Product Specific Information Manual 6K351A thru 6K354A, 6K369A. 6K375A. 6K383A. 6K396A. 6K506A 6K583A. 2Z842A thru 2Z845A and 6Z399A thru 6Z403A Please I'Hd BId save this Repair ht1s Ihnua! #lad this manual.,nd the General Operating 'tUttuctions catWfully before attempting to assemble. install, Dp63te or maintain the product describ«J. Protect yourseH and others by observing .n infonnation. The Safety InSttudions are contained in the General Operating Instructions. Failure to comply wfth the safety inst11Jetions accompanying this pt'Oducr could result in pet'SfJM1 injuty and/or property damage! Retain instructions for future nrlrltence. m.ty Dayton® Parallel Shaft Hig.," Torque AC Gearmotors Refer to Form 85707 for General Operating and Safety Instructions and applicable waITanty. IAWARNING I B~~~ Makecertain , power supply IS disconnected before attempting to service or remove any components! If the power disconnect point is out-of-sight. lock it in the OPEN pOsition and tag to prevent unexpected application of power.. Disassembly NOTE: Refer to the Repair Parts • Illustrations, L Remov~ the nine To~ flathead screws (Ref. No.2) from the back end of the gearcase. Suitable To"'" wrenches may be ordered, Stock NO.4YP46, 2, With the unit output shaft down, pry off the motor and cover assembly. This will destroy g~sket, Use care to avoid scratching or nicking the gasket mounting surface. Watch so that thrust balls (Ref No.5) are not dropped and lost. 2ea} Drain oil and dispose of properly, IA CAUTION I:'::nd=:~seal 3, With the housing disassembled, gears can now be removed. 4, Motor can be dismounted by removing the fan guard and fan from ==:r-- L, YELLOW~ BLACK~L2 NOTE: To reverse rotation interchange red and black leads. Wiring Diagram the back of the motor, This exposes four screws which pass through the motor and into the gearcase cover. Remove the screws (thru-bolts) and remove the motor adapter (Ref. No, 1A) from the motor shell by gently tapping with a mallet. 5. Oil seals can be removed by prying out with a screw-driver. Clean the cavity and press new seal squarely in place, lip edge towards gear cavity, until seal is flush. Cover the output shaft with 1~ wraps of paper or thin plastic to guide seal lip onto the shaft and avoid cutting it on keyway, Reassembly 1. Assemble rear (fan end) end shield to motor stator first. Tuck all loose leads away so as not to contact rotor parts. Then insert rotor in stator. Finally assemble front end shield (motor adapter), 2, eare must be taken that the thrust balls remain in place during assembly. This can readily be accomplished with a small dab of grease, 3. Clean gear box completely and replace with new lubricant. After all gears are in place, refill the gearcase with Mobilube HD Heavy Duty gear oil, Stock No. 4F979. About twenty-one ounces (by weight) will be required. Do not mix lubricants, 4, Install a new gasket and place the motor cover assembly on the gear case, Replace and uniformly tighten the nine To"'" flathead screws, 5, Start and stop the motor. The gearing should turn freely and coast slightly as the motor comes to a stop. \;;; Printed in U.s.A. Form 554023 iIi~ 02160 1202l263NCPVP A-c ~ ;Mit:> fl to 2- cfo S :CU"l-r-C\zm Dayton Operating Instructions and Parts Manual 6K369A, 6K375A, 6K583A, 6K383A, 6KS06A, 6K353A, 6K354A and 2Z842A thru 2Z845A 16 For Repair Parts, call 1-800-323-0620 24 hours a day - 365 days a year lA If~7 _~B 12 ~ Please provide the following information: ~Model number -Serial number (if any) -Part description and number as shown in parts list / 6i/~Y 15 ~ Address parts aorrespondence to: Grainger Parts ~i·- : "a=@T:0; n:_', \ ~ P.O. Box 3074 , 657 Shermer Road Northbrook, Il 60065-3074 U.S.A. .... ~ , 5' ~\ I HI 1'4\~1 \9 Figure' • Repair Parts Illustration for Double Reduction Models 11 Repair Parts List .. Ref No. lA (Located under housing)'t NumbN for Model Description 6K369A 6K375A 6K583A 6K38JA 6K506A 6K353A 6K354A 2Z842A 2ZS43A 2Z844A 2Z84SA Motor & adapter (lndudes 1A) Motor adapter only 10-24 x l-1A3~ flathead screw Input seal 150·508-00028 1SO·507..go02S 150-507-90028 150-507·90028 150-507-9002B 150-508·10028 150-508-10028 150·5OS·00028 150-508-00028 150-508-00028 1S0-508-OOO28 , 103-484-07209 103-484-07208 103-484-07208 103-484-07208 103-484-07208 103-484-01208 103-484-07208 103-484-07208 103-484-07208 101-484-07209 103-484-07208 1 874-190-5182 874·190·5182 874-190-5182 874-190-5182 874-190·5182 874-190-5182 874-190-5182 874-1lJ0-5182 874-190--5182 874-1go..5182 874-190-5182 902-101-8411 902·101--8411 902-101·8411 902·101-8411 902·101-8411 902·101--8411 902·101-8411 902·101·8411 902-101·8411 902-101-8411 902-101-8411 Gasket Thrust ball 3-16" Square key Housing 127-484-0100 908·110·2500 1'3Q.2oo·9D01 101-484-01308 127-484-0100 908-110-2500 130..200·9001 101-484-01308 127484-0100 908-110-2500 130-200-9001 101-4$4.0130B 127-484-0100 908·110.-2500 13D-200-9001 101-484-01308 127-4&4-0100 908-110-2500 1'30·200-9001 101-484-01308 127-484-0100 908-11Q.2SOO 130-200-9001 101-484-01308 127-484-0100 908-110-2500 13O·2QO..9OO1 101-4$4-01308 127-484-0100 908-110-2500 13D-2oo·9001 101-484·01308 127-484-0100 908-11()-2500 130-200-9001 101-484-01308 127-484-0100 9Q8.11Q.2500 130-200-9001 101-484-01308 127-484-0100 908·110·2500 130·200·9001 101-484-01308 Output seal Pipe plug Y16~ dia. pin 1I4" (.750) Needle Bearing 902·122-()411 905·110-4189 904·306-1201 9D0-411-o750 902·122-0411 902~122.()411 902-122-0411 905-110-4189 905·111)..4189 905·11G-4189 904-306·1201 904-306-1201 904-306-120' 900-411-0750 9D0-411.()750 900·411-0750 902-122.Q411 905·111).4199 904-306-1201 900-411..(1150 902·122·0411 905-110-4189 904-306-1201 900-411·0750 902·122·0411 905-110-4189 904·306-1201 900-411-0750 902-122-«11 90S-11D-4189 904-306-1201 900-411-0750 902-122-C411 905-110-4189 904-306·1201 9D0-411..()7SO 900-410-0375 9D0-410-o375 900-41o-a375 900-410-0375 14 .... (.375) Needle Bearing 9116'(.563) Needle 8earing 9all bearing 15 Low speed 144-561-0120 144-560-0120 144-561-0120 144-562-0120 16 sub-assembly High speed sub-as.s.embly 146-564-0130 146-563-0130 146-564-0130 146-564-0130 146-566-0130 8 9 '0 11 12 13 Qty 902·122·0411 902·122-0411 905·110-4189 905-11G-4189 904-306·1201 904·306-1201 900-411-0750 90D-411..(17SO 900-410-0375 1 9D0-411-{)562 90().411.o562 9OQ-41HlS62 9D0-4,l-0562 , 900·311-o7Pi1 900-311-0787 9()().311-o787 900-311-0787 900-311-0787 900·311..(1787 900-311-0787 900-311.1)787 9Oo-311..(l787 900-311-0787 , 900-411-0562 900-411-0562 90D-411-D562 900-411-0562 900-411-0562 900-311~787 900410-0375 900-410-0375 900-410-0375 900-410-037S 900-410-0375 900-410-0375 9 , 144-484~'20 900-411-0562 144-S61~120 90().4n~562 144~0120 144-560-0120 144-562-0120 144-582·0120 144-583-{)120 I 146-564-0130 146-566-C130 146-563-0130 146-565·0130 146-582·0110 146·583.()11D 1 6K351A, 6K352A, 6K396A and 6Z399A thru 6Z403A Dayton Operating Instructions and Parts Manual For Repair Parts, caI/1-800-323-0620 24 hours a day· 365 days a year Please provide the follolNing information: ·Model number -Serial number (if any) -Part description and number as shown in parts Jist 7 / Address parts correspondence to: Grainger Parts P.O. Box 3074 1657 Shermer Road Northbrook. IL 60065-3074 U.S.A. Figure 2 • Repair Parts Illustration for Triple Reduction Models. 11 Repair Parts List Ref No. ... lA 2 8 9 10 " 12 13 I '4 15 '6 17 Part Number for Model Description Motor & adapter (Includes 1A) Motor adapter only 1()..24 x 1-1/8 flathead screw Input seal 6K39&A 6K351A 6K352:A 6Z399A 6ZJOOA 6Z4'J1A 6Z402A 6Z403A 150·508-00028 150-S08-1OO28 151).508·10028 150-508-10028 150-5()8..1002B 15D-508-1oo28 150-S08-OOO2B 150-507·90028 103-484-05OOB 874--190-5182 103-484-05OOB 874-190-5182: 103-484-05008 874-190-5182 103-484-05OOB 874·190-5182 103-484-05008 874-190-5182 10~5008 874-190-5182 103-484-05009 874-190·$182 103-484-05008 874-190·5182 902·101-8411 902·101·8411 902·101·8411 902-101·8411 902-'01-8411 902·101-8411 902·101-8411 902·101..Q411 Gasket Thrust ball 3116" Square key Housing (mounting holes are unthreaded, self-taping) 127-484-0100 908-110-2500 13Q..200·9OO1 101·484..(11009 -127-484-0100 908-110·2500 13Q..200·9001 101·484-o1ooB 127·484--0100 908-110-2500 13D-200-9001 101·484-0100B 127-484-0100 908·110-2500 130-2OG-9OO1 101.484-01008 127-484-0100 908-11Q..2500 130-200-9001 101-484-01008 127-484-0100 908·110·2500 130-200-9001 101-484-01008 127-484-0100 908-110·2500 130-200-9001 101-484-01008 127-484-0100 908·110-2500 130-200-9001 101-484-01008 Output seal Pipe plug 3I16 diet pin 3/4' (.750) Needle bearing 902·122-0411 90S·' 10-4189 904-306·1201 900-411-0750 902-122-4)411 905·110-4189 904-306-1201 900-41'-0750 902·'22·0411 905-"0-4189 904·306-1201 900-411-0750 902·122-041' 905·110-4189 904-306-1201 900-411-0750 902·122·0411 905-110-4189 904-306-1201 900-411-C:SO 902-122-0411 904-306-1201 9D0-41'-0750 902-122-0411 905-110-4189 904-306-1201 900-411.()750 902-122-0411 905-11D-4189 904-306-1201 900-411.()750 .... (.375) Needle bearing 9116"(.563) Needle bearing 9all bearing 900-410-0375 900-410-0375 900-410-0375 900-410-0375 900-410·0375 900-410-0375 900-410-0375 900-410-0375 900-411-0562 900·411-0562 900-411·0S62 900-411-0562 900-411.()562 900-4"-0562 900-411-0562 900-411-0562 900-311-0787 900-311-0787 900-311-0787 900-311-0787 900-311-0787 900·311.0787 900·311-0787 900·311.0787 Low speed sub·assembly lnterme(j, speed - sub-aS$embly High speed sub·assembly 144-484-0120 144-561-0120 144-484·0120 144-484-0150 144-482-0120 '44-562-0120 144-562-0120 144-484-0500 145·484-0110 145·561-0110 145-484·0110 145-484-0150 145-482-0211 145·562·0110 145·562-0110 145-484-0200 146-484-0130 146-484-0130 146-484-0 t 30 146·484-0150 146-484-0130 146-484-0130 146-484-0130 146-484-0500 N 9OS~11Q-4189 @ XlJ\-r-Clzm Qty 4Z447A and 2LYV2 Operating Instructions & Parts Manual read and save these instructions. Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described. Protect yourself <03('252 .::'''Y'" by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury and/or property damage! Retain instructions -~-.: rc~crcnce. Dayton® Magnetic Lf1-L\:~1 Disc Brake Description Dayton magnetic disc brake is designed to mount on totally enclosed, fan-cooled gearmotors. Use on applications that require rapid stopping and holding action such as conveyors, door openers, etc. The brake engages and holds load under power-off condition, automatically releases when power is applied. Load can be manually released when power is off by pushing release lever forward. r";OTE: Not intended for accurate positioning or indexing or for vertical holding use such vertical conveyors or hoists. 2S [,\r~ARNING i Do not in~tafl or use this brake in I an explosIVe atmosphere. "":'..• __ Figure 1 3. Follow all local electrical and safety codes, the United States National Electrical Code (NEG), and the Occu pational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). 4. Ground the brake by using a metal clad raceway system, or a separate ground wire connected to a suitable grounding means. I• 3'/,----.., 5. Have all wiring done by a qualified Figure 2 - Dimensions electrician. Specifications Unpacking ............. Continuous CVCt8 . ":\::Tum ambient. 40°C \'1eximum input speed 3450 RPM Inertia of rotating parts 0.003 Ib ft2 Service factor 1.0 Enclosure construction: Drip proof (NEMA 2) Power leads _ 18" Input power 115/230 VAC, 60 Hz Model2LYV2 230/460 VAC, 60 Hz 1'/, ft. lb. Nominal static torque ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS . Volts 115 ~·~:CI ·::.:3j 2. Check for completeness. General Safety Information NOTE: This brake is not intended for accurate positioning applications. It is designed for applications that require rapid stopping and holding power such as on conveyors, door openers, etc. I Model4Z447A AWARNING I Secure, remove, 1. Check for shipping qamage. I Disconnect power I AWARNING beforeworkingonor near a brake motor! 1. If power disconnect is out-of-sight, lock and tag it to prevent accidental application of power. Hertz HoldiQ9 Amps Inrush Amps I 60 60 60 0.23 0.12 0.06 2.3 1.2 0.6 2. Use a brake with a higher service factor for high inertia or rapid cycling loads. ;::o,-m 5S6073 AWARNING I Do not use this brake for hoist applications! Printed in U.S.A. 03481 0708/243NCPVP or block the load when working on the brake. _ _ _ _ _ _...J. I 6. Guard all moving parts. 7. Keep all guards in place and in good condition. 8. Do not touch an operating motor - it is hot. 9. Protect lead wires and cables from coming in contact with sharp objects or moving parts. 10. Do not kink lead wires or power cables. 11. Never allow lead wires or power cables to contact oil, grease, chemicals, or hot surfaces. 'j 2. Replace worn or damaged power cables immediately. G050 108-001 8/2008 Dayton ® 4Z447A and 2LYV2 Dayton Operating Instructions and Parts Manual Dayton® Magnetic Disc Brake Installation DISASSEMBLY OF EXISTING GEARMOTOR PARTS 1, Remove fan cover and mounting tabs. 2, Remove snap ring (if used) from fan hub. 3. Remove fan by prying between motor end shield and fan near hub, Fan is held on shaft with a snap ring (refer to Figure 5, No. 24). ASSEMBLY OF BRAKE KIT See Figure 4, '"..,,--..,,-------..---, Do not operate J!. CAUTION I manual release or energize brake coil before installation in corder to preserve preaJignment of rotating disc and for ease of installation. Slide shaft extension (Ref. No. 25) onto motor shaft. Shaft should bottom out in shaft extension bore. Tighten all three set screws securely (35 in. Ibs. torque). One set screw to be centered on flat of motor shaft. 2 Install fan (Ref. No. 21) on shaft extension. Flat side of fan to face motor. Make sure that the molded key in fan bore is placed into groove of the shaft extension. Locate axially so that the molded lugs in bore of fan fit into annular groove of shaft extension. (Fan should be flush with large diameter shoulder on shaft extension.) 3 Expand snap ring (Ref. No. 24) to clear hub of fan and position snap ring approx. 1/8" in from end offan. 4, Place fan cover (Ref, No. 22) over fan and shaft extension with flat portion of fan cover towards mounting feet of unit. Align mounting holes. install and tighten fan cover mounting screws. (Use screws removed from disassembled fan cover.) 5, Install splined hub (Ref. No.2) with key (Ref. No. 26) on shaft extension. Stamped part number on hub should face away from motor. Hub to seat against shoulder on shaft extension. Tighten hub set screws with 6 ft. Ibs. torque. 6. Remove the three brake cover machine screws (Ref. No.3) and cover (Ref. No. 4). Position brake assembly over hub, engaging splined hub with rotating disc (Ref. No. 11). Release lever (Ref. No. 1) should be positioned opposite flat portion of fan cover. NOTE: Be sure anti-backlash spring (Ref. No, 5) does not rest in a splined hub tooth space containing a set screw. Align mounting holes and fasten brake securely to fan cover with two 1/4" flat head screws furnished. 7. Connect coil lead wires as shown in Figure 3. Replace cover and cover screws. it has moved approximately 25 degrees, The brake will remain in the released position as long as the lever is held in position. I A cAiJTI-ONI may High start-stop rates damage motor. L, 1 Consult motor manufacturer if high cycling rates are expected. If brake torque rating is higher than motor full load torque rating, use brake rating rather than motor rating when selecting other drive components. IACAUTION I 1. Do not operate brake at higher than nominal static torque capacity. 2. For applications with high inertia type loads or rapid cycling, service factor of brake must be increased depending on application. 3. Observe proper safety precautions when an application involves a holding or overhauling load operation; keep personnel away from load area. 4. Be sure power supply conforms to electrical rating of brake. I A WARNING I Do no~ use this brake forho/st NOTE: All Dayton coils are single phase. See Figure 3 for operation on three phase. applications! Operation CONNECTION OF COIL LEADS DUAL VOLTAGE COIL This brake is a spring set device with an electromagnetic release. It contains a rotating friction disc which is driven by a hub mounted on the motor shaft. When energized. the magnet compresses the torque spring, removing the force pressing the stationary disc and friction disc together, and permits free rotation of the shaft. This brake is equipped with a manual release. Manually release the brake by pushing the release lever forward until 2 Connect leads 2 and 4 to any two motor Yellow COIL 1 Black Black COIL2 Yellow CD (2XD(i}8 1-- L;w V;lts ~l o o 0) ®QX00 l-- High Volts ~1 line leads (single or three phase). Brake must be energized with the same power leads as the motor. Figure 3 - Wiring Diagram Dayton Operating Instructions and Parts Manual Model 4Z447A and 2LYV2 Maintenance .A WARNING : i Disconnect ??wer ~ before servlcmg! (Numbers in parentheses are reference numbers illustrated in Figures 4 and 5. Refer to these figures below and on page 4 for the following procedures.) WEAR ADJUSTMENT As friction disc wears, magnet gap "A" (refer to Figure 4)increases. When gap "A" reaches .150" maximum, adjust to 0.060" 0.070". To adjust: Hold pivot nut (6), loosen lock nut (7), turn pivot nut (6) clockwise until air gap "A" measures 0.080" at center of magnet. [NOTE: Air gap should decrease slightly to measure 0.060"-0.070" when lock nut (7) is tightened against the pivot nut (6).] Hold pivot nut (6) and tighten lock nut (7) against it. Operate brake several times to see if 0.060"-0.070" air gap is maintained. If not, readjust following same procedure again. Any delay in adjusting air gap will result in a loss of torque and/or coil burn out. nut (9) as described under Magnet Assembly Replacement. Readjust magnet air gap as described under Wear Adjustment. FRICTION DISC REPLACEMENT MAGNET ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT When total wear on rotating friction disc (11 ) reaches 1/16", replace disc as follows: Remove the three cover machine screws (3). cover (4), lock nuts (9). magnet assembly (8). rubber washers (10), hex nuts (12), torque springs (13), armature (14), lock nut (7), pivot nut (6), pressure arm (15) and stationary disc (16). Install new rotating disc (11) making sure anti-rattle spring (5) is installed in position shown and does not rest in a hub tooth space containing a set screw. Reassemble all parts in reverse order. Remove cover machine screws (3), cover (4), lock nuts (9) and magnet assembly (8). Replace magnet assembly. Be sure rubber washers (10) are under magnet bracket. Tighten lock nuts (9) to remove end play between nut and magnet bracket. Tighten with an additional 1/3 turn (two flats on nut). Check air gap as described under Wear Adjustment and replace cover and cover screws. NOTE: In reassembly tighten pivot nut (6) so that it makes contact with pressure arm (15). Locate hex nut (12) 17/32" from end of stud as shown in Figure 4. Tighten lock 1 • n 15 I 10 9 17/32 'il 13 8 14 ::/jt'i~.2'~4 ~ < 24 22 5 16 >< \ V , "'" 26 3 4 Figure 4 - Lateral View of Brake Dayton 3 (0 4Z447A and 2LYV2 Dayton Operating Instructions and Parts Manual For Replacement Parts, caI/1-BOO-323-0620 24 hours per day - 365 days per year 16 Please provide following information: -Model number -Serial number (if any) -Part descriptions and number as shown in parts list , _----------1'9--- ~c9 j 27 7 ~ .\\~"_" '~-<~ ~" \ 12 13 .. 1,1 --::r r .. "'-11' \ t t, - .0;" ~,_j~-'" " __---- ~'1 ' ,-"" . '~~<r-'~~' 1) '~' (-, 3 --::r '"~ 8 ~~'\..l 10 15 2 1 3 30 23 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 .-;7 :::i 2C 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 :~,~ ~: -y @j~~ ~--, 17 -" 20 ,,-,t:l.,~- '" 'l; ,'" ~~;~ I - -~ ~l, J\\ 20 ~-_ .. -~'" ,,",' . 29 SHAFT EXTENSION KIT 2\ 28 ~25~ ~\\\ . ~qg'. ~1 j ,,:'=/!~ Figure 5 - Replacement Parts Illustration 1 ~~~ ; 20ft'-,~0 ~'\ 5 .. ' .' 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 \ :':.;<:. f r; ,,' \ 0 "..:./.,l, . 18'\ , 14 10 2 . , - - - -- 6 4 -- Release lever Splined hub w/setscrews Machine screw, pan head with lockwasher Cover Anti-backlash sQdog Pivot nut Lock nut tMagnet assembly, mode14Z447A: 11S/230V, 60 Hz (includes item 23) Magnet assembly, model 2LYV2: 230/460V, 60 Hz (includes item 23) Lock nut Rubber washer Rotating disc Hex nut Torque spring, silver Armature assembly Pressure arm assembly Stationary disc Bracket assembly Return springs Compression spring Brass washer Fan Fan cover Shading coil Snap ring Shaft extension Key Screw Wire outlet bracket Washer Screw (t) Optional magnet assembly: H050035-015 (220V/440V, 50 Hz). 4 8050073-001 H050038-001 W001006-022 KOS0049-001 H060466-00 1 8060267-001 W003001-018 HOS0053-003 HOSOOS3-004 W003001-015 8060310-001 HOS0028-001 W003002-002 80S0076-001 H050034-002 H050036-002 8050074-001 K050052-001 8050075-001 8060297-001 W004003-020 K050050-001 K050053-001 8060346-001 W006003-004 8050088-001 W007001-018 W001015-115 8050085-001 W004006-004 WOO 1009-002 ' \ . 21 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 2 2 \ 26 Dayton Operating Instructions and Parts Manual Model 4Z447A and 2LYV2 Troubleshooting Chart Symptom Possible cause(s) Corrective Action Brake does not release 1. Broken or damaged parts 2. Wrong voltage 1. Replace affected parts 2. Check voltage. It must not vary more than ±10% of rated voltage. Correct if necessary 3. Replace coil 4. Find the connection or wiring fault. Correct or repair as required 3. Burned out coil 4. Incorrect wiring connections or broken wires Brake does not stop properly 1. Broken or damaged parts 2. Worn friction disc 3. Hub positioned incorrectly 1. Replace affected parts 2. Replace disc if total wear is 1/16". If disc replacement is not required adjust air ga;c (Refer to Wear Adjustment) 3. Reposition hub and tighten set screws (refer to Installation section) Brake chatters or hums 1. Wrong voltage supply for coil 2. Wrong size lead wires 1. Replace with correct voltage coil 2. Replace lead wires with correct size Manual release does not work 1. Broken or damaged parts 2. Wrong magnet gap "AU 1. Replace affected parts 2. Check magnet gap. If incorrect. adjust gap (Refer to Wear Adjustment) LIMITED WARRANTY DAYTON ONE-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY. DAYTON" MAGNETIC DISC BRAKE, MODELS COVERED IN THIS MANUAL, ARE WARRANTED BY DAYTON ELECTRIC MFG. co. (DA YTON) TO THE ORIGINAL USER AGAINST DEFECTS IN WORKMANSHIP OR MATERIALS UNDER NORMAL USE FOR ONE YEAR AFTER DATE OF PURCHASE. ANY PART WHICH IS DETERMINED TO BE DEFECTIVE IN MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP AND RETURNED TO AN AUTHORIZED SERVICE LOCATION, AS DA YTON DESIGNA TES, SHIPPING COSTS PREPAID, WILL BE, AS THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY, REPAIRED OR REPLACED AT DA YTON'S OPTION. FOR LIMITED WARRANTY CLAIM PROCEDURES, SEE "PROMPT DISPOSITION" BELOW. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES PURCHASERS SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWABLE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW, DA YTON'S LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL AND INCIDENTAL DAMAGES 15 EXPRESSL Y DISCLAIMED DA YTON'S LIABILITY IN ALL EVENTS IS LIMITED TO AND SHALL NOT EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. A DILIGENT EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO PROVIDE PRODUCT INFORMA TlON AND (LLUSTRA TE THE PRODUCTS IN THIS LITERA TURf ACCURA TEL Y; HOWEVER, SUCH fNFORMA TlON AND ILLUSTRATIONS ARE FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF IDENTlFICA TlON, AND DO NOT EXPRESS OR IMPL Y A WARRANTY THAT THE PRODUCTS ARE MERCHANTABLE, OR FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR THAT THE PRODUCTS WILL NECESSARIL Y CONFORM TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS OR DESCRIPTIONS. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED BELOW, NO WARRANTY OR AFFIRMATION OF FACT, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OTHER THAN AS STATED IN THE "LIMITED WARRANTY" ABOVE IS MADE OR AUTHORIZED BY DA YTON. Technical Advice and Recommendations, Disclaimer. Notwithstanding any past practice or dealings or trade custom, sales shall not include the furnishing of .technical advice or assistance or system design. Dayton assumes no obligations or liability on account of any unauthorized recommendations, opinions or advice as to the choice. installation or use of products. Product Suitability. Many jurisdictions have codes and regulations governing sales, construction. installation, and/or use of products for certain purposes. which may vary from those in neighboring areas. While attempts are made to assure that Dayton products comply with such codes. Dayton cannot guarantee compliance, and cannot be responsible for how the product is installed or used. Before purchase and use of a product. review the product applications. and all applicable national and local codes and regulations, and be sure that the product, installation, and use will comply with them. Certain aspects of disclaimers are not applicable to consumer products; e.g., (a) some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you; (b) also, some jurisdictions do not allow a limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts. consequently the above limitation may not apply to you; and (c) by law, during the period of this Limited Warranty, any implied warranties of implied merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose applicable to consumer products purchased by consumers, may not be excluded or otherwise disclaimed. Prompt Disposition. A good faith effort will be made for prompt correction or other adjustment with respect to any product which proves to be defective witF limited warranty. For any product believed to be defective within limited warranty, first write or call dealer from whom the product was purchased. Dealer v. give additional directions. If unable to resolve satisfactorily. write to Dayton at address below, giving dealer's name. address. date. and number of dealer's invoice, and describing the nature of the defect. Title and risk of loss pass to buyer on delivery to common carrier. If product was damaged in transit to you. rii, claim with carrier. Manufactured for Dayton Electric Mfg. Co., 5959 W. Howard St., Niles, Illinois 60714-4Q14 U.S.A. Dayton 5 ® -- -Vo..LQy¥ )'8?: 2-/7 V3J..-OlB\l dhd)N9LElEOOl ""LO vs·n l.l! pa~U!Jd , ~.q,y~PUll 6u~ 8161755 uuo. 1 " _ M>I BO.lS81U.1O:1 OJ J"Iall 8££8ZL pue 8L£8ZL '89l8ZL '8Pl8ZL '8ll8ZL '80l8ZL pue 8£8£ZP nJ4l 8L8£ZP pue 80nZp nJ4l 88LLZP lenueL'\l "Jed mdaM ::I:t.n-r-ClZm 1Z820B.1Z822B.1Z8248 1Z826B.1Z831B.1Z833B Repair Parts Manual For Repair Parts, call 1-800-323-0620 24 hours a day - 365 days a year ~ 3 Please provide the following information: -Model number -Serial number (if any) -Part desaiption and number as shown in parts list .," 3 ~ ~·~,- ~I r Address parts correspondence to: Grainger Parts P.O. Box 3074 1657 Shermer Road Northbrook, lL 60065-3074 U.s.A, \ 16 £);, ~~~~!L:}(0",.,1.,;( I "'o~~:'{,~ , ... , Motor Motor brush assembly 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Output oil seal Screw .1~24 x 2.25· torx flUster " Foot plate screws Brush cap Gasket .250" dia.....1ball .1875/.1855' SQ. Key special 5pa<:er ',115 X.627 X .031" Housing Foot plate 12 13 14 15 16 '7 518)( 13/16 x lIr Needle bearing 5116 x,12 x 7116' Needle bearing Low speed sub-assembtv High speed su!>-assembly Intermediate speed sub-assembly 12 15'-207-600'8 (1) 32-oB5-0002-OOO (2) 32-024-000'-000 (2) (1) 127-200-0'00 9011-1'<1-2500 (5) 130-200-9000 (1) 1~5-0'2O 101-200-01308 902-101-8411 87<1-29<1-5363 '25-287-02008 816-104-5081 90<1-41<1-'062 90<1-4'<1-1031 '44-527-0110 '46-300-0003 '45-527-0120 (') (1) (1) (5) (1) (4) (2) (4) (1) (') (1) 151·207-60018 (1) 32-oB5-0002-OOO (2) 32-024-000'-000 (2) 127·200-0'00 (') 908-11<1-2500 (5) 13<1-20<1-9000 (1) 109-485-0120 (1) 101-200-01308 (1) (1) 902"01-8411 87<1-29<1-5363 (5) 125-287-02008 (,) (4) 816-104-5081 (2) 90<1-4'<1-1062 (4) 90<1-4'<1-1031 144-524-01'0 (1) '46-300-0003 (') 145-257-0020 (1) 151·207-60018 (1) 32-oB5-0002-OOO (2) 32-024-000'-000 (2) '27·200-0100 (') 908-11<1-2500 (5) '30-20<1-9000 (') 109-485-0120 (1) 101·200-01308 (') (1) 902·'0'-8411 87<1-29<1-5363 (5) 125-287-02008 (1) (4) 816-104-5081 90<1-41<1-1062 (2) (4) 90<1-41<1-1031 144-549-0130 (') 146-523-0130 (1) 145-257-0023 (1) .... • \-;~~:t':. . 1 J ' ' :' c Repair Parts lIIU1tratlon <" ' -..f'" ' ..r, :r'- :[ .~_;.., • 15'·207-600'8 (1) 32-llll5-0002-OOO (2) 32-024-0001-000 (2) (1) '27-200-0100 908-11<1-2500 (3) 13<1-20<1-9000 (1) 109-485-0120 (1) 10'·200-01208 (1) 902·101-8411 (1) 87<1-29<1-5363 (5) 125-287-02008 (') (4) 816-'04-508' 90<1-41<1-1062 (2) (2) 90<1-41<1-1031 144-525-0110 (1) 146-525-0'30 NlA (1) 10 11 '51-207-60018 (1) 32-oB5-0002-OOO (2) 32-024-0001-000 (2) '27·200-0100 (') 908-11<1-2500 (3) 13<1-20<l-900O (1) 109-485-0120 (1) 101-200-0'208 (1) 902·101-8411 (') 87<1-29(1-5363 (5) 125-287-02008 (1) (4) 8'6-104-508' 90<1-4'<1-1062 (2) (2) 90<1-41<1-'03' 144-523-0110 (1) 146-526-0130 (1) NlA 15'·207-60018 (1) 32-llll5-0002-OOO (2) 32-024-0001-000 (2) (1) '27-200-0100 908-1'<1-2500 (3) 13<1-20<1-9000 (1) 109-485-0'20 (I) '0'·200-01208 (1) (1) 902-101-8411 87<1-29<1-5363 (5) '25-287-02008 (') (4) 816-104-5081 900-41<1-1062 (2) (2) 900-41<1-1031 144-549-0130 (1) '46-300-0018 NlA (') 4Z130B.4Z383B.4Z129B 4Z382B.4Z381B.4Z128B Repair Parts Manual For Repair Parts, call 1-800-323-0620 24 hours a day - 365 days a year 3 Please provide the follow;ng inform.non: .-Model number -Serial number (if any) -Part description and number as shown in parts list -16 Address parts correspondence to: Grainger Parts P.O. Box 3074 1657 Shermer Road Northbrook. IL 60065·3074 U.S.A. 14 ~I:;.~~ -" t "r'p 11 R.,.lr Parts Illustretion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 '2 13 '4 '5 16 '7 Motor Motor brush assembly Brush cap Gasket .2SO· dia. steel ball ,'8751.'855" SQ. keyspeclal Spacer 1.115 X .627 X.D31· Housing Output oil seal Screw .10-24 x 225· tone fllister Foot plate Foot plate screws SI8 x 13116)( lIr Needle bearing 5116 x 1/2 x 7/16- Needle bearing Low speed sub-assembly High speed sub-assembly Intermediate speed sub-assembly . "j!~o w 151·201-42018 (1) 32-llll5-0003-OOO (2) 32-024-000'-000 (2) 127·20<1-0'00 (1) 908-110-2500 13O-ZQ()..9000 C5l (') '09-485-0120 (1) '0'·20<1-01308 (1) 902-101-8411 87<1-290-5363 125-287·02008 8'6-'04-5081 9OG-4'<l-l062 9OG-4'<I-,03' 144-527-0110 146-300-0003 '45-527-0120 (') '51·201-420'8 (1) 32-085-0003-000 (2) 32-024-000'-000 (2) 127·20<1-0100 (') 908-110-2500 130-200-9000 CS) (1) 109-485-0'20 (1) 101-200-01308 (1) 902-'01-8411 (') (5) (1) (4) 87<1-29(1-5363 (5) '25-287·02008 (1) (4) 816--1Q40.5081 (2) 900-41 0-1062 (2) (4) 90<1-41<1-1031 (4) (1l 144-524-0110 (1) (1) (1) '46·30<1-0003 145-257-0020 (1) (1) '51·201-420'8 (1) 32-0B5-0003·000 (2) 32·024-000'·000 (2) 127-200-0100 908-1'0-2500 130-200-9000 (1) (51 (1) (1) '09-485-0120 '0'·20<1-0'308 (') 902~101·8411 (') 87<1-290-5363 (5) '25-287·02008 (') (4) 8'6-104-508' 9OG-4,0-1062 (2) (4) 90<1-4'0-1031 '44-545-0130 (1) 146-523-0130 (') (1) '45-257·0023 151·20'-42018 (1) 32-llll5-0003-OOO (2) 32-024-000'-000 (2) 127·20<1-0100 (') (3) 908-110-2500 130-201)-9000 (') '09-485-0120 (') 101·20<1-0'208 (1) 902·101-8411 (') 870-29<1-5363 125-287·02008 816-'04-5081 9OG-41<1-'062 90<1-41<1-103' (S) (') (4) 144-525-0110 146-525-0130 NlA ::I:lI'I-r-C'!Zm (2) (2) (1) (') 151·20'-42018 (') 32-085-0003-000 (2) 32-024-0001·000 (2) '27-20<1-0'00 (1) (3l 908-110-2500 130-200-9000 ~ (1) '09-485-0120 '0'·20<1-0'208 902·10'-8411 87<1-290-5363 '25·287-02008 8'6·104-5081 90<1-4' <1-1 062 90<1-410·103' 144-523·0110 146·526-0'30 NlA (') (1) (') C5l (') (4) (2) (2) m (') 127-200-0100 908-110-2500 (') 130-200-9000 (t) (') (1) (1) , 09-485-0 120 101·20~1ZDB 902·101.-841' (3) (5) 87().Z9G-S363 125-2B7·02oo8 (') 8'6-'04-508' 900-4'0-1 062 900-410-1031 144-549.()130 146·30<1-00'8 NlA (4) (2) (2) (1) (1)
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