GOARD WAY INFRASTRUCTURE RENEWAL PROJECT SEPTEMBER 2014 INTRODUCTION DESIGN CRITERIA Goard Way houses significant underground utilities that service the southern half of the Burnaby Campus. BC Hydro feeder lines run from Willingdon Avenue to the existing receiving station located on the south side of Goard Way, adjacent to Building SE2. Both the feeder lines and the receiving station are approximately 50 years old and have reached the end of serviceable life. The replacement receiving station will be located on Goard Way in Parking Lot B. This design option will address the following design criteria identified in the condition assessment report: GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The primary objective for this project is to replace the main BC Hydro feeder, receiving station, and substation. The secondary objective for this project is renewal of end of serviceable life storm and water services running under Goard Way, parallel with the electrical services. A Utility Condition Assessment and Risk Report in 2012 concluded that the renewal of the BC Hydro feeder under Goard Way should be the highest priority utility project for the Institute. The assessment confirms that the High Voltage Receiving Station is at the end of its useful life and would be a major issue for the entire southern half of the Burnaby Campus if the electrical system were to experience a service failure. • • • • • • Support the long term vision of distributing on the campus perimeter. Provide flexibility for future expansion of substation distribution connectivity in a grid pattern. Support the long term vision of providing back-up service redundancy. Support immediate and long term business continuity by mitigating service failure risk. Provide flexibility for future district energy connectivity. Support the development of enhanced streetscape amenity in central campus along Goard Way. BUDGET The total project cost is estimated at $11.0 million. On April 16th 2014, the Ministry of Advance Education approved $6,390,000 of Major Maintenance and Rehabilitation capital funding to support this BCIT initiative for this year. This fall, BCIT will be requesting the required remaining funds for the outstanding balance. GOARD WAY (CURRENT STREETSCAPE) FACILITIES AND CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT Blue Green + design studio 2601-2020 Haro Street Vancouver BC V6G 1J3 604.353.6442 GOARD WAY INFRASTRUCTURE RENEWAL PROJECT SEPTEMBER 2014 REPLACEMENT HYDRO STATION WEST ELEVATION FUTURE STAIR TO FUTURE LEVEL 2 C FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION TH MECH 102 TRENCH WITH REMOVABLE CHECKER PLATE COVER HYDRO RECEIVING STATION 104 9610 1200 COMM BATT INSUL LADDER B 101 GREEN WALL . 103 GOARD WAY FUTURE STAIR TO FUTURE LEVEL 2 NORTH ELEVATION FACILITIES AND CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT Green Wall Observation Windows Plaza Sustainable, Post-Disaster Design A FLOOR PLAN Blue Green + design studio 2601-2020 Haro Street GOARD WAY INFRASTRUCTURE RENEWAL PROJECT SEPTEMBER 2014 E XI S T I N G H YDR O S TAT I ON R E P L AC E ME N T H YDR O S TAT I ON CONTEXT CAREY AVE. WAYBURNE DR. NEW RECEIVING STATION LIVING LAB • Inviting plaza along Goard Way and windows on north and west façade provide view to inside of receiving station, allowing students to observe the equipment and technology encouraging observation SUSTAINABILITY • High reflective light coloured roofing membrane and green roof reduce solar heat gain GOARD WAY CANADA WAY EXISTING RECEIVING STATION • Recessed, under canopy lighting and shielded light fixtures avoid uncontrolled up-lighting • Concrete canopy creates solar shading and weather protection for people observing the equipment and technology POST DISASTER • The receiving Station is to be designed in accordance with the British Columbia Building Code 2012 to function following an earthquake DESIGN FEATURES WILLINGDON AVE. • Green wall, use of different materials and orientation of cladding create visual interest and an aesthetically pleasing building • Engineered for future expansion on second floor FACILITIES AND CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT Blue Green + design studio 2601-2020 Haro Street 2 • Ausenco provides engineering and design for a major infrastructure upgrade in the Goard Way corridor. 3 • Design Challenges: - Existing underground utilities to remain in service while new infrastructure is installed. Campus to remain fully operational - Crowded space below Goard Way to accommodate new and old infrastructure - Finding routes in existing buildings to reconnect electrical services new underground services PROPOSED BC HYDRO METERING KIOSK Goard Way looking west LEGEND 15 kV Switchgear for Goard Way Receiving Station PROPOSED ELECTRICAL AND COMM U/G DUCT BANK new service existing service 3 2 NEW PARKING KIOSK GOARD WAY 7 STUDENTS ASSOCIATION CONCRETE SIDEWALK BOOKSTORE 4 GREAT HALL 6 REPLACE EX. 250Ø STORM SEWER ROPER AVE. LISTER AVE. 1 ENGLISH ST. AVENUE WILLINGDON AVENUE WHITE E E EX. BC HYDRO POWER POLE new underground services Goard Way looking west PROPOSED ELECTRICAL (BCH ) 4 D.I. WATERMAIN 1 REALIGNMENT OF LIERSCH ST. 500kW GENSET ON CONCRETE PAD • • • • • • New 12.47 / 25 kV BC Hydro Service and Receiving Station New 12.5 kV - 480/277 V, 2 mVA Unit Substation IEC 61850 Switchgear Communication 500 kW Emergency Generator Duct Banks, Underground Manholes, Lighting and Security 7 km of 25 kV cables 5 Security Lighting SUBSTATION F ON CONCRETE PAD 5 6 7 Watermain Civil Upgrades • • • • • Watermain replacement between Lister and Roper Ave. Storm Sewer replacement between Lister and Roper Ave. Road, curb, gutter and sidewalk Reconfiguration of Liersch St. Integration of public realm landscaping features PROPOSED GOARD WAY ELECTRICAL RECEIVING STATION. CURB AND GUTTER Electrical Upgrades 12.47 / 25 kV BC Hydro Metering Kiosk at Goard Way and Willingdon CAREY AVE. New Electrical/Civil Work Manhole Storm Sewer Duct Bank 2 mVA Substation 500 kW Diesel Generator Underground Manhole Overview Arrangement of Utilities IEC 61850 Communication Network New Goard Way Receiving Station - Campus Hydro Station EXISTING MICRO GRID MODBUS TO BACNET CONVERTER 6#12 FOR HARDWIRE INTERLOCK HISTORIAN DATABASE TO BMS LAN SEE NOTE 1 Cat 6 STG DATA CONCENTRATOR / WEB SERVER SEL-3530 6mmF Cat 6 Cat 6 ETHERNET SWITCH SEL-2730M OASIS Cat 6 FIREWALL / GATEWAY SEL-3620 BCIT LAN Cat 6 IEC-61850, TELNET, FTP MANHOLE TO SPLICE CABLE THE MICRO GRIDS ARE OFFLINE WHEN BC HYDRO NORMAL POWER FAILS 52-M 6#12 FOR HARDWIRE INTERLOCK Design Features PROTECTIVE RELAY SEL-751A 52-1 PROTECTIVE RELAY SEL-751A 52-2 52-3 PROTECTIVE RELAY SEL-751A PROTECTIVE RELAY SEL-751A 52-4 • Design to accept a 2nd floor to accommodate another Receiving Station in future SEE NOTES 5 & 6 OPENING FOR CABLE ACCESS MECH 1800 x 1800 x 2500mm (D) PULLPIT FOR FUTURE CANADA WAY RECEIVING STATION 2007 4000 kVA XFM 25kV-12.5kV FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE CELL #2 16 x 103mm DUCTS FOR DATA & CONTROL WIRING FUTURE 25kV INCOMING CELL #1 COMM COPPER GROUND BAR 9610 1200 TRANSITION CELL 1070 300 2690 RECEIVING STATION 9610 18 x 103mm U/G DUCTS TRANSITION CELL #4/0 Cu GROUND WIRE 52-3 12.5kV SUB P & H CELL #6 OPENING FOR CABLE ACCESS 52-4 12.5kV SUB K CELL #7 52-5 12.5kV SUB E CELL #8 52-6 12.5kV SUB Z CELL #9 52-7 12.5kV SUB S CELL #10 52-8 12.5kV SUB F CELL #11 52-9 12.5kV 150kVA XFM & PANELS CELL #12 600(W) x 900mm (D) TRENCH FOR 12.47kV CABLES SPARE CELL #14 IEC 6150 CELL #15 (NOTE 4) CHECKED COVER PLATE IEC 6150 ETHERNET SWITCHES DATA CONCENTRATOR, FIRE WALLS AND GATEWAY STEEL LADDER 2500 CHECKED COVER PLATE (TYP.) 52-10 12.5kV SPARE CELL #13 1500 52-2 12.5kV SUB X CELL #5 600 24 x 103mm DUCTS FOR 15kV BCH INCOMING AND 15kV CONNECTIONS TO 9 SUBSTATIONS FUTURE 4270 CELL #2 52-1 12.5kV SUB L CELL #4 TRANSITION CELL 3200 1200 x 1200 x 2500mm (D) PULLPIT FOR 600V / 480V WIRING 52-M 12.5kV MAIN BREAKER CELL #3 2160 12.5kV INCOMING CELL #1 1300 1200 8 x 103mm DUCTS FOR 600V / 480V WIRING COPPER GROUND BAR. SEE DWG. 1433335-0000-E-040 FOR DETAILS 1800 x 2100 x 2500mm (D) PULLPIT FOR 12.47kV INCOMING SERVICE 52-10 PROTECTIVE RELAY SEL-751A 2160 OPENING FOR CABLE ACCESS 1200 x 1200 x 2500mm (D) PULLPIT FOR DATA & CONTROL WIRING PROTECTIVE RELAY SEL-751A IEC 61850 Objectives • Single protocol for complete modelling of substation data • Designed to accommodate future technological advances • Common method/format for storing data 1300 600(W) x 900mm (D) TRENCH FOR FUTURE 25kV CABLES (COVERED WITH A SHEET METAL PLATE) 52-9 PROTECTIVE RELAY SEL-751A IEC 61850 System • IEC stands for “International Electrotechnical Commission” • IEC is the most advanced standard for electrical substation automation • BCIT is a pioneer to apply this standard in Goard Way receiving station • BCIT’s GAIT group (a research group) will be engaged • BCIT is in the forefront of technology 1800 x 2100 x 2500mm (D) PULLPIT FOR FUTURE 25kV GOARDWAY RECEIVING STATION 1800 x 2100 x 2500mm (D) PULLPIT FOR FUTURE 25kV GOARDWAY RECEIVING STATION 52-8 52-7 PROTECTIVE RELAY SEL-751A IEC 61850 REDUNDANT COMMUNICATION NETWORK 26600 900 PROTECTIVE RELAY SEL-751A Cat 6 • Cable duct entries and pullpit layout to provide flexibility for future expansion 24 x 103mm DUCTS FOR FUTURE CANADA WAY RECEIVING STATION 52-6 PROTECTIVE RELAY SEL-751A ETHERNET SWITCH SEL-2730M • Equipment layout and floor plan to accommodate 12.5 and 25 kV operation in future 600mm (W) STEEL LADDER FROM 1.5m ABOVE SLAB TO BOTTOM OF PIT (TYP.) 52-5 PROTECTIVE RELAY SEL-751A 2200 1200 18 x 103mm U/G DUCTS 15600 @ 13 EQUAL SPACING 600 1800 x 2100 x 2500mm (D) PULLPIT A - 2100 2100 Plan of Receiving Station - Equipment Layout (Campus Hydro Station) Section A GOARD WAY INFRASTRUCTURE RENEWAL PROJECT SEPTEMBER 2014 REPLACEMENT HYDRO STATION DOOR STREETSCAPE SOCIAL GATHERING & PEDESTRIANIZATION NE 18 NE 18 DOOR 1 NE 16 DOOR DOOR MH BL BL CB BL CB BL BL BL DOOR DOOR MH 2 GOARD WAY 2 GOARD WAY 10 MH 7 8 7 5 CB 6 8 AD 4 DOOR DOOR 4 AD 1 DOOR SE 2 DOOR FREEZERS 5 OLS Social hubs and raingarden looking west DOOR DOOR SLOPED PLANTING AREA • large soft landscape area to introduce planting within the heart of the campus • sloped to reduce sense of separation from Goard Way • canopy trees Social hub looking south Decorative Area Drain/ Man Hole Cover LAWN AREA ENERGY EFFICIENT LIGHTING • pedestrian scale poles and fixtures • banners • safe and comfortable lighting levels 11 EXISTING TREES RETAINED • young trees that will provide high value character and ecological services later in the future 12 LIVING LAB VIEWING AREA • a raised area will provide views into the new hydro station to see the function of the building Goard Way looking east PROJECT PRECEDENTS Trash Receptacle FACILITIES AND CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT CB Goard Way and raingarden looking west SITE FURNISHINGS Standard Bench MH SE 4 SE 4 DRAIN NEW 6 OLS DOOR DOOR 10m DOOR 5m DOOR WALKWAY 1:250 10 NEW STEPS • wider and easier access to upper plaza • relocated to improve flexibility of upper plaza • opportunity to align with future campus development WATER FEATURE • flexible open lawn area • sitting in the shade of the canopy trees SOCIAL STEPS • seat walls for social gathering • people watching • informal presentation area OLS SE 2 1:200 9 9 AD ROPER AVENUE AD Light Standard Blue Green + design studio 2601-2020 Haro Street Vancouver BC V6G 1J3 604.353.6442 GOARD WAY LS L S • captures rainwater • provides animation at east end and seating area • visual focal point SEATING AREAS • pairs of benches regularly spaced along length of rain garden • introduces social opportunities and reinforces pedestrian focus of Goard Way MH CENTRAL RAIN GARDEN • ecologically functioning rain garden capturing all of adjacent run off • eliminates storm surge of heated and sediment loaded water to Guichon Creek • cleans and cools water before release to Guichon Creek • weirs to control flow and showcase water cycle GOARD WAY MH 3 AD 7 • measure tape / scale bar paving pattern • pedestrianized • controlled vehicle access MH 3 CB UPPER PLAZA • larger area with better connections to Goard Way • flexible open social space with seating event space DOOR 12 LANEWAY NE 20 NE 16 ROOF PEAK DOOR NE 20 11 GOARD WAY INFRASTRUCTURE RENEWAL PROJECT SEPTEMBER 2014 CLEAN, COOL, DELAYED STORM SURGE SUSTAINABILITY, STORM WATER MANAGEMENT & BIO-FILTRATION Average rainfall: November =188.9mm/day, 0.262mm/hr; July 35.6mm/day, 0.048mm/hr. Total Runoff November 14.06m3/day 1.25m3/day 15.31m3/day Impervious Area Pervious Area Rain Garden Total Runoff total area 2105m2 810m2 265m2 total runoff * 3.17m3/day 1.22m3/day 0.40m3/day 4.79m3/day Based on average rainfall during the months of November and July Data based on the Rational Formula Q=CiA RAINWATER ECOLOGICAL WATER FLOW PARTICIPATION CULTURE + IDENTITY SIGNAGE RAINWATER ENERGY EFFICIENCY ECOLOGICAL WATER FLOW HABITAT ENHANCEMENT NATIVE PLANTING HABITAT CREATION PARTICIPATION COMMUNITY BUILDING RAINWATER ECOLOGICAL WATER FLOW Impervious coefficient of 0.95; Previous coefficient of 0.24 * 0.58m3/day 0.22m3/day 0.07m3/day 0.87m3/day *Runoff calculated as per raingarden coefficient UNIVERSAL ACCESSIBILITY 320% RUNNOFF REDUCTION RAINWATER MANAGEMENT SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY NATIVE AND ADAPTIVE PLANTS The majority of the rainfall on the project site, and most importantly that landing on the hard surfaces, will be directed to the proposed rain garden system. A substantial storage capacity within the structure, pollutant absorbing growing medium and planting to help capture the sediment in the water will delay the storm surge from impacting Guichon Creek which is located directly downstream. The rain garden will cool and clean the water which will slowly be released into the creek. Creating a new central east west pedestrian spine will become the backbone of the evolving campus. The new Goard Way Public Realm will change the vehicle oriented asphalt street to a pedestrian focused area complete with special paving, canopy trees, lush landscaping, benches and seat walls. A variety of spaces with different sizes, seating options, sun and shade exposure will be able to accommodate the diversity of needs from the campus body. A campus has many requirements of its soft landscape. It needs to be resilient, visually appealing, drought resistant and not maintenance intensive. These requirements mean that a wide variety of plants are necessary to create successful planting design. This includes native and adaptive plants as well as some that are more ornamental. Together they will make a beautiful landscape providing ecosystem services such as habitat and rainwater management. NE 20 SENSORY COMMUNITY BUILDING NE 18 DOOR NE 16 GREEN ROOF/WALL DOOR DOOR DOOR MH BL BL CB ART BL DOOR BL BL BL DOOR CB MH GOARD WAY GOARD WAY K EE CB MH CR H IC GU ON MH TO LS CB MH LANEWAY PROPOSED CONDITION Total Runoff July 2.58m3/day 0.23m3/day 2.81m3/day AD A AD AD AD AD Receiving Station DOOR ROPER AVENUE Total Area 2355m2 825m2 DOO Impervious Area Pervious Area Total Runoff DOOR CURRENT CONDITION DOOR OOR SE 2 DOOR FREEZERS DOOR SE 2 WALKWAY DOOR O DOOR D R DOOR M DOOR DOOR DOOR SE 4 4 SE COMMUNITY BUILDING PARTICIPATION LS NEW SOD CB BIOPHILIA COMMUNITY BUILDING UNIVERSAL ACCESSIBILITY WATER INFILTRATION IMPERVIOUS AREA CATCHMENT WATER Water feature and raingardens looking west CULTURE + IDENTITY LONGEVITY SUSTAINABLE MAINTENANCE PRACTICE EQUITABILITY SENSORY SUSTAINABLE MATERIAL PROCUREMENT MEMORABILITY PERVIOUS AREA CATCHMENT RAIN GARDEN 1:250 DURABLE MATERIAL SELECTION 5m PLANTING PALETTE Trees Acer × freemanii Jeffersred Autumn Blaze Shrubs Betula nigra River Birch FACILITIES AND CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT Buxus microphylla japonica Winter Gem Boxwood Groundcover Cornus sericea ‘Kelseyi’ Kelsey Dwarf Dogwood Gaultheria shallon Salal Ilex crenata convexa Japanese Holly Salix purpurea nana Dwarf Purple Oscer Skimmia japonica ‘Rubella’ Red Flowered Japanese Skimmia Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Kinnikinnick Perennials Liriope spicata Creeping Lily-Turf Iris Kaempferi Japanese Iris Grasses Oxalis oregana Redwood Sorrel Rudbeckia fulgida sullivantii Black-Eyed Susan Tolmiea menziesii Piggyback Plant Calamagrostis × acutiflora Karl Foerster Blue Green + design studio 2601-2020 Haro Street Vancouver BC V6G 1J3 604.353.6442 Helictotrichon sempervirens Blue Oat Grass Pennisetum alopecuroides Dwarf Fountain Grass Vines Aquatic Plants Akebia quinata Five Leaf Akebia Carex-obnupta Slough Sedge Ferns Carex stipata Saw Bleak Sedge Juncus effusus Common Rush Polystichum munitum Western Sword Fern 10m GOARD WAY INFRASTRUCTURE RENEWAL PROJECT SEPTEMBER 2014 CONSTRUCTION OBJECTIVES SCHEDULE Project delivery involves thoughtful consideration of BCIT end users including students, faculty, maintenance and administration. RECEIVING STATION / OCTOBER 2014 - APRIL 2015 Mobilize on site Excavation and foundation work Upon new station activation, the old station will be decommissioned and demolished Project construction safety: • Overall site safety • Pedestrian safety through: - phasing of work into small areas, - secure fencing and - allowing for ample space for students and staff to move freely across campus NEW SUBSTATION & EMERGENCY GENERATOR / MAY - JULY 2015 Critical to turnover of new electrical system and demolition of substation and generator Installation to be ready before commissioning begins NEW BC HYDRO DIP SERVICE / OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2014 Coordination with BC Hydro for delivery of services to in preparation for commissioning ELECTRICAL, WATER MAIN, STORM SEWER & ROAD RECONSTRUCTION / OCTOBER 2014 - MAY 2015 Phase 1-5: Electrical Manholes Phase 6–10: Electrical Duct & Cabling Phase 11–12: Water Main & Storm Sewer Phase 13: Road Construction STREETSCAPING / JUNE - OCTOBER 2015 Work will be undertaken as commissioning of the new system is finalized and decommissioning and demolition of the existing system are completed EXAMPLES OF ANTICIPATED CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT FACILITIES AND CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT Blue Green + design studio 2601-2020 Haro Street Vancouver BC V6G 1J3 604.353.6442 GOARD WAY INFRASTRUCTURE RENEWAL PROJECT SEPTEMBER 2014 CONSTRUCTION ZONE DETAIL SAMPLE (FOR FALL 2014) JUNE JULY APR JAN FEB MAR MAY DEC OCT NOV WEEK WEEK WEEK WEEK WEEK WEEK WEEK WEEK WEEK WEEK 6 132027 3 1017 24 1 8 1522 29 5 1219 26 2 9 16 23 2 9 16 23 30 6 1320 27 4 1118 25 1 8 1522 29 6 1320 27 NO ACCESS TRAFFIC DETOUR ROAD CLOSED ROAD CLOSED CROSS WALK CONSTRUCTION & RESTRICTED TRAFFIC RESTRICTED TRAFFIC SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION ZONE RESTRICTED TRAFFIC SHIPPING / RECIEIVING TRAFFIC ROAD CLOSED GATE OPEN DAYTIME - FLAG PERSONNEL IF REQUIRED SHIPPING / RECEIVING TRAFFIC ROAD CLOSED ROAD CLOSED CONSTRUCTION DURATION : NOVEMBER 21 - DECEMBER 9, 2014 FACILITIES AND CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT VEHICLE WASH AREA 3 Blue Green + design studio 2601-2020 Haro Street Vancouver BC V6G 1J3 604.353.6442 GOARD WAY INFRASTRUCTURE RENEWAL PROJECT SEPTEMBER 2014 THANK YOU Thank you for attending today’s Information Session. If you have any additional questions regarding this project, please: • VISIT OUR WEBSITE bcit.ca/facilities • EMAIL Gary Holtz, Project Manager, Project Services at [email protected] FACILITIES AND CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT Blue Green + design studio 2601-2020 Haro Street Vancouver BC V6G 1J3 604.353.6442
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