Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ Assessment of Irrigation Potential Created in AIBP funded Irrigation Projects in India using Cartosat Satellite data Kukadi Irrigation Project MAHARASHTRA Submitted to Central Water Commission Govt. of India, New Delhi Dimbhe Dam by National Remote Sensing Centre Indian Space Research Organisation Dept. of Space, Govt. of India Balanagar, Hyderabad-625 March 2009 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ DOCUMENT CONTROL SHEET 1. Security Classification Unrestricted 2. 3. Distribution Report / Document version Report /Document Type Central Water Commission (a) Issue no. (b) Revision & 1 Date: Technical Report 6. Document Control Number Title 7. Particulars of Collation NRSC-RS&GISAA-WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09TR54 Assessment of Irrigation Potential Created in AIBP funded Irrigation Projects in India using Cartosat Satellite Data: Kukadi Project, Maharashtra State Pages Figures Tables References 4. 5. 54 8. Author(s) 5 3 Affiliation of author(s) 10. Scrutiny mechanism 0 Dr. T.P. Singh…Associate Professor Study Team Leader* Dr. N. Chaudhary Assitant Professor Study Team Member* Ms.Runumi Desai .. Lecturer Study Team Member* B. Simhadri Rao, 9. 0 Sci./Engr. “SE”, NRSC …Project Co-ordinator WRD, RS & GIS AA, NRSC *SIG, Symbiosis International University Approved By Compiled by/ Reviewed By Controlled by Head, WRD 11. Originating unit 12. Sponsor(s) Name and Address 13. Date of Project Initiation GD (WR&OG) DD – RS &GIS AA Water Resources Division Water Resources & Oceanography Group RS & GIS Applications Area National Remote Sensing Centre Central Water Commission, New Delhi Govt. of India 12.04.2007 14. Date of Publication 17.03.2009 15. Abstract (with Keywords) This report deals with project work which includes satellite data used, methodology adopted and results & discussion and conclusions for assessment of Irrigation potential in Kukadi Irrigation Project Maharashtra state. i Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ ACKNOWLEDGMENT The National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) acknowledges with great appreciation for the initiative taken by the Planning Commission and Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR), Government of India in entrusting the present study on “Assessment of Irrigation Potential Created in 53 AIBP funded Irrigation Projects in India using Cartosat Satellite Data”. In this context, we acknowledge with great satisfaction Dr. Kirit Parikh, Member (Water and Power), Planning Commission, Govt. of India for taking keen interest in application of satellite remote sensing technology in scientific investigation, planning and development of water resources in the country. His dynamic initiative and continued encouragement has helped in fruitful completion of this study. The project team also acknowledges the inspiring guidance and support received from Mrs. Gauri Chatterji, Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) and Shri. B.S.Ahuja, Chairman and the former Member, WP&P, Central Water Commission (CWC). We also place on record our sincere thanks to Shri. S.K. Sinha, CE(PMO) and all Directors(PMO), CWC New Delhi for their painstaking efforts in initiating the Project . We also place on record our sincere thanks to all former CE’s(PMO), CWC, New Delhi for their kind support for conceptualizing this project. We also thank Shri. C. Agrawal, the former Director (Remote Sensing), CWC for his kind support for conceptualizing this project. Dr. G. Madhavan Nair, Chairman, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the Secretary, Department of Space, under whose inspiring leadership the remote sensing programme in the country is carried out, has provided valuable guidance in executing this study. The project team is grateful to Dr. V. Jayaraman, Director NRSC and Dr.P.S.Roy, Deputy Director (RS&GIS Applications Area) in NRSC for providing inspiring guidance, necessary support and encouragement during the course of the study. Project team also thank to Dr. M.S. Raste, Vice Chancellor, Symbiosis International University, Brig. KKV Khanzode, Director, SIG to willing their acceptance for collaboration between NRSC and SIG for this study and provided all necessary support during the execution of study. The project team would like to thank Shri. R.R. Pawar, S. E , Shri Pathan E.E. and staff of Kukadi irrigation project, Govt. of Maharashtra for providing necessary field data and facilitating the necessary support during the study. We also thank Shri. G. Behera, Group Director, WR&OG, NRSC for his guidance and support in completing the project. We also sincerely place on record the co-operation extended by all the colleagues of Water Resources Division in NRSC for the successful completion of the project. Project Team ii Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ Executive Summary The present study has been conducted with an aim of assessing irrigation potential created in AIBP (Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Program) funded irrigation projects through mapping of irrigation infrastructure using Cartosat (2.5 m resolution) satellite data. This report deals with results of satellite data analysis of Kukadi irrigation project. Freshly acquired (within a specified time window) Cartosat satellite data of 2.5m resolution (Ortho corrected Pan Data) procured from NDC (NRSC Data Centre) was checked for the quality, consistency and adequacy. The original satellite data in Geo-tiff format was converted into ERDAS Imagine image format to carry out further image analysis. Individual scenes were mosaiced to create satellite database in respect of AIBP component of study area. Then, identification and mapping of existing irrigation network with Main canal/Branch canal/Distributaries/Lateral & Sub-lateral was done from the satellite image on computer screen using ERDAS Imagine image processing /ArcGIS software through onscreen digitization by displaying the image at 1:4,000 to 1:2,000 scales. In addition to the canal network, the associated irrigation and drainage structures were also identified and inventoried. The digital map base for the study area with rivers/streams, roads/rail, and villages, etc. using high resolution data is prepared and used further for preparing map outputs. Thus, the inventory of information in terms of number of canals (main canals / branch canals / distributaries / minors (laterals) / subminors (sub-laterals) etc.), their chainages and respective lengths were computed for AIBP component area of Kukadi irrigation project. In addition to this, the status of canals was also assessed in terms of completed or incompleted or pending based on the satellite data inventory information. Then, the above inventory was compared vis a vis the proposed network (field obtained) and the irrigation potential was assessed along with balance Irrigation Potential (IP) to be created as on April/May, 2007. The satellite data assessed irrigation potential is compared with the field reported irrigation potential estimates and the balance irrigation potential thus assessed at distributaries level / branch / main canal and project level is presented in the study. iii Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ The Ultimate Irrigation Potential (UIP) of Kukadi project is 1,56,278 ha and 1,03,135 ha of I.P was created before inclusion under AIBP scheme in 2002. Hence, I.P target under AIBP scheme was 53,143 ha (as per CWC work order no. 3/121/2007-RS/63-70 dated 28.02.2007). But according to project officials the contemplated or target AIBP component is only 42,540 ha. The project officials provided the details of canals for the contemplated IP of 42,540 ha only. Hence the satellite data was acquired for only IP of 42,540 ha and study was carried out. The detail of which are provided below. Most of the canal lengths and their offtake chainages from parent canals were found to be comparable with proposed field reported statistics. However, Dimbhe M1 to M22, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 36, 37, 41, 79 to 85 minors on Dimbhe Right Bank Canal (RBC) could not be identified in satellite data. It was also verified during field visit. Project officials informed that these canals were cancelled and the IP under these canals was created through private lift irrigation. In addition minors 49,61,72,73,74,75,76,77 on Dimbhe Right Bank Canal (RBC), also could not be identified in the satellite data. In Pipmplegaon Joge Left Bank Canal (LBC) Dy1,Dy2,Dy3 M6 to M18,M22 ,M27,M33 A,B,C and in Kukadi Left Bank Canal (LBC) MR7,8,ML11 and TM were also converted under private lift irrigation plan and hence they could not be identified on satellite data. Also different cross-drainage structures like aqueducts, and others CDs were found to be completed on Dembhe RBC, Pimpalgaon Joge LBC and Kukadi LBC except in some locations on Pimpalgaon Joge Canal and Kukadi LBC. These locations area such as Ch. 35,36,46 Km to 49 Km in Pimpalgaon Joge Canal , Ch.192.13 Km in Chilwadi,Ch.193.18 Km in Karjat, Ch.233.85 Km in Pondhewadi branch canal under Kukadi Left Bank Canal. It was also observed that there is no hydraulic flow discontinuity in any part of the canal network mapped from satellite data in Kukadi project except as mentioned above and confirmed by project officials during random field visit. The irrigation potential was assessed using the irrigation infrastructure derived from Cartosat the satellite data. Based on the assessment of physical progress, the IP created is 33,430 ha. The balance IP yet to be created is 9,110 ha. But according to project officials, the target IP under AIBP is 42,540 ha which includes irrigation under private Lift Irrigation Scheme (LIS). The LIS was implemented due to opposition of farmers, some of the canals were cancelled and IP under these canals were converted to LIS. The total IP created under iv Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ LIS is 3,004 ha only under Dimbhe RBC as per project officials. Hence, total field reported IP to be created under AIBP through gravity (Canal Irrigation) is 39,536 ha and it is reported (field data) that it is totally completed. As per satellite based assessment, the balance IP yet to be created through canal irrigation is 6,106 ha. (IP created under canal irrigation is 39,536 ha satellite derived IP is 33,430 ha). v Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ CONTENTS Page No. Document Control Sheet Acknowledgment Executive Summary Contents List of Tables List of Figures Abbreviations i ii iii vi vii vii viii 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Study Objective 1 1 2 2.0 Study Area 2.1 Kukadi irrigation project 2.2 AIBP Components 3 3 4 3.0 Data Used 3.1 Satellite Data Used 3.2 Ancillary Data Used 5 5 7 4.0 Satellite Data Analysis 4.1 Methodology 4.2 Assessment of Irrigation Infrastructure 4.3 Assessment of Irrigation Potential 7 7 9 9 5.0 Results and Conclusion 5.1 Irrigation Infrastructure 5.2 Irrigation Potential 11 11 29 AnnexureI Salient Features of the Kukadi irrigation project 49 Annexure II Profile of the Kukadi irrigation project through Ground photographs 50 Glossary of Terminology 51 vi Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ List of Tables S.No Particulars Page No 5 Table.1 Satellite data used in the study Table.2 Comparison of field reported and satellite derived offtake chainges and lengths of canal network 12 Table.3 Comparison of field reported and satellite derived Irrigation potential of canal network 30 List of Figures S.No Particulars Figure.1 Location map of study area Figure2 Satellite data coverage over the Kukadi irrigation project 6 Figure.3 Flowchart of Methodology followed in the study 8 Figure.4 Map showing satellite derived irrigation infrastructure and irrigation potential of Kukadi irrigation project, Maharashtra State 47 Figure.5 Map showing satellite derived irrigation infrastructure and irrigation potential of Dimbhe and Pimpalgaon Joge irrigation project, Maharashtra State 48 vii Page No 4 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ Abbreviations AIBP CCA CDs Ch LBC LIS CWC DOL Dy. GCA GCP GPS Ha HPC ICA IP Mr. NDC NRSC MDRB ODR OT RBC SMr Tail Dy. VRB Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Program Cultivable Command Area Cross Drainage Structures Chainage Left Bank Canal Lift Irrigation Scheme Central Water Commission Direct OutLet Distributary Gross Command Area Ground Control Point Global Positioning System Hectare Humed Pipe Culvert Irrigable Command Area Irrigation Potential Minor NRSC Data Centre National Remote Sensing Centre Major District Road Bridge Other District Road Outlet Terminal Right Bank Canal SubMinor Tail Distributary Villlage Road Bridge viii Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ 1.0 Introduction Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Program (AIBP) launched by Government of India during 1996-97 aims at speeding up the implementation of on-going irrigation / multi-purpose water resources projects. The projects in which substantial progress has been made and which are beyond the resource capability of the respective State Governments and the projects which are in advanced stage of construction and could yield irrigation benefits in the next few agricultural seasons have been taken up under this program. AIBP was aimed at twin benefits of accelerating the ongoing irrigation projects & realization of bulk benefits from completed irrigation projects. A comprehensive physical and financial monitoring of the projects covered under the AIBP is periodically done by the Central Water Commission with the help of its regional offices situated all over the country. The recent advent of high resolution remote sensing satellites providing information over relatively small areas with greater details has opened new era of remote sensing applications. The meter to sub-meter pixel resolution dramatically improved the feature identification. High resolution satellite imagery can provide a rapid, high quality data source for capturing the topographic details more accurately and with less geometric distortion. There is immense potential for use of high resolution satellite data for inventory of Irrigation Infrastructure (canal network, conveyance & distribution system), assessment of progress of Irrigation works, closer visualisation of spatial irrigation utilisation patterns, assessing the impact of irrigation developmental programmes on the performance of irrigation command and to address the performance at Water User Associations level in the participatory irrigation management approach. With the advancement of Remote Sensing Satellites with high resolution sensors and the spatial information generation techniques, CWC / Planning commission is keen in utilising these technologies for regular monitoring of AIBP funded projects to assess the Irrigation Potential Creation in these projects. 1.1 Background Realising the potential of high resolution satellite data, Dr. Kirit Parikh, Member(Water & Power), Planning Commission. Government of India evinced keen interest to know the scope of using Satellite Remote Sensing 1 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ technique for monitoring the progress made and potential created through AIBP. Two pilot studies covering Upper Krishna Project in Karnataka and Teesta barrage project in West Bengal at the request of Planning Commission, Govt. of India were carried out successfully using Ikonos and Quickbird satellite data during 2005. The results of both the assessments were satisfactory and compared well with ground realities which were verified and reported by CWC field officers and State Governments. The pilot study results along with the application potential of the cost effective Indian Cartosat-1 satellite data were also presented to Dr Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, Govt. of India during May 2006. Subsequently, Planning Commission had discussions with NRSC on the implications of satellite data resolution, cost and time frame for taking up all AIBP funded irrigation projects in the country especially using Cartosat-1 satellite data. In view of the importance and utility of results arising out of satellite data based pilot study, it was decided to take up the project on a National scale covering all AIBP Projects with an estimated irrigation potential of 10 Million ha spread across different States in India. Accordingly, Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of India vide letter No.31/17/2006-Project dated 8th November 2006 desired NRSC to work out modalities for Irrigation Potential assessment under AIBP funded irrigation projects using cartosat-1 data covering about 5.45 Mha spread across 53 projects in 18 States in India. Hence, the NRSC has prepared the present project proposal on “Assessment of Irrigation Potential Created in AIBP funded Irrigation Projects in India using Cartosat-1 Satellite Data“. 1.2 Study Objective Assessment of irrigation potential created up to March / April 2007 using Cartosat-1 / Cartosat 2 high resolution satellite data through identification and mapping of the existing irrigation network in the selected irrigation projects covered under AIBP. Specific objectives are: • Inventory and Mapping of Irrigation Infrastructure consisting of canal network, cross drainage and other related irrigation structures 2 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ • Assessment of Irrigation Potential (I.P) created as on March / April 2007 • Identification of gap / critical areas in I.P creation The present report deals with Cartosat satellite data based Irrigation Potential assessment in Kukadi Irrigation Project. 2.0 Study Area 2.1 Kukadi irrigation project The project is an integrated project comprising of five dams (Yedgaon,Manikdoh,Dimbhe,Wadaj and Pimplegaon Joge Dam) on tributary river Bhima in Krishna river basin with canal system. The project on completion will provide irrigation to an area of 1,56,278 ha of land in Pune, Ahmednagar and Solapur districts of Maharashtra in addition there are two power houses one at Dimbhe Dam and other at Manikdoh having installed capacity of 5 MW and 6 MW respectively. Dimbhe Dam has been administrively approved by Govt. of Maharashtra resolution in 1966. Dimbhe Dam is masonry dam constructed across on river Ghod near village Dimbhe Kk. Taluka Ambegaon, Dist. Pune in Maharastra. The entire project includes Dimbhe Dam, Dimbhe left bank canal of length 55 Kms. and Dimbhe right bank canal of length 116 Kms. Salient features of the project are given in Annexure-I. Pimplegaon Joge dam is an earthen dam constructed across river Ar near village Piplegaon Joge, Taluka Junnar, Dist. Pune in Maharashtra. The entire project includes Pimplegaon Joge dam , saddle bund at Khubi at about 10 Km to U/S of Pimplegaon Joge dam and left bank canal of 70 Km length. The canal having length upto 74.300 in Junnar taluka of Pune district and 47.300 onwards to 69.720 in Parner taluka of Ahemednagar district. Figure -1 shows the location map of study area. 3 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ Figure-1. Location map of Study area 2.2 AIBP Components The project was included in AIBP during the year 2002 -2003 to carry out the following work 1. Balance and allied works of Pimplgaon and Dimbhe dam 2. Balance earth work structures and cement concrete lining of Kukadi Left Bank Canal Km 91 to 249. 3. Balance earth work structures and cement concrete lining of Dimbhe Right Bank Canal Km 1 to 116. 4. Balance earth work structures and cement concrete lining of Pimpalgaon Joge Left Bank Canal Km 1 to 70. 5. Distribution system work of above canals. 4 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ 3.0 Data Used 3.1 Satellite Data Used Table-1 shows the satellite data used in the study. Cartosat-1 (IRS-P5) PAN sensor data was used which has a spatial resolution of 2.5 m and 10 bit radiometric resolution. Figure-2 shows the satellite data coverage over the study area. Each scene is ortho corrected (7.5’X7.5’) product and the entire study area was covered by 32 scenes. Table-1 Satellite data used in the study Sl.No. Satellite Sensor Date of Pass Path / Row 1 2 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN 28.5.07 28.05.07 06.05.07 25.04.07 06.05.07 11.01.07 28.05.07 06.05.07 25.04.07 11.12.07 06.05.07 11.12.07 11.12.07 11.12.07 14.04.07 11.12.07 14.04.07 11.12.07 11.12.07 14.04.07 11.12.07 14.04.07 14.04.07 14.04.07 01.03.07 14.04.07 22.12.07 22.12.07 12.03.07 518/307 518/308 519/308 519/308 519/308 518/308 518/309 519/309 519/309 520/309 519/307 520/307 520/308 520/308 521/308 520/307 521/308 520/308 520/309 521/309 520/309 521/310 521/308 521/309 525/311 521/309 522/309 522/309 524/311 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 5 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 Cartosat 1 PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN PAN 01.05.07 01.03.07 13.01.08 12.03.07 01.03.07 01.03.07 01.03.07 13.01.08 13.01.08 01.03.07 28.10.07 28.10.07 17.10.07 13.01.08 28.10.07 17.10.07 525/311 525/311 526/311 524/312 525/312 525/311 525/310 526/310 526/310 525/311 526/311 526/311 527/311 526/311 526/312 527/312 Figure-2.Satellite data coverage over the Kukadi irrigation project 6 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ 3.2 Ancillary Data Used In addition to the satellite data, the following ancillary data was used to understand the study area, preparing base details of the study area and for comparative assessment of the satellite based results • Index map of the Project area. • Index map showing distributaries. • Tree diagrams showing chainages and lengths of canal networks (Main canal, branch canals, distributaries, minors and sub-minors). • Statements showing chainage, length, ICA, IP proposed and IP created for canals and water courses under each distributary. 4.0 Satellite Data Analysis The detailed methodology used for assessment of irrigation potential creation in an irrigation project through the satellite data based irrigation infrastructure inventory is given below. The overview of methodology followed in the study is shown in the flow chart (Figure-3). 4.1 Methodology The basic approach for the assessment of irrigation potential creation in a project is through identification and mapping of irrigation canal network and providing the status (w.r.t. the completion / incompletion / pending) of the entire conveyance and distribution system, various irrigation & drainage structures, etc. Project command area maps and relevant ground/field information was used for precise boundary delineation of AIBP component of the study area. This area mask was then used for Cartosat satellite data acquisition planning and procurement. The individual ortho corrected Cartosat pan scenes were mosaiced to create AIBP Component area satellite database. This database was used to inventory irrigation infrastructure. 7 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ Irrigation Project command index maps Acquisition planning for high resolution Cartosat-1 satellite data (Showing spatial extent of AIBP component) Procurement of Cartosat data Pre-processing of Cartosat data GPS survey for collection of GCPs (Rectification & Mosaicking) Image Interpretation key Preparation of project area mask Field data on Proposed Irrigation canal network and other infrastructure Interpretation / Analysis of Cartosat data (Line / Tree diagram) Generation of Existing Canal network and other infrastructure layers Assessment of Irrigation Potential created and its status Assessment of percentage Physical progress Identification of critical gap areas for I.P creation Assessment of Irrigation Potential created Generation of Maps and study report • Irrigation Infrastructure • IP created • Gap areas Figure-3. Flowchart of Methodology followed in the study 8 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ 4.2 Assessment of Irrigation Infrastructure Identification and mapping of existing irrigation canal network with Main canal/Branch canal/Distributaries/Minors & Sub-minors (for AIBP component area) was done from the satellite image through onscreen digitisation using ERDAS IMAGINE image processing software and ArcGIS software by displaying the image at 1:4,000 to 1:2,000 scales. The above inventory and mapping of canal network was done for AIBP component area in the project. In addition to the canal network, irrigation and other structures including cross drainage structures viz. aqueducts, super passages, syphons, H.P. drains, road/cart/foot bridges etc. were identified and marked on to the digital database. The above irrigation infrastructure was identified and mapped using the image interpretation key. Thus, the inventory of information in terms of number of canals (main canals/branch canals/distributaries/minors/sub-minors etc.), their offtake chainages and respective lengths was made. In addition to this, the status of canals was also assessed in terms of completed or incomplete or pending based on satellite data inventory information. Then, random ground checks were made for verification and confirmation of image interpretation details. 4.3 Assessment of Irrigation Potential Based on the above satellite based inventory of canals and structures information and their status, the Irrigation Potential (IP) created in the study area was assessed as given below: • The distributaries wise satellite derived canal network is inspected in a hierarchical sequence for hydraulic flow continuity or discontinuity, anomalies in terms of length and absence of a particular canal altogether (Minor / Sub-minor etc), if any. This information is compared with proposed canal network information supplied by project authorities (Revenue Survey project maps, T-diagrams and Statements showing canal chainages, CCAs, Irrigation intensities and IP created). • If the distributary wise satellite derived canal network is found comparable and there are no Cross-Drainage (CD) and other irrigation structures pending / under construction indicating hydraulic flow continuity, then that distributary Irrigation Potential (IP) is considered as completed. The IP created is taken as proposed Irrigation Potential 9 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ (estimated based on ICA and irrigation intensity) of the distributary. • If the distributary wise satellite derived canal network is found with hydraulic flow discontinuities either due to incomplete canal stretches or due to incomplete structures, then that distributary Irrigation Potential (IP) is considered as incomplete. Then the IP created under that distributary is assessed by aggregating the IP of various canals up to that point (from the off take point of distributary/minor/sub-minor) including Direct Pipe Outlets(DPO’s) on distributaries. • If the distributary wise satellite derived canal network is found with anomalies in terms of length (like shortening) either due to pending work or terrain conditions, then that distributary Irrigation Potential is considered as incomplete. Then the IP created under that distributary is assessed by aggregating the IP of various canals up to that point (from the off take point of distributary/ minor/sub-minor) including Direct Pipe Outlets (DPO’s) on distributaries. • The balance Irrigation Potential (IP) is assessed as the difference between proposed IP and IP created under each distributary. • Though balance Irrigation Potential (IP) is assessed as above, the canal network completed beyond the points of hydraulic discontinuity and canal length anomalies were also mapped and reported. The satellite data assessed irrigation potential using the above methodology is compared with the field reported irrigation potential estimates and the balance Irrigation Potential thus assessed at Distributary level, Branch Canal and Project level is reported and discussed in the following sections. 10 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ 5.0 Results and Conclusion 5.1 Irrigation Infrastructure The inventory and mapping of canal network using cartosat data was done for entire AIBP area under Kukadi irrigation project. The details of the satellite derived existing canal network are shown in Table-2. The canal lengths and off take chainages from the parent canals provided by the project officials and that derived from satellite data were shown in the above table. The statistics were provided up to the level of minor / sub minor. Most of the canal lengths and their offtake chainages from parent canals were found to be comparable with proposed field reported statistics. However, Dimbhe M1 to M22, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 36, 37, 41, 79 to 85 minors on Dimbhe Right Bank Canal (RBC) could not be identified in satellite data. It was also verified during field visit. Project officials informed that these canals were cancelled and the IP under these canals was created through private lift irrigation. In addition minors 49, 61, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 on Dimbhe Right Bank Canal (RBC), also could not be identified in the satellite data. In Pipmplegaon Joge Left Bank Canal (LBC) Dy1, Dy2, Dy3 M6 to M18, M22 ,M27, M33 A,B,C and in Kukadi Left Bank Canal (LBC) MR7,8,ML11 and TM were also converted under private lift irrigation plan and hence they could not be identified on satellite data. Also different cross-drainage structures like aqueducts, and others CDs were found to be completed on Dembhe RBC, Pimpalgaon Joge LBC and Kukadi LBC except in some locations on Pimpalgaon Joge Canal and Kukadi LBC. These locations are such as Ch. 35,36,46 Km to 49 Km in Pimpalgaon Joge Canal , Ch.192.13 Km in Chilwadi,Ch.193.18 Km in Karjat, Ch.233.85 Km in Pondhewadi branch canal under Kukadi Left Bank Canal. It was also observed that there is no hydraulic flow discontinuity in any part of the canal network mapped from satellite data in Kukadi project except as mentioned above and confirmed by project officials during random field visit. 11 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ Table.2 Comparison of field reported and satellite derived offtake chainges and lengths of canal network Field proposed Name of Canal Offtaking Chainage (Km) Satellite derived Length of Canal (Km) Offtaking Chainage (Km) Length of Canal (Km) Remarks Dimbhe Right Bank Canal DRC.M1 3.280 0.400 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M2 3.570 0.380 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M3 3.920 0.650 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M4 8.480 0.600 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M5 10.570 0.700 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M6 11.460 1.220 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M7 13.800 0.580 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M8 14.460 0.400 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M9 15.400 2.300 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M10 15.980 1.400 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M11 16.950 1.120 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M12 17.300 0.820 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M13 17.500 0.720 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M14 17.900 0.980 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M15A 19.200 2.640 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M15 19.390 1.200 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M16 20.500 1.900 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M17 21.600 1.840 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M18 22.190 2.380 Not Available Not Available pending 12 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ DRC.M19 23.100 0.760 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M20 24.200 0.480 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M21 24.750 0.900 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M22 25.870 3.020 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M23 26.185 2.300 25.250 2.246 completed DRC.M24 26.570 3.170 25.656 3.124 completed DRC.M25 27.845 6.570 26.760 6.073 Short in length (0.5km) DRC.M26 29.715 9.650 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M27 43.285 17.700 Not Available Not Available pending SM1 2.135 6.660 Not Available Not Available pending SM2 2.720 0.915 Not Available Not Available pending SM3 3.225 0.990 Not Available Not Available pending SM4 4.405 0.405 Not Available Not Available pending 32.945 4.580 31.995 4.696 0.960 1.380 0.959 0.936 completed Short in length (0.444km) 0.210 1.230 0.202 1.153 completed DRC.M29 33.600 1.500 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M30 35.810 10.400 Not Available Not Available pending 1.120 4.200 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M31 36.500 1.220 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M32 37.500 4.900 36.588 1.181 Short in length (3.72km) DRC.M33 39.630 2.740 38.664 2.147 Short in length (0.59km) 1.860 2.060 1.897 2.041 completed DRC.M34 40.730 3.580 39.866 3.663 DRC.M35 42.110 3.310 41.233 1.892 completed Short in length (1.42 km) DRC.M36 43.000 1.920 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M28 SM1 SM1/1 SM1 SM1 13 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ 0.120 0.980 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M37 43.800 3.220 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M38 45.600 3.340 46.256 3.867 SM1 0.900 3.060 1.765 1.677 completed Short in length (1.383 km) SSM1 0.760 0.900 Not Available Not Available pending SSM2 0.970 1.200 Not Available Not Available 46.790 4.600 46.757 2.701 pending Short in length (1.96 km) SM1 1.600 2.020 Not Available Not Available pending SM2 3.280 1.420 Not Available Not Available DRC.M40 47.270 2.700 48.001 0.542 pending Short in length ( 2.16 km) DRC.M41 48.120 0.680 Not Available Not Available Dy1 51.320 5.060 51.186 2.942 pending Short in length ( 2.12 km) SMR1 1.120 2.660 1.186 2.425 completed SML1 2.240 1.160 2.392 1.232 completed SMR2 3.210 1.240 Not Available Not Available pending 53.020 3.460 52.569 3.515 SMR1 0.980 1.420 0.832 1.151 completed Short in length (0.269 km) SMR2 2.540 0.800 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M43 56.040 0.940 55.715 0.970 completed DRC.M44 54.170 2.320 53.739 2.291 Dy3 55.300 6.340 54.933 5.786 completed Short in length ( 0.550 km) SMR1 3.240 0.980 3.148 0.888 completed SML1 3.500 0.980 Not Available Not Available pending 57.270 9.340 56.909 9.725 completed 0.160 5.640 0.176 5.436 completed SM1 DRC.M39 Dy2 Dy4 SMR1 14 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ SML1 0.160 1.780 0.176 1.775 completed SML2 2.160 1.400 2.219 1.448 completed SMR2 3.090 0.880 3.189 0.850 completed SMR3 3.470 2.160 3.519 2.153 completed SMR4 5.640 1.840 5.880 1.823 completed DRC.M44A 59.190 1.060 58.833 0.952 completed DRC.M44B 60.430 0.250 59.955 0.222 DRC.M44C 63.180 2.380 62.835 0.668 completed Short in length ( 1.710 km) 0.030 0.350 0.030 0.376 completed DRC.M44E 63.550 1.335 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M44D 66.885 0.780 66.542 0.863 completed DRC.M45 67.470 3.580 67.027 3.511 completed 2.620 1.140 2.655 1.162 completed 69.180 4.180 68.740 3.982 completed 0.445 1.060 0.457 1.125 completed 71.470 6.130 70.943 6.069 completed 1.740 1.120 1.735 1.100 completed SSM1 0.680 0.840 0.676 0.851 completed SSM2 1.100 1.060 1.110 1.082 completed 3.160 2.180 3.481 1.639 Short in Length 0.800 0.800 0.803 1.330 completed DRC.M47 73.520 2.440 72.804 2.331 completed DRC.M48 75.920 0.980 75.063 0.981 completed DRC.M49 70.780 1.100 Not Available Not Available pending Dy6 76.265 5.960 75.390 5.836 completed SML1 0.560 0.840 0.544 0.815 completed SML2 0.920 0.860 0.936 0.607 completed SM1 DRC.M46 SM1 Dy5 SM1 SM2 SSM1 15 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ SML3 1.140 1.055 1.152 0.924 completed SMR1 1.260 2.840 1.299 2.785 completed SML4 1.900 1.420 2.035 1.324 completed SML5 2.980 0.490 3.104 0.564 completed SML6 3.280 1.510 Not Available Not Available pending 77.475 4.350 76.604 4.403 completed 1.095 2.760 1.125 2.796 completed 1.095 0.940 1.100 0.857 completed 2.775 1.450 2.763 1.369 78.650 1.340 77.765 1.067 completed Short in length ( 0.270 km) 0.030 0.440 0.024 0.405 DRC.M51 79.080 2.200 78.195 1.449 completed Short in length ( 0.750km) DRC.M53 80.390 1.740 79.468 1.670 completed 0.500 0.900 0.587 0.744 completed 81.950 0.800 81.028 0.697 completed 0.030 0.600 0.017 0.509 completed DRC.M57 82.120 0.400 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M58 85.220 0.800 83.648 0.745 completed DRC.M59 86.560 1.230 85.009 1.249 completed DRC.M60 87.500 1.520 86.122 1.557 completed DRC.M61 87.580 3.760 Not Available Not Available DRC.M62 88.685 2.650 87.230 1.319 pending Short in length ( 1.33 Km) DRC.M63 89.870 3.160 88.345 3.052 completed 0.850 0.360 0.885 0.348 completed DRC.M67 94.205 0.720 92.802 0.776 completed DRC.M68 98.230 1.480 95.980 1.444 completed Dy7 SM1 SSM1 SM2 DRC.M50 SM1 SM1 DRC.M56 SM1 SM1 16 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ 98.671 1.960 Short in length ( 1.29 Km) 100.340 3.250 SM1 0.700 1.600 pending SM2 2.500 0.600 pending DRC.M71 100.920 2.000 99.727 1.726 completed DRC.M72 102.100 2.040 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M73 102.900 9.060 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M74 104.200 8.680 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M74A 104.840 0.820 103.731 0.951 completed DRC.M75 105.500 6.900 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M76 106.020 1.100 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M77 107.750 3.070 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M79 110.580 3.740 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M80 112.330 2.980 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M81 113.200 11.340 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M82 113.400 0.350 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M83 115.060 1.340 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.ML84 116.200 0.360 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.MR85 116.200 2.020 Not Available Not Available pending DRC.M69 PIMPLEGAON JOGE LEFT BANK CANAL Dy1 14.900 6.600 Not Available Not Available pending M6 16.252 2.700 Not Available Not Available pending M7 17.500 1.100 Not Available Not Available pending M8 18.870 2.310 Not Available Not Available pending Dy2 20.500 3.880 Not Available Not Available pending M9 20.800 2.640 Not Available Not Available pending M10 21.280 2.220 Not Available Not Available pending 17 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ Dy3 22.500 3.180 Not Available Not Available pending M11 23.600 3.120 Not Available Not Available pending M13 24.600 3.600 Not Available Not Available pending M14 25.270 3.460 Not Available Not Available pending M15 26.180 2.160 Not Available Not Available pending M16 27.100 2.000 Not Available Not Available pending M17 27.350 2.120 Not Available Not Available pending M18 28.875 2.670 28.980 2.587 completed SM1 0.229 1.580 0.240 1.597 completed SM2 1.560 0.285 1.568 0.417 completed M19 29.480 0.960 29.703 0.943 M20 30.850 2.120 31.055 1.192 Dy4 32.680 4.560 32.897 2.093 0.720 5.090 0.727 3.225 2.480 2.540 2.475 1.289 MR1 0.930 3.620 0.909 1.353 ML2 1.500 3.280 1.490 1.198 completed Short in length ( 0.928 Km) Short in length ( 2.467Km) Short in length ( 1.865Km) Short in length ( 1.251Km) Short in length ( 2.267Km) Short in length ( 2.082Km) M22 34.500 3.400 Not Available Not Available M23 35.660 1.100 36.564 0.507 M24 36.610 2.590 37.030 1.883 pending Short in length ( 0.593Km) Short in length ( 0.707Km) 0.260 4.240 Not Available Not Available pending M25 39.140 4.240 39.626 2.503 M26 39.840 4.240 40.330 1.164 completed Short in length ( 3.076 Km) ML1 SM1 SM1 18 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ Short in length ( 0.696 Km) 0.709 3.020 0.695 2.324 M27 40.340 3.920 Not Available Not Available M28 42.210 0.950 42.681 0.674 0.070 0.750 0.055 0.714 43.660 3.910 44.144 1.953 completed Short in length ( 1.957 Km) SM1 1.680 1.790 Not Available Not Available pending SM2 2.070 0.620 Not Available Not Available pending M30 46.060 3.510 Not Available Not Available pending M31 46.630 3.200 Not Available Not Available pending M32 48.720 1.300 52.668 1.247 completed M33 49.180 2.000 49.443 1.956 completed SM1 0.090 1.620 0.123 1.529 completed SM2 0.380 0.990 0.376 1.088 52.460 3.100 52.668 1.426 completed Short in length ( 1.674 Km) SM1 0.370 0.940 Not Available Not Available pending SM2 1.100 2.880 Not Available Not Available pending SM3 2.250 0.900 Not Available Not Available pending SM4 3.020 1.250 Not Available Not Available pending SM5 3.180 1.560 Not Available Not Available pending SM6 3.800 1.960 Not Available Not Available pending M32B 54.320 1.460 54.879 1.440 completed M33A 54.755 3.260 Not Available Not Available pending M33B 57.500 0.840 Not Available Not Available pending M33C 59.300 1.600 Not Available Not Available pending M34 59.960 2.460 59.772 2.483 completed SM1 SM1 M29 M32A 19 pending Short in length ( 0.276 Km) Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ 0.960 1.680 0.971 1.153 60.200 2.420 59.950 1.570 Short in length ( 0.527Km) Short in length ( 0.85Km) 0.560 1.520 0.595 1.497 completed M35 64.390 1.310 64.278 1.220 completed M35A 65.200 2.900 64.892 2.927 completed 1.200 0.960 1.245 0.864 M36 65.940 2.600 65.593 2.316 completed Short in length ( 0.284Km) M37 67.800 1.440 67.587 1.241 completed M38 69.360 3.860 69.369 3.878 completed SM1 1.580 2.120 Not Available Not Available pending SM2 2.100 1.840 Not Available Not Available pending SM3 2.960 0.860 Not Available Not Available pending SM4 3.600 0.900 Not Available Not Available pending SM5 3.860 0.700 Not Available Not Available pending SM1 M34A SM1 SM1 KUKADI LEFT BANK CANAL 178.600 YesodiBC 27.690 MR13 Non-AIBP 1.300 1.500 1.858 1.545 completed 9.880 3.600 9.820 3.558 completed SM1 1.160 0.600 1.059 0.558 completed SM2 2.760 0.580 2.853 0.566 completed SM1 MR6 MR2 Non-AIBP SM3 MR16B M72 0.710 0.580 2.566 0.759 completed 21.600 0.500 21.109 0.518 completed 179.490 3.220 179.490 3.039 completed 20 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ M72A 180.750 0.560 180.750 0.594 completed M74 185.320 1.640 185.320 1.596 completed M77 190.110 0.620 190.110 0.861 completed M78 191.670 5.220 191.670 4.966 completed 14.780 18.000 15.597 17.176 Short in length ( 0.824Km) M1 1.100 0.900 0.958 0.687 M2 2.400 0.980 2.484 0.636 completed Short in length ( 0.344Km) M3 3.260 0.900 3.344 0.948 completed M4 3.620 1.540 3.772 1.541 completed SM1 0.620 0.262 0.780 SM2 0.900 0.599 0.452 Chilwadi Branch Canal RashinDy M5 4.700 0.980 4.779 0.565 completed Short in length ( 0.448Km) Short in length ( 0.415Km) M6 4.900 1.180 4.954 1.399 completed M7 5.200 0.800 5.518 0.874 completed M8 5.680 1.340 5.936 1.572 completed M9 6.080 1.300 6.281 1.293 completed M10 6.560 2.040 7.026 2.041 completed 0.790 0.936 0.792 completed SM1 M11 6.960 0.880 Not Available Not Available pending M12 8.200 3.200 8.081 3.206 completed SM1 0.800 0.920 0.797 0.823 completed SM2 1.300 0.740 1.297 0.756 completed 8.810 0.820 8.830 0.798 completed M13 21 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ M14 9.200 1.040 9.250 1.009 M15 9.660 0.760 9.640 0.273 M16 9.920 1.830 9.749 2.205 M17 10.470 2.200 10.484 1.428 completed Short in length ( 0.772Km) M18 10.500 1.100 10.821 1.695 completed M19 11.760 0.900 11.983 1.154 completed M20 11.840 0.980 12.156 1.502 completed M21 12.560 0.990 12.544 1.685 completed SM1 0.360 0.800 0.376 1.264 completed SM2 0.480 0.780 1.214 0.712 completed M22 12.700 0.760 12.806 1.510 completed M23 13.360 1.000 13.901 1.091 completed M24 14.180 0.890 14.500 1.414 completed 0.300 0.600 0.093 0.501 completed M25 14.380 0.700 14.574 0.953 completed M26 14.620 0.800 14.879 0.733 completed M27 15.200 0.780 15.538 1.049 M28 15.700 0.800 16.040 0.455 M29 15.860 0.920 16.256 0.573 completed Short in length ( 0.345Km) Short in length ( 0.347Km) Korti Dy 21.620 12.200 22.473 11.848 MR1 22.500 2.360 23.377 1.952 Non-AIBP Short in length ( 0.41Km) ML1 22.670 0.520 23.494 0.544 completed ML2 23.660 1.320 24.461 1.318 completed MR2 23.060 0.540 23.494 0.568 completed 0.540 5.400 0.568 4.698 Short in length SM1 SM1 22 completed Short in length ( 0.487Km) Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ ( 0.702Km) 0.540 2.600 0.568 2.096 Short in length ( 0.504Km) ML3 24.540 0.800 25.361 0.773 completed ML4 25.280 1.900 26.110 1.896 completed CBC/ParewadiDy 26.580 9.240 27.387 9.221 completed ML1 0.020 1.800 0.031 1.810 completed ML2 0.380 0.820 0.374 0.804 completed MR1 0.380 1.680 0.374 1.699 completed MR2 0.780 1.620 0.766 1.688 completed 1.200 0.660 1.184 0.679 completed ML3 1.740 1.900 1.701 1.782 completed ML4 2.400 1.820 2.390 1.836 completed ML5 3.700 1.700 3.701 1.730 completed MR3 4.400 1.600 4.337 1.689 completed 0.360 1.480 0.362 1.308 completed MR4 4.560 1.340 4.516 1.322 completed MR5 5.940 1.400 5.882 1.831 completed ML6 6.120 1.560 6.075 1.584 completed 1.160 0.900 Not Available Not Available Pending ML7 7.220 0.680 7.184 0.642 completed MR6 7.220 1.520 7.184 1.505 completed ML8 7.620 0.560 7.582 0.573 completed ML9 8.160 0.960 8.155 0.773 completed ML10 9.040 0.820 8.983 0.630 completed MR7 8.720 0.960 Not Available Not Available Pending MR8 9.560 0.480 Not Available Not Available Pending ML11 9.560 0.300 Not Available Not Available Pending SM2 SM1 SM1 SM1 23 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ 9.660 0.240 Not Available Not Available Pending MR11 28.980 3.010 29.778 3.022 completed MR12 29.600 3.220 30.416 3.250 completed ML6 29.980 0.540 30.777 0.428 completed ML7 30.400 0.840 31.201 0.836 completed ML8 31.150 0.980 31.971 0.996 completed ML9 31.860 1.430 32.688 1.450 completed ML10 32.980 1.580 33.790 1.543 completed MR13 31.280 2.700 32.094 2.692 completed 1.970 2.440 1.976 2.442 completed 32.180 4.480 32.994 4.495 completed SM1 0.240 0.670 0.242 0.672 completed SM2 1.480 1.350 1.490 1.366 completed SM3 2.640 1.960 2.647 1.971 completed 0.060 1.115 0.160 1.182 completed 1.130 1.240 1.134 1.246 completed MR15 32.780 0.640 33.588 0.610 completed ML11 34.000 1.980 34.821 1.963 completed 0.360 0.800 0.368 0.807 completed 35.100 7.200 35.862 7.215 ML1 1.580 2.400 1.574 1.755 MR1 1.920 0.720 1.913 0.499 completed Short in length ( 0.65Km) Short in length ( 0.22Km) MR2 2.420 1.500 2.442 1.510 ML2 2.420 2.900 GAP 2.381 completed Short in length ( 0.52Km) MR3 2.940 3.940 2.939 3.787 completed ML3 5.060 0.830 5.038 0.864 completed TM SM1 MR14 SSM1 SM4 SM1 HINGANI Dy 24 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ 5.460 0.600 5.439 0.757 completed ML13 37.540 3.300 38.380 3.306 Non-AIBP ML14 40.880 0.780 39.637 0.708 Non-AIBP ShimporaDy 40.880 2.660 39.638 2.609 Non-AIBP MR12 0.420 1.650 0.157 1.152 Non-AIBP MR13 1.440 0.700 0.499 2.117 Non-AIBP ML15 1.140 0.820 Not Available Not Available Non-AIBP ML16 2.600 0.820 Not Available Not Available Non-AIBP 193.160 30.000 193.160 29.567 completed M10 21.070 0.900 20.823 1.300 M11 23.610 4.240 23.349 3.509 completed Short in length ( 0.73Km) SMR1 0.540 1.120 0.532 1.269 completed SML1 1.190 1.240 2.200 1.185 completed M12 24.190 0.620 23.900 0.597 completed M13 24.780 4.000 24.456 3.354 completed M14 25.850 0.840 25.566 0.805 completed M15 26.210 1.560 25.923 1.567 M16 26.980 2.920 26.703 1.609 completed Short in length ( 1.31Km) 1.300 1.100 1.337 1.102 completed 28.240 5.500 28.025 5.719 completed SML1 1.320 1.000 1.795 1.090 completed SMR1 3.050 1.460 3.290 1.384 completed SML2 3.500 2.500 3.707 2.820 completed SML3 4.300 1.000 4.577 1.712 29.700 5.000 29.414 4.153 completed Short in length ( 0.85Km) ML4 KarjatBC SMR1 M17 M18 25 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ SML1 0.080 1.000 0.094 1.095 completed SML2 1.440 2.020 1.473 2.007 completed M79 194.560 1.300 194.560 1.429 completed M80 195.830 3.504 195.830 3.689 completed M82 198.160 1.510 198.160 1.508 completed M83 198.930 1.840 198.930 2.036 completed KLBC211-220 Dy 213.545 8.200 213.545 8.293 M97 213.690 3.200 213.690 2.532 completed Short in length ( 0.668Km) DhagatwadiM 221.280 9.940 221.280 9.416 Short in length ( 0.524Km) SM1 2.030 0.940 1.167 0.952 completed SM2 2.520 2.450 2.528 1.809 Short in Length 1.560 1.220 1.551 1.269 completed 222.900 1.200 222.900 1.968 completed 223.840 12.000 223.840 12.000 completed ML1 0.360 2.180 0.474 2.371 completed ML2 2.300 4.460 3.517 4.636 completed HULGEWADI/M 5.120 4.860 5.578 4.716 completed 3.260 2.080 3.137 2.065 completed 7.400 1.200 7.429 1.205 completed 0.620 8.220 0.589 7.957 completed 4.980 3.100 4.754 3.200 completed SSM1 M84A Pondhawadi Branch Canal PondhawadiBC SM1 VIHAL Dy UMBRAD SM1 26 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ 1.380 8.600 1.205 8.695 11.720 12.100 11.677 10.002 completed Short in length ( 2.08Km) ML1 0.320 1.020 0.331 1.018 completed MR1 1.240 1.060 1.226 1.082 completed MR2 1.330 0.860 1.636 0.861 completed ML2 2.300 2.200 2.315 2.179 MR3 2.440 1.260 2.448 0.934 completed Short in length (0.326Km) MR4 3.520 1.200 3.520 1.232 completed ML3 4.170 2.920 4.160 2.975 completed SM1 0.170 0.970 Not Available Not Available Pending SM2 0.330 0.660 Not Available Not Available Pending ML4 5.460 0.760 5.486 0.756 completed MR5 5.480 1.800 5.887 1.760 completed MR6 6.100 1.540 6.114 1.564 completed ML5 6.120 0.660 6.173 0.669 completed ML6 7.050 3.860 Not Available Not Available Pending LSM1 0.300 2.880 Not Available Not Available Pending RSM1 0.680 0.600 Not Available Not Available Pending LSM2 0.800 0.800 Not Available Not Available Pending MR7 7.970 1.800 Not Available Not Available Pending MR8 8.420 1.460 Not Available Not Available Pending ML7 8.920 1.750 Not Available Not Available Pending MR9 10.070 1.385 Not Available Not Available Pending MR10 11.720 1.300 Not Available Not Available Pending TAIL 12.100 Not Available Not Available Pending ANJANDOH PondhawadiDy 27 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ 224.580 18.000 224.580 17.863 ML1 0.320 1.100 0.321 0.751 ML2 2.160 3.200 2.191 3.292 ML3 4.080 3.510 4.139 3.089 completed Short in length (0.421Km) SM1 0.080 1.580 0.214 1.509 completed SM1A 0.560 0.900 0.531 1.002 completed SM2 0.855 3.500 1.110 1.360 SM3 2.110 2.860 1.772 2.062 ML4 4.780 1.360 4.938 0.987 Short in length (2.41Km) Short in length (0.798Km) Short in length (0.373Km) ML5 8.360 1.680 8.529 1.540 completed ML6 9.300 1.000 9.748 1.460 completed MR1 11.600 1.640 11.747 1.648 completed ML7 13.560 1.000 13.189 1.013 completed ML8 14.700 0.800 15.010 0.914 completed M88 234.140 1.500 234.140 3.401 completed M89A 236.610 1.040 236.610 1.121 TM 248.180 2.000 248.180 1.109 completed Short in length (0.891Km) Bhose Dy 28 completed Short in length (0.349Km) Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ 5.2 Irrigation Potential The Ultimate Irrigation Potential (UIP) of Kukadi project is 1,56,278 ha and 1,03,135 ha of I.P was created before inclusion under AIBP scheme in 2002. Hence, I.P target under AIBP scheme was 53,143 ha (as per CWC work order no. 3/121/2007-RS/63-70 dated 28.02.2007). But according to project officials the contemplated or target AIBP component is only 42,540 ha. The project officials provided the details of canals for the contemplated IP of 42,540 ha only. Hence the satellite data was acquired for only IP of 42,540 ha and IP assessment was carried out. The detail of which are provided below. The irrigation potential was assessed using the irrigation infrastructure derived from the satellite data. The details of proposed irrigation potential, field reported & satellite based irrigation potential created in the project are given in Table-3. The assessed irrigation potential created upto minor level was shown in the table. As some of the parent canals and their offtake canals were existing and their lengths are comparable to the proposed without any pending cross-drainage/irrigation structures, only they were assessed to have created the proposed irrigation potential (Figure-4&5). The irrigation potential was assessed using the irrigation infrastructure derived from Cartosat satellite data. Based on the assessment of physical progress, the IP created is 33,430 ha. The balance IP yet to be created is 9,110 ha. But according to project officials, the target IP under AIBP is 42,540 ha which includes irrigation under private Lift Irrigation Scheme. The LIS was implemented due to opposition of farmers, some of the canals were cancelled and IP under these canals were converted to LIS. The total IP created under LIS is 3,004 ha only under Dimbhe RBC as per project officials. The total field reported IP created under AIBP through gravity (Canal Irrigation) is 39,536 ha and it is reported (field data) that it is totally completed. Hence, as per satellite based assessment, balance IP yet to be created through canal irrigation is 6,106 ha. (IP created under canal irrigation is 39,536 ha - satellite derived IP is 33,430 ha). Two ‘A0 size’ maps showing canal network derived from satellite data together with the spatial distribution of irrigation potential created was prepared (including the base details of roads, drains and villages) and provided along with this report (Plate-1 & 2). 29 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ Table.3 Comparison of field reported and satellite derived Irrigation potential of canal network Total Irrigation Potential Proposed (ha.) Field reported Irrigation Potential Created under AIBP (ha.) Satellite derived Irrigation Potential Created under AIBP(ha.) DRC.M1 34.500 34.500 0.00 DRC.M2 22.260 22.260 0.00 DRC.M3 31.710 31.710 0.00 DRC.M4 53.410 53.410 0.00 DRC.M5 42.840 42.840 0.00 DRC.M6 65.000 65.000 0.00 DRC.M7 24.480 24.480 0.00 DRC.M8 38.950 38.950 0.00 DRC.M9 80.680 80.680 0.00 DRC.M10 46.990 46.990 0.00 DRC.M11 58.250 58.250 0.00 DRC.M12 54.890 54.890 0.00 DRC.M13 49.220 49.220 0.00 DRC.M14 56.580 56.580 0.00 DRC.M15A 198.000 198.000 0.00 Name of Canal Remarks Dimbhe Right Bank Canal DRC.M15 79.770 79.770 0.00 DRC.M16 110.850 110.850 0.00 DRC.M17 67.580 67.580 0.00 DRC.M18 66.770 66.770 0.00 DRC.M19 32.400 32.400 0.00 30 As the area of minor No. 1-22 comes under private lift irrigation scheme and is declared under LIS. Due to oppose of farmers these minors are cancelled Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ DRC.M20 52.560 52.560 0.00 DRC.M21 36.170 36.170 0.00 DRC.M22 45.500 45.500 0.00 DRC.M23 30.350 30.350 30.350 completed DRC.M24 66.620 66.620 66.620 completed DRC.M25 202.780 202.780 187.76 IP balance 15 ha. DRC.M26 244.890 244.890 0.00 IP balance 244.78 ha. DRC.M27 438.540 438.540 0.00 Lift irrigation DRC.M28 320.580 320.580 305.950 DRC.M29 187.310 187.310 187.310 DRC.M30 367.550 367.550 0.000 DRC.M31 85.870 85.870 0.00 IP balance 85.87 ha. DRC.M32 304.950 304.950 73.50 IP balance 231.45 ha. DRC.M33 192.810 192.810 165.12 Lift irrigation DRC.M34 190.050 190.050 190.050 completed DRC.M35 120.210 120.210 68.71 IP balance 51.5ha. DRC.M36 108.770 108.770 0.00 DRC.M37 103.110 103.110 0.000 DRC.M38 263.360 263.360 146.870 108.85 108.85 59.65 completed SSM1 32.950 32.950 0.000 IP balance 32.950 ha. SSM2 34.350 34.350 0.000 IP balance 34.35ha. completed SM1 87.22 87.22 87.22 222.110 222.110 69.09 SM1 42.48 42.48 0.00 IP balance 42.48ha. SM2 61.960 61.960 0.00 DOL 117.670 117.670 69.09 IP balance 61.96ha. proportionate IP considered 99.610 99.610 19.92 IP balance 79.69 ha. DOL DRC.M39 DRC.M40 IP balance 103.11 ha. 31 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ DRC.M41 48.090 48.090 0.000 Dy1 655.630 655.630 409.060 SMR1 152.070 152.070 152.070 completed SML1 64.870 64.870 64.870 completed SMR2 106.890 106.890 0.000 DOL 331.800 331.800 192.120 IP balance 106.89ha. proportionate IP considered 388.680 388.680 309.700 SMR1 49.76 49.76 40.33 SMR2 69.55 69.55 0 IP balance 69.55 ha. DOL 269.37 269.37 269.37 completed DRC.M43 33.17 33.17 33.17 completed DRC.M44 78.110 78.110 78.110 completed Dy2 IP balance 48.09 ha. 539.540 539.540 389.61 SMR1 47.63 47.63 47.63 completed SML1 117.49 117.49 0 DOL 374.73 374.73 341.98 IP balance 117.49ha. proportionate IP considered 1272.420 1272.420 1272.420 SMR1 181.9 181.9 181.9 completed SML1 101.65 101.65 101.65 completed SML2 67.41 67.41 67.41 completed SMR2 68.48 68.48 68.48 completed SMR3 145.1 145.1 145.1 completed SMR4 186.79 186.79 186.79 completed DOL 521.09 521.09 521.09 completed DRC.M44A 38.940 38.940 38.940 completed DRC.M44B 35.190 35.190 35.190 completed DRC.M44C 108.270 108.270 55.380 Dy3 Dy4 32 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ SM1 34.75 34.75 34.75 DOL 73.52 73.52 20.63 completed proportionate IP considered DRC.M44E 62.600 62.600 0.000 IP balance 62.60 ha. DRC.M44D 52.380 52.380 52.380 completed DRC.M45 221.210 221.210 221.210 completed DRC.M46 315.530 315.530 315.530 SM1 70.92 70.92 70.92 completed DOL 244.61 244.61 244.61 completed 615.990 615.990 589.910 38.7 38.7 38.7 completed SSM1 44.36 44.36 44.36 completed SSM2 37.500 37.500 37.500 completed 105.07 105.07 79 30.960 30.960 30.960 Dy5 SM1 SM2 SSM1 completed 359.39 359.39 359.39 DRC.M47 119.650 119.650 119.650 completed DRC.M48 32.130 32.130 32.130 completed DRC.M49 61.020 61.020 0.000 IP balance 61.02 ha. Dy6 708.820 708.820 708.820 SML1 35.11 35.11 35.11 completed SML2 39.29 39.29 27.73 IP balance 11.56 ha. SML3 148.82 148.82 148.82 completed DOL SML4 30.94 30.94 30.94 completed SML5 160.13 160.13 160.13 completed DOL 294.54 294.54 294.54 completed 436.380 436.380 436.380 SM1 140.49 140.49 140.49 completed SM2 51.21 51.21 51.21 completed Dy7 33 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ 244.68 244.68 244.68 44.300 44.300 36.870 SM1 7.64 7.68 7.68 completed DOL 36.66 36.66 29.19 IP balance 7.47 ha. DRC.M51 82.210 82.210 54.260 IP balance 27.95 ha. DRC.M53 60.080 60.080 60.080 SM1 22.12 22.12 22.12 completed DOL 37.96 37.96 37.96 completed 37.160 37.160 37.160 SM1 18.59 18.59 18.59 completed DOL 18.58 18.58 18.58 completed DRC.M57 48.150 48.150 0.000 IP balance 48.15 ha. DRC.M58 45.400 45.400 45.400 completed DRC.M59 127.240 127.240 127.240 completed DOL DRC.M50 DRC.M56 completed DRC.M60 78.280 78.280 78.280 completed DRC.M61 174.000 174.000 0.000 IP balance 174.00 ha. DRC.M62 153.000 153.000 76.500 IP balance 76.5 ha. DRC.M63 215.330 215.330 215.330 SM1 30.36 30.36 30.36 completed DOL 184.97 184.97 184.97 completed DRC.M67 46.820 46.820 46.820 completed DRC.M68 75.380 75.380 75.380 completed 250.250 250.250 102.660 SM1 49.95 49.95 0.000 IP balance 49.95 ha. SM2 30.09 30.09 0.000 DOL 170.22 170.22 102.660 IP balance 30.09 ha. proportionate IP considered DRC.M71 51.180 51.180 51.180 completed DRC.M72 69.680 69.680 0.000 IP balance 69.68 ha. DRC.M69 34 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ DRC.M73 303.350 303.350 0.000 IP balance 303.35 ha. DRC.M74 275.760 275.760 0.000 IP balance 275.76 ha. DRC.M74A 33.170 33.170 33.170 completed DRC.M75 351.660 351.660 0.000 IP balance 351.66 ha. DRC.M76 42.950 42.950 0.000 IP balance 42.95 ha. DRC.M77 74.760 74.760 0.000 IP balance 74.76 ha. DRC.M79 103.620 103.620 0.000 Lift irrigation DRC.M80 89.260 89.260 0.000 Lift irrigation DRC.M81 293.250 293.250 0.000 IP balance 293.25 ha. DRC.M82 17.050 17.050 0.000 IP balance 17.05 ha. DRC.M83 33.780 33.780 0.000 Lift irrigation DRC.ML84 40.800 40.800 0.000 Lift irrigation DRC.MR85 115.570 115.570 0.000 IP balance 115.57 ha. DOL 1046.190 1046.190 1046.190 completed TOTAL 15102.210 15102.210 8695.350 PIMPLEGAON JOGE LEFT BANK CANAL Dy1 318.090 0.000 0.000 IP balance 318.09 ha. M6 140.210 0.000 0.000 IP balance 140.21 ha. M7 62.542 0.000 0.000 IP balance 62.542 ha. M8 63.419 0.000 0.000 IP balance 63.419 ha. Dy2 100.783 0.000 0.000 IP balance 100.783 ha. M9 95.594 0.000 0.000 IP balance 95.594 ha. M10 116.919 0.000 0.000 IP balance 116.919 ha. Dy3 100.655 0.000 0.000 IP balance 100.655 ha. M11 254.585 0.000 0.000 IP balance 254.585 ha. M13 47.658 0.000 0.000 IP balance 47.658 ha. M14 90.094 0.000 0.000 IP balance 90.094 ha. 35 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ M15 100.591 0.000 0.000 IP balance 100.591 ha. M16 100.313 0.000 0.000 IP balance 100.313 ha. M17 210.041 0.000 0.000 IP balance 210.041 ha. M18 362.440 362.440 362.441 SM1 71.750 71.750 71.750 completed SM2 44.940 44.940 44.940 completed DOL 245.750 245.750 245.750 completed M19 75.890 75.890 75.890 completed M20 191.637 101.690 107.750 IP balance 83.887 ha. Dy4 1093.540 0.000 525.162 ML1 352.137 0.000 223.112 IP balance 129.025 ha. MR1 179.080 0.000 66.930 IP balance 112.15ha. ML2 245.180 0.000 89.550 IP balance 155.63ha. DOL 317.143 0.000 145.570 IP balance 171.573ha. M22 527.446 0.000 0.000 IP balance 527.446 ha. M23 45.839 0.000 21.120 IP balance 21.719 ha. M24 466.927 0.000 339.460 SM1 298.134 0.000 DOL 168.793 0.000 M25 436.806 0.000 436.806 M26 783.358 156.220 122.720 SM1 194.954 0.000 0.000 DOL completed IP balance 194.954 ha. 588.404 156.220 122.720 IP balance 465.684 ha. M27 209.132 0.000 0.000 IP balance 209.132 ha. M28 155.696 83.870 119.200 SM1 30.070 30.070 30.070 DOL 125.626 53.800 89.130 602.271 60.830 242.240 M29 36 completed proportionate IP considered Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ SM1 59.510 0.000 0.000 IP balance 59.51 ha. SM2 57.790 0.000 0.000 IP balance 57.79ha. DOL 484.971 60.830 242.240 IP balance 242.731 ha. M30 599.221 0.000 0.000 IP balance 599.221 ha. M31 588.832 588.832 0.000 IP balance 588.832 ha. M32 81.502 81.502 81.502 completed 304.319 168.170 304.319 completed SM1 89.810 89.810 completed SM2 81.030 81.030 completed DOL 133.479 133.479 completed M33 777.986 777.986 71.820 SM1 106.390 106.390 0.000 IP balance 106.39ha. SM2 180.910 180.910 0.000 IP balance 180.91ha. SM3 57.760 57.760 0.000 IP balance 57.76ha. M32A SM4 19.580 19.580 0.000 IP balance 19.58ha. SM5 188.480 188.480 0.000 IP balance 188.48ha. SM6 68.720 68.720 0.000 DOL 156.146 156.146 71.820 IP balance 68.72ha. proportionate IP considered M32B 84.840 84.840 84.840 completed M33A 292.206 292.206 0.000 IP balance 292.206 ha. M33B 78.699 78.699 0.000 IP balance 78.669 ha. M33C 117.925 117.925 0.000 IP balance 117.925 ha. 236.524 236.524 214.254 SM1 71.000 71.000 48.730 IP balance 22.27 ha. DOL 165.524 165.524 165.524 completed 281.849 281.849 253.100 SM1 200.000 200.000 200.000 completed DOL 81.849 81.849 53.100 proportionate IP M34 M34A 37 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ considered M35 119.241 119.241 119.241 M35A 320.048 320.048 320.048 SM1 48.000 48.000 48.000 completed DOL 272.480 272.480 272.480 completed M36 232.276 232.276 206.890 IP balance 25.386 ha. M37 134.082 134.082 134.082 completed M38 650.004 557.220 287.904 completed SM1 119.960 0.000 IP balance 119.96 ha. SM2 100.750 0.000 IP balance 1100.75 ha. SM3 54.680 0.000 IP balance 54.68 ha. SM4 35.720 0.000 IP balance 35.72 ha. SM5 50.990 0.000 IP balance 50.99ha. DOL 287.904 287.904 completed DOL 663.593 149.230 149.230 12315.617 5061.568 4580.018 517.030 517.030 KUKADI LEFT BANK CANAL YesodiBC 7873.000 MR2 Non-AIBP SM3 72.760 72.760 completed SM1 87.740 87.740 completed SM2 77.180 77.180 completed DOL 12.590 12.590 completed MR6 Non-AIBP MR13 Non-AIBP SM1 MR16B 38 88.100 88.100 completed 40.500 40.500 completed Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ DOL 138.160 138.160 completed M72 129.000 129.000 129.000 completed M72A 80.000 80.000 80.000 completed M74 132.000 132.000 132.000 completed M77 81.000 81.000 81.000 completed M78 548.000 548.000 548.000 completed 14491.000 8159.190 7732.960 3011.940 2809.970 M1 65.780 65.780 completed M2 64.540 41.880 IP balance 23.66 ha. M3 33.940 33.940 completed M4 211.260 211.260 completed SM1 62.320 62.320 completed SM2 84.400 42.380 IP balance 42.02 ha. DOL 64.540 64.540 M5 34.500 19.930 IP balance 14.57 ha. M6 84.500 84.500 completed M7 51.750 51.750 completed M8 85.690 85.690 completed M9 87.910 87.910 completed Chilwadi Branch Canal ChilwadiBC RashinDy 162.150 162.150 completed SM1 49.520 49.520 completed DOL 112.630 112.630 completed M11 48.960 0.000 IP balance 48.96 ha. M12 131.870 131.870 completed SM1 48.410 48.410 completed SM2 47.290 47.290 completed M10 39 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ 36.170 36.170 M13 45.070 45.070 completed M14 41.730 41.730 completed M15 52.860 18.980 IP balance 33.88 ha. M16 112.950 112.950 completed M17 108.500 72.990 IP balance 35.51 ha. M18 86.240 86.240 completed M19 97.930 97.930 completed M20 88.300 88.300 completed M21 93.950 93.950 completed SM1 57.870 57.870 completed SM2 27.260 27.260 completed DOL 8.820 8.820 completed M22 54.530 54.530 completed M23 106.830 106.830 completed M24 82.350 82.350 completed SM1 7.230 7.230 completed DOL 75.120 75.120 completed M25 64.540 64.540 completed M26 67.320 67.320 completed M27 56.880 56.880 completed M28 58.420 33.220 IP balance 24.36 ha. DOL M29 56.160 34.970 IP balance 21.19 ha. DOL 436.950 436.950 completed MR1 57.280 47.540 IP balance 9.74 ha. ML1 36.950 36.950 completed ML2 57.290 57.290 completed MR2 249.630 210.760 Non-AIBP 149.910 130.420 IP balance 19.49 ha. SM1 40 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ 99.720 80.340 IP balance 19.38 ha. ML3 29.040 29.040 completed ML4 103.290 103.290 completed DOL 94.990 94.990 completed CBC/ParewadiDy 1752.060 1661.940 ML1 74.730 74.730 completed SM2 ML2 28.030 28.030 completed MR1 93.560 93.560 completed MR2 66.360 66.360 completed SM1 42.500 42.500 completed DOL 23.860 23.860 ML3 85.130 85.130 completed ML4 88.760 88.760 completed ML5 121.080 121.080 completed 150.080 150.080 completed SM1 80.890 80.890 completed DOL 69.190 69.190 completed MR4 125.300 125.300 completed MR5 152.460 152.460 completed ML6 108.370 108.370 completed SM1 90.120 0.000 DOL 18.250 108.370 IP balance 90.12 ha. proportionate IP considered MR3 ML7 35.360 35.360 completed MR6 115.290 115.290 completed ML8 70.620 70.620 completed ML9 44.050 44.050 completed ML10 74.780 74.780 completed MR7 0.000 0.000 proposed to be deleted 41 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ MR8 0.000 0.000 proposed to be deleted ML11 0.000 0.000 proposed to be deleted TM 0.000 0.000 proposed to be deleted DOL 185.480 185.480 completed MR11 188.320 188.320 completed MR12 179.760 179.760 completed ML6 57.780 57.780 completed ML7 40.660 40.660 completed ML8 63.260 63.260 completed ML9 87.700 87.700 completed ML10 101.290 101.290 completed MR13 180.830 180.830 completed SM1 124.440 124.440 completed DOL 56.390 56.390 completed 484.410 484.410 completed SM1 37.790 37.790 completed SM2 70.790 70.790 completed SM3 49.470 49.470 completed 65.130 65.130 completed SM4 42.890 42.890 completed DOL 218.340 218.340 50.360 50.360 completed MR14 SSM1 MR15 137.000 137.000 completed SM1 35.990 35.990 completed DOL 101.010 101.010 completed 1195.350 1109.820 ML1 136.950 100.140 IP balance 36.81 ha. MR1 38.400 26.610 IP balance 11.79 ha. MR2 100.600 100.600 completed ML11 HINGANI Dy 42 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ ML2 206.350 169.420 IP balance 36.93 ha. MR3 210.540 210.540 completed ML3 82.600 82.600 completed ML4 46.480 46.480 completed DOL 373.430 373.430 completed KarjatBC 2151.600 1848.840 M10 5606.000 75.000 75.000 completed M11 435.000 360.000 IP balance 75.00 ha. SMR1 63.130 63.130 completed SML1 110.210 110.210 DOL 261.660 186.660 completed proportionate IP considered M12 97.000 97.000 completed M13 299.600 299.600 completed M14 91.000 91.000 completed M15 193.000 193.000 completed M16 378.940 208.840 IP balance 170.10 ha. SMR1 67.410 67.410 DOL 311.530 141.430 completed proportionate IP considered 242.000 242.000 completed SML1 26.750 26.750 completed SMR1 24.610 24.610 completed SML2 48.150 48.150 completed SML3 29.960 29.960 completed DOL 112.530 112.530 completed 340.000 282.400 IP balance 57.6 ha. 63.130 63.130 completed M17 M18 SML1 43 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ SML2 138.030 138.030 DOL 138.840 81.240 completed proportionate IP considered M79 69.000 69.000 69.000 completed M80 59.000 59.000 59.000 completed M82 88.000 88.000 88.000 completed M83 150.000 150.000 150.000 completed KLBC211-220 1567.000 280.080 274.072 Dy 86.590 86.590 completed M97 28.780 22.772 IP balance 6.00 ha. DOL 164.710 164.710 completed 1042.000 1004.320 SM1 86.000 86.000 completed SM2 144.000 106.320 IP balance 37.68 ha. 1042.000 DhagatwadiM 51.000 51.000 completed 761.000 761.000 completed 80.000 80.000 completed 954.370 954.370 ML1 146.000 146.000 completed ML2 219.000 219.000 completed SSM1 DOL 140.000 M84A Pondhawadi Branch Canal 5951.000 PondhawadiBC DOL 319.670 319.670 completed HULGEWADI 269.700 269.700 completed SM1 157.290 157.290 completed DOL 112.410 112.410 completed 2063.000 2063.000 VIHAL Dy 44 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ UMBRAD 1335.000 1335.000 completed ANJANDOH 728.000 728.000 completed 2933.650 1773.730 ML1 83.870 83.870 completed MR1 60.340 60.340 completed MR2 60.790 60.790 completed PondhawadiDy ML2 177.100 177.100 completed MR3 111.940 82.980 IP balance 28.96 ha. MR4 118.200 118.200 completed ML3 334.910 334.910 completed SM1 47.440 0.000 IP balance 47.44 ha. SM2 36.600 0.000 DOL 250.870 334.910 IP balance 36.60 ha. proportionate IP considered ML4 101.030 101.030 completed MR5 106.390 106.390 completed MR6 88.000 88.000 completed ML5 59.110 59.110 completed ML6 513.770 0.000 IP balance 513.77 ha. LSM1 182.070 0.000 IP balance 182.07 ha. RSM1 38.990 0.000 IP balance 138.99 ha. LSM2 159.220 0.000 IP balance 159.22 ha. DOL 133.490 0.000 IP balance 133.49 ha. MR7 151.750 0.000 IP balance 151.75 ha. MR8 140.340 0.000 IP balance 140.34 ha. ML7 174.010 0.000 IP balance 174.01 ha. MR9 100.770 0.000 IP balance 100.77 ha. MR10 50.320 0.000 IP balance 50.01 ha. DOL 501.010 501.010 completed 45 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ 2810.000 2609.950 2377.910 ML1 46.800 31.820 IP balance 14.98 ha. ML2 125.760 125.760 completed ML3 885.370 694.470 IP balance 190.9 ha. 139.970 139.970 completed SM1A 52.620 52.620 completed SM2 233.280 90.650 IP balance 142.63 ha. SM3 173.000 124.730 IP balance 48.27 ha. DOL 286.500 286.500 completed ML4 95.370 69.210 IP balance 26.16 ha. ML5 166.270 166.270 completed ML6 75.590 75.590 completed MR1 107.250 107.250 completed Bhose Dy SM1 ML7 93.990 93.990 completed ML8 115.310 115.310 completed DOL 898.240 898.240 completed M88 366.000 66.000 66.000 completed M89A 254.000 54.000 54.000 completed TM 302.000 130.000 72.085 IP balance 57.92 ha. 41738.000 22376.870 20154.317 46 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ Figure4: Map showing satellite derived Irrigation Infrastructure and Irrigation Potential of Kukadi Irrigation project, Maharashtra State. 47 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ Figure5: Map showing satellite derived Irrigation Infrastructure and Irrigation Potential of Dimbhe and Pimpalgaon Joge Irrigation project, Maharashtra State. 48 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ Annexure I Salient Features of the Kukadi Irrigation Project °Item Scope of Scheme Source Location State Region District Taluka Toposheet no. Latitude Longitude Upstream Utilisation Existing Proposed Yield and Utilisation on the project i)Catchment ii)An annual run in TMC 75% dependable yield in TMC Utilisation of TMC21.543 % of annual utilisation Type of Dam Total length of dam in Mtr. Maximum length of dam in Mtr Full supply of discharge required in Cumecs Max. discharge in cumecs Weir cum combined Storage near Storage near Dimbhe Storage near Total storage near Yedgaon Manikdoh on Kukadi on Ghod river Pimplegaon Joge & on Kukadi river river Ar river An integrated irregation project envisaging storage ar No.1) Yedgaon on Kukadi river 2) Manikdoh on Kukadi river 3) Wadaj on Meena river 4) Dimbhe on Ghod river) Piplegaon Joge on Ar river. It consists on canal system for irregation of 90,089 ha, on Dimbhe Right Bank canal,2265 ha, under Mankdoh Left Bank Canal,11,510 ha, under Pimplegaon Joge Left Bank Canal,1740 ha , under Pushpawati Canaland 360 ha under Wadge Right Bank Canal. Thus the total the irrigable command area works out to 146053 ha. Kukadi river tributary Kukadi river tributary Ghod Ar of Ghod river of Ghod river river tributary of river tributary of Bhima river Pushpawati river Yedgaon Manikdoh Dimbhe Pimpalgaon Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Maharashtra Western Maharashtra Western Maharashtra Western Maharashtra Western Maharashtra Pune Pune Pune Pune Junnar Junnar Dimbhe Pimplegaon 47 I/4 47 E/16 47 E/12 47 E/15 19° 10’ 30˝ 19° 14’ 0˝ 19° 5’ 45˝ 74° 1’ 30˝ 73° 49’ 0˝ 73° 44’ 30˝ 461 7.28 129 12.09 412 22.98 91 6.47 55.18 6.618 10.936 14.666 5.879 38.871 21.543 1.907 8.449 4.374 The utilisation is restricted to 38.871 Earth Masonry Masonry Earthen 4470 930 852 1493 23.6 50.36 67.65 27.57 52.12 1.31 35.00 6.65 58.86 1.65 35.00 6.57 49 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ Annexure II Profile of the Kukadi Irrigation project through Ground photographs M28 M33 M 62 M69 Typical Minors on Dimbhe Right bank Canal Typical lift irrigation structure under Dimbhe irrigation project 50 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ GLOSSARY OF TERMINOLOGY Ancillary Data Secondary data pertaining to the study area, such as topographic, demographic, climatological, etc., Band A wavelength interval in the electromagnetic spectrum. For example, in Landsat images the bands designate specific wavelength intervals at which images are acquired. Branch canal is the primary artery of canal water delivery system of off takes from reservoir. Command Area represents the area irrigated or capable of being irrigated either by gravitational flow or by lift irrigation or by any other method and includes every such area by law in force in the State; also referred as ayacut. Cropping Pattern is determined according to relative acreage of various crops in the command. Cross Drainage structures are structures constructed across canals for passing the drain include super passage, Pipe culvert, depressed hume pipe culvert, aqueducts, Cultivable Command Area (CCA) is the portion of the Gross Cultivable Area, which is cultivable. Digital image is an image where the property being measured has been converted from a continuous range of analogue values to a range expressed by a finite number of integers, usually recorded as binary codes from 0 to 255, or as one byte. Digitization Process of converting an analog display into a digital display. Distributary is the tertiary artery of the canal water delivery system. It takes off from the main canal. 51 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ Field Channel is the tertiary irrigation unit which takes off from an outlet to deliver water to individual farm fields or a group of farm fields. Geometric Correction Image processing procedure that corrects spatial distortions in an image. Gross Command Area (GCA) is the total area, which can be irrigated in a project command. It includes the area covered by roads, culverts, settlements, uncultivable area etc. Ground Truth Jargon coined for data, information, and observations obtained on the surface or subsurface about features or classes, used to aid in interpretation of remotely sensed data. Image Pictorial representation of a scene recorded by a remote sensing system. Although image is a general term, it is commonly restricted to representations acquired by non-photographic methods. Intensity of Irrigation is the ratio of the actual area irrigated in a season to the total cultivable command area; expressed as %. Interpretation The process in which a person extracts information from an image. Irrigation infrastructure is the structures constructed in an irrigation project to create irrigation potential include canal network , head regulator, cross regulator, canal off-take structures, cross drainage structures, drop structures, roads, road bridges, cart bridges, and foot bridges, etc. Kharif is an important agricultural season and commences during June-July after the onset of southwest monsoon and ends during October-November. Main Canal is the principal artery of the distribution system. 52 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ Minor is fourth artery of the canal water delivery system. It takes off from the distributary and can be a ridge canal irrigating on both sides. It is also sometimes referred as lateral. Monitoring is the process of collecting information about the actual execution of planned tasks and factors, which might affect their execution; analyzing these in relation to the plan and exercising control so that the deviations from the plan are minimal. Mosaic Composite image made by piecing together individual images covering adjacent areas. Orbit is the path traced out by a satellite in space as it moves around the earth. Path-Row Index-System for locating satellite remotely sensed images. Pixel Picture element-In a digitized image, the area on the ground represented by each digital number. Sub Minor is fifth artery of the canal water delivery system. It takes off from the minor or Lateral and can be a ridge canal irrigating on both sides. It is also sometimes referred as sub-lateral. Raster format-A means of representing spatial data in the form of a grid of DN, each line of which can be used to modulate the lines of a video raster. Real Time Refers to images or data made available for inspection simultaneously with their acquisition. Registration Process of superposing two or more images or photographs so that equivalent geographic points coincide. Remote Sensing Collection and interpretation of information about an object without being in physical contact with the object. 53 Project Report NRSC–RS&GISAA- WR&OG-WRD-MARCH09-TR54 __________________________________________________________________________ Resolution Ability to separate closely spaced objects on an image or photograph. Resolution is commonly expressed as the most closely spaced line-pairs per unit distance that can be distinguished and also called as spatial resolution. Scale Ratio of distance on an image to the equivalent distance on the ground. Scene Area on the ground that is covered by an image or photograph. Sensor is device that receives electromagnetic radiation and converts it into a signal that can be recorded and displayed as either numerical data or an image. 54
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