会 員 各 位 2017 年度 Pediatric Surgery International : PSI(JSPS Issue) 投稿に関して 22 水 PSI(JSPS Issue)論文投稿締切日:2017 年 3 月 10 日(金)23:00(日本時間) 〈必着〉 本年度も多数の論文投稿をお待ちしております.以下に,投稿に際しての留意点をご案内いたします. 2017 年度 PSI(JSPS Issue)に投稿・掲載を希望する際,審査対象となる投稿論文は,第 54 回日本小 児外科学会学術集会(仙台 2017 年 5 月 11 日〈木〉∼ 5 月 13 日〈土〉)に於いて発表されるものに限 ります.尚,口演・示説演題共に審査対象となります.論文の採否は,日本小児外科学会学術集会期間 中に開催される PSI(JSPS Issue)Publication Committee により決定されます.尚,今年から JSPS Prize を選定することになりました. 重要なお知らせ 1.他学会で発表するも,未だ掲載されていない論文については,PSI(JSPS Issue)における誌上 発表の審査対象となります. 2.上記論文は,第 54 回日本小児外科学会学術集会の演題として採択・発表されたものでなくては なりません. 3.過去に日本小児外科学会学術集会で発表されたものは対象外です. 4.二重投稿は認められません.二重投稿論文は PSI 事務局に報告され,罰則の対象となります. 5.JSPS 学術集会最優秀論文賞(PSI Prize)を選定します. 水 22 提出期限:2017 年 3 月 10 日(金)23:00(日本時間)〈必着〉 投稿・掲載を希望する論文を,PSI(JSPS Issue)Publication Committee 宛に電子メールで送信して下さ い.尚,締切後の提出は審査対象外とします. 提出先:PSI(JSPS Issue)Publication Committee 事務局 委員長・北川博昭と事務担当者・島秀樹の下記メールアドレス宛に(必ず両名に)送信願います. ・北川博昭 [email protected] ・島 秀樹 [email protected] 【お願い】 件名欄には 1st author の名字を入れて下さい.(例:「件名:Suzuki PSI manuscript」) 稀に学内サーバ側で機械的に迷惑メールと判断される場合がある為,5日を経過しても事務局 より受理通知が届かない場合は,お手数ですが上記メールアドレス宛に連絡願います. 投稿規程については,Pediatric Surgery International の下記 URL にログインし, “Instructions for Authors” の内容に従って下さい.投稿規程に沿わない論文は返却されますので,ご注意下さい. http://www.springer.com/medicine/pediatrics/journal/383# 提出方法の詳細は,第 54 回日本小児外科学会学術集会 website の英語版でご確認下さい. http://www.(現在,制作中) 提出書類:以下の内容に分けたファイルをメールに添付して送って下さい. 1)Cover letter 2)Manuscript text 3)Tables / Artwork 4) JSPS Prize 応募希望の場合は cover letter に赤字で Prize 希望と記載して下さい. 提出に際しては,上記学術集会 website 英語版の投稿規程欄(制作中)を必ず読んで下さい. 採点を blind 形式で行う為,Materials & Method 欄に著者情報は記載しないこととします.採択決定後 の修正時に著者情報の同欄への記載が可能となります. 英語を母語としない著者の場合,投稿論文が native English speaker による校閲を受けている証明が必要 となります. 海外からの発表も投稿可能です. 以上 Pediatric Surgery International (JSPS Issue) Publication Committee 委員長 北川 博昭 〒216-8511 神奈川県川崎市宮前区菅生 2-16-1 聖マリアンナ医科大学 小児外科 TEL:044-977-8111(内線 3222) FAX:044-975-1400 (14) 前付おしらせ.indd 14 2017/01/27 11:14:55 Pediatric Surgery International (JSPS Issue), 2017 Deadline for Full Manuscript Submission: Papers must be received by 23:00 (Tokyo time) on the 10th March 2017 (Friday). No exceptions given! (Wed.) 22nd Only authors whose submitted abstracts were selected for presentation at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons (JSPS), may submit their papers to be considered for publication in the Pediatric Surgery International (JSPS Issue). Any type of presentation include poster presentations will be considered, as long as it is selected for presentation at the 54th JSPS meeting. * Important for JSPS 2017 * 1. Abstracts that have been presented elsewhere (but not at any previous JSPS Meeting) but have not been previously published will be considered for presentation and publication into Pediatric Surgery International (PSI) (JSPS Issue). 2. Above mentioned abstracts must have been chosen for presentation at this year’s JSPS meeting. 3. Manuscripts that are pending publication or manuscripts that have been sent for publication consideration for other journals with results pending may NOT be submitted for publication consideration into PSI (JSPS Issue). 4. JSPS PSI Prize will be selected from manuscripts relating to papers submitted for the JSPS Prize. If you wish to apply for the prize, you must write a cover letter in red type. 22 (Wed.) The deadline for submission is 23:00 (Tokyo time) on the 10 March 2017 (Friday). Full papers must be submitted ELECTRONICALLY to the PSI (JSPS Issue) Publication Committee office. The papers selected for publication will be determined by the Publications Committee. All papers MUST follow the ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION guidelines and format of Pediatric Surgery International that can be found under “Instruction for Authors” here: http://www.springer.com/medicine/pediatrics/journal/383# Papers that DO NOT follow the guidelines and format of Pediatric Surgery International will be REJECTED for review by the PSI (JSPS Issue) Publication Committee office. More detailed information can be found on the 54th Annual Meeting of the JSPS homepage, which will be ready soon Manuscripts coming from non-native English speakers must be accompanied by a certificate that indicates the manuscript has been checked and proof-read by a native English speaker. (Japanese manuscripts must be checked by a native English speaker, but the country where English was learned will not be requested) Submission items are to be submitted to the PSI (JSPS Issue) Publication Committee office to “BOTH” the following e-mail addresses: [email protected] (Hiroaki Kitagawa) [email protected] (Hideki Shima) (15) 前付おしらせ.indd 15 2017/01/27 11:14:55 You will receive an e-mail confirming that the publications committee has received your manuscript. However, if you do not receive a confirmation e-mail within 5 working days, please contact the Publication Committee office at both e-mails provided. Submission items MUST include SEPARATE files for: (1) Cover letter, (2) Manuscript text, and (3) Tables/Artwork. (4) If you wish to apply for the JSPS PSI Prize, you should state that in a cover letter in red type. - Each figure/table should be on a separate file, e.g. 3 figures = 3 separate files. - Figures must be in JPEG or TIFF format. Do not embed figures into MS Word. Each figure should have a concise caption describing accurately what the figure depicts. Include the captions in the text file (Figure Legends) of the manuscript, not in the figure file. - Use the table function in MS Word, not spreadsheets (i.e. MS Excel), to make tables. For each table, please supply a table caption (title) explaining the components of the table. In the “Materials and Methods” section, institutional names should NOT be given, since all manuscripts will be reviewed in a BLIND manner. If the paper is accepted for publication institutional names may be added back in the Materials and Methods section, (if needed) by the author when making revisions. Pediatric Surgery International (JSPS Issue) Publication Committee Chairman Hiroaki Kitagawa MD, PhD 2-16-1, Sugao, Miyamae-ku, Kawasaki Japan, 216-8511 Division of Pediatric Surgery, St. Marianna University School of Medicine (16) 前付おしらせ.indd 16 2017/01/27 11:14:55
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