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practices of interparliamentary
coordination in
international politics
the European Union and beyond
Edited by
Ben Crum and John Erik Fossum
© B. Crum and J. E. Fossum 2013
First published by the ECPR Press in 2013
The ECPR Press is the publishing imprint of the European Consortium for Political Research
(ECPR), a scholarly association, which supports and encourages the training, research and
cross-national cooperation of political scientists in institutions throughout Europe and beyond.
ECPR Press
University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Hardback ISBN: 978–1-907301–30–8
ECPR – Studies in European Political Science
Series Editors:
Dario Castiglione (University of Exeter)
Peter Kennealy (European University Institute)
Alexandra Segerberg (Stockholm University)
Peter Triantafillou (Roskilde University)
ECPR – Studies in European Political Science is a series of high-quality edited
volumes on topics at the cutting edge of current political science and political
thought. All volumes are research-based offering new perspectives in the study
of politics with contributions from leading scholars working in the relevant
fields. Most of the volumes originate from ECPR events including the Joint
Sessions of Workshops, the Research Sessions, and the General Conferences.
A Political Sociology of Transnational Europe
ISBN: 9781907301346
Edited by Niilo Kauppi
Europeanisation and Party Politics
ISBN: 9781907301223
Edited by Erol Külahci
Interactive Policy Making, Metagovernance and Democracy
ISBN: 9781907301131
Edited by Jacob Torfing and Peter Triantafillou
Perceptions of Europe
ISBN: 9781907301155
Edited by Daniel Gaxie, Jay Rowell and Nicolas Hubé
Personal Representation: The Neglected Dimension of Electoral Systems
ISBN: 9781907301162
Edited by Josep Colomer
Political Participation in France and Germany
ISBN: 9781907301315
Oscar Gabriel, Silke Keil and Eric Kerrouche
Political Trust: Why Context Matters
ISBN: 9781907301230
Edited by Sonja Zmerli and Marc Hooghe
New Nation-States and National Minorities
ISBN: 9781907301360
Edited by Julian Danero Iglegias, Nenad Stojanović and Sharon Weinblum
The Political Ecology of the Metropolis
ISBN: 9781907301377
Edited by Jefferey Sellers, Daniel Kübler, Alan Walks and Melanie Walter-Rogg
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List of Figures and Tables
List of Abbreviations
Chapter One: Practices of Interparliamentary Coordination in
International Politics: The European Union and Beyond
Ben Crum and John Erik Fossum
Part I. National Scrutiny Mechanisms in the EU
Chapter Two: Learning from the Best? Interparliamentary Networks
and the Parliamentary Scrutiny of EU Decision-Making
Aron Buzogány17
Chapter Three: Cooperation among National Parliaments: An Effective
Contribution to EU Legitimation?
Viera Knutelská33
Chapter Four: Deliberation in the Multilevel Parliamentary Field:
The Seasonal Workers Directive as a Test Case
Ian Cooper51
Part II. Interparliamentary Interaction in Different Policy Domains
Chapter Five: Interparliamentary Coordination in Single Market PolicyMaking: The EU Services Directive
Ben Crum and Eric Miklin71
Chapter Six: Coordination Practices in the Parliamentary Control of
Justice and Home Affairs Agencies: The Case of Europol
Daniel Ruiz de Garibay87
Chapter Seven: Parliaments at the Water’s Edge: The EU’s Naval
Mission Atalanta
Dirk Peters, Wolfgang Wagner and Cosima Glahn105
practices of interparliamentary coordination in international politics
Chapter Eight: An Asymmetric Two-Level Game: Parliaments in the
Euro Crisis
Arthur Benz125
Part III. Actor Perspectives
Chapter Nine: EU Parliaments After the Treaty of Lisbon: Towards a
Parliamentary Field?
Johannes Pollak and Peter Slominski143
Chapter Ten: The ‘Back Door’ to National Politics: The French Greens
and the 2009 European Parliament Elections
Yoav Shemer-Kunz161
Chapter Eleven: Women in Europe: Recruitment, Practices and Social
Institutionalisation of the European Political Field
Willy Beauvallet and Sébastien Michon175
Part IV. Beyond the EU
Chapter Twelve: Who is Coming? Attendance Patterns in the NATO
and WEU Parliamentary Assemblies
Wolfgang Wagner195
Chapter Thirteen: The Institutionalisation of a Parliamentary Dimension
of the WTO
Hilmar Rommetvedt213
Part V. Democratic Implications
Chapter Fourteen: The European Union: Parliamentary Wasteland or
Parliamentary Field?
Christopher Lord235
Chapter Fifteen: Conclusion: Towards a Democratic Multilevel
Parliamentary Field?
Ben Crum and John Erik Fossum251
List of Interviewees
list of figures and tables
Figure 9.1: Distribution of decision-making procedures on EU
Figure 9.2: Number of documents filed on IPEX by parliamentary
Figure 9.3: Total number of binding opinions in both Austrian EU affairs
Figure 9.4: Total number of meetings, incoming and discussed documents
in the main committee
Figure 12.1: Member delegations’ attendance rates at NATO-PA sessions 203
Table 2.1: A typology of interparliamentary networks
Table 2.2: The strength of parliamentary scrutiny in the EU (2005)
Table 3.1: Timely completion of the coordinated tests of subsidiarity
Table 3.2: Interparliamentary cooperation in the coordinated test of
subsidiarity checks
Table 3.3: Use of IPEX by national parliamentary chambers
Table 3.4: Number of opinions received by the Commission from national
Table 6.1: Preferences of actors at the start of the Europol negotiations
Table 8.1: Possible constellations of the Multilevel Parliamentary Field
Table 10.1: Green candidates in presidential elections in France
Table 10.2: Green lists in EP elections (1979–2009)
Table 11.1: Proportions of sixth term MEPs having previously exercised a
national mandate or having been a member of government, according
to country of election
practices of interparliamentary coordination in international politics
Table 11.2: Indicators of seniority in the EP, according to country of
election of the sixth term MEPs (in decreasing order)
Table 11.3: Distribution of occupation and degree level of sixth term
Table 11.4: Gender distribution depending on country of election of
the sixth term MEPs (ranked in descending order of % of women)
Table 11.5: Distribution of occupation and degree level of the sixth
term MEPs according to gender
Table 12.1: Ranking of NATO-PA delegations by order of attendance
rate (highest to lowest)
Table 12.2: Status groups in the WEU-PA
Table 12.3: Comparative means NATO-PA
Table 12.4: Comparative means WEU-PA
Table 12.5: Comparative means NATO-PA by year
Table 12.6: Comparative means WEU-PA by year
Table 12.A1: Mean attendance of delegations to WEU-PA