Peter M. Wolanin Momentum Specialist (principal engineer), Acquia, Inc. Drupal contributor April 12, 2014 Drupal 8: Where did the code go? Roadmap Drupal 8 Background Concepts Basics of a module in Drupal 8 Page and Form Callbacks “Whatʼs a plugin?” Info hook conversion for image toolkits Custom block code A text filter Replacing a service Replacing a plugin 2 Drupal 8 Background Concepts Namespaced classes (PHP 5.3+) like \Drupal\search\Plugin\Block\SearchBlock Wide-spread use of interfaces The DIC/container/service container - an object that contains instances of “services” (the current request, the URL generator, the queue, the path alias manager, etc) The new routing system - names instead of paths Entity API greatly expanded Plugins encapsulate re-useable functionality 3 Class Autoloading: PSR-0/4 Later when I add a Block class to my module: \Drupal\mymodule\Plugin\Block\MyBlock This is at the corresponding filepath: modules/mymodule/lib/Drupal/mymodule/ Plugin/Block/MyBlock.php Note that the full class name and path match under lib/ PSR-4 should be adopted soon and then it will be: modules/mymodule/lib/Plugin/Block/ MyBlock.php 4 Navigating Drupal 8 Code Drupal 7 could be navigated in a simple text editor, but deep directories and class-per-file makes this challenging for Drupal 8 You are going to want an IDE or integration of your editor with ctags so you can easily navigate classes or jump to the source of a method. Netbeans IDE and others are free. PhpStorm is not free but popular and includes Drupal and Symfony support. 5 Learn More About the DIC dependency-injection-drupal-8 Look at all the services.yml files in Drupal 8 dependency_injection/index.html 6 Let’s Start Learning The Drupal 8.x Toolkit A Drupal 8 Module As in Drupal 7, code is provided by modules - so you need a module. You need a .info.yml file - like a .info file for Drupal 7. You no longer need even an empty .module file. The only remaining code in .module files are a few hook implementations. Most code lives in classes. modules/mymodule/ name: 'My test module' type: module description: 'NYCcamp demo.' core: 8.x 8 Routes Maps Paths to Content: routes need to be defined by your module: mymodule/mymodule.routing.yml mymodule.list: path: '/admin/config/mymodule/list' defaults: _content: '\Drupal\mymodule\Controller\MyController::dolist' _title: 'Mymodule list' requirements: _access: 'TRUE' mymodule.settings: path: '/admin/config/also-mymodule/settings' defaults: _content: '\Drupal\mymodule\Controller\MyController::settings' _title: 'Mymodule settings' requirements: _access: 'TRUE' 9 Where Are the Page Callbacks? The .module file is absent, and we donʼt have any .inc files These routes specify a _content key under defaults _content is a class and method name (can also be a function name, or service name and method name) Other Drupal variants: _form, _controller, _entity_list, _entity_view, _entity_form 10 7.x: function help_menu() { $items['admin/help'] = array( 'title' => 'Help', 'description' => 'Reference for usage, configuration, and modules.', 'page callback' => 'help_main', 'access arguments' => array('access administration pages'), 'weight' => 9, 'file' => '', ); ... } 8.x: help.main: path: '/admin/help' defaults: _content: '\Drupal\help\Controller\HelpController::helpMain' _title: 'Help' requirements: _permission: 'access administration pages' 11 7.x: /** * Menu callback; prints a page listing a glossary */ function help_main() { // Add CSS drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'help') $output = '<h2>' . t('Help topics') . '</h2><p>' t('Help is available on the following items:') return $output; } of Drupal terminology. . '/help.css'); . . '</p>' . help_links_as_list(); 8.x: class HelpController extends ControllerBase { /** * Prints a page listing a glossary of Drupal terminology. */ public function helpMain() { $output = array( '#attached' => array( 'css' => array(drupal_get_path('module', 'help') . '/css/help.module.css'), ), '#markup' => '<h2>' . $this->t('Help topics') . '</h2><p>' . $this->t('Help is available on the following items:') . '</p>' . $this->helpLinksAsList(), ); return $output; } ... } 12 Plugins: Encapsulate some re-useable functionality inside a class that implements one or more specific interfaces. Plugins combine what in Drupal 7 was an info hook and a number of implementation hooks and possibly configuration: e.g. hook_search_info() and hook_search_execute(), etc., or hook_block_info() and hook_block_view(), _configure(), _save() Evolved from ctools and views plugins, but use quite different mechanisms to discover them. 13 Plugin Manager and IDs Every plugin type has a manager - registered as a service (available from the DIC) and used to find and instantiate the desired plugin instance(s). Each plugin has an ID, which may be in its definition, or generated as a derivative. For a given plugin ID one single class will be used for any plugin instances using that plugin ID. A plugin instance is specified by the combination of plugin ID and its configuration values, potentially coming from a ConfigEntity. 14 7.x: hook_image_toolkits() /** * Implements hook_image_toolkits(). */ function system_image_toolkits() { include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'system') . '/' . ''; return array( 'gd' => array( 'title' => t('GD2 image manipulation toolkit'), 'available' => function_exists('image_gd_check_settings') && image_gd_check_settings(), ), ); } 15 8.x: ImageToolkitManager class ImageToolkitManager extends DefaultPluginManager { // ... various methods ... // /** * Gets a list of available toolkits. */ public function getAvailableToolkits() { // Use plugin system to get list of available toolkits. $toolkits = $this->getDefinitions(); $output = array(); foreach ($toolkits as $id => $definition) { if (call_user_func($definition['class'] . '::isAvailable')) { $output[$id] = $definition; } } return $output; } } 16 7.x: desaturate function /** * Converts an image to grayscale. * * @param $image * An image object returned by image_load(). * * @return * TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. * * @see image_load() * @see image_gd_desaturate() */ function image_desaturate(stdClass $image) { return image_toolkit_invoke('desaturate', $image); } 17 8.x: desaturate method /** * Defines the GD2 toolkit for image manipulation within Drupal. * * @ImageToolkit( * id = "gd", * title = @Translation("GD2 image manipulation toolkit") * ) */ class GDToolkit extends PluginBase implements ImageToolkitInterface { // ... all the toolkit methods ... // public function desaturate(ImageInterface $image) { // PHP using non-bundled GD does not have imagefilter. if (!function_exists('imagefilter')) { return FALSE; } return imagefilter($image->getResource(), IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE); } } 18 What about hooks? Hooks still have their place: All alter hooks like hook_form_alter()still need to be defined in a .module E.g. hook_block_alter() allows you to alter the block plugin definitions Info hooks that simply return a data array - like hook_permission() - without associated functionality - are not candidates to become plugins and still found in .module files 20 Plugin Discovery The discovery of plugins is basically the same as invoking an info hook (in fact you can implement it that way). Discovery gives you an array of plugin definitions, each of which is just an array of keys and values. The discovery process fills in defaults, such a ‘provider’ which is the name of the module providing the plugin. 21 Plugin Discovery/Config in Core YAML based: LocalTask, LocalAction, ContextualLink Annotation, some config, but no config entity: ImageToolkit, Archiver, StreamWrapper Annotation and config entity (many) including: Block, ViewsDisplay, SearchPlugin, ImageEffect, Tip, ... Not truly a Plugin but uses Annotation discovery: Entity (Node, User, etc.) 22 hook_block? Blocks as Plugins Each custom block is defined in code as a class. When the admin places the block into a region in a theme a configuration object is created to track that setting. The config object is a ConfigEntity - itʼs an abstraction on top of CMI (storing your Drupal configuration in YAML files) - it makes it convenient to list, load, etc. using entity functions. So Drupal can easily list the active block instances. Note - you donʼt need to worry about the config! 24 Blocks Implementation Blocks implement the \Drupal\block\BlockPluginInterface If you extend the abstract \Drupal\block\BlockBase class then all you need to implement is the build() method. build() is basically the same as hook_block_view() in Drupal 7 For example, I added to my module \Drupal\mymodule\Plugin\Block\MyBlock 25 /** * Provides a block with 'Mymodule' links. * * @Block( * id = "mymodule_my_block", * admin_label = @Translation("Mymodule block") * ) */ class MyBlock extends BlockBase { public function build() { return array( 'first_link' => array( '#type' => 'link', '#title' => $this->t('Mymodule List'), '#route_name' => 'mymodule.list', ), 'second_link' => array( '#type' => 'link', '#title' => $this->t('Mymodule Settings'), '#route_name' => 'mymodule.settings', )); } } 26 Blocks Admin Page Has a New Section: Place blocks 27 28 29 Hook to Plugin Comparison: Drupal 7.x Drupal 8.x hook_block_info() BlockManager:: getDefinitions() hook_block_view($delta) BlockPluginInterface:: build() ? BlockPluginInterface:: access() hook_block_configure($delta) BlockPluginInterface:: blockForm($form, &$form_state) ? BlockPluginInterface:: blockValidate($form, &$form_state) hook_block_save($delta, $edit) BlockPluginInterface:: blockSubmit($form, &$form_state) 30 Block Discovery and Annotations Each Plugin type must be in the expected class namespace for your module - for blocks: namespace Drupal\mymodule\Plugin\Block; Most core plugins have a custom annotation classyou have to use the right one for your plugin. The annotation class provides both a documentation of the possible keys in the plugin definition and default values. 31 /** * Defines a Block annotation object. * * @Annotation */ class Block extends Plugin { /** * The plugin ID. * * @var string */ public $id; /** * The administrative label of the block. * * @var \Drupal\Core\Annotation\Translation * * @ingroup plugin_translatable */ public $admin_label; } 32 Filtering Text 7.x Info Hook: /** * Implements hook_filter_info(). * * @ingroup project_issue_filter */ function project_issue_filter_info() { $filters['filter_project_issue_link'] = array( 'title' => t('Project issue to link filter'), 'description' => t('Converts references to project issues (in the form of [#12345]) into links.'), 'process callback' => '_project_issue_filter', 'tips callback' => '_project_issue_filter_tips', 'cache' => TRUE, ); return $filters; } 34 /** * Provides a filter to format a node ID as a link. * * @Filter( * id = "mymodule_node_link", * module = "mymodule", * title = @Translation("Format a node ID as a link"), * ) */ class NodeLinkFilter extends FilterBase { public function process($text, $langcode, $cache, $cache_id) { $regex = '(?:(?<!\w)\[#\d+(?:-[\d\.]+)?\](?!\w))|...'; $text = preg_replace_callback("/$regex/", array($this, 'replaceCallback'), $text); return $text; } // ... more code ...// public function tips($long = FALSE) { return $this->t('Node ID numbers (ex. [#12345]) turn into links automatically.'); } } 35 Replacing A Service Your module can replace any of the services defined by Drupal core or another module. One way to go is to define a class with “magic” naming: "{$camelized}ServiceProvider", e.g. class MymoduleServiceProvider You can also re-define it in your, but this is not as recommended. 36 modules/mymodule/ services: breadcrumb: class: 'Drupal\mymodule\Breadcrumb\BreadcrumbManager' namespace Drupal\mymodule\Breadcrumb; use Drupal\Core\Breadcrumb\BreadcrumbBuilderBase; class BreadcrumbManager extends BreadcrumbBuilderBase { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function build(array $attributes) { $breadcrumb = array(); $breadcrumb[] = $this->l(t('Go home!'), '<front>'); return $breadcrumb; } ... } 37 38 Adding or Replacing A Plugin Every plugin manager defines an _alter hook In your module you can replace any existing plugin in the list the manager has discovered (or add more) This _alter hook should not be used in place of derivatives when those match the use case /** * Implements hook_local_tasks_alter(). */ function mymodule_local_tasks_alter(&$defs) { if (isset($defs['user.view'])) { $defs['user.view']['class'] = 'Drupal\mymodule\Menu\LocalTask'; } } 39 namespace Drupal\mymodule\Menu; use Drupal\Core\Menu\LocalTaskDefault; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; /** * Mymodule local task override. */ class LocalTask extends LocalTaskDefault { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getTitle(Request $request = NULL) { return $this->t('View !name at @time', array( '!name' => $request->attributes->get('user')->getUsername(), '@time' => format_date(time()) ) ); } } 40 41 Plugin and General 8.x Resources Demo code used for this presentation: Converting 7.x modules to 8.x Plugin API in Drupal 8 Why Plugins? Understanding Drupal 8's plugin system 42 To Sum It Up Many of the algorithms and even code are very similar to Drupal 7 but are found in new locations in Drupal 8. By understanding where has code is gone you can leverage your existing Drupal knowledge Widespread use of interfaces makes it easier to replace almost any implementation. This presentation is © 2014, Acquia, Inc. Licensed:
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