Comp MS FR 3 - Written Correlations

M/J French Advanced
Comp MS French 3
Middlebury Interactive Languages
(Include the student edition and teacher edition with the page numbers of lesson, a link to lesson, or other identifier for easy lookup by reviewers.)
Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide Culture activities: All units L4
an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
Culture Tidbits: U1L4, U3L4, U5L4, U7L4, U11L4, U13L4, U14L4, U16L4
Discussion Board: U10L4
Explore: U3L4, U4L4, U14L4, U15L4
Out of Seat activities: U10L5, U17L5
Webquest: U5L4, U13L4
Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content.
See substandards below.
a. Introduce claim(s) about a topic or issue, acknowledge and distinguish the claim(s)
from alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically.
Unit 15 Presentational Writing, U15L5
Presentational speaking: U28L5
b. Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant, accurate data and evidence
that demonstrate an understanding of the topic or text, using credible sources.
c. Use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion and clarify the relationships
among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
Unit 15 Presentational Writing, U15L5
Presentational speaking: U28L5
Synthesis : Sentence Completion: U28L3
Conversation Station: U28L4, U33L4
Unit 15 Presentational Writing, U15L5
d. Establish and maintain a formal style.
Unit 15 Presentational Writing, U15L5
Conversation Station: U17L4, U28L4
Speaking Journal :U7 L4
Discussion Board: U28L4
e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the
argument presented.
Unit 15 Presentational Writing, U15L5
Conversation Station: U33L4
writing journal : U34 L4
Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events,
scientific procedures/ experiments, or technical processes.
See substandards below.
a. Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and
information into broader categories as appropriate to achieving purpose; include
formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful
to aiding comprehension.
Unit 7 Presentational Writing, U7L5
Unit 15 Presentational Writing , U15L5
Unit 25 Presentational Writing, U25L5
Unit 33 Presentational Writing, U33L5
Explore: U31L4
b. Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details,
quotations, or other information and examples.
Unit 7 Presentational Writing, U7L5
Unit 15 Presentational Writing , U15L5
Unit 25 Presentational Writing, U25L5
Unit 33 Presentational Writing, U33L5
c. Use appropriate and varied transitions to create cohesion and clarify the
relationships among ideas and concepts.
Unit 7 Presentational Writing, U7L5
Unit 15 Presentational Writing , U15L5
Unit 25 Presentational Writing, U25L5
Unit 33 Presentational Writing, U33L5
Writing test: odd units L5
d. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the Unit 7 Presentational Writing, U7L5
Unit 15 Presentational Writing , U15L5
Unit 25 Presentational Writing, U25L5
Unit 33 Presentational Writing, U33L5
Discussion Board: U28L4
e. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone.
Unit 7 Presentational Writing, U7L5
Unit 15 Presentational Writing , U15L5
Unit 25 Presentational Writing, U25L5
Unit 33 Presentational Writing, U33L5
Discussion Board: U28L4
f. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the
Unit 7 Presentational Writing, U7L5
information or explanation presented.
Unit 15 Presentational Writing , U15L5
Unit 25 Presentational Writing, U25L5
Unit 33 Presentational Writing, U33L5
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and See substandards below.
teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on
others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
a. Come to discussions prepared, having read or researched material under study;
Discussion Board: Guidelines---Discussion Board: Job Placement, U10L4
explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue Speaking Journal, U15L4
to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion.
Discussion Board: Guidelines---Discussion Board: Seasonal Activities, U28L4
Discussion Board Evaluation 2, U28L4
Speaking Journal, U35L4
b. Follow rules for collegial discussions and decision-making, track progress toward
Language Live! sessions: weekly (see Language Live! Curriculum map /Teacher Resources)
specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed.
Discussion Board: Guidelines, U10L4,
Discussion Board: Guidelines, U28L4,
Discussion Board Evaluation 2, U28L4
c. Pose questions that connect the ideas of several speakers and respond to others’
Language Live! sessions: weekly (see Language Live! Curriculum map /Teacher Resources)
questions and comments with relevant evidence, observations, and ideas.
Discussion Board: Seasonal Activities U28L4
d. Acknowledge new information expressed by others, and, when warranted, qualify
or justify their own views in light of the evidence presented.
Language Live! sessions: weekly (see Language Live! Curriculum map /Teacher Resources)
Discussion Board: Job Placement, U10L4
Discussion Board: Guidelines---Discussion Board: Seasonal Activities U28L4
Delineate a speaker’s argument and specific claims, evaluating the soundness of the
reasoning and relevance and sufficiency of the evidence and identifying when
irrelevant evidence is introduced.
Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent
manner with relevant evidence, sound valid reasoning, and well-chosen details; use
appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
Discussion Board: Guidelines---Discussion Board: Job Placement, U10L4
Discussion Board: Guidelines---Discussion Board: Seasonal Activities U28L4
Discussion Board Evaluation 2, U28L4
Unit 13 Speaking Journal, U13L4
Unit 15 Speaking Journal, U15L4
Unit 23 Speaking Journal, U23L4
Unit 28 Speaking Test, U28L5
Demonstrate understanding of the main idea and essential details in messages and Culture Tidbit: the Euro: U24L4
announcements on familiar topics.
Joke: U15L2
Realia: U5L4, U8L4, U13L4, U17L4, U19L4, U23L4
Identify key points and essential details on familiar topics presented through a
Unit 21 Quiz: Listening Comprehension, U21L4
variety of media.
Unit 22 Quiz: Listening Comprehension, U22L4
Synthesis 8: Listening, Reading, and Speaking, U23L4
Unit 24 Quiz: Listening Comprehension, U24L4
Explore: U31L4
Demonstrate understanding of the main idea and essential details from oral
Unit 27, Sem. 2 Midterm: Reading and Listening Comprehension A, M2L5
narration and stories on familiar topics.
Unit 28 Quiz: Listening Comprehension, all units L4
Culture quiz: all units L4
Demonstrate understanding of multiple-step directions and instructions in familiar
Writing test: U21 L5
Webquest: Une recette , U5L4
28 Writing Journal, U28L4
Webquest: U13L4
Initiate a conversation to meet basic needs in everyday situations both in and outside Out of Seat Activity: 24-hour Challenge, U17L5
the classroom.
Out of Seat Activity: Community Event, U21L5
Recount and restate information received in a conversation in order to clarify
Out of Seat Activity: 24-hour Challenge, U17L5
Out of Seat Activity: 24-hour Challenge, U34L5
Out of Seat Activity: Community Event, U21L5
Exchange general information about a few topics outside personal and academic
Discussion Board, U10L4
fields of interest.
Language Live! sessions: Weekly (see Language Live! Curriculum map /Teacher Resources)
Initiate, engage, and exchange basic information to solve a problem.
writing journal U28 L4
Unit 28 Speaking Test, U28L5
Unit 34 Writing Journal, social issue, U34L4
Present a short skit or play using well-structured sentences.
Language Live! session: Week 15 (see Language Live! Curriculum map /Teacher Resources)
Describe events in chronological order using connected sentences with relevant
Unit 11 Speaking Journal,U11L4
Unit 12 Speaking Test, holidays, U12L5
Writing Journal, 31 L5
Develop questions to obtain and clarify information.
Writing journal : U10 L4
Wrirting test U23 L5
Conduct research and write a detailed plan (e.g.; a trip to a country where the target Explore U30 L4
language is spoken).
Develop a draft of a plan that addresses purpose, audience, logical sequence, and a Life Long Learning Goals/assignments, U3,6,12,15,21,24,30,33,L5
time frame for completion.
U30 L4
Discuss familiar topics in other subject areas, such as geography, history, music, art,
science, math, language, or literature.
Use the target language to participate in different activities for personal enjoyment
and enrichment.
Communicate with people locally and/or around the world, through e-mail, video,
online communities, and/or face-to face encounters.
Explore: Regional Specialties U 3, 4 L4
Explore: Personal Interest U 14, 15 l4
Explore: Generalizations U 22, 23 L4
Explore: Vacation U 30, 31 L4
Out of Seat Activity: Restaurant U 5 L4
Out of Seat Activity: Music U 10 l4
Out of Seat Activity: Community Event U 21 l4
Out of Seat Activity: Movie U 32 L4
Teacher Tip: School U17 l4
Countries and Nationalities U 13 l4
School U 17 L4
Technology U 19 l4
Computers U 21 l4
Measurements and Quantities U 24 L4
Shopping and Money U 30 L4
Explore: Regional Specialties U 3, 4 l4
Explore: Personal Interest U 14, 15 L4
Explore: Vacation U 30, 31 L4
Life-long Learner Goals Units 3, 21 L5
Out of Seat Activity: Restaurant U 5 L5
Out of Seat Activity: Music U 10 L5
Out of Seat Activity: 24-hour Challenge, U17L5
Out of Seat Activity: Community Event, U21L5
Discussion Board U 15 L4
Language Live! sessions: Weekly (see Language Live! Curriculum map /Teacher Resources)
Identify the main idea and supporting details on familiar topics expressed in a series Synthesis 8: Listening, Reading, and Speaking, all units L4
of connected sentences, conversations, presentations, and messages.
Unit 3 Writing Test, U3L5
Unit 6 Writing Journal, U6L4
Sem. 1 Midterm: Writing (part 1), M1L4
Demonstrate understanding of the main idea and supporting details of presentations Synthesis 8: Listening, Reading, and Speaking, U3L4
on familiar topics.
Unit 3 Writing Test, U3L5
Unit 6 Writing Journal, U6L4
Sem. 1 Midterm: Writing (part 1), M1L4
Recognize the main idea and supporting details on familiar topics of personal interest Webquest BMW U26 L4
presented through messages and announcements.
Webquest IKEA; U29 L4
Identify essential information and supporting details on familiar topics presented
Unit 21 Quiz: Listening Comprehension, U21L4
through a variety of media.
Unit 22 Quiz: Listening Comprehension, U22L4
Synthesis 8: Listening, Reading, and Speaking, U23L4
Unit 24 Quiz: Listening Comprehension, U24L4
Explore: U31L4
Realia: U5L4, U8L4, U13L4, U17L4,
Demonstrate understanding of the purpose of a lecture or talk on a familiar topic.
Unit test: all unit L5
Culture quiz : all units L4
Demonstrate understanding of complex directions and instructions in familiar
Conjugation activities: U8L3
Synthesis activities: U1L4, U4L2, U8L1, U8L2, U8L3, U8L4, U20L1
Writing activities: All units L4
Unit Test: All units L5
Webquest: U5L4, U13L4
Identify the main idea and key details in texts that contain familiar and unfamiliar
Reading comprehension: all units L3
vocabulary used in context.
Realia: U5L4, U8L4, U13L4, U17L4,
U5L4, U13L4
Determine the main idea and essential details when reading narratives, literary
Reading comprehension: all units L3
selections, and other fictional writings on familiar topics.
Realia: U5L4, U8L4, U13L4, U17L4,
Webquest: U5L4, U13L4
Identify specific information in everyday authentic materials such as advertisements, Realia: U5L4, U8L4, U13L4, U17L4,
Webquest: U5L4, U13L4
brochures, menus, schedules, and timetables.
Recognize many high frequency idiomatic expressions from a variety of authentic
Realia: U5L4, U8L4, U13L4, U17L4,
texts of many unknown words by using context clues.
Webquest: U5L4, U13L4
Express views and effectively engage in conversations on a variety of familiar topics. Conversation Station: All units L3
Out of Seat Activity: 24-hour Challenge, U17L5
Out of Seat Activity: Community Event, U21L5
Ask and answer questions on familiar topics to clarify information and sustain a
Conversation Station: U8L4, U24L3, U24L4, U28L3, U28L4
Board: Seasonal Activities U28L4
sessions: Weekly (see Language Live! Curriculum map /Teacher Resources)
Express personal views and opinions on a variety of topics.
Speaking Journal: U5 L4
Presentational Writing, U15L5
Writing Journal , U24L5
Writing Journal, U34L4
Discussion Board: Job Placement , U10L4
Discussion Board: U28L4
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups,
Discussion Board: Job Placement , U10L4
teacher led).
Discussion Board: U28L4
Initiate and maintain a conversation on a variety of familiar topics.
Out of Seat Activity: 24-hour Challenge, U17L5
Out of Seat Activity: 24-hour Challenge, U34L5
Out of Seat Activity: Community Event, U21L5
Life Long Learner Goals/Assignment, U3,6,12,15,21,24,30,33,L5
Live! sessions: Weekly (see Language Live! Curriculum map /Teacher Resources)
Use known words and phrases to effectively communicate meaning (circumlocution) Conversation Station: All units L4
Grammar activities: All units L3
when faced with unfamiliar vocabulary.
Vocab activities: All units L1
Warm Up: U20L1
Writing activities: All units L4
Follow grammatical rules for self-correction when speaking.
Grammar Introduction, all units L2
Rhythm and Intonation U19L1, L3, L4
Unit 34 Writing Journal, U34L4
Describe a problem or situation with details and state an opinion.
Unit 15 Presentational Writing, U15L5
Unit 33 Speaking Journal, U33L4
Language Live!
Produce a simple factual presentation supported by multimedia components and
visual displays (e.g. graphics, sound) and using logically sequenced and connected
sentences with relevant details.
Describe events, plans, and actions using logically sequenced and connected
sentences with relevant details.
Language Live! session: Semester 1 and semester 2 projects (see Language Live! Curriculum map /Teacher Resources)
Webquest une recette U5L4
test U5L5
Speaking test U4L5
Retell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant details.
Unit 13 Speaking Journal, U13L4
Unit 23 Speaking Journal, U23L4
Provide supporting evidence using logically connected sentences that include
Explore: Personal Interest, U10L4
relevant details.
Explore: Personal Interest Dropbox, U11L4
Retell or summarize a storyline using logically connected sentences with relevant
Final Review and Test, Sem. 1 : Writing (part 1),F1L4
Unit 9, Midterm Review and Tset sem. 1 Midterm: Writing (part 2), M1L4
Describe, explain and react to personal experiences using logically connected
Unit 5 Speaking Journal U5L4
paragraphs with relevant details.
Unit 5 Writing Test U5L5
Writing test U7L5
Write narratives on familiar topics using logically connected sentences with
Unit 1 Writing Test, U1L5
supporting details.
Unit 3 Writing Test, U3L5
Unit 4 Writing Journal, U4L4
Unit 5 Writing Test, U5L5
Write informative texts through a variety of media using connected sentences and
Writing test, U19L5
providing supporting facts about the topic.
Sem. 1 Final: Writing part 2, F1L4
State an opinion and provide supporting evidence using connected sentences.
Explore: Personal Interest, U15L4
Discussion Board, U15L4
Unit 34 Writing Journal, U34L4
Conduct research and write a report on a variety of topics using connected detailed Discussion Board: U10L4
Webquest: Les noms de famille U 13 L4
Webquest : BMW U26 L4
Webquest : Ikea U 29 L4
Draft, edit, and summarize information, concepts, and ideas.
Unit 7 Presentational Writing , U7L5
Unit 15 Presentational Writing, U15L5
Unit 8 Writing Journal, U8L4
Unit 10 Writing Journal, U10L4
Produce writing that has been edited for punctuation and correct use of grammar, in Unit 33 Presentational Writing, U33L5
which the development and organization are appropriate to task and purpose.
Unit 7 Presentational Writing, U7L5
Unit 15 Presentational Writing, U15L5
Unit 25 Presentational Writing, U25L5
Write a narrative based on experiences that use descriptive language and details.
Unit 13 Speaking Journal, U13L4
Unit 23 Speaking Journal, U23L4
Distinguish patterns of behavior and social interaction in various settings in the
Culture Tidbit: Sports U 11 L4
target culture(s).
Culture Tidbit: Identity U 13 L4
Culture Tidbit: Les congés payés U 14 L4
Culture Tidbit: La haute couture U 16 L4
Culture Tidbit: Les textos U 19 L4
Culture Tidbit: Dating U 22 L4
Out of Seat Activity: Restaurant U5 L5
Out of Seat Activity: Music U 10 L5
Out of Seat Activity: Community Event U21L5
Research contributions made by individuals from the target culture through the arts Out of Seat Activity: Music U10 L5
such as visual arts, architecture, music, dance, literature, etc.
Out of Seat Activity: Movie U 32 L5
La Polynésie française – Paul Gauguin U 7 l4
La Suisse - Rousseau : U25 L4
Senegal - Senghor U34 l4
Identify similarities and differences in products across cultures (e.g., food, shelter,
Explore: Regional Specialties U 3, 4 L4
clothing, transportation, music, art, dance, sports and recreation, language, customs, Explore: Personal Interest U 14, 15 l4
traditions, literature).
Explore: Generalizations U 22, 23 L4
Explore: Vacation U 30, 31 L4
Out of Seat Activity: Restaurant U 5 L4
Out of Seat Activity: Music U 10 l4
Out of Seat Activity: Community Event U 21 l4
Out of Seat Activity: Movie U 32 L4
Teacher Tip: School U17 l4
Countries and Nationalities U 13 l4
School U 17 L4
Technology U 19 l4
Computers U 21 l4
Measurements and Quantities U 24 L4
Shopping and Money U 30 L4
Use expanded vocabulary and structures in the target language to increase content
Synthesis 9: Listening, Reading, and Speaking, L1L4
area knowledge.
Synthesis 8: Listening, Reading, and Speaking, U3L4
Synthesis 8: Listening, Reading, and Speaking , L23L4
Synthesis 8: Listening, Reading, and Speaking, U28L4
Use previously acquired vocabulary to discuss familiar topics in other subject areas
Unit 2 Writing Journal , U2L4
such as geography, history, music, art, science, math, language, or literature to
Unit 4 Writing Journal, U4L4
reinforce and further knowledge of other disciplines through the target language.
Unit 5 Speaking Journal U5L4
Unit 17 Speaking Journal, U17L4
Unit 20 Writing Journal U20L4
Compare language structures and skills that transfer from one language to another. Teacher Tip all units L3
Compare and contrast structural patterns in the target language and own.
Compare and contrast the geography and history of countries of the target language La Polynésie française – Introduction U 1 L4
and discuss their impact on own culture.
La Polynésie française – Son histoire U 5 L4
Le Maroc – Introduction U 10 L4
Le Maroc – Son histoire U15 L4
La Suisse – Introduction U 19 L4
La Suisse – Pays indépendant U 22 L4
Use practices and characteristics of the target cultures for daily activities among
peers and adults.
Grammar Introduction, all units L2
Rhythm and Intonation U19L1, L3, L4
Use expanded vocabulary and structures in the target language to access different
media and community resources.
Use a variety of media venues in the target language to access information about
community events and organizations where the target language is spoken.
Out of Seat Activity: Restaurant U5 L5
Out of Seat Activity: Music U 10 L5
Out of Seat Activity: Community Event U21L5
Out of Seat Activity: Restaurant U5 L5
Out of Seat Activity: Music U 10 L5
Out of Seat Activity: Community Event U21L5