Tips on Choosing a Tax Professional

Tips on Choosing a Tax Professional
1. Getting help can save you time, money and frustration.
The IRS estimates the average taxpayer spends 13 hours preparing their tax
return. More complex filings or business returns can take even more time.
Overlooked deductions can cost you money, and careless errors can result in
large penalties. Moreover, deciphering the tax code can be stressful, and the
regulations get more complicated every year.
2. Work with a year-round accounting firm or professional.
If you have a question or problem, it may be difficult to reach a bulk tax prep
service in the off-season. Look for a firm that is available throughout the year
to respond to you in a timely manner, by email or over the phone.
3. Find a qualified tax preparer in advance.
Don’t wait to find the best tax professional for your situation. If you need help
with back taxes or missed taxes, look for an accountant who can handle
complex tax issues. An Enrolled Agent (EA) can help taxpayers in trouble with
the IRS and act on their behalf if necessary. They are licensed by the IRS and
specially trained in federal tax planning, preparation and representation. Check
references, credentials and ask friends for recommendations.
There is no shame in seeking help with your taxes. Given the risk of audits and
costly mistakes like missing deductions and tax-saving strategies, getting help is a
smart move. Take the time to find best tax professional for your specific
Essential Tax Services
13168 Piedmont Vista Drive
Haymarket, VA

An Enrolled Agent (EA) can help taxpayers in trouble with the IRS and act on their behalf if necessary. They are licensed by the IRS and specially trained in federal tax planning, preparation and representation. Check references, credentials and ask friends for recommendations. For More Details Visit at