^uTh^'RITtenhouse 5000 Misting Peraon* Male Help Wanted Phone yourK want-ad. BROAD 5000 THE P H I L A D E L P H I A I N Q U I R E R . MONDAY MORNING. A U G U S T 3 1 . 1 9 4 2 Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted 9d Male Help Wanted ROOFERS A ROOFERS' HELPERS. EXP. ASSISTANT tool room foreman, must have BOYS. Positions now available for alert A DISHWASHER, col., good pay, exp. not APPLY 2736 N. FRONT ST nee. Grove Dln*r. 68th A Ogonti aves. active boys, who have made satisfactory exp. on small accurate dies. To receive consideration please state your age, exp.. refs. school records. Bring proof of age. Apply DISHWASHER for all-around work, good ROUGH SPOTTER, expd. for wheats*!* MEN A salary expected in first letter. Permanent The Curtis Publishing Co., Independence cleaning A dyeing plant. Apply Queen pay, no Sundays. 810 Chestnut st. Cleaners. I l l Queen st. ition for the right man. Address S-89> Square. DRAFTSMAN. Mechanical. Experienced _Q._Box_3575. Phila. , BOYS, positions now available for atert A only. Position permanent with organization active boys who have made satisfactory In Glenslde. 8-248 Inquirer. AUDITOR COMPTROLLER, assume comWhit* and Colored Floor and Bench Hands school records. Bring proof of age. Apply For Army A Navy Atrcraft production. SALESMEN—Young men for Retail Aut* plete responsibility of office management, For DRIVER-sal«*man, estab. milk route. Must Experienced The Curtis Publishing Company, Independesirable but aptitude for preAccessory Store. Lxceiient opportunity for priorities & cost control A office details, Unskilled Factory Employment pout cash returnable bonds. Union wages. cision machine operation acceptable. No Shaper Hands dence Square. advancement. Applv between 9 A M A 13 Lott and Found starting salary $2400 per year. State draft Must Have Social Security Number State age, exp., ref. K-35B Inquirer. maximum age limit. Apply Wllkenlng Mfg. noon. I»*p Boys Office, 10th A SomtrvUl* status A past record. Company now doing BOYS, wttttc. single, under 20 year* or age, Planer Hands LOST—Will th* person who took luitcaae VM>«; war work A also has wide distribuave. steady work all year round, one week's DRIVER for l i g h t d e l i v e r y truck. One living Co., 70th st. A Klngsesslng av. Tak* "f In W. Phila. pref. Reference required. Pann by mistake on Public Service Interstate tion in normal times. Q-293 Inquirer. bus from 69th St. Terminal to Church Lane Milling Machine Operators vacation with pay. Apply after 9 A. M.. Poultry A Egg, 6125 Market st. A Klngsesslng ave. or Route No. 11 or No. rra>tsi»<natton Co. bus at Philadelphia Suburban Laundry, 5418 Ella st. Employment Office 37 Subway surface cars to 70th A Woodland Saturday noon. Aug. 22. containing the AUTO MECHANICS. If vou are experienced Keller Operators Campbell Soup Company DRIVER, experienced, for furniture store, SALESMAN, outside. Venetian Minds, reupBOY, white, reliable, for steady work In used car m e t you can have a very good ave., walk north 2 blocks. following articles: pink and brown dress. Third st. between Market A Arch streets none other need apply, white or colored. holsterlng, shades, etc. No sol letting. blue shoes, red housecoat, and Atlantic City paying, steady job with plenty overtime in a factory. Opportunity for advancement. Camden, New Jersey Apply 6800 Torresdale ave. I^eads furnished. Car necessary. Draw end New York souvenirs, please notify nice clean warm shop, with good working CalHU. th floor, 124 N. 15th Street. against comm. App. 9.30 to 11 A. M. or 2.30 Preference Interviews Anna Krapik, 1095 William street. Bridge- ronditions.See Mr. Snyder. 1409 N. Broad st. BOWLING ALLEY Manager, refs. required^ DRIVER, light, help in retail stored mid.to 4 p. m. Sears Roebuck and Ca . Ratail port. Conn. . . aged. Apply 2721 W. Glrard av*. Sal. A comm. Excel, working conditions. AUTO mech., exp., bear wheel alignment For Machinists Store Employment Office, 2nd floor, Tower mech. to take charge of shop. Wonderful Apply P.O. Box 535, Llanerch, upper Darby DRUGS—R.M. A - l exp., perm, pos. Id. LOST—WaUct with money and identifier*Weekdays, 7.00 A. M. to S.OO P. M. Bld f • • Roosevelt Blvd. (Ask for Mr. Stahl) . tion. on Route 20. or Broad St. Subway. oppor. RlchanTs. 12th A Federal. Camden BRICK PbfNTER~wanted. good pay. Calf salary. Call Nebraska 9898. Saturdays, 7.00 A. M. to 1.00 P. M. SALESMAN, THOROUGHLY SALESMAN wanted "for large metropoUtaa" Friday evening. Reward- Ten. 1871. 1925 S. 12th st. Bring tools for w o r k . _ AUTO polishers A slmonlzers (4>, expd. For B and C Shifts DRUGS, reg. pharmacist. 54 hours week, In EXPERIENCED HABERDASHER folding box manufacturers to cover Pennmen, driver's He, good paying, steady ln- BUS BOYS, 2. Apply J l t a floor Terminal LOST--llohday. f a n Walrdrobe suitcase Phila. State age and exp. L-308 Inquirer. with some knowledge of clothing sylvania territory. One familiar with line, initials E W R. vie. Broad S t Sta. Rew. side job. 1409 N. Broad. Ready to work. Bid*.. 401 N. Broad st., between 1 A 4. DRUGS. Pharmacy or H. S. student. Sodi small following and can operate automoGood salary. Very good opportunity. Railway Express Agency, 18th * Market sts. "AUTOMOBILE lubricator A mechanic's Ask for Mr. Christenson. MEN, between the ages of 18 A 50, at least bile preferred. Sala/y A commission. C-30t U.S. CITIZENS ONLY 5 f t 8" in height A 160 lbs. In weight, for Inquirer. helper, steady job, good pay. 48< 5 N. 5th. BUS BOY. SHORT HOURS. APPLY 8 A. M. fountain, nights. S.E.cor.8th A Glrard av. ^ LOSf—White Maltese Terrier, male. Vic". Apply in person at various positions in defense plant. Steady DRUGS. R . M . . relief, evenings A every Township Lint, Jenklntown. Answers to AUTO PAINTERS, must be expd. Steady. 1309 SANSOM ST. SALESMAN. Large concern desires 2 m*»>* Take Buses H, Z, A, R, E, work, good wages, not interested in men Jackie Gordon MeVs Store name "Baggie." Rew. Ph. Ogontz 1175-W. Soffe, 170 W. Berks, , __ BUSHELMAN. expd. for alterations A re- other Sunday, good pay. 2200 Chestnut st. 1 local and 1 for Trenton. Age 25-48. Perworking in defense plants now. Apply Mon702 South St., Phila. Trolleys 33 and 56 "LUST—German shepherd. Black * tan. 3 AUTO Simonizers A polishers, exp. men; pairing. Must be gd. presssr on mach. DRUGS—Q. A. or student, t o work in sub., manent positions. No priority restrictions. day to Friday inclusive. 8 A. M., Employsteady. State age A exp. K-308 Inquirer. yrs, old. Male. Vic. Abington. Answers to good wages. Steady. 3946 Kensington ave. Steady job to right man. Wages $35-40 wk. ment Of flee, Henry Disston A Sons, Inc., Established. Repeat business. Knowledge of • Action." Reward. Ph. Ogonte 0703, office routine helpful. Salary plus comDRUGS, regis, pharmacist, steady, full Wisslnoming and Knorr s t a AUTO truck mechanic A helper truck fleet O-340 Inquirer. READING RAILROAD mission. Give part. A ph. N-30S Inquirer. time, exp. Refs. 3100 N. 16th. Rad. 9965 HANDY man, drivers' license, to be genLOST, bo* containing tan wool dress. WoolBUSHELMAN, exp. on altering A repairing. exp. 342 N. 23d. Ask for Mr. Shapiro. _ MEN, Hottest itenTVanVassing business has erally useful around building repairs. Call 1507 Ramstead St. ^ Nicetown Station worth's, 10th * Market. Reward. Neb. 9464 AUTO Body Builders A blacksmith's hefcjDRY CLEANER—Experienced, steady posi- Pll. 6fl43. between 9 A. M. A 5 P. M. ever had, highest comms- paid, exp. pre- S AI .KSM E N to sol left loca tiona Work In conjunction with your own line. Attracttv* LOST—Wallet, black, init C.F.M. Nr. 40th ers. Good pay. Soffe. 170 W. Berks st. BUTCHER, expd., some knowl. of groceries" tion. Apply 1628 N. 21st st. ferred but not essential. Apply at one* Tioga Station HARDWOOD finisher, refinlsh high grade proposition, highest comma, paid. App. Apply 1418 W.Westmoreland,after 11 A.M. * Sanaoin. Urgently needed. Rew.310 S.40th. AUTO CAR WASHER A T L U B R I C A T O R T Morgan Home Equipment. 1304 Race. furniture. Apply H»re, 2218 Race st. 22d St. Station LOST—Gold pendant, centre city, reward", MEN wanted bet. 40 A 50 yrs., to be gen- Royal. 124 Market St. 9 A. M. or 5 P M TTANVASlilRS - selling household articles on GOOO PAY. PHONE FUL. 9312. HOSIERY, wanted, exp. legger on 45-gauge sentimental value. £-304 Inquirer. Installment plan. W* have a brand new erally useful in light non-defense factory SALESMAN, expd. in furniture A doming" AUTO Mechanics A Helpers, steady work. proposition for all former Consolidated men. Reading machine. Good wages. Steady for installment business. Inside work. work. Apply 37 N. 7th s t , Mr. Green. 1807 W. Hunting Park. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD work, P-308 Inquirer. Goldman's, 36 S. 2d st. New comm. basis. Apply early morn. ConMEN, 2, exp. unnec. take orders. In clrc. AUTO Mechanic's Helper. Must have some solidated Home Fum. Co., 1010 Rac*. HOSIERY LEGGER! Westmoreland Station dept. pur men earn $40 to $50 wklv. Pub- SALESMAN. man~contacting industrial cfi^ Male Help Wantmd experience. Apply 1310 Poplar st. First class Knitters who desire to earn more entele to sell welding equlpt. A supplies. CANVASSERS. A sure fire proposition tor lisher_Comm; Room 708, 151$ Walnut st. than a mere existanot, we offer <f>. good 1st hand on sweet dough Lib, comm. A bonus plan. K-336 Inquirer. fall opening, top commissions, spot delivCaution—When answering adver- BAKERS MEN—-Big opportunity In apparel. Our A rolls. Danish pastry A pies, night work; EARNING! OVER S100 WEEK Employment Office Open Can still earn $10 to $15 dally. Get in expd. m*n earn $200 to $300 monthly. "SALESMEN, age 20-65. No exp. n e e Sotisements, do not inclose original also exp. 3rd hand, day work, good wages ery. STRAIGHT STEADY DAY on opening sale. Apply American Home licit gen. house repairs. Our men earn $30Comm Majnager, Rm. 1735. PSFS Bldg. From 7 A. M. to 5 P." M. the right men. 4831 Woodland ave. Equipment Co.. 1234 Glrard av*. WORK (NO NIGHT WORK) references or other valuable mate- to $70 wk. comm. Expense* pddally.Dav.74gg. Ph. Bar. 24L3. MEN or boys, assembling smalTfurnitureT PLENTY OVERTIME Saturday to 2 P. M. rials. Copies serve the purpose and CAR cleaners A polishers, will pay $1.75 No exp. necessary, permanent, good hourly SALESMEN, fastest selling phot offer for DOUBLE JOBS Good, sober, steady, all-around; per car; 1st class job. over 100 cars. Come .10c. 4 proofs, no balance, good samples. originals may get lost Also be BAK"ER. rate. Phone Reg. 1786; Amber A Hagert sts. EXCELLENT MACHINERY Monday and Friday can start work at once or later. Ciminera's ready to work, 3946 Kensington ave. Salary A comm. Lux Studio. 1815 Walnut st. Out of town loc. moving expenses financed. sure that the box LETTER, as well Bakery. 1601 Morris st.. Phila. MEN to distribute advertising material. Ap- SALESMAN, family shoes, every Friday Strippers and Finishing Tenders From 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. Write stating age, married or single, exp. ply between 6 A 9 A. M. Mon., 13th A Caias the number, is on the envelope. BAKER. .2nd hand on pies, bread, rolls A CARD ev«. A Sat.. $7. Ardmore 176. wanted for Woolen Mill. $.65-$.85 per hour. for past 10 yrs-, refs. A when available. lowhill, 4000 N. Broad A 56th A Arch. sweet dough. 3801 N. 7th st. Good room and board accommodations $10 K-331 Inquirer. SALESMAN, family shoes, steady. Stat* MEN A Boys to sell lot cream from motorACCOUNTANT, experienced senior or semi- BAKER. Cake, 3d hand. 8635 Castor ave. weekly. No labor trouble. Apply Hartford age. ref. A sal. R-328 Inquirer. ized equipment. Good routes open. Apply HOSIERY, Knitter—If you are a good semar wanted for permanent position with go knitPll. 14&3. ________ Spinning. Inc., Unionville, Connecticut. SALESMAN for men's clothing store, oppor." Jack A Jiir 917 N. Watts st. $70 per per wk. 40 hrs. f:rm of C. P. A *s Submit details of educa- B A K E R f l r s t hand on bread, rolls A sweet CARD tender, exp. on cotton. T~ak* car~No7 ter A make less the* 570 to become mgr. Write 0-35t Inquirer. Call Pit. 8886 tion, salary desired, marital a draft status. MEN (7), expd. or""toexp*?~er*cttng tentsT 50 to Tabor Rd. Walk East, Wm. Whitaker Employment Service Dept. SALF.SMAN'AGFR k * « Inquirer. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dough. $40 a week. 2749 Germantown ave. A Sons: Call Young A Cooper. 52'JO Poplar_s«._ HOTEL night clerk. s v e r l S , single, some BAKER" first hand, knowLof decorating." —--—•, • m i n i i . a m ww—•—— | • ii—I—-——lima —> ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME-OPPORTUNITY PBX A bkkpg. exp,, live in. Call Wal. OFFICE B O Y S - W e have vacancies In our steady poa.A good w ages.5142 Haverford av. CARDS~f ake car No. 50 to Tabor rd., walk" e are looking for a salesman, who. if 1233 a i t e r j m ^ A ^ L . neral office In Phila. for young men, aged he wproves 24th St. & Hunting Park Ave . BAKER on bread A 'rolls,'" oven man w a i t - east. Wm. Whitaker A .Sons. he has what It takes, can graduto 19. No experience or specialised educaHOUSEMAN, must t g v e driver's license. eri Apply 102O_S._8th_st.__ Lorn. 9191. CARPENTERS. Framers for single houses. Into a salesmanager's place. The position Is required but applicants must be ate Good home for right person. References. not affected by war conBAKER first hand, cakes, good salary," Take Media car at 69th St. Terminal. Get graduates of high school with scholastic rec- tion Is permanent, L-316 Inquirer. AERONAUTICAL m with earnings far above the average steady. Fricke's Bakery. 1343 South st.•_ off at Woodland ave. station. Springfield. Please do not apply if already ords that place them in the upper third of ditions, HOUSEMAN, white, active, permanent, live In the sales field. Under our new, modern Experienced Aircraft S t r e s s their class. Starting salary $81 per month BAKER, third hand on cakes, steady posi- Walk 3 blocks south to Maplewood road. in. Old Man's Home. 39th A Powelton. and different sales method over 50% of our employed on defense work. See foreman, Mr. Steele. with excellent opportunity for advancement tion. Fricke's Bakery, 1343 South at. Designers, ' G r o u p Engineers HOUSEMAN, chauf.,pvt. fam.,3 adults.8228 to better paying clerical positions. Applv leads are sold. If you think you can prove BAKER, 3rd hand on cakes, day work. CARPENTER for Industrial Plant Mainin person. Room 900. 260 S. Broad st.. Mon- you are the man. write full qualifications Westminster rd.,EHtlns Park. Ogonti 1258. tenance, wages 93c per hour. Apply to Mr. and Layout Draftsmen, Body, Apply 1553 S. 28th. How. 3928. day. August 31. 9 A. M. to 6 P. M . The and an appointment will be arranged Th* Getty, Baugh A Sons Co.. foot of Morris st. INSURANCE—Can us* experienced Gentile" work Is with a C«metery Company of charAtlantic Refining Company. • B A K E T L first hand" StauTexp ."steady pos., Power Plant, Landing Gear, living north of Lehigh ave. Draft exempted, acter In Southeastern Pennsylvania. Local old good wages. D-222_lnquirer, ^ ^ i ' A R P l N T s R expiriehc*d""*o"n laying "OPERATORS, exp. on "felling machines a with auto to sell and collect ordinary Life man preferred. Car necessary. Salary and flooring. B * t ^ 9 - S . 3 0 . _ 4 4 8 _ N J l 0 t h st. Surface Controls & Furnishings Insurance premiums. Steady position. Salary double needle machines to work on Govern- bonus N-388 Inquirer. B A K ^ R T rolls, bread"A"sw*et dough, $40", A commission. E-311 Inquirer. "If!* w ° r t - Kay Sportswear. 1011 Diamond. fast A must know business. Q-291 Inquirer. C A R P E N f l R , $1.25 hour, Monday7I 30 A. M.Bring tools._5817_C5rmantown av..2d fir. OPERATORS f o r s i i k screen work. App! SALESMANAGER. "BANK"TELLER with Burroughs bookkeep^ INSURANCE man f«r health A accident Mechanical minded. Draftsmen, Layout Men, Dart Board Equipment Co.. 306 Cherry st tng experience. Beach Haven National CARPENTKRS, *xpd. on alteration*/ s"tead"y OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT debit. Exp. not nee. hut must be over 45 starting salary g3000 per year. Must a s work. St*. 3703. Bank and Trust Co . Beach Haven. N. J, OPTICAL, exp. edge""grinder. Apply Bendyears of age. Sal. A comm. K-349 Inquirer sume complete responsibilities for merEngineers and Machinists are BARBER. 1st" class." Wages $35 wk. A "CARPENTERS W A N W D . Call r i a l y to U.S. CITIZENS ONLY er A Off. 1837 Chestnut st. chandising A promotional sales. Must have INSURANCE Man. exad. in H. A A.; salary cotnm. 5 days. Hrs. 9 A. M. to 7 P. M. _j«rork:_Agply___314_ Lancaster ave. a background of results to be considered. Needed at Once. A comm. Apply 2012 ft- Broad at. OYSTERMAN, exp., white, no night or Only BRING PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP Sat. 9 to 9. Near P. R. R. sta. 619 Welah CARPENTER. Apply "3071" Jasper at"' Gaman looking for permanent future eaa Sunday work. Call Wav. 4880 or apply JANITOR, on* falnUar with apt. house rages or phone Gar. 3437. st.. Cheat*r, Pa. Concern now doing 100"* war work Mason's Oyster House. 1308 Drury st. (13 qualify. work. Apply B. StMa. Oak l a n e Manor but our products also have wide distribubel. Chest. I Sat. or Mon. before noon. Apt*.Valley Road. Oak Lane.jviajestlc 240«) BARBER, steady, excellent position, hours CHAUF. A HOUSEMAN, colored. Apply 122 tion in normal times Stat* complete his• Applications are also being W. Upaaljt.,_G*rmantown, Pa.__ OYSTER" man. l s t ' c l a i s opener. Whit*, tory inriuding draft status. B-263 Inquirer 8 to 7, Saturday. 8 to 8. Garden Court JANifOR" A'MAiD. entered, married, for good wages, steady work. Apply Kellv'i taien for S e m i - s k i l l e d Plata Barber Shop. 4711 Pin* street. CHEF—Competent to supsrvis* kitehihT small hotel. Apply 1819 Summer st. SCOURER, steady Job7good'pay Quality Oyster House. 5 S. Mol* st. _ Employment Service Dept. BARBER, l i t class, good piy."i02T"_C feeding 1000 Navy and Army men. Send JOB PRESS FEisfDa*8~wanted. Noel Cleaners, Codings A Alabama rd., CamMechanics. application to Postoffloa Box 6246, N. 8. OYSTERMAN, know how to'open A pat 4»th st. don N J Phone Camden 9868. 24th & Hunting Park Ave^ _ Printing C a , 112 N. Ithji. oysters.JfrLjwdy. Flsher's._2845_N. 5th. BARBER, short" hours. Apply Wldener Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania. KETTLE hand, experienced, hosiery only. SCOURER for silk work. John A Merer r PAINTERS," all ground "work, $1 per "Hour, Building Barber Shop, Juniper A Chestnut. "CHEF Steward, whltVor coll. *xp! In mihu , Apply Lee Dye Work*. A A Clearfield sts. " ^ t e e j y r s A D y e r s . 3543 N 9th at. Special Interviews for Draftspreparations, assume complete charge of call ready for work. 5803 Torresdale ave. SERVICE station men, 30-50 yrs., exp. tn "BARBER. 1st d a i s only. $25~A COBtt- kitchen help for restaurant. State age, naKITCHEN helper, short order" cook, *ve. PAINTERS, two. g.xxl. WiFfpiy $L0u per lubricating, tires A battery service 8*1. men, Machinists, Technical Marty's Barber Shop, 57th A Wyndal* av. tionality, exp. A sal. S-289 Inquirer. Please Do Not Apply If Already wk. Murray's, 1302 Prury Lane. Kin. JJ744 hour. Cat|_Sar:_4633. ben in Phila. Int. 10-11 A. M. Mon.. Frt. BARBER, flrst-class, steady, $28. half over "cTlW^CocJR. A~-l onlyT whiter very good LABORERS, white, high school graduates. end Skilled Labor. PAINTERS, 1st"class only. Apply bet. 0 0 Alliance Auto Service ..'WW A Walnut sts. Employed On Defense Work Starting rate $29 per week. Apply week139. Call all day. 161H Falrmount av*. oppor. for right man. Apply between 3 A 5 A S A . M.. 4420 Market St ____________ SHIPPER. Young man wanted on Govern^ days, 8 A. M. to 4 P. M . Wilson Distilling 'BARB'ER—TfiurT art., F i t alt.. aflTday P. M . 1320 Chancel lor _«. PAINfgRS," flrst-class, wanted "for Inside ment overcoats. Must have some exp. ApEXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS p5' . I n c . . Green Ian*, Bristol, Pa. Sat ply Cromwell Coat Co.. Inc.. 445 N. Darten. i i 7 4 e i L E Wyomlnf av*. Mlc. 8463. "CHEF, experienced. Colored] good place! outside work. Apply 150 S. 60th st. U. S. CITIZENS ONLY LABORERS A young men. oppor. to learn OVERTIME AND ADVANCEMENT BELL l o V s Wantad. Apply Gladston* , Call Ambler 9945. PAPER BOXES, S. A S. adjustor. State SHIPPER, white, for candy factory, steady trade. Fogel Refrigerator Co., 5400 Eadom CHEMICAL workers, skilled A semi-skilfed". DRY CLEANER, expd., good pay, steady age. exp. A salary. B-218 Inquirer. work. E. G. Whitman A Co.. 2346 N. 9th. Hotel, 11th A Pine. »t. (1 block north of Frankford Arsenal). Citizens Foot* Mineral Co., 4041 Rldg* ave. employment. Fernvvood Cleaners, 16 S. 4th BICYCLE Mechanics ( 2 ) . Must be exp. PAPERHANGER. 1st class mechanic. Come SHIPPER, exp., for cotton dress factory. C-O-Two Fire Equipment Co. St., Femwood, Delaware County. TAKE BUSES H. Z, A, R. E ready for work, 5046 N. 5th St. Steady, good salary. Apply Herman's. 6831 E. Gordon A Co., 1238 CaUowhffl St. Route 25 at Haynes Ave,, Newark, N. J. Ludlow st.. Upper Darby, Boulevard 1944. DTtY CLEANER, exp. John A Meyer CleanTROLLEYS 33 and 5b PAPERHANGER, 1st class. Gd. pay. Bring SHOES, exp. insol* tackers. model C er A Dyer Co., 3543 N. 9th st. BILLER, fast, accurate typist, for pertools. 150 S. 60th st. laster. model B heeler and shaver, heat manent position with transportation ofELECTRICIAN. Power, ligfit, M, refrlgera- Day or night worn, alto first class machin- MAINTENANCE MAN for hotel, single, live PHARMACIST, N. J., R. M. or Q. A., no burnisher, heel scourer, welt bedlaster. A*~ READING RAILROAD fice. Night work. Exp. on Underwood Fan- on precision parts for Army. Navy aircraft. ists. Able to work to close tolerances A read ply J. Edwards A Co.. 314 N. 12th st. tton. general maintenance. iraft deferred. fountain. No Sunday. T-269 Inquirer. in. Give age, church affiliations, experifold helpful but not necessary. Apply by Must be expd. A capable of supervising De- Permanent position. State reference, expe- blue prints. Do own set-up work. Must have ence, salary wanted and telephone number. PHOTO FINISHER, manager, for modem SHOES, clickers, cutters on linings, Nicetown Station own tools. U. S. Citizens only. letter giving experience, etc.. to Motor partment of 60 inspectors. Only U. S. Citizen rience, salary A age. E-310 Inquirer. assemblers for counters A helpers. Call* B-281 Inquirer. plant. Must be competent to assume full Freight Express. Howard A Oxford sts. need apply. Write giving complete informa- ELlCTRfCIANS A'HeipersTor house "wirfomla Shoe Co., 117-121 N. 5th. responsibility of plant. Long hours if necesMAINTENANCE MAN. familiar with elecSHARPLES CORPORATION Tioga Station BLACKSMITH, bolter A tank shop exp. tion to Gray A Rogers. P. S. F. S., Bldg.. ing A general repairs. Ph. Sharon Hill 0107 trical equipment in steel mill. Knowledge of sary to get results. Exceptional opportunity SHOEMAKER, all around man. Steady Job. 23RD A WESTMORELAND STS. Good pay, stdy.work.N.E. cor. 12th A Noble 12th A Market St., Phila, crane motors essential. Write P. O. Box 187, for right man. State exp., refs. A salary Terminal Shoe Repair. 69th St. Terminal 22nd St. Station BLOCKERS, exp., for ladies' hats, good CIGAR makers, male A female, exp., hand ELECTRICIAN'S Helper, 1st class man B1 expected. P-311 Inquirer. Coatesyille. Pa. i«; • «><h * Market sts. Blvd. 340ft. only^MustJiave tools. Call Vic. 4030. LATHE, milling A shaper hands, 1st class !_*_; Apply Elite Hat Co.. 1010 Race st. mold work. Steady, good paying jobs. 005 SHOEMAKER, all around man. Good pay. PHOTOGRAPHER — SALARY *47»&~""TS BLUE PRINTER—Must have exp. in only, with own tools. Good opportunities, MAINTENANCE man for large sub. apF. ELECTRIC WELDERS, first class; appren- pleasant working conditions, overtime basis, PENNA. RAILROAD $5000 A YEAR FOR SUPERVISORY CAPusing Modern Blue Printing Machinery. Spring Garden st. house. Must have own carpenter's tools. Call after 5.30 P. M. Washington Shoe Retice weldcis; layout men and fitters, rlrst- night premium. Call tor Interview, 9 to 5 Apt. CLERK, front office, for hotel, single, live cluss. ACITY WITH NATIONALLY KNOWN palring. 24 8. Monroe st.. Media. Pa. App!y_51_N. 13Ut St. A sal. Apply 1612 Locust st. Westmoreland Station Ap. employment office. Welded Steel in. State age, church affiliations, experiPORTRAIT ORGANIZATION. MUST BE BOILER engineer A maintenance manT ence. Salary wanted A telephone number. Shapes, Inc.. N. 11th ave..Coatesvllle. Pa. dally (except Saturday) or Tuesday A MAINTENANCE Mechanic, 1st class for THOROUGHLY FAMILIAR AND EXPERI- SHOEMAKER wanted, steady work, good" Thurs. evenings, 7 to 9. Gum Inc., 4865 Draft exempt. Citizen. $120 month. 40-hour K-202 Inquirer. wages. Apply 728 E. Chelten ave. smelting plant. Permanent nosition. ENCED WITH FLUORESCENT AND INELEVATOR operator, colored, night work, Stenton ave (At 4600 Germantown ave. | LUNCH CANTEEN SERVICE week, overtime extra. E-295 Inquirer. central city hotel. Must have excellent LATHE OPERATORS—5 years' experience. State salary A experience. P-320 Inquirer CANDESCENT LIGHTING AND ALL SHOE salesman. Exp. For evening work. "CLERK, day shift. Camac Baths, Camac Rosenberg's. 4519 walnut st. "BOOKKEEPER, laundry experience prereferences. Apply 1612 Locust sL IN ALL SHOPS Top rate, night work. Draft deferred 0 . S. MAINTENANCE man. white, small hotel. PHASES OF PHOTOGRAPHY AND CAPA Walnut sts. ferred. Payroll, bookkeeping machine. ABLE OF TEACHING PHOTOGRAPHY. SHOE FINISHER. Steady position, good citizen. M. L. Bayard A Co., Inc., 20th No phone calls.Mr.Gordon.115 S.40th st. ENGINEER'S ASSISTANT with structural State age, experience,salary.R-360 Inquirer. CLERK, knowl. of typing A genl. office FREE TO TRAVEL. REPLY TO A-232 salary. No night work. 243 S. Broad st. steel experience, blue print reading and and Indiana ave. MAN wanted in bakery for packing bread, INQUIRER. work. Draft exempt. R-304 Inquirer. BOOTBLACK, experienced, for barber shop. weight calculation necessary. Write P. 0 . SIGN MAN, experienced letterer and p;<> etc. Mitchel, 31st A Diamond. Free Parking Space LATHE HAND. Engine, for accurate work. COLLECTORS with car for estab. routes. Box 187, Coatesvllle, Pa. Apply 267 S. Broad st. PHOTOGRAPHER, expd. retoucher A opertorial layout man. National Flag A BanFine chance to learn tool making. Good Only those seeking a permanent position BOOTBLACK" wanted. 142 S. 7th St.. with opportunity for advancement need ENGINEER with heating A refrigeration ex- wages A day work. Eureka Engineering Co., MAN AND WIFE, colored. 35 to 45. ex- ator, to manage, studio. Good salary plus ner Co.. 1222 Vine st. perienced and trustworthy only. Good comm. Wonderful oppor. for right man. SLAG roofers A helpers. CaU before 7.30 Phila. perience. Permanent. State references 10 Penn axe., Rockledj*. Pa. apply. Salary plus comms. Morgan Home cook, little driving, houseman, thorough L-334 Inquirer. Employment Service Dept. and experience. K-247 Inquirer. A. M.. 1312 N. Palethorp st. Equipment. 1304 Race st. LAUNDRY—Foreman for marking dept. cleaners, handy and with knowledge of gar- PHOTOSTAT Operator—One having exp. Eicensed reTrlgeratTon A Past 45 or draft exempt. Must know pen dening preferred to butler type. Reference SLAG roofer A helper. Apply 1615 Stile* COLLECTOR A Adjuster, exp. in auto fl- ENGINEER oprt'g Photostat Mch's. Apply 51 N. 13th. and machine marking; have ability to in- Investigated. Adult. Gentile family. New holler for night relief shift. R-247 Inquirer 24th St. & Hunting Parle Ave. street. nance. Car owner "preferred, Good opporBOYS new employees A be production mind- home Tn suburbs, $140. P. O. Box 186, tunlty. Q-366 Inquirer ERRAND BOY for dental lab. to run er- struct SODA disp., lunch'te.. exp.. male or feed. Clean, well-ventilated bldg. Good steady rands A learn the trade. United Dental, pos., 536 wk. to start. Write giving exp. A Broom*II, Pa. male, good hrs. 29th A Dauphin. Fr*.»737. COOK, colored, 2d, for private rural sani\ tarium. Sal. $65 a month with full main- 908 Walnut st. Open 7 A . M . to 5 *P. M. MAN not effected by draft for automotive SODA FOUNTAIN, ex other details. D-379 Inquirer good shift or 6 to tenance, own room and laundry. Give exp.. ERRAND BOY, mus¥ be"over 16. ApptylU parts, stock A shipping. Must be active. 12 midnight. Green % Drug 329 N. Broad White and Colored K ' " 3 S y ft Friday, 7 A . M . to 8 P. M. LAUNDRY, strong young colored men to age, height and weight. J-Box 4, Belle Apply 1248 N. Broad st. after 9.30. Ask N. 13th st. 18 to 20 Years Old SODA FOUNTAIN (2>. for evening work Men'wllh Marin* experience preferred. work In wash house A other depts. Good for Mr. _ Fischer. Mead, N. J. • For Unskilled Factory Employment In drug store. 4400 Germantown ave. Saturday* to 2 P. M. wages, steady work. Apply early ready for Must Furnish Proof of Age COOKS ( 2 ) . only men "capable o f e a r n i h g MAN. stone cutter for monument shop. ApFifty-three-hour work week at present work, j 0 » Via* st, J SODA & Sandwich man. exp., steadv gd. And Social Security Number above average apply. One for dinners, one ply New Jersey Marble A Granite Work*, pay. Apply Marcy's, 1614 Chestnut st. LAUNDRY, extractor men. pullers, loaders, Crescent Blvd. A King ave., Pensauken, N. for short orders A counter. New May fair ESTIMATOR A PROCESS MAN Applicants must pass physical also wrappers. Apply Sundav bet. 10 A 2 J. Near Central Airport, Merchantville 2756W SOLICITORS, obtain music machine locaDining Room & Diner. 7353 Frankford ave. or Monday. Manchester Laundry, N. E. cor. tions, attractive proposition. highest Examination and show proof of COOK, white, expd., lor 26 people, private Employment Office comm. Apply Royal Dist. Co.. 124 Market 11th A Mifflin sts. •t MAN, reliable, 45 to 55 preferred, for esU. S. CITIZENSHIP city school. $60 a month, full maintenance St., 9 A. M. __ Campbell Soup Company tablished coffee route in w . Phlia. Car furWanted for machine shop specializing In LAUNDRY—Driver salesman. References. Apply 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. daily Salary A bonus. Experience unnecThird st. between Market A Arch streets A own room. Penna. Institution for the jigs, fixtures and special machinery. Must Salary A commission, $100 bond return- nished. SPEEDER—or slubber tender. Take car No. Blind. 64th st. A Malvern ave.. Overbrook. Including Sunday essary ._N_331J nqu lrer. Camden, New Jersey be experienced. Call or write Schiller, No- able. R-357 Inquirer. 50 to Tabor Rd. Walk East. Wm. Whitaker Tuesday A Thursday Evenings COOK for small group during September. lan A Co,, Inc., 817 Wood s t Arsons. • MAN for all around work in dry cleaning 7 P. M. to 9 P. M. LAUNDRY, sorters, packers, pullers A misplant Apply Femwood Cleaners. 16 S. 4th Apply C. C. Yocum, Baldwin Hotel, Beach SPINNERS wanted Bassett A Furber mulesT cellaneous help; steady work; good pay. st.. Femwood. Delaware County. PERSONNEL OFFICE Ha ven, N. J. ' Average pay $35 to $50 weeklv. Good room King Laundry. 2010-l|_S. 11th St. Weekdays. 7.00 A. M. to 5.00 P. M. COOK, colored, for a small Institution on MAN who understands sharpening of lawn and board accommodations, $10 weekly. No T Saturdays, 7.00 A. M. to 1.00 P. M. bu XT" "" »RY foreman ta take charge of finmowers. Apply Herman's, 6831 Ludlow St., labor trouble. Apply Hartford Spinning, CRAMP SHIPBUILDING COMPANY f line. Live in. D-327 Inquirer. FARM HASD, milk amTrun tractor. 46ift ished a» H. State sal., exp. R-303 Inquirer Ujpper_ Darby. • Inc , Unionville. Connecticut. Richmond and Norris Sts. Germantown ave. Dav, 9770, or NorrisCOOK, short order, apply Rowley's Diner, N Philadelphia. Pa. town 623R4. AIRCRAFT MAN A wife, white or col., gen. housework, SPOTTERS on rough work, steady posi- E - cor. 12th A^ Spring Garden sta. cooking A licensed driver, small fam. Call PIPE Fitters, with tools, for hot water heaftion. Good pay. Apply United Tailors, BOY, white, 18 years or over to help on COOK, white or colored, for taproom. Call FINISHER A Cabinet Maker—Stdy. wrkT 6 eleva Gre. 5041. Pop. 9999. CM. pay. Must be capable. Schmidt's. j2f_ repairs, driver's license, permaing per radiators. 4153 Germantown ave. - ?Jh A Media St. MAN. Exp. In fruit market, able to drive PLASTERER A brick pointer, $6 d s y ; STAMPERS wanted, experienced stampers nent. $30 to start. Apply between 9 A 12 COOK, white, steady Job. Apply Diner, 1123 S. Broad St. A. M. 471 N. 3d st. machine. Steady job, good wages. Apply on inking A upright stamping presses for 4635 Rising Sun ave. steady work. Michigan 4191. FIREMAN for low pressure heating A small today. 1404 S. 52d st. • out of town book plant. In reply pleas* BOY. 18~yrs. or 17 with working pa'peTs. COOK, exc. baker, all around kit. wk! Pitts PLASTER labor, ready" to work. Mad. 0275: give refrigeration operation. Permanent. State full particulars including age. previMAN, white or colored, greasing, washing," 139 E. Broadway, Clifton Heights. Col. or white, to learn on leather handles, Dining Rm.,29 W.Maplewood Ave.Vlc.9180 < x r < * B? i5" _?__J,":^^ Inquirer. ^_^ steady wk. Philadelphia Brief Case Co., etc. for fleet of trucks. Steady employment. PLUMBER, 1st class knowledge of heating. ous experience and references and draft COOK, short order counter man, for high (ALL OCEAN GOING PAPERS) 215 S. American St. Fireman for low pressure htng. system, statu* D_-257_Inquirer. ?-_r appointment call Reg. 4800. Must have driver's lie. D-384 Inquirer. class diner, gd. pay^exp.88th A Ogontz ava.» steady work, state exp. 0-309 Inquirer. MAN—Must be expd. in repairing bicycles. BOYS, strong, over 18. good pay, staady STEAM TABZJt MAN7~Must~have exp~*A COOk.Whife, short order, exp. Apply 711 FIREMAN, licensed, exp. on oil burner. Ap" U. S. CITIZENS ONLY Steady work. Apply Herman's. 6831 Lud- PLUMBERS for plumbing and heatingrwTth birth certificate. Apply between 1 A 4 P. M. work, exp. unnec. Wunderles Candy Fac- _N. J o o l s . 705 N. 3 l i t , Broad st. • | | low st.. Upper Darby. Pa. ply Centennial Cleaners, 1156_N._3d St._ Mr. Chrlstenaen. 401 N. Broad st . 11th f!. tory. 8th A Somerset sts. 2nd, good job, day work. Apply FISHERMEN, exp. wholesale A retail m k t (Proof of Birth and Citizenship Required.) MAN to repair tires A assist mechanic with PLUMBERS wanted SUPERVISOR, night, motor freight, -fa^ BOY. Driver's license Must know Main _COOK. Shoyer's Restaurant, 412 Arch st. Apply 3607 N. 16th St. fleet of trucks. Exp. required. Driver's liEmerson Odham Co.. Reading Term. Mkt. Foreign Assignment. Long Term Contract. miliar Phila. A N . Y. operations. K-373 Line, Del. A fountain. Ardmore PharCOOK, white, expd. No nights or Sunday. FLOOR SANDERS and finishers, expert Salary Basis, Plus Food and Lodging. cense. 525 wk. Call Reg. 8260. ^ _ POLICEMAN, pensioned, wanted as house Inquirer. macy. Dufour's Bourse Restaurant. 18 S. 4th st enced only. Write M. Dubin, 3810 ventofficer. Apply 1612 Locust St.. 1st fir. MAN with knowledge of plant expediting A BOY. Gentile, over 18. deliver orders and TAILOR, exp. for men's clothing store. Apply Monday through Saturday production controls. Salary open. Reply PORTER. Colored, for light Inside work. learn meat business. Monday, 8 to 10 A. M. COOK, colored. 2nd, must b* exp. Apply nor ave., Atlantic City, N. J. 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. alterations. N. E. cor. 7th A Snyder ave. glving age A exp. L-296 Inquirer. 1328 Walnut st. Liberal salary. Apply betw. 10 A 12. Heronly. 5435 Baltimore aye. Also Write or Call FOUNTAIN MAN, expd.. evenings. Apply TAILOR, presaer. flrst-claaa, $40 wk. Monbert's Jewelers, 104 S. 13th st. PHILADELPHIA DIVISION MAN for gen. factory work. No experience at once. 1601 Chelten_ave. - gl n _j*l_W_Lanc«ster_ave., Ardmore. BOY, 18 to 20, "to learn "trade, 40c per "hour COOK, short order. Gateway Diner, needed. Apply Mon., Breyer Ice Cream PORTER, expd. all around man for restau- TAILOR, repairing "A pressing onTtolfman Pik«__ Ph^Norrlstown 8103. to start. Must have ability to advance self. FOUNTAIN MAN, expd. .good salary. "Penh Johnson, Drake and Piper, Inc. Co.. 43d A Woodland ave. rant. 1714 S. 21st st. 8 - "J04Jnqulrer. "COOPERS. 2, exped. slack barrels. Apply Luncheonette, N. W. cor. 34th A Walnut. machines._Steady pos. 7217 N. 30th st. MAN, expd. on plant methods, some time PORTERS (2) for automobile lot, expd., United Cooperage Co.. Mascher A Colum- FOUNTAIN man, <p., j;ood WISSAHICKON AVE. BOYS. 3, needed as helpers tn woodworking pay. Apply 86 Trinity Place I TIMEKEEPER—Draft deferred. Macttlh* study exp. Salary open. Reply giving age good wages. Apply 3946 Kensington ave. » factory. Good pay. Steady work. Peerless bla av. 3«51 Germantown ave. Pihone Rad. New York City shop experience. Also Monroe Calculator. A exp. In first letter. P-246 Inquirer. Cabinet Co.. 125 N. 2d st. COUNTER MAN, to manage, exp. in sand- FRUIT A produce man wtd.. exp., steady PORTER, col., part time. Call after 3 P. M. U. S. Citizen. Apply M. L. Bayard A Co., AND MAN as clerk in butter and egg store. 14th Floor COrtlandt 7-5940 Colgan Dance, 1723 Chestnut st. Inc., 20th A Indiana ave. employment. Good sal. Apply 39 E. Broad BOY w t i . to run errands. Dental laboratory. , wiches and short orders. Night work. Gd. Chance for advancement. Apply Saler's Personnel Dept. Good chance to learn trade. Apply Novack oppor. Ref. R-301 Inquirer. St., Burlington, N. J. PORTER, col., for Jewelry store. Tappin's, TIME Study man and Rate Setter. Shop ABBOTTSFORD RD. Dairy Store, 39 S. Front st. COUNTERMAN, diner exp., Maple Diner, FURNITURE finisher. Exp. Progressive W. Dental Lab., 627 Snyder ave. 65 S. 69th St., Upper Darby. experience necessary. Give complete detail* MAN wtd. for shipping dept., publishing Maple A Baltimore aves., Lansdowne, Pa. BOY—At least 18 years old, for factory. Phila. store. Gd. sal. Steady advancement. LINOTYPE Operator. Two-thirder. Draft PRESSER for retail dry cleaning plant. of experience and training. Q-3M Inquirer. house, steady pos. P-291 Inquirer. . Phone Madison_9664. exempt. Call Lorn. 6990. General helper. Apply Philtex Mfg. Co., Congenial surround. Sar. 2424. Steady Job, gd. pay. Cheltenham Cleaners, TIN A SLAG roofers wanted. Apply ft S. COUNTERMAN. Diner exp. Maple Diner. GARAGE attendant. Colored, all around. LOOM Fixer. Exp. on automatic looms. La- MAN—Col. or White, able to sew A press for 504 Central ave.. Cheltenham. Pa. Pll. 250 W_ Cambria st. 4th st.. Camden. N. J. tailor shop. Steady. Ap. 404 W. Rlttenhouse 7000; EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Maple A Baltimore ave. Lansdowne, Pa. France Industry. Orthodox A Large sts. B<5YS. 16 to 17 years of age. for messenger must bring references. Steady work, good TIRE BUFFER, one familiar Lodi molds , pay. 4605 N. 5th St. MAN, all around kitchen work, oppor. to " P R E S S E R S ' A bushelmen, col. $30 wklv., all work, permanent or temporary. Western Mad. _9664. pref. Q-335 Inquirer. ___________ SHOP HANDY MEN. Good learn cooking. 1320 Chancellor st. COUNTERMAN, expd. Apply in person" GARAGE man, exp., night work, watcrT- MACHINE VnionJTelegraph Co. ._230 S^ 11 th st. yr. job. Quick Service Cleaning Plant. TIRE febuilder. one familiar with Lodi c h a n c for advancement In plant doing war Savoy Restaurant, 232 S. 11th st. ing trucks. Good pay. Apply after 9 A. M. work. Apply 9 to 5. Tuesdays until 8 P. M. MAN A wife, general hswk. Cooking, light Ph. 1144,510 Washington St.. Cape May,N.J. molds pref. Q-344 Inquirer. INTERVIEWING HOURS BOY Wanted. 40 hrs. per wk" Time A 'i laundry (Bendlx). $110 mo. Mlc. J043. Globe Hoist Co., Queen A Mermaid Lanes overtime. Can drive car. General Coin COUNTERMAN wanted. Apply White ami N. 7th st. PRESSERS, expd. onladles' dresses. Apply 1 Dome, 503 Kalghn | ave., Camden, N. J. Machin*.J227 N. 10th St. MAN, handy around hoteI7$12 weekly, room GARAGE day man A night man, expd ,". (Chestnut Hlll». Bib*rmah Bros.. 15th A Mt. Vernon sts. AJIps^Apply 816_Walnut st. COlJNTERMAN. dinihgeaf exp. heosssaryT washing A general work. Good salary. B O Y S for factory work, mqat b*"lB~yfiT PRESSERS. exp. on rough workToay work. DAILY, 8.30 A. M. TO 5.15 P. M. Apply Employment Office. John B. Stetson Apply Lorraine Diner, 3238 N. Broad at. _ Steady. jlSB S. Broad st. MACHINISTS MANAGER. 5 A 10c store, excel, opr. Start Apply Bianco Cleaners. 861 Main St., Darby immediately. Tracy's Stores, 1155 Hamilton "PRESSERS for rough A white work. Ap"COUPLE, farmer on modern dairy farm GARAGE ManTexp., good job. Apply In perHat O r , 5th A Montgomery ave. Small shop, paying food wages with ave.. Trenton, N. J. Phone 29068. (290 acres). Alfalfa, soy bean crops. Two son__fen_vo____Gar. _J40 W-Washington la. ply Queen Cleaners. I l l Queen st. BOYS, over 18. for work ta lauhdryT $18~66 considerable overtime, needs 4 good EVENINGS weekly. Steady work If satisfactory. '-314 tractors, one team. New modern house. GARAGE MAN, night work, ft'dam "good MARKER, experienced hand marking in PRESSERS. rough, expd., steady work, For simple assembly jigs, design layout A all-around machinists; also a flrstWife who can cook or serve at owner's W. Allegheny ave. templates. Must produce proof of cttiDry Cleaning Plant. Apply Centennial good pay, day shift. 4077 Lancaster ave. drill class milling machine operator and a house or board farmhands, or couple with _wages, steady work. Apply 840 St. 55th at. xenship. If now employed on national d«Cleaners A Dyers. 1156 N, 3d_St. BOY Wanted to run errands and learn dental working son on farm or daughter to work GARAGE MAN, exp. car washer good turret lathe man. A ride may Apply PRESSMAN, experienced make ready man fense do not apply laboratory business. 1737 Chestnut st. at owner's house advantageous. State age, "MEAT Cutters—Part time A steady for he arranged trom Phila.. West ChesTUESDAYS & THURSDAYS on die cutting and embossing on Miehle North Broad St. Oarage, 3017 N. Broad at. Room 70S. work in A A P Markets. Apply 457 Lans- Cylinder 46x65. Good opportunity, good ter or Wilmington direct to shop. height, weight, experience, religion, wages GARAGE MAN. colored, expd. Apply" 63d downe ave.. Camden, N. J. PEDLOW MACHINE CO , BREWSTER AERO CORP. BOY, 16 to 18. Gentile, errands A~1earn now earned and what expected for couple, salary. Must have references. Quality Art A Woodbine sts. Front A Broomall sta.. Chester, Pa. trade. Perm. $12 to start. No triflers. for son^ Immediate. Box 1032, Trenton. N. J. GARAGE MAN A porter, white or colored. MEAT CUTTER, steady work. Hampers Novelty Co., Inc., 30-20 Thomsan ave., Employment Office 7 P. M. TO 9 P. M. K-307 Inquirer. Meat Market, 2606 Federal st., Camden. Long Island City. N. Y. Jacksonville Rd . Hatboro, Pa. CR'EELIRS—Experienced tin Wilton JacApt.house.Refs.,$18 week.Bryn Mawr 1649 Ph. 6133. Bus Route No. 74 BOYS, all around washroom help. Applv quard looms. Apply Hard wick A Mage* Co.. GARAGE MAN, experienced. Apply at once" PRESSMAN wanted, Miehle cylinderTressSunday bet. 10 A 2 or Monday, Manchester 7th and^ Lehigh ave. MACHINISTS, 1st claja milling machine MEATS, young man with some exp., to demen for out of town plant. In replying South 4th St. Garage, 1822 S. 4th at . liver A work in meat market, Monday 8 please give full particulars Including age. hands A engine lathe hands for night shift. CUTTER, exp. assistant, to cut men'Tgah" DAYS BY APPOINTMENT Laundry. N. E. cor. 11th A Mifflin sts. ardine A sportswear. Give full details A sal- GARAGE man, exp. only need apply. Good Also bench A floor hand* for day shift. Citi- *? 1 0 A M - o n l y ' ,V<3B Baltimore ave. previous experience A references A draft TOOLMAKERS A Machinists on large A BOY WANTED APPLY 55 N. _wages, nightwork. 356 Snyder_ave. zens only. Top rates with plenty overtime. MEAT CUTTER, steady work. Apply 1010 status. T-206 Iqulrer. ary expected. H-356 Inquirer. medium ute forming die*. Jigs A fixture*. _ 13th a t ^ R-262 _J^._Somerset_st. Top rates, all overtime you wish. Interview GARAGE MAN. expd 6 nights weelcT Apply Plant in Northeast Phila.. 7 days. • DENTAL MECHANICS for making lingual rt PRESSMEN A brakemen for rotogravuri~A BOY wanted. IS yrs. of a l e , to "learn"ihe*T bars A finishing, also plaster worker A *y;»revening until 10 p. M. A Sundays unS.K. cor. 18th A Jackson stS;_D*w._9410. Inquirer. BUSES—ROUTES H, Z & E Web presses. Union shop. Art Color PtintMEAT CUTTER. Fully exp. Good hours. it 4 P. M. U. S. Cltlsens only. Apply metal Ajrooflng work. 2859 N. Lawrence. polisher. United Dental. 908 Walnut s t . _ MACHINISTS: ~W, 1st* class, all-around GARAGE "MAN." Ing Co., Dunellen, N. J. Salary $42. Apply 17th A Venango. Harmon Mfg. Co., 735 Haddon ave . ColSoiFwtdT'to help baker, witling "to learn machinists, alio also 1 drill press, press. 1 milling APPLY 2147 N. 7TI1 S T 4 _ machine. MEAT Cutter, steady work, age no objec- PRESSMAN. 1st cl*ss. on automatic Job lIngswood. N Jtrade. Apply S.E. cor. 55th A Thomas ave. IblSHWASUlElt, Ool. Steady work. 6 days. 1 lathe operator, top wages, plenty presses. State refs. Q-363 Inquirer. DIRECT TO PLANT Exp. pref. Llewellyn Drugs, 59 St. James GAS~Sf A. Attendant, must be exp. Sal. A of overtime A piece work. CalT Madison tion if active.27 S.Center st.,Merchantville BOYS, oppor for advmt.. work i n w h o l e TOOL A die makers, also tool room machui^ comm., 6-day wk., for Interview apply Apply MEAT Cutler. Apply Sunday or Monday. PRESSMAN, job printing plant sale store. 3824 N. Broad st. Place, Ardmore. _____ Parkway Oil Co.. 31st A Grays Ferry, 9 7633 a lljfeek; ists. Day work A overtime with good rata* 126 S. 11th st. • 438 N. 50th street. BOY for errands. evenings. Drug Store, DISHWASHERS A porters, white, exp. on to 10 A M . MACHINISTS, several lilt class all around • for 1st class men. Ph. Mr. Loesche Sunday machine, steady men, good pay. New MayBroad A Chelten. men on accurate machine work; must be MEAT CUTTER, exp. steady position. PRESSMAN, operate A feed pony Miehle at Way. 9963, or call at Hfll Independent STATION Attendant, day, steady fair Dining Rm.A Diner, 7353 Frankford av. GAS Apply 2831 N. 22d St. cyl-t 22 by 34, age, sal., ph. E-308 Inquirer. Mfg. Co.. Belfleld A High sts. Ger. 0310. work. Good salary. Apply in person, U. S. citizens, day work. Apply H. S. Bacon ARMATURE WINDER. DC—Staady work: BOY or young man, 16 yrs. up, to deliver DISHWASHER A KITCHEN MAN, white, Machine A Tool Co., 1140 Wood st. Walker Cadillac Co., Jenklntown, Pa. PRINTER, paper-cutter, thoro. exp. Job TOOL Designer capable of assuming chars* orders A wk. in meat store. $18. 434 S. 56th MECHANIC, one familiar with bldg. mainma*: good wage*. Apply Wm. M. HendMaple Diner. Baltimore A Maple aves., printing plant.. Apply 126 S. 11th st. nckson A Co., 1342 Parrish st. tenance, especially elevators. J. Fantlne. MACHINISTS, 1st class for tractors A of several draftsmen. Shop experience e s BOYS, over 18, general factory work, good Lansdowne, Pa. Phone Madison 9664. cranes wanted. Plenty of overtime. For rear 1023 Filbert st. Wal. 1256. RADIO service man—Excel, oppor. Write opportunity. R-374 Inquirer. sential. Give complete details of expertDISHWASHERS wantad. experience not To work on large Job sixty miles from plant in Philadelphia. D-299 Inquirer. K-351 Inquirer. also preventative maintenance ence and trainin^jj-.igi Inquirer. BOY. over 18 yrs.. to learn pawnbroklng necessary. Howard Johnson. Restaurant, Philadelphia. Top wages will be paid. In MACHINISTS A lathe hands. 1st class men MECHANIC, man for fleet of heavy duty trucks. Full RATE clerk, large industrial plant, state TOOL A Die Makers. 1st class for Fixture. _bus., refs. Ben s Money Loan, 1300 Poplar. Chester Pike A Oak Lane, Glenolden, Pa. only: defense work: highest pay A over- particulars. E-303 Inquirer. J'ust pas* Navy testa Downhand hot rod BOY wtd.. some radio exp. Driver's lie. Ap- "DISHWASHER wtd. Apply Edwards. 1319 reply state experience and if you will be age, exp. A sal, exp. Q-337 Inquirer. Gauge A Die work, also exp. Form Tool available for work within the next two time. O'Brien Machinery^o.. 1224 N. Front. MEN for engine - house, laborers A track- REPAIRMAN, for large laundry. Good aad all position work. Highest piecework ply Musical Service. 607 S. Broad st. Grinders. Ace Mfg. Corp.. Erie ave A K st Sansom street. weeks. Box Q-392 Inquirer. • rata* and overtime. MACHINISTS—Flrst-claas, all-around men". men. Furnish proof of age. Apply P.R.R. wages to right man. Steady work. Laun- TRUCK Driver—Expd. on high-lift coal BOY for men's furnishing store. Full or part DISHWASHER A porter, gd. sal. Townsahd" GUARDS—Men whose character and former Day work. H. B. Underwood Corp., 1025 30th St. Station (street floor, N. E. corner». dry 1029 Vine st. time. Lerner's. cor. 4th A Glrard. Co., S8th A Woodland Ave. Airport Rest.. Roosevelt blvd. A Red Lion. Applicants must pass physical employments will stand investigation. Must Hamilton st. MEN. Truckers. 68c per hour, night work." ROOFERS, foremen, 2nd hands, kettlemen, UPHOLSTERER wanted, steady work for . Examination and show proof of BOY for drug store, no nights or Sundays, "DISHWASHER, colored. Apply alter 11 A. be good health. Give age, height, weight, MACHINIST. Exp. lath* operator. A Furnish proof of age. App. P.R.R., Produce y thoroughly experienced. Apply 7 A. M. U S. CITIZENSHIP right man. King's Highway A Lincoln ave.. expd. pref. Koenlg Pharm., 58th A Cheater M.. Gansky's, N. E. cor. 33d A Columbia. draft status A all employ. C-386 Inquirer Whartnaby Gear A Mach.Co.',917 W.Sh £'r Term.Bid.,Shed C..Oregon av.A Meccacoe st. Monday, 1201 W. Sedgley st. MountJEphraim ! _N^,r Beaver Brook 1385. BOY—Co:., intellignt mechanically inclined. Apply 10 A M. to 4 P. M. daily UPHOLSTERY cutter'wtd., one with" expT. Artcraft Picture Framing, 1804 Market st. Including Sunday . good -_ P* v - steady work. Q-371 Inquirer. Tuesday A Thursday Evenings BOY—Col., drugstore. Gen. wk. Full time. UPHOLSTERER. Exp. Steady work. c W 7 P. M. to 9 P. M. N. E. cor. of 49th A Walnut sts. a _"!»*« Apply C. Hafe, 2009 N. 63d st BOY, 18-20, $18 a week. H. L. Green, 10th PERSONNEL OFFICE UPHOLSTERERS, custom work Full or A Market sts. Apply Ice Cream Bar. JwrtJUme. Apply_5324 Gtn_ave.. Ten. 0S87 V H T H M ^ M O BOYS for all-around work in restaurant. CRAMP SHIPBUILDING COMPANY UPHOLSTERER, steady Job."l[pplylJ6TwT Dave's Restaurant. 1216 Sansom. Richmond and Norrts Sts. f OJANKIA Glrard ave. Philadelphia. Pa. BOY. 17-18, white or colored, for grocery I THEE1WE store, driver's lie, 1626 S. 58th. Sar. 1021. UPHOLSTERERS A outttde'SikaTraT - ***: / MATT RE A motor winder. A. C. A D. C~ . «ork. own boss, good pay. N-.T.12 BOY wanted to Deliver orders. Apply I t _ ( ' r t o l _ s a L A P P 1 - v **3 Diamond st. at one*. <?KIKJ \ THIP COMIM' F R O M J WAITER A counter men. AppliTTvugleF e? ttnger's, 4500 Walnut st. ( CUJACK38 S. ISth St.. any morning between 1*. ARTIFICIAL TOOTH MOLD CUTTElC BOY.~driver's h e , Tvork In grocery"storeT 30 A 11. See Mr. Polchan. Apply 5977 Ogontz ave. Ph. Han. 4037. Permanent position irfHth growing concern. Jv UPOW WAITERS. Expd., good pay. steady work. ' «i iiaj.es and overtime. Write Ideal BOYS, oxtr 18. useful in factory, good refi. ' / "THE Apply DiLullo's Restaurant. 4 N. HUi st. TOOT* Incorporated Cambridge. Mass. *»i Apply Elite Hat. 1010 Race St. " A R T I F I T T A L hnvb maker, must be first WAITERS A Head Waiter wtd. Good salary? VCJUOCKJo i .as* State salary and experience. Can BOY. work after school, good hours. Drug Apply Mon. 11_AJM;I2 P.MJ321 Locust St. • art at once Excellent opportunity. Otto K. store. Pop. 8895. 13th A Ridge ave. WAITERS A WAITRESSES. ApplyTiTperBacker. J0B2 Sixth ave.. Huntington. W.Va^ BOY. col., past 18, to wk. in drug store. V ARTIST—Layouts, for prominent Chestnut _ s ? ^ P l ? ! _ t * . •!.*• Livingston 1510. son. Sonray Gardens. 6948 Elmwood ave. Si women's specialty store. Only those BOY to assist in factory. Learn trade. WATCHMAKER'for store in Chaster. Good capable of doing high fashion layouts need sa!ary. steady position. Call or write Steady work. Barnett Canvas. 131 Arch st. trpH. Knowledge »f production desirable *Sr/ Brout Jewelers. 511 Market st.. Chester. Pa. < »«i nppirtuniU T-2S9 Inquirer BOY. C"i.. for drug store. Good worker. WATCHMAKER, iteady" position. High Refs. 5011 Wynncfleld ave Gre WTI, ASSISTANT PERSONNEL MANAGER wages all year round 1K>2 Point Brew* av Employment, training, induction. Prefer BOY. white, drive minister's auto A other WATCHMAN, night, suburban estate. Must work afternoons Cynwyd 0880. _ • hi h t i w:»m* factory experience. Age be good health. American born. Give age. 2V3B Musi be familiar with Maryland BOi', colored. 18,"do porter work A drive Ford. Apply Leven's A San, 8th A Sansom. Labor Law*. In reply give age. education, height, weight A all employ. E-344 Inquirer experience training, salary expected BOYS to assist in stock room. Apply John WEAVERS Exp. on Narrow Fabric looms. H Wood Co. _ 126 Market st T 212 lnqui_____ tapes A webbing Steadv work. Good pa>. AUDITOR Bookkeeper, with hotel exp. in BOYS." mechanically inclined. Willing to I Apply J. Sullivan A Sons. 2224 N. 9lh at-•snow departments. P-281 Inquirer. learn trade. Apply at once. 543 Diamond st. J Continued on Next Page TO MRS. MARIE SMITH (net Kernan KivIta». formerly of 3132 Frankford ave., Philadelphia. Dear Mom: Please come back to us. Daddv will soon have to part with us. Contart daddy at Trucking Co. where he works. Lowe. Mary. John. Irene. | • GRINDING MACHINE AND LATHE OPERATORS r MACHINISTS • HABERDASHER DRAFTSMEN Sheet Metal Layout Draftsrpen EDW. G. BUDD MFG. CO. Aircraft Draftsmen r E D W A R D G. BUDD MFG. CO. MACHINISTS TOOL & DIE MAKERS TURRET LATHES MILLING MACHINE DRILL PRESSES SPRAY PAINTERS PLANT GUARDS . Edw. G . Budd Mfg. C o . CHIEF INSPECTOR LATHE OPERATORS (5) E PIPEFITTERS Please Do Not Apply If Already Employed On D e i e n s e Work LICENSED NAVIGATOR LICENSED RADIO OPERATOR BENDIX AVIATION CORPORATION TOOL DESIGNERS m GRANITE BLOCK PAVERS ARC WELDERS POPEYE POP6VE, SOU ARE HEATON6J P i F 2_^JI2iP F ° K ^ - I ftT^l|)HERE^ C L I F F / J[THE<5U)EeT MUSICk tS r r f-ra fM Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com The Sailor Man MUSIC HAS GOT HlM_<oAILOR^; RESIST PRETTY MUSIC X-Z-T— PLAV SWEETER, MARS', MV DEAR. BEFORE I VOU AUVEj
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