The Cortex-M0: NuMicro™ NUC140 II (L13)

Lecture 13:
NuMicro™ NUC140 (cont.)
Week #13 : Dejwoot KHAWPARISUTH
Adapted from
NuMicro™ NUC140: Technical Ref.
NuMicro™ NUC130/NUC140 Technical Reference Manual
5.1 ARM® Cortex™-M0 Core
5.2 System Manager
5.3 Clock Controller
5.5 General Purpose I/O (GPIO)
5.6 I2C Serial Interface Controller (Master/Slave) (I2C)
5.7 PWM Generator and Capture Timer (PWM)
5.10 Timer Controller (TMR)
5.11 Watchdog Timer (WDT)
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NuMicro™ NUC140: Block Diagram
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Watchdog Timer (WDT) :
- The purpose of Watchdog Timer is to perform a system reset when
system runs into an unknown state
- another function -> wake-up chip from power down mode.
- The watchdog timer includes an 18-bit free running counter with
programmable time-out intervals.
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WDT : Timing
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WDT : Block Diagram
- User must set WTR (WDTCR [0]) (Watchdog timer reset) high to reset
the 18-bit WDT counter to avoid chip from Watchdog timer reset
before the delay time expires. WTR bit is cleared automatically by
hardware after WDT counter is reset.
- WTRF will not be cleared by Watchdog reset. User may poll WTRF by
software to recognize the reset source.
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WDT : Program Example
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PWM Generator and Capture Timer (PWM)
- 2 groups of PWM supports total 4 sets of PWM Generators which can
be configured as 8 independent PWM outputs, PWM0~PWM7, or as 4
complementary PWM pairs, (PWM0, PWM1), (PWM2, PWM3), (PWM4,
PWM5) and (PWM6, PWM7) with 4 programmable dead-zone
- The PWM generators can be configured as one-shot mode to produce
only one PWM cycle signal or auto-reload mode to output PWM
waveform continuously
- PWM Interrupt request synchronized with PWM period
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PWM : PWM function
- PWM controller is implemented with Dead Zone generator. They are
built for power device protection. This function generates a
programmable time gap to delay PWM rising output. User can program
PPRx.DZI to determine the Dead Zone interval.
- When PCR.DZEN01 is set, PWM0 and PWM1 perform complementary
PWM paired function; the paired PWM period, duty and dead-time are
determined by PWM0 timer and Dead-zone generator 0. Similarly, the
complementary PWM pairs of (PWM2, PWM3), (PWM4, PWM5) and
(PWM6, PWM7) are controlled by PWM2, PWM4 and PWM6 timers and
Dead-zone generator 2, 4 and 6, respectively
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PWM : Capture Function
- The alternate feature of the PWM-timer is digital input Capture function
(PWM output pin is switched as capture input mode)
- The Capture0 and PWM0 share one timer which is included in PWM0
and the Capture1 and PWM1 share PWM1 timer, and etc. (Therefore
user must setup the PWM-timer before enable Capture feature)
- the capture always latched PWM-counter to Capture Rising Latch
Register (CRLR) when input channel has a rising transition and latched
PWM-counter to Capture Falling Latch Register (CFLR) when input
channel has a falling transition
- Capture channel 0 interrupt is programmable by setting
CCR0.CRL_IE0[1] (Rising latch Interrupt enable) and CCR0.CFL_IE0[2]]
(Falling latch Interrupt enable) to decide the condition of interrupt occur.
Capture channel 1 has the same feature by setting CCR0.CRL_IE1[17] and
CCR0.CFL_IE1[18]. And capture channel 2 to channel 3 on each group have the
same feature by setting the corresponding control bits in CCR2. For each
group, whenever Capture issues Interrupt 0/1/2/3, the PWM counter
0/1/2/3 will be reload at this moment.
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PWM : Capture Function
- The maximum captured frequency that PWM can capture is confined by
the capture interrupt latency.
- When capture interrupt occurred, software will do at least three steps:
- Read PIIR to get interrupt source
- Read CRLRx/CFLRx(x=0~3) to get capture value
- and finally write 1 to clear PIIR to zero.
- If interrupt latency will take time T0 to finish, the capture signal mustn’t
transition during this interval (T0). In this case, the maximum capture
frequency will be 1/T0.
For example:
HCLK = 50 MHz, PWM_CLK = 25 MHz, Interrupt latency is 900 ns
So the maximum capture frequency will is 1/900ns ≈ 1000 kHz
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PWM : Block Diagram
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PWM : PWM-Timer Operation
- PWM frequency = PWMxy_CLK/[(prescale+1)*(clock divider)*(CNR+1)];
where xy, could be 01, 23, 45 or 67, depends on selected PWM
- Duty ratio = (CMR+1)/(CNR+1)
- CMR >= CNR: PWM output is always high
- CMR < CNR: PWM low width= (CNR-CMR) unit
- PWM high width = (CMR+1) unit
- CMR = 0: PWM low width = (CNR) unit; PWM high width = 1 unit
Unit = one PWM clock cycle.
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PWM : PWM-Timer Operation Timing
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PWM : PWM-Timer Operation
- PWM Timers have double buffering function the reload value is updated
at the start of next period without affecting current timer operation.
- The PWM counter value can be written into CNRx and current PWM
counter value can be read from PDRx.
- PWM0 will operate at one-shot mode if CH0MOD bit is set to 0, and
operate at auto-reload mode if CH0MOD bit is set to 1.
- It is recommend that switch PWM0 operating mode before set CH0EN
bit to 1 to enable PWM0 counter start running because the content of
CNR0 and CMR0 will be cleared to zero to reset the PWM0 period and
duty setting when PWM0 operating mode is changed.
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PWM : Timer Start Procedure
1. Setup clock source divider select register (CSR)
2. Setup prescaler (PPR)
3. Setup inverter on/off, dead zone generator on/off, auto-reload/one-shot
mode and Stop PWM-timer (PCR)
4. Setup comparator register (CMR) for setting PWM duty.
5. Setup PWM down-counter register (CNR) for setting PWM period.
6. Setup interrupt enable register (PIER) (option)
7. Setup corresponding GPIO pins as PWM function (enable POE and
disable CAPENR) for the corresponding PWM channel.
8. Enable PWM timer start running (Set CHxEN = 1 in PCR)
The value of CNR0 will reload to PWM0 counter when it down count
reaches zero. If CNR0 is set to zero, PWM0 counter will be held.
PWM1~PWM7 performs the same function as PWM0.
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Week #13
PWM : Program Example
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PWM : Program Example
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PWM : Program Example
Ch1: GPA13=PWM1
Ch2: GPA14=PWM2
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Re-Start Procedure in Single-shot mode
- As PWM0 operate at one-shot mode, CMR0 and CNR0 should be
written first and then set CH0EN bit to 1 to enable PWM0 counter start
running. After PWM0 counter down count from CNR0 value to zero,
CNR0 and CMR0 will be cleared to zero by hardware and PWM counter
will be held. Software need to write new CMR0 and CNR0 value to set
next one-shot period and duty. When re-start next one-shot operation,
the CMR0 should be written first because PWM0 counter will auto restart counting when CNR0 is written an non-zero value.
1. Setup comparator register (CMR) for setting PWM duty.
2. Setup PWM down-counter register (CNR) for setting PWM period. After
setup CNR, PWM wave will be generated.
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PWM : Stop Procedure
Method 1:
Set 16-bit down counter (CNR) as 0, and monitor PDR (current value of 16bit down-counter). When PDR reaches to 0, disable PWM-Timer (CHxEN
in PCR). (Recommended)
Method 2:
Set 16-bit down counter (CNR) as 0. When interrupt request happened,
disable PWM-Timer (CHxEN in PCR). (Recommended)
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PWM : Capture Operation
CNR is 8:
1. The PWM counter
will be reloaded with
CNRx when a
capture interrupt
flag (CAPIFx) is set.
2. The channel low
pulse width is
(CNR + 1 - CRLR).
3. The channel high
pulse width is
(CNR + 1 - CFLR).
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PWM : Interrupt Architecture
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PWM : Capture Start Procedure
1. Setup clock source divider select register (CSR)
2. Setup prescaler (PPR)
3. Setup channel enabled, rising/falling interrupt enable
and input signal inverter on/off (CCR0, CCR2)
4. Setup auto-reload mode, Edge-aligned type and Stop
PWM-timer (PCR)
5. Setup PWM down-counter (CNR)
6. Enable PWM timer start running (Set CHxEN = 1 in
7. Setup corresponding GPIO pins as capture function
(disable POE and enable CAPENR) for the
corresponding PWM channel.
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Week #13
PWM : Program Example
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PWM : Program Example
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PWM : Register Map
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I2C Serial Interface Controller :
- is a two-wire, bi-directional serial bus that provides a simple and efficient
method of data exchange between devices(Master/Slave).
- There is one SCL clock pulse for each data bit with the MSB being
transmitted first. An acknowledge bit follows each transferred byte. Each
bit is sampled during the high period of SCL; therefore, the SDA line
may be changed only during the low period of SCL and must be held
stable during the high period of SCL.
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I2C : features
The I2C port handles byte transfers autonomously.
To enable this port, the bit ENS1 in I2CON should be set to '1'.
The I2C H/W interfaces to the I2C bus via two pins: SDA and SCL.
Pull up resistor is needed for I2C operation as these are open drain
pins. When the I/O pins are used as I2C port, user must set the pins
function to I2C in advance.
- Built-in a 14-bit time-out counter will request the I2C interrupt if the I2C
bus hangs up and timer-out counter overflows.
- Supports 7-bit addressing mode
- When I2C port is enabled by setting ENS1 (I2CON [6]) to high, the
internal states will be controlled by I2CON and I2C logic hardware. Once
a new status code is generated and stored in I2CSTATUS, the I2C
Interrupt Flag bit SI (I2CON [3]) will be set automatically. If the Enable
Interrupt bit EI (I2CON [7]) is set high at this time, the I2C interrupt will
be generated. The bit field I2CSTATUS[7:3] stores the internal state
code, the lowest 3 bits of I2CSTATUS are always zero and the content
keeps stable until SI is cleared by software. The base address is
4002_0000 and 4012_0000.
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I2C : Protocol
1) START or Repeated START signal generation
2) Slave address and R/W bit transfer
3) Data transfer
4) STOP signal generation
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I2C : Register Map
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I2C : Data Register (I2CDAT)
- contains a byte of serial data to be transmitted or a byte which just has
been received.
- The CPU can read from or write to this 8-bit (I2CDAT [7:0]) directly while
it is not in the process of shifting a byte. when I2C is in a defined state
and the serial interrupt flag (SI) is set. Data in I2CDAT [7:0] remains
stable as long as SI bit is set.
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I2C : Control Register (I2CON)
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I2C : Status Register (I2CSTATUS)
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I2C : I2C Clock Baud Rate Bits (I2CLK)
- The data baud rate of I2C is determines by I2CLK [7:0] register when
I2C is in a master mode.
- The data baud rate of I2C setting is Data Baud Rate of I2C
= (system clock) / (4x (I2CLK [7:0] +1)).
If system clock = 16 MHz,
the I2CLK [7:0] = 40 (28H),
data baud rate of I2C = 16 MHz/ (4x (40 +1)) = 97.5 Kbits/sec.
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I2C :
Time-out Counter Register (I2CTOC)
- a 14-bit time-out counter which can be used to deal with the I2C bus
hang-up. If the time-out counter is enabled, the counter starts up
counting until it overflows (TIF=1) and generates I2C interrupt to CPU or
stops counting by clearing ENTI to 0.
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I2C : Address Registers (I2CADDR)
- I2C port is equipped with four slave address registers I2CADDRn
- The I2C hardware will react if the contents of I2CADDRn are matched
with the received slave address.
- The I2C ports support the “General Call” function. If the GC bit
(I2CADDRn [0]) is set the I2C port hardware will respond to General Call
address (00H). Clear GC bit to disable general call function.
- I2C bus controllers support multiple address recognition with four
address mask registers I2CADMn (n=0~3). When the bit in the address
mask register is set to one, it means the received corresponding
address bit is don’t-care. If the bit is set to zero, that means the received
corresponding register bit should be exact the same as address register.
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Week #13
I2C : Program Example
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I2C : Program Example
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I2C : Program Example
Write_24LC64(0x00000000+temp,temp+11); // temp = 1
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Week #13
I2C : Program Example
Write_24LC64(0x00000000+temp,temp+11); // temp = 1
DrvI2C_Ctrl(I2C_PORT1, 1, 0, 0, 0);//set start
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Week #13
I2C : Program Example
Write_24LC64(0x00000000+temp,temp+11); // temp = 1
I2C1->I2CDAT = 0xA0;
DrvI2C_Ctrl(I2C_PORT1, 0, 0, 1, 0); //clr si flag
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Week #13
I2C : Program Example
Write_24LC64(0x00000000+temp,temp+11); // temp = 1
I2C1->I2CDAT = (address>>8)&0xFF;
DrvI2C_Ctrl(I2C_PORT1, 0, 0, 1, 1); //clr si and set ack
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Week #13
I2C : Program Example
Write_24LC64(0x00000000+temp,temp+11); // temp = 1
I2C1->I2CDAT = address&0XFF;
DrvI2C_Ctrl(I2C_PORT1, 0, 0, 1, 1); //clr si and set ack
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Week #13
I2C : Program Example
Write_24LC64(0x00000000+temp,temp+11); // temp = 1
I2C1->I2CDAT = data;
DrvI2C_Ctrl(I2C_PORT1, 0, 0, 1, 1); //clr si and set ack
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I2C : Program Example
Write_24LC64(0x00000000+temp,temp+11); // temp = 1
DrvI2C_Ctrl(I2C_PORT1, 0, 1, 1, 0); //send stop
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System Manager : Control Registers
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Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller: (NVIC)
- Nested and Vectored interrupt support
- Automatic processor state saving and restoration
- Reduced and deterministic interrupt latency
- The NVIC prioritizes and handles all supported exceptions.
- All exceptions are handled in “Handler Mode”.
- This NVIC architecture supports 32 (IRQ[31:0]) discrete interrupts with 4
levels of priority.
- All of the interrupts and most of the system exceptions can be
configured to different priority levels.
- When an interrupt occurs, the NVIC will compare the priority of the new
interrupt to the current running one’s priority. If the priority of the new
interrupt is higher than the current one, the new interrupt handler will
override the current handler.
- When any interrupts is accepted, the starting address of the interrupt
service routine (ISR) is fetched from a vector table in memory.
- While the starting address is fetched, NVIC will also automatically save
processor state including the registers “PC, PSR, LR, R0~R3, R12” to
the stack. At the end of the ISR, the NVIC will restore the mentioned
registers from stack and resume the normal execution.
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NVIC: Exception Model
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NVIC: System Interrupt Map
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NVIC: Control Registers
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