high energy consumption rate from alternative C makes it less efficient compared with alternative A with less energy consumption rate. Besides, alternative A recorded the highest energy efficiency value in embodied energy efficiency and operational energy efficiency with 2000 and 5500 life cycle performance score, respectively, when compared with other two alternatives in Table 16. Therefore, alternative A emerged the most energy-efficient envelope design alternative. Sustainable design and assessment of residential building envelope Table 17. Modelled life cycle cost for envelope design alternatives. Envelope design option Option A (TT$) Option B (TT$) Pre-construction cost Construction cost Operating cost (annual recurring) Maintenance cost (annual recurring) Operating cost (non-annual recurring) Maintenance cost (non-annual recurring) Salvage/residual cost LCC Gross floor area(sf ) LCC/GFA($/sf ) Economic efficiency Performance scale 38 709.00 57 544.00 229 046.70 272 054.93 359 603.31 432 621.24 215 761.99 259 572.74 202 722.15 256 266.08 135 148.10 170 844.05 16 949.45 20 391.06 1 164 041.80 1428 511.98 753.50 840.66 1544.85 1699.27 2500 1500 Life cycle cost /GFA($/sf ) (2000 , X . 0) Economic efficiency performance (0 , X . 10 000) Option C (TT$) 60 035.00 320 211.92 502 732.71 301 639.63 285 361.92 190 241.28 23 695.68 1 636 526.78 877.26 1865.50 500 Downloaded from by guest on February 5, 2015 Figure 7. System boundaries for building envelope system. Also, alternative A emerged the most efficient in environmental impact subjective assessment with overall performance score of 12 892, followed by alternative C with 12 729 life cycle performance score. It thus means that alternative A is the most environmental impact efficient when compared with the other two alternatives in Table 18. Moreover, in order to validate the simulated carbon emission values, the carbon emission associated with energy consumption of 4896 kWh/a was obtained from a typical private single-family residential building at the St Augustine area of Trinidad and was calculated using a carbon emission factor for Trinidad and Tobago of 0.7666 kg CO2/kWh [39]. The scope of the carbon International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2014, 0, 1 –20 15 of 20 J. Iwaro et al. foot print estimate for a single-family residence in Trinidad was based only on direct emissions from building energy consumption with less focus on energy supply chain emissions. The estimating method used is stated below: Building carbon emission ¼ building energy consumption carbon emission factor. Table 18. Life cycle environmental impact performance values for building envelope design alternatives. Main criteria Sub-criteria Life cycle performance values Alternative A Environmental impact (objective data) Environmental impact (Subjective data) Energy efficiency (embodied and operational energy) Carbon emission ((kg)/annum) simulated Carbon emission ((kg)/50 years) simulated Carbon emission efficiency Environmental impact performance Efficiency scale Alternative B Alternative C 7500 6500 5500 3515 4020 4147 175 750 201 000 207 350 2800 2000 1600 12 892 12 630 12 729 Carbon emission (250 000, X . 0) Carbon emission efficiency (0 , X . 10 000) Table 19. Athena life cycle impact performance modelling. Indicator categories Alternative A þ Acidification potential (AP) (H eq) Eutrophication potential (EP) (kg N eq) Global warming potential (GWP) (kg CO2 eq) Ozone depletion potential (ODP) (kg CFC 11 eq) Fossil fuel depletion (FFD) (MJ) Resource usage (RU) (kg) Smog formation potential (SFP) (kg NOx eq) Performance scale Alternative B 5700 15 200 4.1 16.3 12 750 43 000 2.8E206 16E205 174 500 510 000 32 500 66 000 50 130 Environmental impact performance: 0 , X . 10 000 16 of 20 International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2014, 0, 1– 20 Alternative C 6500 7.5 17 950 4.9 227 000 37 500 60 Downloaded from by guest on February 5, 2015 Based on this method, the average carbon emission associated with the three stimulated envelope design alternatives was 3894 kg/a while the actual carbon emission associated with the household as quantified for private single-family residential building was 3753 kg/a. This confirms the validity of the simulated values obtained for the energy consumption and carbon emission. Moreover, the life cycle environmental impacts associated with the three envelope designs based on the environmental impact criteria listed in Table 19 was assessed using the Athena Impact Estimator software. The assessments were based on the impacts from the building envelope materials, transportation and energy as shown in Figure 7. The data obtained from the Athena life cycle impact performance modelling are depicted in Table 19. In Table 19, alternative A emerged the most sustainable with a lower environmental impacts in term of AP, 5700 (Hþ eq); EP, 4.1 (kg N eq); GWP, 12 750(kg CO2 eq); ODP, 2.8 (kg CFC 11 eq); FFD, 174 500 (MJ); RU, 32 500 (kg) and SFP, 50 (kg NOx eq). Also, alternative A recorded the highest impact performance in all these impact categories with the application of performance scale to the data depicted in Table 20. Hence, the life cycle performance data for material efficiency, external benefit, regulation efficiency and environmental impact criteria were obtained through Life Cycle Building Envelope Impact Assessment sub- index described in Section 2 of this paper. Therefore, the life cycle impact performance data obtained for the three proposed envelope design alternatives based on criteria performance from Athena Impact Estimator software modelling, GraphiSoft Eco Designer software and Life Cycle Impact Performance Assessment Questionnaire are presented in Table 20. The data involved in this model are both subjective and objective in nature. The subjective component incorporated into the model was to ensure that all aspects of sustainability which cannot be measured objectively were assessed. Besides, this subjective assessment was validated by checking the level of consistency associated with the experts’ judgements. A judgement is said to be consistent and reliable if the CRI is ,0.01 [40]. The CRI of experts’ judgements on pair-wise comparison conducted for this study was ,0.01 which means their judgements were consistent and reliable for assigning subjective weights to decisionmaking criteria incorporated into the model. Moreover, based on the principle of additive utility theory, the theory emphasized the need to assess the sustainable performance of an element using the criteria weights and performance [12]. As such, the life cycle performance scores in Table 20 were normalized by converting objective criteria to their respective efficiency performance using efficiency scale. Subsequently, the life cycle performance scores in Table 20 were combined with their respective integrated weights from Table 7 in the matrix presented in Table 21 to model sustainable performance value for each envelope design alternative using the IPI derived in equation (30) in Section 2. The overall sustainable performance value for envelope alternative was derived through IPI by summing the sustainable performance values for all criteria under each envelope alternative. The higher the overall sustainable performance value obtained Sustainable design and assessment of residential building envelope Table 20. Life cycle performance data based on sub-criteria. Main criteria Environmental impact efficiency Material efficiency External benefit Regulation efficiency Economic efficiency Renewable resources depletion Non-renewable resources depletion Deforestation Indoor air quality Air pollution Noise pollution Material emission Construction waste Energy consumption Carbon emission Acidification potential Eutrophication potential Global warming potential Ozone depletion potential Fossil fuel depletion Resource usage Smog formation potential Building envelope design Energy conservation Equipment and appliance Wall insulation Embodied energy Renewable resources depletion Non-renewable resources depletion Door and window frame Operational energy Window and door glazing Labelling and certification Low pollution effect Embodied energy Minimal emission Indoor air quality High moisture resistance Material life span Low maintenance Durability Minimum heat gain Energy saving potential Renewable potential Recycling potential Social image Environmental ecological value Environmental economic value Local community economic Landscape beautification Environmental beautification User productivity Indoor air quality Living environment Indoor environment Regulation compliance Moisture resistance Air tightness Energy consumption Heat loss/gain Design flexibility Construction quality Carbon emission Pre-construction cost Construction cost Operating cost Maintenance cost Residual cost Life cycle performance values Alternative A Alternative B Alternative C 1589 1759 1679 1392 1445 1701 1587 1740 5500 2800 7300 7900 7400 8600 7200 6800 7500 1202 1209 1858 1558 2000 1836 1679 1392 5500 1701 1561 1489 2000 1357 1944 1453 1365 1472 1651 1527 1596 1823 1592 1462 1155 1522 1725 1613 1411 1394 2099 1653 1575 1371 1858 1558 5500 1836 1679 1392 2800 4900 7000 2600 5300 7700 1605 1572 1449 1876 1519 1585 1516 1508 5000 2000 2200 1700 1500 2000 1500 3400 3500 1497 1508 1679 1452 1500 1818 1546 1587 5000 1459 1857 1442 1500 1637 1646 1640 1537 1391 1816 1253 1442 1827 1690 1655 1609 1574 1376 1587 1707 1621 1578 1481 1683 1277 1733 1610 5000 1341 1975 1635 2000 3100 6800 1700 5000 7600 1613 1411 1394 2099 1653 1575 1522 1462 5000 1600 6700 6200 6200 7500 6300 6250 7000 1604 1615 1725 1613 500 1149 2099 1653 5000 1404 1982 1445 500 1701 1561 1679 1558 1371 1858 1202 1392 1836 1724 1422 1337 1499 1711 1596 1489 1357 1944 1556 1527 1527 1559 1472 5000 1365 1592 1823 1600 3100 6200 1200 4400 7300 International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2014, 0, 1 –20 17 of 20 Downloaded from by guest on February 5, 2015 Energy efficiency Sub-criteria J. Iwaro et al. Table 21. Integrated performance assessment matrix. Criteria External benefit Energy efficiency Environmental impact Material efficiency Regulation efficiency Economic efficiency Overall sustainable performance value Alternative A Alternative B Alternative C Integrated weight LPV SPV LPV SPV LPV SPV 15 609 21 496 73 892 19 269 17 994 27 500 1701 5310 13 448 2235 1817 6710 15 871 20 903 35 430 18 821 16 571 24 200 1730 5163 6448 2183 1674 5905 15 438 20 344 65 479 17 827 15 938 22 200 1683 5025 11 917 2068 1610 5417 31 222 23 103 27 719 0.109 0.247 0.182 0.116 0.101 0.244 P ¼ 1.000 LPV, life cycle performance value; SPV, sustainable performance value. 4 DISCUSSION The sustainable performance of the three envelope design alternatives were assessed as presented in Table 21 and alternative A emerged the most sustainable envelope design alternative with the highest sustainable performance value of 16 045 accrued from energy efficiency, economic efficiency, environmental impact, regulation efficiency, material efficiency performance and place under external benefit criteria. It thus points to the importance of these criteria to sustainable development, sustainable envelope design and building sustainability. Also, for any building envelope design to be made sustainable, all these criteria must be assessed. Besides, in Table 21, alternative ‘A’ recorded overall sustainable performance value of 31 222, alternative ‘B’ had 23 103 overall sustainable performance value while alternative ‘C’ recorded 27 719 overall sustainable performance value. Thus, it means that envelope alternative ‘A’ is the most preferred sustainable option that can withstand extreme weather conditions and attain building sustainability. Furthermore, in terms of criteria trade-off performance, energy efficiency criteria under alternative ‘A’ emerged the most sustainable with the highest sustainable performance value of 5310 when compared with the other two alternatives. It means that alternative ‘A’ has the lowest energy consumption, lowest embodied energy and possess better energy conservation strategies than other two envelope alternatives assessed. Also, it means that alternative ‘A’ recorded a better combined subjective and objective performance from energy conservation strategies, wall insulation, certification compliance, energy efficient wall and window frame usage, embodied energy consumption and operational energy consumption. Moreover, in term of economic efficiency performance and contribution to sustainable performance, alternative ‘A’ emerged the most sustainable alternative design with the highest sustainable performance value of 6710 under economic efficiency criteria when compared with the other two alternatives. It means that alternative ‘A’ possesses 18 of 20 International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2014, 0, 1– 20 the lowest life cycle cost over the envelope life cycle span as related to annual recurring and non-annual recurring operating cost, maintenance cost, pre-construction cost, construction cost and residual cost. This is due to the fact that the lower the life cycle cost the more is the economic efficient of that alternative. Furthermore, in term of external benefit of the envelope design to the indoor occupants and external environments, alternative ‘B’ recorded the highest sustainable performance value of 1730 with strong external benefit when compared with the other two options. It means that alternative ‘B’ has better contribution to indoor air quality, thermal comfort, indoor temperature, environmental beautification, economical value of the building, heritage beautification etc. than alternative and ‘A’ and ‘C’. Moreover, under environmental impact criteria, alternative ‘A’ emerged as the most sustainable alternative with the highest sustainable performance value of 13 448 when compared with other two alternatives. It means that alternative ‘A’ utilized materials that contributed the lowest impact such as carbon emission, energy consumption, waste and pollution to the environment. This is followed by alternative ‘C’ and ‘B’ with sustainable performance values of 11 917 and 6448, respectively. Also, on material efficiency performance, alternative A emerged as the most sustainable alternative with the highest sustainable performance value of 2235 compared with other two alternatives. It means that alternative ‘A’ utilized materials that can easily be recycled, renewable, higher resistance to heat loss, minimal heat gain, high durability and high-energy saving potential, minimal carbon emission, high moisture resistance and low maintenance. This is closely followed by alternative ‘B’ with sustainable performance values of 2183. Besides, in the case of regulation efficiency criteria, alternative A also emerged as the most sustainable alternative with the highest sustainable performance value of 1817 compared with other two alternatives. It means that alternative ‘A’ design recorded the highest trade-off performance in terms of regulation compliance, moisture resistance, air tightness, energy consumption, heat loss/gain, design flexibility, construction quality and carbon emission as assessed by building experts in Table 20. Overall, according to the assessment outcomes presented in Table 21, the IPM model revealed that the sustainable performance of the envelope design was significantly influenced the higher energy performance as shown by alternative A. The outcomes presented in Table 21 showed that the performance Downloaded from by guest on February 5, 2015 from IPI the better the sustainable envelope alternative. As such, the applicability of this model in selecting sustainable envelope design alternative with the best sustainable performance value was demonstrated. Sustainable design and assessment of residential building envelope recorded by energy efficiency criteria under alternative A led to the higher performance recorded by alternative A from other criteria. Besides, the model indicated that the higher the performance of the life cycle energy efficiency, life cycle economic efficiency, life cycle environmental impact efficiency, life cycle regulation efficiency, life cycle material efficiency and life cycle external benefit of the building envelope design, the higher is the sustainable performance of the envelope design. Therefore, in order to achieve building sustainability through sustainable envelope, all these sustainable elements mentioned above must be incorporated into sustainable envelope design. 5 CONCLUSION REFERENCES [1] Irene L, Robert T. 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