Graduate Diploma in Management plus Internship Scholarship Campus Level 7 Nelson CATEGORY November, Starts February, July Duration 1 year, full time Fee N Z Q A IELTS 6.0 NZD$18,000* (includes an NZD$800 Internship scholarship) Have you completed a degree qualification? Study NMIT’s Graduate Diploma in Management and receive a funded internship of up to eight weeks in a New Zealand company. The concept of the Graduate Diploma is to give people who already have a degree, or eYtensive Cusiness eYperience, an opportunity to eYtend their knowledge into another specialised Ýeld without having to complete another degree. WHY STUDY THE GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT AT NMIT? Pursue higher level careers management. Graduate diplomas are ideal RualiÝcations iG Zou are seeLing promotion in Zour eYisting emploZment Xish to Xiden Zour sLill and LnoXledge Case and Leep ahead or are considering alternative emploZment. CAREER OUTCOMES 4tart Zour career pathXaZ toXards roles such as Production .anager General .anager 0perations .anager )uman 3esources .anager or ProKect .anager across a range oG industries. PROGRAMME INFORMATION "s a graduate Zou Xill Cuild on Zour degree or eYtensive Cusiness eYperience and eYtend Zour LnoXledge into another specialised Ýeld Xithout having to complete another degree. 4pecialise in management and gain valuaCle LnoXledge in Zour chosen areas oG specialisation Xhile greatlZ enhancing Zour proGessional career Xhether in a technical or Cusiness area. 6pon successGul completion oG Zour graduate diploma and an intervieX Zou Xill receive a Gunded internship oG up to XeeLs in a local companZ. 5he internship Xill alloX Zou to gain valuaCle Cusiness eYperience and a reGerence Gor Zour $7 Xhich Xill assist Zou Xith Zour neYt steps up the corporate ladder in /eX ;ealand. NEW ZEALAND Nelson Blenheim NELSON TO HOST 4 GAMES DURING THE 2015 CRICKET WORLD CUP Search keywords: ‘Graduate Diploma in Management’ Phone +64 3 546 9175 [email protected] Skype ID > nmitinternational 'ees maZ Ce suCKect to change NZ GOVERNMENT OWNED AND OPERATED ESTABLISHED 1905 Graduate Diploma in Management plus Internship Scholarship course options INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING ADVANCED APPLIED MANAGEMENT "n introduction to Ýnancial accounting statements and their associated components ranging Grom small Cusinesses to puClic companies. 5aLe advantage oG the opportunitZ to undertaLe a supervised Cusiness research proKect in order to Gurther the understanding and practise oG the application oG management LnoXledge sLills attitudes and techniRues. Zou Xill Ce encouraged to integrate the CodZ oG LnoXledge learnt in previous suCKects into practical application to an advanced level. 5his Xill Gurther their understanding oG Cusiness related research design research issues and research methods including the understanding oG 4P44 a computerCased data analZsis programme. MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING %evelop concepts and techniRues oG organisational planning decision maLing costing and control. ADVANCED MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING Gain advanced concepts and sLills to Ce aCle to provide and evaluate accounting inGormation that contriCutes to organisational success. GLOBAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING %evelop Zour understanding oG Ýnancial concepts oG the Ýrm and the gloCal operation and integration oG Ýnancial marLets in order that theZ can criticallZ evaluate Ýrms investment Ýnancing and dividend decisions in an international gloCal environment. CHANGE MANAGEMENT AND CORPORATE INSOLVENCY Gain an insight into the manZ aspects oG organisational liGe that aGGect and are aGGected CZ change and the practices and methods that can Ce used to cope Xith change. 4tudents Xill Ce introduced to the Casic practices and reRuirements oG corporate insolvencZ. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS %evelop a comprehensive LnoXledge oG the theoretical and practical aspects oG conducting international Cusiness. *t is aimed at those involved in #anLing or intending to Ce andor those Xith an interest in the procedures involved in importing and eYporting. Gain applied LnoXledge reRuired to successGullZ manage gloCal Cusiness activities. Gain a XorLing LnoXledge oG Gundamental marLeting concepts relevant to contemporarZ organisations. MARKETING MANAGEMENT Gain a detailed XorLing LnoXledge oG operational marLeting analZsis and decision maLing. STRATEGIC MARKETING MANAGEMENT Gain a comprehensive understanding oG marLeting strategZ relevant to contemporarZ organisations and marLets. RESEARCH METHODS Gain an introduction to LeZ analZtical tools used Xithin Cusiness and the implications Gor managerial decisionmaLing. 4tudents learn to applZ appropriate research methodologies to identiGZ and solve Cusiness related proClems. PROJECT MANAGEMENT $onsider the methods and proClems associated Xith the development implementation and management oG proKects Xith an emphasis on inGormation sZstems proKects. 4tudents Xill evaluate and applZ proKect management methods and discuss estaClished planning and control measures at the proKect level. PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT *ntroduce ZourselG to the principles and processes oG management and hoX theZ are applied to address current issues. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT %evelop the aCilitZ to thinL strategicallZ in order to gain strategic advantage and to add value to an organisation. 5o address the GolloXing three LeZ strategic issues and Ruestions 8hat Cusiness are Xe in )oX do Xe deÝne Xhere Xe Xant to go )oX do Xe get there 5o develop students aCilitZ to applZ strategic management to simulated and actual practical Cusiness situations. 4tudents Xho successGullZ complete this course Xill have gained an eYposure to Coth local and international organisations. Please note these are a sample oG the courses Zou can undertaLe. 5o see all courses please visit and search fGraduate %iploma in .anagementf. Search keywords: ‘Graduate Diploma in Management’ Phone +64 3 546 9175 [email protected] Skype ID > nmitinternational NZ GOVERNMENT OWNED AND OPERATED ESTABLISHED 1905 Graduate Diploma in Marketing plus Internship Scholarship Campus Level 7 Nelson CATEGORY November, Starts February, July Duration 1 year, full time Fee N Z Q A IELTS 6.0 NZD$18,000* (includes an NZD$800 Internship scholarship) Have you completed a degree qualification? Study NMIT’s Graduate Diploma and receive a funded internship of up to eight weeks in a New Zealand company. The concept of the Graduate Diploma is to give people who already have a degree, or extensive Cusiness experience, an opportunity to extend their knowledge into another specialised Ýeld without having to complete another degree. WHY STUDY THE GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN MARKETING AT NMIT? Pursue higher level careers in marketing. Graduate diplomas are ideal RualiÝcations iG Zou are seeking promotion in Zour eYisting emploZment Xish to Xiden Zour skill and knoXledge Case and keep ahead or are considering alternative emploZment. CAREER OUTCOMES 4tart Zour career pathXaZ toXards roles such as include 4ales .anager .arketing "nalZst $onsultant or 3esearcher 4enior 4ales 3epresentative "ccount .anager #usiness %evelopment .anager or &Yport .anager. PROGRAMME INFORMATION "s a graduate Zou Xill Cuild on Zour degree or eYtensive Cusiness eYperience and eYtend Zour knoXledge into another specialised Ýeld Xithout having to complete another degree. 4pecialise in marketing and gain valuaCle knoXledge in Zour chosen areas oG specialisation Xhile greatlZ enhancing Zour proGessional career Xhether in a technical or Cusiness area. 6pon successGul completion oG Zour graduate diploma and an intervieX Zou Xill receive a Gunded internship oG up to Xeeks in a local companZ. 5he internship Xill alloX Zou to gain valuaCle Cusiness eYperience and a reGerence Gor Zour $7 Xhich Xill assist Zou Xith Zour neYt steps up the corporate ladder in /eX ;ealand. NEW ZEALAND Nelson Blenheim NELSON TO HOST 4 GAMES DURING THE 2015 CRICKET WORLD CUP Search keywords: ‘Graduate Diploma in Marketing’ Phone +64 3 546 9175 [email protected] Skype ID > nmitinternational 'ees maZ Ce suCKect to change NZ GOVERNMENT OWNED AND OPERATED ESTABLISHED 1905 Graduate Diploma in Marketing plus Internship Scholarship course options STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT STRATEGIC MARKETING MANAGEMENT 5o develop students aCilitZ to think strategicallZ in order to gain strategic advantage and to add value to an organisation. 5o address the GolloXing three keZ strategic issues and Ruestions 8hat Cusiness are Xe in )oX do Xe deÝne Xhere Xe Xant to go )oX do Xe get there 5o develop students aCilitZ to applZ strategic management to simulated and actual practical Cusiness situations. 4tudents Xho successGullZ complete this course Xill have gained an eYposure to Coth local and international organisations. 4tudents Xill have a comprehensive understanding oG marketing strategZ relevant to contemporarZ organisations and markets. GLOBAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 5his course provides students Xith an opportunitZ to conduct senior undergraduate research into some aspect oG .arketing theorZ or practice on a selGmanaged Casis. 5o provide students Xith applied knoXledge reRuired to successGullZ manage gloCal Cusiness activities. PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING 4tudents Xill have a Xorking knoXledge oG Gundamental marketing concepts relevant to contemporarZ organisations. MARKETING MANAGEMENT BUYER BEHAVIOUR AND MARKETING RESEARCH 5his course provides students Xith a comprehensive understanding oG marketing research proKect management. ADVANCED APPLIED MARKETING RESEARCH METHODS 5his course provides students Xith an introduction to keZ analZtical tools used Xithin Cusiness and the implications Gor managerial decisionmaking. 4tudents learn to applZ appropriate research methodologies to identiGZ and solve Cusiness related proClems. 4tudents Xill have a detailed Xorking knoXledge oG operational marketing analZsis and decision making. Please note these are a sample oG the courses Zou can undertake. 5o see all courses please visit and search fGraduate %iploma in .arketingf. Search keywords: ‘Graduate Diploma in Marketing’ Phone +64 3 546 9175 [email protected] Skype ID > nmitinternational NZ GOVERNMENT OWNED AND OPERATED ESTABLISHED 1905 Graduate Diploma in Information Technology plus Internship Scholarship Campus Level 7 Nelson Duration 1 year, full time Fee N Z Q A CATEGORY Starts February, July IELTS 6.0 NZD$18,000* (includes an NZD$800 Internship scholarship) Have you completed a degree qualification? Study NMIT’s Graduate Diploma in Information Technology and receive a funded internship of up to eight weeks in a New Zealand company. The concept of the Graduate Diploma is to give people who already have a degree, or extensive business experience, an opportunity to extend their knowledge into another specialised Ýeld without having to complete another degree. These RualiÝcations greatly enhance a person’s professional career, whether in a technical or a business area. For employment in New Zealand, employers are looking for #achelor or Graduate Diploma RualiÝed students. WHY STUDY THE GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AT NMIT? NEW ZEALAND Nelson Blenheim Pursue higher level careers in information technology. Graduate diplomas are ideal RualiÝcations if you are seeking promotion in your existing employment, wish to widen your skill and knowledge base and keep ahead, or are considering alternative employment. Information Technology specialists are in high demand in New Zealand - take a look at Immigration New Zealand’s Long Term Skill Shortage List at PROGRAMME INFORMATION Students may specialise in one of Ýve areas Database, Networking, Software Development, Systems Development and Web. Start your career pathway towards jobs such as Business Analyst, Network Engineer, Systems Analyst, Web Developer, Software Engineer, Applications Programmer and Software Designer. NELSON TO HOST 4 GAMES DURING THE 2015 CRICKET WORLD CUP Search keywords: ‘Graduate Diploma in Information Technology’ Phone +64 3 546 9175 [email protected] Skype ID > nmitinternational *Fees may be subject to change NZ GOVERNMENT OWNED AND OPERATED ESTABLISHED 1905 Graduate Diploma in Information Technology plus Internship Scholarship course options This is a selection of the courses available on the Graduate Diploma in Information Technology. For more course information, visit and search ‘Graduate Diploma in Information Technology’. ANIMATION 2 This course enables the student to develop animation and multimedia in two dimensions using current generation commercial software. It develops in-depth knowledge of specialised processes, techniques and media, and integrates these in the context of research into related technologies. IMMERSIVE 3D ENVIRONMENTS This course enables the student to develop animation and multimedia in three dimensions using current generation commercial software. It develops in-depth knowledge of specialised processes, techniques and media, and integrates these in the context of research into related technologies. COMPUTER SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE To introduce students to the fundamentals of computer systems architecture. The students will develop the knowledge and skills required to successfully plan, construct, optimise and maintain a modern PC-based computer system. Emphasis is placed on safe and effective industry practises, with the student gaining practical experience by producing a reliable and efÝcient standalone machine at the course’s completion. DATABASE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT systems, and develop security strategies for them. New advances in technology are researched and their potential impact evaluated. Service management policies to support organisations to deliver well managed ICT services are explored. GRADUATE DIPLOMA PROJECT The purpose of the project is to provide students with an opportunity to work, in depth, on a topic of individual interest within their specialist Ýeld. The project is intended to increase the individual’s insights into the Ýeld and enhance their professional approach to problem solving. There is no taught component of this course. Instead, each student will work under the direction of a supervising staff member who assists the student in identifying and completing an appropriate piece of work. There are several ways this Project can be undertaken including the following: - Research project - Development project - Proof of concept project Workplace based practicum - Case study SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT This course provides students with an introduction to the principles of objectoriented analysis, design, programming and testing, and offers them experience in applying these principles to software development using an object-oriented programming language in common use. This course is an introduction to the development of database applications, with an emphasis on providing students with practical experience developing single-user and multi-user database applications using a commercially signiÝcant current generation programming and database environment. Students will learn how to access and update databases using a wide range of facilities in Structured Query Language (SQL), and how to deal with issues of concurrent access by several users. TIERED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT ENTERPRISE DATABASE SOLUTIONS SYSTEMS SECURITY This course will focus on both the application of advanced techniques in database design and on providing students with the opportunity to apply data modelling techniques and relational database design principles and database technology to solve business problems. PROJECT MANAGEMENT This course considers the methods and problems associated with the development, implementation and management of projects, with an emphasis on information systems projects. Students will evaluate and apply project management methods and discuss established planning and control measures at the project level. NETWORKING FUNDAMENTALS This course provides the student with an introduction to the concepts of computer networking. It also provides an opportunity for practical experience in conÝguring a modern small ofÝcehome ofÝce Local Area Network (LAN). This practical work is related to issues of system security, performance and reliability, with the objective of setting up efÝcient and effective network systems. NETWORK MANAGEMENT This course focuses on the planning and implementation of secure and reliable Information and Communication Technology systems for Small to Medium Enterprises (SME). It addresses the technical issues surrounding fault tolerance and security for core networking services, as well as addressing the importance of core services as part of a larger service offering. ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURES This course focuses on the development and management of enterprise ICT infrastructures. It addresses the technical and strategic issues that are involved in the provision of ICT services in large organisations. Students investigate and evaluate the range of advanced technologies used to support large scale networked This course provides the student with advanced software development concepts and practical experience. Using a suitable object-oriented language and its programming paradigm, a range of advanced programming concepts is introduced. This includes the application of design patterns and best practice for tiered software architectures as well as the use of different software technologies. This course provides the student with an introduction to protecting the corporate ICT environment from security breaches and their consequences. Successful industry based practices are analysed and evaluated, and the student gains practical experience in implementing relevant security strategies. This work is related to the fundamental concepts surrounding the security of systems, with the objective of setting up a secure infrastructure. SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN This course provides the student with an understanding of how various tools and techniques for object-oriented analysis and design of information systems are integrated and used within system development methodologies. Practical experience in the application of these tools and techniques is also provided. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGIES This course will take a holistic view of the information system development life cycle and several of the different methodologies, tools and techniques that can be used to support it. Students will have the opportunity to experiment with techniques from various methodologies and evaluate their appropriateness for speciÝc situations. INTERNET DESIGN PRINCIPLES This course gives the student a detailed view of the operation of the Internet that enables current generation systems to handle text, graphics and multimedia, using current generation commercial software. DYNAMIC WEB TECHNOLOGY This course provides the student with the skills necessary to produce a dynamically generated website suitable for use by business, computing or other specialist area. Search keywords: ‘Graduate Diploma in Information Technology’ Phone +64 3 546 9175 [email protected] Skype ID > nmitinternational NZ GOVERNMENT OWNED AND OPERATED ESTABLISHED 1905
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