ST027714ADV Planning Statement 280314

RECEIVED 28/03/2014
Planning Statement
Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd, 138 Stanhope Road, South Shields.
Advertisement Consent.
27 March 2014
This is an application for express advertisement consent for proposed signage, prepared on
behalf of Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd in support of their new convenience store at 138
Stanhope Road, South Shields.
Concurrent planning applications are also being progressed to address the alterations to the
shopfront, installation of an ATM and installation of mechanical plant.
The application documents include:
Completed application form;
Location and block plan (Drwg. No. 13_1495 300);
Existing Front and Side Elevations (Drwg. No. 13_1495 304);
Proposed Front and Side New Branding Elevations (Drwg. No. 13_1495 306);
Proposed New Signage Details (Drwg. No. 13_1495 307)
Schedule of Proposed Advertisements (compiled by WYG in answer to question 7 of attached
application form); and,
A Cheque to address the application fee for £110, which will be posted separately.
Application site and surroundings
The application site comprises the ground floor of a traditional red-brick three storey property
located in a predominantly residential suburb of South Shields, previously used as ‘The West
Park’ public house. The property is located on the corner of Stanhope Road, which it fronts, and
West Park Road. To the front of the property is a small wall with railings, providing a defined
entrance area and a red-brick bus shelter.
terraced housing.
Further east are numerous traditional red-brick
The property forms the end of a terrace on Stanhope Road, with two storey
housing adjoining the property to the north. To the south are West Park Road and the West
Park. To the west and rear of the property is a small courtyard arrangement associated with the
premises above. Further west is further red-brick traditional terraced housing. The property is
Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Limited
138 Stanhope Road, South Shields – Planning Statement
not listed as being of any special architectural or historic interest, nor does it fall within a
Conservation Area.
Some signage already exists at the site and it is proposed that this will be replaced by the
proposed advertisements subject to this application. Currently there is a fascia and sign on the
rear elevation.
On the side elevation (facing West Park Road) there is a high level sign, a
projecting sign and a fascia running along the majority of the elevation above the ground floor
window and an information board within the previously blocked-up doorway. On the corner of
Stanhope Road and West Park Road there is a sign above the entrance door. On Stanhope Road
there is fascia above the most southerly window, an information board to the left of the window
and a sign above the entrance door. Within the front courtyard is a double sided pole mounted
sign with trough lighting.
Planning History
A full search of the Council’s online planning system has been undertaken for the site and
surrounding area. The relevant applications at the property include:
Proposed external alterations and extension to public house. Amendments to fire escape and
bin storage arrangements and disabled access to the pub's Stanhope Road entrance (Ref:
ST/0019/98//DM). This application was granted planning permission on 22.04.98, subject to
four conditions.
An application for the discharge of Condition 4 Details of ventilation and extraction (Ref:
ST/0019/98/01/DM) was refused on 29.05.99.
A further application was made, but subsequently withdrawn on 28.04.03 for the extension to the
existing mansard roof to house telecommunications antennas (Ref: ST/0098/03/DM).
Proposed Signage
Drwg. No’s 13_1495 306 and 13_1495 307 provide the proposed specifications, locations and
dimensions of the proposed signage. Details are also undernoted and a separate schedule of the
exact specifications is also included.
The proposed new signage relates to three elevations, the West Park Road elevation, the
Stanhope Road elevation and the small corner elevation between. Each elevation is addressed
separately below:
Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Limited
138 Stanhope Road, South Shields – Planning Statement
West Park Road
It is intended that the existing fascia boards will be replaced with fabricated powder coasted
aluminium dark grey fascia panels, upon which three will include lettering and two will remain
11. Of the three fascia panels on this elevation, two will have ‘Sainsbury’s’ in orange and ‘Local’ in
white, in fret cut aluminium power coated lettering measuring 300mm high (capitals), these will
be illuminated by overhead low voltage shrouded fittings, as shown on Drwg No 13 1495_307.
The other fascia will contain the wording ‘open every day 7am- 11pm’ which will be stencil cut
and internally illuminated by low voltage led fittings (98 candelas/m²).
12. Internally applied crystal window vinyls are proposed on the bottom panes of each window panel.
For those windows which the bottom panes are of a triple pane design, the central panel vinyl
will also include a berry graphic.
13. Within the previously blocked up window, the information board will be replaced with a larger dibond sign in dark grey, with Sainsbury’s services and opening hours detailed upon it.
Corner of West Park Road and Stanhope Road
14. The doorway with existing signage board above is proposed to be blocked off, which is addressed
in a concurrent planning application. In its place is proposed a dark grey di-bond sign with the
Sainsbury’s opening hours, services and directions to the entrance.
Stanhope Road
15. A new fabricated powder coated dark grey aluminium fascia is proposed to replace the one
existing fascia on this elevation.
This will include fret cut, powder coated aluminium lettering
with ‘Sainsbury’s’ in Orange and ‘Local’ in white with a capital height of 300mm. Illumination is
proposed by overhead low voltage shrouded fittings, as shown on Drwg No 13 1495_307.
16. Above the entrance door, the existing sign will be replaced with dark grey coloured di-bond with
‘Sainsbury’s’ in orange and ‘Local’ in white.
17. Crystal internally applied vinyls are proposed to the bottom glazing panels of the leftmost and
rightmost windows.
18. Within the central window, above the proposed ATM (applied for separately) it is proposed that
an internally applied dark grey vinyl, with white lettering, stating ‘free cash withdrawals’.
Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Limited
138 Stanhope Road, South Shields – Planning Statement
19. The existing pole mounted sign will be retained, but with a new dark grey two-sided timber board
with the words ‘Sainsbury’s’ in Orange, ‘Local’ and ‘open every day 7am – 11pm’ in white on each
side. This will be externally illuminated by low voltage shrouded fittings.
Planning Considerations
20. Relevant planning considerations are amenity and public safety. Consideration has also been
given to the statutory development plan which comprises the South Tyneside Local Development
Of relevance is Policy DM1 ‘Management of Development’ (f), which advises that
advertisement applications will be approved where the design of advertisements complements
the architecture to which it relates and the local context, and is considered as an integral part of
the development.
21. In addition, the principle of good design is inherent within the National Planning Policy
Framework (March 2012).
In terms of advertisement / signage proposals, applicants must
ensure that proposals will cause no adverse impact to amenity or public safety. The cumulative
impact of an advertisement proposal, along with other signage found locally, is also a planning
Planning assessment
22. The proposed signage would be acceptable, accords with policy and would not have an adverse
effect on amenity and public safety for various reasons including:
 The premises have a history of commercial signage. The proposed signage will be suitably
integrated into the design of the building and predominantly replaces existing signage.
 Although the building is not listed nor within a conservation area, Sainsbury’s has sought to
complement and recognise the architectural quality and character of the property through the
application of fret cut letters for their ‘Sainsbury’s’ and Local’. It strikes a balance between
the design qualities of the existing building and the requirement to appropriately advertise the
occupiers of the premises.
 The signs will not detract from the appearance of the building in regard to their size,
materials, their limited number and sensitive design (including colour) particularly given the
commercial character of the building, the local context and the existing signage which will be
Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Limited
138 Stanhope Road, South Shields – Planning Statement
 The signage illumination is limited and will not harm visual amenity or highway safety,
particularly given the limited amount of illumination and the position of the signage and the
distance of the illuminated advertisements from residential properties.
 The signage will not cause a danger to public safety including to pedestrians, drivers and
other road users.
23. There are no other material considerations which would warrant the refusal of the advertisement
24. The proposed signage will not harm amenity or public safety, maintains the character of the area
and does not conflict with Council policy.
It will assist in providing a modern high quality
convenience store to the benefit of local residents.
advertisement consent is granted.
27 March 2014
Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Limited
138 Stanhope Road, South Shields – Planning Statement
Accordingly, we respectfully request that