IS THE LINE REAL? NEW FORCES IN THE DARK SECTOR Neal Weiner Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics New York University May 21, 2014 debates on the nature of dark matter 2014 The Interactions of Dark Matter e k i l P M I W 0.5-1 GeV residual 20 10 15 0 10 5 -10 -20 20 10 0 -10 20 10-6 counts/cm2/s/sr 20 10 0 -10 0 -20 20 5 20 -20 2-5 GeV residual 20 Fully cosmological zoom of isolated Milky Way: Vmax~ 40 km/s CDM ! 10 σ/m=0.5 cm2/g σ/m=1 cm2/g σ/m=10 cm2/g 3 0 2 Elbert et al., in prep J. Bullock, UC Irvine -10 1 -20 20 0 10 0 -10 -20 10-6 counts/cm2/s/sr Can solve.Too.Big.To.Fail:. .with.σ/m > 0.5 cm2/g 4 10 0 -10 -20 20 FIG. 6: Intensity maps (in galactic coordinates) after subtracting the why not scattering for a cosmic signal? In general for weak scale cross sections, at E ~ keV to MeV, rate is too low, A dark force and an excited state: allows excitation, followed by deexcitation into CR signal allows a cross section as large as 1/q2 or 1/m𝜙2 look for signals in the keV-MeV range Finkbeiner, NW ‘07 A LINE AT 3.55(ish) KeV Submitted to ApJ, 2014 February 10 Preprint typeset using LATEX style emulateapj v. 04/17/13 DETECTION OF AN UNIDENTIFIED EMISSION LINE IN THE STACKED X-RAY SPECTRUM OF GALAXY CLUSTERS Esra Bulbul1,2 , Maxim Markevitch2 , Adam Foster1 , Randall K. Smith1 Michael Loewenstein2 , and Scott W. Randall1 [astro-ph.CO] 10 Feb 2014 17 Feb 2014 1 Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138. 2 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA. Submitted to ApJ, 2014 February 10 ABSTRACT We detect a weak unidentified emission line at E = (3.55 3.57) ± 0.03 keV in a stacked XMM spectrum of 73 galaxy clusters spanning a redshift range 0.01 0.35. MOS and PN observations independently show the presence of the line at consistent energies. When the full sample is divided into three subsamples (Perseus, Centaurus+Ophiuchus+Coma, and all others), the line is seen at An unidentified line in X-ray spectra of the Andromeda galaxy and Perseus galaxy cluster > 3 statistical significance in all three independent MOS spectra and the PN “all others” spectrum. The line is also detected at the same energy in the2Chandra ACIS-S and ACIS-I spectra of the Perseus 1 3,4 1,5 A. Boyarsky , O. Ruchayskiy , D. Iakubovskyi and J. Franse cluster, with a flux consistent with XMM-Newton (however, it is not seen in the ACIS-I spectrum of 1 Instituut-Lorentz for Theoretical Physics, Leiden, Niels for Bohrweg 2, Leiden, Netherlands Virgo). The line is present even if we allowUniversiteit maximum freedom all the knownThe thermal emission 2 Ecole Polytechnique ed´eralean deequivalent Lausanne, FSB/ITP/LPPC, CH-1015,ofLausanne, lines. However, it is very weak F´ (with width in the BSP, full sample only ⇠ 1Switzerland eV) and located within 50–110 3eV of several known faint lines;Physics, the detection is atStr. the14-b, limit of the current Bogolyubov Institute of Theoretical Metrologichna 03680, Kyiv, Ukraineinstrument 4 capabilities and subject significant modelingAcademy”, uncertainties. On Str. the 2,origin this Ukraine line, we argue that NationaltoUniversity “Kyiv-Mohyla Skovorody 04070,ofKyiv, there should be no5 Leiden atomicObservatory, transitions in thermal at this2,energy. An Netherlands intriguing possibility is Leiden University,plasma Niels Bohrweg Leiden, The the decay of sterile neutrino, a long-sought dark matter particle candidate. Assuming that all dark matter is inWe sterile neutrinos = 2E 7.1 keV, ourofdetection in the fulland sample corresponds identify a weak linewith at E m ∼s 3.5 keV = in X-ray spectra the Andromeda galaxy the Perseus galaxy to 2 11 a neutrino decay mixing angle sin (2✓)objects, ⇡ 7 ⇥for10which, there below the previous However, based cluster – two dark matter-dominated exist deep exposuresupper with thelimits. XMM-Newton X-ray observatory. Such a line was not previously to be present in the spectra than of galaxies or galaxy clusters. on the cluster masses and distances, the line known in Perseus is much brighter expected in this model, Although the linefrom is weak, it hassubsamples. a clear tendency to become stronger towards the centers the objects; it bright is significantly deviating other This appears to be because of an of anomalously the in Perseus clusterwhich than for the Andromeda galaxy dielectronic and is absent inrecombination the spectrum of aline, very although deep line at Estronger = 3.62for keV Perseus, could be an Arxvii “blankwould sky” dataset. individual objects it isvalue hard toand exclude the possibility that the is due In its emissivity have Although to be 30for times the expected physically difficult to feature understand. an instrumental effect might or an atomic line of anomalous brightness,init other is consistent with the behavior a line principle,tosuch an anomaly explain our line detection subsamples as well,of though it originating from the decay of dark matter particles. Future detections or non-detections of this line in multiple would stretch the line energy uncertainties. Another alternative is the above anomaly in the Ar line targets may helpkeV to reveal its nature. combinedastrophysical with the nearby 3.51 K line also exceeding expectation by factor 10–20. Confirmation Bulbul et al 73 Clusters, XMM, central, to z=0.35 incl Coma, Perseus ! Perseus Chandra, central ! Virgo Chandra, central (not seen) Boyarsky et al M31 XMM central+non-central ! Perseus XMM, non-central 0.8 -1 3.57 ± 0.02 (0.03) 0.7 XMM-MOS Full Sample 6 Ms 1.5 XMM-PN Full Sample 2 Ms 3.51 ± 0.03 (0.05) -1 -1 Flux (cnts s keV ) -1 Flux (cnts s keV ) 10 0.6 0.02 1 Bulbul et al 0.02 5.5 0 Residuals 2 Eff. Area (cm ) 6.5 0.04 -1 -1 Flux Residuals (cnts s keV ) 2 Residuals Exposure χ2 /d.o.f. Line position Flux ∆χ2 0 0 [ksec] [keV] 10−6 cts/sec/cm2 -0.01 -0.02 M31 ON - CENTER 978.9 97.8/74 3.53 ± 0.025 4.9+1.6 13.0 -0.02 −1.3 1020 315 M31 OFF - CENTER 1472.8 107.8/75 3.53 ± 0.03 < 1.8 (2σ) ... 310 +0.044 +2.6 P ERSEUS 1000 CLUSTER (MOS) 528.5 72.7/68 3.50−0.036 7.0−2.6 9.1 305 +3.1 300 P ERSEUS CLUSTER (PN) 215.5 62.6/62 3.46 ± 0.04 9.2−3.1 8.0 16 980 +0.019 +2.2 3 3.2 3.4 3.8 4 3 3.2 3.4 3.8 4 3.6 3.6 P ERSEUS (MOS) 1507.4 191.5/142 3.518 8.6 (Perseus) 25.9 1.9 ⇥ 10 10 , consistentEnergy with the MOS detection. Figure Gaussian line and re-fit the(keV) Perseus spectrum−0.022 removing −2.3 (keV) Energy +1.4 + M31 ON - CENTER (3 dof) 6 shows both XMM-Newton Perseus spectra. the upper limits on the Ar xvii DR line. We obtained 4.6−1.4 (M31) 2 only a slightly worse fit than the previous case, with a 0.08 B LANK - SKY0.2 15700.2 33.1/33 3.53 ± 0.03 < 0.7 (2σ) ... Dataset Eff. Area (cm ) Residuals 0.04 0.01 3 of 598.8 (574 dof). The measured flux of the Ar xvii DR +1.3 5 0.1 XMM - MOS line at 3.62 keV in this case was 4.8+0.7 0.8 ( 1.4 ) ⇥ 10 Perseus of combined observations Basic properties used in this paper. Second column denotes the sum of exposures of individual observa2 0 photons s 1 , which is a factor of 30 above the pre(core cut) 2 cm last column317 shows changedicted in ∆χmaximum when 2 extra d.o.f. and flux of the line) flux of the (position Ar xvii DR line based on are added. The energies for Perseus are quoted ks TABLE I: tions. The in the rest frame of the object. -0.1 the measured flux of the Ar xvii line at ⇠3.12 keV and line rates. The predicted maximum flux of the -0.04 0.2 Ar xvii DR line for the Perseus spectrum was 1.6 ⇥ 10 6 0.1 650 1 10.00 photons cm 2 s M31 (< 0.01 times the flux0.36 of the Ar xvii ON-center 0 M31 ON-center 285 XMM-MOS 0.34 triplet at ⇠3.12 keV). No line at 3.5 keV XMM-PN -0.1 Centaurus + inCentaurus the Perseus 0.32 + 640 This test showed that the line detected -0.2 Coma + 1.00 Coma + cluster could also be interpreted as an abnormally bright 0.30 Ophiuchus 280 Ophiuchus 305 Ar xvii DR line. We note that, however,0.28 that obtaining 525.3 ks 630 168 ks such a bright DR line relative to the He-like triplet at 300 0.10 0.26 3.12 keV is problematic. The emissivity of the satellite 3 3.2 3.4 3.8 4 3.6 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 0.24 295 line peaks at kT=1.8 keV, and declines sharply at lower Energy (keV) Energy (keV) 0.22 temperatures, in addition to the change in the ionization 3 3.2 3.4 3.8 4 3.6 0.01 -2 -2 1⋅10 +17 1⋅10 No line at 3.5 the keV Ar No line at 3.5 keV Energy (keV) balance which reduces content of the plasma. 0.008 Line at 3.5 keV 0.04 8⋅10-3 8⋅10-3 The emissivity ratio for the DR/3.12 keV has its max-3 Figure 7. 3 4 keV band of the core-excised 0.006 6⋅10 stacked MOS spec6⋅10-3 imum value of 0.04 at kT=0.7 keV, but the emissivity -3 the energy band, trum of the Perseus cluster. The figures 4⋅10 show 0.02 -3 4⋅10 of both lines is weak here, so any hotter component will where a new spectral feature at 3.57 keV 2⋅10 is detected. The Gaus-3 0.002 -3 2⋅10observed. sian lines with peak values of the flux normalizations of K xviii 0 dominate and lead to a lower ratio being 0⋅10 0 0 0 and Ar xvii estimated using AtomDB were included in the modTo avoid cool gas in the Perseus core0⋅10 contaminating -2⋅10-3 els. The red lines in the top panels show the model and the excess -0.002 -3 -4⋅10-3 the flux of the nearby Ar and K lines,-2⋅10 we also tried ex-0.02 emission in both spectra. The blue lines show the total model after -3 -3 0 -4⋅10 a Gaussian line is added, indicating that -6⋅10 the unidentified spectral cising the central 1 region of the cluster and performed 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 line315 can be modeled with a Gaussian. the fit on the core-excised co-added MOS spectrum. We 1260 Energy [keV] Energy [keV] found that adding an extra Gaussian line at 3.57 keV has 310 XMM-PN XMM-MOS 2 improved the fit by of 12.8 for an additional Rest of degree the Rest of the 1240 305 +0.7 +1.2of the central Since this is a single-cluster we count first check FIG. 1:spectrum, Left: Folded rate (top) and residuals (bottom) for the MOS spectrum region of M31. Statistical Y-errorbars on the of freedom with a best-fit flux of 2.1 0.6 ( 1.1 ) ⇥ 10 5 Sample Sample whether the Perseus signal is not an artifact of our blue300 2 (69 the Clusters) (69 Clusters) top plot are smaller than the point size. The line is not hence theinnergroup of positive residuals. Right: zoom onto the line photons cm around s 1 3.5 (seekeV Figure 7).added, Excising 1220 shifting procedure. For this we fit the original, redshifted 1.8 Ms 4.9 Ms 0 295 region. most 1 reduced the flux of the detected line by a factor MOS spectrum with a line-free apec model. We obtained 290 of two, indicating that the most of the flux of this emis2 3.2 3 3.8 3.6 a Gaussian a best-fit 463 for 385 3.4 dof. Adding line at4 3.2 3.4 3.8 4 3.6 sion3 originates from theEnergy cool core. 2 Energy (keV) (keV)The mixing angle that 3.57 keV (rest energy) improved the fit by of 16 for corresponds to the line flux from the core-excised Perseus an additional degree of freedom. The best-fit flux was 5.3 Figure 5. Top panels: 53 4 keV band of2the stacked MOS (left panel) and stacked PN (right panel) spectra1 of the The for figures spectrum is consistent within 2 samples. with those the ± 1.2 (2.0) ⇥ 10 photons cm s 1 , is in agreement [cts/sec/keV] Normalized count rate [cts/sec/keV] Data - model Residuals Boyarsky et al Eff. Area (cm ) [cts/sec/keV] [cts/sec/keV] Data - model Normalized count rate 2 Eff. Area (cm ) -0.2 AtomDB 2 2 Eff. Area (cm ) Residuals 2 2 Eff. Area (cm Area ) Residuals Eff. (cm ) 4.5 Passes the Toro test… show the energy band where the new spectral feature is detected. The Gaussian lines with maximum values of the flux normalizations of K BUT WHAT IS IT? assuming it’s BSM physics, that is Decaying dark matter DECAYING DARK MATTER e± • Sterile neutrino N → ν + γ Ns ν ν W∓ W∓ γ γ (a) k • R-parity violating gravitino g˜ → ν + γ ℓ ℓ ℓ˜ ! G p • ̸R ν p−k • Also R-parity violating axino, . . . • For bosonic DM axions (or axion-like particles) would decay a → γγ Oleg Ruchayskiy Xshamelessly stolenDfrom talk by Ruchayskiy, April 201411 ECAYING DARK MATTER IN RAYS 22 Figure 12. Recent constraints on sterile neutrino production models, assuming sterile neutrinos constitute dark matter (Abazajian et al. 2007). Straight lines in black show theoretical predictions assuming sterile neutrinos constitute the dark matter with lepton number L = 0, L = 0.003, L = 0.01, L = 0.1. Constraints from the cosmic X-ray background are shown in the solid (blue and hatched regions). The region is solid green is excluded based upon observations of the di↵use X-ray background (Abazajian et al. 2007). Individual galaxy cluster constraints from XMM-Newton observations of the Coma and Virgo clusters are shown in light blue (Boyarsky et al. 2006). The horizontal pink band shows the mass scale consistent with producing a 100 300 pc core in the Fornax dwarf galaxy (Strigari et al. 2006), and limits from the Milky Way by Boyarsky et al. (2006) is indicated with BMW. The orange region at ms < 0.4 keV is ruled out by an application of the Tremaine- 10-11 Tremaine-Gunn / Lyman-α 2 Interaction strength Sin (2θ) cases, such as the core of the Perseus cluster where many neutral filamentsDMare known, it is possible that CX could 10-7 overproduction be large-8 enough to create Excluded a small fraction the total by X-ray of observations X-ray10emission, although it would not create or enhance a line10 at-93.57 keV or the DR line at 3.62 keV. CX could not dominate the overall emission, however, as it would also create 10-10 Fe XVII and other lines that are not detected. 5.2. Sterile neutrino decay line? An interesting interpretation of the line is the decay Not enough DM 10-12 signature of the sterile neutrino, a long-sought dark matter particle candidate (Boyarsky et al. (e.g., 2009), see 10-13 1 10 would be dou- 50 our §1). The mass of 2the sterile 5neutrino matter mass M ble the decay photon Dark energy, ms =7.1 keV. The line flux DM [keV] detected in our full sample corresponds to a mixing angle for the decay sin2 (2✓) ⇠ 7 ⇥ 10 11 . This value is below FIG. 4: Constraints on sterile neutrino DM searches, within νMSM [4]. The the upper limits placed by the previous shown would corresponds the stacked best-fit value from M31 if the inblue Fig.point 12. Our detection fromtothe XMM-Newton line comes from DM decay.clusters Thick errorbars are ±1σ MOS observations galaxy are shown with limits a staron the Thin errorbars the uncertainty in the DM influx. red in that figure.correspond Figure 13toshows the detections anddistributionlimits in thewe center of M31. upper obtained from our various subsamples we used in this work (based on the included cluster masses and distances), as well as a comparison with previous upper limit placed using the Bullet cluster by Boyarsky et al. (2008) at 3.57 keV, which is the most relevant earlier constraint for us. Since the mixing angle is a universal [1] A. Boyarsky, O. Ruchayskiy, and D. Iakubovskyi, JCAP 0903, quantity, all the subsample measurements must agree. The 005 line(2009). in the subsample of fainter 69 clusters (full [2] J. L. Feng, ARA&A 48, 495 (2010). and Centaurus) sample sans Perseus, Coma, Ophiuchus [3] S. Tremaine J. E. Gunn, Lett. 42, 407with (1979). corresponds to a and mixing anglePhys. thatRev. is consistent Boyarsky,the D. same Iakubovskyi, O. Ruchayskiy, the[4] fullA.sample; is seenand (though with a Phys. mild Dark Univ. 1, for 136the (2012). 1.5 tension) subsample of bright nearby clusters [5] A. Boyarsky, O. Ruchayskiy, However, and M. Shaposhnikov, Ann. Rev. Coma+Centaurus+Ophiuchus. the brightness Nucl.line Part.inSci. 191 (2009). spectrum of Perseus of the new the59, XMM-Newton [6] A. Boyarsky, J. Lesgourgues, O. Ruchayskiy, andthan M. Viel, corresponds to a significantly higher mixing angle Phys. 102, (by 201304 (2009). that for theRev. full Lett. sample factor 8 for the MOS spec[7] E. Bulbul, M. Markevitch, R. further K. Smith,investiM. Loewentrum), which poses a problemA. inFoster, need of 05 noitcudorprevo MD snoitavresbo yar-X yb dedulcxE 2 5 01 ]Vek[ MDM ssam rettam kraD MD hguone toN An intere signature of ter particle our §1). Th ble the deca detected in for the deca Tremaine-Gunn / Lyman-α the upper li in Fig. 12. O MOS observ Interaction strength Sin (2θ) in red in tha upper limits used in this and distanc per limit pl al. (2008) a 12. Recent constraints on sterile neutrino production constraint f weFigure should compare all models to is the sterile neutrino… models, assuming sterile neutrinos constitute dark matter (Abazaquantity, al jian et al. 2007). Straight lines in black show theoretical predictions (cf Davoudiasl et al hep-ph/0405097) The line assuming sterile neutrinos constitute the dark matter with lepton number L = 0, L = 0.003, L = 0.01, L = 0.1. Constraints from the sample sans cosmic X-ray background are shown in the solid (blue and hatched corresponds 1 7- 01 01 01 8- 9- 01 01 01 011 0 11- 21- 31- 2 the model neutral filam be large en X-ray emiss a line at 3.5 not domina also create F CONSIDERING ALTERNATIVES • Important to have alternatives just to ask what to test • Other observations may motivate other scales of DM (e.g., the GeV excess in the GC) • ? VIRGO VS PERSEUS Other Clusters MOS Other Clusters PN Perseus (Core-Cut) MOS Perseus (Core-Cut)PN Perseus ACIS-I Perseus ACIS-S Virgo ACIS-I 7.04 7.02 10 10 -11 sin 2 100 Figure 13. Sterile Neutrino Mass and Mixing angle measurements and upper limits obtained from the di↵erent samples used in this study. The comparison of our stacking method with the limits placed by the single well exposed Bullet cluster at 3.57 keV 10 7.06 Coma+Centaurus+Ophiuchus MOS Coma+Centaurus+Ophiuchus PN Ar XVII 5×10 7.08 Bullet Cluster (Boyarsky et al. 2008) Full Sample MOS Full Sample PN Flux (ph cm-2s-1keV-1) ms (keV) 7.1 1.5×10 7.12 3 Figure 14. The line wi 1300 km s VIRGO VS PERSEUS mvirgo~ few 14 10 M☉ dvirgo~ 15 Mpc mperseus~ few 14 10 dvirgo~ 75 Mpc M☉ II. ForMODELS δ > 2me , this will be followed by χ∗ → χe+ e− , The original XDM model was based on a simple U(1) dark force with the minim 2 ngian , INTEGRAL/SPI positron excess [3–5]. THE MODEL However, for δ < 2m , it has been shown that - absen grangian , The original XDM model was based on a simple U(1) dark e 2 1 d dµν dµν isFstable onµν Fcosmological An ob L=χ ¯i D ̸ χi state + Fµν + ϵF + m2 φµ φµtimescales + Mi χ ¯i χi +[8, δi χ9]. i χi . 4 1 d dµν 1 ∗ dµν µν 2, which µ χ σ χF the inclusion of a dipole operator L = χ ¯ D ̸ χ + F F + ϵF F + m φ φ + M µν i µ M µν the dark force, µν e kinetic mixing parameter ϵ gives SMi particles ϵ charge under all 4 lifetime such decay uilibrium in the earlyThe universe via χχ ↔aparameter φφ, and isφeϵ[10] ↔ γe.SM particles ϵ charge un kineticfor mixing gives The presence of theequilibrium excited state allows possibility χχ → in the earlythe universe via χχof↔upscattering φφ, and ↔ γe. ! φe " 2! ke M δ > 2me , this will be followed by of χ the → excited χe e , state potentially [1, 6, o τ = 0.5 secexplaining × The presence allows the possibility TeV δ ∗ + − TEGRAL/SPI positron [3–5]. For excess δ > 2m , this will be followed by χ → χe e , potenti8 e Thus, even for ∼ keV splittings, dipoles with M < 10 ∗ + − However, for δ < 2mINTEGRAL/SPI that -excess absent[3–5]. any other interaction - the e positron e , it has been shown timescales. This then motivates us to consider the imp te is stable on cosmological timescales modification to the However, for δ < [8, 2m9]. hasobvious been shown that - absent anymo o e , it An X-ray signals beyond the 511 keV line. We dub this varia 1 ∗ µν ∗ χ σ χFµν , whichtimescales mediates [8, the9]. decay → χγm inclusion of a dipole operator state is stable An χobvious M on cosmological time for such a decay [10] theis inclusion of a dipole operator M1 χ∗ σ µν χFµν , which mediat III. X-RAY OF XDM AND A FEATUR lifetime for such aSIGNALS decay is [10] "2 ! "3 ! −3.1 we hold the total mass inside the virial radius fixed by varying ρ0 . +0.16 −5 −2 −1 +0.16 −5 −2 −1 [12]offind rate × of10 0.49cm sec . [11] For find Virgoan[11] find limit an up −0.13 × 31 [12] For findM31 a rate 0.49a−0.13 sec10 . cm For Virgo upper compare signals,−5we approximate the Chandra ACIS-I FOV (which is a 2 × 2 array of −2 −1 0.91 −2 × −1 10−5ofcm sec10′. cm sec . CCDs) by a 9 disc, which has nearly the same angular size. For cuspy profiles (as A naive estimate of the total from luminosity from can(assuming be found (assuming ve estimate of the total luminosity Perseus canPerseus be found an NFW e necessary to explain the data), the (Perseus) majority of the signal is in the central region, profile) using the cluster parameters found in [13] sing the cluster parameters found in [13] he precise boundary is not at the leading order. For M31, whose flux has " # ! Rimportant 2 " 200#2 2 ρ(r) ! R200 ρ(r) 4πr L = ⟨σscatt v⟩ the inner 15’ as our region. 2 data, ound L by = [12] from 4πr XMM we⟨σtakemv⟩ a radius around scatt χ 0 " #" #2 mχ 0 " # scatt " v⟩ #2 10GeV will parametrize the predicted flux ⟨σ 49 as × v⟩ −19 10GeV . ⟨σscatt 49= 1.9 × 10 photons/sec 3 −1 10 cm sec m = 1.9 × 10 photons/sec!× . (3) " ! " χ 2 −19 3 −1 10 perseus cm sec 10GeVmχ ⟨σv⟩ 19,10 Φperseus = Fperseus . (7) With Perseus 78 Mpc away,×this10yields photon flux −19 cma3 local −1 sec mχ seus 78 Mpc away, this yields a local photon flux " #" #2 " # ⟨σv⟩ " 19,10 #2 10GeV −5 −5 −2 −1 inner slope profilesΦ γ = (0.7, 1, 1.3) we find F = (1.1, 2.0, 5.9) × 10 cm sec . = 2.6 × 10 photons/sec. ⟨σv⟩ 10−19 cm10GeV 3perseus −1 −5 sec mχ Φ = 2.6 × 10 19,10 −19 3 −1 photons/sec. (4) 19,10 −5 −2 −1 cm9.6, sec62) × 10 mcm for Virgo, we find Fvirgo10 = (2.7, sec . Finally, for M31, FM 31 = χ Clearly, this cross section is well above the conventional thermal annihilation cros y, this cross section is well above the conventional thermal annihilation cross section, but since this is a scattering process, this cross section can be naturally large, as 5 this is a scattering process, this cross section can be naturally large, as we now describe. THE SIGNAL The perturbative cross section for this scattering has a cross section erturbative cross section for this scattering has a cross 2 2 section 4πMχ αd , 2 σ2 = calculation As abeen more careful estimate, we now take value inand each As afrom more careful estimate, we now takeestima hassystem. a fixed value in each system. Aswe a more careful found by [12] XMM data, take a radius aro ! ! ! and v is the cross section in the “moderately relativistic” limit, 2parametrize the 2will 2 2− predicted flux as 2 2cluster, ⟩n=assumed σmrWevthat − v⟨σ , (8) ⟨σ is independent of location in the v⟩ = σ v v , scatt scatt mr ⟨σ v⟩ = σ v − v thresh thresh scatt mr thresh , WIMPs. We take the (3D, single-particle) rms velocity dispersion THE SIGNAL ! each system. As a more careful estimate, we now take " ⟨σv⟩ relativistic” limit, andscale vinis19,10 the“moderately relative e“moderately section in is thevelocity relativistic” limit, andradius v is the perseus σmr the cross the relativistic” vcross the circular atsection the radius. At each we tr !“moderately circ iswhere Φperseus = F × perseus 2 −19 cm 3 sec−1 2−v ⟨σ v⟩ = σ v , (8) 10 scatt mr thresh (3D, velocity single-particle) rms tovelocity be WIMPs. We take theWIMPs. (3D,velocity single-particle) dispersion of the We dispersion take the rms (3D, single-particle) rm ibution at the escape velocity, vesc (r). " −28 2the 19,10 locity at the scale radius. At each radius we truncate v is the circular velocity at the scale radius. At each radius we × tr 3/2v , where v is circular velocity at the scale radius section in the “moderately relativistic” limit, and v is the relative circ circ circ ence value of σ = 10 cm , we get F = (0.12, 0.29, 1.1) For inner 1, 1.3) we find Fperseus mrslope profiles γ = (0.7, perseus −5 We (0.7,1.0,1.3). take the (3D, single-particle) rms velocity dispersion to be vesc (r). the velocity distribution at the escape velocity, v (r). ribution at the escape velocity, v (r). 19,10 esc esc svelocity, for F = (0.47, 2.0, 13.0) × 10 in a 9 arcmin virgo While for Virgo, we find Fvirgo = (2.7, 9.6, 62) × 10−5cmra− −28−5 we 2 truncate −28 2 −28circular 2 Taking the velocity at the scale radius. At each radius −5 a reference value of σ = 10 cm , we get F rence value of σ = 10 cm , we get F = (0.12, 0.29, 1.1) × 1 0 cm , we get F = (0.12, 0.29, 1.1) × 10 in mr perseus mr perseus perseus = (0.29, 1.3, 9.6) × 10 in a 15 arcmin radius. As we see, the va 31 −5(0.47, 2.0, 13.0) × 1 atfor the escape velocity, v (r). −5 (0.7,1.0,1.3). F esc a 9 arcmin radius for = s (0.7,1.0,1.3). F = (0.47, 2.0, 13.0) × 10 inpicture a 9 arcmin rad (0.47, 2.0,pronounced 13.0)virgo × 10 forin this a 9 arcmin radius for rgo is = even more model. virgo But the is quali 5 −28 2 −5 alue of σ = 10 cm , we get F = (0.12, 0.29, 1.1) × 10 in rad −5 −5 mr perseus −5 (0.7,1.0,1.3). F = (0.29, 1.3, 9.6) × 10 in a 15 arcmin (0.29, 9.6) ×radius. 10 inAs a 15 As we see, the va M 31 10 a 151.3, arcmin we arcmin see, theradius. variation 31 = in naive model. .7,1.0,1.3). Fvirgo = (0.47, 2.0, 13.0) × 10−5 in a 9 arcmin radius for with the slope γ is even more pronounced for this model. Bu is even more pronounced for this model. But the picture is qualit nced for this model. But the picture is qualitatively e see that for -5“pure” NFW profiles, there seems to be a-6conflict betw -5 −5 (think Perseus, limit ofradius. 10 forAs Virgo, few the x 10variation for M31) .29, 1.3, 9.6)10 × 10for in a 15 arcmin we see, the same as the naive model. naive model. inmore Virgo and the detection in Perseus. However, because the upsca pronounced for this model. But the picture is qualitatively result, we see that “pure” NFWtoprofiles, there betwe seems eFW see profiles, thatAs for “pure” NFW there seems be a conflict 2 athere seems toprofiles, be a for conflict between the on excess [3–5]. , it has been shown that - absent any other interaction - the THE SIGNAL logical timescales [8, 9]. An obvious modification to the m operator 1 ∗ µν χ σ χFµν , M which mediates the decay χ → χ ∗ is [10] ! "2 ! "3 keV M . τ = 0.5 sec × TeV δ 8 splittings, dipoles with M < 10 TeV lead to decays on cosmo could lookthe like implications 𝝆2, could look like motivates usSignal to consider of 𝝆this XDM scena 511 keV line. We dub this variant of the XDM scenario “Xra XDM MODELS FOR THE 3.55 LINE Can be an internal symmetry (between states), or composite model 3.55 line as 21cm Cline, Farzan, Liu, Moore and Xue 1404.3729 3.55 line as Lyman-𝛼 Kopp, Liu, NW in prep ASSOCIATED SIGNALS Data - model HctsêsecêkeVL 0.010 0.005 0.000 -0.005 3.0 3.5 Energy HkeVL 4.0 4.5 5.0 FIG. 1: The HD spectrum with gaussian fit for di↵erent energy levels. We fit the 3.5 keV line and fix the flux for 2p ! 1s, while the other np flux are determined by the ratio in Table.I. We apply Look for other “nearby” lines a factor of 2 in solid line to represent the uncertainty in calculation as in Fig.7. III. A. THE DARK HYDROGEN MODEL The Model setup My estimate is factor of 5-10 conflict unless dipole is weak, in which case, no conflict as excited states propagate out of the center Looking in the MW center ! S. Riemer-Sørensen in prep 5 -10 nts/cm2/s/sr 10 0 0 -10 A SIGNAL IN THE GC/IG -20 20 0 10 0 -10 -20 20 -20 2-5 GeV residual 5 10 3 0 2 -10 1 -20 20 0 -10 -10 -20 20 10-6 counts/cm2/s/sr 4 0 0 5-20 GeV residual 20 10 10 -20 10 0 -10 -20 20 10 0 -10 -20 FIG. 6: Intensity maps (in galactic coordinates) after subtracting the best-fit Galactic di↵use model, Fer isotropic templates. At energies between ⇠0.5-5 GeV (i.e. in the first three frames), the dark-matter-like e visible around the Galactic Center. analysis of Ref. [8], the cut on CTBCORE significantly hardens the spectrum at energies below 1 GeV, rendering it more consistent with that extracted at higher latitudes (see Appendix A). Shown for comparison (as a solid line) is the spectrum predicted from a 35.25 GeV dark can vary non-negligibly with the choice of Appendix C). pulsar populatio dark matter model. tion any new signal is,using in fact, the result dark signals di↵useare astrophysical emission pr searches cosmic rays,of annihilating where putative tral stellar clust we once again note the signal described nM matter. ther the spectrum or inthe morp a↵ected by poorly Thirdly, constrained di↵usion andthat energy-loss thematter fact that glo this study can be explained by a very simple dark signal. In particular, the spheri mu There are significant reasons to conclude, however, processes. In other words, for the gamma-ray signal at numbers of mill candidate, without any baroque orserved otherwise unexpected emission with respect to ⇠1 that the gamma-ray signal described in this paper is far hand, there are relatively few “knobs to turn”, making quence of their features. Aftermatter accounting for uncertainties in the overall not trace any combination ofmo av more likely to be a detection of dark than any it less likely that one would be able to mistakenly fit a central stellar c (i.e. radiation, gas, [17], dust, star fo mass of the Firstly, Milky Way’s dark matter halo profile of the previously reported anomalies. this signal pul well-measured astrophysical signal with an annihilating follow the square of thepulsars anticipa lisecond our results favor and darkhas matter with an annihiconsists of a very large number of events, been particles of dark matter model. 26 (with 3 detected with overwhelming statistical significance. lation cross section of v The = (0.7 The 3.9)astrophysical ⇥ 10 tion cminterpretat /s a num to 4 again note that the¯signal described in 2.4 once the excessThirdly, consists we of ⇠10 gamma rays per square (for annihilations to bb,meter, see Fig. 15). range covers nMSP r signal ), withinThis the context of/ this tion per year 1 GeV (from within 10 the Galactic thisabove study can be explained by aofvery simple matter a large of gam unr the long predicted value thatdark is from required of apopulation thermal much of the con Center). Not only without does this large number of otherwise events sars. Thewith millisecond pulsarsthe ob candidate, baroque or unexpected relicany that freezes-out in theenearly universe an abun⇠1 around mo able usfeatures. to conclude with confidence themeasured signal is are largely located either dance equal touncertainties the dark matter After accounting forthat incosmological theWay overall pre more challengin present, but it also allows us to determine its 26 spectrum 3 or in[17], or around the facGalacticCen D density (2.2 ⇥ 10 cm /s). No substructure boost mass of the Milky Way’s dark matter halo profile pulsars could ac and morphology in some tors, detail. And as shown, the meascale height of zs ⇠ 1 kpc [11, Sommerfeld enhancements, or non-thermal histories bee our results favor dark matter particles with an annihiof this excess, w sured spectrum, angular distribution, and normalization 26 lation would lead to a di↵use g 3 are required. Furthermore, it10 is not cm difficult to to construct cat lation cross section of v = (0.7 3.9) ⇥ /s at least ⇠10 of this emission does indeed match well with that exhighly elongated along the disk, simple models in which a ⇠30-40 GeV particle annihi¯ to bmatter b, see particles. Fig. 15). This range covers with pected(for fromannihilations annihilating dark tions for the sim In compatible the constraints latesvalue to quarks with the required cross section without pul the long predicted that is required of a thermal consistent with Secondly, the gamma-ray signal from annihilating dark example, the best-fit model of violating constraints from direct detection experiments, stror that freezes-out in the early and universe with an matterrelic can be calculated straightforwardly, generally on abunthe population of ifpresently more, the requ colliders,parameters. or other indirect searches (for work related to a the depends on only a few unknown The morlisecond pulsars, predicts mo dance equal to the measured cosmological dark matter present ⇠10 (⇠ particle physics models capable of accommodating this of t 26 phology of this (2.2 signal, depends only on the boost gamma-ray exhibiting density ⇥ in 10particular, cm3 /s). No substructure fac- emission Center, a signifi signal, see Refs. [62–74]). lise distribution of dark matter in the Inner Galaxy (as paWithin 10 of the Galactic Cen tors, Sommerfeld enhancements, or non-thermal histories beensignal resolvedsion by And lastly, dark matter of this rameterized in our study by the innerthe slope, ). Theinterpretation that millisecond pulsars should are required. Furthermore, it ismodels not difficult to construct catalog not hard to make ≠ not baroque is strengthened by the absence plausibledi↵use or well moti-(assumi app spectral shape of the signal depends only on the mass of of observed emission, and simple models invated which a ⇠30-40 GeVModel particlesignal annihiluminosi the dark matter particle and on what Standard in this paper. alternatives. There is no reason todescribed expectsimilar that any gam lates quarks inwith the required cross section without (see talk by I. Yavin) pulsars) [11, how 44, particles areto produced its annihilations. The GalacTo evade this conclusion, siderations like vacuum stability or from the requirement that the vac acceptable symmetry-breaking pattern. These are most simply iden √ gauge, 2 H † = (h, 0) with real h, where the scalar potential takes th "2 m20 2 λ 2 2 λS 4 λh ! 2 2 S + S h + S + h − vEW V = . 2 2 4 4 λh and vEW = 246 GeV are the usual parameters of the Standard Model 1. The Existence of a Vacuum: This potential is bounded from that the quartic couplings satisfy the following three conditions: -40 log σel (nucleon) λS , λh ≥ 0 λS λh ! cm2 " LUX limits ~ 10-45cm2 -42 ≥ and λ2 for negative λ. We shall assume that these relations are satisified and study the mini potential. -44 -46 Breaking Pattern: We demand the minimu 2. Desirable Symmetry 80 100requirement 20 to have 40 acceptable 60 80particle 100masses, Burgess, Pospelov an obvious in order mS [GeV] mS [GeV] andis ter Veldhuis ‘01 to necessary in order -40ensure the longevity of S in a natural way. (S 60 is " 40 cm2 20 mh = 120 GeV ⟨h⟩ = ̸ 0; and it must not break the symmetry S → −S, so ⟨S⟩ = 0. T survive the age of the universe in order to play their proposed pres ! mh = 100 GeV the following two properties: It must spontaneously break the electrowe -48 aving a large enough For concreteness, we take the DM to be ctive, higher dimensional opor [12, 13]. 1 2, coupled a 54 2 fermion, , with mass m to a real, g mmediately ruled out V = V + m a + a + V , (4) onfronting electroweak sym2HDM port Ldark2 =a0y 0a0 ¯4i 0 . allows the ets/photons. diSM portion of The Le↵ isglet, not anpseudoscalar mediator, a , through † 0 Vport = iBa0 H1 H2 + h.c. (5) tor is spin-dependent ge enough The mediator couples to the SM via the Higgs porta itruled safe from current out 5parameter with with H the two Higgs doublets. B is a the scalar potential which is ¯ 1,2 b b b . (2) L R R L L = y a ¯i . dark 0 L dimensions of mass. We assume that dark and V are CPs. The digher dimensional conserving (i.e. B and y1 are both real, and there is no lude the Higgs fieldop(which a 4 2 2 dependent CP violation V2HDM+) and relaxing V = Vin2HDM mwe awill +comment a0 +on Vport , ng electroweak syma 0 hich then gets a vacuum ex0 The mediator couples to the SM via the Higgs 2 4 this assumption in Sec II B. In this case, a0 does not plying mediator which tioncurrent ofa L an can m e↵ is not †the most general CP-conserving develop a VEV. We write the scalar potential which Vport = iBa + h.c. 0 H1 H2is 2HDM potential as scalar-scalar interaction be- gsional the “Higgs portal” operator with H1,2 the two op✓ Higgs1doublets. ◆2 ✓B is a parameter ◆2 w 2 2 bHiggs . (2) L v1 2 2 4v2 † † a doublet, since it is a dimensions of2HDM mass. We assume V are V2HDM = +a0that HL H V = V + m + V 1 H1 H 1 2+ 2 a0and dark weak sym2 port a tal has been well explored in 2 0 2 2 4 conserving (i.e. B and y◆ are both real, and there i ✓ ✓ ◆ Higgs field (which 2 n is its not connection to DM [14]. an 2 2 v v † † 1 and we† will comment 2 in V ) on relax 2HDM Higgs sector + H H + H H (6) nexpand gets athe vacuum ex- of CP violation Vport3 = iBa H H + h.c. 1 2 1 0 21 2 2 2 case, a does this assumption in Sec II B. In this dmediator doublet, which has enough h⇣ ⌘⇣ ⌘ ⇣ ⌘⇣ ⌘i0 which can † † † † w forIpek, a pseudoscalar mix develop We write the most general CP-conserv H H H H H H H McKeen, toNelson ‘14 +a VEV. 4 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 H1 ator. In the presencewith of CPH two param 2HDM potential as ⌘ doublets. h ⇣ Higgs i2 h B⇣ is a ⌘i 1,2 the 2 (2) v v calar interaction be1 2 † † uce a pseudoscalar-scalar cou+ 5 Re H1 H2 + 6 Im H1 H2 , of mass. that L and V 2◆ iggsitportal” operator dark ver is puzzling whydimensions a new ✓ We assume ✓ ◆ 2 2 2 2 v1are both real, v2 t uplings notitalso have † † oublet,would since isconserving a a Vwith (i.e. B and y and HWe + 2 annihilon) all= i real. also imposed aHZ22Hsymmetry ld (which 2HDM 1 no 1 2 1 Hhave fermion. Including two Higgs + harder hierarchy problem + sannihilon (scalar been well exploredCP in violation 22 ! 2 o under which H ! H and H H to suppress flavorin V ) and we will comment 1 1 2 an approximate acuum ex- symmetry of ✓ 2HDM ◆ ✓ ◆ nnection to DM [14]. 2 GC SIGNALS OF XDM MODELS Liu, NW, Xue in prep Easy to write down ! natural consequence of XDM explanation of 3.5 keV line ! determination of baroquocity left to the reader 6 DarkPhoton Total 4⇡ 4µ 4e s 2.0 E2 J(E)[GeV cm 1.0 0.5 0.0 2.5 2.0 m = 9.0 GeV m = 0.7 GeV 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 10 DarkPhoton Total 4⇡ 4µ 4e 2 m = 7.0 GeV m = 0.5 GeV 1.5 6 3.0 1 2.5 2 s 1 sr 1] 3.0 E2 J(E)[GeV cm 3.5 ⇥10 sr 1] 3.5 ⇥10 1 100 101 102 E [GeV] (see talk by J. Shelton for more) 1.0 10 1 100 101 102 E [GeV] Liu, NW, Xue in prep CONCLUSIONS • Interesting new signal at 3.55 keV could be explained easily by excitations • XDM models make different predictions from decaying models so testable • Possible SIDM implications from “long range” forces • Simple (in words) models for the GC excess are often not simple in practice • XDM setup provides simple explanation for the GC excess as natural consequence of model -> consequences for many other searches for BSM physics
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