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Agriculture & Natural Resources Extension
2014 Fall WVU Extension Service
Natural Gas Education Programs
For more information contact:
Georgette Plaugher
WVU Extension Service
Program Coordinator
Agriculture & Natural Resources
(304) 329-1391
[email protected]
6 p.m.
Understanding Renegotiation and
Renewal of Natural Gas Leases
Eric Gordon of Berry, Kessler, Crutchfield,
Taylor and Gordon, Attorneys at Law
7 p.m.
Question & Answer Session
For more information about the program, contact
Georgette Plaugher at 304-329-1391. For questions
regarding the location, please contact the WVU Extension Agent listed.
Contact Information
(WVU Extension Agents)
6 p.m.
WVU Upshur County Extension Office
91 West Main St., Suite B
Buckhannon, WV
Craig Presar, WVU Extension
Agent-Upshur County
6 p.m.
WVU Preston County Extension Office
115 West Court Street
Kingwood, WV
1. Upshur County Extension Office
From I-79:
Take Exit 99 to US Rt. 33 East towards Buckhannon. Drive approximately 12 miles past Toyota
to the “County Rd 12/Main St.” exit. Turn right at the bottom of the ramp. After a long bend in the
road, brick building marked “Professional Plaza” is on left. Parking is in the rear of this building.
East from Elkins:
Travel west on Route 33 to Buckhannon-Philippi Exit (Rt. 20). Turn left at bottom of ramp onto
Rt. 20 South. Turn right at second stoplight onto W. Main Street. Extension Office is located on
right side of road and is marked “Profesional Plaza”. Driveway is partially hidden on other side of
hedgerow. Parking in back.
2. Preston County Extension Office
Travel Route 7 East or West to Kingwood. At the Circle K gas station, turn south onto Tunnelton
Street. Take the first left onto West Court Street. The Extension Office is in the first building on
the right (exterior is brown brick and white siding). Parking is in front of the building and in the
Courthouse lot on the left diagonally across from the Extension Office.
In Association With:
West Virginia University Extension Service
Eric Gordon of Berry, Kessler, Crutchfield, Taylor and Gordon, Attorneys at Law
This program is for educational purposes only. No part of this presentation is to be considered legal advice. Please
consult with your attorney before signing any legal document. Where trade and/or company names appear, no
discrimination is intended, and no endorsement by WVU Extension is implied.
Programs and activities offered by the West Virginia University Extension Service are available to all persons without regard to race,
color, sex, disability, religion, age, veteran status, political beliefs, sexual orientation, national origin, and marital or family status.
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of
Agriculture. Director, Cooperative Extension Service, West Virginia University.
Oct 2014