United States atétitb F Ice l’ 1 , 2,871,196 ' Patented Jan. 27, 1959 2 tween which the electric discharge or ?ash takes place. 2,871,196 To reduce the undesirable sputtering characteristics of barium oxide, it has been proposed to add aluminum CATHODES AND EMISSIVE MATERIAL THEREFOR oxide (A1203) to the barium oxide tov form a barium aluminate. As aluminum oxide is added to increase its - Dimitrios M. Speros, Willoughby, Ohio, assignor to Gen eral Electric Company, a corporation of New York 01f rapidly and there is also a sharp reduction in the electron emission of the barium aluminate system. For example, if one mole of aluminum oxide is added to 10 three moles of barium oxide to form the compound No Drawing. Application April 29, 1957 Serial'No. 655,534 percentage in the compound, the melting point drops _ 4 Claims. (Cl. 252-512) 3BaO-Al2O3 the melting point of the compound drops to approximately 1750° C. If, however, the parts of This invention relates to cathodes for electric dis charge devices and more particularly to cathodes pro vided with an improved electron emissive material, to’ methods of activating a cathode for emission of elec trons, and to the emissive material itself. The inven barium oxide and aluminum oxide are made equal to form the compound BaO-Al2O3 it is found that the melt ing point is comparable to the melting point of the orig tion is especially adapted for use in photographic ?ash inal starting material barium oxide. Although the com pound BaO-Al2O3 has the very desirable high melting point, it is very low in electron emissivity and is un tubes operating with cold cathodes. suited for use as an activating material for cathodes of ' Photographic ?ashtubes give a high intensity ?ash 20 electric discharge devices such as ?ashtubes because of of very short duration and may be ?red intermittently the high starting voltage required to ?ash the tube. by means of a portable power pack as pictures ‘are If barium oxide (BaO)‘ is added to increase the emis taken. They comprise a small diameter glass tube, sivity it will be found, as previously indicated, that the melting point of the compound drops rapidly. If the ?lled with a rare gas such as xenon, the tube being pro vided at each end respectively with a cathode and an 25 amount of barium oxide in the barium aluminate is anode between which the electric arc discharge in the further reduced to less than one mole ,a further reduc gas takes places. When used with portable photographic tion in emissivity takes place but the melting point re equipment, it is desirable to provide a ?ashtube operat mains ,at a satisfactory level about 1800" G. How ing at low voltages which increases the reliability ‘of ever, it has been found according to this invention that the unit particularly when batteries in the power pack 30 the emissivity of the barium aluminate may be greatly ‘become weak. Moreover, it is desirable t'o'operate the increased without an appreciable reduction in the melt ?ashtube with a cold cathode to simplify the ?ring cir ing point by converting part of the barium oxide in the cuit and to so design the cathode and emissive coating _ barium aluminate ‘to elementary barium. It is believed as to eliminate sputtering and deterioration of the "arc that the barium is dispersed throughout the barium alu-_ minate crystal, the result being that the crystal provides life of the ?ashtube and reduces end blackening adja- ‘ ‘ a highly e?fective emissive material. The emissivity of cent the cathode. the aluminate system, including elementary barium, is supporting electron emissive material; this increases the Therefore, the instant invention has among its ob-' in excess of the emissivity of barium oxide alone. Al jects to provide an emissive material for cathodes of though the theoretical reason for this is not precisely electric discharge devices such as ?ashtubes which makes \ known, it is believed that the increasedemissivity is possible operation of the tube at low voltage and which ' due to the increased amount of elementary barium also provides for e?ective electron emission under cold which may be bound in the crystal matrix of BaO-Al2O3 cathode operating conditions‘. , as distinguished from the amount of barium which can - Another object is to provide a highly effective emis be held by barium oxide (BaO) crystals. The emis sive material for ‘discharge cathodes which utilizes bar ium aluminate having an excess of aluminum oxide together with some elementary ‘barium bound into a com— posite crystal matrix. 45 sive material thus described for activating cathodes may be prepared by _mixing commercially available com pounds of barium oxide-aluminum oxide (BaO-Al2O3) with powdered aluminum and then activating the material Another object of the invention is to provide a new by__heating to convert part of the barium oxide to ele and improved method of coating or activating a dis 50' mentary barium. In manufacture of cathodes for elec charge cathode with emissive material utilizing a'barium tric discharge devices a mixture may be deposited on the aluminate system in which the emissive material is acti—' .metal cathode and activated by heating in position. vated by heat when in position on the cathode. ' -‘ Still another object is to provide a highly effective activated emissive material for discharge cathodes which allows latitude in choice of size and shape of the cath ode. It is well known that barium oxide itself (BaO) is an eifective emissive material for cathodes of electric i’iThe‘ activated emisisve material of the invention is characterized by the formula (xBaO.Al2O3).yBa wherein 55 there is an excess of aluminum oxide in the barium oxide aluminum oxide crystal to provide a compound having a high melting point. -x therefore must be equal to or less than 1. The lower limit of x is determined by the minimum quantity of barium oxide in the emissive ma discharge devices but this material has the disadvantage 60 terial which will give satisfactory emission characteristics. that it is subject to sputtering from the cathode to the walls of the discharge tube.v In the case‘ of photographic ?ashtubes, such emissive material is deposited on the Walls of the glass tube adjacent the cathodes with the resultant blackening of the tube thereby reducing the light output, and therefore the e?iciency of the ?ash tube. Barium oxide does have the advantage of a rela tively high melting point which is in the neighborhood x may range from 1 mole to as low as 0.1 mole; however, optimum results are obtained when x is in the range of 1 mole to 0.34 mole. The limits y of elementary barium are believed to be determined by the required number of emitting centers bonded in the barium aluminate crystal to give good emissivity. _ v The upper limit of the elementary barium does not appear to be critical as some excess of elementary barium merely acts as a getter. An excess of elementary barium of l'900° C. so that this emissive material can withstand may be desirable for this reason; a large excess of barium,’ the high temperatures which occur at the spots on the 70 however, will inevitably evaporate from the cathode and cathodes where electron emission takes place and be cause blackening on the glass walls of the tube. This ' -=2,871,196 4 3 occurs when this excess exceeds the moles of x'Ba'O'by 2 applied, such as radiation, passing current through a to 2.6 times. Other getters may be used, for example, a titanium anode will act as agetter making excess elemen tary barium unnecessary. The lower limit of elementary barium ideallydepends- on‘ the stoichiometric'yalue offone mole of elementary vbarium to be Tboundiin each ‘mole of BaO. Therefore y ideally approaches 1:: as the lowertlimit cathode coil, conduction from a .hot surface, or by low pressure are and glow discharges from the coil in argon. Activation may take place in a hydrogen atmosphere, argon or other inert atmosphere, or in a vacuum. Another advantage of the low_temperature activation point is that it is possible to activate the coated cathode .by means of heat ‘conducted to the cathode from the sealing ?res used to seal the cathodes in the glass tube. it will be seen that y-may vary between 0.5x and ‘2.6x. 10 Cathodesprovided with an electron emissive-material h ave'been constructed ‘as ‘follows: In preparing ‘the emissive material, it is possible 'to xample 1.-—A coiled tungsten wire cathode having an use an available barium aluminate compound containing for optimum results; however, ‘1y may be as lowlas 505x and produce satisfactory results. :For'the reasons .given, emissive material with approximately the composition 1.43 (0.34BaO.Al2O?')l.27Ba (has been constructed by? has substantially the formula l.76BaO.Al2Q3. Because this material is unstable in air it must ‘lbe "stored and 15 ?rst grinding 94.2.grams of commercially available barium aluminate having the formula l.76BaO.Al2O3 into a ‘shipped in evacuated ampoul'es to protect it from de powder and mixing it with 5.8‘grams of aluminum powder terioration by water vapor. This barium aluminate com ,(average particle size 0003 mm.). This mixture was pound is ?rst ‘ground'to a powder and then mixed with thenpressed into pellets with'a pressure of 10 kilopounds aluminum powder which is ‘preferably of a particle size an excess of barium oxide as ‘a starting material which about 0.003- mm. in properproportion v‘as described below. 20 per square inch ‘and the pellets'recrushed ‘in a mortar. Thclg'rinding, weighing and pressing was done inan air The amount of aluminum powder added to the above conditioned, low-humidity room, andthe material stored compound may vary between the limits of 2.7 to 7.3% in a desiccator. The barium aluminate-aluminum mixture maximum by weight of the mixture. ‘However, aluminum powder in amounts between the limits of 2.7% and 5.8% by weight of ltheimixture gives optimum results. The was‘thenapplied to ‘the cathode tungsten coils by dipping 25 thecoils into‘ the dry powder. The emissive material was thenactivated by heating the coated-coil to about 660“ C. by means’ of the ?res whichvlseal the cathode 1to? "the glass tube of. the ?ashtube. respectivelyfor'each mole of 1.76BaO.Al2O3. I'l‘he chemi< Whilean emissive material prepared with the above cal reaction occurring upon heating to between 600° C. to 660° -C.tactivates-the compound and is as follows in the 30 startingmaterials issatisfactormbarium aluminate con taining an ‘excess of bariumv oxide. is unstable in air as two cases given: limits of 2.7% ‘to 5.8% of aluminumpowder above ‘ stated correspond: to 0,738 and 0.85 moles of aluminum ‘previously mentioned, and may present some production difficulties. Barium aluminate represented essentially by the-formula BaO.Al2O3|is available and has been found 35 to-be a-good starting material. -"Example ~2-.—A cathode having emissive material withapproximately the composition If vthefarno'u'nt vof aluminum’ powder-‘is ‘decreased sub stan'tia'lly below the ‘limits given "an e'missionmaterial rich in barium oxide rather than rich in aluminum oxide 40 has .beenconstructed in the same manner 'as described above in connection with Example 1. Barium aluminate results which, as previously mentioned, lowers themelting ofthe formula BaO-Alz‘Og may be mixed with powdered point. ‘On the other hand the maximum ‘weight of alumi~ aluminum wherein the aluminum ranges [in proportion num which may be utilized should not exceed theabove by weight ofthe total compound between 2.30% and limit since this will deplete the barium oxide content of 4.85%, with 4.06% as the optimum. At optimum‘con the cathode beyond the point of desirable emission and ditions there is 0.4 mole of aluminum powder for’ each stability characteristics. mole of barium aluminate. The reaction occurring The electric‘discha‘rge device or ?ashtube is provided upon heating under optimum conditions is .as follows: with conventional cold cathode constructions such as nickel grids, iron ‘cups or tungsten coils. “The emissive material is applied to the cathodes before activation. 'This 50 This corresponds to.0..33Ba0-Al2O3-0.5Ba. This mixture may be accomplished'by dipping'the cathode into a dry was prepared as above and the dry mixture applied to the cathode. It was then activated by heating to atempera ture of about 660° .C. pressed material into or onto the cathode, orin'any other conventional method. Because of the good adhesion 55 An emissive material of barium ,aluminate may be powder mixture, by dipping it into a slurry of the mixture with butyl acetate, by insertingparticles or pellets or the of the dry powder to tungsten coils, the dry method is synthesizedand partially reduced-by aluminum .during probably ‘easiest and works well ‘fonportable I?ashtubes‘ having tungsten c'oil "cathodes. For vdischarge lamps the activation of thecathode .itselfin .a single ‘step. Compounds consisting ofmixtures of. barium.‘ carbonate (BaCOg), .aluminum oxide (A1203), and aluminum (Al) wet method is preferred but care should be taken to dry 60 powder have been successfully reacted to produce upon being heated activated cathodes of the same compositions the cathodes thoroughly before the-heating operation where a large quantity‘of emissive material is needed, the hereinafter described or the emissive material may dis as the ones'described above. color and ?ake off. An important advantage to the This procedure, however, is not as susceptible to exact control as those already described. The reasons for this ‘emission material according to the present invention is that a coating thickness hardly visible to the naked eye are that two solid state reactions must .now take place; (1‘) the reduction of the carbonate‘ to the oxide at about is suf?cient. After coating, the cathode is heated for activation of ‘ 660° C. ‘as represented by the equation 7 the emissive material. The cathodemay be heated to a temperature between 600° C.?and ‘1200" C.;'however, about 600° C. appears to be a su?iciently high temperature. 70 and (2) the partial reduction-of'the bariumox'ide to Activation at this comparatively low temperature makes give it possible to construct the cathodes of low meltingpoint metals such as iron or nickel. -An' important advantage of this cathode is that no gases are evolved .duringka'cti vation. Any'conventional method ‘of heating may ‘be, 75 2,871,196 5 Depending on diffusion factors, such as particle size, de gree of pressing, rate of heating and the like, the less thermodynamically favorable Reaction 2 above may take 6 the described standard lamps used as a basis of com parison showed that their light output was reduced b about 50% at 5000 ?ashes. ' place concurrently with Reaction 1 above thereby de Still another type of ?ashtube was designed for repeti pleting the amount of aluminum present and necessitat Cl tive. application and made with an emission material in ing the increase of activation temperature to approxima accordance with this invention. The average life of tely 1300" C. for the decomposition of unreacted barium these tubes before they began missing was 765,000 carbonate. ?ashes; whereas, similar lamps with standard'cathodes Photographic ?ashtubes provided with cathodes having do not exceed 250,000 ?ashes and are accompanied by an emissive material have been constructed, tested, and early blackening. The barium aluminate cathodes ‘showed compared with ?ashtubes heretofore manufactured but very little blackening until near the end of their life. in which the cathodes comprised a nickel screen on The test results show that photographic ?ashtubes which a barium-aluminum alloy had been vaporized. having cathodes provided with an activated emissive ma One standard type of photographic ?ashtube now com terial composed of Al2O3 and Ba bound in a BaAl2O4 mercially available and provided with such cathodes has crystal matrix in the appropriate proportion range show a rated starting voltage of 305 volts with a standard de very good maintenance in operation with little bulb black viation in the starting voltage of 20.3 volts. An allot ening making the ?ashtubes particularly adaptable for ment of 100 photographic ?ashtubes in which the cathodes use with portable photographic equipment. were provided with emissive material comprising ‘the While there have been described and illustrated speci barium-aluminate-barium compound according to the in 20 ?c embodiments of the invention, it will be obvious that vention showed an average starting voltage of 286 volts various changes and modi?cations may be made therein with a standard deviation of 18.2 volts. The results without departing from the spirit of the invention which show that ?ashtubes provided with cathodes constructed should be limited only by the ‘scope of the appended in accordance with the instant invention have a lower claims. starting voltage than the identi?ed standard ?ashtube' ' What I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters and this provides a more reliable ?ashtube for use with Patent of the United States is: portable power packs used in photography. A sampling 1. A cathode comprising a conducting core and an of twelve of the ?ashtubes were tested for 5000 ?ashes. emissive material applied thereto corresponding to the Those provided with the barium aluminate cathodes formula (xBaO-Al2O3)-yBa wherein x is between 0.1 showed little blackening on the ends whereas the stand and 1 and y is between 0.5x and 2.6x. ard tubes with the above-described nickel cathodes were 2. A cathode comprising a conducting core and an blackened to an extent such that their light output was emissive material applied thereto having essentially the reduced 30 to 50%. This means that the barium alumi formula 0.33BaO-Al2O3-yBa wherein y is between 0.5 nate emissive material on the cold cathodes is very 'e?ec and 0.89. tive in eliminating sputtering and deterioration of the 35 3. An activated emissive material for a discharge cathode under repeated ?ashing. cathode corresponding to the formula (xBaO-Al2O3) ~yBa Another type of standard photographic ?ashtube cur wherein x is between 0.1 and 1 and y is between 0.5x rently available has a starting voltage of 182 volts with and 2.6x. a standard deviation in starting voltage of 14.8 volts. 4. An activated emissive material for a discharge Another allotment of 30 ?ashtubes was constructed in 40 cathode represented by the formula 0.33BaO-Al203-yBa which the nickel screen cathode was replaced with wherein y is between 0.5 and 0.89. tungsten coil cathodes having a barium aluminate emis References Cited in the ?le of this patent sive material of the composition according to the in vention. The average starting voltage of this allotment UNITED STATES PATENTS of ?ashtubes was 168 volts with a standard deviation of 10 volts. Again it is seen that by use of the instant in vention, the starting voltage of the ?ashtube is reduced thereby increasing its reliability and effectiveness. Oper ation of the improved ?ashtubes up to 7000 ?ashes 50 showed very little blackening of the ?ashtube whereas 1,921,066 1,934,830 1,946,603 2,085,605 Bedford ______________ __ Aug. 8, Spanner et al _________ __ Nov. 14, Wedel ______________ __. Feb. 13, Ramsay ____________ __ June 29, 1933 1933 1934 1937 2,142,331 2,300,959 Prescott ______________ __ Jan. 3, 1939 Pirani ________________ __ Nov. 3, 1942
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