Company presentation wmf group Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 1 Table of contents 01 History 02 Corporate structure 03 wmf group worldwide 04 Facts & figures Foundation Timeline Mission statement Business units Locations Brands Financial performance Key figures Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 2 01 Chapter History Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 3 Foundation In 1853, mill owner Daniel Straub, together with the Schweizer brothers, established the Metallwarenfabrik Straub & Schweizer in Geislingen with an initial workforce of 16. Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 4 Foundation Shortly before this, Daniel Straub had founded his first manufacturing company, the Maschinenfabrik Geislingen, in connection with the construction of the Geislinger Steige, the steepest railway line in Europe at the time. As experienced metal spinners, the brothers Friedrich and Louis Schweizer were able to contribute technical expertise. Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 5 Foundation Only a few years later in 1862, Straub & Schweizer's silver-plated tableware and serving dishes were awarded medals of distinction at the world exhibition in London. In order to strengthen sales in Northern Germany as well, the first store was founded in Berlin in 1868 – the start of the group's present day network of stores. In 1880, the company merged with the Metallwarenfabrik Ritter & Co. from Esslingen in the form of a public limited company to form the Württembergische Metallwarenfabrik (WMF) with its head office in Geislingen. Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 6 Timeline I 1853 – 2014 1850 1853 1860 1870 1880 1890 Founding of the Straub & Schweizer metal works in Geislingen an der Steige with 16 employees Daniel Straub –The founder Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 7 Timeline I 1853 – 2014 1850 1853 1860 Founding of the Straub & Schweizer metal works in Geislingen an der Steige with 16 employees 1868 1870 1880 1889 1890 Establishment of the first store in Berlin Daniel Straub –The founder Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 8 Timeline I 1853 – 2014 1850 1853 1860 Founding of the Metallwarenfabrik Straub & Schweizer in Geislingen an der Steige with 16 employees 1868 1870 Establishment of the first store in Berlin Daniel Straub – the founder Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures 1880 1889 1890 Merger with the with the Metallwarenfabrik Ritter & Co, Esslingen to become the Württembergische Metallwarenfabrik AG based in Geislingen Page 9 Timeline I 1853 – 2014 1850 1853 1860 Founding of the Metallwarenfabrik Straub & Schweizer in Geislingen an der Steige with 16 employees 1868 1870 Establishment of the first store in Berlin Daniel Straub – the founder Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures 1880 1889 1890 Merger with the with the Metallwarenfabrik Ritter & Co, Esslingen to become the Württembergische Metallwarenfabrik AG based in Geislingen Start of series production of galvanically silver plated cutlery Page 10 Timeline I 1853 – 2014 1890 1893 1900 1910 1920 1930 Patent for silver plating technique Patent for a cutlery silver plating process with increased silver coating at points exposed to heavier wear Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 11 Timeline I 1853 – 2014 1890 1893 1900 1910 1920 1930 Patent for silver plating technique WMF grows rapidly and now employs Patent for a cutlery 3,000 persons silver plating process with increased silver coating at points exposed to heavier wear Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 12 Timeline I 1853 – 2014 1890 1893 1900 1910 Patent for silver plating technique WMF grows rapidly and now employs Patent for a cutlery 3,000 persons silver plating process with increased silver coating at points exposed to heavier wear Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures 1920 1927 Sikomatic The first WMF pressure cooker is launched Start of production of the first series of large coffee machines begins Page 13 Timeline I 1853 – 2014 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 Cromargan® A new material: a rustproof stainless steel, which WMF names "Cromargan" (legally protected term) 1930-1935 Expansion of the network of stores Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 14 Timeline I 1853 – 2014 1930 1940 Cromargan® A new material: a rustproof stainless steel, which WMF names "Cromargan" (legally protected term) 1930-1935 Expansion of the network of stores Company presentation 1950 1955 1960 1970 Expansion of the customer service network, which now employs 280 service technicians for commercial coffee machines History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 15 Timeline I 1853 – 2014 1930 1940 Cromargan® A new material: a rustproof stainless steel, which WMF names "Cromargan" (legally protected term) 1930-1935 Expansion of the network of stores Company presentation 1950 1955 1960 1962 Expansion of the customer service network which now employs 280 service technicians for commercial coffee machines History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures 1970 Start of blade production for table knives at the Hayingen factory, from 1977 production of kitchen knives Page 16 Timeline I 1853 – 2014 1930 1940 Cromargan® A new material: a rustproof stainless steel, which WMF names "Cromargan" (legally protected term) 1930-1935 Expansion of the network of stores Company presentation 1950 1955 1960 1962 Expansion of the customer service network, which now employs 280 service technicians for commercial coffee machines History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Start of blade production for table knives at the Hayingen factory, from 1977 production of kitchen knives 1969 Development of the world's first fully automatic coffee machine Page 17 Timeline I 1853 – 2014 1970 1980 1986 1990 2000 2001 From 1986, expansion and development of WMF group with the branded subsidiaries alfi, Hepp, Auerhahn, Silit, Kaiser and Schaerer Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 18 Timeline I 1853 – 2014 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 WMF offers newly developed fully automatic coffee machines for the private household Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 19 Timeline I 1853 – 2014 2006 2007 WMF offers newly developed fully automatic coffee machines for the private household Company presentation 2008 2009 2010 WMF opens its 200th store in Germany, Austria and Switzerland History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 20 Timeline I 1853 – 2014 2006 2007 WMF offers newly developed fully automatic coffee machines for the private household Company presentation 2008 2009 WMF opens its 200th store in Germany, Austria and Switzerland History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures 2010 Cromargan protect® Further refinement of Cromargan to ensure maximum scratch resistance Page 21 Timeline I 1853 – 2014 2010 2011 Cool+ technology Cool+ technology reduces the heat transfer from the pot body to the pot handle Company presentation 2012 2013 2014 Sales top the billion mark History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 22 02 Chapter Corporate structure Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 23 Mission statement Our claim We set ourselves apart by quality and innovation in function and design. In this way we are always able to convince our customers and partners. This means that our products and services are always the first choice, thus creating the basis for profitable growth. Our customers The principle of closeness to our customers informs all our actions. In all our teams worldwide, we work every day to be better for our customers, both internally and externally. Our organisation We operate and are responsible for all the functions and processes required for our business. The business units have broad responsibility for their respective core processes that transcends brands. The group management determines the scope of creative and operational freedom required to achieve the objectives. The service areas support the business units in cross-departmental functions. Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 24 Mission statement Our brands Each of our brands offers our customers and partners a unique brand experience. We maintain consistent and differentiated brand positioning. This increases the recognition of our brands and to an enhancement of brand value. Our values Shared values determine the quality of how we work together. Our employees We encourage our employees' talents, expect high standards from them and work together with an attitude of mutual trust. Our shareholders We are attractive to shareholders. Our environment The responsible use of resources is the norm for us. Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 25 wmf group Business unit WMF stores Company presentation History | Corporate Corporatestructure structure| wmf | wmfgroup groupworldwide worldwide| Facts | Facts&&figures figures Page 26 Page 26 Business unit WMF stores The business unit WMF stores operates over 200 speciality stores in German-speaking countries. The company-owned stores in premium locations in pedestrian zones and in shopping centres stock the group brands alfi, Auerhahn, Kaiser, petra, Silit and WMF. The extensive range of goods offers a wide variety of high quality and functional products that are presented clearly and attractively. The ambience of the WMF stores encourages shoppers to browse and relax, making shopping into an enjoyable experience. Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 27 WMF stores Key figures 2013 Sales: € 156.5 million EBIT: € -11.1 million Employees (as of 31/12/2013) 1,202 Company presentation History | Corporate Corporatestructure structure| wmf | wmfgroup groupworldwide worldwide| Facts | Facts&&figures figures Page 28 Business unit WMF stores - in pictures Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 29 wmf group Business unit Table & kitchen Company presentation History | Corporate Corporatestructure structure| wmf | wmfgroup groupworldwide worldwide| Facts | Facts&&figures figures Page 30 Business unit Table & kitchen The business unit Table & kitchen is involved in the independent product development, production, procurement and worldwide marketing of first-class products. The products from the alfi, Auerhahn, Kaiser, Silit and WMF brands are differentiated in terms of quality, function, innovation and design and offer a unique product experience. The business unit Table & kitchen embraces the product groups cutlery, cookware, kitchen utensils, table and home accessories, baking, insulation, serving pieces and components. Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 31 Table & kitchen Key figures 2013 Sales: € 454.9 million EBIT: € 24.9 million Employees (as of 31 December 2013) 1,867 Company presentation History | Corporate Corporatestructure structure| wmf | wmfgroup groupworldwide worldwide| Facts | Facts&&figures figures Page 32 Business unit Table & kitchen - in pictures Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 33 wmf group Business unit Small electrical appliances Company presentation History | Corporate Corporatestructure structure| wmf | wmfgroup groupworldwide worldwide| Facts | Facts&&figures figures Page 34 Business unit Small electrical appliances The business unit Small electrical appliances covers all electrical products for use in the private household that bear the WMF brand. Our sales partners are primarily electrical goods dealers, but also household goods dealers. Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 35 Small electrical appliances Key figures 2013 Sales: € 55.5 million EBIT: € -16.88 million Employees (as of 31/12/2013) 74 Company presentation History | Corporate Corporatestructure structure| wmf | wmfgroup groupworldwide worldwide| Facts | Facts&&figures figures Page 36 Business unit Small electrical appliances - in pictures Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 37 wmf group Business unit Hotel Company presentation History | Corporate Corporatestructure structure| wmf | wmfgroup groupworldwide worldwide| Facts | Facts&&figures figures Page 38 Business unit Hotels Cultivated hospitality is the central theme in the business unit Hotels. With the highest quality products from the Hepp and WMF brands, complemented by the comprehensive services offered by Boehringer Gastro Profi, the business unit Hotels provides effective solutions for the restaurant and hotel industry. In the business unit Hotels, we are familiar with the requirements of exclusive restaurants and hotels and aim to consistently meet the high standards and the requirements of our customers – with a very wide product range, which offers nearly everything from a versatile system solution for hotel buffets to a comprehensive range of equipment for professional chefs. Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 39 Hotel Key figures 2013 Sales: € 77.0 million EBIT: € 3.2 million Employees (as of 31/12/2013) 331 Company presentation History | Corporate Corporatestructure structure| wmf | wmfgroup groupworldwide worldwide| Facts | Facts&&figures figures Page 40 Business unit Hotels - in pictures Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 41 wmf group Business unit Coffee machines Company presentation History | Corporate Corporatestructure structure| wmf | wmfgroup groupworldwide worldwide| Facts | Facts&&figures figures Page 42 Business unit Coffee machines With its brands Schaerer and WMF, the business unit Coffee machines serves commercial clients from all over the world. The fully automatic coffee machines provide high quality coffee for hotels and restaurants. Schaerer and WMF coffee machines are to be found in many different applications all over the world. Hotels, cruise ships, restaurants, cafés, chain restaurants and offices rely on quality products from both brands. Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 43 Coffee machines Key figures 2013 Sales: € 324.1 million EBIT: € 47.2 million Employees (as of 31/12/2013) 1,489 Company presentation History | Corporate Corporatestructure structure| wmf | wmfgroup groupworldwide worldwide| Facts | Facts&&figures figures Page 44 Business unit Coffee machines - in pictures Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 45 03 Chapter wmf group worldwide Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 46 Locations Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 47 Locations Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 48 Locations Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 49 Locations wmf group manufacturing strategy The wmf group pursues a three-pillar strategy in relation to manufacturing its products. The main pillar is manufacturing in the group's own domestic production facilities, the second pillar is manufacturing in WMF production facilities abroad. The third pillar is external procurement according to WMF standards from partner companies certified by WMF. WMF defines its own high quality standards for all the products, regardless of the geographical location of the production facility. The majority of the wmf group's manufacturing activities take place in Germany. Of a total of eight manufacturing facilities, three are located abroad and the remaining five are located at Geislingen/Steige (headquarters), Hayingen, Diez/Lahn, Wertheim and Riedlingen – all in Germany. Fully owned WMF production facilities are located in Heshan, southern China and in Domažlice, the Czech Republic. The group subsidiary Schaerer manufactures its high quality, professional coffee machines at Zuchwil, Switzerland. In addition, WMF obtains products from suppliers which manufacture worldwide according to WMF designs and WMF quality standards. Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 50 Brands Worldwide retail business WMF stores The business unit WMF stores operates over 220 speciality stores in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The company-owned stores in prime locations in pedestrian zones and shopping centres stock the group brands alfi, Auerhahn, Kaiser, petra, Silit and WMF. Table & kitchen The business unit Table & kitchen is responsible for the independent product development, production, procurement and worldwide marketing of first-class products. The products from the alfi, Auerhahn, Kaiser, Silit and WMF brands are differentiated in terms of quality, function, innovation and design and offer a unique product experience. Small electrical appliances The business unit Small electrical appliances covers all electrical products for use in the private household with the WMF brand. Our sales partners are primarily electrical goods dealers, but also household goods dealers. Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 51 Brands International coffee machine and hotel business Hotels Cultivated hospitality is the central theme in the business unit Hotels. With the highest quality products from the Hepp and WMF brands, complemented by the comprehensive services offered by Boehringer Gastro Profi, the business unit Hotels provides solutions for the restaurant and hotel industry. Coffee machines With its brands Schaerer and WMF, the business unit Coffee machines serves commercial clients from all over the world. The fully automatic coffee machines provide high quality coffee for hotels and restaurants. Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 52 04 Chapter Facts & figures Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 53 Financial performance Sales (in million euros) EBIT (in million euros) 1,015.0 2013 1,027.3 2012 979.4 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Company presentation 901.6 800.0 795.8 761.5 731.8 47.4 2013 71.4 2012 65.0 2011 58.4 2010 41.6 2009 41.3 2008 2007 53.3 32.4 2006 History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 54 Key figures 2012 2013 % PY € 1,027.3 million € 1,015.0 million 99 48.2 % 46.3 % 96 € 71.4 million € 47.4 million 66 7.0 % 4.7 % 67 51.4 % 52.7 % 103 Employees (as of 31 December 2013) 6,053 6,133 101 Dividend € 1.00 € 0.50 50 Sales Proportion generated abroad EBIT EBIT return on sales Equity ratio Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 55 Company presentation wmf group Company presentation History | Corporate structure | wmf group worldwide | Facts & figures Page 56
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