71ST ANNUAL MICHIGAN PETROLEUM DIRECTORY 2014 EDITION e pl m Sa NOV Wilson has become DistributionNOW. Whenever and wherever you require the oilfield equipment to keep you running, call the leader in supply chain management for the energy industry. Every Moment is NOW. Call us at 800-228-2893. www.distributionnow.com 2014 MICHIGAN PETROLEUM DIRECTORY Listings as reported to us as of May 15, 2014 Published by Michigan Oil & Gas News, Inc. – Mt. Pleasant, Mich. MOGA indicates membership in the Michigan Oil And Gas Association. Every effort was made to confirm this information. If your membership in MOGA is not correctly reflected, please contact MOGA at 517-487-1092. The membership designation will be corrected in future editions of the Michigan Petroleum Directory. TABLE OF CONTENTS INDEX TO COMPANY LISTINGS...........................2 MICHIGAN DRILLING PERMITS / 1927–2013.........102 MICHIGAN CITIES GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX............ 10 GEOLOGISTS–GEOPHYSICISTS–ENGINEERS......... 103 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS................................. 20 Firms and individuals involved in geological, g eophysical, petroleum and other engineering c onsulting BOARDS–ASSOCIATIONS–AGENCIES.................. 21 LAND–LEASE–ROYALTY............................... 111 Private and governmental organizations and a gencies engaged in petroleum and related activities, in Michigan and nationally Firms and individuals involved in lease, mineral rights and royalty acquisition and/or brokerage MICHIGAN GOVERNMENT DIRECTORY................ 32 U.S. GOVERNMENT DIRECTORY....................... 36 MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LANDMEN (MAPL) MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY..... 121 MICHIGAN’S OIL & GAS REGULATIONS............... 37 FINANCIAL–LEGAL SERVICES........................ 129 Part 615 (Supervisor of Wells and Administrative Rules), Part 616 (Orphan Well Fund), Part 617 (Unitization), and Supervisor of Wells Instructions currently in effect Firms and individuals providing financial and legal services to the oil and gas industry Sa MICHIGAN DEQ, OFFICE OF OIL, GAS & MINERALS L.P. COVERAGE AREA MAP............................ 74 OIL & GAS PRODUCER/OPERATORS......................75 Companies and individuals engaged primarily in oil and gas exploration and production OILFIELD SERVICE & SUPPLY........................ 141 Oilfield and related supplies, equipment, supply store o perations and/or oilfield and supportive s ervices 2014 PETROLEUM DIRECTORY LISTING FORM.....172 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES......................... 173 m MICHIGAN DRILLING RIG INVENTORY................ 91 MICHIGAN SERVICE RIG INVENTORY.................. 92 Companies and individuals involved in environmental consulting, services and/or supplies and e quipment e xclusive and nonexclusive to the oil and gas industry CONTRACTORS...........................................93 PERSONNEL..............................................181 A general listing of individuals associated with the p etroleum industry in Michigan, cross-referenced by company listing and category contained in directory pl Companies and individuals operating drilling e quipment in Michigan, either on a contract basis or to serve their own programs TRANSPORTATION.......................................95 e Firms engaged in storage and transportation of natural gas, natural gas liquids, crude oil, and those firms engaged in crude oil refining and natural gas processing The Michigan Petroleum Directory is published annually by Michigan Oil & Gas News, Inc., a subsidiary of the Michigan Oil And Gas Association (MOGA). The company listing sections of both the 2014 Michigan Petroleum Directory and the 2014 Michigan Petroleum Directory — Pocket Edition use the MOGA symbol to designate the company or individual listed as a member of MOGA. Companies and individuals so designated both know and appreciate the importance of membership in MOGA, which has represented companies involved in the exploration, drilling, production, transportation, processing, and storage of crude oil and natural gas in the state of Michigan since 1934. A strong domestic crude oil and natural gas industry is essential to provide a secure supply of the petroleum products we use and need every day, and a strong home state crude oil and natural gas industry is vitally important to our state’s economic well being. When looking for products or services for your next project, look for the MOGA symbol. By supporting a member of MOGA with your business, you are supporting the only organization that has represented the entire crude oil and natural gas industry in Michigan for more than seven decades. And, “when someone asks you for your business, ask them if they are a MOGA member!” Scott Bellinger, Michigan Oil & Gas News Managing Editor COPYRIGHT 2014. The MICHIGAN PETROLEUM DIRECTORY is a publication of Michigan Oil & Gas News, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Michigan Oil And Gas Association. Michigan Oil & Gas News, Inc. BUSINESS OFFICE: 124 W. Allegan St., Ste. 1610, Lansing MI 48933, telephone: (517) 487-0480. EDITORIAL AND SALES OFFICES: 604 W. Pickard St., Mt. Pleasant MI 48858; MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 250, Mt. Pleasant MI 48804-0250; telephone 989-772-5181; fax 989-773-2970. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Weekly magazine — $180 per year (50 issues); Monthly Report Edition — $90 per year (12 issues). ANNUAL MICHIGAN PETROLEUM DIRECTORY: $120 per copy (plus shipping & handling and tax). Advertising rates are available upon request. Email address: [email protected]. 2014 MICHIGAN PETROLEUM DIRECTORY 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Oil and Gas Boards – Associations – Government Agencies Private and governmental groups engaged in petroleum related activities —A— AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING, METALLURGICAL, AND PETROLEUM ENGINEERS (AIME), 12999 E. Adam Aircraft Circle, Englewood CO 80112; 303-325-5185. Fax: 888-702-0049. Email: [email protected]. Website: www.aimehq.org. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGISTS (AIPG), 12000 N. Washington St., Ste. 285, Thornton CO 80241; 303412-6205. Fax: 303-253-9220. Email: [email protected]. Website: www.aipg.org. MICHIGAN SECTION, website: www.mi.aipg.org. 2014 Officers: ALABAMA NATURAL GAS ASSOCIATION (ANGA), Website: www. alnga.org. ALASKA OIL AND GAS ASSOCIATION (AOGA), 121 W. Fireweed Lane, Ste. 207, Anchorage AK 99503; 907-272-1481. Fax: 907279-8114. Email: [email protected]. Website: www.aoga.org. ALBION COLLEGE, Dept. of Geology, 611 E. Porter St., Albion MI 49224; 517-629-0276. Fax: 517-629-0264. Email: geology@ albion.edu. Website: www.albion.edu/geology. ALLIANCE FOR ENERGY AND ECONOMIC GROWTH, 1615 H St. NW, Washington D.C. 20062-2000; 202-463-5642. Fax: 202887-3445. Email: [email protected]. Website: www. yourenergyfuture.org. AMERICA’S NATURAL GAS ALLIANCE (ANGA), 701 8th St. NW, Ste. 800, Washington D.C. 20001; 202-789-2642. Email: [email protected]. Website: www.anga.us. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF DRILLING ENGINEERS (AADE), P.O. Box 107, Houston TX 77001-0107; 281-293-9800. Email: [email protected]. Website: www.aade.org. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGISTS (AAPG), 1444 S. Boulder, Tulsa OK 74119; 800-364-2274 or 918-5842555. Fax: 918-580-2665. Website: www.aapg.org. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LANDMEN (AAPL), 4100 Fossil Creek Blvd., Ft. Worth TX 76137; 817-8477700. Fax: 817-847-7704. Email: [email protected]. Website: www.landman.org. AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (ACS), 1155 Sixteenth St. NW, Washington DC 20036; 800-227-5558 or 202-872-4600. Email: [email protected]. Website: www.acs.org. AMERICAN CHEMISTRY COUNCIL (ACC), 700 Second St. NE, Washington D.C.20002; 202-249-7000. Fax: 202-249-6100. Website: www.americanchemistry.com. AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE, 38800 Country Club Dr., Farmington Hills MI 48331; 248-848-3700. Fax: 248-848-3701. Website: www.aci-int.org. AMERICAN COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING COMPANIES (ACEC), 1015 15th St. NW, 8th Floor, Washington D.C. 20005-2605; 202347-7474. Fax: 202-898-0068. Email: [email protected]. Website: www.acec.org. Michigan Chapter: 215 N. Walnut St., Lansing MI 48933-1155; 517-332-2066. Fax: 517-332-4333. Email: [email protected]. AMERICAN FILTRATION & SEPARATIONS SOCIETY (AFS), 618 Church St., Ste. 220, Nashville TN 37219; 615-250-7792. Fax: 615-254-7047. Email: [email protected]. Website: www.afssociety.org. AMERICAN FUEL & PETROCHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS (AFPM), 1667 K St. NW, Ste. 700, Washington D.C. 20006; 202-4570480. Fax: 202-457-0486. Email: [email protected]. Website: www.afpm.org. AMERICAN GAS ASSOCIATION (ASA), 400 N. Capitol St. NW, Ste. 450, Washington D.C. 20001; 202-824-7000. Website: www.aga.org. AMERICAN GEOSCIENCES INSTITUTE (AGI), 4220 King St., Alexandria VA 22302-1502; 703-379-2480. Fax: 703-379-7563. Email: [email protected]. Website: www.agiweb.org. AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION (AGU), 2000 Florida Ave. NW, Washington D.C. 20009-1277; 800-966-2481 or 202-4626900. Fax: 202-328-0566. Email: [email protected]. Website: www.agu.org. Craig Savage, pres., 734-779-2822. Email: [email protected]; Dawn Prell, v. pres., 248-324-5288. Email: dprell@nthconsultants. com; Brian Burke, treas., 248-313-3693. Email: brian.burke@amec. com; Linda Hensel, sec., 231-757-9080. Email: lhensel09gtc@ gmail.com; Adam Heft, newsletter editor, 517-886-7400. Email: [email protected]; John Barkach, past pres., 248-489-0900. Email: [email protected]. 2014 Section Subcommittees: Jason Lagowski, awards/educational outreach (Email: jason.lagowski@ arcadis-us.com); David Regalbuto, screening (Email: dregalbuto@ golder.com); Mark Sweatman, nominating (Email: msweatman@ bcieng.com); Walt Bolt, regulations & legislation, membership & student chapters (Email: [email protected]). AMERICAN OIL & GAS HISTORICAL SOCIETY, 3204 18th St. NW, Washington D.C. 20010; 202-387-6996. Email: [email protected]. Website: www.aoghs.org. AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE (API), 1220 L. St. NW, Washington D.C. 20005-4070; 202-682-8000. Website: www.api.org. NORTHERN MICHIGAN CHAPTER (No. Mich.–API), P.O. Box 85, Traverse City MI 49685-0085. 2013-2014 Officers & Board: m Sa AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE (ANSI), 1899 L St. NW, 11th Floor, Washington D.C. 20036; 202-293-8020. Fax: 202293-9287. Email: [email protected]. Website: www.ansi.org. pl Mike Richardson, chmn. (BreitBurn Operating); Mike Hoeft, v. chmn. (Exterran); Steve Detwiler, sec. (Maverick E&P); Dewayne McCave, treas. (Advanced Energy Services); Dick Paternoster, scholarship chmn. (Harbor Pipe & Supply); Darel Willison, program dir. (Nabors Completion & Production Services); Doug Knoertzer, past chmn. (LINN Energy). e AMERICAN PUBLIC GAS ASSOCIATION (APGA), 201 Massachusetts Ave. NE, Ste. C-4, Washington D.C. 20002; 202-464-2742. Fax: 202-464-0246. Website: www.apga.org. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS (ASCE), 1801 Alexander Bell Dr., Reston VA 20191; 800-548-2733. Website: www.asce.org. Lansing-Jackson Branch: http://sections.asce.org/michigan. Perry Steven Lyford-Stojic, A.M.ASCE, pres., 269-491-0979; Jonathon Lee Stratz, EIT, S.M.ASCE, sec., newsletter, 248-939-0024; Mark Stewart Smith, P.E., M.ASCE, treas., 517-319-5416; Jason Williams, A.M.ASCE, past-pres., 810-625-7132. Southeastern Branch: http://www.ascesoutheast.org. Jacob Aldo Rushlow, P.E., M.ASCE, pres., 734-522-6711; Evagelos Bantios, A.M.ASCE, sec., 248-561-4446; Jason Brent Stoops, P.E., M.ASCE, treas., 248-680-0400. Southwestern Branch: Thomas Anthony Palarz, Jr., P.E., M.ASCE, annual golf outing chair, 616-344-4562; Melinda Lee Bacon, P.E., M.ASCE, membership champion, 269-207-4431. Western Branch: Kevin L. Gritters, P.E., M.ASCE, pres., 616-364-8491; Jennifer Sue Byle, P.E. M.ASCE, v. pres., newsletter; Tim Bradshaw, P.E., M.ASCE, sec., treas., 616-554-0739. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS (AIChE), 120 Wall St., Fl 23, New York NY 10005-4020; 800-242-4363. Fax: 203-775-5177. Website: www.aiche.org. 2014 MICHIGAN PETROLEUM DIRECTORY AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS (ASME), Two Park Ave., New York NY 10016-5990; 800-843-2763 or 973-8821170. Email: [email protected]. Website: www.asme.org. 21 BOARDS – AGENCIES – ASSOCIATIONS —A— —B— A.W. TIPKA OIL & GAS INC., MOGA 2421 Johnstown Rd. NE, Dover OH 44622-7579; 330-364-4333. Fax: 330-364-1219. Email: [email protected]. B.D. DEANS LLC, MOGA 805 N. Brown St., Ste. B, Mt. Pleasant MI 48858. Mailing address: P.O. Box 301, Mt. Pleasant MI 488040301; 989-773-2232. Fax: 989-773-2230. Email: bddeansllc@ yahoo.com. Alan Tipka MOGA Brian D. Deans, ACADIAN ENERGY, P.O. Box 8421, Ann Arbor MI 48107-8421; 281751-7720. Fax: 281-751-7778. Email: [email protected]. Website: www.acadianenergy.com. Janet A. Fruehauf Louis Bartz, pres. BAILER & DESHAW, 989-684-3610. ADLER ENERGY LC, P.O. Box 1857, Traverse City MI 49685-1857; 231-668-6868 or 231-649-8645. Fax: 231-674-0098. Email: [email protected]. Douglas I. Bailer, MOGA MOGA P.O. Box 366, Kawkawlin MI 48631; owner. BEACON EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION CO. LLC, 1600 Broadway, Ste. 1800, Denver CO 80202-4918; 303-446-6200. ALLIANCE PETROLEUM CORP., 2901 E. Floyd Dr., Denver CO 80210; 303-358-4689. Email: [email protected]. BELMONT RESOURCES LLC, P.O. Box 849, Traverse City MI 496850849; 231-932-9435. Fax: 231-932-8635. Email: ewalker@ missionnetworks.com. Thomas S. Wright ALTA RESOURCES LLC, corp. headquarters: One Allen Center, 500 Dallas St., Ste. 2930, Houston TX 77002; 713-759-1155. Fax: 713759-1156. Website: www.alta-resources.com. Edward C. Walker, pres.; Bryce Hundley exec. v. pres. expl. Sa Joseph Greenberg, pres., CEO; Richard Grigsby, v. pres. expl.; Jennifer McCarthy, COO. AMBOY OIL CO. LLC, 3610 West St., Lansing MI 48917; 517-3318126. Fax: 517-322-2895. Email: [email protected]. MOGA managing member, geol. eng. BAGLEY ENERGY LLC, 718 Notre Dame St., Ste. 100, Grosse Pointe MI 48230; 313-885-1200. Fax: 313-885-1779. Email: [email protected]. ACE ENERGY LLC, 3312 12th St., Wayland MI 49348; 269-792-0505. Russell S. Shinevar, MOGA mgr. (AAPL) (MAPL). AMERICAN ENERGY DEVELOPMENT, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York City NY 10020; 646-756-2851. Fax: 917-639-4000. Email: [email protected]. Website: www.aed-corp.com. CFO; Ken Petrie, BENEDUM INTERESTS, 223 4th Ave, Ste. 1500, Pittsburgh PA 15222; 412-288-0280. BLACK RIVER OIL CORP., 65 Maple St., Manistee MI 49660; 231723-6502. Fax: 231-723-4166. Dennis L. Keleher, pres. & treas.; John A. Randell, v. pres.; Christopher J. Keleher, sec. BLACKROCK OIL AND GAS LLC, 12554 E. LaSalle Place, Aurora CO 80014; 303-671-7808. Fax: 720-747-0415. Email: mdavis@ blackrockoilandgas.com. m AMPLIFY DEVELOPMENT LLC, 2266 Enterprise Dr., Ste. 2, Mt. Pleasant MI 48858; 989-317-3436. MOGA ANDERSON, STEPHEN H., MOGA P.O. Box 136, Reed City MI 49677; 231-832-9871. Fax: 231-832-9900. Bernard Stover MOGA pl ANTRIM DEVELOPMENT CORP., P.O. Box 1148, Traverse City MI 49685; 231-941-4260. Fax: 231-941-8621. APOLLO EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT INC., 1710 E. Remus Rd., Mt. Pleasant MI 48858; 989-773-2854. Fax: 989-7736664. Email: [email protected]. Website: www.apolloexp.com e Edward T. Peters, MOGA pres.; Timothy R. Hauck, v. pres.; Ernest T. Peters, sec., treas. oll o ARBOR OPERATING LLC, 104 S. Union St., Ste. 202, Traverse City MI 49684; 231-941-2237. Fax: 231-941-2296. Oil and gas exploration and production company. Ap James N. Eichstadt, member; Tim Rudolph, member, controller; Bryan Klumpp, ops. mgr.; Liz Keuster, admin. assist. ARTEX OIL CO., corporate headquarters: 2337 State Route 821, Marietta OH 45750; 740-373-3313. Fax: 740-373-2750. Email: [email protected]. Website: www.artexoil.com. Edward T. Peters | Timothy R. Hauck | Ernest T. Peters ASH MINES & MINERALS INC., P.O. Box 26, Waters MI 49797; 989731-0736. Fax: 989-731-1442. P.O. Box 190 Mt. Pleasant, MI 48804-0190 James R. Vandiver, pres. AUBURN OPERATING CO. LLC, 10 Desta Dr., Ste. 260E, Midland TX 79705-4508. Mailing address: P.O. Box 50203, Midland TX 797100203; 432-683-8000. Phone: 989-773-2854 AXIA ENERGY LLC, MOGA 1430 Larimer St., Ste. 400, Denver CO 80202-1709; 720-746-5200. Fax: 720-746-5201. Adam Sayers EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. Email: [email protected] Web: www.apolloexp.com MOGA AZTEC PRODUCING CO. INC., 3312 12th St., Wayland MI 49348; 269-792-0505. Fax: 269-792-0130. Louis Bartz, pres. 2014 MICHIGAN PETROLEUM DIRECTORY 75 OIL & GAS PRODUCER / OPERATORS Producer / Operators Oil and Gas Producer/Operators Companies and individuals engaged in oil and natural gas exploration and production Petroleum Transportation – Refining – Processing – Marketing Firms engaged in the acquisition and transportation of natural gas and crude oil, natural gas and liquid petroleum storage, crude oil refining and natural gas processing and marketing —A— ALLIANCE PIPELINE, 877-733-3183. Website: alliancepipeline.com. 886 miles. Canadian border in North Dakota to Channahon, IL. ANR EATON (EATON RAPIDS GAS STORAGE), 3349 W. Waverly Rd., Eaton Rapids MI 48827-9718; 517-633-1088. Operates Eaton Rapids 36 gas storage reservoir in Eaton County, Mich. (T2N-R3W), with rated working capacity of 13.5 Bcf in the Niagaran Formation. ANR PIPELINE CO., a member of TransCanada’s companies, P.O. Box 2446, Houston TX 77252-2446; 832-320-5000. Website: www.anrpl.com. Operates approximately 10,600 miles of natural gas pipelines serving the Midwest and high plains. Gar y Skarb, mktg. (248-205-4536. Email: gar y_skarb@ transcanada.com); Mary Arambula, mktg. (832-320-5344. Email: [email protected]); Carol Wehlmann, mktg. (832-320-5227. Email: [email protected]). John Hampton, dir. bus. dev. (832-320-5424. Email: john_hampton@ transcanada.com); Jay White, dir. mktg. (832-320-5393). Michigan Office: 5250 Corporate Dr., Troy MI 48098; 248-205-7400. Robert MacMillan, acct. mgr. (248-205-7547. Email: robert_ [email protected]); Gary Skarb, mktg. (248-205-4536. Email: [email protected]). Sam Leuschen, asset mgr. (713-993-5256. Email: [email protected]). BP AMOCO OIL CO., 4502 E. 41st St., Ste. 300, Tulsa OK 74135; 880-548-6482. Email: [email protected]. River Rouge Terminal: 205 Marion Ave., River Rouge MI 48218; 313-842-2114. The River Rouge pipeline travels 243 from Whiting Refinery. BP CANADA ENERGY MARKETING INC., 300 E. Front St., Traverse City MI 49684-2596; 231-922-9467. m Sa Barryton MI 49305: 10562 W Coleman Rd.; 989-382-7360. Michigan Natural Gas Storage Reservoirs operated: (Field Name — Twp-Rng, Storage Formation, Working Capacity) Austin — T14N-R9W, Michigan Stray, 7 Bcf; Reed City — T17NR10W, Michigan Stray, 13.2 Bcf; Goodwell — T14N-R11W, Michigan Stray, 19.3 Bcf; Lincoln/Freeman — T18N-R5W, Michigan Stray, 17 Bcf; Winfield — T12N-R9W, Michigan Stray, 6.8 Bcf; Loreed — T17N-R10W, Reed City, 22 Bcf; Muttonville — T4N-R14E, Niagaran, 8.2 Bcf; S. Chester — T29N-R2W, Niagaran, 13.4 Bcf; Central Charlton 1 — T30N-R1W, Niagaran, 12.9 Bcf; Cold Springs 1 — T28N-R6W, Niagaran, 14.0 Bcf. Total ANR Pipeline storage: 133.8 Bcf. ANR STORAGE CO., a subsidiary of TransCanada, website: www.transcanada.com. Owns four storage fields in northern lower peninsula of Michigan with total working capacity of approximately 250 Bcf. Provides firm and interruptible natural gas storage services to customers on both Great Lakes Gas Transmission and ANR Pipeline Co. systems. BLUEWATER GAS STORAGE LLC, corporate headquarters: PAA Natural Gas Storage LP, 333 Clay St., Ste. 1300, Houston, TX 77002. Located in St. Clair County, MI. Primarily providing seasonal storage needs throughout the Midwestern and Northeastern portions of the U.S. and the Southeastern portion of Canada. Michigan Natural Gas Storage Reservoirs operated: (Field Name — Twp-Rng, Storage Formation, Working Capacity) Columbus 3 — T5N-R15E, Niagaran, 26.2 Bcf; Kimball 27 — T6N-R16E, Niagaran, 3.0 Bcf. Bluewater Gas Storage Facility: 333 Wales Center Rd., Columbus MI 48063; 810-367-3404. Fax: 810-376-7048. pl Peter Currie, v. pres. mktg. BP CHEMICALS, 28100 Torch Park Way, Warrenville IL 60555; 877701-2726. BP PETROLEUM COMPANY REFINERIES: Erik Anderson, mktg. (832-320-5606. Email: erik_anderson@ transcanada.com); Ken Garman, mktg. (262-792-5406. Email: [email protected]); Bruce Hopper, mktg. (262792-5403. Email: [email protected]); Gary Skarb, mktg. (248-205-4536. Email: [email protected]); Carol Wehlmann, contract admin. (832-320-5227. Email: carol_ [email protected]); Mary Arambula, nominations (832-320-5344. Email: maribel_arambula@transcanada. com); Joseph Charpentier, invoicing (832-320-5611. Email: [email protected]). e Whiting IN: Crude capacity 413,000 bpd. Toledo OH: BP-Huskey, Crude capacity 160,000 bpd. BREITBURN OPERATING LP, 1165 Elkview Dr., Gaylord MI 49735; 989-732-0020. Fax: 989-732-8819. BUCKEYE ENERGY SERVICES LLC, One Greenway Plaza, Ste. 600, Houston TX 77046; 800-321-6489. Emmaus PA 18049: 5002 Buckeye Rd. Mailing address: P.O. Box 368, Emmaus PA 18049-0368; 484-232-4600. BUCKEYE PIPE LINE CO., 3250 S. Dixie Hwy., Lima OH 45804; 419-225-1806. Buckeye Pipe Line Services: 40550 Grand River Ave, Novi MI 48375-2808; 248-474-4755. 13 Terminals with 5,370 Mmbls. capacity. Melvindale MI 48122: 1430 S. Schaefer Hwy.; 313-382-1070. Trenton MI 48183: 24002 Allen Rd.; 734-676-9339. BUCKEYE TERMINALS LLC, 5 Tek Park, 9999 Hamilton Blvd., Breinigsville PA 18031. Website: www.buckeye.com. Serving southern Michigan with 13 terminals in Bay, Berrien, Calhoun, Genesee, Jackson, Monroe, Muskegon, Oakland, Ottawa, Saginaw, Shiawassee, St. Clair and Wayne counties for 5,370 Mbbls. capacity. Michigan Natural Gas Storage Reservoirs operated: (Field Name — Twp-Rng, Storage Formation, Working Capacity) Cold Springs 12 — T27N-R6W, Niagaran, 25.3 Bcf; Rapid River 35 — T28N-R7W, Niagaran, 15.1 Bcf; Cold Springs 31 — T27NR6W, Niagaran, 4.6 Bcf; Excelsior 6/E Kalkaska — T27N-R7W, Niagaran, 10.8 Bcf. Total ANR Storage Co. storage: 55.8 Bcf. AUX SABLE LIQUID PRODUCTS INC., corporation office: 6155 E. US Route 6, Morris IL 60450; 888-874-7473 or 815-941-5800, Fax: 815-941-5801. Email: [email protected]. Website: www. auxsable.com. Owned by Enbridge, Veresen and Williams to manage natural gas liquids associated with the Alliance Pipeline. Chuck Kane — B — BASIN PIPELINE LLC, part of Omimex Group, 7950 John T. White Rd., Fort Worth TX 76120; 817-460-7777. Fax: 817-460-1381. Chris Clay, eastern MI rep. (610-904-4783. Email: [email protected]); Kathy Boslett, western MI rep. (219-397-6666. Email: kboslett@ buckeye.com). Clark Storms, v. pres. (Email: [email protected]). 2014 MICHIGAN PETROLEUM DIRECTORY 95 TRANSPORTATION – STORAGE – REFINING – PROCESSING Transportation / Refining / Processing Ludington MI 49431: 4854 W. Angling Rd.; 231-845-7358. Fax: 231-843-2305. Gas Control Office: 3309 W. Fisher Rd., Ludington MI 49431; 231-845-9018. Fax: 231-845-5368. 90 mile sour gas gathering pipeline connected to 30+ wells. 35,000 Mcf/d gas processing plant contract operated by Merit. BLUE LAKE GAS STORAGE CO., a subsidiary of TransCanada, operates Blue Lake 18 reservoir in Kalkaska County Mich. (T28NR5W), with a working capacity of 47.1 Bcf gas in the Niagaran Formation. Personnel in the Oil & Gas Industry A general listing of individuals active in, or employed by companies active in Michigan, according to company listings contained in this directory Personnel listings category abbreviations key: BAA — Boards–Associations–Agencies; C — Drilling Contractors; ENV — Environmental Service & Supply; FLS — Financial–Legal Services; GPE — Geologists–Geophysicists–Petroleum Engineers; LLR — Lease–Land–Royalty; OSS — Oilfield Supply & Services; P — Producers; TRN — Transportation–Refining–Natural Gas Processing & Marketing. —A— ALEXANDER, GREG, integrity mgr., BGL Asset Services, Mt. Pleasant MI; 989-772-8888. Fax: 989-772-7778; GPE. ALEXANDER, RICHARD, acting chief, MDEQ, Environmental Assistance (OEA), Lansing MI; 517284-6852. Email: [email protected]; BAA. ALLEN, PHILLIP, Boomerang Tube, Chesterfield MO; 636-534-5555. Fax: 636-534-5666; OSS. ALLEN, THEODORE, pres., Seal Right Services Inc., Buckley MI; 231-357-5595. Fax: 231-2693211; OSS. ALSONSO, BONNIE, pres., Alfie Logo Gear for Work & Play, Traverse City MI; 231-935-1488. Fax: 231-935-1740; OSS. ALFONSO, MICHAEL, pres., Grand Traverse Machine, Traverse City MI; 231-946-8006. Fax: 231-9466606. Email: [email protected]; OSS. Sa AARON, RICK, Warner Norcross & Judd, Grand Rapids MI; 517-679-7430. Email: [email protected]; FLS. ABBOTT, REBECCA L., CPL, dir. of land, NorthStar Energy, Traverse City MI; 231-941-0073 ext. 2. Fax: 231-933-0757. Cell: 231-463-8056. Email: [email protected]; LLR, P. ABEL, CLIFFORD C., RLP, pres., Dakotah Oil Land Services, Allen MI; 517-869-2335. Fax: 517-869-2006. Cell: 517-398-3106. Email: [email protected]; LLR. ABEL, LELAND L., CPL, Merit Energy, Kalkaska MI; 231-258-6404. Fax: 231-258-6390. Email: [email protected]; LLR. ABEL, LINDA C., Dakotah Oil Land Services, Allen MI; 517-869-2335. Fax: 517-8269-2006. Email: [email protected]; LLR. ADAMOWSKI, SCOTT, Conestoga Rovers & Associates, Plymouth MI; 734-453-5123. Fax: 734-453-5201; ENV. ADAMS, ANGELA, v. pres., Sumner Energy, Trendwell Energy. Member, Fossil Acquisitions, Rockford MI; 616-866-5024. Fax: 616-866-3750. Email: [email protected]; LLR, P. Treas., Energy Education for Michigan; BAA. ADAMS, BOBBY, mgr., Ranch Production, Pentwater MI; 231-869-2050; P. ADAMS, DAN, sales, M & L Services, Kalkaska MI; 231-258-8752. Fax: 231-258-5413. Email: [email protected]. ADAMS, JACK, v. pres., Independent’s Pipe and Supply, Jackson MI; 517-990-3355. Fax: 517-7874537. Pipe sales, Midway Structural Pipe and Supply, Jackson MI; 517-787-1350. Fax: 517-7874537. Email: [email protected]; OSS. ALBERT, ADAM W., crew chief, Worth Surveying, Jackson MI; 517-788-9806. Fax: 517-788-9937; GPE, OSS. ANDERSON, ERIC, mktg., ANR Storage Co., Houston TX; 832-320-5606. Email: erik_ [email protected]; TRN. ANDERSON, GERARD, chmn., pres., CEO, DTE Energy, Detroit MI; 800-477-4747; TRN. m ANDERSON, GUSTAVE, dist. mgr., Baker Hughes Wireline Services, Mt. Pleasant MI; 989-773-7992. Fax: 989-772-5083. Cell: 307-760-1817. Email: [email protected]; OSS. pl ANDERSON JR., LARRY, Great Lakes Anchor Ser vice, M & L Ser vices, Kalkaska MI; 231-258-8752. Fax: 231-258-5413. Email: [email protected]; OSS. ANDERSON, MARY C., sec., S.H.A. Energy, Reed City MI; 231-832-9871. Fax: 231-832-9900; P. ANDERSON, STEPHEN H., pres., S.H.A. Energy, Reed City MI; 231-832-9871. Fax: 231-832-9900; P. ADELMAN, MITCH, supv., Remediation and R e d e v e l o p m e n t D i v. , F i e l d O p e r a t i o n s , Jackson MI; 517-780-7852. Email: [email protected]; BAA. ANDREWS, ROE, sec., Advanced Energy, South Boardman MI; 231-369-2602. Fax: 231-3692981. Email: [email protected]; C, OSS. ADLER, CARL L., pres., Tuscola Energy, Bay City MI; 989-894-5815. Fax: 989-894-5385; P. ADLER, JEFFREY, treas., Tuscola Energy, Bay City MI; 989-894-5815. Fax: 989-894-5385; P. ANDREWS, WAYNE, mgr. GMS, Union Gas Dawn Hub, Chatham ON; 519-436-5360. Email: [email protected]; TRN. ARAMBULA, MARY, nominations, mktg., ANR Storage, Blue Lake Gas Storage, Troy MI; 832-320-5344. Email: maribel_arambula@ transcanada.com; TRN. ADLER, STEVE, pres., Adler Tank Rentals, Livermore CA; 800-421-7471; OSS. ARENDS, MARK, lead mach., Oilpatch Machine Tool, Mt. Pleasant MI; 989-772-0637. Fax: 989773-0619; OSS. AIKEN, JERRY L., PG, princ., Earth Resources International, Kalamazoo MI; 269-343-1181. Fax: 269-585-6222; GPE. ARENDS, BILL, owner, Oilpatch Machine Tool, Mt. Pleasant MI; 989-772-0637. Fax: 989-7730619; OSS. AIMOE, LEAH, lease analyst, NuEnergy Operating, Gaylord MI; 989-731-0590. Fax: 989-732-5239; P. AJA, TOM, CPA, Plante & Moran, Traverse City MI; 231-947-7800. Fax: 231-947-0348; FLS. ARMBRUSTER, JAMES, geol., DEQ, Office of Oil, Gas and Minerals, Saginaw Bay District, Bay City MI; 989-894-6233. Email: armbrusterj@ michigan.gov; BAA. AJEGBA, PAUL, reg. eng., MDOT, University Region, Jackson MI; 517-750-0428. Email: [email protected]; BAA. ARMSTRONG, TODD, drill sales spec., Stockdale Mine Supply, Punxsutawney PA; 800-626-2298. Fax: 814-938-5640; OSS. 2014 MICHIGAN PETROLEUM DIRECTORY —B— BAAS, DAR, mgr., Young’s Environmental Cleanup Inc., Grand Rapids MI; 616-785-3374. Fax: 616-785-3401. Cell: 616-915-2317. Email: [email protected]; ENV, OSS. BABCOCK MIKE, owner, pres., Trend Services, Kalkaska MI; 231-258-9951. Fax: 231-258-9751. Email: [email protected]; OSS. BACH, RICHARD, v. pres., proj. mgmt. & eng., Bach Services & Manufacturing, Kingsley MI; 231-263-2777. Fax: 231-263-2877; OSS. BACH, ROB, pres., Bach Services & Manufacturing, Kingsley MI; 231-263-2777. Fax: 231-263-2877; OSS. BACON, MELINDA LEE, membership, American Society of Civil Engineers, Southwestern Branch; 269-207-4431; BAA. BAILER, DOUGLAS I., owner, Bailer & Deshaw, Kawkawlin MI; 517-684-3610; P. BAILEY, MARK, ops. mgr., Devonian Energy; LLR, P. Prod. mgr., Paxton Resources, Gaylord MI; 989-732-9400. Fax: 989-732-8383; P. BAKER, ANGELA M., A/P, A/R, Top of the Line Crane Service, Williamsburg MI; 231-938-7002. Fax: 231-938-7009. Email: [email protected]; OSS. BAKER, CARL, sales mgr., Double Check Services; 231-947-1632. Fax: 231-938-2636. Pres., Top of the Line Crane Service, Williamsburg MI; 231-938-7002. Fax: 231-938-7009. Email: cb@ doublecheck.org; OSS. e ADAMS, JENNIFER, sec., Ranch Production, Pentwater MI; 231-869-2050; P. ADKINS, ROBERT C., v. pres., Scout Energy Corp., Edmond OK; 405-348-5486. Fax: 405348-5497; LLR. ARNDTS, JOHN, atty., Mika Meyers Beckett & Jones, Grand Rapids MI; 616-632-8000. Fax: 616-632-8002; FLS. ARNOLD, JOHN, training, sales, Safety by Design LLC, Kalkaska MI; 231-384-6305. Fax: 231384-6307. Cell: 352-400-9203. Email: j.arnold@ safetybydesign.us; OSS. ARNTZ, JOHN, proj. mgr., Western Land Services, Ludington MI; 231-843-8878. Fax: 231-8433183. Cell: 231-499-1177. Email: john.arntz@ westernls.com (AAPL); LLR. ARWOOD, STEVE, dir., Dept. of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA), Lansing MI; 517-3731820. Fax: 517-373-2129; BAA. ASH, CHARLES, Warner Norcross & Judd, Grand Rapids MI; 616-752-2490. Email: [email protected]; FLS ASCIONE, EDDIE, Northern A-1 Services, Kalkaska MI; 231-258-9961. Fax: 231-258-9971; ENV, OSS. ASHBAUGH, ROBERT A., abstract coord., Land Services Inc. Abstract & Title Service, Traverse City MI; 231-947-9400. Fax: 231-947-9405; LLR. ASHMORE, SHELLY, CPA, MST, Dennis Gartland & Niergarth, Traverse City MI; 231-946-1722. Fax: 231-946-2762; FLS. AUKER, TIM, v. pres., sec., treas., J.O. Well Services & Testing, Mt. Pleasant MI; 989-7724221. Fax: 989-772-3438; OSS. AYERS, NANCY, admin. assist., public computer, lease status questions, DNR, Forest Resources Div., Mineral Management Section, Lansing MI; 517-284-5844. Email: [email protected]; BAA. 181 PERSONNEL
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