Blue Ridge Intergroup Hotline Instructions I am responsible. When anyone anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that; I am responsible. Updated 06/02/2014 As an AA Hotline volunteer, you are in a unique position to help the suffering alcoholic who calls AA for help. You may well be his or her first contact with the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. You cannot be all things to all people. Just use common sense and share your own experience, strength and hope. Remember, We are not a chat line. Be friendly and listen and always assure the caller there is hope. Try to make him or her feel comfortable and help them understand that they are not alone. Try to pass on the message to the suffering alcoholic is that - THERE IS HOPE- that they never have to feel this way ever again. Briefly let them know that you were once in their shoes and how Alcoholics Anonymous worked in your life. Assure them that the same could happen to them. If they are new and not familiar with AA, tell them a little about the different kinds of meetings and what we are about and what we are not about. Explain open and closed meetings, no dues or fees, and membership is a personal choice, not a group choice. Remember you may be their first contact to AA. Try to make them feel welcome. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT WE CAN NOT BE ALL THINGS TO ALL PEOPLE. Giving out non-AA related numbers or contacts can often be a disservice to others who take the phones and to those seeking the numbers. Example: If I were to give out a contact numbers or meeting lists concerning non-AA related information, such as a treatment center, he or she would feel free to tell others that the AA hot line provides numbers for other types of recovery. When the next call comes in seeking this information, the person manning the hotline may not possess those numbers. The caller that was seeking the non-AA related information and the person operating the phones have both been done a disservice. Our motive to help this time could actually hurt someone next time, please refer non AA-related calls to their local phone directory and wish them well. Please note that this does not include the AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS. Al-Anon is our sister group and a major part of the healing process of this family disease. Some of the meetings appear in the back of our Where and When and on other meeting listings. Please pass on this information when asked. PLEASE DO NOT GIVE OUT AA CONTACT NUMBERS ** Including your own, personal name/number. ** ** Use *67 before calling back a prospect to block your personal information ** Numbers have been provided with this booklet to help the phone volunteer better serve the suffering Alcoholic by providing one on one phone, or personal contact, but are not to be handed out to callers. HOW IT WORKS: If you are talking to a person that needs or requests further contact by a recovering alcoholic, please do the following: 1) Get the person's name and phone number. 2) Ask them from what town they are calling from and if they would like or mind someone in the area to contact them. 3) Tell them that you are going to attempt to contact someone from their area. Be sure to let them know that you will call them back to inform them of your progress. 4) Use the 12 step list provided and call the numbers from that area. NOTE: IT IS SUGGESTED THAT MEN TWELVE STEP MEN AND WOMEN TWELVE STEP WOMEN. 2 5) When you contact a twelve stepper, give him or her the name and number and a brief description of your conversation. Tell them that you are now going to call the prospect back and tell them to expect a call from (first name only) at a certain time. (The sooner the better!!!) Wish them the best of luck and count your blessings. TOO DRUNK OR INCOHERENT? As most of us know, it comes with the territory. We do the best we can and all judgment is on a case by case basis. But remember you can't carry the message if the message cannot be heard. Try to get the person's phone number and first name and ask him to call back in the morning. Pass his/her name and number on to the next phone volunteer if possible in case they call back. A hung over person is often more responsive for help! CAN AL-ANON HELP? Calls on behalf of an alcoholic are frequently received. Recognizing their concern, we nevertheless suggest that they have the alcoholic call us, when they are willing to do so. We explain that it has been our experience that it is unwise, even counterproductive, to contact the alcoholic without his/her direct consent. We do however suggest that the friend / family member contact Al-Anon. We explain the benefits and help Al-Anon can offer with learning to interact with the Alcoholic. Please remember that it took great courage on their part to make the call. It is important to be friendly and considerate as they are probably undergoing considerable stress. Their position at home may very well be of a desperate nature. TYPES OF CALLS WE RECEIVE Visitors to the area. These are the folks who are just looking for a meeting. Give them the time, location, and, if possible, directions to the meeting. If you do not know the directions, ask them to call or visit the police station, fire station, gas station, or visitors' center. Inquires about detox or a hospital. Alcoholics Anonymous neither endorsed nor opposes any outside causes, including treatment centers, and we do not give rides to the same. Suggest they call their doctor for the best hospital program for them. If they need immediate help, strongly suggest they go to the emergency room or the nearest hospital. Active alcoholics who are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Let them talk about themselves. Briefly tell them the part of your story that relates to what they are saying. Tell them there is hope. Inform them about meetings in their area and the difference between open and closed meeting. Strongly suggest they attend one that day/evening. Ask them for their telephone number and tell them you will try to contact someone who will call them and/or take them to a meeting. *****NEVER GIVE OUT ANYONE'S NAME OR TELEPHONE NUMBER***** 3 Call a contact person in the area from which the person is calling. (Refer to area lists.) Brief the contact person on the caller and give him/her the caller's telephone number. Court-directed callers. Direct those what are court mandated to attend AA to OPEN AA meetings. Take your cues from them as to just how much they want to hear about AA right now. Provide information accordingly. Family or friends of active alcoholics. Recognizing people's concerns on behalf of an alcoholic, we nevertheless suggest that they have the alcoholic call us. We explain that AA has found it unwise, even counterproductive, to contact the alcoholic without his/her consent. Do recommend Al-Anon for the friend or family member. Meeting schedule for Al-Anon is on the back of the Where & When. Drug addicts. If someone admits to a problem with drugs but not with alcohol, refer them to NA. Regional phone line: 1-800-777-1515; Dulles Corridor: 1-703-435-1230; Website: REMEMBER: We do not call the police or the rescue squad. We do not accept collect calls. We do not give out AA contact numbers. We hang up immediately on hostile, threatening, or obscene calls. (Comments on their behavior are not necessary and probably what the caller is looking for, the less said the better.) 4 AA HOTLINE PHONE FORWARDING INSTRUCTIONS 5 minutes before your shift, call the Hotline phone number to inform the AA member currently manning the Hotline that you are going to be taking over. To transfer the Hotline to you telephone dial the Ultra Forward Access telephone number A voice announcement will ask for the 10-digit telephone number that has remote change service. You will be asked to enter the Personal Identification Number followed by the # sign. You will be given a menu choice . Ultra Forward Menu Prompt You will be told what the current number is and asked if you want to change the number Enter your phone number and area code. The confirmation message will repeat the number you entered to receive calls. If correct, Enter 1; if Incorrect, Enter 2 and re-enter the number correctly. 1. Dial 540-667-0322 2. Dial 1-888-383-8080 3. Dial 540-667-0322 4. Enter 5930# 5. Enter 10 6. Enter 4 7. Enter 1 8. area code+ phone number 9. Enter 1 (if correct) OR Enter 2 (if Incorrect) and re-enter number Updated 03/14/2014 Confidential AA Spanish Speaking Hotline Juan M 540 247-9941 Naz 703 999-0327 AA Spanish Speaking 12th Step Volunteers Juan M 540 247-9941 5 District 35 (Fauquier) Men 12th Step List March 2014 Name Rob Pritchett Glen Swain Steve Mooney Terry S. John Paul Frank Cantwell Ron Hadler Ron Stevens Bob Reynolds John S. Dan Ross Jake V. Bryan Mike S. Bill Stern Larry Hoffman Jack Smith David B. Mike P. Speedy Bruce L. Bob W. Richard Carr Ron B. Chris G. Phone Location 571-485-0516 540-905-2114 703-635-9483 540-937-7476 540-379-8608 203-365-8449 540-222-7819 540-850-3163 540-347-2824 703-380-2667 Warrenton The Plains (Eve/Weekends) Stafford/Gainesville Warrenton/Amissville Warrenton (Eve/Weekends) Amissville (Eve/Weekends) Orlean Warrenton Warrenton Warrenton Nokesville/Manassas (Weekdays) Warrenton Warrenton Warrenton Gainesville Warrenton Warrenton Warrenton (Days) Warrenton Warrenton/Rappahannock County Catlett (Nights) Opal Broad Run (Evenings) Warrenton Warrenton 703-929-1449 202-809-3618 703-929-8725 540-937-6260 540-222-0164 540-216-3495 540-729-2352 703-785-8722 703-839-2660 540-937-4953 703-624-6868 540-905-1379 540-349-9405 540-229-1901 540-219-0436 Confidential For 12th Step purposes Only Do not give out numbers to Hotline Callers 6 District 35 (Fauquier) Women 12th Step List March 2014 Name Phone Location Laura G. Mary Ellen Gabe R. Marion F. Norma H. Deb Tricia B. Kim M. Virginia G. Annie Wendy P. Milissa K. Joyce M. Memphis H. Pam H. Hilda Jenny E. Katie D. Ann P. 540-219-0049 703-568-5483 302-275-1928 540-359-1290 540-364-1984 540-359-1810 540-212-1155 410-570-7037 540-272-5218 540-422-5295 703-944-0631 571-236-6646 703-653-4293 540-522-0003 540-729-7096 540-270-4065 540-364-1303 540-222-3326 540-428-2266 Warrenton Haymarket/Warrenton Warrenton Warrenton Marshall Culpeper Gainesville Warrenton Warrenton Warrenton Warrenton Warrenton Warrenton Rappahannock Warrenton Warrenton Orlean/Warrenton The Plains Warrenton Confidential For 12th Step purposes only Do not give out numbers to Hotline Callers 7 District 40 Hotline Call List Brigitte M. Phone 540974-0982 Availability Anytime Location Linden Dale M. 540 974-0984 Jim M John S. Kate R. Anytime Weekends and Evenings Weekends Evenings -late Larry S. NazC 540 325-3348 540 683-1247 703401-8113 540671-0244 703999-0327 Linden Mauretown Front Royal Front Royal Strasburg Luray Patrick S. Rich R Tony P. Falisha S Jim S Joanne C Dennis M Name 540987-8687 540974-3802 540 209-1717 703 554-0106 540 216-9332 540 323-8108 860 392-9064 Evenings Anytime (Spanish Speaking) Weekdays in PM Anytime Fridays-call if needed Daytime Anytime Hotline Anytime Little Washington Front Royal Front Royal Strasburg Front Royal Front Royal Fort Valley Becky D 540 636-3574 Anytime Linden Keith T 540 333-5945 615-293-2441 Anytime Anytime Front Royal Steve S Luray District 40 12lh Step Volunteers Call List Name Arlyn J Bev Brigitte M. Chris T Dale M. Debbie S Donna 8. George S Phone 540 551-2610 540465-2374 540 622-4566 540 974-0982 540 636-4958 540 305-4958 540 974-0984 540459-9648 540 303-1900 540 622-7521 540 364-1376 Availability Anytime but Friday Night Location Strasburg Anytime Weekdays PM and Weekends Anytime Front Royal Linden Front Royal Anytime Anytime Linden Woodstock Anytime Anytime Front Royal Front Royal Mauretown Weekends and Evenings Anytime John S. Kate R. 540 3263348 540 671-0171 540 6365713 540 6861247 703401-8113 Larry S. NazC 540 671-0244 703 9960327 Patrick S. 540 987-8687 PeeWee Ralph H. Rich R Ron S 540 9763654 540 514-2371 540 974-3802 540 784-0054 Todd A Tony P. 540 247-1440 540 209-1717 Evenings and Weekends Anytime (Spanish Speaking) Weekdays PM and Weekends Anytime Anytime Anytime Evenings and Weekends Anytime Fridays - call if needed Updated 03/2014 Jim M Jim Smithlin Weekends Evenings -late Front Royal' Front Royal Front Royal Strasburg Luray > Little Washington „ Shenendoah County Strasburg Front Royal W oodstock Winchester Front Royal 9 8 C u lp e p e r /M a d is o n D is tric t 39 M en Phone A lte rn a te P h o n e A v a ilab ilitv R ic h D . 540 272 5078 540 829 6288 M onday 8am - 12pm B ob Z 540 412 2254 5 40 903 4140 Sat/Sun A nytim e M on-S un after 5pm C huck H 703 785 1029 M ike B 540 825 0894 5 40 597 8563 M -F 6pm -6am G eorge R. 540 825 0504 5 40 222 2233 T hur-S at eve/ovem ight G regg H . 540 2 7 0 0753 C yrille B. 540 538 6702 John C. 540 718 3717 Pete 540-829-6313 C arl J. 540 937 3048 W ayne A . 540 661 3569 Sam P. 540 2 2 2 2736 Curtis M . 540 718 2601 B illy H. 540 923 4474 D ale K. 540 223 5919 T om M. 540 948 4793 H enry C. 540 661 6033 L eeW . 800 2 4 0 6755 S at/Sun 12-4 M -/Sun 9am -4pm T -T h 8am - 4pm T hur 4 p m -1 2 a m Anytime 8am - 5pm w kdays A nytim e A nytim e 6am -8pm D aily Eve/W eekends A nytim e A nytim e A nytim e W o m en G reta N . 540 2 1 9 2165 R uth A. 540 412 2254 B e n ita B . 540 547 2517 D ee H . 540 547 2987 L ynnH . 540 829 3749 Jam ie D. 540 405 9205 M onique B . 540 727 5557 Sat/Sun anytim e 540 903 0902 A nytim e W ed-Fri 10am -5pm 703 728 2908 Sat/Sun anytim e.- • W ed 12pm -5pm ~ 8am -9pm daily 5pm -8pm W kdays 5pm -8pm W kdays n 9 Loudoun District 10 Phone Name 703-779-2346 Andy C. 703-732-7969 Barry F. 540-882-3091 Bob C. 540-882-3956 Brian R. 410-259-2452 Dave H. 703-409-9192 Donnie P. 703-728-7103 Hunter D. Jerry (Irish Jerry) 571-291-5997 703-403-1065 Jim M. 703-737-3851 Jimmy V. 703-850-0140 John G. 703-655-1747 KipO. 540-554-2722 Len S. 703-581-7756 Mike T. 571-420-2753 Nasser 571-420-2753 Scott 703-928-7991 Woods W. Barbara S-K Emily Faith B. Michelle W-K Moe R. Trish P. Ty G. Page 1 Town Leesburg Purcelville Daytime calls only Waterford Lovettsville Lovettsville Lovettsville Leesburg Leesburg Lovettsville weekends only Leesburg Leesburg Ashburn Leesburg 703-771-8848 Ashburn Ashburn Ashburn Middleburg Alt. Phone 703-932-9253 703-669-2621 703-539-9130 1-949-278-7465 540-955-4329 540-532-5481 703-310-9048 540-338-0153 540-454-4600 703-389-3689 Leesburg Leesburg Leesburg Berryville Lovettsville Purcellville Purcellville 10 W inchester District 26 Page 1 Name David M. Derrick A. Don Bill H. Bob G. Brad D. Chris W. Greg W. Jamie John Z. JR Keith K. Kevin Larry P. Lenny S. Leon H. Nelson M. Paul B. Phone Alt. Phone 540-974-0584 540-539-3308 540-665-9854 540-539-5705 540-664-1678 540-229-9007 304-886-5469 304-839-1538 540-974-0531 540-671-1084 540-514-8873 540-771-1809 540-535-6073 540-722-5074 540-336-6458 540-664-9415 540-327-0042 540-247-7672 540-303-5313 Town Winchester Winchester W inchester W inchester Winchester Winchester/Boyce Winchester/Stevens City Winchester Winchester Winchester/Stevens City Winchester Winchester/Berryville W inchester Winchester Winchester Winchester Winchester Winchester Anita R. Ann P. Genna M. Gail H. Sherry W. Marilee Erica W. Sharon M. Cassie P. 540-514-1486 540-303-5595 540-888-9499 540-888-9499 540-722-4864 540-869-9868 304-702-3029 540-771-0551 540-535-6939 W inchester W inchester W inchester W inchester W inchester W inchester W inchester Winchester Winchester ■- • " , 11 List of Virginia Intergroups Blue Ridge Area Intergroup P.O. Box 3939 Winchester, Virginia 22604 (540) 667-0322 Roanoke Valley Intergroup 3451 Brandon Avenue SW Suite 14 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 (540) 343-6857 District 16 Intergroup P.O. Box 1294 Hopewell, Virginia 23860 (804)452-1959 [email protected] Tidewater Intergroup 4968 Euclid Road Suite F Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462 (757) 490-3980 [email protected] Jefferson District Intergroup P.O. Box 6911 Charlottesville, Virginia 22906 (434) 293-6565 Twelfth Step Intergroup P.O. Box 777 Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801 (540) 434-8870 North Piedmont Intergroup 245 Allegheny Avenue #6 Lynchburg, Virginia 24501 (434) 847-4733 [email protected] Valley Intergroup P.O. Box 113 Staunton, Virginia 24402-0113 (540) 885-6912 Northern Virginia Intergroup 8501 Lee Highway Fairfax, Virginia 22031 (703) 876-6166 [email protected] Virginia Eastern Shore Intergroup P.O. Box 113 15178 Taylor Creek Drive Harborton, Virginia 23389 (800)773-1616 Oficina Intergrupal Y Comite Institucional de Virginia 8143 Richmond Highway Alexandria, Virginia 22309 (703) 360-5447 Williamsburg Area Intergroup P.O. Box 1525 Williamsburg, Virginia 23185 (757)253-1234 Richmond Intergroup 3600 West Broad Street Suite 384 Richmond, Virginia 23230-4916 (804)355-1212 12 Tips on Making Twelfth Step Calls When a Twelfth Step call is received, we begin with the assumption that another human being's life is at stake -- literally. This means that, without delay, this call is to be answered at once. 1. Arrange for another AA member to go with you. 2. Have a quiet time, read Chapter Seven in the Big Book. 3. Maintain anonymity. 4. Talk to the prospect alone, if possible. (That is, without his family and friends there.) 5. Congratulate him on wanting to do something about his drinking problem. 6. Give him some AA literature. 7. Note well what the Big Book says at the bottom of page 94: "On your first visit tell him about the Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. If he shows interest, lend him your copy of this book." 8. Each of you tell him "what you used to be like, what happened, and what you are like now." 9. If he wants to talk, let him. 10. At the top of page 95, it advises, "Give him a chance to think it over. . . . Sometimes a new man is anxious to proceed at once, and you may be tempted to let him do so. This is sometimes a mistake. If he has trouble later, he is likely to say you rushed him. . . . If he is sincerely interested and wants to see you again, ask him to read this book in the interval (at least ask him to read the first 164 pages). After doing that (reading the book), he must decide for himself if he wants to go on. 11. When you are ready to leave, tell him you will call on him the following day if he wants, and he will have had time to read the first 164 pages, or had time to think about your conversation. Note that the second paragraph on page 96 says, "Suppose you are now making your second visit to a man. He has read this volume, and he is prepared to go through with the Twelve Steps of the program of recovery." At this point you review the Twelve Steps with him, and arrange to bring him to your group meeting. If he does not want to go on, or feels that he can do it some other way, pick up your copy of the Big Book and invite him to call on you again if he changes his mind and decides that AA can be of help. 12. Finally, note how the Big Book, at the top of page 96 says, "We find it a waste of time to keep chasing a man who cannot, or will not, work with you. If you leave such a person alone, he may soon become convinced that cannot recover by himself." From the March 2007 online version of the AA Grapevine. Posted by Anthony R at 3/02/2007 13 How Do You Make An Old-Fashioned Twelfth Step Call? With many treatment facilities closing their doors, more and more A.A.'s are seeking guidelines for making old-fashioned Twelfth Step calls. The 1998 Conference Literature Committee considered a pamphlet on making Twelfth Step calls that was compiled and in use by Area 25 (Kansas). Although Conference committee members felt this effort was fine for local use, they emphasized the importance of the use of "How It Works" in the Big Book, as well as seeking guidance through sponsorship, the experience of older members and workshops. One such workshop was held last spring by the Answering Services Committee of the Elmira (New York) Area Intergroup. The area's second Twelfth Step workshop, developed its program along lines of the G.S.O.'s service piece "Suggested Workshop Format." Out of the workshop experience has come some suggested guidelines. Because they have proven so useful, the committee has shared them with G.S.O., as follows, in the hope that others will be helped too: 1. Return calls ASAP. Call back immediately to listen, share and arrange a time and place to meetbut not at a bar. If you are called to a bar, go there only to pick the person up and, preferably, to get him or her to a meeting. 2. Twelfth Step in pairs, with a same-sex member if possible. Twelfth-Step calls can be intense, and there is safety in numbers. Besides, two heads are better than one. Be punctual and look your best. 3. Twelfth Step when the prospect is sober or fairly sober. Calls on intoxicated alcoholics seldom work because of blackouts. Wait for the end of a spree or a lucid interval when the prospect is still jittery. 4. During home calls, separate prospect from family if you can (suggest Al-Anon for family members). Too many people butting in to influence you about the "bad guy" can be disruptive. Learn from experienced A.A.s how to interact with family or significant others on the scene, and when it is wiser to leave than to stay: 5. Suggest detox/rehab if needed. If such is indicated, arrange with family or significant others, with prospect's permission if possible. Should violence seem imminent, leave. If necessary, make the 14 appropriate phone call. 6. Share how it was (your own drunkalog). Don't moralize or lecture or brand prospects as "alcoholics." That decision is theirs-even as to tossing out alcohol they have on hand. Detail your own symptoms, drinking habits and other personal experiences with alcohol. 7. Share your understanding of the disease of alcoholism. Let the person know that this disease is progressive and can end with insanity or early death. Describe the conditions of body, mind and spirit that accompany alcoholism. 8. Share exactly what happened to you. The prospect will probably want to know how long you have been in A.A. and how you got and stayed sober. 9. Share your A.A. experience. Share how A.A. has worked for you and helped you to regain your sanity while maintaining sobriety, how it has led to being willing to believe in a power greater than self. Use everyday language and avoid arousing prejudice against theological terms and conceptions. 10. Share how it is now-your recovery program and spirituality. Outline the A.A. program of action and emphasize that this isn't the somber end of something (preferably drinking) but the start of a challenging, rewarding way of living based on spiritual principles. 11. Leave a meeting schedule, A.A. pamphlets and your phone number; and make one follow up visit or phone call. Offer to return for further questions, and help with transportation to a meeting if possible. Mention Al-Anon meetings available to family members and significant others. 12. Understand that success means YOU are still sober. Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as intensive Twelfth Step work with other alcoholics. Reprinted with permission from Box 459, Vol. 44 #5. 15 16 South Central 17 South Piedmont 18 City of Richmond 19 Roanoke Valley 20 Southwest 21 Springfield 22 Shenandoah Valley 23 Virginia Beach 24 Western Tidewater 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Wilson W inchester Eastern Shore Woodhridge South of the James Fredericksburg Mountain View Oceanfront Manassas 34 Stafford 35 Fauquier 36 Southside 37 North East Richmond 38 Historic Virginia 39 Piedmont 40 Skyline 41 Vienna 42 CentreviHe 43 Northside Richmond 44 Richmond - West 45 Alexandria-Old Town 46 Alexandria West Side 16 The BRAI coordinates the flow of information throughout the groups and Districts that comprise the Intergroup in order to carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous to the still suffering alcoholic. Its primary functions are to coordinate the AA Hotline and print the Where & When Meeting Directories. They also host an annual Gratitude Breakfast, publish a newsletter, and assist in other duties as necessary. The BRAI comprises a large geographical area. For this reason, the individual Districts handle much of the workload of carrying the message to their local communities. This is done through various committees established at the District level: Archives, Cooperation with the Professional Community, Corrections, Grapevine and Literature, Public Information, Treatment Facilities, and other committees as necessary. In contrast, an Intergroup in an urban location that covers a smaller geographic area traditionally handles most of these responsibilities. Districts of the Blue Ridge Area Interqroup District 10 - Loudoun District 26 - Winchester District 35 - Fauquier District 39 - Piedmont District 40 - Skyline The Blui Ridge Area Intergroup meets every month 0:1 the 3rd Friday, 7:00 PM at the Friends Meeting House, corner of Washington and Piccla dilly Streets, Winchester, VA. All AA merrl bers are welcome to attend. Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for menbership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for AA menbership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. AA is not allied with an> sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any cor troversy, neither endorses nor opposes an) causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sobler and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. Covering Virginia Counties: Clarke. Culpeper, Fauquier. Frederick, Loudoun, Madison, Orange, Page, Rappahannock, Shenandoah, Warren, and the City of Winchester Blue Ridge Area Intergroup, Inc. The BRAI is supported through contributions of the groups, Districts, and individual AA members. Contributions are used to cover expenses for the telephone line and advertisement costs of the AA Hotline, printing of the Where & When Meeting Directories, Gratitude Breakfast (tickets are kept at a minimal price due to the Intergroup assuming some of the cost to put on the event), rent, and printing of the newsletter. Excess funds above the prudent reserve is generally distributed to the Virginia Area Committee (VAC) and the General Service Office (GSO) on an annual basis. The Blue Ridge Area Intergroup (BRAI) is a service body comprised of elected officers, appointed committee chairs, Group Representatives, and District Intergroup Representatives whose primary purpose is to coordinate the efforts of all the groups within the Districts in order to most effectively carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous. PO Box 3939 W inchester, VA 22604 24-Hour Hotline 546-667-0322 or 1-800-835-6130 Virginia Area Committee (VAC) Web Site: July 2010 “...When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that 1 am responsible.” What We Do Who We Are AA Hotline Officers The BRAI is responsible for coordinating the 24-Hour AA Hotline. The hotline is available for individuals to call requesting general information on AA, location of meetings, and to request a 12lh Step call. The committee consists of the Hotline Chairperson, District Coordinators for each District, and volunteers responsible for answering the 24-hour hotline. The hotline rotates on a weekly basis between the Districts. Each District coordinates the forwarding of the phones to the scheduled volunteer. The Trustees are a group of five (5' individuals elected to administer the corporate affairs of the BRAI. The Chairperson presides over the monthly meetings and serves as a member of all committees. The Vice Chairperson assists the Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary in the performance of their duties and in the event of absence, performs their assigned duties. The Treasurer keeps the financial records, deposits the money from contributions, and pays the bills. They report the financial condition of the Intergroup at the regular monthly business meeting. The Secretary keeps the records of the Intergroup and records the minutes of all formal meetings. Where & When Meeting Directories Another function of the BRAI is to print the Where & When Meeting Directories, a listing of all of the meetings within the Districts. The W&Ws arc printed and distributed to the groups generally twice a year. An email address ([email protected]) has been established for individuals to submit changes. Committee Chairs The Hotline Chairperson is respon ible for coordinating the AA Hotline committee. The Where & When Chairperson manages the committee responsible for printing the meeting directories. The Gratitude Breakfast Chairperson organizes the committee of the annual Gratitude Breakfast. Gratitude Breakfast In the spring of 2006, the BRAI held its first Gratitude Breakfast in which a buffet style breakfast was served, followed by an AA speaker. It offered an opportunity for AA members of all the Districts to come together in one common place. Due to its success, it has become an annual spring tradition. The Newsletter Chairperson oversees the committee responsible for printing the newsletter publication. Other Members The Group Representative has the most important job in the Intergroup. They represent the individual Groups. They carry information to the AA members by relaying information directly to their Group. Newsletter The Newsletter Committee gathers articles and AA related announcements from the District, Groups, and individual AA members in order to publish an optional newsletter, Xhe BRAIN. Its purpose is to improve communication between the groups within the Districts encompassed by the BRAI. The District Intergroup Representative is a service position from each District. They act as a liaison between their District and the Intergioup and strive to improve communication between the two. The District Intergroup Representatives (jnlcss also acting also as a Group Representative) do not have voting power. Any A A Member can also attend the regular Intergroup meeting and voice their opinion, but only officers, committee chairs, and Groub Representatives have voting power.
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