Please note this is a preliminary program and subject to change SUNDAY 26 OCTOBER 2014 1500 - 1800 Registration and Information Desk Open, Level 2 Foyer 1600 - 1800 Exhibition Open, Meeting Room 210 & 211 1600 - 1800 Welcome Reception, Level 2 Foyer and Exhibition Area Foyer and exhibition area MONDAY 27 OCTOBER 2014 0800 - 1730 Registration and Information Desk Open, Level 2 Foyer 0900 - 1700 Exhibition Open, Meeting Room 210 & 211 0900 - 1030 Session 1: Introduction Meeting Room 203 & 204 0900 - 0920 Welcome and Opening Remarks Invited Presentation: 0920 - 1000 X-Ray Microscopy Guiding the Development of Better Batteries Vanessa Wood Invited Presentation: 1000 - 1030 Soft X-Ray Ptychography for Nano-Materials Research David Shapiro 1030 - 1100 Morning Tea, Exhibition and Poster Viewing, Meeting Room 210 & 211 Session 2: New Facilities 1100 - 1210 Meeting Room 203 & 204 Invited Presentation: 1100 - 1130 2D/3D sub-micron Cryo X-ray Fluorescence Imaging at the Bionanoprobe at the Advanced Photon Source Si Chen Invited Presentation: 1130 - 1150 ID16B: A New Nano-Analysis Beamline at the ESRF Julie Villanova Invited Presentation: 1150 - 1210 OMNY: An Instrument for Tomographic X-Ray Nano Imaging Joerg Raabe 1210 - 1340 Lunch, Exhibition and Poster Viewing, Meeting Room 210 & 211 1340 - 1500 Session 3A: Optics Meeting Room 203 Session 3B: Tomography Meeting Room 204 Multi-Order Hard X-Ray Imaging with Multilayer Zone Plate Markus Osterhoff High NA Multilayer Laue lenses 1400 - 1420 Sasa Bajt Multimodal Hard X-Ray Nanoprobe Facility by Nested Montel Mirrors Aimed for 1420 - 1440 40nm Resolution at Taiwan Photon Source Gung-Chian Yin 1340 - 1400 1440 - 1500 Total Reflection Zone Plates for Hard X-Ray Nanofocusing Hidekazu Takano Rising Dough and Baking Bread at the Australian Synchrotron Sheridan Mayo A Bayesian Approach to Time-Resolved X-Ray Tomography Glenn Myers High Temperature Dynamic Micro-Tomography Dilworth Parkinson X-Ray Tensor Tomography Florian Schaff 1500 - 1530 Afternoon Tea, Exhibition and Poster Viewing, Meeting Room 210 & 211 Session 4: Optics 1530 - 1650 Meeting Room 203 & 204 Invited Presentation: 1530 - 1610 Advances in Hard X-Ray Diffractive Optics Anne Sakdinawat WMI Award Nominee: 1610 - 1630 Double-Sided Fresnel Zone Plates Istvan Mohacsi WMI Award Nominee: 1630 - 1650 Crossed Partial Multilayer Laue Lenses for X-Ray Imaging and Focusing Application Sven Niese 1 of 5 TUESDAY 28 OCTOBER 2014 0830 - 1830 Registration and Information Desk Open, Level 2 Foyer 0900 - 1830 Exhibition Open, Meeting Room 210 & 211 Session 5: Applications 0900 - 1030 Meeting Room 203 & 204 Invited Presentation: 0900 - 0930 Biogeochemistry of Nutrients and Contaminants in the Soil-plant Continuum Enzo Lombi Invited Presentation: 0930 - 1000 Tomographic in-Vivo Respiration Studies at the Micrometer Scale Goran Lovric Invited Presentation: 1000 - 1030 Characterising Automotive Fuel Cell Materials by Soft X-Ray Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy Adam Hitchcock 1030 - 1100 Morning Tea, Exhibition and Poster Viewing, Meeting Room 210 & 211 1100 - 1220 Session 6A: Elemental Contrast Meeting Room 203 Session 6B: Energy / Materials Meeting Room 204 1100 - 1120 In-situ insights into bioinorganic chemistry Simon James In Situ 3D Imaging of Lithium Ion Batteries during Cycling by Hard X-Ray NanoTomography Yu-Chen Chen-Wiegart Single or Large Population Cell Analysis? Pitfalls and Advantages of Different Strategies for Elemental Quantification in Cells 1120 - 1140 Lucia Merolle 1140 - 1200 X-Ray Nanoscopy on Materials Under Extreme Conditions Yijin Liu Presentation to be advised Zone-Plate-Based Soft-X-Ray Nanoscopes at the Pohang Light Source Hyun-Joon Shin Vital Insights into Stroke from Chemically-Specific X-Ray Fluorescence 1200 - 1220 Microscopy at the Sulfur K-Edge Mark Hakett Correlating Pore Network and Elemental Distribution in Single Catalyst Particles Florian Meirer 1220 - 1340 Lunch, Exhibition and Poster Viewing, Meeting Room 210 & 211 1340 - 1500 Session 7A: Elemental Contrast Meeting Room 203 Session 7B: Magnetic Meeting Room 204 The ID21 Beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility: An Ideal 1340 - 1400 Tool for Sub-Micrometric 2D Speciation Analyses Hiram Castillo-Michel Magnetic Contrast Nanotomography Robert Winarski Pushing the Limit: Instrument for NM-Scale Spatial Resolution X-Ray 1400 - 1420 Microscopy Using MLL Optics Evgeny Nazaretski Ultrafast Optical Demagnetization of Nanosized Magnetic Domains Imaged via Soft X-Ray Fourier Transform Holography Stefan Schleitzer Manganese Impact on Hippocampus: From Microprobe to Nanoprobe, a 1420 - 1440 Mesoscale Approach Sylvain Bohic WMI Award Nominee: Magnetism Research Highlights at Maxymus Markus Weigand 1440 - 1500 High-resolution XRF at P06, DESY, using a Maia Detector Ulrike Boesenberg Mapping Organic-Ferromagnetic Hybridized Spin Interface Yao-Jane Hsu 1500 - 1530 Afternoon Tea, Exhibition and Poster Viewing, Meeting Room 210 & 211 Session 8: High Brilliance 1530 - 1650 Meeting Room 203 & 204 Invited Presentation: 1530 - 1610 X-Ray Microscopy with Synchrotron and FEL: Synergies and New Frontiers Maya Kiskinova Invited Presentation: 1610 - 1650 The Max IV DLSR Upgrade: Challenges and Opportunities Christoph Quitmann 1650 - 1900 Poster Session 1, Level 2 Foyer 2 of 5 WEDNESDAY 29 OCTOBER 2014 0830 - 1230 Registration and Information Desk Open, Level 2 Foyer 0900 - 1230 Exhibition Open, Meeting Room 210 & 211 Session 9: Bio / Imaging Meeting Room 203 & 204 Invited Presentation: 0900 - 0930 Cryo-FIB-SEM Microscopy on Native Frozen Biological Specimens; Present Capabilities and Future Goals Andreas Schertel Invited Presentation: 0930 - 1000 Cryo Soft X-Ray Tomography for Elucidating Pathogen-Cellular Interactions Eva Pereiro XRM 2018 Host Presentations (3 x 10 minutes) 1000 - 1030 Voting closes at 1230 on Wednesday 29 October 2014 0900 - 1030 1030 - 1100 Morning Tea, Exhibition and Poster Viewing, Meeting Room 210 & 211 Session 10A: Ordered Materials Meeting Room 203 Invited Presentation: X-Ray Micro-Beam Characterisation of Lattice Distortions Due to an Individual 1100 - 1120 Dislocation Felix Hofmann Electronic Structure of Smart Low Dimensional Materials Revealed by 1120 - 1140 Nanoarpes: Graphene, BN, MOS2 and Many Others Jose Avila Strain Imaging of Nanoscale Semiconductor Heterostructures with X-Ray 1140 - 1200 Bragg Projection Ptychography Martin Holt 1100 - 1220 1200 - 1220 Session 10B: Tomography Meeting Room 204 Multiscale Imaging of Chalk, a Natural Porous Material - What Do We Learn? Henning Osholm Sorensen Three-Dimensional High-Resolution Quantitative Imaging of Functional Materials with Coherent X-Rays Huaidong Jiang Ptychographic X-Ray Nanotomography as a Tool for Bone Research Martin Dierolf WMI Award Nominee: Tackling Genomics with X-Ray Tomographic Microscopy: A Study of Bone Microstructure Kevin Mader Strain Mapping with a Nano-Focused X-Ray Beam Tomas Stankevic 1220 - 1900 Free afternoon 1900 - 2300 Conference Dinner, The Broadway Room, Rydges Melbourne 3 of 5 THURSDAY 30 OCTOBER 2014 0830 - 1900 Registration and Information Desk Open, Level 2 Foyer 0900 - 1900 Exhibition Open, Meeting Room 210 & 211 Session 11: Bio / Imaging 0900 - 1030 Meeting Room 203 & 204 Invited Presentation: 0900 - 0930 Electron Microscopy of Proteins and Cells in Water and Ice Chikara Sato Invited Presentation: 0930 - 1000 Simultaneous Cryo X-ray Ptychography and Fluorescence David Vine Invited Presentation: 1000 - 1030 Zernike Phase Contrast in Full-Field, Scanning, and Ptychographic X-Ray Microscopy Ismo Vartiainen 1030 - 1100 Morning Tea, Exhibition and Poster Viewing, Meeting Room 210 & 211 Session 12A: Bio / Imaging Meeting Room 203 In-Vivo Lab-Based X-Ray Dark-Field Imaging of Micro-Morphological Changes 1100 - 1120 Associated with Pulmonary Disorders Andre Yaroshenko Session 12B: Phase Meeting Room 204 Holographic Imaging Optimized by X-Rays Waveguides: Towards the Living Cell Tim Salditt A Low Dose, High Spatio-Temporal Resolution System for Real-Time Four1120 - 1140 Dimensional Lung Function Imaging Stephen Dubsky Holographic Zoom Tomography for Imaging of Whole Organs Down to Single Cells Martin Krenkel 1100 - 1220 1140 - 1200 Sparse, Incomplete Data from X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers Duane Loh Recent Developments in Speckle-Based Multimodal X-Ray Imaging Irene Zanette Duality between Noise and Spatial Resolution in Linear Imaging System s Timur Gureyev WMI Award Nominee: 1200 - 1220 Imaging of Single Biological Particles at LCLS Tomas Ekeberg 1220 - 1340 Lunch, Exhibition and Poster Viewing, Meeting Room 210 & 211 1340 - 1500 Session 13A: Bio / Imaging Meeting Room 203 Session 13B: Ptychography Meeting Room 204 Multimodal Nanoscale Imaging Using Coherent X-Rays from XFEL and 1340 - 1400 Synchrotron Changyong Song 1400 - 1420 Quantitative Imaging of Frozen Hydrated Cells with Hard X-Ray Nanotomography Ana Diaz Radiation Damage in Bioimaging with X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers Andrew Martin High-Resolution Hard X-Ray Ptychography of Extended Thick Objects Using Multislice Approach Akihiro Suzuki X-Ray Fluorescence Imaging of Human Brain Cancers 1420 - 1440 Mateusz Czyzycki 1440 - 1500 2D and 3D Nano-Imaging Using Near-Field Ptychography Marco Stockmar Determination of Nanoscale Roughness and Thickness Distributions Using Broadband Coherent Diffractive X-Ray Imaging Harry Quiney Bio-Imaging with Liquid-Metal-Jet X-Ray Sources Daniel Larsson 1500 - 1530 Afternoon Tea, Exhibition and Poster Viewing, Meeting Room 210 & 211 Session 14: Ptychography 1530 - 1630 Meeting Room 203 & 204 Invited Presentation: 1530 - 1610 X-Ray Ptychography: State of the Art, Challenges, and Opportunities Pierre Thibault 1610 - 1630 Werner Meyer-Ilse Memorial Award 1630 - 1900 Poster Session 2, Level 2 Foyer 4 of 5 FRIDAY 31 OCTOBER 2014 0830 - 1330 Registration and Information Desk Open, Level 1 Foyer Session 15: Novel Approaches 0900 - 1030 Meeting Room 109 & 110, Level 1 Invited Presentation: 0900 - 0930 Imaging Properties and its Improvements of Scanning/Imaging X-Ray Microscope Akihisa Takeuchi Chemical Imaging of Nanostructures by Synchrotron X-Ray Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Volker Rose A New Approach Towards 3D Elemental Micro-Imaging Using a Novel Energy Dispersive XRF Detector 0950 - 1010 Jan Garrevoet Achromatic Full-field X-ray Microscopy using Four Total-reflection Mirrors 1010 - 1030 Satoshi Matsuyama 0930 - 0950 1030 - 1100 Morning Tea Session 16: Future Perspectives and Conference Close 1100 - 1200 Meeting Room 109 & 110, Level 1 Invited Presentation: 1100 - 1140 Future Challenges in X-ray Microscopy Chris Jacobsen 1140 - 1200 Closing Remarks and Farewell 5 of 5
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