Contents Executive Summary i 7.0 Glossaryvi 1.0General 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.0 3.0 Report Objective General Context Document Review Macro Analysis Micro Analysis Urban & Landscape Design Principles 2.1Introduction 2.2 Urban Design Objectives 2.3 Urban Design Principles 2.4 Urban Design Experience Interchanges Interface 3.1Introduction 3.2Principles 3.3Strategies 3.4 Driver Experience 4.0Portals 4.1 Portal Concept 4.2Principles 4.3Strategies 5.0Tunnel 6.0 1 1 2 4 4 21 27 27 27 28 31 33 33 33 33 34 41 41 42 42 52 5.1Introduction 5.2Principles 5.3Strategies 5.4 Tunnel Concept 5.5 Tunnel Narrative Objectives 5.6 Tunnel Narrative ‘Visual Events’ 5.7 Tunnel Experience 5.8 Tunnel Architecture and Cladding 52 52 52 54 54 55 56 59 Operational Ancillary Facilities 64 6.1Introduction 6.2Principles 6.3Strategies 6.4Background 6.5 Family of Forms 6.6 Motorway Operations Complex Site Organisation Strategy 6.7 Motorway Control Centre 6.8 Maintenance Grouping 6.9 Southern Ventilation Facility 6.10 Endeavour Energy Switching Station Site - Coral Tree Drive 6.11 Wilson Road Tunnel Support Facility 6.12 Trelawney Street Tunnel Support Facility 6.13 Northern Ventilation Facility 64 64 64 64 65 67 71 83 89 101 106 115 129 8.0 Lighting Concept 7.1Introduction 7.2 Tunnel Concept 7.3 Portal Concept 7.4 Motorway Operations Complex Lighting Concept Landscape Design 8.1Introduction 8.2 Landscape Context 8.3 Landscape Principles 8.4 Planting Design Principles 8.5 Existing Vegetation Protection 8.6 Threatened Species Strategy 8.7 Weed Management 8.8 Visual Impact 8.9 Landscape Concept Plans 8.10 Landscape Strategy - Motorway Operations Complex Typical Strategy 8.11 Landscape Strategy - Wilson Road Tunnel Support Facility 8.12 Landscape Strategy - Trelawney Street Tunnel Support Facility 8.13 Landscape Strategy - Northern Ventilation Facility 8.14 Landscape Strategy - Replacement Landscapes Typical Strategy 8.15 Landscape Strategy - Portals 8.16 Landscape Management Report 8.17 Landscape Topsoil - Principles and Guidelines 8.17 Typical Landscape Details 9.0Sustainability 10.0 Noise Barriers 10.1Introduction 10.2Principles 10.3Strategies 11.0Bridges 11.1Introduction 11.2Principles 11.3Strategies 12.0 Miscellaneous Items 12.1Introduction 12.2 Throw screens 12.3 Retaining Structures 13.0 Materials and Finishes 13.1Principles 13.2 Drawings and Tables 14.0Conclusion 152 152 153 156 157 159 159 160 161 163 164 164 165 166 167 175 180 184 188 191 194 196 197 198 199 201 201 201 202 207 207 207 207 208 208 208 208 213 213 213 216 NorthConnex | May 2014 Glossary AHD Australian Height Datum PHR Pennant Hills Road AS Australian Standards RMS Road and Maritime Services BCA Building Code of Australia SS Stainless steel CBD Central Business District SWTC Scope of Works and Technical Criteria CFC Compressed Fibre Cement WQP Water Quality Pond DDA Disabilities and Discrimination Act Gateway There are entrance points which have a high degree of visibility and a distinct sense of transition. Gateways may include landscaping, public art, gateway structures, special lighting and signs. ECR Emergency Control Room EIS Environmental Impact Statement FFL Finished Floor Level GMS Galvanised Mild Steel GPT Gross Pollutant Trap GRC Glass Reinforced Concrete ICR Incident Control Room MOC Motorway Operations Complex NATA National Association of Testing Authorities PAR Preferred Activity Report PHY Pacific Highway vi | May 2014 | NorthConnex Entrances These are points of entry to a neighbourhood, tunnel or historic zone. Node Neighbourhood focal points, nodes are highly visible locations which serve as meeting places for residents or one or more neighbourhoods and have a clear identity as neighbourhood locations. They can be functional or natural. Boulevard Boulevards are arterial routes provided with large street trees with a continuous and consistent landscape treatment. The landscape treatment often emphasises a formal design pattern. Overhead utilities are eliminated or reduced along a boulevard. Features include widened footpaths, special footpath treatments, crosswalk paving materials and other public amenities. Parkway A continuous freeway which traverses a park or parkland setting in an urban environment. In this submission the word is interchangeable with the description of a boulevard. Shared Path These are priority routes for pedestrians and cyclists. A pathway adjacent to the road. Bundling Overhead power and/or telecommunications lines that could be ‘bundled’ and placed in conduits and/or trenches underground. Dive structure The retaining structure and feature claddings diving to the entrance to a tunnel entrance or portal. Portal The face and retaining structure immediately above the tunnel entrance, generally located perpendicular to the dive structure. Noisewall A wall created to mitigate and deflect the effects of predominantly traffic noise. 1.0General 1.1Report Objective This report describes the project’s urban, architectural and landscape design proposals. The design of the various project components is developed through an integrated urban design team approach. This approach encourages a continuous component evolution and refinement throughout the tendering period. The components, would of necessity, receive further development at the construction stage, arising from detailed engineering requirements, constructional constraints, community consultation and Authority approvals. Further design modifications are also anticipated as an outcome of the community consultation process. View of Observatory Park. NorthConnex | May 2014 | 1 1.0General Line Railway ern oad e Lin Pa Pacif ay Fox Valley Road an Pacif tH hway ern nn cks Roa d IC CIF Y PA WA M1 TOR Ave nu MO e WAHROONGA rkw Pe The scope of urban design, architectural and landscape works proposed are all the works occurring within the property boundaries of the road corridor for the full length of the project, together with certain works on intersecting local roads. h Ro vid ic Hig rra na Nort Project Extent Da Pearces Corner e LANE COVE NATIONAL PARK rth Line ft R d me cro Pennant Hills Roa wo Railway Th rth No ic Hig hway rth PENNANT HILLS k CARLINGFORD BEECROFT NORMANHURST Co HILL MOT S M2 ORW AY No Wil Ro son ad Brickpit Park ge ore Tr St elaw ree n t ey THORNLEIGH NORMANHURST Pennant Hills Golf Club Ed h Sh Nort ue Observatory Park WAITARA en Av oad ffy ry R Du nda n a Penn il Lin The project would contribute to a positive reduction in local traffic in the presently congested Pennant Hills area. This outcome would make for a safer, more pleasant environment with decreases in noise and environmental pollution. The project’s integrated design approach would ensure enhanced landscaping and built design outcomes. Thompsons Corner ad Ro t Hills st Ra • Improve safety and access for pedestrians. Environmental, Aesthetic and Safety Aspects h We • Provide safe, fast connection for cyclists; and WEST PENNANT HILLS Nort • Improve public transport travel times; Bou • Blend the project into the existing built and natural environment; ad • Improve driver experience; WEST PENNANT HILLS l Ro The urban design proposal would: THE HILLS SHIRE COUNCIL e Hil • Reduce traffic congestion on Pennant Hills Road. The shared path would be maintained to ensure connectivity, pedestrian safety, neighbourhood amenity, and contribute to encouraging exercise and a more sustainable mode of transport. tl Cas • Improve access; and HORNSBY BEROWRA VALLEY NATIONAL PARK Bee • Reduce travel times and improve road safety; HORNSBY SHIRE COUNCIL Railway • Connect the Hills M2 Motorway to the M1 Pacific Motorway; ad The project would: The project includes pedestrian and cyclist routes along and across its length. The routes are provided as either shared pedestrian and cycleways, or, in parts, as separate pedestrian and cyclist paths. The design ensures they are both attractive and safe for users. Ro Overview Pedestrian and Bicycle Networks ills 1.2General Context WARRAWEE CARLINGFORD NORTH CHELTENHAM KU-RING-GAI SHIRE COUNCIL LEGEND NorthConnex Existing Major Roads Pennant Hills Road / Pacific Highway The Road and Tunnel Project The completed project is significant in terms of increasing accessibility, reducing travel times, lowering traffic volumes on existing roads and interconnecting with Sydney’s present motorway network. It would provide a motorway-standard tunnel connection between the Hills M2 Motorway and the M1 Pacific Motorway, and would considerably reduce North-South travel time through the Sydney metropolitan area. Surface roads through the Pennant Hills and residential areas would likely experience reductions in traffic, resulting in improvements in the connectivity and permeability of their urban fabric. There would also be an extension of current art and cultural elements and the introduction of themed elements to enhance aesthetics associated with the project. 2 | May 2014 | NorthConnex North West Rail Link Proposed Railway Existing Northern Railway Line & North Shore Railway Line 0 250 500 750 1000 1250m SCALE 1:25000@A3 M1-M2-5000-DR-UD-0001 LOCAL ANALYSIS - GENERAL CONTEXT SOUTHERN INTERCHANGE NORTHERN INTERCHANGE Northern ventilation facility Motorway operations complex Trelawney Street tunnel support facility Wilson Road tunnel support facility HORNSBY SHIRE COUNCIL HORNSBY BEROWRA VALLEY NATIONAL PARK A ffy Ed ern oad e ft R Lin cro Railway Bee ock ad ay hway Fox Valley Road ee k e ov er Riv ic Hig LANE COVE NATIONAL PARK La s Ro ue WAHROONGA rkw Pacif Ro ad lls Hi an t Pe nn rra na Pa C ne th R C IFI AC WAY P M1 TOR A v MO y Line me Cr vid Pearces Corner Co ns Da rn the r No ad rth en e k vli il Lin st Ra Nor h We CARLINGFORD De BEECROFT Pennant Hills Ro wo Railwa Th Nort HILL MOT S M2 ORW AY ic Hig hway PENNANT HILLS NORMANHURST Pennant Hills Golf Club NORMANHURST Pacif Brickpit Park No Wil Ro son ad Observatory Park Tr St elaw ree ne y t e i ant H Penn THORNLEIGH hor Thompsons Corner ad lls Ro th S rth e WEST PENNANT HILLS ge Nor nu ve oad oad ill R ry R Du nda tle H WAITARA Railway Bou Line WEST PENNANT HILLS Cas THE HILLS SHIRE COUNCIL WARRAWEE CARLINGFORD NORTH LEGEND NorthConnex Waterways Existing Major Roads Pennant Hills Road / Pacific Highway North West Rail Link Proposed Railway Existing Northern Railway Line & North Shore Railway Line 0 250 500 750 1000 1250m SCALE 1:25000@A3 M1-M2-5000-DR-UD-0002 PROJECT FAMILIARISATION NorthConnex | May 2014 | 3 1.0General 1.3Document Review To understand the existing conditions, an analysis of the route was undertaken, examining specific sites at both a macro and micro level. 1.4Macro Analysis HORNSBY SHIRE COUNCIL 1.4.1 Urban and Landscape Typology HORNSBY BEROWRA VALLEY NATIONAL PARK Line Ed Observatory Park e Lin s Ro ad ic High way ay ay Fox Valley Road Highw Railway LANE COVE NATIONAL PARK IC CIF Y PA WA M1 TOR A ve MO n WAHROONGA rkw Pacif ic cro Bee Ro ad ills tH nn an Pe ock rra th R Pa ern rth No vid y Line ft R oad e na Link Nor BEECROFT ad Da ue me t Rail CARLINGFORD Wes HILL MOT S M2 ORW AY Pennant Hills Golf Club North • Built form responses. Pennant Hills Ro rth Railwa Th wo Pearces Corner Co • Vegetation communities; and No PENNANT HILLS NORMANHURST • Topography (which contributes significantly to the visual experience of the road journey); NORMANHURST Pacif a Penn Wil Ro son ad rth • Landform and underlying geology (which impinges upon planting palettes); ls nt Hil Brickpit Park e Thompsons Corner Tr St elaw ree ne y t THORNLEIGH hor • View catchments and view corridors; Road th S WEST PENNANT HILLS ge Nor ue en Av oad oad ffy ry R Du nda ill R Achieve appropriate contextual design through the integration of new built elements into the existing built fabric, including: WAITARA Railway Bou tle H Design Implications: WEST PENNANT HILLS Cas THE HILLS SHIRE COUNCIL ern Through urban landscape typology analysis, major topographic, landscape and built form features are identified. WARRAWEE CARLINGFORD NORTH LEGEND NorthConnex Existing Major Roads Pennant Hills Road / Pacific Highway North West Rail Link Proposed Railway Existing Northern Railway Line & North Shore Railway Line 0 250 500 750 1000 1250m SCALE 1:25000@A3 4 | May 2014 | NorthConnex M1-M2-5000-DR-UD-0016 CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS - NORTHCONNEX OVERLAY WITH AERIAL
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