In addition to his ordinary Badges of rank as a Commissioner he wears a gold-mounted lio n 's claw attached to the Pathfinder Scout distinctive badge worn round the neck on Royal blue ribbon. All officers wear the same uniform as a Scout and the distinguishing badge'' of the Association, but with the following differences (a) Hat badges of appropriate type w ill be worn as follows :- Cub type. Assistant Pathfinder Cubmaster - with red background. Pathfinder Cubmaster - with green background. District Pathfinder Cubmaster - with white background. Scout type. Assistant Pathfinder Scoutmaster - with red plume. Assistant Pathfinder Rover Scout Leader - with red plume. Pathfinder Scoutmaster - with green plume. Pathfinder Rover Scout Leader - with green plume . D istrict Pathfinder Scoutmaster - with white plume. District Pathfinder Rover Scout Leader - with whit e plume. Group Pathfinder Scoutmaster - with green and white plume. Pathfinder Scout Commissioners, Deputy Camp Chiefs and Akela Leaders - with purple plume. (b) Red shoulder knots w ill be worn by Assistant Pathfinder Scoutmasters. Green shoulder knots w ill be worn by Pathfinder Scoutmasters. White shoulder knots w ill be worn by Group Pathfinder Scoutmasters. Red and yellow and green shoulder knots w ill be worn by all grades of Pathfinder Rover Scout o ffice rs. (c) All Pathfinder Rover Scout Officers w ill wear red garter tabs instead of green, and Rover shoulder straps. (d) A walking stick or thumbstick w ill be carried instead of a sta ff. {*) Je,T.*A. 2 The badges of two or more ranks may not be worn at the same time. NON-EXECUTIVE RANKS. METHODS OF APPOINTMENT. A Divisional Pathfinder Scout Commissioner has power to confer upon suitable persons the following non executive ranks: Chaplain, Examiner, Instructor, Surgeon, Chairman of District Committee, Secretary of Divisional Council, Secretary of District Com mittee . A Divisional Secretary is appointed by the Divisional Council concerned; the Secretary of the Pathfinder Scout Headquarters Council is appointed by the Path finder Scout Headquarters Council. Honorary Presidents and Honorary Vice-Presidents may be elected by Divisional Councils. No person under the age of 18 years may be admitted to any office named In this regulation, and care must be taken to see that only suitable persons of good repute are appointed to hold office in the Movement. No warrants are issued to those holding non-executive rank. Uniform. Uniform may be worn only by those non executive officers who have taken the Scout Promise. It Is as for warranted Officers but without the badges of rank. The distinguish ing badge of the Association must be worn. P A R T GENERAL BANDS. IV RULES. Bands are not necessary for good Scouting and they should be used sparingly. Bands for Cubs are not permitted. They must not play y/hen passing Churches (during the hours of se rv ic e ), Hospitals, or any house where there is known to be illn e s s , and they must not play anywhere without special permission between the hours of 9 .0 p.m. and 7 .0 a.m . Bugle practice must A not take place within 600 yards of any inhabited building. 61. BATHING, Bathing parades may only be held if the officer-incharge has made every provision for the safety of his boys. He must first satisfy himself that the bathing place Is safe, and must always arrange for a picket of at least two competent people. 62. BOATING, No Scouter or other person in charge shall allow any Scout to take part in boating without f ir s t consider ing a ll the conditions, and in particular having satisfied himself :(a) That the Scout can swim 50 yards in shirt, shorts and stockings. (This precaution may be relaxed in shallow water not more than 3^-* deep) (b) That i f sa ilin g , the boat is under the charge of a professional sailor or other experienced person. 63. CAMPS. When a camp has been arranged fu ll particulars must be sent to the District Pathfinder Scout Commissioners of the Districts to which the Troop belongs and in which it proposes to camp. The permission of both these officers is necessary. Arrangements must be made so that ho two boys sleep together,' and it is advisable for some sort of clean waterproof shelter to be at hand in case of bad weather. In the case of Pathfinder Cub camps there should never be less than two adults in the camp, and as far as possible, there should be one adult fo r every six Cubs. Camp raiding in all V forms is strictly forbidden. 64. CENSUS An annual Census is taken from the Registration forms on September 30th. Any Troop which has not sent in its returns for the current year is deemed to have lapsed. A Registration fe e , fixed by the Divisional Council concerned, for each section of a Group is payable at the time of sending in the annual returns* 65. CORRESPONDENCE As far as possible Correspondence on Group matters should be sent to the next senior officer of the District concerned. Officers desiring to communicate with other Divisions on Pathfinder Scout business should only do so through the Divisional Secretaries. The Chief Pathfinder Scout Commissioner should only be approached on Pathfinder Scout matters through a Divisional Pathfinder Scout Commissioner. All orders for Badges must be countersigned by the District Pathfinder Scout Commissioner of the District Orders for books, information, and equipment should be sent to the Divisional Secretary or direct to the Pathfinder Scout- Shop .............. ..................................... andjshould be accompanied by a cash payment. 66. CREDIT. No Troop may purchase equipment or other property on anything but a cash b a sis. The use of the hire- purchase system is forbidden. 67. DISCIPLINE. Pathfinder Scouts are expected to behave at all times in an orderly T 68. FLAGS. manner, Smoking oft-parad-e—or during meeting!is forbidden. ^ The following Flags may be usedj(a) Pathfinder Scout Flag - Blue" with white lettering bearing the distinctive badge of the Association, 'V v \ ' carried mu flag Is 3 i10" x 3' and when be on a pole not more than 7* ----------------- ------------------- -Itmgi The name of the Troop may be placed under HA ^ the badge. ^t o VvW- \ ^ y JO ^ ‘ "I w (b# Either or both of the flags of the Union of South Africa as defined in the Flag Act of 1927, except in the case of contingents proceeding overseas, at a National Camp, or Divisional Inspection by the Governor-General or by the Chief Scout of the World, or by the Chief Scout of the Union of South A frica , when the PaLilifiiidiST Scout Flag and both the flags of the Union of S . Africa in terms of the Flag Act of 1927, shall be flown on separate Flag poles or Yardarms. (c) A Standard: a long narrow pointed fla g , with ^ho^Uniaa. q e . other 'National design, and suitabl< colours designs and mottoes towards the fly . (d) Burgee: a small f l a g , pointed or with two t a il s , made of any suitable colours, and bearing any appropriate design or inscription (a handy type of flag for carrying on a Scout staff ). Patrol fla g s. When large flags are carried the flag-pole should be either sloped over the right shoulder, the flag gathered in , or, when marching past, held vertical in the carrier, the fla g flying free. Flags will be lowered to the King or Queen, members of the Royal Family entitled to the prefix "Royal Highness", foreign monarchs and Presidents of Republics, and the Governor-General, Such flags w ill not be lowered during the playing of the National Anthem unless one of the persons mentioned above is present. Scout Flags only w ill be lowered to the Chief Scout of the World and the Chief Scout of the Union of South A frica. RAILWAY CONCESSION TICKETS. Pathfinder Scouts in uniform travelling on Scout business are entitled to a concession on the South African Railways under Railway Regulations, Clause 9 3 (ii). There are further reduced terms for parties of not less than ten Pathfinder Scouts travelling together in the charge of a responsible person. Further information may be obtained on enquiry at the nearest Railway Station. In each case the concession form must be signed by an o fficer of the Association nominated for the purpose by the Divisional Pathfinder Scout Commissioner. Members of the Pathfinder Scout Headquarters Council and Divisional Councils may obtain advantage of the concession applicable to Pathfinder Scouts when travelling by ra il to attend meetings provided that the recognised badge of the Association is worn and a letter of authority obtained from the office of the System Manager, S .A .R . & H . , Johannesburg, for each Council meeting authorising the departure from the prescribed condition which ordinarily governs the Issue of a concession. 70. RECORDS. Each section of a Group must possess and keep up to date the following records which must be produced for inspection when asked for by a senior officer of the Association! (a) A Register of Member’s hip in which is recorded the name and address of every boy in the Troop, the date on which he joined, the date on which he passed tests or received promotion, and such other particulars as may be desirable. (b ) A Register of attendances. (c) A Log Book in which are recorded events of general troop interest. (d) A Minute Book of the Court of Honour. (e) A Cash Book, in which all monetary transactions are recorded and which is produced at each meeting of the Court of Honour. NOTE; When concerts or displays are held to raise funds a detailed account of receipts and expenditure must be sent to the District Pathfinder Scoutmaster. (f ) A Savings Bank Book (where such an account has been opened). 71. REGISTRATION. Application for registration of any section of a Group must be made on the form supplied by the Divisional Secretary. fe e . It must be accompanied by the Registration At the end of three months it may, on the re commendation of the District Pathfinder Scout Com missioner, be registered by the Divisional Council. Registration is valid for one year only, and becomes renewable on September 30th of each year when the Census form must be properly f il l e d in and returned to the Divisional Secretary with the registration fee for the current year. Any section of a Group which fa lls into arrear with its Registration fee automatically ceases to be recognised as part of the Movement. 72. SALUTES. Salutes are given on the following occasions (a) As a Greeting. Pathfinder Scouts of a l l ranks meeting for the first time in the day salute each other. The fir s t to see the other should be the fir s t to salute, irrespective of rank. Scouts and Wayfarer Guides salute each other when in uniform. (b) As a token of respect. At the hoisting of the National Flag, at the playing of the National Anthem or "Nkosi sikelela i- Afrika", to uncased colours, to Scout Flags other than Patrol fla g s , and when passing funerals. (c) During the making or re-affirming of the Scout Promise. (In this case all ranks give their respective salute or sign even if in Church or on any parade). The following are the methods of s a lu t in g :(a) Pathfinder Wolf Cubs salute as in Figure 1. (b) All other ranks, except as in paragraph (c) salute as in Figure 2, passing a stick or thumbstick into the left hand. (c) Pathfinder Scouts when carrying staves salute as in Figures 3 and 4. (d) If the hands are occupied the salute is by turning the head and eyes to the right or left as the case may be. (e) The Scout sign (for use only in making or reaffirming the Scout Promise) is given by raising the right hand level with the shoulder, palm to the front and fingers as in Figure 2, but Scouts carrying staves use the left hand. The Scout Salute is not used by Cubs. (f ) The above salutes are used irrespective of whether the head is bare or covered. (g) In church the salute is always made by standing at the alert, except In making or reaffirming the Scout Promise. (h) On all parades, other than In Church, the leader calls the Scouts to alert and he alone salutes except in the making or reaffirming of the Scout Promise. 73. TOTEM POLES. A Pack is entitled to carry a Totem Pole. 74. TRANSFERS. When a Pathfinder Scout leaves a Troop his Pathfinder Scoutmaster must send a copy of his record to the District Pathfinder Scout Commissioner in order that - 4-5 - he may be followed up. No Pathfinder Scout should be accepted In another Troop without the consent of his previous Pathfinder Scoutmaster. Transfers between Divisions must be effected through the Divisional Secretaries. 75. WEARING OP UNIFORM. Every effort should be made to see that the correct uniform (in part or whole) is worn only on Pathfinder Scout service. The wearing of Pathfinder Scout badges by unauthorised persons should also be d i s couraged - if possible by the recovery of the badges by an officer of the Association. No badge, cord, or other decoration may be worn on Pathfinder Scout uniform except :(a) Those described in these Regulations. (b) Ribbons of the following : K in g ’ s Medals, war medals, decorations and orders (except on occasions when such medals may be worn). (c) The Badges of the South African Red Gross Society, (Junior and Senior Courses), S t. John's Ambulance Badge (Senior Course) and the badges of the Royal Life Saving Society. These badges are worn on the right arm be tween the elbow and shoulder. (d) The Life-Saving Medals of the Order of St, John and of the Royal Humane Society. (e) Any badge issued under the authority of the State. (f ) Such distinctive badges a3 may have been awarded to the wearer as a Pathfinder. P A R T V. PROFICIENCY AND OTHER BADGES, 76. GENERAL. Proficiency Badges are obtained by the District Path finder Scout Commissioners from Divisional Head^quarters and issued by them to Pathfinder Scout masters on the recommendation of the examiner as laid down in subsequent ru le s. The tests for these badges must, except where other wise specified, be passed to the satisfaction of an independent and qualified examiner appointed by the Divisional Council and Divisional Commissioner, on the recommendation of the D istrict Pathfinder Scout Commissioner. Where in any particular case opportunity may occur in camp or on some other special occasion for doing the practical part of any of the tests for the badges which by reason of the circumstances of the Group cannot be carried out in the course of its normal course of a c t iv itie s , the Divisional Pathfinder Scout Commissioner may, at his discretion, authorise the examiner to accept a certificate by the Scout master in respect of certain specified parts of such tests, PATHFINDER WOLF CUBS. 77» SPECIAL PROFICIENCY BADGES. In addition to the One-Star and Two-Star Badges there are twelve special proficiency badges for different subjects, but none of these special badges may be worn un til the Two-Star badge has been gained. 78. NATURE OF BADGES. 79. TESTS. The twelve special proficiency badges are divided into four groups as follows (a) Character. Colour of Badge - blue. Collector, Observer, Gardener. (b) Handicraft. Colour of Badge - yellow. A r tist, Homecraft, Toymaker. (c) Service. Colour of Badge - red. First Aider, Guide, House Orderly. (d) Physical Health, Colour of Badge - green. Athlete, Swimmer, Team Player. The tests of these badges are as follows Collector - Team Player - Wording as in Scout P .O .R . 414-425. < PATHFINDER BOY SCOUTS. 80. SPECIAL PROFICIENCY BADGES. In addition to the Second Class and First Class Badges there are special proficiency badges for different subjects but none of these badges may be worn until the Second Class Badge has been gained. 81. TESTS The tests for these special proficiency badges are as follows :- Airman to Bushman’ s Thong - Wording as in Scout P .O .R . 43 4/5 04. Those tests marked with an asterisk must be repassed annually. PATHFINDER ROVER SCOUTS. 82. PROFICIENCY BADGES. There are two proficiency badges for Path finder Rover Scouts - Rover Instructor and Ramblers. Rovers may not wear proficiency badges gained as Scouts or Cubs. The Rover Instructor Badge is worn on the right breast above the line of the pocket. The Ramblers badge is worn on the left shoulder strap. 83. TESTS. The tests for these badges are as follows :Rover Instructor - Ramblers. Wording as Scout P .O .R . Rules 507-508. PATHFINDER SC OUTERS. 84. NO PROFIC IENCY BADGES Scouters may not wear Scout Proficiency Badges. P A R T VI . DECORATIONS AND AWARDS. As Scout P .O .R . - Part X. E. Collection Number: AD1715 SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS (SAIRR), 1892-1974 PUBLISHER: Collection Funder:- Atlantic Philanthropies Foundation Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive Location:- Johannesburg ©2013 LEGAL NOTICES: Copyright Notice: All materials on the Historical Papers website are protected by South African copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise published in any format, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. 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