Werkliste zur Ausstellung / List of Works of the Exhibtion New Frankfurt Internationals: Solid Signs 23. Januar – 26. April 2015 Europa, 2011 Fotografien-Pigmentdrucke / Lambdaprints / photographs-carbon prints / lambdaprints 4-teilig / 4 parts, jeweils / each 100 x 100 cm Courtesy the artist Florian Albrecht-Schoeck Bianca Baldi Aus der Serie / from the series Human Kapital, 2013/2014 Fotografien-Pigmentdrucke / Lambdaprints / photographs-carbon prints / lambdaprints 4 Stück/ 4 pieces 100 x 100 cm Courtesy the artist Prologue to Livro de Todo o Universo, 2015 Videoinstallation / video installation, 1:40 min (looped) HD-Video, Farbe, Ton, Inkjet-Print / HD video, colour, sound, inkjet print Courtesy the artist Aus der Serie / from the series Heimat, 2008–2010 Fotografien-Pigmentdrucke / Lambdaprints / photographs-carbon prints / lambdaprints 20 Stück / 20 pieces 60 x 60 cm Courtesy the artist Khaled Barakeh Aus der Serie / from the series Vaterland, 2013 Fotografien-Pigmentdrucke / Lambdaprints / photographs-carbon prints / lambdaprints 17 Stück/ 17 pieces 40 x 50 cm Courtesy the artist Regarding the Pain of Others, 2013 Holz einer Bahre / Wood of a funeral bier Größe variabel / dimensions variable Courtesy the artist Damascus 15 Feb 2012 19:47:31, 2013 Druck auf Platte, C-Prints / direct print on a plate and C-prints 5 Stück / 5 pieces 134 x 241 cm Courtesy the artist untitled, 2015 Foto, Laser Druck / photo, laser prints 5 Stück / 5 pieces 21 x 29,7 cm Courtesy the artist Valentin Beinroth Pedetentim, 2009 Blattgold auf graviertem Acrylglas / gold leaf on engraved acrylic glass 73,5 x 536 x 2,3 cm Courtesy the artist Jagoda Bednarsky Eye Candy, 2014 Öl, Sprühlack und C-Print auf Jeansstoff / oil, spray-paint and c-print on denim 65 x 49 cm Courtesy Philipp Pflug Contemporary, Frankfurt am Main; the artist Penchant for Bingo, 2013 Öl auf Leinwand / oil on canvas 160 x 120 cm Courtesy Privatsammlung in Deutschland While events were unfolding, 2014 Öl, Acryl, Buntstift und Farbdruck auf Leinwand / oil, acrylic paint, coloured pencil and c-print on canvas 130 x 95 cm Courtesy Privatsammlung in Deutschland Into outside over there, 2014 Öl und Acryl auf Leinwand / oil, acrylic paint on canvas 155 x 125 cm Courtesy Privatsammlung in Deutschland NAVI, 2014 Öl und Acryl auf Leinwand / oil and acrylic paint on canvas 53 x 39 cm Courtesy Philipp Pflug Contemporary, Frankfurt am Main; the artist HI-Cubit, 2010 Holz, Glas, Stahl, Messing, Gold, Silber, Marmor, Knochen / wood, glass, steel, brass, gold, silver, marble, bone 131 x 134 x 22,5 cm Courtesy the artist GSAE- General Survey Antipodes Expedition, Nov. 2014–Feb. 2015 Schautafel und Fotografien / wall sign and photographies 150 x 90 cm Courtesy the artist Alfred Boman Bat-pit, 2014 Acryl, Sprühfarbe, Emaille-Lack, Emulsion, Klebstoff auf Leinen, Eisen, Bewehrungsstab / acrylic paint, spraypaint, enamel-varnish, emulsion, glue on linen, iron, rebar 290 x 220 cm Courtesy Johan Berggren Gallery; the artist Larger world/ Merchant hag, 2014 Acryl, Sprühfarbe, Emaille-Lack, Emulsion, Klebstoff auf Leinen / acrylic paint, spray-paint, enamel-varnish, emulsion, glue on linen 300 x 190 cm Courtesy Johan Berggren Gallery; the artist 2 Andrew de Freitas Underbelly, 2014 Videoinstallation, HD-Video 29:07 min Handgefertigter Eichenboden, Papprollen, Eichentotem, Zement, Barometer / handworked oak flooring, cardboard tubes, oak totem, cement, barometer Courtesy the artist The Bends, 2014 HD-Video, Virtual Reality-Experience (in Kollaboration mit / in collaboration with Samuel Walker) 40 min Oculus Rift, gebogener Stahl, Kette/ oculus rift, bent steel, chain Courtesy the artist Gunter Deller Landungen und periphere Ziele, 2015 Videotryptichon / video triptych 11:10 min Courtesy the artist untitled, 2014 Acryllack auf Leinwand / lacquer on canvas 200 x 140 cm Courtesy the artist untitled, 2014 Acryllack auf Leinwand / lacquer on canvas 200 x 140 cm Courtesy the artist untitled, 2015 Acryllack auf Leinwand / lacquer on canvas 200 x 140 cm Courtesy the artist Christiane Feser Falten 10, 2008 Fotografie / photography 140 x 230 cm Courtesy DZ BANK [KUNSTSAMMLUNG] Lamellen 3, 2014 Fotografie / photography 100 x 145 x 3 cm Courtesy Morris Weiner Dorothee Diebold untitled, 2014 Acryllack auf Leinwand / lacquer on canvas 200 x 140 cm Courtesy the artist untitled, 2014 Acryllack auf Leinwand / lacquer on canvas 200 x 140 cm Courtesy the artist Lamellen 4, 2014 Fotografie / photography 100 x 145 x 3 cm Courtesy Privatsammlung Kaiserslautern Modell Konstrukt 90, 2013 Fotografie / photography 70 x 50 x 4 cm Courtesy Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt am Main; the artist 3 Genoveva Filipovic Curatorial Studies, 2015 Installation Courtesy the artist Simon Fujiwara The Mirror Stage, 2009/12 Installation, Video 27:41min Courtesy the artist Özlem Günyol & Mustafa Kunt BTO - 22, 2013 Nato-Draht, Holz, Inkjet Druck auf Fotokarton, Kopfhörer, Musik / razor wire, wood, ink-jet print, headphones, music 60 x 65 x 140 cm / 00:28 min Courtesy the artists BTO - 28, 2013 Nato-Draht, Holz, Inkjet Druck auf Fotokarton, Kopfhörer, Musik / razor wire, wood, ink-jet print, headphones, music 60 x 65 x 140 cm / 00:34 min Courtesy the artists CBT - 65, 2013 Nato-Draht, Holz, Inkjet Druck auf Fotokarton, Kopfhörer, Musik / razor wire, wood, ink-jet print, headphones, music 60 x 65 x 140 cm / 1:27 min Courtesy the artists Courtesy Galerie Heike Strelow; the artist Anne Imhof Rage, 2015 HD-Video, 60 min Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von / with the friendly support of Carré d'Art, Musée Contemporain de Nimes Courtesy Deborah Schamoni; the artist Untitled, 2014 Ölpastell auf Papier/ oil pastel on paper gerahmt / framed 50 x 40 cm Courtesy Deborah Schamoni; the artist Untitled, 2014 Ölpastell auf Papier/ oil pastel on paper gerahmt / framed 40 x 50 cm Courtesy Deborah Schamoni; the artist Vytautas Jurevicius No Man is an Island, 2015 Installation, Performance Courtesy the artist Romuald Karmakar Filmprogramm in der Caligari FilmBühne, Wiesbaden / Film programme in the Caligari FilmBühne Wiesbaden Johanna Kintner Florian Haas Frankfurter Totentanz, 2015 Tapete / wallpaper 12,70 x 4,65 m Sinij, 2015 Tintestrahldruck auf Papier, AluDibond / inkjet-print on paper, aludibond 4 417,44 x 250 cm Courtesy the artist Michel Klöfkorn n.n., 2009 Kurzfilm / short film 9 min Courtesy Galerie Kai Middendorff, Frankfurt am Main; the artist n.n., 2014 Papier / paper Courtesy Galerie Kai Middendorff, Frankfurt am Main; the artist x-xx-x gewobenes papier, 2014 Kurzfilm / short film 6 min Courtesy Galerie Kai Middendorff, Frankfurt am Main; the artist Daniela Kneip Velescu Pillow Problems # 3-7, 2014/2015 Aus der Serie/ from the series Pairs of Pants Zeichnung, Graphit und Acryllack auf Spiegel / graphite and acrylic varnish on mirror 100 x 120 x 0,4 cm Courtesy the artist Sandra Kranich Flashforward 1, 2012 Aluminium, Feuerwerkskörper, Ruß, elektrische Kabel / aluminum, firework material, soot, electric cable 144,5 x 109 x 6 cm Courtesy Philipp Pflug Contemporary, Frankfurt am Main; the artist Flashforward 2, 2012 Aluminium, Feuerwerkskörper, Ruß, elektrische Kabel / aluminum, firework material, soot, electric cable 144,5 x 109 x 6 cm Courtesy Philipp Pflug Contemporary, Frankfurt am Main; the artist Kristallo (Charlotte Simon, Jonathan Penca und Zink Tonsur) Warum es ein Außen braucht, 2014 Performance, Holz, Draht, Gips, Acrylfarbe, Audio und Video / performance, wood, wire, plaster, acrylic, audio and video 20 min Courtesy the artists Liebl & Schmid-Pfähler (Carolin Liebl und Nikolas Schmid Pfähler) Vincent und Emily, 2012 Kamera, Motoren, Arduino, Raspberry Pi / camera, engines, Arduino, Raspberry Pi Courtesy the artists Es, 2014 Kinetische Skulptur, Rauminstallation/ kinetic Sculpture, spatial installation Elektromagnetische Spulen, Permanentmagnete, Bleiakkus / electromagnetic inductor, permanent magnets, plummet battery Courtesy the artists Pia Linz Central Park, 2011 Bleistift auf Papier / pencil on paper 180 x 127 cm 5 Leihgabe der Bundesrepublik Deutschland – Sammlung Zeitgenössische Kunst Environment, mixed media Courtesy the artist Körnerpark, 2013 Bleistift und Buntstift auf Papier / pencil and colour pencil on paper 134 x 102 cm Courtesy Galerie Fahnemann; the artist Pennacchio Argentato Komplette Namen! Gehäusegravur: FORUM Mülheim, 2013 Gravur auf Acrylglas, mit Tiefdruckfarbe / engraving on acrylic glass, intaglio print colour 1322 x 100 x 100 cm Courtesy Galerie Fahnemann; the artist Emilia Neumann Qualja I, 2014 Pigment, Gips, Stahl, Armierungsgewebe / pigment, plaster, steel, reinforcement fabric 120 x 80 x 65 cm Courtesy the artist Qualja II, 2014 Pigment, Gips, Stahl, Armierungsgewebe / pigment, plaster, steel, reinforcement fabric 140 x 25 x 14 cm Courtesy the artist Taxon, 2015 Pigment, Gips, / pigment, plaster, 104x 25 x14 Courtesy the artist Ben Patterson Ben's Bar. Why People Attend Bars: To Be Seen, To Be Heard, To Be There, 1990/2007 YOU WILL NEVER BE SAFE, 2013 Digitale Projektion / digital projection Courtesy T293 Gallery, Rome; the artists LEG#1, 2013 Carbon-Kevlar, Harz / carbon-kevlar, resin 42 x 17 cm Courtesy T293 Gallery, Rome; the artists ARM#2, 2013 Carbon-Kevlar, Harz / carbon-kevlar, resin 54 x 10 cm Courtesy T293 Gallery, Rome; the artists ARM#3, 2013 Carbon-Kevlar, Harz / carbon-kevlar, resin 54 x 10 cm Courtesy T293 Gallery, Rome; the artists FEET#1, 2013 Carbon-Kevlar, Harz / carbon-kevlar, resin 42 x 29 cm Courtesy T293 Gallery, Rome; the artists CHEST#1, 2013 Carbon-Kevlar, Harz / carbon-kevlar, resin 51 x 41 cm 6 Courtesy T293 Gallery, Rome; the artists prints, animal skulls, folding screen, sound Courtesy the artist Att Poomtangon The devil is in the details (The Land of Nod), 2012 Zeichnung und Acryl auf gepressten Pappkartons, Pappmaché / drawing and acrylic paint on pressed cardboard boxes, papier-mâché 40 Teile, Maße variable / dimensions variable Courtesy the artist Helena Schlichting Wandschirm mit Fenster, 2014/2015 Eichenholz, Vorhangstoff, Eisenblaudruck (Cyanotypie) / oak wood, curtain material, cyanotype 2,10 m x variabel Courtesy the artist Abdruck #2, 2014/2015 Frottagen und Fotogramme auf Barytpapier / frottage and photogramme on Barytpaper 25 x 30 cm Courtesy the artist Gespenster, 2015 Vorhang #4, #5, #6 Vorhänge, Träger von metallischem Silber, lichtdichte Kiste / curtains, metallic silver carriers / light-proof box 2,05 x 1,90 m Courtesy the artist Bernhard Schreiner Reciprocal Exchange, 2014 Toy Piano, Klavier, Audio-Player, aktive Lautsprecher / toy piano, upright piano, audio-players, active speakers Aufnahmen von / recordings of John Cage, »Suite for Toy Piano« und / and La Monte Young, »∞ (for Henry Flynt)« Zwei Pigment-Drucke (UltraChrome K3) auf Papier / two pigment-prints on paper (42 °— 59 cm): »Toy Piano (Reciprocal Exchange)« und / and »Ben's Piano (Reciprocal Exchange)« Courtesy the artist Low (drones), 2015 Cyanotypie und paint marker auf Papier / cyanotype and paint marker on paper Courtesy Kai Middendorf Galerie, Frankfurt am Main; the artist Midband / high accent (clouds), 2015 Cyanotypie und paint marker auf Papier / cyanotype and paint marker on paper Courtesy Kai Middendorf Galerie, Frankfurt am Main; the artist High (sharps) 2015, Cyanotypie und paint marker auf Papier / cyanotype and paint marker on paper Courtesy Kai Middendorf Galerie, Frankfurt am Main; the artist Helga Schmidhuber Jessica Sehrt Does Vodoo work? II, 2015 Installation, Malerei, Drucke, Paravent, Tierköpfe, Ton / installation, painting, Imperial Ritual (Imperialistisches Ritual), 2013 7 Foto-/ Papiercollage, EpoxidharzObjekt, Spiegelfliese / photo and paper collage, epoxy resin, tile with a mirrored surface 140 x 100 x 50 cm Courtesy the artist Marthas Poesiealbum, 2015 Video, 9:15 min Courtesy the artist Leidenschaftliche Effizienz, 2013 Papiercollage, Büroklammern / paper collage, paperclips 40 x 38 cm Courtesy the artist MARTIN (Tutorial) (Loop) MARTIN (Table) 14:50 Min MARTIN (Reproduction) Gouache auf Siebdruck / gouache on silk screen Ca./ approx. A2 MARTIN (Deconstruction) 5-Kanal Soundinstallation / 5-Channel Soundinstallation 29:40 min Simon Speiser In the Eye of the Timber, 2015 Glasfaser, Epoxidharz, Sprühfarbe, Finnpappe, Wasser, Lack, Pumpe / fibreglass, epoxy resin, spray- paint, cardboard, water, lacquer, pump 200 x 200 x 50 cm Courtesy the artist Lucie Stahl Trashcan 1-14, 2012-2013 Collagierte Papierkörbe, Kerzen / collage on trashcans, candles Courtesy Galerie Meyer Kainer, Wien; the artist Offer, 2014 Inkjet Print, Aluminium, Polyurethan, Chipsdose / inkjet print, aluminium, polyurethan, chips can 120 x 167 cm Courtesy Galerie Meyer Kainer, Wien; the artist Stefan Stark Beate, 2015 Installation Maße variabel / dimensions variable Courtesy the artist Jol Thomson Titan (a dark kairological framework), 2014 Schwarzes Glas, Graphit, Holz, Schiefer / black glass, graphite, wood, slate 250 x 180 x 25 cm Courtesy the artist The Shadows (I-VI), 2015 UV-Print 42 x 59 cm Courtesy the artist Tracer (Thomas Bayrle, Martin Feldbauer, Daniel Kohl, Harald Pridgar) Fats Domino / Banned tracks, 2015 UV-Print 42 x 59 cm Courtesy the artists 8 Raphaela Vogel Jonas Weichsel mogst mi du ned, mog i di, 2015 Installation mit / with video, 6:25 min Chromstangen, Folie / chrome bars, foil Maße variabel / dimensions variable Courtesy the artist Tilted Screens, 2015 Wandarbeit, Siebdruck auf Papier / wall mounting, screenprint on paper 12-teilig / 12 pieces Courtesy the artist Sofi Żezmer Markus Walenzyk Periphery LS1, 2014/15 Metall, Kunststoff, Lackfarbe / metal, plastic, enamel 150 x 170 x 145 cm Courtesy Gallery Ron Lang Art, Amsterdam; the artist Moment to Monument, 2015 HD-Video, 8 min Courtesy the artist Surfaces, 2013 HD Video, 29:47 min Courtesy the artist Time Bubble Warp LS1, 2014/15 Glas, Kunststoff / glass, plastic 173,5 x 63,5 x 30 cm Courtesy Gallery Ron Lang Art, Amsterdam; the artist Eleven Surfaces Green, 2013 Klebefolie / adhesive foil 28 x 28 x 33 cm Courtesy the artist Ten Surfaces Black Marmor, 2013 Klebefolie / adhesive foil 28 x 28 x 33 cm Courtesy the artist Ten Surfaces Silver, 2013 Klebefolie / adhesive foil 28 x 28 x 33 cm Courtesy the artist PRESSEKONTAKTE: Julia Wittwer (Leitung PR) Frankfurter Kunstverein, Markt 44 60311 Frankfurt am Main Tel.: +49.69.219314-30, E-Mail: [email protected] www.fkv.de Merging of Interests LS1, 2014/15 Glas, Metall, Kunststoffe, Motor / glass, metal, plastic, engine 20 x 20 x 15 cm Courtesy Gallery Ron Lang Art, Amsterdam; the artist Vanishing Point, 2014 verschiedene Materialien auf Papier / mixed media on paper 82,5 cm x 50 cm Courtesy Gallery Ron Lang Art, Amsterdam; the artist Evelyn König (Assistenz) Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden Wilhelm Str. 15 65185 Wiesbaden Tel.: + 49.611.301136 E-Mail: [email protected] www.kunstverein-wiesbaden.de 9
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