Yrd. Doç. Dr. Utku Kürşat Ercan, İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Bölümü [email protected] [email protected] Telefon: +90 232 329 35 35 (Dahili: 3747) Cep: +90 535 946 0660 Adres Bilgisi İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi Çiğli Ana Yerleşkesi 35620 İzmir/Türkiye Araştırma Alanları: Tıbbi Plazmalar, Biyomedikal Mühendislik, Termal olmayan plazmaların antimikrobiyal etkisi, Plazma Kimyası, Plazma Fiziği, Hastane Enfeksiyonları, Enfeksiyon kontrol, Yeni antimikrobiyal ajanlar Eğitim Bilgileri: Drexel University, Philadelphia PA, USA Ph.D., School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems, 2008-‐2013 Tez Başlığı: Mechanisms Underlying Antimicrobial Efficacies of Non-‐Thermal Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) Plasma-‐Treated N-‐Acetyl Cysteine Solution Danışman: Suresh G. Joshi, MD, PhD Yardımcı Danışmanlar: Kenneth A. Barbee, PhD Ari D. Brooks, MD Ege Üniversitesi, İzmir, B.Sc., Biyomühendislik bölümü, 2002-‐2006 Danisman: İsmet Deliloğlu Gürhan, PhD İş Tecrübesi: İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi, Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Bölümü, İzmir, Türkiye Yardımcı Doçent Doktor August, 2014 -‐ …. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi, Mühendislik ve Mimarlık Fakültesi Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Bölümü, İzmir, Türkiye Öğretim Görevlisi Doktor, January, 2014 – August, 2014 Drexel University, Tıp Fakültesi, Cerrahi Bölümü, Cerrahi Enfeksiyon Kontrol Laboratuvarı, Philadelphia, PA USA Araştırma Görevlisi Mart, 2009 –2013 Drexel University, A.J.Drexel Plasma Institute, Camden NJ USA Araştırma Görevlisi Mart, 2009 –2013 Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyomekanik A.D. Araştırma Görevlisi, Ağustos, 2006 – Mart 2008 Yayınlar: Uluslar Arası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanmış Makaleler: • • • • • • • • Ercan UK, Smith J, Ji H, Brooks AD, Joshi SG. Chemical Species in Plasma-‐Treated N-‐Acetylcysteine (NAC) Solution and Their Contribution to Microbial Inactivation. Under Review Albala L, Ercan UK, Joshi SG, Wheatley MA. Indirect Plasma Sterilization of Ultrasound Contrast Agent. Investigative Radiology. Under Review Kojtari A, Ercan UK, Smith J, Brooks AD, Ji H, Joshi SG. Chemistry for Antimicrobial Effects of Non-‐Thermal DBD Plasma Treated Water. Nanomedicine & Biotherapeutic Discovery. 2013;4(1):118-‐123 Zhang Z, Nix CA, Ercan UK, Gerstenhaber JA, Joshi SG, Zhong Y. Calcium binding-‐ mediated sustained release of minocycline from hydrophilic multilayer coatings to target medical device-‐related infection and inflammation. PLoS ONE. 2014; 9(1): e84360-‐68 Neidrauer M, Ercan UK, Bhattacharyya A, Trikha R, Barbee KA, Joshi SG. Antimicrobial Efficacy of a Topical Ointment Containing Nitric Oxide-‐Loaded Zeolite. Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2014; 63(Pt2):203-‐9 Ercan UK, Joshi SS, Gogotsi N, O’Toole S, Paff M, Melchior E, Joshi SG. Multidrug-‐ resistant-‐biofilm inhibitory efficacies of non-‐thermal plasma treated novel solutions. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. Under Review Poor A, Ercan UK, Yost A, Brooks AD, Joshi SG. Microbial and cellular responses to nonthermal plasma-‐ treated alginate wound dressing: control of multidrug-‐ resistant pathogens. 2014; 15(3):233-‐43 Ercan UK, Wang H, Ji H, Fridman G, Brooks AD, Joshi SG. Nonequilibrium plasma-‐ activated antimicrobial solutions are broad-‐ spectrum and retain their efficacies for extended period of time. Plasma Process and Polymers. 2013;10(6):544-‐55 • • • Shainsky N, Dobrynin D, Ercan UK, Joshi SG, Brooks, AD, Fridman G, Cho Y, Fridman A, Friedman G. Plasma Acid: Water treated by dielectric barrier discharge. Plasma Process and Polymers. 2012;9(6) Celik EU, Ergucu Z, Turkun LS, Ercan UK, Tensile bond strength of an aged resin composite repaired with different protocols. Journal of Adhesive Dentsitry 2011 Aug;13(4):359-‐ 66. Joshi SG, Cooper M, Yost A, Paff M, Ercan UK, Fridman G, Friedman G, Fridman A, Brooks AD. Nonthermal dielectric-‐barrier discharge plasma-‐induced inactivation involves oxidative DNA damage and membrane lipid peroxidation in Escherichia coli. Antimicrobial Agents Chemotherapy 2011 Mar;55(3):1053-‐62. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler : • • • • • • Ercan UK, Cecen B, Uzun B, Mutlu I, Baran O, Havitcioglu H, Biomechanical Properties of Peripheral Neural Tissue; 20th Turkish National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, October, Ankara, Turkey, 23-‐28, 2007 Acta Orthopedica Traumatolica Turcica, Supplementum III, p. 138 Cecen B, Ates H, Inci I, Ercan UK, Mutlu I, Yenigul M, Ozcanhan MH, Mechanical Stimulation of Osteoblasts by Ultrasonic Waves; 20th Turkish National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, October, Ankara, Turkey, 23-‐28, 2007 Acta Orthopedica Traumatolica Turcica, Supplementum III p. 136 Mutlu I, Ates H, Inci I, Ercan UK, Cecen B, Yenigul M, Ozcanhan MH, Unidirectional and Cyclic Mechanical Stimulation of Osteoblasts Cultured on Collagen Scaffolds Covered by PLA, 20th Turkish National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, October, Ankara, Turkey, 23-‐28, 2007, Acta Orthopedica Traumatolica Turcica, Supplementum III p. 26 Ercan UK, Smith J, Ji F, Brooks AD, Joshi SG, Chemical Changes in Plasma-‐Treated NAC Solution, Leading to Antimicrobial Effect. XIX International BIOMED Symposium, November 12-‐15, 2013, Kusadasi, Turkey (Oral Presentation) Neidrauer M, Ercan UK, Bhattacharyya A, Barbee KA, Joshi SG, Antimicrobial Efficacy of a Topical Ointment Containing Nitric Oxide Loaded Zeolite. Wound Healing Society Annual Meeting, May 1-‐5, 2013, Denver CO, USA (Poster Presentation) Ercan UK, Fridman G, Brooks AD, Joshi SG, Non-‐Thermal Dielectric Barrier (DBD) Plasma Treated N-‐Acetylcysteine (NAC) Solution: A Novel Antimicrobial Agent. • • • • • • • • • Annual Meeting of Surgical Infection Society, April 12-‐15, 2013, Las Vegas NV, USA (Poster Presentation) Ercan UK, Kojtari A, Ji H, Fridman G, Brooks AD, Joshi SG, Chemical Modifications in Non-‐Thermal DBD Plasma Treated Water and Antimicrobial Effects. 4th International Conference on Plasma Medicine, June 17-‐21, 2012, Orleans, France (Poster Presentation) Ercan UK, Wang H, Ji H, Fridman G, Brooks AD, Joshi SG, Antimicrobial Properties of NAC Treated by Non-‐Thermal DBD Plasma. International Symposium on Molecular Medicine and Infectious Disease, June 19-‐21, 2012, Philadelphia PA, USA (Poster Presentation) Yost AD, Ercan UK, Mahmood S, Poor A, Brooks AD, Joshi SG, Effects of Alginate Gels Treated with Non-‐Thermal Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma on Endothelial Cell Migration and Proliferation. International Symposium on Molecular Medicine and Infectious Disease, June 19-‐21, 2012, Philadelphia PA, USA (Poster Presentation) Poor A, Ercan UK, Joshi SG, Fridman A, Fridman G, Friedman G, Brooks AD, Alginate Gels Treated With Nonthermal Plasma: A Novel Wound Dressing. 7th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, February 14-‐16, 2012, Las Vegas NV, USA (Poster presentation) Shainsky N, Dobrynin D, Ercan UK, Park S, Joshi SG, Ji H, Brooks AD, Cho Y, Fridman G, Fridman A, Friedman G, Plasma Acid: A Chemically and Physically Metastable Substance, 64th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, November 14–18, 2011; Salt Lake City UT, USA (Oral presentation) Poor AE, Ercan UK, Fridman G, Fridman G, Friedman G, Brooks AD, Joshi SG. Antimicrobial Efficacy of Non-‐Thermal Plasma-‐Treated Alginate Wound-‐Dressing Against Multidrug Resistant Pathogens. IDSA 2011 Annual Meeting, October 20-‐ 23, 2011, Boston MA, USA (Poster Presentation) Ercan UK, Fridman G, Brooks AD, Joshi SG, Antimicrobial Behavior of Non-‐ Thermal Plasma Treated Liquids. International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, ISPC 20, August 4-‐9, 2011, Philadelphia PA, USA (Poster Presentation) Shainsky N, Dobrynin D, Ercan UK, Joshi SG, Ji H, Brooks AD, Fridman G, Fridman A, Friedman G, Inactivation of Escherichia Coli: Pharmacological Effect of Non-‐ Equilibrium Plasma Treatment of Liquids. International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, ISPC 20, August 4-‐9, 2011, Philadelphia PA, USA (Poster Presentation) Shainsky N, Dobrynin D, Ercan UK, Joshi SG, Brooks AD, Ji H, Fridman G, Young C, Fridman A, Friedman G, Plasma acid and its applications. International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), June 26-‐30, 2011, Chicago IL, USA (Poster Presentation) • • • Ercan UK. O’Toole S, Gogotsi N, Fridman G, Brooks AD, Joshi SG, Non-‐thermal Floating Electrode-‐DBD Plasma: A Novel Approach to Control Bacteria in Biofilms. Surgical Infection Control of North America, Annual Meeting, May 11-‐14, 2011 Palm Beach FL, USA. (Poster Presentation) Shainsky N, Dobrynin D, Ercan UK, Joshi SG, Ji H, Brooks AD, Fridman G, Fridman A, Friedman G, Pharmacological Effect of Non-‐Equilibrium Plasma Treatment of Liquids Drexel University IEEE graduate forum’s 4th annual research symposium March 3, 2011, Philadelphia PA, USA (Poster Presentation) Shainsky N, Dobrynin D, Ercan UK, Joshi SG, Fridman G, Friedman G, Fridman A, Effect of Liquid Modified by Non-‐Equilibrium Atmospheric Plasmas on Bacteria Inactivation Rates. ICOPS 2010, June 20-‐24, 2010, Norfolk, Virginia, USA (Poster Presentation) Patentler: • Materials for Disinfection Produced by Non-‐thermal Plasma. Yayın Numarası: WO/2012/018891 Yayın Tarihi: 09.02.2012 Uluslararası başvuru numarası: PCT/US2011/046382 Uluslararası başvuru tarihi: 03.08.2011 Ödüller: • • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Yurtdışı master ve doktora bursu (2008-‐2013) En iyi poster ödülü, Drexel University IEEE graduate forum’s 4th annual research symposium March 3, 2011, Philadelphia PA, USA Bilimsel Kuruluşlara Üyelik: • International Society of Plasma Medicine • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers • International Society of Plasma Chemistry Yetenekler: Bilgisayar proglramları: ANSYS, Autodesk Inventor, Chemical WorkBench, ChemKin, MS Office Dil: Türkçe (Anadil), İngilizce (Çok iyi, TOEFL IBT: 97)
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