YSD Strategic Plan-Updated Working Document

A firm foundation for a lifetime of success
Yankton School District
♦ Yankton High School
♦ Yankton Middle School
♦ Beadle Elementary
♦ Lincoln Elementary
♦ Stewart Elementary
♦ Webster Elementary
Five-Year Strategic Plan
2014 – 2019
Approved b y the Yankton School Board August 11, 2014, Action # 2014-113
Yankton School District
A firm foundation for a lifetime of success
Page #
3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Timeline of Events
4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yankton School District Mission and Belief Statements
5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yankton School District Five-Year Vision Statement
6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Short Term and Long Term Goals
7 - 1 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Short Term Goals, Objectives, and Action Plans
Yankton School District
A firm foundation for a lifetime of success
Timeline of Events
In September, over 800 members of the Yankton Community (including administrators, teachers,
parents, students, and community members) participated in an online survey to share their thoughts
regarding strengths and opportunities for improvement within the Yankton School District.
In October, over 100 members of this same group attended a collaborative strategic planning session.
During this session, the statistical survey results were presented, and the participants identified the
specific and unique roles required of each respondent group to successfully achieve the Yankton School
District mission. In addition, the participants reviewed and discussed the narrative comments from the
surveys and summarized the challenges, strengths, and improvements needs conveyed by each
respondent group.
In November, over 50 members of the community gathered for a second collaborative session to
prioritize the needs identified during the first session. Small groups worked together to prioritize the
needs into short-term and long-term categories and then wrote goal statements to provide a clear focus.
The groups also discussed their five-year vision for the Yankton School District and documented those
During the month of February, 2014, administrators and staff of each school in the district reviewed the
input obtained from the community sessions, and were given an opportunity to add their perspective as
education professionals.
The information collected from the schools, along with the community input was provided to the
Superintendent’s leadership team in March to use in drafting the 5-year strategic plan for the Yankton
School District and prioritizing short term and long term goals.
In May, 2014, three groups were formed to identify objectives and develop action plans for the short
term goals. These groups were comprised of 10-12 administrators, teachers, parents, and community
members who participated in the initial strategic planning sessions in October. All group members
expressed interest in and willingness to continue their participation as the action plans are implemented.
Three advisory teams, each assigned to a specific short term goal, have been formed to insure ongoing
progress in action plan implementation. Each advisory team consists of administrators and teachers who
were part of the original action planning groups. Parents, patrons, and community members who
participated in the action planning groups will be invited to attend progress updates, share expertise,
and provide input.
A draft of the strategic plan will be presented to the School Board for final approval in the spring.
Implementation of the approved strategic plan will begin with the 2014-15 school year.
Yankton School District Mission Statement:
The Mission Statement of the Yankton School District is to
optimize student potential for success in a global society.
Belief Statements
Education is a partnership among the community, parents, students and school
personnel; high standards are essential for this partnership to be successful.
The school system provides a safe educational environment, which encourages
physical, emotional, and academic growth in a culturally diverse society.
Learning is enhanced by a positive and supportive atmosphere, which encourages
creativity, builds self-esteem, and recognizes students’ success.
Learning requires recognition of each student’s instructional style and the use of
effective methods, which make learning interesting and individualized.
Ethical values, including an appreciation of diversity, integrity, compassion, courage,
commitment, and responsibility, are integral to the learning process.
With proper guidance, students are capable of making informed choices and are
responsible for their actions.
Education must support life-long learning by teaching students to access and apply
information for success in a global society.
Adopted by the Yankton School Board on June 14, 1993, Action #93-347
Amended June 12, 1999, Action #2000-123
Amended February 9, 2004, Action #2004-17
Amended August 11, 2014; Action #2015-113
Yankton School District Five Year Vision
In its five-year vision, the Yankton School District:
♦ has secured adequate funding to redirect focus to educational opportunities as
opposed to staffing and programming restrictions.
♦ Programs and staffing cuts may be reinstated.
♦ students rank among the highest in South Dakota for academic achievement.
♦ has successfully integrated cutting-edge technology with teaching, learning, and
administrative functions.
♦ has developed a positive and trusting relationship with community members to
work together toward providing the best opportunities possible for Yankton school
children of all ages and learning abilities.
♦ has efficiently designed school programs to ensure that educational experiences
are well balanced between academics, Fine Arts, and sports.
♦ has examined and adjusted class sizes to the level appropriate for the grade,
facility capacity, and educational needs of the students.
♦ has facilities that are safe, secure, and adequately updated.
Yankton School District Goals
Short Term Goals (1 – 2 yrs.)
1. Increase CTE and STEM course offerings in grades K – 12.
2. Expand integration of technology as a teaching and learning tool in grades K-12.
3. Improve and expand communication and relationship-building efforts between the
school district and community members.
Long Term Goals (3 – 5 yrs.)
1. Identify and obtain adequate funding resources to achieve the vision for YSD.
2. Enhance curriculum offerings to achieve an appropriate balance between academics,
fine arts, and athletics.
3. Examine the relationship between class size, grade levels, facility capacity, and student
educational needs and develop a plan to make adjustments where appropriate.
Yankton School District Short Term Action Plan
Participants in the action planning groups included YSD administrators and
teachers, parents, patrons, and community members as follows:
Career & Technical Education (CTE)
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM)
Tony Beste
Jim Fitzgerald
Roxann Hunhoff
Dr. Wayne Kindle
Carey Mitzel
Heather Olson
Tom Bohnet
Kathy Greeneway
Dr. Jennifer Johnke
Jeff May
Lorie Mulhair
Brooks Schild
Tiffany Beste
Todd Dvoracek
Jerome Klimisch
Matthew Pietz
Jay Williams
Warren Brenner
Dr. Wayne Kindle
Lori Leader
Kathy Wagner
Marcia Withrow
Relationship Building
Jason Bietz
Mike Healy
Craig Kennedy
Dr. Wayne Kindle
Heidi Savey
Carla Hacecky
Sandi Isburg
Frani Kieffer
Melanie Ryken
Paul Struck
Yankton School District Short Term Action Plan
Career & Technical Education (CTE)
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM)
Increase CTE and STEM course offerings in the next 2 years.
1. Enhance CTE and STEM program development.
2. Provide necessary professional development and resources for teachers who are
implementing STEM methodology.
3. Build effective and positive working relationships with local and state organizations,
agencies, and individuals who can provide support for, and will benefit from, expanding
the CTE and STEM programs.
Avera Sacred Heart Hospital
Black Hills State College
Mitchell Technical Institute
Mentors (older students/parents)
Mount Marty College
Science Olympiad
SD Dept. of Education Career Clusters
Subject Matter Experts
U.S. Forest Services
Yankton Area Progressive Growth (YAPG)
Tony Beste
Kathy Greeneway
Dr. Jennifer Johnke
Carey Mitzel
Heather Olson
Dr. Jim Fitzgerald
Roxann Hunhoff
Dr. Wayne Kindle
Lorie Mulhair
Brooks Schild
ACTION PLAN – Objective #1: Enhance CTE and STEM program development
Implement “Health Science” Career Cluster
Continuing to work to get additional Health Modules and a Camp Med in Yankton.
a. Target Date: August 2014
b. Action Items:
Implement Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) summer internship and online training.
Eight Yankton High School students were accepted into the 2014 Summer CNA Camp. Six Yankton
High School students were accepted into the 2014 quarter 2 online CNA Training. An additional
four students were accepted into online CNA Training funded by Avera Sister James. More
students will be accepted into the 2015 quarter 3 online CNA Training.
Implement dual credit Anatomy and Physiology through Mitchell Technical Institute.
Dr. Hejl is teaching Anatomy and Physiology for dual credit through MTI. There are 24 students
enrolled in the class for semester 1 and 25 students enrolled in the class for semester 2 during the
2014-2015 school year.
2. Implement, sustain, and promote awareness of the Governor’s CTE Grant Program.
a. Target Date: August 2014
b. Action Items:
Collaborate with partner schools and grant partners to promote and implement 2014-15
school year programs.
Dr. Johnke regularly attends meetings with members of the RTEC Board of Directors. She also
attended a meeting with MTI President Von Wald in July and the MTI Advisory Meeting in
November. She communicates regularly and has had several meetings with Steve Wynia and
Chauntel Wright-Moore from Black Hills State University and also attended a meeting with Dr.
Custer from BHSU in August regarding the implementation of the dual credit courses.
- Dual credit courses, Middle School Career Exploratory Program, Friday Academies
for neighboring school systems.
Dual Credit Courses:
Computer Aided Drafting (BHSU)
Machining Processes (BHSU)
Welding (MTI)
Anatomy and Physiology (MTI)
IT Essentials (MTI)
We met with area superintendents and principals in August 2014 to encourage regional
participation in CTE courses. The following lists regional enrollments:
CNA Summer Camp:
o Bon Homme: 2
o Irene-Wakonda: 3
• Summer Manufacturing Academy:
o Wagner: 4
• Summer Automotives Academy:
o Irene-Wakonda: 3
o Menno: 1
• Friday Academy CAD (Semester 1):
o Gayville-Volin: 1
o Avon: 6
• Friday Academy Welding (Semester 1):
o Bon Homme: 2
o Gayville-Volin: 5
o Irene-Wakonda: 1
• Quarter 2 CNA Training:
o Bon Homme: 1
o Gayville-Volin: 2
o Irene-Wakonda: 1
9/29/14 - Ordered $32,880 worth of upgrades to the LCE and TCE classroom. 7 new modules and
10 new computer workstations. This was purchased with the CTE grant/
TCE Modules:
LCE Modules:
CADD Module with computer
Body Systems Module with computer
CNC Manufacturing Module with computer Investigating Careers Module with computer
Interior Design Module Update with computers
Math Behind Your Meals Module with computer
Money Management Module with computer
11-7-14 Ordered 3-D Printer for TCE classroom for student to explore and begin to understand the
dynamics of the 3-D printer. This will be used as an introductory tool and to help create interest in
the CTE programs at the high school.
Affinia H480 3D Printer, includes 1 year warranty $15,000
Evaluate first year results to identify successes and improvements needed.
CTE Grant Progress Report (Submitted to SD DOE and GOED)
Please provide an update on your grant progress, including the following items:
Overall grant progress: What activities have you completed since your district was awarded
the grant?
o Hired instructors for all courses
o Received approval for dual credit instructors from MTI and BHSU
o Selected participants for:
 CNA Camp – 8 students completed
- 10 -
 Manufacturing Academy – 22 students completed
 Automotives Academy - 14 students completed
o Enrolled students in:
 Dual Credit Anatomy & Physiology (3 cr.) – 24 Students enrolled
 Dual Credit Drafting/CAD (3 cr.) – 30 students enrolled
 Dual Credit Welding (3 cr.) – 20 students enrolled
 Dual Credit Machining Processes (3 cr.) – 3 students enrolled
**This is a spring semester class, so numbers are subject to change. **
o Developed timeline for online CNA training during quarters 2 and 3
 Accepted applications for online CNA Training for Quarter 2.
 Ten students are currently enrolled in the online CNA Training
• Currently working on clinical hours
 Applications are being accepted for Quarter 3 online CNA Training.
o Ordered and received:
 Solidworks Drafting software
 Welders with Weld Score Software
 Supplies for Dual Credit Anatomy & Physiology
 Ordered/Updating Modules for Career Explorations Classes at YMS
 3-D Printers
 New modules for the YMS LCE and TCE program.
 Laser Engraver
o Ordered and received a 3-D Printer for YMS students as an introduction to 3-D Printing.
o Ordered and received upgrades to the career exploration classes at the middle school
level. These were in the areas of CAD, CNC, and Health.
Dual credit opportunities: What progress has been made in providing dual credit as a part of
your grant project.
o Dual credit is being offered through MTI and BHSU for:
 Dual Credit Anatomy & Physiology (3 cr.) - MTI
 Dual Credit Drafting/CAD (3 cr.) - BHSU
 Dual Credit Welding (3 cr.) - MTI
 Dual Credit Machining Processes (3 cr.) - BHSU
 Dual Credit Manufacturing Academy (1 cr.) – BHSU
o Received approval for dual credit instructors from MTI and BHSU
o Students are currently enrolled in the fall courses.
o Students will be enrolled in the same courses for the spring semester.
o Sending the EOC exam to the DOE assessment office the first part of December to be
approved for 8th grade student to earn ½ high school credit in the field of carrer
Regional participation: What have your partners done since the grant was awarded?
o Students from regional schools have attended:
 Manufacturing Academy
 Automotives Academy
 CNA Camp
 Welding
- 11 -
o Students from regional schools have applied for the online CNA training.
o Avera has contacted each of the participating schools regarding online CNA training
and accepted applications from students from participating schools.
 CNA Summer Camp:
• Bon Homme: 2
• Irene-Wakonda: 3
 Summer Manufacturing Academy:
• Wagner: 4
 Summer Automotives Academy:
• Irene-Wakonda: 3
• Menno: 1
 Friday Academy CAD:
• Gayville-Volin: 1
• Avon: 6
 Friday Academy Welding:
• Bon Homme: 2
• Gayville-Volin: 5
• Irene-Wakonda: 1
 Quarter 2 CNA Training:
• Bon Homme: 1
• Gayville-Volin: 2
• Irene-Wakonda: 1
Budget revisions: Identify any changes to your original proposal in how you plan to spend your
award dollars.
o None at this time
Assistance from the Department of Education: Identify how you need us to help you in
continuing to carry out your project.
o The EOC exam is getting sent to the DOE Assessment office. We have had great
support and good conversations to help create and implement a great assessment in
the CTE field.
o Working with Camp Med and finding a date for students and surrounding schools to
join. This may be a spring Camp Med. I would like to see one in place at another
location. Do we know where one would be held?
Complete application for continuing CTE Grant funding.
3. Determine scope and purpose of the Yankton School District STEM program.
a. Target Date: August 2016
b. Action Items:
Research and identify best practices in STEM programs.
10/15/14 – ESD Middle School Principals Meeting in Huron. Discussed various practices that each
school is doing or possible looking at in the future.
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Identify needs that are currently satisfied by existing CTE courses.
Identify gaps that are not currently satisfied by existing CTE courses.
Open up YSD facilities to groups who offer to provide training relative to STEM.
Admin Team met with Marie Steckelberg to discuss possible training and implementations with
STEM academies and NASA projects for both staff and students.
Marie Steckelberg-NASA/STEM Student and Staff Trainings
Sam SHAW-DOE –Contacted regarding summer opportunities
MMC-Dr. Tamra Pease-Summer STEM camps and classes
Parks and Recreation- Work with Science Olympiad/AP students and the City of Yankton to offer
Summer Rec Classes in the areas of STEM or STEAM.
Look to house RTEC lego and robotics programming on-site
Promote Yankton Community Library Events-Rockets
Science Assembly-Nov. 5, 2014
The Magic Of Science: Our Classic Fun-Filled Science Show. This is the program that made Mr.
Dennis the most in-demand school assembly presenter in the Midwest. Is it a magic show, or is it a
science assembly? It's Both! Using math, physics and chemistry, the students learn scientific
principles and how magicians use them to fool us. You will learn about magical events in history
and how science has changed our world. This is a fast-moving, exciting show that will have your
students and teachers laughing for 45 minutes, while they learn about the Magic Of Science.
Hands-On Workshops are available.
September 9, 2014
“Scales & Tales” assembly Featuring “Uncle Henry the Nature Boy”. Henry has done thousands of
programs for schools, through Dakota Assemblies. Henry taught us about the survival skills, and
adaptations of the 7, live, kid-friendly creatures he brought with. There are only about 8,000
species of our scaled, cold-blooded friends in the world today. Henry brought their wild and unique
niche into his informative and humorous, live reptile presentation.
Advertising and announcing Science opportunities happening at the Library such as Lego activities
and Rockets to the Rescue.
Discussed potential STEM opportunities with the area elementary principal’s group.
Contacted Aubrey Miller about an on-site Field Trip or After School Enrichment Class using Building
Bricks. The brick toys are used to teach children the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
academic areas.
Discussed STEM summer classes and/or workshops at a November Administrators’ meeting.
Special events at the public library are posted outside our school library.
STEAM Activities - STEAM Activities incorporate ART into Science, Technology, Engineering and
Math. Met with Kathleen West (Art Adventure Coordinator) and Julie Ansberry (YAAA) to look at
the possibility of incorporating STEAM art lessons into Art Adventure. Art Adventure features
retired teachers who come into the classrooms to model art infused lessons that are designed to
promote a core standard. Art Adventure will focus on South Dakotas 125th celebration and South
Dakota artists starting in January and will look at STEAM activities the following year. Investigating
an on-line STEAM conference set for February 7th.
- 13 -
Stewart teachers participated in summer STEM training in Wagner, SD and other STEM trainings
held in Yankton.
Marie Steckelberg explained NASA/STEM Student and Staff Trainings with district administers at
October admin. Meeting.
Science Assembly-Nov. 5, 2014
The Magic Of Science: Stewart Gym (October)
Using math, physics and chemistry, the students learned scientific principles and how magicians
use them to fool us. The students learned about magical events in history and how science has
changed our world. Famous scientists were also introduced and discussed. The show had students
and teachers laughing for 45 minutes, while they learned about the Magic Of Science. Hands-On
Workshops are available.
Advertised and send home student fliers of Science opportunities happening at the public library
such as Lego activities and Rockets to the Rescue.
Marie Steckelberg-NASA/STEM Student and Staff Trainings presentation to administrators
Promote Yankton Community Library Events, such as: advertising for Science opportunities at the
Science presentations to parents – technology and hands-on (upper grade levels)
Mr. Mitzel has contacted:
Sam SHAW-DOE –Contacted regarding summer opportunities
MMC-Dr. Tamra Pease-Summer STEM camps and classes
Parks and Recreation- Work with Science Olympiad/AP students and the City of Yankton to offer
Summer Rec Classes in the areas of STEM or STEAM.
Look to house RTEC lego and robotics programming on-site
Discussed potential STEM opportunities with the area elementary principal’s group in Sioux Falls
4. Develop a program for ongoing STEM academies.
a. Target Date: August 2016
b. Action Items:
Apply for and obtain a grant from the state of South Dakota
11/18/14 - YMS was involved in the CTE Carl Perkins Grant meeting at Frying Pan from 7:00 to
8:00. Mr. D spoke about the CTE grant and what we are doing at YMS.
Develop partnership with Mount Marty College for 3rd – 8th grade programs.
10/7/14 - Women in Science at Mount Marty – Science Dudes Day Out - Mr. Schild
Develop partnership with the City of Yankton for a STEM summer program for younger
- 14 -
ACTION PLAN – Objective #2: Provide necessary professional development and resources
for teachers who are implementing STEM methodology.
1. Sustain existing partnerships with Mount Marty College and the State of SD Department of
Education to provide and expand teacher development in STEM instruction.
a. Target Date: August, 2016
b. Action Items:
Communicate with the State of South Dakota regarding shortage of qualified CTE
Dr. Johnke has placed phone calls and emails to the SD Department of Education regarding the
shortage of qualified CTE teachers and to seek direction in finding qualified candidates.
- College and university curriculums to encourage and develop CTE certified teachers.
- Addition of Industrial Arts certification for teachers
2. Identify and apply for continued grant opportunities for teacher development and resources in
STEM methodology.
a. Target Date: August 2015
b. Action Items:
Research available grant opportunities within the South Dakota Dept. of Education and
Technology in Education (TIE).
Develop partnerships with community businesses who will invest financially to support
programs that build skills needed in their industry.
3. Increase usage of Technology in Education (TIE) resources.
a. Target Date: August 2014
b. Action Items:
Schedule CTE, Math, and Science teachers to attend TIE training.
A team from YSD will attend TIE training in Sioux Falls on December 4, 2014
A team from YSD will attend TIE training in Sioux Falls on December 4, 2014
Research, identify, and pursue additional tools and resources available through TIE.
4. Work with Yankton School District Staff Development Committee to accomplish objectives.
a. Target Date: August 2014
b. Action Items:
Offer teacher in-service programs that focus on STEM and CTE topics.
A technology inservice day was held for teachers on August 14, 2014 that covered different areas
of technology including Computer-Aided Drafting and 3-D Printing.
YHS holds weekly WOW! Wednesday sessions that cover various technology and CTE topics.
- 15 -
A technology inservice day was held for teachers on August 14, 2014 that covered different areas
of technology including Computer-Aided Drafting and 3-D Printing.
Administrators will conduct regular meetings with the committee to obtain input and
collaborate on projects.
5. Research best practices in STEM team development.
a. Target Date: August 2016
b. Action Items:
Visit STEM schools to help identify existing strengths and gaps in the YSD program.
Discussed at AREA Elementary principals meeting Stem happenings in other schools. Project Based
Learning seems to be the trend.
Met with Josh Nelson from Creative Learning Systems regarding : Innovation: Engaging students in
21st Century, Integrated, Applied Learning / STEM. This was similar to a module program and
would require additional space and an instructor. After school programs are probably not the best
fit for this.
Looked at STEM Fusion and BanBao programs as well. After school enrichment opportunities.
Passed on to Parks and Rec.
Discussed at AREA Elementary principals meeting Stem happenings in other schools. Project Based
Learning seems to be the trend.
Met with Josh Nelson from Creative Learning Systems regarding : Innovation: Engaging students in
21st Century, Integrated, Applied Learning / STEM. This was similar to a module program and
would require additional space and an instructor. After school programs are probably not the best
fit for this.
Looked at STEM Fusion and BanBao programs as well. After school enrichment opportunities.
Passed on to Parks and Rec.
Discussed at AREA Elementary principals meeting Stem happenings in other schools. Project Based
Learning seems to be the trend.
Looked at STEM opportunities for 2015 summer – possibly through NASA
- 16 -
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ACTION PLAN – Objective #3: Build effective and positive working relationships with local
and state organizations, agencies, and individuals who can
provide support for, and will benefit from, expanding the
CTE and STEM programs.
1. Continue to work with the Governor’s office to identify opportunities to provide support and to
promote the benefits of CTE and STEM programs to the citizens of South Dakota.
a. Target Date: August 2014
b. Action Items:
Attend regional and state CTE and STEM meetings to network best practices.
10/2/14 Meeting with Erin Larson of DOE/Governor's office to discuss the implementation of 8th
grade student earning ½ credit for high school. Student will take the EOC exam. YSD and YMS will
help create this EOC exam and be one of the first to administer.
11/19/14 Conference Call with Erin Larson on EOC Exam.
11/21/14 Call with Mike Rickets the Director of assessment with the DOE in regard to the EOC
Work with the Governor’s office to secure future funding for the Governor’s CTE grant
and the South Dakota Dept. of Education to identify new funding opportunities.
Presented to members of the SD Dept. of Labor, Governor’s Office of Economic Development, and
the SD Department of Education regarding funding for CTE in Southeast South Dakota. These
individuals were also given a tour of the YHS CTE Department.
Presented to members of the SD Dept. of Labor, Governor’s Office of Economic Development, and
the SD Department of Education regarding funding for CTE in Southeast South Dakota.
Work with the Secretary of the South Dakota Dept. of Education to identify training and
resources for teacher development in CTE and STEM teaching methodologies.
2. Sustain communications and maintain positive relationships with the City of Yankton, Yankton
Area Progressive Growth (YAPG), and the Yankton Area Chamber of Commerce (YACC).
a. Target Date: August 2014
b. Action Items:
YSD representative(s) attend regular meetings of these organizations.
Member Yankton Chamber Education Committee, Dr. Johnke works with YAPG regarding the
Governor’s CTE Grant.
Chamber back to school welcome for new teachers to Yankton. Member of the Education
Chamber Committee
Member Yankton Chamber Education Committee
Attended the Chamber Dinner for new staff members in early August.
- 18 -
YSD Superintendent will pursue a position on the Board of Directors for YAPG.
YSD Superintendent will meet with the Yankton City Manager, YAPG Economic
Development Director and the YACC Director a minimum of once per year.
3. Participate in the Yankton Chamber Expo.
a. Target Date: August 2014
b. Action Items:
Schedule participation in the Yankton Chamber Expo into the Staff Development and
School Calendars every other year.
Insure consistent school representation on the YACC Education Committee.
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Yankton School District Short Term Action Plan
Expand integration of technology as a teaching and learning tool in grades PK-12 in the
next 2 years.
1. Implement and further develop the technology plan for Yankton School District.
Monthly technology meetings are scheduled the second Tuesday of the month to discuss
implementation and issues with district technology. Google Docs is used to keep track of items
discussed. Administration and district IT staff are present.
District technology meeting scheduled for December 2nd. Implementation progress is shared with
committee members.
2. Provide additional professional development in technology to enhance teacher
knowledge and skills.
August in-service-Teachers trained each other on topics identified through a survey that
were of interest and needed for staff development
WOW! Wednesdays – Each Wednesday, a YSD staff member presents on a technology topic
to YHS Staff.
Chris Schloss-Tech Talks
August in-service-Teachers trained each other on topics identified through a survey that were of
interest and needed for staff development
December 4, 2014-A team of YSD teachers attended a free TIE workshop regarding digital skills and
implementing and using technology for student success. Teachers shared back in their respective
buildings knowledge that was gained.
Chris Schloss conducted a mini-workshop to help Lincoln teachers access and use the website for
our new Journeys English Language Arts program in September of 2014.
Chris Schloss conducted a workshop for our K-2 teachers on how to use the I-pads that each K-2
teacher has for their own use and on how students can access and use the devices in the K-2
Chris Schloss - IT specialist provided three in-service opportunities for staff to receive information
on iPads, Google Accounts, Chromebooks, and Success Maker
- 20 -
August in-service –District teachers trained other teachers on topics identified through a survey
that were of interest and needed for staff development
Elementary teachers met with grade level colleagues to discuss apps for iPads, current issues using
technology and how everyone is using technology in the classroom.
IT staff inservices to teachers
August in-service-Teachers trained each other on topics identified through a survey that
were of interest and needed for staff development
3. Research, implement, and determine accessibility to appropriate technology resources.
Teacher Reps attending TIE workshop on digital literacy-December 4, 2014
Additional Chromebook Carts-90 at Beadle and Ipad pilot project-60 devices
Weekly use of chromebooks for current event research, sharing websites, draggo accounts for
home practice
Teacher Reps attending TIE workshop on digital literacy-December 4, 2014
Additional Chromebook Carts-90 at Lincoln. The additional Chromebooks will make the devices
more accessible for all our students and teachers of grades 3-5.
The iPads became accessible in mid-November for our K-2 teachers and students. The I-pads will be
piloted in the second grade at Lincoln, but will be available for students and teachers in grades K-1
during the second semester. The second grade students will use the I-pads to enhance their
reading and math skills. The second graders will use the computer lab of 30 computers to learn and
develop their typing skills. All students in grades 3-5 will use our computer lab to practice their
typing skills and will use the lab to conduct research reports and to access web sites that are being
used to enhance and refine math, reading, and writing skills using the IXL website.
Lori Schaeffer, second grade teacher at Lincoln, will attend a TIE workshop to learn more about
digital literacy Thursday, December 4 in Sioux Falls, SD.
Chromebooks, computers in the Computer lab, and computers in each classroom were used to
research the history of our state to help our school celebrate our state’s 125 birthday.
Met with Brad Anderson Apple representative on how to best set up iPads, discussed apps,
accessibility to resources. Apple curriculum specialist is scheduled to meet with teachers and
administration on December 12 to further discuss iPads and how to incorporate technology into
the curriculum. Teachers are to take information back to buildings.
Called Sioux Falls Public Schools principal to check on iPad implementation and how to display iPad
images within the classroom.
District personal scheduled to go to Council Bluffs, IA (December 10) to meet with school personal
responsible for Chromebook implementation.
Additional Chromebook Carts-30 at Stewart and iPad pilot project-30 devices
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Chromebooks and computer lab is used daily for current event research, writing, keyboarding and
Success Maker.
Teacher Reps attending TIE workshop on digital literacy-December 4, 2014
iPad pilot project with 30 machines in JrK-2nd grade
Weekly use of chromebooks for current event research, sharing websites, draggo accounts
for home practice
Teacher Reps attending TIE workshop on digital literacy-December 4, 2014
Teacher rep meeting with iPad reps as a district level in December
4. Identify and apply for technology funding opportunities.
Existing technology-Internet
Mitchell Technical Institute
Mount Marty College
Subject Matter Experts
Southeast Tech
Technology in Education (TIE)
USD I.T. internships
Yankton Area Progressive Growth (YAPG)
YSD Students/Graduates
YSD Technology Plan
Tiffany Beste
Todd Dvoracek
Jerome Klimisch
Kathy Wagner
Warren Brenner
Dr. Wayne Kindle
Matthew Pietz
- 22 -
ACTION PLAN – The Yankton School District has developed a detailed Technology
Plan for 2014-2017. A copy of the Technology Plan is attached to the
YSD Strategic Plan. The following additional objectives and actions
were determined by the Action Planning group for this strategic goal,
and will be addressed as part of the Technology Plan implementation
Objective #1:
Implement the Technology Plan for Yankton School District
1. Establish and communicate roles/responsibilities for managing and supporting implementation of
the technology plan.
• Define roles and responsibilities at the District, building, department, and project levels.
9/9/14 Admin Tech meeting
10/1/14 YMS Tech committee meeting on implementing the Ipads to YMS.
10/3/14 Meeting with Brad Anderson on IPad implementation, user side, management side.
11/18/14 - District Administration Technology meeting.
Sheryl Rehurek, Lincoln fourth grade teacher will be our school’s representative for the Technology
Delegated Lori Schaeffer, Lincoln second grade teacher will attend a workshop in Sioux Falls hosted
by TIE.
2. Identify and implement methods to effectively communicate with parents regarding new tools
and resources to be made available through the Technology Plan implementation.
• Identify technology tools and resources that are available for parent use and communicate
benefits of and procedures for using them.
14-15 school year - implement the use of chromebooks as a tool in the ELA classrooms. Students
can look into their textbooks from personal devices such as phone, ipad, tablet, etc…
Principal wrote a two-paragraph snippet in the November parent newsletter describing the new
technology devices and how they are being used by students and teachers at Lincoln School.
Serve on the monthly technology committee meetings administratively
Get feedback from staff to help implement new ideas
Have monthly technology mini-inservices with staff at monthly meetings
Teacher inservices district-wide to others on technology happenings and opportunities
Invite IT staff in to help inservice staff on Chromebook and iPad opportunities
Objective #2: Identify and apply for technology funding opportunities.
1. Apply for available grant opportunities to fund technology programs, tools, and resources.
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2. Develop a technology fundraising program through the YSD Foundation.
3. Take steps to ensure that future viability of capital outlay funds remains a local decision.
Work with fellow administrators to develop a 5-year capital outlay plan which will include
technology for each building.
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Yankton School District Short Term Action Plan
Relationship Building
Improve and expand communication and relationship-building efforts between the
Yankton School District, patrons, parents, and community members.
1. Increase and improve two-way communications between the school district, patrons,
parents, and community members.
2. Enhance community outreach activities and opportunities for personal interaction
between school district administration/teachers and the patrons, parents, and
community members.
3. Develop opportunities to invite patrons, parents, and community members into the
school buildings.
4. Build upon efforts to improve internal relationship building among Yankton School
District administration, teachers, and staff.
Subject Matter Experts
Technology and Social Media
Yankton Patrons, Parents, and Community Members
Yankton Organizations, Businesses, and Agencies
Jason Bietz
Carla Hacecky
Dr. Wayne Kindle
Heidi Savey
Sarah Carda
Frani Kieffer
Melanie Ryken
Paul Struck
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ACTION PLAN – Objective #1:
Increase and improve two-way communications between
the Yankton School District and Yankton patrons, parents,
and community members.
1. Develop a strategy to inform the public about and promote the use of existing communication
methods through the “Connect 5” system.
a. Target Date: August 2014
b. Action Items:
Utilize existing local media (radio, newspaper) to inform public of available options for
receiving communications from the school district.
Ryan Hage - World of Work students at multiple radio stations for shadow opportunities.
Becky Tasa - Several times a year members of Yankton High School Student Council get
interviewed mostly by KYNT (Scott Kooistra) and talk about upcoming events.
Matt Termansen - Numerous interviews with Scott Kooistra discussing Yankton Girls Tennis
Trey Krier - – Interview with John Thayer about Girls Basketball. Interview Scott Kooistra for
High School and Legion Baseball.
Rhonda Hofer - Scott Kooistra interviewed me during the girls basketball season about
teaching in the system again.
Brett Sime - Numerous interviews throughout the golf season for the coaches shows for KYNT
and KVHT. Also many interviews about the results of golf meets or for previews of golf meets.
Todd Carr – Interviewed for Indoor Marching Band Show
Amy Miner - I do interviews with KYNT regarding upcoming plays at YHS.
Doug Haar - Yes, interviewed by KYNT, KELO, KSFY
Lorie Mulhair - Phone interview with the KYNT concerning CTE Day during Manufacturing
Kim Evander - usually do one per year with KYNT, haven’t been called yet
Chris Haynes - Boys basketball: Preseason interviews with all 3 local radio stations (WNAX,
KYNT, KVHT). Weekly coaches show interview with WNAX on Wednesday and KYNT/KVHT on
Saturday mornings. Pregame and post-game interviews with KYNT and KVHT. Post season
interviews with all 3 local radio stations. Pregame radio interviews from all ESD
communities. Post-game interviews from ESD newspapers.
Keith Goeden - I have done lots of interviews for the media in regards to the various plays, both
print and radio.
Cassie Pietz - Usually Pioneer Club is interviewed by the radio
Angela Larson - I was interviewed by Scott Kooistra about our Evening with the Stars concert and
All-State choir
Dave Dannenbring - Coaches breakfast on the radio for Cross country.
Tom Kuchta - I have been interviewed for our CTE day, by Scott Kooistra, and a video shot during
the manufacturing academy.
Teri Mandel - I’ve done two radio interviews and had KELO shoot some TV footage in my classroom
for a story they were putting together.
Tiffany Kashas - Scott Kooistra – KYNT Morning Coffee SADD/TATU several times; Scott
Kooistra – KYNT Morning Coffee regarding Project SUCCESS a few times.
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Randy Gross - Interviews with radio stations every Saturday morning during the sports
Dan Mitchell - CTE day with KYNT about our Drafting & Design Class, Several Radio and TV
stations for Football
Brady Muth - Breakfast with the coaches every weekend/post game radio shows every Friday.
Arlin Likness - The football team and coaches met with 106.3 and went on the air from 6;009:00 PM on 11-18-2014 and on 11-19-14 We went to WNAX 104.1 The Wolf we had 16 players
and 4 varsity coaches on the air from 7:00-7:30 AM. Sheldon Gant, Brady Hale, Mason Strahl,
Evan Greeneway all interviewed with KELO-land news on 11-14-14. I interviewed with Keloland ,KSFY, KDLT about football and went on the Mark & Mike radio show on 11-19-14 from
2:30-3:00 pm.
Becky Tasa - In the past Student Council has had several stories done on the projects they have
or will be working on; most recently Johanna Lippert was interviewed in 2013 for her idea of
the “A” Raffle and last year Kate Schaa was interviewed for her Tying it Together project. Gift
Givers has also had several articles written about the project.
Matt Termansen - Interviews with James Cimburek and Jeremy Hoeck discussing Yankton Girls
Trey Krier - P&D for High School and Legion Baseball and Girls Basketball.
Rhonda Hofer – P&D New teacher interview last year.
Leo Kallis – P&D Interview regarding leadership within the state Speech organization.
Brett Sime - Numerous interviews throughout the golf season for previews and results of golf
meets for the P&D. Also talked with the P&D about Jace Guthmiller signing with
Nebraska. Interviewed for a golf season preview by the P&D to put on their online sports chat.
Jan Mattes – Article in the P&D about Day of the Dead activity
Amy Miner - I do interviews with both the P&D and the Observer regarding upcoming plays at
Doug Haar – Interviewed by the P&D and Observer several times on various topics including
National History Day
Lorie Mulhair – Article in the P&D regarding CTE Day.
Chris Haynes - Boys basketball: Preseason interviews with both papers, including being the
main story of the P&D winter sports preview 2 years ago. Pregame and postgame interviews
with the P&D. Random other interviews on topics related to the basketball program that the
two papers do regarding all conference, all state award winners.
Angela Larson - There was info about our Evening with the Stars concert in the P&D. I also
submitted a photo to the P&D of the all-state choir students and information about the event.
Tom Kuchta - We have had articles in the P&D for the Ford/AAA Student Auto Skills
Kim Velk – Articles in the P&D High School Softball related
Cassi Pietz – Interview with P&D regarding leadership in SD Teachers of English.
Teri Mandel - I’ve done four interviews with the P&D; however, I am in constant contact with
their staff concerning our student newspaper. We have a positive and supportive relationship.
Dan Mitchell – Articles in the P&D regarding Football
Jeana Wegner – I was interviewed as a new teacher for the P&D
Dr. Johnke has had several interviews with the P&D regarding the first day of school,
Homecoming, new courses and procedures. She has also been interviewed by Scott Kooistra
and Dave Leonard (Alive at 5) on KYNT, and Jerry Oster on WNAX regarding various topics.
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Mr. Mors is a featured speaker on the KVTK-KVHT Radio Football Halftime Show giving a rundown
of YHS activities for the week. He regularly attends and speaks on KYNT Coaches Corner.
2. Identify and provide professional development opportunities for administrators in public
relations and marketing.
a. Target Date: August 2015
b. Action Items:
Identify and schedule a specific individual or public relations firm to provide formal
training to school district administrators.
Hosted Dave Wright and Dorothy Kuipers on October 15th for a Teacher Appreciation breakfast by
Services Center Federal Credit Union.
4th Graders under the direction of LeaAnn Schramm and their teachers, Paula Weydert, Mary Lou
Willis and Janet Morrow going the The Center to perform patriotic songs. Carey Mitzel spoke
briefly about civic education and patriotism in schools.
Worked with Her Voice publication to market fundraising opportunities that the community could
participate in to help Beadle School-Box Tops, Coke Rewards, Campbell’s Soup Labels and
Goodsearch. These are all opportunities to help schools without buying extra things or purchasing
anything that they don’t already use. Julie Eickhoff-Oct/Nov. 2014
KYNT Radio Show to promote Veteran’s Day activities and other Beadle Happenings November 7,
Hosted a table at Retired Senior Volunteer Appreciation Event at The Center on November 6, 2014.
Spoke to the Yankton Foundation with Melanie Vlasman and Paula Weydert about the Red Cat
amplification systems and their effectiveness and need in classrooms.
Spoke to Interchange about Beadle happenings and YSD goals.
DARE Graduation-Parents, Law Enforcement celebrate 5th Graders graduation from program.
Kindergarten Sing at The Center- December 12, 2014
Grandparents Day-1st Grade-Fall 2014
Title 1/Reading Recover Night-September 2014- Educated parents about Title 1 services and
Reading Recovery program and provided supper.
Beadle Bridge Walk-Coordinators Tiffany Mueller and Carey Mitzel
Wagon Train- 1st graders sang and did pledges under the direction of Miss Schramm, Mrs. May,
Mrs. Becker, Mrs. Stevens and Mr. Mitzel to kickoff the wagon train and the state’s 125th
anniversary of statehood.
- 28 -
Submitting numerous stories and pictures to Press and Dakotan and Observer to highlight student
and staff happenings.
Posting pictures and videos on the Beadle website for parents and friends to view.
Connecting with Beadle alumni through postcards recognizing their positive happenings as
highlighted in the paper.
Hosted a table at a Retired Senior Volunteer Appreciation event on November 6, 2014 to show
appreciation for volunteers at Beadle School and provide information regarding YSD.
Participated in a School Days radio program on November 6, 2014 to promote Beadle events and
highlighting Veteran’s Day activities.
Worked with community members Tom and Verna Thon on a letter writing and care package to be
sent to Chad Huntley and his unit in Qatar.
Ana Schurman, Andrea Wright and Lesley Hale-Elementary Counselors did a School Days radio spot
for KYNT prior to Red Ribbon Week to highlight activities at the schools and discuss the counseling
program at schools.
Interchange Talk-Mr. Mitzel spoke to Interchange organization about Beadle School happenings
and YSD goals on November 17.
Vlasman/Mueller study buddies will be going to Majestic Bluffs Dec. 5th to paint Christmas
Mrs. Morrow will present to the Yankton Area Arts Association in January.
Entire School Assembly- Worked with USD Opera outreach program to host a performance of 3
Little Pigs.
Beadle School hosted Arlene Kathan from HSC to showcase sensory activities and programming in
the EBD classrooms.
Beadle School hosted Sam Matzke from Santee Schools to share strategies to help at-risk students
through EBD programming.
Students in all grade levels decorated grocery bags with drug free and good character messages
and those bags were used as regular grocery bags at Hy-Vee during Red Ribbon/Character Counts
The first graders at Beadle School will be making holiday cards to distribute to residents at the
Yankton Care Center.
Mrs. Mueller-Coaching
- 29 -
Met with Scott Kooistra (KYNT) to discuss our program-what we have been doing to improve,
choreography, YHS athletes, progress, and upcoming goals in September and October
Met with James Cimburek (Yankton P&D) to discuss our program-what we have been doing to
improve, choreography, YHS athletes, ESD and State meet in October
Utilize the Connect 5 system to send text messages and emails to parents and patrons
Send messages and photos to the P&D and Observer (if a story presents itself)
Served on the committee to design a survey to be given to all YSD staff
ACTION PLAN – Objective #2: Enhance community outreach activities and opportunities
for personal interaction between Yankton School District
administration/teachers and the community members.
1. Offer “Community Forums” twice per year to share information and gather feedback.
a. Target Date: August 2014
b. Action Items:
Schedule a date during first semester and a date during second semester to conduct the
2. Determine and schedule opportunities for teachers and/or students to make presentations to
community organizations and clubs.
a. Target Date: August 2014
b. Action Items:
Develop a comprehensive list of Yankton area organizations.
Building administrators will assign teachers and schedule dates and locations for
presentations to local organizations.
Ryan Hage - World of Work pamphlet provided to Dr. Kindle for City of Yankton project.
Marc Bies - HOBY representatives from last year will be meeting with the Morning Optimists
Dec. 8th, and I briefly presented with Dr. Kindle on SDMyLife at a forum with YAPG.
Matt Termansen - Discussed Girls Tennis Team to Yankton Booster Club, Yankton Sertoma
Club, and Yankton Morning Optimists
Trey Krier - YBI Coaches Clinic, Coach Haynes and myself held a clinic for youth basketball
coaches to come ask questions and get ideas for their upcoming seasons. Also we both are
having Young Gazelles and Young Bucks Basketball Camps.
Brett Sime - Season golf preview for the Fall Sports Booster Club kickoff.
Todd Carr – Presentation to CTE Advisory Committee
Robin Taylor - Transition presentation to a USD master’s program class
Doug Haar - I have presented to the Serotma Club, at Riverboat Days. Students have
presented to Yankton Area Retired Teachers regarding National History Day.
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Lorie Mulhair - CTE Advisory Committee (made up of community members) meets twice a year
to share our CTE classroom accomplishments.
Amy Reyes - Dr. Johnke, Ashley VanMeeteren, Rachel Frick, and I presented to the Optimist
Club about the Junior Respect Retreat
Chris Haynes – Presented to Quarterback Club, Sertoma Club, YBI/Roger Haas.
Cassie Pietz - Oral Interp students from the HS presented their pieces at the middle school.
They also presented their pieces to the Yankton Area Retired Teachers.
Marge Kindle - We have 1 student from science and 1 student from math that go to the
Kiwanis Club monthly from December – May. The Kiwanis Club recognizes the students work
in math and science.
Angela Larson - I spoke to Sertoma Club right before school started to discuss the YHS choir
program. Acapella choir sang at the middle school, Acapella Choir sang for The Center
Dave Dannenbring – Presented at Quarterback club for Cross country.
Tiffany Kashas – Presented to Optimism Club, Interchange Inc., Kohlberg-Pioneer to
Supervisors regarding Substance Use, what to look for, and how use can affect
production/recalls, LCBHS Board of Directors.
Dan Mitchell – Presented at CTE Advisory Committee; QB Club for Football.
Jama Mathison - Have communications with Delta Kappa Gamma members (Women in
Education International organization) and a presentation at Lewis & Clark Recreational Area
Peter Deming – Provide YAA display at GAR hall
Dr. Johnke spoke to Yankton Area Retired Teachers, the Optimist Club, the Lions Club, Yankton
Community Forum, Sertoma Club, and the Yankton County Democrats regarding most recent
happenings at Yankton High School. She also spoke to Leadership Yankton regarding
Mr. Mors regularly speaks at QB Club and has presented to the Optimist Club.
10/13/14 - Mrs. Olson, Assistant Principal, spoke at the morning optimists club.
11/7/14 - Met with Scott Koostria about promotion of the Veterans Day program at KYNT morning
11/13/14 - YMS Science Olympiad coaches meet with National Archery Program to help with
planning some ideas for all student coming from different countries and how YSD could get some
kids involved.
Lincoln teachers Carla Hacecky, Cilla Fitzsimmons, and Michelle Hoesing met with reporter from
the Yankton Observer to promote our school’s 125th study and open house in early September.
Paul Struck spoke with Scott Kooistra of KYNT radio on the morning of Wednesday, November 5th
to discuss our special open house scheduled for Monday, November 10.
Sheryl Rehurek has asked to speak at a future chamber meeting to discuss how her fourth graders
are using technology in her classroom.
Completed an interview with reporter Julie Eickhoff from Her Voice publication to promote the Box
Tops program at Lincoln School. Also described other fundraising opportunities that are part of our
school’s fundraising activities.
DARE graduation is scheduled for Tuesday, December 2 in Lincoln’s gym. Officer Rothenberger will
lead the graduation exercises. Parents are invited to attend.
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Reading Recovery Night was held in Lincoln’s gym Tuesday, September 23. Reading recovery
teachers Jackie Jerke and Kelli Simonsen described the program and stressed to parents the
importance of their involvement in the program. Pizza, cookies, and water were served.
Teachers, PTA members, and principal send pictures and captions of activities taking place at
Lincoln School to the Yankton Press and Dakotan and the Observer on a near weekly basis.
Pictures are submitted to Kelley Casey who posts the pictures on Lincoln’s school website.
Lincoln’s PTA hosts its own Facebook page with pictures of activities sponsored by our school’s
Principal makes telephone calls each week to parents of students who have been chosen as
“Students of the Week.” The principal reads the comments from the nomination form written by
the classroom teacher.
Hosted the USD opera and their performance of Three Little Pigs during an all-school assembly
Monday, October 27.
Students at all grade levels decorated grocery bags with drug free messages and the bags were
delivered to HyVee by our school counselor during Red Ribbon/Character Counts week.
SPED staffs were a part of a Mental Health & Wellness TV commercial produced with a family of
one of their students. Has been aired regionally.
Mr. Slowey presented 5th grade happenings at local Sertoma meeting in October.
Presented to Boys and Girls Club board meeting on the transition from The Academy being at four
locations moving to one.
Dedicated and recognized Veterans and military personal at elementary concert. Students have all
practiced the Star-Spangled Banner and have sung it at assemblies.
5th grade students wrote Veteran’s Day stories about family members and friends who served in
the military. Students presented at Writers’ Roundtable and recognized family members who
School librarian is presenting on the radio the positive effect full time librarians have made on
student achievement.
Interviewed by Her Voice publication to market fundraising opportunities that the community
could participate. Representative came to the school to interview and take pictures of all the
materials and playground equipment fund-raised over time. Last collection collected 14,000 Box
Tops. PTA Volunteers count, clip and sent in Box Tops. Publication was sent out to all patrons in
DARE Graduation scheduled for December Parents, Law Enforcement celebrate 5th Graders
graduation from program.
Title 1/Reading Recovery Night-September 2014- Educated parents about Title 1 services and
Reading Recovery program and provided supper.
- 32 -
Andrea Wright School Counselor went on KYNT radio with other school counselors to present Red
Ribbon Day activities and promote new SecondSTEP Bullying program being implemented at the
Presented to The Academy staff at the club discipline strategies and classroom management
strategies. Also discussed ways to help The Academy work with students wit special education
Study Buddies decorated Veterans’ Day placemats for their annual supper. Stewart has been
providing the thank you letters and decorations for over ten years. Staff has presented at the
supper in the past.
Met with Yankton Area Arts to plan Arts Adventure Program. Brainstormed ideas to promote and
retain current program using retired teachers. Continue to meet as district provides supplies and
materials for this program. This is one of the first programs in the state using former teachers to
promote art in the classroom.
OT staff has presented sensory integration strategies to other organizations and school staff.
School counselor presents at and is a member of the Big Friend Little Friend board.
Classroom teachers were interview by the P&D for a special section on the new HM Reading series.
Another special section was done on the new SMART Program implemented at Stewart School.
Several teachers volunteer with Special Olympics organization.
Teachers are working with and serve on the board the Yankton Literacy Council to tutor people
learning to be better readers.
BETA members have participated in community outreach including the Banquet, sack-packs,
Kids Against Hunger and adopting Christmas families.
Press Releases
OLWEUS story
Her Voice – Box Top article and promotion
WOW story for playground fund
Technology story on Chromebooks and iPads
Applied to and joined Interchange
Serve as a board member for the Transit board and the Sack Pack board
KYNT contact for morning show – date TBD
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Spoke to the Yankton Foundation about playground fundraising
Spoke to PEO about Webster School and women in leadership roles
Spoke to Yankton Morning Optimist about Webster School
Lined up program to Yankton Morning Optimist about 4th grade technology in the classroom
Made contact with Retired Teacher’s Association for technology presentation
Arranged for a March presentation to The Forum on Reading Recovery
Stories and pictures posted to YSD Facebook, YSD website, and the P&D
Post preschool and JrK photos on the website
Link for OLWEUS video on the website
Visited with United Way and SF leaders about Girls on the Run opportunities
Work with various organizations to help families in need, especially during the holiday season
Collected and presented school supplies to a Webster alum to give to her students overseas
Collect school supplies each spring for Peggy Olson to send to Iraq
Ana Schurman, Andrea Wright and Lesley Hale-Elementary Counselors did a radio spot for Red
Ribbon Week
Entire School Assembly- Worked with USD Opera outreach program
Students decorate grocery bags with drug free and good character messages for Hy-Vee
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ACTION PLAN – Objective #3: Develop opportunities to invite community members into
the school buildings.
1. Identify and develop a pool of Subject Matter Experts (SME) who are willing to share their
expertise with the Yankton School District administration, staff, or students.
a. Target Date: August 2014
b. Action Items:
Building principals will work directly with staff to identify and invite parents, patrons, or
community members who have expertise needed within the school district to share their
knowledge and skills as Subject Matter Experts (SME).
Dr. Johnke, Lorie Mulhair, and Bret Johnson met with the Yankton Home Builders Association
to bring in presenters for the Building Trades and Intro to Building Trades courses. Students in
these courses will also have the opportunity to visit various job sites.
Patty Kortan - Through RTEC, I have a group present to my Work Place English class about job
interview skills and on the job skills.
Ryan Hage - Scott Kwasniewski, SD Department of Labor, NCRC presentation – Jennifer
Trenhaile, District Supervisor, Division of Rehabilitation Services, presentation to WOW class.
Angie Luken - Transition Meet and Greet held during conferences with Voc Rehab, Disability
Services, Independent Living Choices, Benefits specialists, Transition specialists and a local
attorney participating
Jennifer Kirchner - Robert Prouty from Mount Marty will present a FAFSA night on December
18th to Senior Parents
Mallory Schmidt - USD students came to throw on the wheel, USD art department presented
to high school kids interested in majoring in art, Dakota Potters will do a Raku fire workshop
Rhonda Hofer - Shane Gerlach will be talking with PE students about his journey through drug
use. Sarah Shortbull also visited about drug use in our society.
Brett Sime - Kevin Doby (Fox Run Golf Professional) has helped teach some skills to our golf
teams during golf practice.
Jan Matttes - Sra. Elder came in and talked about Chile
Amy Miner - Julie Amsberry is a community member and is the director of Yankton Area Arts,
and she does musical direction and instruction for our YHS drama productions. Kathryn
Reimler is a community member who does choreography for our YHS drama productions.
Allison Spak is a community member and Chris Schloss is a district employee, and they both
lend their considerable expertise in stage lighting to our YHS drama productions. I ask a variety
of SMEs to watch our productions and give notes to the student cast. Among those invited
would be Timera Cunningham-Massey, Kristi O'Connell-Ekroth, Bob Beard, Jerry Webber, and
Elisabeth O'Toole.
Doug Haar - Guest speakers for AP Govt. including numerous individuals involved in politics
and government.
Lorie Mulhair - Jennifer Trenhaile – (HSC Training Center) Careers & transitions after high
school, Marcy Moser – (First Dakota National Bank) Banking & Credit, Deb Specht – (Vision
Realty) Housing & Real Estate, Shawna Hatch – (Wells Fargo) Money Management &
- 35 -
Budgeting, Melissa Pavlish - (Wells Fargo) Money Management & Budgeting, USD Beacom
School of Business – 2 students came to visit about Beacom's Billionaire Weekend
Kim Evander - USD string faculty, one parent who is a string player who will assist this year
Chris Haynes - U.S. History: We have had WWII, Korean, and Vietnam veterans in our
classroom to share their experiences. We will continue to ask our veterans to come speak to
our students.
Keith Goeden - I have brought in a few SME’s, in regards to their experiences in different
countries. Also numerous theatre workshops for the kids have been brought in or attended to
by us.
Pam Kallis - Several members of the Hispanic community assisted in an accident report activity
in Spanish II last April. Mrs. Kouri helps with ESL students
Cassie Pietz - Terry Winter when we were studying Into the Wild. He was able to talk to them
and share with them his own stories and insights into a similar journey he took.
Angela Larson - I have had Dr. Kenneth Tice from Mt. Marty. He worked with the all-state
choir students on their music.
Tom Kuchta - I have had Josh Svatos in to talk about the AWS student chapter, Taylor
Boeckman has been in to talk about and help with Student Auto Skills. Bret Johnson has been
in to tell about Student Auto Skills.
Teri Mandel - I’ve had four different community members - one from the Observer and three
from the P&D - come in and conduct mini sessions on newspaper layout, design, and
photography. During my journalism classes, I often invited numerous community members
and business people to come in and be interviewed for mock interviews. I also arranged for a
student to shadow the Minnesota Viking’s director of marketing and their media crew. For my
forms of fiction classes, I’ve facilitated online communication and instruction on character
construction from a successful comic designer.
Tiffany Kashas - Shane Gerlach presenting his life’s story to my 9th graders for Project SUCCESS
2 years in a row 2013-14 & 2014-15; Susan & Susan from the Mike Durfee State Prison spoke to
9th graders.
Randy Gross - Gene Bormann from the Corps of Engineers discussing Endangered Species.
Jama Mathison - Pavo Rassmussen from Siouxland Heritage Museum presents Skylab 2 times
a year
Jill Larson - Polo, the manager from El Tapatio, spoke to Spanish students
Charlene Arens - Jennifer Trenhaille has spoken to the FACS class on careers in the Human
Services field. Kathy Harens will speak to the Parenting class next semester on childcare.
Bret Johnson - Mike Benda, City of Yankton – Building Codes
Peter Deming - Guest speaker from Art Institutes, Guest speaker from USD art program, Guest
speaker from Creative Center in Omaha, Guest artists for clay projects, Legislative arts program
Brady Muth - Various guest speakers that come in to discuss issues in Personal Finance
including Realtors and Bankers, and Junior Achievement mentors that work with Economic
students in a production simulation.
9/19/14 - Career Exploration Day at YMS The following speakers were present in the building to
talk to students on careers.
Bernie Hunhoff
magazine publishing
SD Magazine
Katie Wintz
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Kevin Watt
First Dakota National Bank
Josh Swatos
Scott Luken
Luken Memorials
Timera Massey
Dance studio/Professional Dancers The Green Room
Jason Kral
Fisheries Specialist
Eric Ambrosen
Land use/City planner
District III Planning
Paige Elwood
Neighborhood Dental
Sherri Koletzky
Klimisch & Koletzky
Stacie Stengle
Julie O'Brien
Physical Therapist
Curt Dykstra and Mary Mac Radio
Riverfront Broadcasting
Katie Schild and Jane Miller CNA, kitchen, etc
Avera Sacred Heart
Dr. Withrow
Yankton Medical Clinic
Marc Roozen
Strength and conditioning
Coach Rozi powered by Avera
SSG Chasity Oswald
Mike Villanueva
retired/volunteer for YPD
Kevin Opshal
Opsahl Kostel
Dr. James Pajl
Veterinary Medical Clinic
Cole Blom
Dam Fireworks
Trevor Woods
Athletic Trainer
Chad Gordon
Sports Official
Michele Rohde
Trish Yaggie & Mikael Pietla cosmetology
Greg Ryken & Dan Koupal
Stockman's Livestock Auction
Jason Anderson
Tower Building
Craig Marsh
Drone Exploration
Drone Exploration
Erica Stanley
Bill Griffin
Camp Survival
Camp Survival
Carmen Robinson
Line Dancing
Line Dancing
Reynold Loecker
Exotic Chicken
MMC Students
Spanish Immersion
Jim Swatatzke
Banking/Credit Cards
John Rokosz
National Park Service
Julie Amsberry
Yankton Area Arts
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Missouri River
Ace Hardware
Disc Golf
Todd Larson
City of Yankton
Rebecca Johnson
harry Redmond
Mapping and GIS
Susan Remp
Lefsa Making/cooking
Doug WInstead
Pet Groomer
caring for your pets
City parks
Officer Johnson presented an Eddie Eagle Gun Safety video to 1st Grade.
Sheila Zimmerman will be coming to our class this Friday at 2:30 to talk about taking care of
Beagles since we are reading the book Shiloh in reading. She will also be bringing her beagle dog,
Sassy to share with the class.
Love Your Pet week we invite in community members to discuss the type of work they do with
Annette Haberman –Occupational Therapist-Handwriting tips
Mike Stevens-Judicial System
All 5th Graders- Teresa Mentzer- Subject Matter Expert from the National Park Service- Visit to
Mrs. Schortzman’s class to enhance Native American Unit.
Beadle Bingo Night-November 10, 2014
Santa’s Workshop-December 9, 2014
Ms. Zentmire- Officer Johnson gave a gun safety talk/video as well as a stranger awareness talk in
October/November. Amy Johnson,First National Bank South Dakota, will be teaching our Junior
Achievement starting in January.
1st Grade- Mike Stevens is planning to come to speak with Team First Grade on November 19th
about the election process, his job as a legislator, and working as an attorney.
1st Grade- Megan Plautz demonstrated her career as a cake decorator on November 5th for Team
First Grade.
Counselor from Lewis and Clark Behavioral Health came to Beadle to meet with Mr. Mitzel and
Mrs. Phillips to discuss ways to work collaboratively in order to help a mutual student.
Counselor from Lewis and Clark Behavioral Health came to Beadle to do Yoga with the PLC.
Superintendent from area school came to PLC to learn about the program and take ideas back to
home school to implement.
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Teacher from area school came to PLC to learn about the program and take ideas back to home
school to implement.
Mrs. Phillips makes calls and e-mails to Lewis and Clark Behavioral Health counselors and
medication managers concerning student needs.
American Legion Auxiliary presented a short program to the entire 3rd grade & distributed a
dictionary to each child as part of their local commitment to education.
Mr. John Schloss (Army National Guard) & Mr. Chris Schloss (representing Boy Scouts of America)
visited with the 3rd grade about flag etiquette, respecting the flag, & demonstrated how to
properly retire the US flag at day's end.
American Education Week Breakfast on November 19. AEW assembly to recognize community,
parent and grandparent volunteers.
Officer Johnson, YPD-3rd grade class visits-gun safety & cyber safety
Mrs. Zimmerman-Dave Selchert, grandparent and retired art teacher, will be coming to do an art
lesson with my class this coming Thursday, Nov. 20.
11/25/14 – Mrs. Cindy Nelsen of The Garden Gate near Mission Hills brought plants from her
greenhouses into Mrs. Becker’s classroom to enhance our study of plants (HSP Science, Life Science
Unit A, Chapter 2, Lesson 2: What Are the Parts of a Plant?).
11/26/14-Brian Hunhoff-Yankton County Observer- Spoke to 5th Graders about writing, collecting
evidence, etc.
State Senator Bernie Hunhoff was invited to present an all-school assembly Monday, September
22nd to kick off our school’s study and celebration of our state’s 125th birthday.
Several speakers were invited to various grade levels and classrooms to discuss special topics
which covered the history and culture of our state during the fall semester.
American Legion Auxiliary members were invited to our kindergarten classrooms to demonstrate
proper flag etiquette.
The Yankton Fire Department met with students and classrooms of students in grades K-3 during
Fire Prevention Week. Second graders experienced the Smoke House.
Grandparents were invited to the first grade classrooms to celebrate Grandparents’ Day in early
September. Grandparents were encouraged to talk about what their school days were like when
they were young.
Mrs. Likness hosted a play called the “The Littlest Pumpkin.” It was held in mid-October and
parents and grandparents attended the special event.
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Many other experts within the health community will be visiting our school throughout the school
year to discuss proper dental and dietary health.
Second Grade Trip Around the World Unit - SMEs come to the classrooms to share information
about living or growing up in another country. Food and traditions are shared with the students.
Recently Mexico and Poland cultures were shared.
Autism Team Members present classroom talks and share social stories with classrooms to
enhance disability awareness throughout the building and district.
Michael McDonald cowboy poet and musician presented to 3rd graders in celebration of the state’s
125th celebration. Is willing to present to others.
SME (Stewart Parent) from the Missouri River Park Service will be scheduled to present in the
spring. Last year the new trailer was presented to all the Stewart students.
American Legion Auxiliary presented a program to the 3rd graders and gave dictionaries to each
student. They also presented information on the poppy.
Stewart students received valuable information during Fire Prevention Week. SMEs presented or
gave the students tours of various fire safety equipment and vehicles. Preschool and Transition
toured the North Station.
4th Grade Pioneer Day – SMEs discuss life on the prairie and bring in mystery items from the past.
Students cook stew, make butter and homemade bread.
DARE officer presents in the classrooms to build relationships with all students.
Stewart has built a relationship with Peleton Physical Therapy as a sponsor of our school Walking
Club. Each year Matt Dvorek and staff donates a bike and purchases t-shirts for all the
participants. Talks about the field of Physical Therapy.
SPED students tour SME Warren Wagner farm to learn about farm animals.
HyVee dietician came in to present information on eating healthy.
Jr. Achievement volunteers come into the classrooms. Volunteers at the second, third and fifth
grade level learn the curriculum taught by the volunteers.
Student council worked with district food service to promote healthy eating. Students created and
displayed the own healthy food plates.
Local dentists have presented to first graders during Dental Hygiene Month
Officer Shoberg – weekly presence in all classrooms, playground, lunchroom, etc in addition to
DARE program
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DARE Graduation
Holiday party help and Halloween parade
Annette Haberman –Occupational Therapist-Handwriting tips
National Park Service – 4th Grade Classroom
Webster’s spring carnival, book fair, Santa’s Workshop, Family Food Night
Mr. and Mrs. Rehfuss – presentations to 3rd grade classrooms on worldly trips
Annual OLWEUS anti-bullying assembly – community members and parents invited
Buddy Bingo – parents and/or family members invited in to play
4th Grade Technology Presentations – parents invited in
Classroom plays – springtime, parents invited in
Monthly Writer’s Roundtable – parents invited in
Area teachers and schools view preschool and JrK for possible program implementation
American Legion Auxiliary presented a short program to the entire 3rd grade & handed out
AEW assembly to recognize Friends of Education
Retired teachers/art grant visit classrooms for art lesson
4th grade community presentations on cultural differences and diversity
National Ag Week presentations – 2nd-5th Grade classrooms
2. Develop a community volunteer program for the Yankton School District.
a. Target Date: August 2015
b. Action Items:
Identify specific topics, projects, and activities that parents or community members can
be invited to participate in.
9/25/14 Veterans Steve Paulson and Legion Members recreated the POW/MIA soldiers plates
10/3/14 Rick Rassiter -Teamwork presentation at YMS sponsored by Joe and Patty Vig
10-28-14 - Collaborate with Pauline Akland city commissioner, YPD, Yankton County Sheriff,
Amy Nelson - City manager, YHS, Yankton Federal prison to hold a Red Ribbon Rally for both
YMS YHS and the community. Had over 50 people in attendance for the Community event.
11/10/14 - Veteran’s Day Program at YMS - KSFY News anchor Brian Allen guest speaker.
Identify existing volunteer organizations to partner with (e.g. RSVP).
Increase use of technology for communication and sharing of ideas.
Develop a talents and skills survey to gather information from community members who
are interested in participating in the volunteer program.
35 Community members volunteer to help with the Respect Retreat for 11th grade students
each August.
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Jill Kouri assists with ESL Students.
Additionally, our SME’s volunteer in our classrooms and with activities.
Schoolwide Veteran’s program-Chasity Oswald from the National Guard and Beadle parent to
speak to all grade levels on November 12.
Fire Safety Visits Grades Kindergarten-Three
Linda Daugaard-Read to Grades 3-5
Retired Senior Volunteer Program Partners-Sue May and Mary Sathe and Amy Neu with Linda
Hermann, Lynn Becker with Marcia Kennedy, Sharon Egge with Linda Stevens
Make a Difference Day Coat Winter Clothing Collection
Red Bookshelf Donation
Souper Bowl Food Drive for the Contact Center
March for Meals Fundraiser for Meals on Wheels programming
Paula Weydert and Melanie Vlasman mentoring Mount Marty College student teachers
Roxann Hunhoff-mentoring USD paraprofessional for 2 full days
RSVP, Kids HOPE, Parent and Community Volunteers helping routinely at Beadle. Bulletin board
created to highlight building volunteers.
American Legion Auxiliary presented a short program to the entire 3rd grade & distributed a
dictionary to each child as part of their local commitment to education.
Parent and Community Volunteers:
Mrs. Willis- Parent volunteer ,Stacey Grotenhuis
Adam Walter- Personal struggles, perseverance and playing baseball
Levi Kabella and Nick LaFave-Dedication to be an athlete & part of a team. Promoting
Homecoming & Yankton Buck pride / school spirit
Melanie Vlasman- Brenda Spencer from RTEC comes once a week to volunteer and work with
groups of students.
Ms. Rueb-- Ruth Steil, Marty Grimme, and Michelle Folkers
Tiffany MuellerRandy Tramp (Every Monday)
Tami Ruzicka (Every Thursday)
Home Volunteers (Help with play dough/other home projects)
Becky Madsen
Judy Tereshinski
Karisa Wuestewald
Study Buddy Volunteers
Jenessa Kniffen
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Amie Colvin
Renee Tereshinski
Judy Tereshinski
Abbie Walsh
Guest Readers
Jenessa Kniffen
Randy Tramp
Kathy Greeneway
Sue May- Amy Haselhorst, Tammy Ruzicka, Deb Andera, Mary Sathe, Jill Mitzel
Lynn Becker -Lori Brunick, Cindy Nelsen, Hollie Pearson, Marty Grimme, Sara Gilmore, Dana Larson,
and Barb Rowell
Michelle Zentmire- Deb Andera
Kristi Zimmerman-Sondra Jensen
Linda Stevens- Classroom volunteers: Myrtle Andersen, Mike Stevens, Sharon Egge, Steph Turman,
Matt and Jesse Scott, and Connie Regalado.
Mrs. Greeneway read City Mouse and Country Mouse to all three 1st Grade classes.
Junior Achievement volunteersSusie Frick
First Dakota National Bank
Amy Johnson
First National Bank
Anna Bakley
First Dakota National Bank
Jamie Schaefer
Avera Sacred Heart
Frani Kieffer
Avera Sacred Heart
Bob Willcockson
First Dakota National Bank
Aaron Hansen
Meridian Title Co.
Lauren Hanson
United Way
Mrs. Schortzman -Kathy Greeneway is coming to read a Thanksgiving book to my class on Tuesday,
November 25. This would correlate with the first colonies in SS.
5th Grade- All 3 SS classes are presenting a play on the first Thanksgiving to various classes in the
school and are inviting parents/family members to watch their performance.
Kids Hope volunteers: Craig Sherman, Julie Moderegger, Bob Thue, Warren Peterson, Jan Lyso,
Barb Hirsch, Bill Sohl, Steve and Jeannie Kasik
Mrs. Weydert- Danyel Chance and David Wright are volunteering.
Lori LaFave-classroom volunteers-Judy Tereshinski, Jamie Ryken, April Empkey, Frani Kieffer, Jamie
The Kids’ Hope program has been a part of Lincoln School for over 10 years now. Currently there
are seven volunteers who serve as mentors for students. They meet weekly at Lincoln School.
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Several Retired Senior Volunteers work at our school on a weekly basis providing academic and
remedial assistance for students in grades K-2.
Miss Silva has been working as a volunteer in Mrs. Wagner’s kindergarten classroom for over 12
years. She visits twice a week for a minimum of one hour providing academic assistance to
kindergarten students.
Our PTA and student council teamed up to collect food and paper items for our annual “Trick or
Treat for the Contact Center” National Make a Difference Day Project during October.
Kathy Sheldon has been working as a volunteer at Lincoln School for three years now and has
provided much-needed assistance for students who require individual help with their reading,
writing, math, social studies, and science skills. She has worked with students at a variety of grade
Lincoln teachers have been mentoring student teachers from colleges within and outside our state
for many years.
Officer Monty Rothenberger has served as our DARE officer for the last three years. He is
responsible for the DARE instruction to our fifth graders, but also visits classrooms to discuss safety
at home and at school.
We will begin Junior Achievement soon and this instruction will be offered by community
volunteers to our 2nd, 3rd, and 5th grade students.
Retired Senior Volunteer Program Volunteers are utilized at Stewart School. They listen to
students read, help with math facts and play educational games with students.
Trinity Lutheran Church Mentor Program. Volunteers mentor students every week. Mentors
follow the students through the elementary grades.
Boys and Girls Club/The Academy Program – This has been a huge cooperative effort to
consolidate the program into one site. Stewart is represented on the volunteer local board.
Boy Scout/Girl Scouts/Cub Scouts meet at Stewart School - This fall district scout leaders had
district training in the Stewart’s computer lab. School district technology was showcased for area
leaders. Scouts have STEM activities and training to offer.
Make a Difference Day Coat Winter Clothing Collection
Stewart is currently collecting Hot Chocolate and bags of marshmallows for the contact center
Holiday Basket.
Currently have Mount Marty College student teachers. Next semester will have a USD student
teacher at Stewart.
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Fire Safety Visits Preschool-3rd Grade
Linda Daugaard- Two fall visits and read to Grades 3-5
RSVP Volunteers – Kindergarten and 3rd Grade
Make a Difference Day Coat Winter Clothing Collection
Red Bookshelf Donation
MMC and USD paraprofessionals and Student Teachers
WOW volunteers and monthly meetings
Women’s American Legion Auxiliary – 3rd Grade
School Board Members and Parents – read aloud to classrooms (AEW and Read Across America
Parent volunteers for preschool and JrK fieldtrips – once a month
Parent volunteers for JrK Game Days – periodically throughout the month
Jr. Achievement – 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Grade
ACTION PLAN – Objective #4: Expand efforts to improve internal relationship building
among Yankton School District administration, teachers, and staff.
1. Research use of a survey mechanism to gather feedback for improvements needed.
a. Target Date: August 2015
b. Action Items:
Identify and administer an appropriate survey instrument.
Compile and share survey data, and determine next steps based on the results.
Tailgate Party to watch the Bucks play Aberdeen.
Third Friday events
Niobrara trip
Building level monthly birthday treat celebrations. Baby Showers, etc.
Advisory Committee - gathers staff feedback & input which encourages ownership in decisionmaking within Beadle School
Spirit Days for staff & student body*Homecoming - special guests including YHS cheerleaders *Football Play-Off & Championship
Games - school colors *Red Ribbon Week - class discussions, decorating paper bags for use at
Hy-Vee, guessing jar, & special daily colors to represent the pillars of good character
Bucket Fillers & "I Noticed" Notes - Administration, Staff & Students give & receive genuine verbal
& written compliments
Carla Hacecky, Melanie Ryken, Heidi Savey, and Paul Struck met Thursday, November 6 to study
and create a survey to be conducted with employees of the Yankton School District. Once the
survey is conducted, results will be used to plan our next steps.
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Monthly Advisory meetings are held to gain input on building level issues and activities. Four
members serve on this committee and are responsible for sharing information with their
colleagues at Lincoln School.
Social and Courtesy Committees serve to enhance staff and school morale. Members of the
committees plan special social events. This fall a Hay ride was held and all staff were invited to
attend. Baby showers are planned and are well attended and supported by staff members. Each
month, birthdays are celebrated by our staff with special treats in the Lincoln Teachers’ Lounge.
Our school’s special celebration of our state’s 125th birthday was possible due to communication,
collaboration, and cooperation between all staff members.
Bucket Fillers, Kindness coins, and Lincoln Leader notes are shared with students and staff
A weekly “Lincoln Letter” is emailed to all staff members from the principal each Thursday morning
with events and special information addressing the upcoming week.
A monthly staff meeting is held to discuss curriculum, safety, textbook, technology, and a variety
of other topics that relate to our students, parents and our staff.
Lincoln teachers serve on a variety of district-wide committees to provide their knowledge and
expertise to issues that are specific to the Yankton School District.
Active social committee in charge of building level social events including monthly birthday
celebrations, baby Showers, etc. The committee also plans activities outside of the school
Advisory Committee - gathers staff feedback & input every month. Support staff also has
representation on this committee.
Support Staff Monthly Meeting - A scheduled time each month is dedicated to support staff
training and to discuss building issues.
Staff get togethers on days before holiday breaks, throughout the year, and in the summer
Building level monthly lounge treats
Advisory committee meetings and monthly staff meetings
Dress-up days periodically (Red Ribbon Week, American Education Week, Gazelles volleyball
pink day, Homecoming red days, Football playoffs, etc)
Red Ribbon Week - class discussions, sidewalk chalking, decorating paper bags for use at HyVee, guessing jar, & special daily colors to represent the pillars of good character
Caught Being Goods – every Friday for staff (and students)
Jeans tickets – to purchase and earn
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