Embassy of the Republic of Sudan in Berlin / Germany SUDAN BULLETIN Berlin Mo n t h l y ๏ German companies participates in Khartoum International Fair ‣ February 2017 /005 EU Praises Sudan‘s Cooperation on War on Terror and Human Trafficking - The EU has hailed Sudan cooperation on combating terrorism, extremism and human trafficking, Sudanese Minister for Foreign Ibrahim Ghandour has revealed. Following Prof. Ibrahim Ghandour his meeting with Minister for Foreign the EU Delegation at Sudanese embassy in projects in Sudan, notably SuEthiopia’s capital Addis dan’s efforts to combating ilAbaba, the Sudanese official legal immigration and human confirmed the EU’s readiness trafficking. According to him, to maintain cooperation with the EU commissioner comthe country in various eco- mended Sudan’s strenuous efn o m i c a n d p o l i t i c a l forts to fight terrorism, spheres. Ghandour noted that achieve peace and security in his meeting with the EU high the region. The EU official profile delegation tackled is- further confirmed the union’s sues related to immigration, preparedness to cooperate Suhumanitarian affairs and EU dan on border control operations. KHARTOUM Alfula Crude Oil and Natural Gas-fired Power Plant(Photo) Khartoum- A number of German companies participated in the current session of the Khartoum International Fair in the framework of the development of economic and trade relations between the two countries. Sudan News Agency (SUNA) interviewed some of these German companies. The General Manager of German Swinrz Company for Solar Energy Dr. Olaf Frank revealed that his company operates in the field of integrated systems for the users of solar energy, in addition to its ‣ work in the electricity and oil fields, adding that the company aims to train a group of local workers in other countries to ensure sustainability of the systems quality, expecting establishment of distinguished partnership with Sudan, particularly after the lifting of sanctions, pointing out that the exhibition is an opportunity for investment between the two countries, pointing out that Sudan enjoy natural capabilities including solar energy that can be exploited for the interests of its people and other nations... more Page 2 Amira: Winning of AU Post Reflects Sound Sudanese Diplomacy Khartoum- The candidate of Sudan to the post of the Commissioner of Social Affairs at the African Union (AU), Amira AlFadil, won the post by the majority at the procedural session of the 28th summit of the AU Monday night in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa. Amira Al-Fadil affirmed in a press statement that her winning to the AU post has come as a result of great efforts by various bodies, expressing thanks and appreciations for the support extended to her by the Presidency, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of the Sudan in Ethiopia. She voiced hope that her winning to the post will avail a good opportunity to Sudan to present its experience in the social domain at the level of the African Kurfürstendamm 151 in 10709 Berlin Union. Minister of Foreign Affairs Prof. Ibrahim Ghandour pointed out that the winning of Sudan to the post affirms the soundness of the Sudanese diplomacy and that it is present in its African and Arab field, referring to recent winning by Sudan to the post of Assistant Secretary General of the Arab League. Prof. Ghandour, in a press statement, congratulated the political leadership and the Sudanese people on the victory. He indicated that it is the first time since 1963 the Sudan, a founding member of the AU, wins such a post, affirming the support of his ministry to Amira Al-Fadil in performing her African role. The Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed thanks and appreciation to the African support extended to Sudan in this connection, indicating that the candidate of Sudan, Amira Al Fadil, won the race after seven rounds of the competition. Amira Al-Fadil received 40 votes out of a total of 51, while her nearest competitor received 29 votes. * Tel.: 030 890 69 815 * Fax: 030 46995926 ‣ President Al-Bashir to Chair Cabinet Meeting and Launch New First Turbine at Upper Atbara and Setet Dams Upper Atbara- President of the Republic, Field Marshal Omer Al-Bashir, will chair Thursday a historical sitting of the Council of the Council of Ministers and inaugurte the first turbine at the Upper Atbara and Setet Dams which will operate at the capacity of 80 megawatts. President AlBashir will also address a mass rally of Gedarif and www.sudanembasssy.de Kassala States before the dams' turbine. Meanwhile, the Wali (governor of Gedarif State, Engineer Mirghani Salih, and members of the state's government have reviewed the final arrangements at the dams' area to receive the President of the Republic and the accompanying federal ministers and senior officials. PAGE 1 Bo t s cha f t de r Re p u b l i k S UDA N SUDAN BULLETIN Berlin Monatlich Februar 2017 / 005 ๏ Diskussionsrunde über die Aufhebung der amerikanischen Sanktionen Am 25. Januar 2017 emp- Bank, des Auswärtigen Amfing der Afrika-Verein der tes und der Gesellschaft für deutschen Wirtschaft e.V. zu Internationale Zusammeneiner Diskussionsrunde an- arbeit GIZ. Zu Beginn der lässlich der amerikanischen Runde bestätigte BotschafResolution, die seit 20 Jah- ter Abdalla, dass die amerir e n b e s t e h e n d e n Wi r t- kanische Resolution zur schaftssanktionen gegen den Aufhebung der Sanktionen Sudan teilweise aufzuheben. mit sofortiger Wirkung in Redner waren S. E. Badrel- Kraft trete. Seiner Meinung din Abdalla, Botschafter der nach können deutsche FirRepublik Sudan in Berlin men und Geschäftsleute sowie Dr. Kilian Bälz und wieder ganz regulär GeHerr Hussam Mujally als schäftsbeziehungen mit Vertreter der Firma Amerel- dem Sudan aufnehmen. Er ler Legal Consultans. Nicht fügte hinzu, dass auch die nur deutsche Unternehmen neue amerikanische Regiehaben an der Diskussions- rung unter Präsident Donald runde teilgenommen, son- Trump grünes Licht zu diedern auch Vertreter der ser Resolution gegeben haCommerzbank, der BHF- be. Herr Wolfgang Huba von der Commerzbank äußerte, dass die Commerzbank die Lage nach der amerikanischen Resolution vorläufig noch beobachte. Er sei jed o c h z u v e rsichtlich, dass die Commerzbank ihre Geschäfte mit dem Sudan irgendwann wieder aufnehmen werde, könne aber keinen genauen Zeitpunkt dafür geben. Der Afrika-Verein erklärte seinerseits, im Mai dieses Jahres eine Unternehmensreise für interessierte deutsche Firmen in den Sudan zu organisieren. Einige teilnehmende Verteter der deutschen Firmen berichteten von ihren positiven Erfahrungen im Sudan. Botschafter Abdalla bedankte sich beim AfrikaVerein für die Einladung und Organisation der Veranstaltung und die gute Zusammenarbeit mit der sudanesischen Botschaft. Konfliktgebieten zu erleichtern, nur Frieden im Sudan Der Assistent des Präsidenten, Ibrahim Mahmoud, erklärte die bewaffnetenKonflikte in Darfur, in den Nuba-Bergen und Kurfürstendamm 151 in 10709 Berlin Der sudanesische Außenminister gratuliert seinem amerikanischen Amtskollegen Der Außenminister der Republik Sudan, Prof. Ibrahim Ghandour, gratulierte seinem neuen amerikanischen Amtskollegen Rex Tillerson schriftlich zu seiner Ernennung als Außenminister der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Unter anderem erwähnte er die bilaterale Zusammenarbeit zwischen den beiden Ländern in den Fragen der Bekämpfung des Terrorismus, der regionalen Sicherheit, des Friedens im Sudan und Süd-Sudan und der Lieferung von Hilfsgütern in die Konfliktgebiete . Der sudanesische Minister erklärte in seinem Schreiben weiter, dass der Sudan an der Verstärkung der bilateralen am Blauen Nil als praktisch beendet. Beziehungen auf allen Ebenen Seiner Meinung nach genieße der interessiert sei. Sudan nun mehr Stabilität und Sicherheit. Er fügte hinzu, dass die Rebellen mit ihrer Ablehnung, die Verteilung von Hilfsgütern in den ‣ ‣ ihre eigenen Interessen verfolgen , wie auch der ehemalige amerikanische Sondergesandte für den Sudan Donald E. Booth bestätigt habe. Er rief dazu auf, weiterhin an einer besseren Zukunft für den ganzen Sudan zu arbeiten. * Tel.: 030 890 69 815 * Fax: 030 46995926 www.sudanembasssy.de ‣ Politische Konsultationen zwischen dem Sudan und Frankreich Am 3.2.2017 fanden in Paris politische Konsultationen zwischen den Außenministerien beider Länder statt. Beide Seiten besprachen die Verstärkung der bilateralen Beziehungen zwischen beiden Ländern auf allen Ebenen. SEITE 1 WIRTSCHAFT, KULTURE, SOZIAL,SPORT & INTERVIEWS BOTSCHAFT DER REPUBLIK SUDAN - BERLIN ‣ Fruit Logistica 2017 Der Sudan war mit einem Stand bei der Internationalen Fachmesse Fruit Logistica 2017 vom 08. – 10.02.2017 in Berlinvertreten. Die Teilnahme ist für das Land von großer Bedeutung und kommt zum richtigen Zeitpunkt. Der Sudan hat Dank der unterschiedlichen Klimazonen innerhalb des Landes landwirtschaftlich eine Vielzahl von Agrarprodukten anzubieten. Die Aussteller aus dem Sudan haben frische Wasserund Zuckermelonen, Datteln und Grapefruits zur Verkostung mitgebracht. ‣ ‣ FEBRUAR 2017/ 005 Die Einweihung des Staudammes Atabara und Seetit Die sudanesische Regierung feierte die Eröffnung des Staudammes Atabara und Seetit im OstSudan. Der Staudamm dient der Gewinnung von Elektrizität und der Ausdehnung von Agrarflächen durch entsprechende Bewässerung. Kurfürstendamm 151 in 10709 Berlin Im Bereich der Stromgewinnung plant die sudanesische Regierung, zwischen 2017 und 2020 etwa500 Megawatt Strom aus Solarenergie zu produzieren und die Produktion im Jahr 2025 auf 1000 Megawatt zu erhöhen. * Tel.: 030 890 69 815 * Fax: 030 46995926 www.sudanembasssy.de Max-Planck-Institut im Sudan Die Vizepräsidentin des sudanesischen Parlaments, Dr. Badria Suliman, hat den Regionaldirektor des Max-PlanckInstitutes, Herrn Siraj Khan, getroffen. Im Rahmen des Gespräches bat Frau Dr. Suliman um rechtliche Unterstützung für den Sudan bei der Reform von Gesetzen aus dem Jahr 2001. Sie lobte die unabhängige Rolle des Instituts nicht nur im rechtswissenschaftlichen Bereich, sondern auch in anderen Bereichen. Das MaxPlanck-Institut arbeitet eng mit dem Justizministerium zusammen. Seite 2 BOTSCHAFT DER REPUBLIK SUDAN - BERLIN WIRTSCHAFT, KULTURE, SOZIAL,SPORT & INTERVIEWS ‣ Sudanese Ambassador to Germany confirms immediate lifting of US economic sanctions A delegation of German of the German banking sector in businessmen to visit Sudan soon addition to an effective participation The African-German Business from one of the most prestigious legal Association (Afrika-Verein) and the firms in Germany which have Embassy of Sudan in Berlin arranged multiple business links with Sudan. on Wednesday 25 Jan 2017 a Ambassador Abdalla presented a roundtable discussion on the outgoing detailed explanation of all aspects American Administration's decision to related to the lifting of US sanctions lift economic embargo imposed on on Sudan, particularly with regard to Sudan since 1997. The Sudanese the six-month period stated in the Ambassador to Germany, H.E decision. He clarified that, while the Badreldin Abdalla was hosted as the Obama decision referred to the final key speaker. The event was hosted in endorsement of the decision by the the Association's premises in Berlin Trump's Administration by 12 July and attended by a number of German 2017, the lifting of sanctions had in businessmen and some representatives fact entered into immediate effect on ‣ From Page 1, German companies participates in Khartoum International Fair He stressed that the company in Su- said that the company has been opdan had not expanded in recent years erating in the provision of the intecompared to other African countries, grated solutions for sterilization and hoping to carry out more projects in disinfection of hospitals, revealing the future. For his part, the General that the company was regarded as Manager of Karchill Company for friendly to the environment and carHygiene Equipment Tariq Hussain ing for health and disinfection of said that his company represented hospitals, the exclusive agent of the Euros The General Manager of the KCB Business United Company, which Company, in water pumps manufacwas founded in 1935 and is consid- turing, Awadallah Rezqallah said that ered as one of the largest companies the company has factories in China, in the manufacture of cleaning Brazil and Argentina and has been equipment, referring to its imple- working in Sudan for 26 years, refermentation of the United Nations pro- ring to the suspension of the comject in Sudan before the secession of pany's work following the release of Sudan. economic sanctions against Sudan, The Director of the German Acto stressing resumption of the company Company Dr. Mohamed Abdeen operations after the ban lifting. ‣ CBOS Affirms Commitment to Directive (16) Issued by Financial Action Team Khartoum - The European Union has the date of 26 of next June as deadline for sticking to all the directive (16) issued by the financial team through showing the data of the demander of the funding, the beneficiary along with all the stages of implementing bank transfers throughout their transfer between banks with aim of combating money laundering , financing terrorism. The directives 16 with regards to banks transfers stipulate that the European Banks are to be a party therein and the delivers of banks transfers’ service must comply with Kurfürstendamm 151 in 10709 Berlin the said directives. The Central Bank of Sudan has announced in a forum on the effect of directive 16 and the recommendations of the financial team on customers transfers its resolve to cope with the developments and changes in plans, programmes and policies as well as providing positive interaction with the international requirements. * Tel.: 030 890 69 815 * Fax: 030 46995926 17th January 2017 via the General License issued by the Department of Treasury's OFAC on the same date of the decision. In this regard, he referred to the consultations held between Obama and Trump Administrations where Trump Administration's consent has been gained. He further explained that this decision allows not only the immediate commencement of the economic relations and cooperation between Sudanese and the U.S companies, but also all third parties like German companies and banks. Refering to an article appeared in The Hill Newspaper on 23 Jan 2017, the Sudanese Ambassador pointed out that two leading US. Congressmen have recently written expressing their views supporting the decision of lifting of sanctions on Sudan which indicates the existence of a consensus on lifting sanctions on Sudan. He further explained that the decision was welcomed regionally and internationally by the UN Human Rights Council, African Union, China, UK and others. In their interventions, the representatives of the legal firm echoed the ambassador's remarks on ‣ FEBRUAR 2017/ 005 the legal aspects in light of the American decision, confirming that doing business with Sudan doesn't bear any legal risks following this decision. Afrika-Verein revealed during the session that a delegation of the association accompanied by a number of German businessmen will pay a working visit to Sudan in late March 2017. In his intervention replying to a question raised about what likely will be their decision to resume business with Sudanese Banks, the delegate of the German Commerzbank expressed his optimism about the Sudanese banking market. He cited Sudanese knowledge of dealing in Euro and smooth transactions compared to their counterparts in the region. He noted that Commerzbank is now seriously studying and monitoring developments in this matter, adding that he expects a decision to resume banking relations with Sudan. It is noteworthy that Commerzbank was a leading partner with many Sudanese banks, including the Central Bank of Sudan. Khartoum to Witness Al Tayeb Salih International Award for Creativ Writing Concluding Session Next February Khartoum – Board of Trustees of Al Tayeb Salih International Aw a r d f o r Creative Writing is intensifying its meetings to prepare for the concluding activities of the seventh round of the award which is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 of February at the Friendship Hall with the participation of figures in Culture from Arab and African countries to boost cultural dialogue with their Sudanese peers through the scientific forum accompanying the activities. For his part, the Secretary-General of the Award, Majzoub Aydarous said that the Award has its distinguished position among similar wards in the Arab world. The Award was launched by The Sudanese Company for Mobile Phone (Zain) in 2010 to mark the first anniversary of the passing away of outstanding Sudanese novelist Al Tayeb Salih and has continued to be organized annually, to date. It covers the areas of novel and short story. It also covers a third literary domain to be specified annually by the Award’s Council of Trustees. This year powww.sudanembasssy.de etry was chosen as this third domain. This year t h e r enowned academic Sudanese researcher, P r o f . Fadwa Abdul Rahman Ali Taha will join the honourary list which included in the past Prof. Izzeldin Al-Amin, Mahjoub Mohammed Salih, Hamdnallah Abdul Gadir, Poet Abdallah Shabo, Prof. Yusuf Fadul. According to the Board of Trustees Se4cretary-General, the scientific forum will be under the title (Cultural and Civilization Trends and Its Impact on the African Innovation). According to Zain officials the Award seeks to commemorate the great novelist and prolific writer Al Tayeb Salih , whose novel ‘ Season for Migration to the North’ was internationally enlisted within the top 100 novels in human literary history.’’ “The Award is also meant to uplift the banner of literature and the arts in Sudan and the Arab World” Zain had further asserted. Seite 2
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