GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Order No.2/347-13 HRL (3) Dated Chandigarh, the 25.1 ,2014 The deputation order of Smt. Indu Sharma, Lecturer in Geography deputed from GGSSS Bhiwani (Bhiwani) [317] to School for teacher Education, Jhajjar issued vide order No. 4/362-11 HRL (3) dated 12.12.2011 is hereby cancelled with immediate effect. He will retain at GGSSS Bhiwani (Bhiwani) [317]. (Surina Rajan) Principal Secretary, School Education Department, Govt. of Haryana Chandigarh Endst. No. Even Dated, Panchkula, the A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:1. District Education Officer, Bhiwani/Jhajjar. 2. Head of the institution concerned. It is directed that relieving/ joining of the official be ensured. Official Concerned. 4. Technology Officer (I.T). Deputy Director Lecturer For Director Secondary Education Haryanar)c. i hkula r{r.,,!,,n \.',,,i LJ. (rr GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA/ E1tui-r Directorate SchoolEducation frq-r-dq Rrelrft-lpTrdq n, I [email protected] HARYANA, GOVERNMENT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH oRDER NO. 2/73_2014_HRL(5) DATED.PA\CHKt LA: 25,0tl20t4 The follorvingLectur.eris lrer.ebytransferred/adjusted with immediateell.ect. Sr'. No 'I'ransler-ld Nanre, DesigDation 65771 Smt. Manjeet Kaur Lecturer in History EmployeeID: 043733 Prcset|t Plac€ of Posting GSSSBangaon,Distt. Fatehabad133:521 T ransfer/Adjustedto GSSSPanchkula (Sector6), Distt. P a n c h k u l a1 3 7 0 4 1 Remarl<s Agarnst vacancy Note :l The officialwill relievedimmediately and in any casewith in 3 days failingwhich he/shewi be Jiablefor disciplinary acit Howeverif any officialis workingin censusduty, he/shesh5llnot be r"iiuu"J tirrthe census duty is accompl d. 2 NoTA/DAandjoiningtimewill be admissible to the officialif he/shehas beenshiftedon his/herrequestafter exercising option. 3. Nomaleteacherbelowthe age of 50 yearsbe allowedto join in the girlsschools. 4. If there is no vacancy in the destination school ior any reason the incumbent transferred shall re-join his/her previous place of posting and also inform to concerned branch/computer cell at He. If any discrepancy is noticedin this orderor thereis a violationof transferpolicy,It ihould be broughtto th-e noticeof computercell/concerned branchwithinthreedaysand the orderbe not implemented. 5 In caseof muttialtransfer,it is dtrectedthat beforer€rlieving/joining the officialsconcerned, it may be ensured that ihe dtstance betvveen boththe schoolsis not lessthan g km 7. The mutual transfer would be effective only when both the employees seeking mutual transfer submit a consent document to their respective principals. SURINA RAJAN PRINCIPALSECRETARY TO GOW. HARYANA SCHOOLEDUCATIONDEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH D AT E , Dp A N c H K t . r L A ,l ( . 6 , t . t \ E \ D ST .\ O . E y E I A copyis forwardedto the followingfor information and necessary actjon:1. DistrictEducation Officer\ DistrictElementary Education OFficer Fatehabad / 2. Pbaahboldre institutionconcerned. 3. Oificialconcerned. 4. Secy.OSD/CM 5. Sr. PS/E. [4. 6. Sr. PS/FCSE 7, PS/DSE 8. Technology officer(HQ) Y. DEPUTYDIREC fOTDIRECTORSECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, P KULA P r o t N o l B , S h i k s h as a d s n .s e c t o r5 . p a D c h k u r aH, a r v a n ai 3 4 1 0 9 ( r n d i a- )T e r 9 1 ( 0 1 7 2 ) - ? 5 6 0 2 4 6 F a j ( : 9 1 { c 1 7 2 1 - 2 5 6 0 2 s 3 i - . r i , ; t I . i I , i , i . ti : e , r 5 . , : t . ; . : r l : : a l r, r i \ r _ : : r r l 1 a j 1 2 \ . / J i t t , )t a. i j r , i r t T - , i n r . : l,rge I ol l Directorate of Schott! Education / NI D14 ftreii f4:1.2i rri GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / err 4/41 Cc 61) 41r, tfect"RI Tar ititblq Education, Culture and Developinent Directorate School Education fd--ar-d-zr IId Mt* riT ".BtftVttrfIcf Lead me from Darknes!i to Light I [email protected] ORDER NO. 4/9-2013-HRG-11(1) DATED, PANCHKULA: 26/02/2014 In continuation of this office order no. 4/110-2013-HRM-I(1) dated 10/02/2014 the following official(s) who were promoted to the post of Head Master are hereby adjusted against vacancy at the station(s) mentioned against their name(s) with immediate effect provided that they have not joined at thier earlier place of posting.:Sr. No, Transfer Id Name , Designation and present place of posting Earlier posted as Head Master Now Adjusted at Remarks 1 65755 Sh. Ashok Kumar Middle Head GHS Naurangabass GHS Kheri Kanti Jattan, Distt. Bhiwani (Mahendergarh) [3955] [501] Employee ID: 050814 GHS Nawdi, Distt. Mahendergarh [3840] Against vacancy 2 65756 Sh. Om Parkash Middle Head GHS Dadu, Distt. GMS Dharampura (Sirsa) Sirsa [2852] [3067] Employee ID: 038108 GHS Kewal, Distt. Sirsa [2864] Against vacancy arising on 28/02/2014 due to retirement of Tejinderpal Singh [038110] 3 65757 Sh. Udey Bir Lathar Middle GHS Gobindpur, Head GMS Kheri (Panchkula) Distt. Panchkula [4492] [3724] Employee ID: 021995 GHS Mouli, Distt. Panchkula [3728] Against vacancy 4 65758 Smt. Neelam Kumari Middle Head GMS Nattar (Sirsa) [3021] Employee ID: 037920 GHS Vaidwala, Distt. Against vacancy Sirsa [2937] 5 65759 Sh. Vikram Singh Middle Head GHS Hathlana, Distt. GHS Ramba (Karnal) [1904] Karnal [1865] Employee ID: 024383 GHS Seikhpura Sohana, Distt. Karnal [1911] Against vacancy arising on 28/02/2014 due to retirement of Manju Sharma [025240] 6 65760 Sh. Ashwini Kumar Middle Head GHS Kinala (Hisar) [1235] Employee ID: 018409 GHS Khairi, Distt. Hisar [1233] Against vacancy 7 65761 Sh. Gujant Singh Middle Head GHS Surmi, Distt. GSSS Daba (Kaithal) [2304] Kurukshetra [4346] Employee ID: 029831 GHS Tatiana, Distt. Kaithal [2202] Against vacancy 8 65762 Sh. Ram Kumar Middle Head GHS Garanpura GHS Bharaph (Mahendergarh) Kalan, Distt. Bhiwani [3910] [679] Employee ID: 050739 GHS Dhadhot, Distt. Mahendergarh [3921] Against vacancy arising on 28/02/2014 due to retirement of Suresh Kumar [050649] 9 65763 Smt. Kaushalya Middle Head GHS Bakarianwali, GMS Shahidanwali (Sirsa) Distt. Sirsa [2996] [4315] Employee ID: 038212 GHS Kirtinagar, Distt. Sirsa [3014] Against vacancy 10 65764 Sh. Anil Kumar Middle Head GHS Gudhrana, Distt. GSSS Badsa (Jhajjar) [3143] Palwal [1047] Employee ID: 041380 GGHS Samchana, Distt. Rohtak [4222] Against vacancy GHS Kirtinagar, Distt. Sirsa [3014] GHS Budhakhera, Distt. Hisar [1193] Off.: Plot No. 1S, Shiksha Sedan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) - Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 iti176Wt TRIE '10 tit, fki1 Oefe't 5 4441W-134106 MTC1) Vi1111 : 91 (0172) 2560246 91 (0172) 2560253 2 11 65765 Smt. Kamla Rathee Middle GHS Kakrana, Distt. Head GSSS Chuliana (Rohtak) Rohtak [2709] [2712] Employee ID: 035868 GGHS Atail, Distt. Rohtak [4221] Against vacancy 12 65766 Sh. Ram Pal Middle Head GHS Neem Khera, GSSS Dharana (Jhajjar) [3153] Distt. Mewat [938] Employee ID: 035798 GHS Ballab Garhi, Distt. Rohtak [2803] Against vacancy 13 65767 Sh. Dharambir Singh Middle GHS Bidola, Distt. Head GGSSS Dahina (Rewari) Bhiwani [471] [2524] Employee ID: 033346 GHS Digrota, Distt. Mahendergarh 137991 Against vacancy 14 65768 Sh. Sushil Kumar Middle Head GHS Baldwala, Distt. GMS Prempura (Panchkula) Panchkula [3714] [5983] Employee ID: 048536 GHS Tagra Hakim Pur, Distt. Panchkula [3735] Against vacancy 15 65770 Sh. Jai Pal Singh Middle Head GHS Gudha (Karnal) [1863] Employee ID: 027099 GHS Seikhpura Khasa, Distt. Karnal [1910] Against vacancy GHS Gudha, Distt. Karnal [1863] Note: 1. Other terms and conditions of promotion orders will be remained same. CHANDER SHEKHAR JOINT SECRETARY TO GOVT. HARYANA SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH OFFICE OF DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. EVEN DATED PANCHKULA, A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1. District Education Officer concerned. 2. Head of the institution concerned. 3. Official concerned. 4. Superintendent Concerned Branch 5. Secy. OSD/CM 6. Sr. PS/E.M. 7. Sr. PS/CEL 8.DSE Q C tok.i/ti 9 Technology Officer (HQ) DEPUTY DIRECTOR HRG-II for DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKU Off.: Plot No. 1B, Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) - Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 11514kizi: ri-Kd ,le 1M Nil #,k/ 5 viilt6I-134109 (44Th) : 91 (0172) 2560246 ,tile 91 (0172) 2560253 1c9 t(i—r Ca-W &eh a-(v--■ Dirt, ••: Al. 1,41 M., GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / Directorate School Education fo-Err-ff4 Diffr 1411em [email protected] HARYANA GOVERNMENT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH ORDER NO. 2/73-2014-HRL(5) DATED, PANCHKULA: 25/02/2014 The following Lecturer is hereby transferred/adjusted with immediate effect. Sr. No Transfer Id Name, Designation 1 65771 Smt. Manjeet Kaur Lecturer in History Employee ID: 043733 Present Place of Posting GSSS Bangaon, Distt. Fatehabad 133521 Transfer/Adjusted to GSSS Panchkula (Sector 6), Distt. Panchkula 137041 Remarks Against vacancy Note :1. The official will be relieved immediately and in any case with in 3 days failing which he/she will be liable for disciplinary aciton, However if any official is working in Census duty, he/she shall not be relieved till the Census duty is accomplished. 2. No TA/DA and joining time will be admissible to the official if he/she has been shifted on his/her request after exercising option. 3. No male teacher below the age of 50 years be allowed to join in the girls schools. 4. If there is no vacancy in the destination school for any reason the incumbent transferred shall re-join his/her previous place of posting and also inform to concerned branch/computer cell at HQ. If any discrepancy is noticed in this order or there is a violation of transfer policy, It should be brought to the notice of Computer Cell/Concerned branch within three days and the order be not implemented. 5. In case of mutual transfer, it is directed that before relieving/joining the officials concerned, it may be ensured that the distance between both the schools is not less than 8 km. 6, in case of urban area stations white implementing the transfer orders, it may he ensured that the transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer poky. 7. The mutual transfer would be effective only when both the employees seeking mutual transfer submit a consent document to their respective Principals. SURINA RAJAN PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVT. HARYANA SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH ENDST. NO. EVEN DATED PANCHKULA, A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1. District Education Officer \ District Elementary Education Officer Fatehabad 2. Ilitiaithiiklthe institution concerned. 3. Official concerned. 4. Secy. OSD/CM 5. Sr. PS/E.M. 6. Sr. PS/FCSE 7. PS/DSE 8. Technology officer (HQ) DEPUTY DIRECTOR LECTURE for DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PAhICHKULA Off , Plot No 1B, Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) - Tee: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 5 13=:.39 •••-•11,, P7 '0172;. 256C2.16 '1 :J17. f..012-..7 Page I of 4-1611c1) ct)c,c111 Ric trm A ITT 31trwrtt, fa-r c Irr/ctro-lid I zit s04-1ich 5/26-2010 Tc1031R0t071 Lizickd I iro-4 TriTo 3ITTR Sr. No. 1) c edit 31szITW f4f14:— 0 (1) Wk I AI fti 31-rA 31bl1cr1 4 1 3.1C ci) ,), 4 14-it-NW 4 gtff ffE76-4 A occ,il.s t Presently working To be adjusted at Name & Address of Subject/ Designati at Guest Teacher on Khera GHS Bibipur Jattan Pillu GSSS Hindi Sh. Pankaj Bhatia [1877] (Karnal) [1510] (Jind) Teacher •(:).3TRoitcru-4410 aTETtaT4i611 ici, c 11 11zftzrturr, Litivii f4-ffiT Li-cis:to' 2 Sj2)) -, litoior1 sv4iIch Tift P4--ARsid Ohl T-9-4 31r-qTft wr4-4-ret IT Cell. 2. Head Master/ Principal, GSSS Pillu Khera (Jind). 3. Head Master/ Principal, GHS Bibipur Jattan (Karnal). 4. Sh. Pankaj Bhatia, Hindi Teacher, GSSS Pillu Khera (Jind). 'croaTruto.cruzIto Rim! forrEfrr, 4i6A4.4) 3TENIT Li Q( :C:6-011 z e-- ©a Directorate Elementary Education / GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA I t1 ii tw)K Directorate Elementary Education i41(1-1q leaT %IT:9ttC.:11 - 14t4it, ,tiet:ft't uyi duca um, Culture on ?Haryana} HI Lead me crop, cif I DATED, PANCHKULA: 21/02/2014 ORDER NO. 7/27-2014-HRM-I(2) In partial modification of this Office order No. 15/66-2010-HRC&V(1) dated 13/06/2013 the following official(s) who was promoted to the post of Middle Head is hereby adjusted at the station(s) mentioned against their name(s) with immediate effect provided that he has not joined at their previous place of posting.:Sr. No. Transfer Id Name , Designation Present Place of Posting Under transfer from GSSS Bhageshwari Distt. Bhiwani [577] to GGSSS Kakroli Hukmi Distt. Bhiwani [479] 1 65754 Sh. Brij Mohan Middle Head Employee ID: 008863 Note: Remarks Transfer/Adjusted to Against vacancy arising on 28/02/2014 due to retirement of Lado Devi [006778] GMS Sahuwas, Distt. Bhiwani [5713] Other terms and conditions of promotion orders will be remained same. RITU ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATION 0/0 DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA DATED, PANCHKULA, ENDST. NO. 7/27-2014-HRMII(2) A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1 District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the institution, Concerned. It is hereby directed to check consent of both the employees those are transferred mutually, before their relieving / joining. 3 Official Concerned. 4 Secy. OSD/CM 5 Sr. PS/E.M. 6 Sr. PS/PSSE 7 PS/DSE . 8 Technology officer (HQ) 1.0 ) SUPERINTENDENT HRM-If for DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION W/z HARYANA, PANCHKULA C Off.: Plot No. 18, Shiksha Sedan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) •45miazi: i41. Nil 5 Wilt/X-134109 (FgeT) 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 : 91 (9172) 2560246 tRi. 91 (0172) 2560253 -1 ) tfASCT-FC0 -1 Directorate of School Education / NITtin GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / R tkcop< ft:4.11 r-rWiA Directorate School Education ftar-Jzi Ric 14mviLl Education, Culture and Development 1/, Lead me frtart Darkness tr [email protected] 1726 DATED, PANCHKULA: 26/02/2014 ORDER NO. 6/4-2013-HRL(4) In partial modication in the Govt. order No. 6/4-2013-HRL(4) dated 27.01.2014 the following candidates who were appointed to the post of Lecturer in the schools mentioned against their names are hereby adjusted in the schools mentioned against their names provided that they have not joined their previous alloted place of posting. Sr. No. Merit No. Roll No. Transfer Id 1 314 21820920 Name/ Fathers Name & Address Place where posted as Lecturer Chemistry Now Adjusted at 65701 Smt. Neelam Devi D/W/o GGSSS Kathura, Distt. GSSS Sanghi, Hawa Singh Vpo Titoli Pana Sonipat [3472] Distt. Rohtak 8 : Rohtak (Rohtak) Employee ID: 200314 Remarks Against vacancy [2687] as Lecturer Chemistry 2 319 21820142 65702 Sh. Rajesh Kumar S/o Jot GSSS Ganga, Distt. Ram Rajesh Kumar S/0 Jot Sirsa [2826] Ram Sihag Village Ratanpura, Teh. Sangaria, Distt. Hanumangrh : Other (-) Employee ID: 200319 GSSS Chautala, Distt. Sirsa [2820] as Lecturer Chemistry Against vacancy 3 378 21820788 65703 Smt. Kavita D/W/o GHS Sisar Kharbala, Mahender Lal W/O Mr. Distt. Hisar [1313] Sachin Thakral, H.No. 100/13 Jagdish Colon, Hansi : Hisar (Hisar) Employee ID: 200378 GGSSS Dhamtan Sahib, Distt. Jind [1738] as Lecturer Chemistry Against vacancy 4 392 21820602 65704 Smt. Reena Dahiya D/W/o GSSS Siwana, Distt. Ajeet Singh Dahiya B-94 Jhajjar [4364] Ogase-1 New Palam Vihar : Gurgaon (Gurgaon) Employee ID: 200392 GSSS Bhora Kalan, Distt. Gurgaon [683] as Lecturer Chemistry Against vacancy 5 342 21820052 65705 Smt. Jyoti D/W/o Om GSSS Kheri Gujjar, Parkash H.No. 2809 Sector-7 Distt. Sonipat [3470] A Green Park, Faridabad, : Faridabad (Faridabad) Employee ID: 200342 GGHS Janouli, Distt. Palwal [1051] as Lecturer Chemistry Against vacancy 6 610 21820793 65706 Smt. Deepika D/W/o Naresh GGSSS Farmana, Distt. Chander Chhillar Deepika Rohtak [2711] W/O Sunil Dhull S/0 Sh. Satyawan H.No.505/2 Near God School Krishna Colony :Rohtak (Rohtak) Employee ID: 200610 Against GSSS Sisar vacancy Khas, Distt. Rohtak [2731] as Lecturer Chemistry Off.: Plot No. 1S, Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) - Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 itaci 5 ,Nvi-r-134109 ;gm) gct!d 15.1. : 91 (0172) 2560246. tait 91 IP72) 2560253 ORDER NO. 6/4-2013-HRL(4) 2 DATED, PANCHKULA: 26/02/2014 7 671 21820767 65707 Smt. Sujita Pahal D/W/o Kuldeep Singh Sujita D/0 Late Kuldeep Singh Village Brah Khurd : Jind (Jind) Employee ID: 200671 8 686 21820529 65708 Sh. Dharamender Yadav S/o GSSS Pahari, Distt. Dharampal Village Bhiwani [369] Khampura : Mahendergarh (Mahendergarh) Employee ID: 200686 GSSS Bewal, Distt. Mahendergarh [3862] as Lecturer Chemistry Against vacancy 9 725 21820450 65709 Sh. Anil Kumar S/o Harlal GSSS Mandholi Kalan, GSSS Bachhod, Vpo Bihali : Mahendergarh Distt. Bhiwani [547] Distt. (Mahendergarh) Mahendergarh Employee ID: 200725 [3859] as Lecturer Chemistry Against vacancy 10 747 21820563 65710 Sh. Rakesh Yadav S/o Budh GSSS Dhab Dhani, Ram Vill. Mandlana Po Distt. Bhiwani [360] Dharson : Mahendergarh (Mahendergarh) Employee ID: 200747 GSSS Musnota, Distt. Mahendergarh [3941] as Lecturer Chemistry Against vacancy 11 799 21820530 65711 Sh. Dharamvir Singh S/o AMSSS Ramgarh, G.R.Yadav Dharamvir Singh Distt. Palwal [6627] S/0 G.R. Yadav Village Dhanibandha Wali Po Sirohi Bahali : Mahendergarh (Mahendergarh) Employee ID: 200799 GSSS Niyamatpur, Distt. Mahendergarh [3943] as Lecturer Chemistry Against vacancy 12 803 21820610 65712 Sh. Dinesh Kumar S/o Shiv AMSSS Ali Brahman, GMSSSS Prakash H.No. 621/8 D Ram Distt. Palwal [6628] Tatarpur Nagar Qutabpur Rewari : Istmurar, Distt. Rewari (Rewari) Rewari 12545] as Employee ID: 200803 Lecturer Chemistry Against vacancy 13 821 21820844 65713 Sh. Satdev S/o Surja Ram Patel Basti Sirsa : Sirsa (Sirsa) Employee ID: 200821 GHS Rupana Ganga, Distt. Sirsa [3025] GSSS Rork Distt. Sirsa [2842] as Lecturer Chemistry Against vacancy 14 257 16010285 65714 Sh. Devi Lal S/o Bharat Singh Vpo Prithla, Palwal (Palwal) Employee ID: 201129 GSSS Meghot Halla, Distt. Mahendergarh 138321 AMSSS Ali Brahman, Distt. Palwal [6628] as Lecturer Commerce Against vacancy 15 283 16011772 65715 Sh. Suresh Kumar S/o Sheo GSSS Deeg, Distt. Chand Vpo. Akoda (Dhani), Kaithal [2250] Mahendergarh (Mahendergarh) Employee ID: 201155 GSSS Musnota, Distt. Mahendergarh [3941] as Lecturer Commerce Against vacancy GHS Paploha, Distt. Panchkula [3730] GGSSS Barwala, Against Distt. Panchkula vacancy [3693] as Lecturer Chemistry Off.: Plot No. 1S, Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) - Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 ti11.' ;lc) 141 t411 1T1 1 t-iu 5 11-4VIT-134109 (Ti ) T.?1,:fq : 91 (0172) 2560246 tifq: 91 (0172) 2560253 ORDER NO. 6/4-2013-HRL(4) DATED, PANCHKULA: 26/02/2014 3 16 337 16011804 65716 Smt. Sweta Bansal D/W/o Partap Chand Bansal H.N0.632 Sector-31,Faridabad : Faridabad (Faridabad) Employee ID: 201209 GSSS Pranpura, Distt. Rewari [2607] GSSS Barauli, Distt. Palwal [1174] as Lecturer Commerce Against vacancy 17 78 68510286 65717 Smt. Neelam D/W/o Raj Kanwar Vill. Shahpur, Po Bupania, Distt. Jhajjar (Jhajjar) Employee ID: 201382 GHS Garh Mirakpur, Distt. Sonipat [3667] GSSS Gochhi, Distt. Jhajjar [3086] as Lecturer Geography Against vacancy 18 126 68510078 65718 Sh. Rajpal Singh Yadav S/o GSSS Ratera, Distt. Babu Lal Yadav Rajapal Bhiwani [398] Singh Yadav S/O Babu Lal Yadav, Vpo Kathuwas, Distt. Other (-) Employee ID: 201430 GSSS Mandola, Distt. Rewari [2535] as Lecturer Geography Against vacancy 19 188 68510102 65719 Sh. Vijaydeep Yadav S/o Gajraj Singh Yadav Jharana, Behror,Alwar (Rajasthan) Distt. Other (-) Employee ID: 201492 20 GMSSSS Balerkha, 205 68510051 65720 Sh. Ravinder Bansal S/o Karan Singh Bansal H.No. Distt. Jind [1513] 1017/23, Kaushik Nagar, Near Rani Talab, Distt. Jind (Jind) Employee ID: 201509 21 363 68510532 65721 Smt. Mahesh Shilavat D/W/o Lt. Jagdish Prasad H.No. 154, Bhim Nagar, Distt. Gurgaon (Gurgaon) Employee ID: 201667 22 GSSS Panihari, Distt. Hisar [1310] GSSS Bharawas, Against vacancy Distt. Rewari [2469] as Lecturer Geography GSSS Shamdo, Distt. Jind [1572] as Lecturer Geography Against vacancy GSSS Mohd.Pur Ahir, Distt. Mewat [919] as Lecturer Geography Against vacancy 383 68510541 65722 Sh. Somdatt S/o Sher Singh GSSS Desu Jodha, Vill Seka, P.O. Mandhana, Distt. Sirsa [2853] Distt. Mahendergarh (Mahendergarh) Employee ID: 201687 GSSS Musnota, Distt. Mahendergarh [3941] as Lecturer Geography Against vacancy 23 385 68510547 65723 Sh. Dalip Singh S/o Shri Ram Vpo Dhawana, Pin-123103, Mob. No. 9416331240Distt. Rewari (Rewari) Employee ID: 201689 GHS Barasari, Distt. Sirsa [2999] GSSS Nangal Shahbazpur, Distt. Rewari [2501] as Lecturer Geography Against vacancy 24 84 12030964 65724 Sh. Rajesh Singh S/o Ramchander Singh Vpo Jakhoda Tehsil Bahadurgarh, Jhajjar (Jhajjar) (Jhajjar) Employee ID: 201848 GHS Sainipura, Distt. Hisar [1316] Against GSSS vacancy Mandauthi, Distt. Jhajjar [3094] as Lecturer History GSSS Naryala, Distt. Faridabad [1097] Off.: Plot No. 18, Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) Tel: 91(0172).2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 : 91 (0172) 2560246 !NI: 91 (0172) 2560253 5 #4/61F-134109 ('‘IRd) 451711071: tire it) 1 fttIT 149, ORDER NO. 6/4-2013-HRL(4) 4 DATED, PANCHKULA: 26/02/2014 25 86 12030874 65725 Smt. Priya Beniwal D/W/o GGSSS Shahzadpur, Ajeet Beniwal 862, Sector-9, Distt. Ambala [144] Panchkula (Panchkula) (Panchkula) Employee ID: 201850 GSSS Barwala, Distt. Panchkula [3692] as Lecturer History 26 91 12030834 65726 Smt. Poonam D/W/o Rajvir GSSS Sulodha, Distt. H.No. 402/7 Kachcha, Badli Jhajjar [3185] Road, Silani Gate, Jhajjar (Jhajjar) (Jhajjar) Employee ID: 201855 Against GGSSS Silani, vacancy Distt. Jhajjar [4677] as Lecturer History 27 119 12030120 65727 Sh. Arun Kumar S/o Vidhya GSSS Banihari, Distt. Dhar Sharma Vpo Mahendergarh [3905] Niamatpur, Mahendergarh (Mahendergarh) (Mahendergarh) Employee ID: 201883 GSSS Niyamatpur, Distt. Mahendergarh [3943] as Lecturer History Against vacancy 28 127 12031376 65728 Smt. Sudesh Kumari DAV/0 GSSS Bhambhewa, Raji Kumar Vpo Kansala, Distt. Jhajjar [3147] Rohtak (Rohtak) (Rohtak) Employee ID: 201891 GGSSS Rindhana, Distt. Sonipat [3691] as Lecturer History Against vacancy 29 149 12030058 65729 Sh. Anil Kumar S/o Prahlad GSSS Nandha, Distt. Singh V.P.O Ranila Bhiwani [499] (Bhiwani) (Bhiwani) Employee ID: 201913 Against GSSS Chehar vacancy Kalan, Distt. Bhiwani [387] as Lecturer History 30 216 12031362 65730 Sh. Subhash Kumar S/o GSSS Padha, Distt. Bhoop Singh Village Jindran Karnal [1801] P.O.Khidwali Rohtak (Rohtak) (Rohtak) Employee ID: 201980 GSSS Banwasa, Distt. Sonipat [3451] as Lecturer History Against vacancy 31 245 12030082 65731 Smt. Anita Rani D/W/o Nar AMSSS Geong, Distt. Singh Vpo Keorak Patti Kaithal [6642] Gullaba (Kaithal) (Kaithal) Employee ID: 202009 GSSS Keorak, Distt. Kaithal [2271] as Lecturer History Against vacancy 32 267 12030111 65732 Sh. Anup Singh S/o Mahabir GHS Sudkain Khurd, Singh H.No. 215/25 Distt. Jind [1725] Bhatnagar Colony, Rohtak Road Jind (Jind) (Jind) Employee ID: 202031 GHS Bighana, Distt. Jind [1571] as Lecturer History Against vacancy 33 883 40910612 65733 Sh. Naveen Kumar S/o GSSS Gurera, Distt. Subhash Chander C/O Bhiwani [318] Kusum Photo Studio, W.No. 3, Bhiwani (Bhiwani) Employee ID: 203006 GSSS Barwa, Distt. Bhiwani [4124] as Lecturer Mathematics Against vacancy 34 911 40912040 65734 Sh. Balraj S/o Jai Kishan GHS Sheikhpura, Distt. GSSS Burak, Vpo Madina, Korsan Rohtak Hisar [1317] Distt. Hisar (Rohtak) [1195] as Employee ID: 203034 Lecturer Mathematics Against vacancy Against vacancy Off.: Plot No. 1B, Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) - Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 tirf 00 141, 10e:fl 5 741:67---134109 (TRW) VNITI : 91 (0172) 2560246 tifol: 91 10174 2560253 ORDER NO. 6/4-2013-HRL(4) 35 923 40910675 65735 DATED, PANCHKULA: 26/02/2014 5 Sh. Vikram Yadav S/o Jai GSSS Gudha, Distt. Parkash CIO Jagdish Yadav, Mahendergarh [3931] H.No. B-11, 268/4 Gau Shala Road, Mahendergarh (Mahendergarh) Employee ID: 203046 GSSS Bewal, Distt. Mahendergarh [3862] as Lecturer Mathematics Against vacancy 36 41 17121097 65736 Sh. Satnarayan S/o Sh GSSS Jyotisar, Distt. Ramphal Vpo Petwar, Hisar Kurukshetra [2402] (Hisar) Employee ID: 203779 GSSS Narnaund, Against vacancy Distt. Hisar [1478] as Lecturer Political Science 37 GSSS Badesra, Distt. 66 17120622 65737 Sh. Naresh Kumar S/o Ramdhari Sharma Vpo Bhiwani [339] Kharkara, Rohtak (Rohtak) Employee ID: 203804 GSSS Chuliana, Distt. Rohtak [2712] as Lecturer Political Science Against vacancy 38 89 17120444 65738 Sh. Krishan Chand S/o Balbir Singh Vpo Nariana, Karnal (Karnal) Employee ID: 203827 GSSS Sambhi, Distt. Karnal [1951] GSSS Sambhli, Distt. Karnal [1805] as Lecturer Political Science Against vacancy 39 149 17120260 65739 Smt. Ekta D/W/o Joginder Nath 11 No 222/6, Partap Mohalla, Rohtak (Rohtak) Employee ID: 203887 Against GSSS Marodhi Jattan, GGSSS vacancy Nindana, Distt. Distt. Rohtak [2690] Rohtak [2798] as Lecturer Political Science 40 140 17121050 65740 Smt. Santosh Kumari D/W/o GGSSS Maina, Distt. Azad Singh Santosh Kumari Rohtak [2801] W/O Joginder S/0 Lt. Sh. Ishwar Singh Phougat, V.P.O. Rithal, Rohtak (Rohtak) Employee ID: 203878 Against GGSSS Matan vacancy Hail, Distt. Jhajjar [3176] as Lecturer Political Science 41 172 17121038 65741 Smt. Sanjay Yadav D/VV/o Bhoop Singh Yadav Sehrawan Ki Dhani, Distict Gurgaon (Gurgaon) Employee ID: 203910 GSSS Karola, Distt. Gurgaon [943] GSSS Budhwal, Distt. Mahendergarh [3915] as Lecturer Political Science Against vacancy 42 219 17120239 65742 Sh. Dharambir Singh S/o Chattar Singh Vill. Bal Jattan, P.O. Shera, Distt. Panipat (Panipat) Employee ID: 203957 GSSS Madlauda, Distt. Panipat [2106] GSSS Ujha, Distt. Panipat [2125] as Lecturer Political Science Against vacancy 43 255 17121058 65743 Smt. Sarita Devi D/VV/o Om GSSS Nara, Distt. Parkash V.P.O. Sutana, Panipat 121241 Distt. Panipat (Panipat) Employee ID: 203993 GGSSS Bapoli, Distt. Panipat [2133] as Lecturer Political Science Against vacancy Off.: Plot No. 113, Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 jazhtl: tare iO ter. ,fraci 5 4'4'f:T-134109 6 (1110') 1'iT' 91 (0172) 2560246 tNi: 91 (0172) 2560253 ORDER NO. 6/4-2013-HRL(4) 6 DATED, PANCHKULA: 26/02/2014 44 257 17120808 65744 Sh. Rabat Hussain S/o Abdul Mazid Vill.Dungeja, P.O-Pinangwan, Teh. F.P. Jhirka : Mewat Pin Code 122508 (Mewat) Employee ID: 203995 45 272 17120217 65745 Smt. Deepa Yadav D/W/o M GSSS Atterna, Distt. K Yadav Near Ram Nursing Sonipat [3437] Home, Singhana Road,Narnaul, Distt. Mahendergarh (Mahendergarh) Employee ID: 204010 GSSS Alimeo, Distt. Palwal [953] as Lecturer Political Science Against vacancy GGSSS Ateli Mandi, Distt. Mahendergarh [3857] as Lecturer Political Science Against vacancy 46 28 60240162 65746 Smt. Neelam D/W/o GHS Singhwa Ragho, GHS Dhani Rajender Singh H.No. 56, Distt. Hisar [1271] Hanuman, Distt. Nai Basti, Meham Road Near Bhiwani [631] as Day School, Bhiwani Lecturer (Bhiwani) Psychology Employee ID: 204051 Against vacancy 47 107 60240166 65747 Smt. Pritam D/W/o Prithvi GSSS Mandkola, Distt. AMSSS Bawala, Singh Chaudhary Opp. New Palwal [989] Distt. Mewat Grain Market, W.No. 7, Vpo [6635] as Tauru, Mewat (Mewat) Lecturer Employee ID: 204130 Psychology Against vacancy 48 65 70270327 65748 Smt. Sangeeta Sharma D/W/o Balbir Singh H.No. 376/22, Chori Gali, Nehru Park, Bahadurgarh, Distt. Jhajjar (Jhajjar) Employee ID: 204706 GSSS Parnala, Distt. Jhajjar [3256] as Lecturer Sociology Against vacancy 49 76 70270278 65749 Sh. Vinit Kumar S/o Inder GHS Jhalania, Distt. Singh Vpo Arya Nagar, Fatehabad [3374] Tehsil And Distt Hisar, Haryana Distt. Hisar. (Hisar) Employee ID: 204717 GSSS Gangwa, Distt. Hisar [1447] as Lecturer Sociology Against vacancy 50 93 70270120 65750 Smt. Monika D/W/o GSSS Rupgarh, Distt. Randhir Singh H.No. 1466, Bhiwani [472] Sec-3 Distt. Rohtak (Rohtak) Employee ID: 204734 GGSSS Talu, Distt. Bhiwani [662] as Lecturer Sociology Against vacancy 51 137 70270145 65752 Sh. Ram Vilas S/o Ram GSSS Bhambol, Distt. Singh Vpo Bairawas, Distt. Yamuna Nagar [200] Mahendergarh (Mahendergarh) Employee ID: 204778 GSSS Bewal, Distt. Mahendergarh [3862] as Lecturer Sociology Against vacancy 52 20 25091248 65753 Sh. Hira Singh S/o Sh. Against GSSS Kangthali, Distt. GSSS Kheri Sohan Singh #10, Employees Kaithal [2190] Gulam Ali, Distt. vacancy Colony, Kaithal : Kaithal Kaithal [2188] as (Kaithal) Lecturer Employee ID: 204247 Punjabi My/ GSSS Karhans, Distt. Panipat [2099] GHS Siwaha, Distt. Jind [1562] Off.: Plot No. 1B, Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) - Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 t(9T 90 1,,fL ft4riv,q9-, tot- 5 Ti191cir--134109 .(:F1Vff) 4391g 91 (0172) 2560246 `tif.ZI: 91 (0172) 2560253 ORDER NO. 6/4-2013-HRL(4) 7 DATED, PANCHKULA: 26/02/2014 53 390 16010591 65773 Sh. Mahender Panwar S/o GSSS Daba, Distt. Ramchander Durga Colony, Kaithal [2304] Near Durga Mandir, Bhiwani (Bhiwani) Employee ID: 201262 GSSS Dhigawa Jattan, Distt. Bhiwani [345] as Lecturer Commerce Against vacancy 54 12 70270121 65774 Sh. Anil Kumar S/o Om GSSS Nigdhu, Distt. Parkash H.No. 243/29 Karnal [1800] Mecical More Model Town , Distt. Rohtak (Rohtak) Employee ID: 204653 GSSS Birohar, Distt. Jhajjar [3228] as Lecturer Sociology Against vacancy 55 118 88310822 65775 Sh. Rakesh Kumar S/o Des GSSS Kachhwa, Distt. GSSS Kawartan, Against Raj H.No. 531/11, Partap vacancy Karnal [1791] Distt. Kaithal Gate, Kaithal (Kaithal) [2305] as Employee ID: 203243 Lecturer Physics 56 269 12030187 65778 Sh. Bhagat Singh S/o Baje GSSS Rambass, Distt. Singh Vpo Bhagwati Pur Mahendergarh [3895] (Rohtak) (Rohtak) Employee ID: 202033 Against GSSS Dhakla, vacancy Distt. Jhajjar [3076] as Lecturer History Note: Other terms and conditions of appointment order will remain same. SURINA RAJAN PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVT. HARYANA SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH ENDST. NO. 6/4-2014-HRL(4) DATED PANCHKULA, 16, 0;145,14 A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1. District Education Officer concerned. 2. Director General Health Services, Haryana, Panchkula 3. Head of the institution concerned. 4. Official concerned. 5. Superintendent Concerned Branch 6. Secy. OSD-I,II/CM 7. Sr. PS/E.M. 8. Sr. PS/FCSE 9. PS/DSE 10. Technology Officer (HQ) -1, --/ r o 04/47 DEPUTY D RECTOR HRL for DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA Off.: Plot No. 1B, Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) - Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 43171'rali, tire ff0 14'1, NI1 Zf 1, 0-iff1 5 t1irt-aT-134109 1,91R7) Sra,f14 91 (0172) 2560246 91 (0172) 2560253 --- Directorate of S.itool Etiot:ation GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / ftzfltrrr Directorate School Education 1 , ;.4 t , S,hool fdr't cation, liAr.tand fqt-,1,7 41,1 ftarr I [email protected] ORDER NO. 4/21-2013-HRME(1) DATED, PANCHKULA: 18/02/2014 The following official(s) is/are hereby transferred/adjusted with immediate effect. Sr. No. Transfer Id Name , Designation Present Place of Posting 1 65697 Sh. Hargian Singh Clerk Employee ID: 043557 GGMS Bangaon, Distt. Fatehabad [3430] GGHS Kirdhan, Distt. Fatehabad [3327] Against vacancy 2 65698 Sh. Naresh Pal Clerk Employee ID: 049074 GSSS Bhareli, Distt. Panchkula [3717] GHS Gobindpur, Distt. Panchkula 13724] Against vacancy 3 65699 Sh. Pawan Kumar Clerk Employee ID: 056250 GSSS Amargarh, Distt. Jind [1529] 0/o BEO Uchana Kalan Distt. Jind [5108] Against vacancy Transfer/Adjusted to Remarks Note :1 The official will be relieved immediately and in any case with in 3 days failing which he/she will be liable for disciplinary aciton, However if any official is working in Census duty, he/she shall not be relieved till the Census duty is accomplished. 2 No TA/DA and joining time will be admissible to the official if he/she has been shifted on his/her request after exercising option. 3 No male teacher below the age of 50 years be allowed to join in the girls schools. 4 If there is no vacancy in the destination school for any reason the incumbent transferred shall re-join his/her previous place of posting and also inform to concerned branch/computer cell at HQ. If any discrepancy is noticed in this order or there is a violation of transfer policy, It should be brought to the notice of Computer Cell/Concerned branch within three days and the order be not implemented. 5 In case of mutual transfer, it is directed that before relieving/joining the officials concerned, it may be ensured that the distance between both the schools is not less than 8 km. 6 In case of urban area stations while implementing the transfer orders, it may be ensured that the transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer policy. 7 The mutual transfer would be effective only when both the employees seeking mutual transfer submit a consent document to their respective Principals. ENDST. NO. 4/21-2013-HRME(1) GEETA BHARTI ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATION 0/0 DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA DATED, PANCHKULA, 2_ - A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1 District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the institution, Concerned. It is hereby directed to check consent of both the employees those are transferred mutually, before their relieving / joining. 3 Official Concerned. 4 Secy. OSD/CM 5 Sr. PS/E.M. 6 Sr. PS/PSSE 7 PS/DSE 8 Technology officer (HQ) SUPERINTENDENT HRME for DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA 4.„ Off.: Plot No. 1B, Shiksha Sedan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) - Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 4aT:r. s .d."11, .,17-134109 1,1M.1) t fi7 : 9: p72) 2560246 91 (2172) 2560253 - -Directorate of Saud Education / fdrated RaF fltditTe - . rroTe GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / eVITuti - x.rt .M.r" Directorate School Education. ftur Tsar nu` Lona "Aiwa tici:i0,4 I [email protected] HARYANA GOVERNMENT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH DATED, PANCHKULA: 25/02/2014 ORDER NO. 22/24-2014-HRG-I(1) The following BEO is hereby transferred/adjusted with immediate effect. Sr. No Transferld Name , Designation Present Place of Posting 1 65696 Sh. Ashok Kumar BEO Employee ID: 015035 O/o BEO Hathin, (Paiwal) [5069] Remarks Transfer/Adjusted to O/o BEO Nuh (Mewat) [5062] Against vacancy Note :- 1 2 3 4 5 6 dase with in 3 days falling which he/she will be The official will be relieved immediately and irr working in Census duty, he/she shall not be is liable for disciplinary aciton, However if any otfidat relieved till the Census duty Is accomplished. No TA/DA and joining time will be admissible bs--the official if he/she has been shifted on his/her request after exercising option. s. No male teacher below the age of 50 yea n the incumbent transferred shall ,t1 If there Is no vacancy in The ,to $oncemed branch/computer cell at re-join his/her previous place of HQ. of transfer policy, It should be If any discrepancy is noticed ' tf)ree days and the order be not brought to the notice of Com implemented. ... re •itii eg/joining the offidals concerned, it In case of mutual transfer, it "-IS, _I Is_ ngt ii*,tiiari 8 km. may be ensured that the distance betweetikthlhe In case of urban area stations while innplernenVeig. ;the transitr orders, it may be ensured that the transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer policy. 7 The mutual transfer would be effective only when both the employees seeking mutual transfer submit a consent document to their respective Principals. (SUMEDHA KATARIA) SPECIAL SECRETARY TO GOVT. HARYANA SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PANCHKULA OFFICE OF DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION, HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. 22/24-2014-HRG-I(1) DATED PANCHKULA, t 2 --I A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1 District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the Institution, . Concerned. It is hereby directed to check consent of both the employees those are transferred mutually, before their relieving / joining. 3 Official Concerned. 4 Secy. OSD/CM 5 Sr. PS/E.M. 6 Sr. PS/PSSE 7 PS/DSE 8 Technology officer (HQ) Air& SUPERINTENDENT HRG-I for DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA ON Plot No.1B, SNIotha Sadao, Stiotor45( !eV * 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 11000 - Tel:, s 01OP.) 25602,0 ,41'ff $4. •It) 1969,P • : Lk, (T7-a) OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA Order No. 12/ 12-2014 HRM-II (3) Dated, Panchkula the 25-02-2014 The following guest teachers are hereby adjusted with immediate effect:- Sr. No Nan S1.thjec ' esignation Present place of ' ' _ °sting , Stati n allotted Remarks GHS Baroli (Faridabad) (1083) AN GHS Malikpur Banger (YNR) (0254) AN GMS Khawaspur (0832) (Gurgaon) AN 1. Smt. Seema Science Mistress GSSS Mujessar Faridabad (1906) 2. Smt. Sheenu Mittal Math Mistress GHS Malikpur (2423) (KKR) 3. Sh. Ved Prakash S.S.Master GHS Nanu Kalan (0697) RITU, HCS ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR ADMN. 0/o DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA Endst. No. Even Dated, Panchkula the A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action: 1. District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. Please ensure the vacancy/ workload before joining. 2. Technology Officer (IT. Cell). SUPERINTENDENT HRM-II FOR DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA. 7 if rfri' /Ai HARYANA GOVERNMENT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ORDER Education, culture and Development iff s*.i)%4+4.4 Lead me from Darkness to Light DATED, PANCHKULA : 26/02/2014 ORDER NO. 7/33-2014-HRM-II(2) In continuation of this office order no. 15/66-2010-HRM-II(1) dated 06/09/2013 the following official(s) who were promoted to the post of Middle Head are hereby adjusted against vacancy at the station(s) mention against their name(s) with immediate effect provided that they have not joined their previous place of posting:Sr. Transfer Id 1 65779 Name , Designation and present place of posting Earlier posted as Middle Head Now Adjusted to Remarks Sh. Anil Kumar Master Mathematics Employee ID: 041949 GSSS Seria, Distt. Jhajjar [3181] GMS Azadnagar, Distt. Jhajjar [5966] Against vacancy Note: 1. Other terms and conditions of promotion orders will be remain same. RITU ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATION 0/0 DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA DATED PANCHKULA, 26/02/2014 ENDST. NO. EVEN A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1. District Education Officer / Jhajjar / Jhajjar. 2. Head of the institution concerned. 3. Official concerned. 4. Superintendent Concerned Branch 5. Secy. OSD/CM 6. Sr. PS/E.M. 7. Sr. PS/CEL 8. PS/C&DGSE ,9. Technology Officer (IT Cell, HQ) C 2 • 3-01 kt SUPERINTENDENT HRM-II for DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA 4\f' Off.: Plot No. 1B, Shiksha Sadan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) -Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 TreazT tare 90 1 6611 #419 5 114TFT-134109 IN 91 (0172) 2566246 ,klic 91 (0172) 2560253 It MR1
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