Werkliste_New Frankfurt Internationals_Solid Signs

Werkliste zur Ausstellung /
List of Works of the Exhibtion
New Frankfurt Internationals:
Solid Signs
23. Januar – 26. April 2015
Europa, 2011
Fotografien-Pigmentdrucke /
Lambdaprints / photographs-carbon
prints / lambdaprints
4-teilig / 4 parts, jeweils / each 100 x
100 cm
Courtesy the artist
Florian Albrecht-Schoeck
Bianca Baldi
Aus der Serie / from the series
Human Kapital, 2013/2014
Fotografien-Pigmentdrucke /
Lambdaprints / photographs-carbon
prints / lambdaprints
4 Stück/ 4 pieces
100 x 100 cm
Courtesy the artist
Prologue to Livro de Todo o Universo,
Videoinstallation / video installation,
1:40 min (looped)
HD-Video, Farbe, Ton, Inkjet-Print / HD
video, colour, sound, inkjet print
Courtesy the artist
Aus der Serie / from the series
Heimat, 2008–2010
Fotografien-Pigmentdrucke /
Lambdaprints / photographs-carbon
prints / lambdaprints
20 Stück / 20 pieces
60 x 60 cm
Courtesy the artist
Khaled Barakeh
Aus der Serie / from the series
Vaterland, 2013
Fotografien-Pigmentdrucke /
Lambdaprints / photographs-carbon
prints / lambdaprints
17 Stück/ 17 pieces
40 x 50 cm
Courtesy the artist
Regarding the Pain of Others, 2013
Holz einer Bahre / Wood of a funeral
Größe variabel / dimensions variable
Courtesy the artist
Damascus 15 Feb 2012 19:47:31,
Druck auf Platte, C-Prints / direct print
on a plate and C-prints
5 Stück / 5 pieces
134 x 241 cm
Courtesy the artist
untitled, 2015
Foto, Laser Druck / photo, laser prints
5 Stück / 5 pieces
21 x 29,7 cm
Courtesy the artist
Valentin Beinroth
Pedetentim, 2009
Blattgold auf graviertem Acrylglas /
gold leaf on engraved acrylic glass
73,5 x 536 x 2,3 cm
Courtesy the artist
Jagoda Bednarsky
Eye Candy, 2014
Öl, Sprühlack und C-Print auf
Jeansstoff / oil, spray-paint and
c-print on denim
65 x 49 cm
Courtesy Philipp Pflug Contemporary,
Frankfurt am Main; the artist
Penchant for Bingo, 2013
Öl auf Leinwand / oil on canvas
160 x 120 cm
Courtesy Privatsammlung in
While events were unfolding, 2014
Öl, Acryl, Buntstift und Farbdruck auf
Leinwand / oil, acrylic paint, coloured
pencil and c-print on canvas
130 x 95 cm
Courtesy Privatsammlung in
Into outside over there, 2014
Öl und Acryl auf Leinwand /
oil, acrylic paint on canvas
155 x 125 cm
Courtesy Privatsammlung in
NAVI, 2014
Öl und Acryl auf Leinwand / oil and
acrylic paint on canvas
53 x 39 cm
Courtesy Philipp Pflug Contemporary,
Frankfurt am Main; the artist
HI-Cubit, 2010
Holz, Glas, Stahl, Messing, Gold,
Silber, Marmor, Knochen / wood,
glass, steel, brass, gold, silver, marble,
131 x 134 x 22,5 cm
Courtesy the artist
GSAE- General Survey Antipodes
Expedition, Nov. 2014–Feb. 2015
Schautafel und Fotografien / wall sign
and photographies
150 x 90 cm
Courtesy the artist
Alfred Boman
Bat-pit, 2014
Acryl, Sprühfarbe, Emaille-Lack,
Emulsion, Klebstoff auf Leinen, Eisen,
Bewehrungsstab / acrylic paint, spraypaint, enamel-varnish, emulsion, glue
on linen, iron, rebar
290 x 220 cm
Courtesy Johan Berggren Gallery; the
Larger world/ Merchant hag, 2014
Acryl, Sprühfarbe, Emaille-Lack,
Emulsion, Klebstoff auf Leinen / acrylic
paint, spray-paint, enamel-varnish,
emulsion, glue on linen
300 x 190 cm
Courtesy Johan Berggren Gallery; the
Andrew de Freitas
Underbelly, 2014
Videoinstallation, HD-Video
29:07 min
Handgefertigter Eichenboden,
Papprollen, Eichentotem, Zement,
Barometer / handworked oak flooring,
cardboard tubes, oak totem, cement,
Courtesy the artist
The Bends, 2014
HD-Video, Virtual Reality-Experience
(in Kollaboration mit / in collaboration
with Samuel Walker)
40 min
Oculus Rift, gebogener Stahl, Kette/
oculus rift, bent steel, chain
Courtesy the artist
Gunter Deller
Landungen und periphere Ziele, 2015
Videotryptichon / video triptych
11:10 min
Courtesy the artist
untitled, 2014
Acryllack auf Leinwand / lacquer on
200 x 140 cm
Courtesy the artist
untitled, 2014
Acryllack auf Leinwand / lacquer on
200 x 140 cm
Courtesy the artist
untitled, 2015
Acryllack auf Leinwand / lacquer on
200 x 140 cm
Courtesy the artist
Christiane Feser
Falten 10, 2008
Fotografie / photography
140 x 230 cm
Courtesy DZ BANK
Lamellen 3, 2014
Fotografie / photography
100 x 145 x 3 cm
Courtesy Morris Weiner
Dorothee Diebold
untitled, 2014
Acryllack auf Leinwand / lacquer on
200 x 140 cm
Courtesy the artist
untitled, 2014
Acryllack auf Leinwand / lacquer on
200 x 140 cm
Courtesy the artist
Lamellen 4, 2014
Fotografie / photography
100 x 145 x 3 cm
Courtesy Privatsammlung
Modell Konstrukt 90, 2013
Fotografie / photography
70 x 50 x 4 cm
Courtesy Galerie Anita Beckers,
Frankfurt am Main; the artist
Genoveva Filipovic
Curatorial Studies, 2015
Courtesy the artist
Simon Fujiwara
The Mirror Stage, 2009/12
Installation, Video
Courtesy the artist
Özlem Günyol & Mustafa Kunt
BTO - 22, 2013
Nato-Draht, Holz, Inkjet Druck auf
Fotokarton, Kopfhörer, Musik / razor
wire, wood, ink-jet print, headphones,
60 x 65 x 140 cm / 00:28 min
Courtesy the artists
BTO - 28, 2013
Nato-Draht, Holz, Inkjet Druck auf
Fotokarton, Kopfhörer, Musik / razor
wire, wood, ink-jet print, headphones,
60 x 65 x 140 cm / 00:34 min
Courtesy the artists
CBT - 65, 2013
Nato-Draht, Holz, Inkjet Druck auf
Fotokarton, Kopfhörer, Musik / razor
wire, wood, ink-jet print, headphones,
60 x 65 x 140 cm / 1:27 min
Courtesy the artists
Courtesy Galerie Heike Strelow; the
Anne Imhof
Rage, 2015
HD-Video, 60 min
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von /
with the friendly support of Carré d'Art,
Musée Contemporain de Nimes
Courtesy Deborah Schamoni; the artist
Untitled, 2014
Ölpastell auf Papier/ oil pastel on
gerahmt / framed 50 x 40 cm
Courtesy Deborah Schamoni; the artist
Untitled, 2014
Ölpastell auf Papier/ oil pastel on
gerahmt / framed 40 x 50 cm
Courtesy Deborah Schamoni; the artist
Vytautas Jurevicius
No Man is an Island, 2015
Installation, Performance
Courtesy the artist
Romuald Karmakar
Filmprogramm in der Caligari
FilmBühne, Wiesbaden / Film
programme in the Caligari FilmBühne
Johanna Kintner
Florian Haas
Frankfurter Totentanz, 2015
Tapete / wallpaper
12,70 x 4,65 m
Sinij, 2015
Tintestrahldruck auf Papier, AluDibond / inkjet-print on paper, aludibond
417,44 x 250 cm
Courtesy the artist
Michel Klöfkorn
n.n., 2009
Kurzfilm / short film
9 min
Courtesy Galerie Kai Middendorff,
Frankfurt am Main; the artist
n.n., 2014
Papier / paper
Courtesy Galerie Kai Middendorff,
Frankfurt am Main; the artist
x-xx-x gewobenes papier, 2014
Kurzfilm / short film
6 min
Courtesy Galerie Kai Middendorff,
Frankfurt am Main; the artist
Daniela Kneip Velescu
Pillow Problems # 3-7, 2014/2015
Aus der Serie/ from the series
Pairs of Pants
Zeichnung, Graphit und Acryllack auf
Spiegel / graphite and acrylic varnish
on mirror
100 x 120 x 0,4 cm
Courtesy the artist
Sandra Kranich
Flashforward 1, 2012
Aluminium, Feuerwerkskörper, Ruß,
elektrische Kabel / aluminum, firework
material, soot, electric cable
144,5 x 109 x 6 cm
Courtesy Philipp Pflug Contemporary,
Frankfurt am Main; the artist
Flashforward 2, 2012
Aluminium, Feuerwerkskörper, Ruß,
elektrische Kabel / aluminum, firework
material, soot, electric cable
144,5 x 109 x 6 cm
Courtesy Philipp Pflug Contemporary,
Frankfurt am Main; the artist
Kristallo (Charlotte Simon, Jonathan
Penca und Zink Tonsur)
Warum es ein Außen braucht, 2014
Performance, Holz, Draht, Gips,
Acrylfarbe, Audio und Video /
performance, wood, wire, plaster,
acrylic, audio and video
20 min
Courtesy the artists
Liebl & Schmid-Pfähler (Carolin
Liebl und Nikolas Schmid Pfähler)
Vincent und Emily, 2012
Kamera, Motoren, Arduino, Raspberry
Pi / camera, engines, Arduino,
Raspberry Pi
Courtesy the artists
Es, 2014
Kinetische Skulptur, Rauminstallation/
kinetic Sculpture, spatial installation
Elektromagnetische Spulen,
Permanentmagnete, Bleiakkus /
electromagnetic inductor, permanent
magnets, plummet battery
Courtesy the artists
Pia Linz
Central Park, 2011
Bleistift auf Papier / pencil on paper
180 x 127 cm
Leihgabe der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland – Sammlung
Zeitgenössische Kunst
Environment, mixed media
Courtesy the artist
Körnerpark, 2013
Bleistift und Buntstift auf Papier / pencil
and colour pencil on paper
134 x 102 cm
Courtesy Galerie Fahnemann; the
Pennacchio Argentato
Komplette Namen!
Gehäusegravur: FORUM Mülheim,
Gravur auf Acrylglas, mit
Tiefdruckfarbe / engraving on acrylic
glass, intaglio print colour
1322 x 100 x 100 cm
Courtesy Galerie Fahnemann; the
Emilia Neumann
Qualja I, 2014
Pigment, Gips, Stahl,
Armierungsgewebe / pigment, plaster,
steel, reinforcement fabric
120 x 80 x 65 cm
Courtesy the artist
Qualja II, 2014
Pigment, Gips, Stahl,
Armierungsgewebe / pigment, plaster,
steel, reinforcement fabric
140 x 25 x 14 cm
Courtesy the artist
Taxon, 2015
Pigment, Gips, / pigment, plaster,
104x 25 x14
Courtesy the artist
Ben Patterson
Ben's Bar. Why People Attend Bars:
To Be Seen, To Be Heard, To Be
There, 1990/2007
Digitale Projektion / digital projection
Courtesy T293 Gallery, Rome; the
LEG#1, 2013
Carbon-Kevlar, Harz / carbon-kevlar,
42 x 17 cm
Courtesy T293 Gallery, Rome; the
ARM#2, 2013
Carbon-Kevlar, Harz / carbon-kevlar,
54 x 10 cm
Courtesy T293 Gallery, Rome; the
ARM#3, 2013
Carbon-Kevlar, Harz / carbon-kevlar,
54 x 10 cm
Courtesy T293 Gallery, Rome; the
FEET#1, 2013
Carbon-Kevlar, Harz / carbon-kevlar,
42 x 29 cm
Courtesy T293 Gallery, Rome; the
CHEST#1, 2013
Carbon-Kevlar, Harz / carbon-kevlar,
51 x 41 cm
Courtesy T293 Gallery, Rome; the
prints, animal skulls, folding screen,
Courtesy the artist
Att Poomtangon
The devil is in the details (The Land of
Nod), 2012
Zeichnung und Acryl auf gepressten
Pappkartons, Pappmaché / drawing
and acrylic paint on pressed cardboard
boxes, papier-mâché
40 Teile, Maße variable / dimensions
Courtesy the artist
Helena Schlichting
Wandschirm mit Fenster, 2014/2015
Eichenholz, Vorhangstoff,
Eisenblaudruck (Cyanotypie) / oak
wood, curtain material, cyanotype
2,10 m x variabel
Courtesy the artist
Abdruck #2, 2014/2015
Frottagen und Fotogramme auf
Barytpapier / frottage and
photogramme on Barytpaper
25 x 30 cm
Courtesy the artist
Gespenster, 2015
Vorhang #4, #5, #6
Vorhänge, Träger von metallischem
Silber, lichtdichte Kiste / curtains,
metallic silver carriers / light-proof box
2,05 x 1,90 m
Courtesy the artist
Bernhard Schreiner
Reciprocal Exchange, 2014
Toy Piano, Klavier, Audio-Player,
aktive Lautsprecher / toy piano, upright
piano, audio-players, active speakers
Aufnahmen von / recordings of John
Cage, »Suite for Toy Piano« und / and
La Monte Young, »∞ (for Henry Flynt)«
Zwei Pigment-Drucke (UltraChrome
K3) auf Papier / two pigment-prints on
paper (42 °— 59 cm): »Toy Piano
(Reciprocal Exchange)« und / and
»Ben's Piano (Reciprocal Exchange)«
Courtesy the artist
Low (drones), 2015
Cyanotypie und paint marker auf
Papier / cyanotype and paint marker
on paper
Courtesy Kai Middendorf Galerie,
Frankfurt am Main; the artist
Midband / high accent (clouds), 2015
Cyanotypie und paint marker auf
Papier / cyanotype and paint marker
on paper
Courtesy Kai Middendorf Galerie,
Frankfurt am Main; the artist
High (sharps) 2015, Cyanotypie und
paint marker auf Papier / cyanotype
and paint marker on paper
Courtesy Kai Middendorf Galerie,
Frankfurt am Main; the artist
Helga Schmidhuber
Jessica Sehrt
Does Vodoo work? II, 2015
Installation, Malerei, Drucke, Paravent,
Tierköpfe, Ton / installation, painting,
Imperial Ritual (Imperialistisches
Ritual), 2013
Foto-/ Papiercollage, EpoxidharzObjekt, Spiegelfliese / photo and paper
collage, epoxy resin, tile with a
mirrored surface
140 x 100 x 50 cm
Courtesy the artist
Marthas Poesiealbum, 2015
Video, 9:15 min
Courtesy the artist
Leidenschaftliche Effizienz, 2013
Papiercollage, Büroklammern / paper
collage, paperclips
40 x 38 cm
Courtesy the artist
MARTIN (Tutorial)
MARTIN (Table)
14:50 Min
MARTIN (Reproduction)
Gouache auf Siebdruck / gouache on
silk screen
Ca./ approx. A2
MARTIN (Deconstruction)
5-Kanal Soundinstallation / 5-Channel
29:40 min
Simon Speiser
In the Eye of the Timber, 2015
Glasfaser, Epoxidharz, Sprühfarbe,
Finnpappe, Wasser, Lack, Pumpe /
fibreglass, epoxy resin, spray- paint,
cardboard, water, lacquer, pump
200 x 200 x 50 cm
Courtesy the artist
Lucie Stahl
Trashcan 1-14, 2012-2013
Collagierte Papierkörbe, Kerzen /
collage on trashcans, candles
Courtesy Galerie Meyer Kainer, Wien;
the artist
Offer, 2014
Inkjet Print, Aluminium, Polyurethan,
Chipsdose / inkjet print, aluminium,
polyurethan, chips can
120 x 167 cm
Courtesy Galerie Meyer Kainer, Wien;
the artist
Stefan Stark
Beate, 2015
Maße variabel / dimensions variable
Courtesy the artist
Jol Thomson
Titan (a dark kairological framework),
Schwarzes Glas, Graphit, Holz,
Schiefer / black glass, graphite, wood,
250 x 180 x 25 cm
Courtesy the artist
The Shadows (I-VI), 2015
42 x 59 cm
Courtesy the artist
Tracer (Thomas Bayrle, Martin
Feldbauer, Daniel Kohl, Harald
Fats Domino / Banned tracks, 2015
42 x 59 cm
Courtesy the artists
Raphaela Vogel
Jonas Weichsel
mogst mi du ned, mog i di, 2015
Installation mit / with video, 6:25 min
Chromstangen, Folie / chrome bars,
Maße variabel / dimensions variable
Courtesy the artist
Tilted Screens, 2015
Wandarbeit, Siebdruck auf Papier /
wall mounting, screenprint on paper
12-teilig / 12 pieces
Courtesy the artist
Sofi Żezmer
Markus Walenzyk
Periphery LS1, 2014/15
Metall, Kunststoff, Lackfarbe / metal,
plastic, enamel
150 x 170 x 145 cm
Courtesy Gallery Ron Lang Art,
Amsterdam; the artist
Moment to Monument, 2015
HD-Video, 8 min
Courtesy the artist
Surfaces, 2013
HD Video, 29:47 min
Courtesy the artist
Time Bubble Warp LS1, 2014/15
Glas, Kunststoff / glass, plastic
173,5 x 63,5 x 30 cm
Courtesy Gallery Ron Lang Art,
Amsterdam; the artist
Eleven Surfaces Green, 2013
Klebefolie / adhesive foil
28 x 28 x 33 cm
Courtesy the artist
Ten Surfaces Black Marmor, 2013
Klebefolie / adhesive foil
28 x 28 x 33 cm
Courtesy the artist
Ten Surfaces Silver, 2013
Klebefolie / adhesive foil
28 x 28 x 33 cm
Courtesy the artist
Julia Wittwer (Leitung PR)
Frankfurter Kunstverein,
Markt 44
60311 Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: +49.69.219314-30,
E-Mail: [email protected]
Merging of Interests LS1, 2014/15
Glas, Metall, Kunststoffe, Motor / glass,
metal, plastic, engine
20 x 20 x 15 cm
Courtesy Gallery Ron Lang Art,
Amsterdam; the artist
Vanishing Point, 2014
verschiedene Materialien auf Papier /
mixed media on paper
82,5 cm x 50 cm
Courtesy Gallery Ron Lang Art,
Amsterdam; the artist
Evelyn König (Assistenz)
Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden
Wilhelm Str. 15
65185 Wiesbaden
Tel.: + 49.611.301136
E-Mail: [email protected]