T H E CAMERON HERALD. CAMERON. MILAM COUNTYJTEXAS- J This (Page belongs to CheeVes qEfros <f Company. Generally, "We Have a Word to' Say, >**>*&• « * * •J@S&>t&9*M)®®6i»®&9m <9®®®<$&<s.£ IP 'Pfiy - **»*Q> •9 Below we have a complete change in price list of New Goods at eve a better than |any before. It is Positively to Your Interest \ to come and examine our New Line of [Spring and Summer Goods. It will do you good. M M N M N -- e Art Mill! tali U\ of ill Kinds From tie Best Maiiiis Ii Tie Met Slates! These Goods are purchased by an experienced merchant, a n d are most suitably adapted to t h e trade. They were bought at prices that enable us to sell a t g r e a t bargains. Never before haye we been able to make such offers, and a glance over our price list will convince you of this statement. Read t h e list and then come at once. We are here to please, and not to be looked at. Come and look, a t our goods and if you are pleased then buy them. DRESS GOODS. In Dress Goods we always offer the Tery latest designs and newest shades. W. awn this Benson nome Regular Trade, Winner*, and orge a careful examination of our various styles. 1 piece Wk 38 10, all WOQ,1 Oiacint^ at 85c * pieces in-; 48 inch Gloiia Silk at 73c. 1 piece oik 38 in. Silk Wool Mohair, 75c. 4 pc. 38 To. fancy color* Silk Sublime, 75 i n , ,w in. Silk wap Nooveante at 75c 4 pieces 40 incn Cain Novelties at 75c. 6 pieces 40 Inch Ostusia Novelties at 65c. 6 piee*» 40 in. Nouberta Novelties at 50c, 2 piece* 38 men Core Novelties at 85c. 10 piece- 38 inch Dobby Silk at 50c. 7 pieces 21 iuch Karl Silk at 35c, 21 pieces tfaiwy Silk at one # 1 . " at 90 cents. 17 pieces M '* at 85 cents, 9 pieces .1 •< at 75 cents. 18 '• M •• at 5ft cents. 11 «' " " at 50 cents. SS ' '•« China Silks at 35 cents. 50 " Fontaine Clolb at 03 cents. •<; loch all wool Serge at 50c. < %*> '.piece 40 n.cb Jaqusrd Crepe at 50 cents % «« 56 '< Betas at 50 cent*. pieces 8il " Granero Novelties at sop. 4 (.feres 34 Inch Horter sla Novelties, 50c "4 inch HamUTS Sotting at 85c. 1 38 inch B. B. Albertros at 80c 2 34 inch high col'd Albeatro* 35c. 4 ,28 loch Scotch Novelties at 85c. 3 I ipiich Lisse Orgaeiea at 85 cts, 5 Irish Dimity at 25 cents. ' 10 col'd Dotted Swiss at 25 c m s . Taffeta Molse at 20 cents. . . Si k raff eta at 15 cents Cordele Marquise at 15 cents, « «< French Bateste at 12 1 2. 8 ,i Swlat Fnlsh Organdies at 12 1-2. 7 H s M Fine Dimity at 13 1 -2 cents, Erie Dimity at 10 cents, . 5 'it Steel River Percals at 10 cents. 5 »• High Laws Shirtings at 9 cents. 5 »1 K W Skirtings at 8 3 4 cents. 6 <* Bar Harbor Dock at 8 1*2 cents. * .< 4 W Royal Pique at 15 cents. 1 , ** Florentine Duck at 10 cents. I M Argyle Plqoes at i5 cents. • • Superfine Dock at lo cents. I 8 a Princess Jaconet at 10 cents. A French, Jaconet at 10 cents. 1 n.h Lawn M 10 rents. It Llsse Organdy at 10 cents. 4Victoria Lawn at-8 1-3 cents. • 'r. p« Plcardle atf* 1 3 c c o t ( l m^ H Mens Sateen Windsor ties 5 cents. 11 •' English Lawn at 8 1-3 cents. a " '• atgiAll silk Windsor ties 20 cents. 20 " Scutch Lawn at 5 cents. 11 " ail wool knee suits at 91.50. Mens dress scarfs 15, 25, 35 and 45 cents. We have an elegant line at salines from 12 •« all wool Serge suits at 92.50. O u t silk four-in hand ties 40 cents Boys knee pants 15, 20, 25, 35, 50 anil 75c 8 1 -2 to 25 ceots. Bofs long pants-.;.'*, SO, 75, 85c, 91 and 92 Geuts French Baibriggao shirts 25 cents. 25 pieces Star Lawn at 3 cents. " Nit shirts 25 cents. Men- Jeans pants 50 75 85 90 98 100 150c. Gents 30 " Challies at 3 cent.-. Gents Balbriggan shirts 34, 42 at 35 cts. Mens all wool California Pint- 3 i. 93,50 5 ^ '« Freneh Batiste at 10 cents. Gents Egyptian BttbriKgau -lit 34 42 50c Mens all wool Scotch Tweeds pants 92 25 4 «' Vtgoareanx3-i.BeiaaaL-LQcUents Marino Shirts 50 cents. 5 " Manchester Nunsvelllog at 13c. Mens black and blue Cheviot pants 91.50 Gents Cotton Shirts 13, 20 aud 25 cents. 5 pc. Johnsons Book fold Ginghams, 10c. MIIIS Satinet pants 91.50 per pair. Mens Negligee Shirts 40 ceots. 25 pieces Fancy Bracastle " , ftc. Mens Cottonade pants 85c and 81. •*• «• " 50 cents. Mens Overalls at 25, 35, 45, 50, 75 A 85t?. 50 " Nice dress style " , 5c. " " •*- (55 cents, 50; '• Apron Check Ginghams, 5 cts. " " " 75 cents. 7 " Ureseut Percals at 7 1 2c. " Best Quality Negligee shirts 91 00. 5 pc. Wm Simpsons Zephyrs at 8 I '•'•. e> ' " Mens white plain bosom shirts 50 cents. 5 pc. Grantham suiting at 5 cents. "Spot Cash*' did a heap of loud talkGents white pleeted bosom shirts 75 cts. 3 pc. Satsuma Silk at 8 1-3 cents. ing in this department, and with spleo10 pc. Washington oil color Prints at 5c. did rcsuiis. Something always drops, Geats white pleeted bosom shirt- 85 cts. •ylenu white full dress satrts 9 1 . 8 pc. Foulards oil color Prints at 6c. and sometimes with a heavy thud, when 25 p c Hormooy Mills oil color Prints, 5c Mr. Cash introduces himself to the poor Gents plain white bosom collar attached shirts 91 00. 20 pc. aYercldes oil color Prints at Scents Gents Furnishing Good Jobbers. We Gents white Shakespeare Shirts 9 1 . 20 pc. W«t Simpsons Greys at 5 cents. venture to say that on many items hereGeets white Hummer shirts 9 1 0 0 . 8 pc. lronville Greys at Scents. in quoted, we ar« lutly 35 pertsent below 20 pc. American Indigo Blues at 5 cents. any other house, and include the verv We carry a full line of work shirts for 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 cents. 25 pc. Fountain Red calicos *t 4 cents. latest novelties. Mens Unlaundered shirts Fleeted bosom 20 pc. Passaie Novelties at 4 ce»ts. Suspenders 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 35, 40 A 50c, 50 cents. , -^ 20 pc. Lodl Shirtings at 4 cents. Mens heavy hose 5 ceots. Gents. Unlaundered shirts plain bosom The space is to -mall and we cant Mens Seamless hose 7 1-2 cents. 50 cents. catalogue the prices of oar white goods Mens extra heavy seamless hose 10 cents Gents Unlaundered shirts plain bosom in this issue. Mens fancy half hose 10 cents. : ' . " » cents. " Merino hail hose 15 cents. Mens Jumpers 25 cents. " (ol.jr.id halt hose 12 1-2 coats. Meos Duckin Jumpers 50 cents. Lisle ball hose 15 cents GENTSGOODS. CLOTHTNC. Too don't need spectacles to see that we are offering some "Big Drives" in Clothing. We bave more than sustained onr previously well earned reputation for selling Clothing cheap, lo fact, we have cat even a liti le closer and deeper than ever before, t a d you'll miss It If yoo don't favor ea with your entire Clatbing trade. 5 mens Gray Surge. Suits 95. 9 mens Gray Satinet Bolts at * l 8 mens Black Worsted Frock Salt at 90. 12 mens Clay Worsted Suits at 17.50, 7 mens Floe Plad Salts at 97.00. nuns Gray Cheviot Suit* at 98,60. men*» own •« " at t i n . mens Bine Middle Six Flannel at «10. Mens Cork Screw Soils at a to. mens Clay Wonted Bolts at #10. 9 mens Prince Albert Suits at »io. , 10 youths all wool Bolts at 14,50. a »- . « " " at SO. « w ** « t w e e d s Suits 95. | . » Clay Worsted Suits at as. f " Katlne Suits at 94. I « W o n t e d Suits at 98 50. Boys knee Sntta at 75 cmrta. Brown half hose 15cents. Black cotton half hose 15 cents. *• British half hose 25 cents. * • Modes cotton hose 25 cents. Browo Baibriggao half hose 25 cts. « Hermsdorf black half hose 25 cents. Champion water prool coff 20 cents. n - •§ » collars 10 cts. 4 ply linen T n y collar 15 cents. 4 ply linen Napoleon collars 20 cants. W e have a good linen collar at 10 cents. 4 pty Itosn Hampton collar IS cents. Foil Brass collar 18 ceots. Forester collar 12 1-2 cents. Beats \u-Imen collar 10 cents. C. C. cuffs at 25 cents. Handsome cuff at 15 cents. Mens Best Book Glove 90 cents. « « •« «4 85 cents. « «* ** " 73 cents. Mens oil Tan gloves SO cents. Meos wool wrist gloves 35 and 45 cents. Gsots cashmere gloves 25 cents,; Gents white cotton gloves l0 4 cents. Mens Castor dress gloves 9 1 M . Mens Velvet Kid gloves 91 00. ^^ I Dress Stays 5 cents per set. Whale bone casing at 2 l-'ji da. per yard. Clinton skirt supporters at 5 cts. per set. Venus corset clasp at 10 ceots. Hyzeia corset clasp at 10 cents. Lather Brushes at 15 cents each, Hair Curlers at 5 and 10 cents. Colior Buttons at 5 cents per dozeo. Canneld Seamless Dress Shield 25 ceuts. <! yards velveteen facing 10 cents. Stay binding No 2 at 1 cent per bunch,Stay binding No. 8 at 2 1 2 cts pr bunch. K K. braid No. 11 3 for 5 cents. R. R. braid No. 25 5 cents,. R, R. braid No 29 10 cents-. Feather stitched braid 5 and 10 cents. Boston garters, cotton, 20 cents. Baston garters, silk, 40 ceots. Monogram garters, silk, 25 cents. A fu I Hoe of combs from 5 to 25 cents. Silk elastic 10 cents, 20 peaces War Eagle cotton cheeks at 4 . 25 yards of L. L. brown domestic far 9100 30 yards ot c . C. brown domestic lor 91,00 20 yards of Belmont brown domestic for 91.00. 20 yards of Hudson's T. brown domestic for 91 00. 25 yards Dountiess i 4 bleacbed domestic for g l . o o . 20 yards Clover 4-4 bleacbed domestic for 91 00. 1G yards Loosdale Greea Turkish domestic for 91.00, 10 yards Fruit of the Loom Domestic tor 91.00. 14 1-4 ysrds Gold Medal demestie for 9100. 16 yards Good Cambru-. domestic for 91.00, „ 1G yards Lonislaaa Cambric for 91.00. -* 14 1 4 yards Spartoo Cambric for 91.00. Cotton wetjhinsr 3 cent,. 10 peaces Rockdale sheeting brown Mens Arm Bands 10 ceots. 9-4 12 1-2 cents. Mens Cuff Holders 15 cents. 2 peaces Lowell s o r t i n g brown 10-4 Mens Tea Holders 2 1 2 cents, at 15 cents. A nice peucii and sharpener for 10 cents. I peaces PepereH sheeting brown 19-9 Ladies thimbles at 5 cents. at 18 cents. Ladies pore atominora thimble at Scents. 4 peaces PepereH sheeting nleacheel Ladles side combs at 3 and 10 ceots. Talcum Tolit Powder 15 ceots. 7 9-4 18 cents. Soap butum* 5 and 10 cents. 4 peaces PepereH sheeting bleached Scis-rs 7, 8 aod 9 locoes at 25, 30, '."> ct.. 7 10-4 19 cents, ' 1 bottle of good ink fir 5 cents. tf peaces Domestic sheeting blached (1 bottle of raocilege for 4 cents. 7 1 M at 17 1-3. j 3 apooU bait thread for 5 cents. 8 peaces A. C. A. Feather tick st It l -2c. sVe baVe a eomntcM line of both 4 peaces Thorndiks tick at 7 1-2 ceots. We are making It lively oa the notion Ladies sad Meos, a4lfc and linen 10 peaces Hampshire tick at 5 cents. queston. Jnst thonfht we would bave bantker. hleis at rock bottom prices. 5 peaces Law brown drill at 6 cents. a little ton with our moss back comOur line ot laces and embroideries sre 5 peaces Rock City A. A, drill at 7 casta. petitors in this line, so cot our prices of the latest styles end natrons, and Is, tight and left. You will find some big beyond a doubt the most complete line barxalos lo this department. ever carried in Cameron. T o see la to J. P. Coats thread at 40 cents per dosen, bnt; so we lavtte yon all to call and We now bave a few pair ot botk Mhneks thread at 40 cants per doseo. examine our m«ni .Hi stock before makLadies and Misses shoes, that wars) ing \ our spring bill. Clover thread at 25 cents per do/eu. slightly damaged In the recent ira at Clarke silk thread at 5 ceuts per spool. PrfedBMos Bro.s 4 Scbafere sfeoe faoBildioos silk thread at 7 cents per spool. troy, St. I. .HI«. These goods are only Button bole twist, 4 spools for S ceots. Well, It's jest" a picnic for aa to Bock damaged oy wnter. Good pins at I cent per paper. 75 pair Ladles oil tea button saoee* at against these Old Fogies on Staple Better pin- at 2 1-2 cents pet paper. 50 cents well worth 9 L00. {f3bd*. They have never been able to Best ptas at 5 ceots per paper. SO pair Mens lace and congress going at umbra!and BOW we can ouote each LOW Needles per paper 1 cent. • l .on w >ulu be chesp at 92.00. Prices, Just cast your eagle eye over Lead pencils at 8 ceots per d o w n . toe following aod thsa call snd see as. '-M p*lr Menseongres shoes at 79 ceots, Dress bottom at 1 cent per doxea. Mpalr Mens oil grain buckle shoea at fl*beseee Edinburgh ehtvot at i eenta. Pencil tablets at 1 cent each. 75 cents. 5 peaces Crrsaot milts cbtvlot at 6 1-2 e, Toilet soap at 30 cents per doseo. 5 peaces Dlmond Ddst chlviol at / 1 -•_* 24 pair Mens oil g n i n ecsgress at %IM Ladles Silk Gaontkt Gloves at 25 cents. S peace- Best Hickory shirting s t 9 1 --'. Ladles oil tea button shoes at 91.99. Star Blading 5 cents par bench. 4 peaces Good Hicory skirting at € 1-4. Ladies oil tea button shoes at 85 casta. Hook and Byes 2 cards for 5 cents. 3 peaces Irish Freeze shtrtieg at 12 1-2. Lsdles Oil tea button shoes at 91.00, Hook and Eye Tspe 10 cents per yard. 25 peaces BuoavlsU cotton checks at S, 24 pair old Isdtes comfort ahea at Sg eta, Mens Undressed Kid gloves 91.00. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com NOTIONS. SHO STAPLES. 1 1 lgW.1———P>
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