Epworth United Methodist Church 2400 Devonshire Drive Columbus, Georgia 31904 706-322-6973 NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #141 COLUMBUS, GA 31904 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Our Church Staff Children’s Ministry Director Kelley Conkle Choir Director Lyn Pharris Church Administrator Susan Snider Custodians Martha Conklin Barbie Morris Music Director Bob Lee Nursery Worker Martha Conklin Worship Leader/Youth Minister Andy Unger Pastor Rev. Scott Hagan The sanctuary flowers are given to the Pastor’s Home (706) 327-2927 Glory of God and in memory of Knowlen & Pastor’s Cell (706) 329-2484 Polly Gambill by Carolyn Gambill. Church Website: epworthumc.com This Coming Week Sunday, November 2, 2014 Daylight Saving Time Ends-Fall Back All Saints Sunday 9:00 AM Contemporary Service 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Traditional Service Monday, November 3, 2014 10:00 PM Prayer Shawl Ministry Meeting Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Elections Site-All Day-Questors Classroom 6:30 PM God Chicks Meeting 6:30 PM Youth Bible Study Wednesday, November 5, 2014 12:00 PM Prayer Team Meeting 6:30 PM Charge Conference 7:30 PM Choir Practice Friday-Sunday, November 7-9, 2014 District Youth Retreat-Anniston, AL Sunday, November 9, 2014 9:00 AM Contemporary Service 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Traditional Service Upcoming Events Sunday, November 16, 2014 7:00 PM WNN Unity Service Epworth United Methodist Church November 2, 2014 Epworth connects and equips all kinds of people to seek, serve, and share Christ. Read and pray daily. It is for your life; There is no other way: Else you will be a trifler All your days. - Rev. John Wesley I don’t know many people who would argue with Wesley on his opening admonition. We are supposed to read and pray, daily. Such habits shape our life for the good. It is his use of the word ‘trifler’ that has me pondering my own situation. I have been struggling to maintain a regular prayer life. I do pray every day, mind you, but am not sitting regularly in one place and engaging all of myself in the task. My prayers lately have come in between the other stuff. Lately, the other stuff has piled up above eye-level, or so it seems. I have been working on some important things. I very rarely attend a meeting that is not worthwhile. I never make a visit to a home or hospital without sensing the presence of God. The sermons for the past two months have spanned the scriptures and (most weeks) offered the Word of God in forms that are relevant to where people are in their own lives. The construction work throughout the church looks great. The furnishings in the Children’s Wing have created a place for children to learn and grow in the very best stuff of life. How could anyone call this trifling work? Yet, I know Wesley is right. All of my efforts are empty offerings compared to the gift of my heart to the One who made me. God does not delight in a completed To-Do list. God delights in my desire to hear and know Him. Steve Harper writes in A Pocket Guide to Prayer, “God gives each of us the same amount of time. The difference comes in how we understand and make use of the gift. Time must be organized and managed, but it also must be consecrated.... Sacred time provides the space for the work of the heart and the actions of the hands.” I am praying that my prayers happen with more intention. I am praying that I don’t trifle away my days and weeks and more with tasks that are accomplished without first sitting to listen for God’s leading in all of it. I pray that I would know God loves me for me and not for what I produce. And, I pray all of this for you, too. Grace and Peace, Scott Consecration Sunday If you are one of the 77 households that has already submitted your Estimate of Giving card, thank you! If not, it’s not too late. You can pledge online at our secure 2015 Pledge Page on our website. Or, drop your commitment card in the mail, bring it by the church office, or put it in the offering plate on Sunday. If you need another card, extras are available in the church office. We have a simple gift for every household who submits an Estimate - a one-of-a-kind Epworth GLOWS umbrella - and we have yours in the church office if you haven’t yet picked it up. Your part helps Epworth connect and equip all kinds of people to seek, serve, and share Christ! Sunday School at 10:00 AM THE CHILDREN’S CLASSES 3 Yrs. - 2nd Grd.: Carolyn Gambill 3rd - 5th Grd.: Margaret Gosden THE FRIENDSHIP CLASS Study: God’s Divine Glory Returns Teacher: Bruce Zimmerman THE JOY CLASS Study: I & II Thessalonians Teacher: Class THE NATHAN PATTERSON CLASS Study: Esther - Ch. 1 Teacher: Bobby Smith THE NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Study: When You’re a Christian... Teacher: Class THE “NO NAME” CLASS Study: Daddy is that Story True - Ch. 14-16 Teacher: Joyce Hickson THE QUESTORS CLASS Study: Class Discussion Teacher: Gary Tomlin THE SEEKERS CLASS Study: If Experience is Such a Good Teacher... Teacher: Class THE WESLEY CLASS Study: God’s Divine Glory Returns Teacher: Class THE YOUNG ADULT CLASS (in Scott’s Office) Study: The Gospel of Mark Teacher: Scott Hagan Memorials Given to the Feeding Our Neighbors in memory of Bob Watson by Jack & Carol Osteen. Given to the Kenya Church in memory of Bob Watson by Doug & Suzy Revell. Contact us by email Scott: [email protected] Susan: [email protected] Andy: [email protected] Kelley: [email protected] THOSE WHO SERVE Sunday, November 2, 2014 9:00 AM Worship Service: Greeter: Janie Nellums Ushers: Diane Morris Acolyte: Usher Children’s Church: Janie Nellums 11:00 AM Worship Service: Greeter: Susan Davis Usher: Donny Davis, Doug Revell Acolyte: Usher Children’s Church: Becky Moseley Financial Secretary: Steve Sawyer Turn Key: Baron Conklin Our Stewardship October 26, 2014 Tithes & Offering: $3,684.41 Received To Date: $245,708.32 NEW BUILDING/MAINTENANCE Received This Week: $310 ATTENDANCE Sunday School: 95 Worship: 9:00 AM 54 11:00 AM 97 Total 151 Youth & Children Youth Bible Study - Tuesday, November 4, at 6:30 PM, in the Youth Room. Epworth Volleyball Playoffs - against Solid Rock Assembly of God on Monday, November 10, 7 PM, at Cornerstone Church. Youth District Retreat - Friday - Sunday, November 7 - 9, in Anniston, AL. Sunday School Classes for Youth & Children For a great lesson, wonderful fellowship in a Safe Sanctuaries approved environment, classes are by age/grade beginning at 10 AM, every Sunday. Fantasy in Lights Trip - to Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain on Sunday, November 23. More info to follow. What’s Happening Daylight Saving Time Ends - November 2. Remember to “fall back” an hour. Prayer Shawl Ministry - meets Monday, November 3, 10:00 AM, in the Questors class. Epworth Voting Site - Questors classroom Tuesday, November 4, all day for voting. God Chicks Meeting - Tuesday, November 4, at 6:30 PM, in the Garden. Epworth’s Charge Conference - Wednesday, November 5, at 6:30 PM, in the Sanctuary. Led by the Rev. Dr. Buddy Cooper, Columbus District Superintendent, it is to be attended by members of the Church Council and open to everyone in the church. Choir Practice Time Change - is at 7:30 PM on Wednesday, November 5. UMM Meeting - Monday, November 10, at 6:30 PM, in the Questors classroom. New Life Meeting - Monday, November 10, at 6:30 PM, location to be announced. “HIS” Group UMW - will meet at 11:00 AM, Tuesday, November 11, 2014, in the Questors classroom. Please remember to bring your items for the fruit baskets we will be assembling for our shut-ins. Subway sandwiches will be provided for lunch; however, you will need to bring your own chips and a beverage. Georgia Gives Day - Thursday, November 13. Go to www.GAgivesday.org and give back. Please give to Open Door on this day. Vintage Group Meeting - Thursday, November 13, at 6 PM, location to be announced. 2015 Flower Calendar - is on the Library door to purchase Sanctuary flowers in honor or memory of someone. Each Sunday arrangement is $50. Upper Room Daily Devotionals - November/ December issue is available from the WWC for $1 each. Be Thankful and Worship - one of the great blessings of our partnership within the Wynnton Neighborhood Network is the Unity Thanksgiving Service with other churches and synagogues. After hosting it last year, Epworth is invited to St. Thomas Episcopal Church, on Hilton Ave., on Sunday, November 16, at 7:00 PM. Scott will be the preacher for the evening. Questors Classroom Reserved - Tuesday, November 18, from 11 AM- 1 PM for the GA State Retirement Association. Cake Auction & Bake Sale - Sunday, November 23, from 8:45 AM - 12:15 PM. Sponsored by the UMM. Funds raised go toward church and community missions. See Walter Champagne to donate cakes, pies, cookies or any other goodies to sell. Reachers UMW Meeting - on Tuesday, November 25, at 7 PM, in the Questors classroom. Office Closed - Thursday and Friday, November 27 & 28 for the Thanksgiving holidays. Thank You R. E. “Bob” Watson’s family wishes to express gratitude to our Epworth friends for prayers, kind thoughts, gentle consideration and helpfulness during this sad time of our life. The Bereavement Food Committee organized and executed the delicious luncheon Tuesday afternoon which was greatly appreciated. We love in Christ Jesus and the hope for tomorrow. Barbara Watson, Maria McCown and Jim Watson thank you very much. Sunshine Wall Honor Of: By: Emma KnightMargaret Gosden Epworth Children Memorial Endowment Committee Patsy & Sophie Aspinwall Keri McElvey Missions Mission Focus for October - is our partner church, the Sugatek Church near Eldoret, Kenya. Our goal is to raise funds for the Children’s Ministry/Children’s Library. If you recall, this is the childhood church of our own Janet Cheraisi. Mark your offering envelope “Kenya church” with your donation. Wynnton Neighborhood Network Fundraiser Come and join us on Thursday, November 6, between 5:00 - 8:00 PM at Chick-fil-A in Peachtree Mall ONLY. Purchase a meal and let your server know that you are there to support the Network and Chick-fil-A will donate 20% of your purchase to help us continue our service to those in need in our community. The cow will be there for pictures. WNN Thanksgiving Items Needed: Yams, Cut Sweet Potatoes, Stuffing Mix, Jiffy Corn Bread Mix, Pumpkin Pie Filling, Evaporated Milk, Brownie or Cake Mixes, Macaroni & Cheese, Cream of Mushroom Soup, Chicken Broth. Other items hard to keep at the pantry: Canned Meat, Canned Tomato Products, Canned Fruit, Green Beans, Canned Corn, Sweet Peas. Education & Campbell Labels - We continue to collect for Allen Elementary and Vashti Children’s Home. Place the labels in the appropriate box on the Mission Cart or in the church office. Wynnton Neighborhood Network - needs volunteers for the Food Bank. Contact Becky Britton if you are interested in this important mission of our church. Monetary donations are always appreciated. November Mission Focus - Feed My Sheep. We are collecting nonperishable food and canned goods for Rosehill UMC, Open Door and Wynnton Neigborhood Network. Monetary donations are also welcome. Place your items on the Mission Cart. Lost & Fou n d Missing anything? Call the church office to see if the church may have your missing item, such as, a white sweater, black jacket, beach bag, keys, jewelry, etc. Servers for November Sunday School: 3 Yrs - 2nd Grade 1st: Carolyn Gambill 2nd: Kathryn Hargrove 3rd: Debra Johnson 4th: Kelley Conkle 5th: Teacher Needed 3rd-5th Grade Margaret Gosden Margaret Gosden Dawn Wilson Teacher Needed Leslie Morris Children’s Church: 9 AM11 AM 1st: Janie Nellums Becky Moseley 2nd: Jeanne Guilbeault Janet Cheraisi 3rd: Becky Britton Debra Johnson 4th: Anne Wilson Kelley Conkle 5th: Mary Lee Crews Melonie Phillips Greeter: 9 AM 1st: Janie Nellums 2nd: Barbara Stubbs 3rd: Anne Wilson 4th: Mary Lee Crews 5th: UMW 11 AM Susan Davis Lillian Wooldridge Chris Cartagena Suzy Revell UMW Usher: 9 AM 11 AM 1st: Diane Morris Donny Davis, Doug Revell 2nd: Randy Morris Steve Whittington 3rd: Jimmy Bridges Fraser Wooldridge, Bruce Zimmerman 4th: Shawn Jandreau, Walter Champagne Steve Sawyer Donny Davis 5th: UMW UMW Financial Secretaries: 1st: Steve Sawyer 2nd: Shawn Jandreau 3rd: Leslie Morris 4th: Carson Revell 5th: Steve Sawyer Turn Keys: 1st: Baron Conklin 2nd: John Daniel 3rd: James Johnson 4th: Harold Morris 5th: John Daniel Epworth PRAYER LIST Church Family Durley DeanKristi MillerBlount KingGladys Plant Trudy Harris Vanessa DeSoto Aaron Jackson Thrower Family Leslie Morris Jack Osteen Jan Shackleford Diane Champagne Teresa Sneddon Josh Brown Keri McElvey Betty Cummings Fred & Emilie Carswell Sara Rice Annette Tate Sibyl Wells Kittye Crocket Scott Dunn Dr. Jerry Chase Betty Sawyer Matilda Smith Helen Pharris Extended Church Family Steve & Carol Guilbeault Michael Taff David Olson Doyle Adams Tom & Melissa Tranmer Ricky Clark Robbins Family Andrew Wade Bobby Barrow Bill Garnto Alverta Champagne Linda Bush Jayce FosterJerry AsburryRandy FohanBill Hortmann Willie Ryles Judy Patterson Brian Tench Jennifer Rono Cassie Prochaska Billy Hill Mary Guiney Fred Carswell, Jr. Dorothy Ogg Susan Simpson Billy Casey Tom Champagne Linda Lee’s Family Marilyn Buck Danny Chidester Amanda Davenport Marian YoungShirley MannAnnie L. Watts Homebound Asheville, NC - Susan Squiers Morningside - Alta Kimbrough, Eloise Jones Cobis Personal Care - Marie Beasley Summer’s Landing - Doris Toney, Cammie Van Over, Covenant Woods - Nelle Lloyd Bob Wait Gardens at Calvary - Bob Nellums Wesley Glen (Byron, GA) - Nancy Hiller Hilton Head, SC - Bertha Carter Due to changes in privacy laws, hospitals have restricted or eliminated a list of patients by church affiliation. Please help us minister to you effectively by calling the church office at 706-322-6973 about yourself or a family member. Updating Prayer List: If anyone on the prayer list needs to be removed or added, please call or email the church office or leave a note with updates. Thank you for your help. 10/28/2014 Epworth United Methodist Church 11:38 AM November Birthdays November 2014 Say a prayer and write a note... Calendar of Events Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 All Saints Sunday 10:00a-Prayer Shawl 7:00a-Election Site 12:00p-Prayer Team Day Light Saving Time Ministry Meeting 6:30p-Youth Bible Study Meeting Ends 6:30p-God Chicks 6:30p-Charge Conference 9:00a-Blended Woship Meeting 7:30p-Choir Practice 6 7 District Youth Retreat 8 District Youth Retreat 10:00a-Sunday School 11:00a-Traditional Worship 9 10 11 12 13 District Youth Retreat 6:30p-UMM Meeting Veterans' Day 12:00p-Prayer Team 6:00p-Vintage Group 9:00a-Blended Woship 6:30p-New Life UMW 10:30a-HIS Group UMW Meeting Meeting 10:00a-Sunday School Meeting Meeting 6:30p-Praise Team 6:30p-Youth Bible Study Practice 11:00a-Traditional Worship 16 14 15 7:00p-Choir Practice 17 18 19 9:00a-Blended Woship 11:00a-GSRA Meeting 12:00p-Prayer Team 10:00a-Sunday School 6:30p-Youth Bible Study Meeting 11:00a-Traditional 6:30p-Praise Team Worship Practice 7:00p-WNN Unity Service 7:00p-Choir Practice 20 21 22 @ St. Thomas 23 24 25 26 27 8:45a-UMM Cake Auction 6:30p-Youth Bible Study Thanksgiving Day 9:00a-Blended Woship 7:00p-Reachers UMW Offce Closed 10:00a-Sunday School Meeting 11:30a-Thanksgiving 11:00a-Traditional Worship 7:00p-Fantasy in Lights 30 9:00a-Blended Woship 10:00a-Sunday School 11:00a-Traditional Lunch 28 Offce Closed 29 Worship 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 19 21 22 23 25 26 28 Bruce Zimmerman Lauren Copes Gary Ledbetter Luke Adamson Theresa Mullican Jimmy Bridges J.T. Morgan Caren Chase Kristopher Farrar Buddy Dunn Quinley Russell Janis Day Lillian Wooldridge Bailey Bruner Ginny Stallings Allison Jandreau Doris Toney Margaret Gosden Ricky Clark Aubrey Ward Billy Bullock Janie Nellums Annette Taff Maxine Willis Clay Comer Nelle Lloyd Doug Revell Elizabeth Ledbetter Bobby Knox All Saints' Day All Saints' Day Also called All Hallows, it is a tradition of the church celebrated on November 1 in Western Christianity, in honor of all the saints, known and unknown. When we gather this Sunday and spend a few moments naming and remembering the saints in our lives who have gone on from this earthly realm to dwell in God's heavenly kingdom, we too are proclaiming our belief in God's promises. Hear them again: Also called All Hallows, it is a tradition of the church celebrated on November 1 in Western Christianity, in honor of all the saints, known and unknown. When we gather this Sunday and spend a few moments naming and remembering the saints in our lives who have gone on from this earthly realm to dwell in God's heavenly kingdom, we too are proclaiming our belief in God's promises. Hear them again: He who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also, through his Spirit that dwells in you…. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8 He who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also, through his Spirit that dwells in you…. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8 James Ricks Lillie Reese Bill Adamson Brenda Goodwin Joann Ward Bob Watson James Ricks Lillie Reese Bill Adamson Brenda Goodwin Joann Ward Bob Watson
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