n - Shodhganga

description of the results in random
walk. We explain how the random walk
Chapter II
Literature Review
theory has evolved, then define Central
Limit Theorem and how random walk is
related with Central Limit Theorem. We
define simple random walk, Brownian
motion and give an alternative method
to show Brownian motion as an
approximation of simple random walk.
Random Walks
The definition of random walk may be thought of as the
mathematical theory of the aimless wanderings of an idealized drunkard,
yet the applications of the basic formalism to physical problems are
numerous and significant and many mathematical results beautiful in their
own right may be derived. Fourier transform methods are used to find
where will be the drunkard after a given number of steps.
For the invention of the term random walk we are indebted to the
statistician Karl Pearson,1 who wrote the following brief letter (Pearson
1905a) to the English journal ‘Nature’ which appeared in the issue of 27
July 1905.
An answer to Pearson’s question was not long in coming in the form
of a letter from Lord Rayleigh, published in the same journal one week
later. The arguments of Rayleigh’s 1880 paper are elegantly simple.
Translating his approach into random walk terminology, he commences
with the observation that if all steps are of unit length and take place
parallel to the x-axis, the probability that the walker lies between x and
x + δx after n steps is given for large n and small δx by
(2πn ) 2
 − 1 n2  1
x δx .
This result, which he calls Bernoulli’s theorem, is a very old precursor of
the modern Central Limit Theorem, some what informally stated. He
extends this result first to the case in which
x-axis and
steps are parallel to the
steps are parallel to the y-axis, and then to the case in which
the number of steps along each axis varies. Finally he removes the
restriction that the steps be parallel to the axis, and produces the desired
Most of the analyses of Rayleigh and Pearson problems are based on
the Fourier transform. Let the position of the walker after n steps be
denoted by Rn. For a walk commencing at the origin of co-ordinates, we
Rn = ∑ Y j
j =1
where the random vector Yj represents the displacement on the jth step. If
the mean displacement on the jth step is m j we find on expectations of both
sides of (2.1) (with expectations denoted by angular brackets) that the
mean position after n steps is given by
Rn = ∑ m j
j =1
σ 2j = Y j − m j
is the variance of the jth displacement, it follows from the independence of
the displacements that the variance of the position is
Var ( Rn ) = Rn − Rn
= ∑ σ 2j
j =1
In the most commonly encountered case, in which the individual steps have
the same probability density function, and so the mean m and variance σ2,
(2.2) and (2.4) reduces to
Rn =nm
Var (Rn ) = nσ 2
A simple random walk of length ‘n’ in Z d is an ordered sequence of
points (ω (0), ω (1),......., ω (n )) in Z d with ω (0) = 0 and ω (i ) − ω (i − 1) = 1, 0 < i ≤ n.
Let C ns (d ) denote the cardinality of the set of walks and Rns (d ) denote the
sum of the squares of the end-to-end distance in d-dimensional Euclidean
space, and where s=0 refers to simple random walks and s=1 refers to
random walks with exclusion of immediate reversals.
C ns (d ) and Rns (d ) for s=0 and s=1 can be written as
C ns (d ) = ∑ Ans,i [2d ]i ; 2 ,
i =1
Rns (d ) = ∑ Rns,i [2d ]i ; 2 ,
i =1
where Ans,i and R sn,i are independent of d and depend only on n, s and i.
Proof: The basic idea is to partition walks according to the number of axis
directions in which steps are made. The partitioning is to be made
according to the direction chosen (positive or negative) when each axis
direction is sampled for the first time. Thus if ‘i’ axis are sampled
(with i ≤ d ), we have [2d ]i , 2 classes of walk each of which produces the
same contribution to the cardinality of the set of walks (simple and with
exclusion of immediate reversals) with the following attributes, the first
direction sampled is the “1 direction”, that is, (1,0,0,….,0), and so on, i.e. if
+ U j represents a+1 along axis ‘j’ and - U j represents a-1 along axis ‘j’
then the first ‘k’ steps, where ‘k’ varies from 1 to
n-i+1, are
+ U 1 the (k + 1)th step is + U 2 and the next ‘r’ steps, where ‘k’ varies from 1 to
‘k+2’ to ‘n-i+2’, are any of ± U 1 or ± U 2 and so on until ‘i’ directions are
sampled. The Lemma follows from simple symmetry considerations.
Normal Distribution and Central Limit Theorem3
For a normal curve, the mean, median and mode are the same. To
define a particular normal probability distribution, wee need only two
parameters the mean µ and the standard deviation σ.
Central Limit Theorem (C.L.T.) is a rule assuring that the sampling
distribution of the mean approaches normal as the sample size increases,
regardless of the shape of the population distribution from which the
sample is selected. 4
The C.L.T. says that the probability distribution function of the sum
of a large number of random variables approaches a Gaussian. Although
the theorem is known to apply to some cases of statistically dependent
random variables, most applications, and the largest body of knowledge,
are directed towards statistically independent random variables. The C.L.T.
guarantees only that the distribution of the sum of random variables
becomes Gaussian. It does not follow that the probability density is always
The practical usefulness of the C.L.T. does not reside so much in
the exactness of the Gaussian distribution for N → ∞ because the
variance of 1/N becomes infinite. Usefulness derives more from the fact
that 1/N for finite N may have a distribution that is closely approximated
as Gaussian. The approximation may be quite accurate, even for relatively
small values of N, in the central region of the Gaussian curve near the
mean, even for large values of N. The approximation is made more
accurate by increasing N.
Central Limit Theorem6,7
X1,X2,……..Xn constitute a random sample from an infinite
population with the mean µ, the variance σ2, and the moment generating
function MX(t), then the limiting distribution of Z =
X −ω
as n → ∞ is the
standard normal distribution
Consider the particle performs a random walk of unit steps by X1,
The position of the particle be denoted by S1 , S 2 , ......, S n .
Pr { X i = 1} = p; .
Pr {X i = −1} = q;
p + q = 1; 0 < p < 1
The displacements X i ; i = 1,2,......, n in the n steps are mutually
Then the total displacement S n is the sum of n independent and
identically distributed ( i.i.d.) random variables X i
S n = X 1 + X 2 + ....... + X n
E [X i ] = 1 × p + (− 1) × q = p − q
[ ]
E X i2 = p + q
[ ]
∴Var ( X i ) = E X i2 − E [ X i ] = ( p + q ) − ( p − q ) = 4 pq
∴ E [S n ] = n( p − q )
Thus Var (S n ) = n4 pq
But p = q =
∴ E [S n ] = 0
Var (S n ) = n
∴ σ = Var (S n ) = n
Now since
S n = X 1 + X 2 + .... + X n
are i.i.d. random variables, then the sum
for large n is asymptotically normal with mean
µt and variance σ 2 t (by virtue of the C.L.T. for equal components).8 Here t
represents the length of the interval of time during which the displacement,
which take place is equal to the increment S n − S 0 . We thus find that for
o<i<n, {S n − S i } is normally distributed with mean µ ( n − i ) and variance
σ 2 (n − i ).
Further the increments S i − S 0 and S n − S i are mutually independent; this
implies that {S i } is a Markov process.
Simple Random Walks9
Let X1, X2,……..be independent and identically distributed random
variables defined on a probability space (Ω, F , Ρ ) taking values in the
integer lattice Zd with P{X j = e} =
; e =1
A simple random walk starting at x ∈ Z d is a stochastic process Sn,
indexed by the non-negative integers, with S0=x and
The probability distribution of Sn is denoted by
p n ( x, y ) = P x {S n = y}
That is the simple random walk starting at x and reaches the point y after n
Consider p n (x ) for large n. Assume S0=0.
ie ,we consider x=0.
∴ Sn = X1 + X 2 + − − − − − + X n
is the sum of independent random variables with mean 0 and covariance
The C.L.T. states that
converges in distribution to a normal random
variable in Rd with mean 0 and covariance
If we consider A ⊂ R d is an open ball, then we localized C.L.T. to A.
∴ By multivariate normal distribution
lim n→∞
 d  2 −
P n ∈ A  = ∫ 
 e
 n
 A  2π 
d x
dx1 dx 2 ......dx d
The random variable S n only takes on values in Z d .
If n is even, then S n has even parity while S n has odd parity for n odd.
A typical open ball A ⊂ R d contains about n 2 m( A) points in the
lattice n
Z d , where m denote Lebesgue measure. About half of these
points will have even parity.
∴ If n is even and the random walk spreads itself evenly as possible
among the possible lattice points then
2  d  2
x 
P n =
 e
≈ d 
n  n 2  2π 
 n
−d x
Since the problem of random walk is mathematically the problem of
addition of independent (and usually identically distributed) random
variables, the ultimate behavior of random walkers can be deduced from
the C.L.T. of probability theory. For example, if the individual steps in one
dimensional walk have displacement µ and variance σ 2
then the
asymptotic probability density function Pn for the position X n after n steps
is the normal density with mean n µ and variance n σ 2
If F has mean µ and finite variance σ 2 >0, then
S n − mn
σ n
→ φ in
distribution where φ is the normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1.
We may suppose m=0, by considering the random variables X i − m ,
whose second moment is σ 2 . As in the preceding proof, we have
  S 
E exp it n  =
  σ n 
 t n
 =
f 
σ n 
 i 2σ 2
1 +
 t2
= 1 − + o
 2n
 t 
 t 
 + o
(it )
 → e 2 = e 2 .
The limit being the characteristic function of φ , the proof is ended.
Local Central Limit Theorem6
Consider the simple random walk. If Y is any random variable
taking values in Zd, the characteristic function φ (θ ) = φY (θ ), θ = (θ1 , ......θ d ),
given by
φ (θ ) = E (e iY ⋅θ ) = ∑ y∈Z P{Y = y}e iy⋅θ
has period 2π in each component. We can therefore think of
φ as a
function on [− π , π ]d with periodic boundary conditions. The inversion
formula for the characteristic function is
P {Y = y} =
(2π )
− iy ⋅θ
φ (θ )dθ .
[−π ,π ]d
This can be derived from (2.13) by multiplying both sides by e −iy⋅θ ,
integrating, and noting that
dθ = (2π ) δx.
[−π ,π ]d
The characteristic function
easily, φ n (θ ) = [φ (θ )]n , where
φ (θ ) =
1 d
∑ cosθ j .
d j =1
for Sn can be computed
We will now prove a very strong version of the local central limit
theorem. Let p 0 (x ) = δ (x ) and for n>0,
 d  2 −
p n ( x ) = p(n, x ) = 2
 e
 2πn 
d x
We write n ↔ x if n and x have the same parity, if n = x1 + x 2 + ......... + x d is
even. Similarly we will write x ↔ y and n ↔ m .We define the error
E (n, x ) by
 p (n, x ) − p (n, x ) if n ↔ x
E (n, x ) = 
if n ↔ x
If f: Z d → R is any function and y ∈ Z d, we let ∇ y f and ∇ 2y f be
the first and second differences in the direction y defined by
∇ y f ( x ) = f ( x + y ) − f ( x ),
∇ 2y f ( x ) = f ( x + y ) + f ( x − y ) − 2 f ( x )
If E(n,x) is defined as above, then
E (n, x ) ≤ O n −(d + 2 )
E (n, x ) ≤ x − 2 O n − d
Moreover, if y ↔ 0, there exists a cy<∞ such that
∇ y E (n, x ) ≤ c y O n −(d +3 )
∇ y E (n, x ) ≤ c y x
O n −(d +1)
∇ 2y E (n, x ) ≤ c y O n −(d + 4 )
∇ 2y E (n, x ) ≤ c y x
O n −(d + 2 )
(Greogory F.Lawler. Intersection of Random walks. Birkhauser, Boston
Basel, Berlin, Probability and its applications –see pages 14-16)
Markov Chains10
In the theory of Markov Chains we consider the simplest
generalization which consists in permitting the outcome of any trial to
depend on the outcome of the directly preceding trial and only on it.
Markov Chains illustrate well the connection between probability and
Let S be a finite or countable set. Suppose that to each pair i and j in
S there is assigned a nonnegative number Pij and that these numbers satisfy
the constraint
j ∈S
= 1, i ∈ S
Let X0,X1,……. be a sequence of random variables whose ranges are
contained in S. The sequence is a Markov Process if
P[X n +1 = j X 0 = i0 ,..... X n = in ] = P[X n +1 = j X n = in ] = Pi , j
for every n and every sequence io,i1,……in in S for which
P[ X 0 = i0 ,..... X n = in ] > 0
The set S is the state space or phase space of the process, and the Pij are the
transition probabilities. A Markov Process having a finite or denumerable
state space is called a Markov Chain. Part of the defining condition is that
the transition probability
P[X n +1 = j X n = i ] = Pij
does not vary with n.
The elements of S are thought of as the possible states of a system,
X n representing the state at time n. The process X 0 , X 1 , X 2 ,..... then
represents the history of the system which evolves in accordance with the
probability law (2.17). The conditional distribution of the next state X n +1
given the state X n must not further depend on the past X 0 ,...... X n −1 . This is
what (2.17) requires. The initial probabilities are
π i = P[ X 0 = i ]
The π i are non-negative and add to (2.16), but the definition of Markov
Chain places no further restriction on them.
The properties of the Markov Chain are entirely determined by the
transition and initial probabilities. The chain rule for conditional
probabilities is
P [ X o = i0 , X 1 = i1 , X 2 = i2 ] = P [ X 0 = i0 ] P [ X 1 = i1 X 0 = i0 ]
P [ X 2 = i2 X 0 = i0 , X 1 = i1 ]
= π i0 Pi0i1 Pi1i2
P[ X t = it ,0 ≤ t ≤ m] = π i0 Pi0i1 .....Pim −1im
for any sequence i0, i1.…., im of states.
P[ X m +t = jt ,1 ≤ t ≤ n
X s = i s ,0 ≤ s ≤ m] = Pim j1 Pj1 j2 ......... Pjn −1 jn
as follows by expressing the conditional probability as a ratio and applying
to numerator and denominator. The properties of the Markov Chain are
entirely determined by the transition and initial probabilities.
Chapman-Kolmogorov equation11
Pjk denotes the probability of unit step transition from state j to the
state k at the next trial. The m-step transition probability is denoted by
Pr {X m + n = k X n = j} = Pjk (m )
Pjk(m) gives the probability that from the state j at the nth trial, the state k is
reached at (m+n)th trial in m steps that is the probability of transition from
state j to the state k in exactly m steps. Using the Markovian property of the
process we may also derive the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation.
Pij (t + s ) = ∑ Pik (t )Pkj (s )
k =0
This equation states that in order to move from state i to state j in
time t+s, X(t) moves to some state k in time t and then from k to j in the
remaining time s.
Adding out the intermediate states now gives the formula
] ∑P
Pij(n ) = P X m + n = j X m = j =
k1 .....k n −1
Pk1k 2 ....... Pk n−1 j
for the nth order transition probabilities .
A Markov process for which all realization or sample functions
{Xt, t ∈ [0,∞)} are continuous function is called diffusion process. The
Poission process is a continuous time Markov chain and Brownian motion
is a diffusion process.
Brownian motion12
In 1827 the botanist R. Brown noticed that minute particles
suspended in a liquid moved on highly irregular trails. This and a similar
phenomenon for smoke particles in air, was explained as resulting from
molecular bombardment of the particles. Einstein published a mathematical
study of this motion, which led to the calculation of Avogadro’s number.
In 1923 Wiener proposed a rigorous mathematical model that
exhibited random behaviour similar to that observed in Brownian motion.
The paths described by this Wiener process in 3-dimensional space are so
irregular as to have Hausdorff dimension equal to 2.
We first define Brownian motion in one dimension, and then extend
the definition to the higher dimensional cases.
Let as consider a particle performing a random walk on the real line.
Suppose at small intervals τ the particle jumps a small distance δ ,
randomly to the left or right. (This might be a reasonable description of a
particle undergoing molecular bombardment in one dimension.) Let X τ (t )
denote the position of the particle at time t. Then, given the position X τ (kτ )
at time kτ , X τ (k + 1)τ
is equally likely to be X τ (kτ ) + δ or X τ (kτ ) - δ .
Assuming that the particle starts at the origin at time 0, then for t>0, the
position at time t is described by the random variable
X τ (t ) = δ Y1 + ...... + Yt τ 
where Y1 , Y2 ,....... are independent random variables, each having probability
of equaling 1 and probability
of equaling -1. The Central Limit
Theorem tells as that, for fixed t, if τ is small then the distribution of the
random variable X τ (t ) is approximately normal with mean 0 and variance t,
since the Yi has mean 0 and variance 1. In the same way, if t and h are fixed, and
τ is sufficiently small, then X τ (t + h ) − X τ (t ) is approximately normal with
mean 0 and variance h. If 0 ≤ t1 ≤ t 2 ≤ ...... ≤ t 2 m , then the increments
X τ (t 2 ) − X τ (t1 ), X τ (t 4 ) − X τ (t 3 ),........ X τ (t 2 m ) − X τ (t 2 m −1 )
random variables. We define Brownian motion with the limit of the
random walk X τ (t ) as t → 0.
Brownian motion or the Wiener process to be a random process X
such that:
with probability 1, X(0)=0 (i.e. the process starts at the origin) and
X(t)is a continuous function of t;
for any t ≥ 0 and h>0 the increment X (t + h ) − X (t ) is normally
distributed with mean 0 and variance h, thus
P ( X (t + h ) − X (t ) ≤ x ) = 2πh
−1 2
 − u2
∫  2h
0 ≤ t1 ≤ t 2 ≤ ..... ≤ t 2 m , the increments
X (t 2 ) − X (t1 ),....... X (t 2 m ) − X (t 2 m −1 ) are independent.
From (i) and (ii) we obtain that X(t) is itself normally distributed with
mean 0 and variance h for each t. Also X (t + h ) − X (t ) has distribution
independent of t.
We can extend the definition of Brownian motion from R to R n ;
define Brownian motion on R n so that the coordinate components are
independent1-dimensional Brownian motions. Thus X : [0, ∞ ) → R n given
by X (t ) = ( X 1 (t ),......, X n (t )) is an n-dimensional
Brownian motion on some probability space if the random process
X i (t ) is a 1-dimensional Brownian motion for each i, and X 1 (t1 ),......, X n (t n )
are independent for all sets of times t1 ,......., t n .
By definition, the projection of X(t) onto each of the coordinate axes
is a 1-dimensional Brownian motion. The n-dimensional Brownian motion
is isotropic, that is, it has the same characteristic in every direction.
Let Xt denote the displacement at time t of a Brownian particle.8 The
displacement X t − X s over the time interval (s, t ) can be regarded as the
sum of a large number of small displacements. The C.L.T. is essentially
applicable and it seems reasonable to assert that X t − X s is normally
distributed. Similarly it seems reasonable to assume that the distribution of
X t − X s and that of X t + h − X s + h are the same, for any h>0, if we suppose
the medium to be in equilibrium. Finally it is intuitively clear that the
displacement X t − X s should depend only on the length t-s and not on the
time we begin observation.
Alternative method to show Brownian motion as an approximation of
simple13 random walk
Suppose Brownian particle starts at the origin and jumps every
∇t seconds, moving to the right a small distance ∇x with probability
to the left a small distance ∇x with probability 1 2 . If X n (t ) is the position
of the particle at time t= n∇t random variables Y1, Y2,…..Yn where
P(Yi = ±∇x ) = 1 for all i ≥ 1.
Now Var ( X n (t )) = n(∇x )2 and hence
X n (t ) =
Y1 + Y2 + ....... + Yn
where E ( Z n ) = 0 , Var ( Z n ) = 1
n∇x = Z n n∇x
n = t ∇t and
(∇x )2
n ∇x = t ∇x
∇t .
∇t → σ 2 ≥ 0 as ∇t → 0, the C.L.T. for identically and independent
random variables implies X n (t ) → N (0,σ 2t ) , that is X n (t ) → W (t ) . Now we
show that all the finite dimensional distribution of {X n (t )} converges to that
of {W (t ), t ≥ 0}.
If 0 ≤ t1 ≤ t2 ≤ ...... ≤ tn , then
X n ( t j ) − X n ( t j −1 ) → W ( t j ) − W ( t j −1 ) for each fixed j ≥ 1
Since the random walk and the Brownian motion {W (t )} have independent
increments, the joint characteristic functions of X n (t1 ),........ X n (tk ) is
j =1
φn ( u1 ,.......uk ) = E exp i ∑ u j X n ( t j ) 
  k
 
 k
= E  exp i  ∑ u j  X n ( t1 )  E exp i ∑ u j ( X n ( t2 ) − X n ( t1 ) )  ..........
 j =2
  j =1 
 
E exp iuk ( X n ( tk ) − X n ( tk −1 ) ) 
→ φ ( u1 ,......, uk ) , the joint characteristic function of W ( t1 ) ,......,W ( tk )
Hence by continuity theorem for characteristic function the random
vectors ( X n (t1 ),....., X n (t k )) → (W (t1 ),....,W (t k ))
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