Energy and Buildings 75 (2014) 447–455 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Energy and Buildings journal homepage: Theoretical analysis on ground source heat pump and air source heat pump systems by the concepts of cool and warm exergy Rongling Li a,∗ , Ryozo Ooka b , Masanori Shukuya c a b c Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Japan Laboratory of Building Environment, Tokyo City University, Japan a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 20 December 2013 Received in revised form 31 January 2014 Accepted 6 February 2014 Keywords: Cool exergy Warm exergy Ground source heat pump Air source heat pump Exergy efficiency a b s t r a c t This study presents exergetic characteristics of both ground source heat pump systems (GSHPs) and air source heat pump systems (ASHPs) based on the concepts of “cool exergy” and “warm exergy”. Quantitative example followed by theoretical analysis shows that GSHPs consume less exergy than ASHPs do. This is because firstly “cool exergy” is obtained from the ground in GSHPs, whereas no “cool exergy” is extracted from the environment by the ASHPs. Secondly, temperature difference between refrigerant via cooling water and ground in GSHPs is smaller than that between refrigerant and air in ASHPs. In the GSHP, cool exergy flows into the cooling water from the ground and then enters the indoor air through the refrigerant cycle. In the ASHP, the refrigerant cycle separates the electricity input of the compressor into “cool exergy” and “warm exergy.” The “cool exergy” enters the indoor air and the “warm exergy” is exhausted to the ambient environment. The analysis also shows that compressor requires largest exergy input among the total exergy inputs, and the exergy consumption in the refrigerant cycle is the highest. Thus, the improvement of the compressor performance to reduce its electricity consumption was confirmed to be of vital in minimizing unnecessary exergy consumption. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction For evaluating an energy-related system, the quality of the energy inflow and outflow at any point in the system can be determined using the concept of exergy. Exergy is a portion of energy that can be utilized for work relative to a reference state condition, in which the exergy value is zero. The exergy method shows the real change in the work of the system, process by process. This is the exergy concept presented by Ahern [1]. Exergy analysis has been applied to many fields of engineering and science, such as mechanical engineering for optimization of power plants and cogeneration stations, and food engineering for analyzing processing operations [2]. Several studies have demonstrated the applicability of the exergy concept to heating and cooling systems [3–7]. These studies have shown potential ways to improve system energy and exergy performance, e.g., lowering supply air temperatures [3] and ∗ Corresponding author at: Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo, Komaba 4-6-1 Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan. Tel.: +81 3 5452 6434; fax: +81 3 5452 6432. E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (R. Li). 0378-7788/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. improving insulation of the building envelope [4] to increase the exergy efficiency of the system. Heat pump systems, especially GSHPs have been widely used on account of their high energy performance, and the installed capacity has increased dramatically over the last 15 years [8,9]. Some studies have applied the exergy concept to GSHPs [10–12]. However, these studies have not dealt with warmth and coolness in the built environment, which are relative to “warm exergy” and “cool exergy” [6,7]. In order to evaluate the system performance and indoor thermal comfort, it is necessary to apply the “warm exergy” and “cool exergy” concepts. In this paper, based on “warm exergy” and “cool exergy”, exergy flow pattern from heat pump systems to indoor air is demonstrated for a better understanding of heat pump systems leading to such a development of low exergy systems. On the basis of energy, entropy, and exergy balance equations, the entropy and exergy processes of heat pump systems are presented, and a mathematical model including exergy supply, exergy consumption, entropy generation and entropy disposal for each component is demonstrated. Furthermore, a case study is presented, where this model is used for both a GSHP and an ASHP. The exergy consumptions and exergy efficiencies of these two systems are calculated, and the potential for improvement is discussed. 448 R. Li et al. / Energy and Buildings 75 (2014) 447–455 Nomenclature List of symbols compressor power [kW] Ecomp Efan,ia indoor fan power [kW] Epump power of cooling water pump [kW] Efan,oa outdoor fan power [kW] energy flux between indoor air and refrigerant in Qe the evaporator [kW] Qc energy flux between refrigerant and cooling water or outdoor air [kW] Qg energy flux between ground and cooling water [kW] Qc,GS energy flux between refrigerant and cooling water in GSHP systems [kW] Qc, AS energy flux between refrigerant and outdoor air in ASHP systems [kW] To outdoor temperature [K] Tg average ground temperature [K] refrigerant evaporation temperature [K] Te refrigerant condensation temperature [K] Tc indoor air temperature [K] Tia Tia,sup supply air temperature [K] Tw cooling water temperature [K] Tw,re return water temperature [K] outlet air temperature of condenser heat exchanger Toa,out of ASHP [kW] Tc,GS refrigerant condensing temperature of GSHP [K] Tc,AS refrigerant condensing temperature of ASHP [K] To−c,AS temperature difference between Tc,AS and the ambient temperature To [K] Tia−e difference between refrigerant evaporating temperature and indoor air temperature [K] Tw−g temperature difference between ground and cooling water [K] Tc,GS−w difference between cooling water temperature and refrigerant condensing temperature [K] output exergy from the refrigerant to the indoor air Xe at the evaporator [kW] output exergy from the refrigerant to the cooling Xc,GS water of GSHP systems [kW] Xc,AS output exergy from the refrigerant to the outdoor air of ASHP systems [kW] exergy extracted from ground and delivered to coolXg ing water [kW] Xia,sup supply air exergy [kW] Xia return air exergy [kW] cooling water exergy [kW] Xw Xw,re return cooling water exergy [kW] exergy contained by ambient air (=0) [kW] Xo Xoa,out outlet air exergy of outdoor fan [kW] Xrefcycle exergy consumed in the refrigerant cycle [kW] Xevap exergy consumed in the heat exchanging process between indoor air and the refrigerant [kW] Xcond,GS exergy consumed in the heat exchanging process between the cooling water and the refrigerant [kW] Xcond,AS exergy consumed in the heat exchanging process between outdoor air and condenser [kW] Xgex exergy consumed in the heat exchanging process between cooling water and ground [kW] Srefcycle entropy generated in the refrigerant cycle [kW/K] entropy generated in the heat exchanging process Sevap between indoor air and the refrigerant [kW/K] Scond,GS Scond,AS Sgex mia mw moa ca cw k l1 l2 U entropy generated in the heat exchanging process between the cooling water and the refrigerant [kW/K] entropy generated in the heat exchanging process between the outdoor air and the refrigerant [kW/K] entropy generated in the heat exchanging process between cooling water and ground [kW/K] indoor fan airflow rate [kg/s] cooling water flow rate [kg/s] outdoor airflow rate [kg/s] specific heat capacity of air [kJ/kgK] specific heat capacity of water [kJ/kgK] irreversibility factor (the ratio of actual COP to theoretical COP) circumference of pipe cross section [m] pipe length [m] overall heat-transfer coefficient of underground heat-exchanger pipe [W/m2 K] 2. Basic theory According to Shukuya [6,7], in a system at a temperature higher than its environment, exergy flow can be considered as the flow of thermal energy contained by the system to disperse into the environment. This exergy is called “warm exergy” flow. It is shown in Fig. 1(a). In the figure, the environment temperature To acts as the cold reservoir and heat Q is extracted from the hot reservoir with temperature T. The exergy flow Ex is exactly the same as the maximum amount of work Wmax to be obtained from an imaginary reversible perfect heat engine. Ex = Wmax = 1 − To Q T (1) If the system temperature is lower than the ambient temperature, then the thermal energy contained by the system is smaller than the environment. Because of this, heat flows into the system from the environment. The exergy flow in this condition is “cool exergy”. Fig. 1(b) illustrates the definition of “cool exergy” flow. The equation for “cool exergy” is Ex = Wmax = 1 − To (−Q ∗ ) T (2) Exergy balance equations are obtained from energy and entropy balance equations [6,7]. First, following the laws of energy conservation and entropy generation, energy balance equations and entropy balance equations are set up in a general form as [energy input] = [energy stored] + [energy output] Fig. 1. Definition of “warm exergy” and “cool exergy”. (3) R. Li et al. / Energy and Buildings 75 (2014) 447–455 449 compressor expansion valve indoor fan condenser evaporator U-tube heat exchanger indoor fan cooling water pump condenser evaporator compressor outdoor fan expansion valve (b) ASHP (a) GSHP Fig. 2. Components of heat pump systems. vapor enters the condenser and releases thermal energy to the cooling fluid, namely, cooling water in the GSHP and ambient air in the ASHP. During this process, the refrigerant is condensed from vapor into liquid. The liquid refrigerant goes through the expansion valve where its pressure sharply decreases, causing vigorous evaporation and a dramatic decrease in temperature. Next, the low temperature refrigerant enters the evaporator. In Fig. 2(a), which shows the GSHP, the refrigerant releases heat into the cooling water in the condenser. The water is cooled down by the ground through the underground U-tube heat exchanger. In Fig. 2(b) ASHP, the refrigerant releases heat into the ambient air. To assess the energy and exergy flows in the systems process by process, it is necessary to subdivide the systems into several subsystems [1,6,7,13]. The GSHP is subdivided into four subsystems, which are shown in Fig. 3. These are (a) refrigerant, (b) inhaled indoor air at the evaporator where heat is exchanged between the air and refrigerant, (c) cooling water at the condenser where the water exchanges thermal energy with the refrigerant, and (d) cooling water in the underground U-pipe heat exchanger where the water exchanges thermal energy with the ground. The ASHP is subdivided into three subsystems, which are shown in Fig. 3(a), (b), and (e) inhaled outdoor air at the condenser. [entropy input] + [entropy generated] = [entropy stored] + [entropy output] (4) Because energy − entropy · To = exergy the exergy balance equation can be set up by combining Eqs. (3) and (4) as (3) − (4) · To . This results in [exergy input] − [exergy consumed] = [exergy stored] + [exergy output], (5) where To is the common ambient temperature for all the components in the system to be analyzed with the unit of Kelvin. The exergy efficiency is defined as [exergy efficiency] = [exergy output] [electricity input] (6) In the case of GSHPs, the natural exergy is extracted from the ground. To evaluate the natural exergy use, natural exergy ratio is defined as [natural exergy ratio] = [natural exergy input] [total exergy input] (7) Here, the total exergy input includes the total electricity input and natural exergy input. 3.1. Refrigerant cycle Fig. 3(a) shows the refrigerant subsystem in the cycle. According to the fundamental Eqs. (3) and (4), energy and entropy balance equations can be presented as Eqs. (8) and (9), respectively. 3. Modeling Heat pumps can work in both heating and cooling modes by employing a reversing valve to reverse the flow of refrigerant in the refrigerant cycle system. The analysis method for these two working modes is the same. In this study, only the cooling mode is chosen for exergy analysis. Fig. 2 shows the heat pump systems operating in cooling mode. Heat flows into the circulation refrigerant from the indoor air at the evaporator, and then the refrigerant enters the compressor, where it is compressed at a constant entropy to convert it into vapor. The Ecomp + Qe = Qc (8) Qe Qc + Srefcycle = Te Tc (9) Here, Ecomp [kW] is the compressor power, and Qe [kW] is the energy flow into the refrigerant from the indoor air at the evaporator. Qc [kW] is the energy flow from the refrigerant toward the cooling water or outdoor air. Te and Tc [K] are the evaporating temperature Tw Te Qe Ecomp Tc,GS Tia,sup Tc Te Tia Qe Qc (b) Inhaled indoor air at the evaporator Epump Tw (c) Cooling water at the condenser Fig. 3. Subsystems. Toa,out Tw,re E2 Efan,ia (a) Refrigerant Qc,GS Tw,re Tc,AS Qg Qc,AS Tg (d) Cooling water in the underground heat exchanger To Efan,oa (e) Inhaled outdoor air at the condenser 450 R. Li et al. / Energy and Buildings 75 (2014) 447–455 and condensing temperature of the refrigerant, respectively. Srefcycle [kW/K] is the generated entropy within the refrigerant cycle. According to the fundamental Eq. (5), exergy balance equations can be set up by combining Eqs. (8) and (9) as (8) − (9) · To . For the GSHP, Ecomp + Xc,GS − Xrefcycle = Xe Xc,GS = Xe = To Tc,GS 1− 1− (10) (11) (−Qc,GS ) To Te (−Qe ) (12) For the ASHP, Ecomp − Xrefcycle = Xe + Xc,AS Xc,AS = To Tc,AS 1− (13) Qc,AS (14) Xrefcycle = Srefcycle To (15) As can be seen in Eq. (10), in the GSHP, there are two inputs of exergy into the refrigerant cycle: Ecomp and Xc,GS , and the output exergy is Xe . Xc,GS [kW] is the “cool exergy” flowing from cooling water to the refrigerant through the condenser’s heat exchanger, and Xe [kW] is the “cool exergy” output from the refrigerant into the indoor air at the evaporator. In Eq. (11), the negative sign of −Qc,GS indicates that the direction of energy flow is from the cooling water to the refrigerant. Similarly, in Eq. (12) −Qe indicates that the direction of energy flow is from the refrigerant to the indoor air. Eq. (13) shows the exergy balance equation of the ASHP. This equation represents the refrigerant cycle splitting the input exergy Ecomp into two parts: Xc,AS [kW], which is “warm exergy” flowing from refrigerant to outdoor air through the condenser’s heat exchanger and Xe [kW], which is “cool exergy”. In the cooling season, Te is usually lower than To , and Xe can thus be considered “cool exergy” according to the concept of “cool exergy” and “warm exergy”. Furthermore, most of the time in the cooling season Tc,AS is greater than To , and Tc,GS is lower than To , meaning that Xc,AS can be considered “warm exergy” and Xc,GS “cool exergy.” 3.2. Indoor air at the evaporator [K], and the airflow rate is mia [kg/s]. Furthermore, Efan,ia [kW] is the indoor fan power; Xia and Xia,sup [kW] are the exergy contained by the return air and that by supply air, respectively. The difference between Xia,sup and Xia is the net “cool exergy” obtained by the inhaled indoor air that is eventually exhaled into the room to keep the room air temperature at the set point value. ca [kJ/kgK] is the specific heat capacity of air, Sevap [kW/K] is the generated entropy, and Xevap [kW] is the exergy consumed in the process of heat exchange between indoor air and the refrigerant. 3.3. Cooling water The cooling water system is subdivided into two subsystems: the cooling water at the condenser part and the underground heat exchanger. 3.3.1. Cooling water at the condenser The subsystem of cooling water at the condenser part is shown in Fig. 3(c). The cooling water exchanges heat with the refrigerant. Energy, entropy, and exergy balance equations of this subsystem are presented as Eqs. (22), (23) and (24)–(27), respectively. Epump + cw mw (Tw − To ) = cw mw (Tw,re − To ) + (−Qc,GS ) cw mw ln Tw,re Tw + Scond,GS = cw mw ln To To −Qc,GS + Tc,GS (23) Epump + Xw − Xcond,GS = Xw,re + Xc,GS (24) Xcond,GS = Scond,GS To (25) Xw = cw mw Xw,re = cw mw (Tw − To ) − To ln Tw To (Tw,re − To ) − To ln Tw,re To (26) (27) The negative sign of −Qc,GS indicates that “cool energy” is flowing from the cooling water to the refrigerant, which is the same as shown in Eq. (11). Xc,GS [kW] is the exergy flowing out from the cooling water to the refrigerant. 3.3.2. Cooling water in the underground heat exchanger The subsystem with the underground cooling water is shown in Fig. 3(d), and the balance equations are cw mw (Tw,re − To ) + (−Qg ) = cw mw (Tw − To ) Fig. 3(b) shows the subsystem where indoor air exchanges heat with the refrigerant at the evaporator. Energy, entropy, and exergy balance equations of this subsystem are given by Eqs. (16), (17) and (18)–(21), respectively, according to the fundamental Eqs. (3)–(5). (22) cw mw ln −Qg Tw,re Tw + + Sgex = cw mw ln Tg To To (28) (29) Xw,re + Xg − Xgex = Xw (30) (31) Efan,ia + ca mia (Tia − To ) + (−Qe ) = ca mia (Tia,sup − To ) (16) Xgex = Sgex To Tia,sup Tia −Qe + + Sevap = ca mia ln To Te To (17) Xg = Efan,ia + Xe − Xevap = Xia,sup − Xia (18) Xevap = Sevap To (19) In this model, Tg is the average temperature of the ground. −Qg is considered as one other input energy of the subsystem. Here, the negative sign indicates the direction is from the ground to the cooling water. Xg [kW] is the extracted “cool exergy” from the ground. During the process of heat exchange between the cooling water and the ground, entropy Sgex is generated and exergy Xgex is consumed. Combining Eqs. (24) and (30), the exergy balance equation for the cooling water system can be written as ca mia ln Xia = ca mia (Tia − To ) − To ln Xia,sup = ca mia Tia To (Tia,sup − To ) − To ln (20) Tair,sup To (21) The indoor air is assumed to be uniformly distributed and the indoor air temperature to be the same as the inlet air temperature of the evaporator Tia [K]. The negative sign of −Qe means that “cool energy” is flowing from the refrigerant to the indoor air, which is the same as indicated in Eq. (12). The variable Xe [kW] represents input exergy from the refrigerant. The supply air temperature is Tia,sup 1− To Tg (−Qg ) Epump + Xg − (Xcond,GS + Xgex ) = Xc,GS (32) (33) Here, Epump and Xg are input exergy, Xcond,GS and Xgex are consumed exergy, and Xc,GS is the output exergy. The relationship between the cooling water temperature, return water temperature, and the parameters of the U-pipe heat R. Li et al. / Energy and Buildings 75 (2014) 447–455 451 Table 1 Classification of Xg . Temperature relation Carnot efficiency Warm or cool exergy Xg Direction of exergy delivery Tg < To < Tw,re Tg < Tw,re < To To < Tg < Tw,re To < Tw,re < Tg Tw,re < Tg < To Tw,re < To <Tg − − + + − + Cool Cool Warm Warm Cool Warm + + − + − + Toward cooling water Toward cooling water Toward ground Toward cooling water Toward ground Toward cooling water (34) Here, l1 and l2 [m] are the circumference and pipe length, respectively. U [W/m2 K] is the overall heat transfer coefficient. Eq. (35) can be derived from Eqs. (28), (32) and (34). Xg = To 1− Tg l1 l2 U cw mw (1 − e− cw mw )(Tg − Tw,re ) (35) Here, (1 − To /Tg ) is the Carnot efficiency. If its value is positive, the extracted exergy Xg turns out to be “warm exergy,” whereas on the other hand, if the value is negative, Xg turns out to be “cool exergy.” Furthermore, whether the value of Xg is positive or negative determines the direction of exergy to be delimited: a positive value indicates that Xg flows toward the cooling water, whereas a negative value indicates that Xg flows into the ground. On the basis of the characteristics of the above-mentioned Carnot efficiency and the sign of the extracted exergy Xg , Xg can be classified, as listed in Table 1. This table can help us understand the different states of Xg . For instance, if Tg < To < Tw,re , Xg is “cool exergy” flowing from the ground into the cooling water. 3.4. Outdoor air at the condenser In ASHP systems, the outdoor air exchanges heat with the refrigerant at the condenser (see Fig. 3(e)). The exergy balance equations of this subsystem can be derived in the same way as for the cooling water subsystem described in Section 3.3. Efan,oa + Xc,AS − Xcond,AS = Xoa,out − Xo Xoa,out = ca moa (Toa,out − To ) − To ln (36) Toa,out To Xo = 0 (Ecomp + Efan,ia + Efan,oa ) − (Xrefcycle + Xevap + Xcond,AS + Xoa,out ) = Xia,sup − Xia The characteristic difference between Eqs. (39) and (40) is that there is “cool exergy” input from the underground in Eq. (39). 3.6. Modeling coefficient of performance The theoretical coefficient of performance (COP) of the refrigerant cycle of GSHPs can be written as COPGS = (42) Tia−e = Tia,sup − Te (43) Using these temperature differences, COP can be expressed as COPGS = k Tia,sup w Te ΔTw-g ΔTia-e Te Ecomp irreversible cycle Tc,GS Tw Tc,AS ww ΔTc,GS-w w (39) irreversible cycle w = Xia,sup − Xia Tia,sup ΔTia-e ww ww (Ecomp + Efan,ia + Epump ) + Xg − (Xrefcycle + Xevap + Xcond,GS + Xgex ) Tia − Tia−e Te =k Tc,GS − Te (Tg − Tia ) + (Tc,GS−w + Tw−g + Tia−e ) (44) Here, k is the irreversibility factor of the refrigerant cycles, which is the ratio of the actual COP value over the theoretical value. Ecomp Exergy equations for the entire GSHP and ASHP systems can be presented on the basis of the equations of all the subsystems described above. By substituting the Xe of Eq. (18) and the Xc,GS of Eq. (33) into Eq. (10), the exergy equation for a GSHP can be written as (41) Tc,GS−w + Tw−g = Tc,GS − Tg Here, the condenser heat exchanger’s inlet air temperature is the same as the ambient air temperature To , and the exergy of ambient air Xo is 0. Xc,AS [kW] is the input “warm exergy” flowing from the refrigerant through the condenser heat exchanger, as explained in Section 3.1. Xoa,out is exergy exhausted to the environment, and the difference between Xoa,out and Xo is the net “warm exergy” delivered to the outdoor environment, which is totally consumed in the course of heat transfer. 3.5. Exergy equations for the GSHP and ASHP Qe Qe Te = < Ecomp Qc,GS − Qe Tc,GS − Te Because of the irreversibility of the refrigerant cycle, Qe /(Qc,GS − Qe ) < Te /(Tc,GS − Te ). For actual numerical calculation, we assume some temperature differences corresponding to unavoidable irreversibility, as shown in Fig. 4. In the case of a GSHP, the temperature differences are defined as Tw−g , Tc,GS−w , Tia−e : Tw−g is the difference between the ground temperature Tg and the cooling water temperature Tw , Tc,GS−w is the difference between Tw and the refrigerant condensing temperature Tc,GS , and Tia−e is the difference between refrigerant evaporating temperature Te and supply air temperature Tia,sup . (37) (38) (40) w l1 l2 Tw = Tg + (Tw,re − Tg )e− cw mw U Eqs. (18), (36) and (13) give the exergy equation for ASHPs as w exchanger can be expressed as an exponential decrease in temperature owing to the distance of flow. ΔTo-c,AS To Tg (a) GSHP Fig. 4. Refrigerant cycle models. (b) ASHP 452 R. Li et al. / Energy and Buildings 75 (2014) 447–455 Table 2 Temperatures. Unit Table 4 COP. Tc,AS 317 44 K ◦ C Tc,GS 300 27 To Tw 305 32 329 20 Tw,re 297 24 Tg Tia Case AC GC AD GD 292 19 300 27 COP 4.3 11.6 3.0 5.6 than that in cases AC and GC, i.e., 12 ◦ C. The irreversibility factor of the refrigerant cycle is 0.4 for all four cases. Table 3 Configuration of investigated cases. Case System Mode Tia,sup Te Tia-e Tc,GS-w + Tw-g To-c,AS AC GC AD GD ASHP GSHP ASHP GSHP Cooling Cooling Dehumidifying Dehumidifying 295 295 285 285 290 290 280 280 10 10 20 20 – 8 – 8 12 – 12 – The COP model for ASHPs is derived by referring to Fig. 4(b), in the same way as the model for the GSHP. COPAS = k Tia − Tia−e Te =k Tc,AS − Te (To − Tia ) + (To−c,AS + Tia−e ) To−c,AS = To − Tc,AS , (45) (46) where Tc,AS is the refrigerant condensing temperature of an ASHP, and To−c,AS is the temperature difference between Tc,AS and the ambient temperature To . 4. Case study 4.1. Temperature conditions assumed for four cases investigated For a case study, typical ground and air thermal conditions in summer in the Tokyo area and an office room space with a thermal “energy” cooling load of 35 kW are assumed. The results obtained with these assumptions are expected to be useful as a reference at least for this climate zone. The indoor air temperature is assumed to be controlled ideally at a fixed value. The same applies to the water temperature. The compressors of both the GSHP and ASHP are controlled by an inverter according to the temperature difference between the indoor air and the supply air. For the present analysis, the following simplifications are assumed. (1) The specific heat capacities of water and air are constants. (2) The chemical exergy of humid air caused by condensation is neglected. (3) The refrigerant temperature in condenser is constant. (4) The ground temperature surrounding U-tube heat exchanger with cooling water is constant. Table 2 lists the temperatures assumed in this calculation. Table 3 lists the four cases to be investigated. Supply air temperature Tia,sup is assumed to be 295 K (22 ◦ C) for both the ASHP in cooling mode (case AC) and the GSHP in cooling mode (case GC). For dehumidifying mode in the cases of ASHP (case AD) and GSHP (case GD), the supply air temperature is assumed to be much lower 4.2. Results of calculation 4.2.1. COP Table 4 lists the COP values of the four cases. The value of COP is the highest in the GC case because the total temperature difference is assumed to be the smallest in this case. Furthermore, the COP values in the two GSHP cases are higher than in the ASHP cases because of the ground temperature Tg being lower than room temperature Tia and much lower than ambient air temperature To . 4.2.2. Exergy values obtained From Table 2, we find the temperatures are in the relation of Tg < Tw,re < To . As listed in Table 1, this relation means that the exergy Xg is “cool exergy” flowing toward the cooling water from the ground. To make our analysis method simpler to understand, two cases are presented here by following the calculation models presented in Section 3 with numerical values. Table 5 lists the exergy balance of the GSHP for case GC. First, we calculated the exergy balance of the cooling water subsystem with Eq. (33). In this equation, the exergy inputs are Epump and Xg . The value of Epump is selected according to pump specifications, whereas Xg is derived from Eq. (32). By balancing the exergy, Xc,GS is calculated according to Eq. (11). In this cooling water subsystem, the consumed exergy is Xgex and Xcond,GS , which are derived from Eq. (30) and (24), respectively. Xe , Xrefcycle , Xia,sup − Xia and Xevap can be calculated in the same manner for the two other subsystems: refrigerant cycle and indoor air. In the refrigerant cycle, the power of the compressor is calculated from Ecomp = Qe /COP. Following the same process, all of the exergy values for ASHPs were calculated. Table 6 lists the results of the ASHP for case AC. After the exergy balance of the entire system was calculated, the exergy efficiency and the natural exergy ratio were calculated. The whole procedure of calculation described above was also applied to cases GD and AD. 4.2.3. Exergy flow, exergy efficiency, and natural exergy ratio The exergy flows though the GSHP and the ASHP are shown schematically in Fig. 5. Fig. 5(a) shows how in the GSHP, the exergy flows from the ground to the cooling water before going through the refrigerant cycle and into the indoor air. The input exergy in this flow includes not only electricity Epump , Ecomp , and Efan,ia but also natural exergy Xg . Fig. 5(b) shows how the refrigerant cycle separates electricity Ecomp into “cool exergy” Xe and “warm exergy” Xc,AS . The “cool exergy” enters the indoor air while the “warm exergy” is exhausted to the ambient environment. In the ASHP, no natural exergy is used. Table 5 Exergy balance of the GSHP for case GC. System Exergy input Exergy output Exergy consumption Cooling water Eq. (33) Xc,GS = 0.63 Eq. (11) Refrigerant cycle Eq. (10) Indoor air Eq. (16) Epump = 1.01 Xg = 1.74 Eq. (32) Ecomp = 3.02 Xc,GS = 0.63 Efan,ia = 0.60 Xe = 1.81 Xe = 1.81 Eq. (12) Xia,sup − Xia = 0.88 Eqs. (20), (21) GSHP Eq. (39) Epump + Ecomp + Efan,ia = 4.63Xg = 1.74 Xia,sup − Xia = 0.88 Xgex = 0.45 Eq. (30) Xcond,GS = 1.67 Eq. (24) Xrefcycle = 1.84 Eq. (10) Xevap = 1.53 Eq. (16) Xgex + Xcond,GS + Xrefcycle + Xevap = 5.49 R. Li et al. / Energy and Buildings 75 (2014) 447–455 453 Table 6 Exergy balance of the ASHP for case AC. System Exergy input Exergy output Exergy consumption Refrigerant cycle Eq. (13) Ecomp = 8.14 Xrefcycle = 4.70 Eq. (13) Outdoor air Eq. (36) Efan,oa = 0.74 Xc,AS = 1.63 Efan,ia = 0.60, Xe = 1.81 Efan,oa + Ecomp + Efan,ia = 9.48 Xe = 1.80 Eq. (12) Xc,AS = 1.63 Eq. (14) Xoa,out − Xo = 0.35 Eqs. (37), (38) Xia,sup − Xia = 0.88 Xia,sup − Xia = 0.88 Xcond,AS + Xoa,out + Xrefcycle + Xevap = 8.60 Indoor air Eq. (16) ASHP Eq. (40) Next, Fig. 6 shows the exergy input and output for all four cases. Cases AD and GD are compared with cases AC and GC, and the electricity input to the compressors, pumps and fans are calculated on the basis of the assumption that these components are well controlled. For example, in cases AD and GD, the supply air temperature is lower than in cases AC and GC, whereas the latent heat load in all the cases is the same. Therefore, in cases AD and GD, the supply air flow rate is decreased, and consequently, the fan power input is reduced proportionally. In case AC, the total input electricity of the ASHP is 9.48 kW, and no natural exergy is used. The net exergy output of the system Xia,sup − Xia is 0.88 kW, which is consumed to meet the demand of space cooling. Case GC has the same Xia,sup − Xia value, because the cooling load and supply air temperature in both case GC and case AC are the same. The total electricity input in case GC is lower than in case AC because of the higher COP and the use of the natural exergy Xg of 1.74 kW. In cases AD and GD, the systems are operated in dehumidification mode resulting in the low supply air temperature. Therefore, the input exergy needed in these cases is higher than in cases AC and GC. The exergy efficiency of the heat pump systems was calculated according to Eq. (6). The exergy efficiency in all the cases is between 9 and 20%. Both GSHP and ASHP have lower exergy input in cooling mode than when operating in dehumidifying mode. For GSHP and ASHP operating the same mode, the GSHP performs better than the ASHP. Xcond,AS = 2.02 Eq. (36) Xevap = 1.53 The natural exergy ratio defined as shown in Eq. (7). In case GC, the GSHP extracted 1.74 kW natural exergy Xg from the ground, and the natural exergy ratio was 27.3%. In case GD, the natural exergy ratio was 20.0% because of the larger exergy demand in the room space for dehumidification. Furthermore, Fig. 6 shows clearly that the highest electricity input comes from the compressor Ecomp in all four cases. This means that both exergy efficiency and natural exergy ratio are sensitive to Ecomp . Thus, reducing the compressors electricity input, i.e., minimizing the exergy consumption for the refrigerant cycle, should lead to better exergy performance. 4.2.4. Exergy consumption Fig. 7 shows the calculated exergy consumption for each component. In both GSHP and ASHP systems, Xrefcycle has the highest value, which means the biggest exergy loss to be avoided exists in the refrigerant cycle. In cases AC and AD, the values of Xrefcycle are much higher than those in cases GC and GD. The reason is that the higher COP of GSHPs requires less electricity input than ASHPs. The temperature differences between the condensing temperature and the evaporating temperature, i.e., Tc − Te are 10, 27, 20, and 37 K in cases GC, AC, GD, and AD, respectively. By comparing Tc − Te and Xrefcycle for all cases, it is clear that the refrigerant cycle with higher refrigerant temperature difference results in higher exergy consumption. Thus, a smaller temperature difference inside the refrigerant cycle should improve its performance. Xia,sup -Xia Xia,sup -Xia Efan,ia Efan,ia indoor air indoor air Xe Xe Ecomp Ecomp refrigerant cycle refrigerant cycle Xc,AS Xc,GS Efan,oa Epump cooling water Xg (a) GSHP outdoor air Xoa,out -Xo (b) ASHP Fig. 5. Exergy flow through heat pump systems. input/output exergy subsystems 454 R. Li et al. / Energy and Buildings 75 (2014) 447–455 temperature difference between the ambient air and the refrigerant in an ASHP. 5. Conclusion In this study, a procedure for exergy analysis of both GSHPs and ASHPs is presented. On the basis of “cool exergy” and “warm exergy”, exergy flow pattern of heat pumps is clarified. Quantitative examples are given for both GSHPs and ASHPs to demonstrate the presented modeling. The major findings are summarized as follows. Fig. 6. Exergy input, output, exergy efficiency and natural exergy ratio. In cases AC and GC, the exergy consumption at the evaporators Xevap is slightly lower than in cases AD and GD. This is because in cases AC and GC, the difference between room air temperature Tia and refrigerant evaporating temperature Te is smaller. Similarly, we find that Xcond in GSHP systems is much lower than that in ASHP systems. This is because the temperature difference between the cooling water and the refrigerant in a GSHP is smaller than the 1. In the GSHP, the natural exergy flows from the ground to the cooling water and then enters the refrigerant cycle. Finally, it becomes part of the “cool exergy” that acts to cool the indoor air. In the ASHP, the refrigerant cycle separates the electricity input from the compressor into the “cool exergy” and “warm exergy.” The “cool exergy” enters the indoor air and the “warm exergy” is exhausted to the ambient environment. 2. In general, the exergy consumption in the GSHP is much lower than that in the ASHP. This is because in GSHPs, the temperature difference between the heat source and heat sink is smaller than that in ASHPs, and the heat source temperature in GSHPs is the ground temperature, which is generally much lower than that in ASHPs. 3. We find that the exergy efficiency in all the cases is between 9 and 20%. GSHPs have higher exergy efficiency than ASHPs. Furthermore, the exergy consumption is lower and the exergy efficiency is higher when a system is operated in cooling mode than when it is operated in dehumidification mode. The exergy efficiency of the GSHP is 19.1 and 19.9% when the system is operated in cooling mode and dehumidification mode, respectively; in ASHPs, the exergy efficiency is respectively 9.3 and 11.9%. 4. No “cool exergy” from the environment is extracted in ASHPs, whereas in GSHPs, “cool exergy” is exploited from the ground. The natural exergy ratio is 27.3% in cooling mode and 20.0% in dehumidification mode. 5. Because the highest electricity input comes from the compressor, and the highest exergy loss exists in the refrigerant cycle, improving the compressor and reducing the electricity consumption of the refrigerant cycle should reduce the exergy loss. Furthermore, improving the heat exchangers in the condenser and evaporator should reduce the temperature difference inside the refrigerant and decrease the exergy loss. A similar recommendation is given by Akpinar and Hepbasli [12]. 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