Q2•2014 Quarterly presentation Oslo, 18 July 2014 Agenda Highlights Results by region Group financials Outlook Page 2 Highlights – Cermaq Q2’14 (NOKm)* Q2 14 Q2 13 Operating revenues EBIT pre fv and non-rec. items 1 107 123 1 131 137 (NOKm, NOK per kg) Q2 14 Q2 13 26.5 5.2 28.6 5.9 (NOKm ) Q2 14 Q1 14 Equity ratio 53.1 % 54.9 % 2 092 1 930 Volumes sold (kt, gwe) EBIT per kg** NIBD Operating cash flow 137 EBIT Group NOK 123 million pre fair value Sales volume 6 thousand tons lower than estimate, full year estimate at same level Continued high cost for Atlantics and trout in Chile First ASC certification in Chile received One green license in category C awarded Sale of grain silo, NOK 44 million gain not included in EBIT pre fair value 289 EBIT throughout this document is EBIT pre fair value adjustments on biological assets and non-recurring items *Q2’13 numbers are pro forma excluding EWOS **EBIT per kg is based on EBIT pre fair value and non-recurring items excluding HQ/Other cost Page 3 Chile Total Chile Q2 14 Q2 13 Volumes (kt, gw e) 14.0 15.0 Revenues (NOKm) 547.2 523.8 EBIT (NOKm) 4.6 (6.4) EBIT per Kg (NOK) 0.3 (0.4) EBIT negatively impacted by: - EBIT Q2 14 vs Q2 13 Continued high cost for Atlantics and challenging biology for trout Lower sales volume for Atlantics Sales volume decreased by 7% vs. Q2’13 - NOKm 5 kt below estimate 50 -6 Sanitary situation largely unchanged - 30 46 -35 10 -6 -1 5 Other Q2 14 0 -10 Q2 13 Volume Price Cost Page 4 Stable sea lice levels SRS remains a concern for Atlantics and trout Chile – Atlantics Atlantic salm on Q2 14 Q2 13 Fresh 4.7 4.3 Frozen 6.2 5.5 10.9 9.8 416.3 368.1 Volumes (kt, gw e) Total Revenues (NOKm) EBIT (NOKm) (7.1) (4.6) EBIT per Kg (NOK) (0.6) (0.5) Sales volume 5 kt below estimate due to market timing - Harvest in line with production plans 11% increase in sales volume vs. Q2’13 despite inventory build Strong Atlantic prices Chile Atlantic fillet, FOB Miami, 3-4 lb, C-trim USD/lb 6 5 - High imports from Europe negatively impacted US market in Q2 - Achieved price USD 6.01/kg, 3% above Q2’13, in line with Q1’14 - Frozen prices on par with fresh 4 3 Feb March April May June Dec Jan '14 Sept Oct Nov June July Aug April May Jan '13 Feb March 2 Page 5 Increased production cost from harvesting underperforming sites - 5% increase from Q2’13 - 6% increase from Q1’14 Target 2015; Ex-cage Cost Atlantics Chile Ex-cage cost Atlantics, USD/kg Ex-cage cost target of USD 3.8/kg for Atlantics in 2015 reflecting improved fish health Higher share of superior grade to provide USD 0.2/kg stronger achieved price in 2015 Key drivers for reaching targets 6,0 4,8 5,0 4,5 4,8 4,9 4,5 3,9 4,0 3,8 3,3 3,0 2,0 1,0 - Maintain a low caligus level - Reduce chemical caligus treatment - Reduce effect of SRS – minimize stress - Improve feed conversion FY15e FY14e Q214 Q114 Q413 Q313 Q213 Q113 Q412 0,0 Based on the development of the fish in the sea and the improvements in key parameters the 2015 cost target is maintained Page 6 Atlantics – cost drivers and components Economic Feed Conversion Ratio EX-CAGE COST (USD/KG GWE) 1,51 1,48 4,7 4,5 0,5 4,2 0,6 3,9 Smolt 0,5 1,41 1,29 1,28 4,3 0,5 0,6 2010 3,5 2011 2012 2013 2014YTD 0,5 Mortality (per closed cycle) 2,5 2,2 2,4 Feed 19% 2,4 2,0 21% 21% 22% 2012 2013 2014YTD 12% 2,0 2010 Other cost 1,5 1,4 1,0 1,6 2011 Productivity Kg/smolt 1,2 4,50 1.2 2010 1,6 2011 2012 2013 2014 ytd 1.2 3,40 4,41 3,65 3,56 2012 2013 2014 ytd feed price adjusted* 2010 *feed price at 2013 level Page 7 2011 2014YTD Cermaq Chile sanitary situation Caligus per Atlantic salmon Average harvest weight, Atlantic salmon (Adult females + mobile) Stable Caligus level Stable mortality kg RWE 12 7 10 6 5 6 4 Kg RWE 8 4 - SRS and Caligus main challenge 3 2 2 Mortality Atlantic salmon monthly jan.14 aug.13 mar.13 okt.12 mai.12 Dec-11 jun.14 Harvest weight highest in the company’s history Decline in antibiotics vs Q1 due to less severe SRS outbreaks and more effective treatment Antibiotics usage Gr/t LWE, Atlantics 800 600 2% 400 1% 200 0% jul.11 feb.11 sep.10 Apr-10 nov.09 jun.09 Jan-09 0 0 3% - Seasonal decline vs. recent months 1 0 All data are for Cermaq Chile. Page 8 Chile – Coho Coho Q2 14 Q2 13 Volumes (kt, gw e) 1.8 2.4 Revenues (NOKm) 64.0 57.4 EBIT (NOKm) 13.1 (6.7) 7.5 (2.8) EBIT per Kg (NOK) Japan - Chile, Tsukiji wholesale market Yen/kg and USD price rebased to Yen price, Coho - Production cost up 2% vs. Q2’13, up 3% vs. Q1’14 Good biological situation - 800 600 400 Jan '12 Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan '13 Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan '14 Feb March April May June 200 Yen price Strong demand from Japan 1000 0 Achieved price USD 5.91/kg, up 44% vs. Q2’13, up 5% vs.Q1’14 USD price rebased to Yen Page 9 Low sea lice levels and mortality Chile – Trout Trout Q2 14 Q2 13 Volumes (kt, gw e) 1.4 2.7 Revenues (NOKm) 66.9 98.4 EBIT (NOKm) (1.3) 4.8 EBIT per Kg (NOK) (1.0) 1.8 Volume down by 48% vs. Q2’13 in line with stocking strategy of reducing trout production Achieved price USD 7.07/kg, up 18% vs. Q2’13, 5% vs. Q1’14 - Japan - Chile, Tsukiji wholesale market Yen/kg and USD price rebased to Yen price, trout 1200 1000 800 Production cost up by 25% vs. Q2’13, up 15% vs. Q1’14 - Higher cost y-o-y due to sanitary challenges - SRS continues to be main issue 600 400 0 Jan '12 Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan '13 Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan '14 Feb March April May June 200 Yen price USD price rebased to Yen Page 10 Strong demand from Japan Trout stocked in region XII develops well Norway Total Norw ay Q2 14 Q2 13 Volumes (kt, gw e) 8.1 9.7 Revenues (NOKm) EBIT (NOKm) 343.2 80.7 414.3 121.5 EBIT per Kg (NOK) 10.0 12.6 EBIT Q2 14 vs Q2 13 Volume in line with estimate Strong prices - Achieved price NOK 39.2/kg, down 3% vs. Q2’13 and 13% vs. Q1’14 - 9% of volume in the quarter was on fixed price contracts at NOK 39.2/kg Higher production cost NOKm - 7% above Q2’13 and 6% higher than Q1’14 - Impacted by two challenging sites and low volume in Finnmark, as planned 120 -20 100 -4 -17 80 60 122 81 40 20 0 Q2 13 Volume Price Cost Q2 14 One new green license in category C Generally good biological situation in both regions Page 11 ISA incident contained Nordland Nordland region Q2 14 Q2 13 Volumes (kt, gw e) 4.4 5.1 Revenues (NOKm) 195.4 231.8 EBIT (NOKm) 48.6 69.8 EBIT per Kg (NOK) 11.0 13.7 Achieved price NOK 38.2/kg Production cost NOK 25.1/kg Generally good sanitary situation Detection of virulent ISA in one pen at Langøyhovden Page 12 - The fish has been culled with limited financial impact - No detection of virulent ISA in the other pens at the site Harvest per license 1 305 tons last 12 months Finnmark Finnmark region Q2 14 Q2 13 Volumes (kt, gw e) 3.7 4.5 Revenues (NOKm) 147.8 182.5 EBIT (NOKm) EBIT per Kg (NOK) 32.1 8.8 51.8 11.4 Achieved price NOK 40.4/kg - Production cost NOK 29.5/kg - Low volume and two underperforming sites harvested Generally good biology - Mainly sold early in the quarter 2013G performing better than 2012G Harvest per license 956 tons last 12 months - Page 13 Reflects 3 depopulated PD sites New smolt facility in Nordland Investment will fulfill the strategic objective of becoming self sufficient with smolt, also in Norway Location in Forsan in Steigen, north of the «Bodø firegate» Capex estimated at NOK ~400m, mostly in 2015 and 2016 The investment will reduce smolt cost, give better biological control and flexibility in smolt size Forsan Nordfold «Bodø firegate» Bodø Page 14 Canada Q2 14 Q2 13 Volumes (kt, gw e) 4.4 4.0 Revenues (NOKm) 202.5 185.3 EBIT (NOKm) 51.9 54.0 EBIT per Kg (NOK) 11.8 13.4 - Weak appetite causing slow growth negatively impacted volume and production cost Production cost up 10% vs. Q2’13, stable vs. Q1’14 Volume 0.6 kt below estimate due to slower growth and postponed harvest due to market conditions Stable biological situation Weak appetite remains a concern NOKm 5 5 -11 -1 40 52 54 Achieved price CAD 8.16/kg, up 3% vs. Q2’13 and down 11% vs. Q1’14 EBIT Q2 14 vs Q2 13 60 Strong prices 20 0 Q2 13 Volume Price Cost Other Q2 14 Page 15 Financials Cash flow and Capex Operating cash flow (NOKm) Capex (NOKm) incl EWOS prior to Q1 14 incl EWOS prior to Q1 14 250 300 246 289 200 250 246 200 | 150 150 120 100 137 109 98 100 83 100 50 50 44 - Q2 13 Q4 13 Q1 14 Q2 13 Q2 14 Q3 13 Q4 13 Q1 14 Q2 14 Operating cash flow NOK 137 million vs. NOK 289 million in Q1’14 - Q3 13 EBITDA NOK 191m, working capital build up NOK 26m, paid taxes NOK 28m Capital expenditure NOK 98 million Page 17 NIBD, equity ratio, ROCE NIBD development (NOKm) 2 000 162 ROCE - combined operations (12-month rolling avg.) 65 13.9 % 14.0 % Q1 14 Q2 14 73 -137 1 500 1 000 10.3 % 1930 6.3 % 7.1 % Q2 13 Q3 13 2092 500 Q4 13 NIBD Q2 Other/FX Dividend paid Investment CF Operating CF NIBD Q1 - Unsecured NOK 750 million bond issue NIBD up by NOK 162 million vs. Q1’14 due to dividend payment Equity ratio 53% ROCE 14% (12m rolling) driven by stronger salmon prices Page 18 Unsecured NOK 750 million bond issue 3M NIBOR +2.75% Committed long term headroom increased from NOK 3 000 million to NOK 3 750 million Further flexibility is provided by the possibility for tap issues up to NOK 750 million Secure funding of projected organic growth and strategic projects over the next 2-3 years Most of the funds raised were used to repay existing loans under the Group’s revolving credit facilities Maturity profile of Cermaq committed funds Page 19 Outlook 2014 Outlook Annual sales, kt gwe 120 kt 109 kt 142 kt +18% 160 +10% Canada; 15 120 kt, gwe Canada; 19 Estimated sales in 2014 of 158 kt Development of new licenses and Nordland smolt facility Outlook for limited global supply growth indicates strong markets during 2014 and 2015 Norway; 57 Norway; 51 Canada; 21 80 Canada; 20 140 100 Cost reduction for Atlantics and trout in Chile 158 kt +11% 180 Norway; 51 Norway; 38 60 40 20 Chile; 76 Chile; 49 Chile; 80 Chile; 50 0 ACT ACT ACT EST FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 Page 21 Appendix Selling price, cost and EBIT/kg *Total cost include all cost, and are not comparable to production cost mentioned elsewhere in the presentation Page 23 Quarterly sales volumes Cermaq group sales volumes (kt, gwe) Chile Atlantic Coho Trout Norway Nordland Finnmark Canada TOTAL Q1 13 ACT 25 11 10 3 15 3 12 4 43 Q2 13 ACT 15 10 2 3 10 5 5 4 29 Q3 13 ACT 11 7 1 2 13 7 6 4 28 Q4 13 ACT 26 13 9 4 14 7 7 3 43 Page 24 FY 13 ACT 76 41 23 12 51 22 29 15 142 Q1 14 ACT 19 8 8 3 13 4 9 2 35 Q2 14 ACT 14 11 2 1 8 4 4 4 27 Q3 14 EST 19 16 3 17 8 9 6 41 Q4 14 EST 28 16 9 3 19 9 9 8 54 FY 14 EST 80 51 19 10 57 26 31 20 158 Harvest and supply Global harvest of Atlantic salmon World wide harvest of farmed salmonids kTonnes WFE 3 000 Q2 13 Q2 14 FY 13 (kTonnes WFE) FY 14E 2 750 REGION Canada 29 29 115 117 Chile 107 129 468 523 Norw ay 256 295 1 144 1 216 UK 37 40 158 164 Other 39 42 158 172 467 535 2 043 2 191 EST, HARVEST Source: Kontali 2 500 2 250 2 000 1 750 1 500 1 250 1 000 750 500 Global sales per region of Atlantic salmon 250 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014E Atlantic s almon kTonnes WFE Q2 13 Q2 14 FY 13 FY 14E Source: Kontali Analyse REGION EU 214 241 905 963 USA 95 100 371 403 Japan 13 17 59 64 Russia 34 34 160 160 China / Hong Kong 15 23 69 80 Brazil 20 26 86 100 88 104 388 426 479 544 2 038 2 196 Other EST, SUPPLY Source: Kontali Page 25 Large trout Coho Market prices farmed salmonids Europe - Norway (FCA Oslo) USA - Chile / Canada (NOK/kg) (USD/lb) 7 60 6 50 5 40 4 30 3 20 2 10 1 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 Chilean Atlantic fillet fresh, FOB Miami, 3-4 lb, C-Trim Source: Kontali Source: NOS, Kontali Japan - Chile (wholesale Tsukiji market) Canada (Wes t coas t) whole fish fresh, FOB Seattle, 8-10 lb Japan - Chile, Tsukiji wholesale market (USD/kg) (JPY/kg) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 Jan '12 Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan '13 Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan '14 Feb March April May June 200 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Japan - Chile frozen coho 4-6lb JPY/kg Coho Japan - Chile frozen trout 4-6lb JPY/kg Source: Urner Barry Source: Urner Berry Page 26 trout
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