A Reflection on Ritsumeikan University, College of

A Reflection on Ritsumeikan University, College of Letters, the International
Studies and English Communication (ISEC) Major:
Curriculum, Theses Written in English, and Challenges for Further Development
国際コミュニケーション専攻開設以来、2016 年 3 月で初めて卒業生(64 名)を送りだしました。この節目の時期に、これ
ISEC celebrated its first cohort of graduates (64 altogether) in March 2016. We would like to take this
opportunity to reflect upon our current curriculum comprising English courses and senmon courses. We also
wish to reflect upon the process we have put in place to support students when writing their English theses.
Finally, there are a number of issues that need to be addressed for further development of our program, and
we welcome any comments and suggestions from the audience that can help us in this quest.
Date: February 25th, 2017 (Sat). 13:00-13:50 (2017 年2月 25 日 13:00-13:50 受付 12:30~)
Place:Ritsumeikan Kinugasa Campus, Kenshinkan 3F Room 631
(立命館大学衣笠キャンパス研心館 3 階 631 教室)
(building No.6)
Language:Japanese and English (日本語および英語使用)
Fee: Free (無料)
Application:Go to <http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/acd/cg/lt/cp/kokusai/index.html> (国際コミュニケーシ
ョン専攻 HP)and fill in the form by Feb.10th. You can apply for the EMI symposium from the same
URL. 14 時からのシンポジウムと一緒にこの URL から(準備都合上)2/10 までにお申込み下さい。
Contact for inquiry: <[email protected]> この件のお問合せはこちらまで
Schedule スケジュール
1.The Overall Curriculum カリキュラム……………………………….Hiroshi YONEYAMA & Michael J. DAVIES
2.Our English Program 英語指導部分……………………………………………………………..Takamichi ISODA
3.Courses in the Major, Seminars, and Theses 専門科目、ゼミ運営、英語卒論………………..Emiko YUKAWA
4.The Educational Experiences of Two Seniors over the Course of Four Years 2 名の 4 回生の 4 年間の学び
……………………...Shinichiro SOTA & Ayaka NAKAMICHI
5.Conclusion and Future Challenges 総括とこれからの展開…………. Masaki SANO & Michael J. DAVIES
Q and A and discussion 質疑応答と全体討論
This symposium is supported by MEXT Grants-in-Aid for Scientific
Research (c), Project Number 16K02863 and International
Institute of Language and Cultural Studies, Ritsumeikan University
Date: February 25th (Saturday) 14:00-16:30 (受付 12:30~)
Place: Ritsumeikan University Kenshinkan 631 立命館大学研心館 631
Language: English(通訳なし)
Fee: Free
Contact: [email protected]
Application: Go to <http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/acd/cg/lt/cp/kokusai/index.html>
(国際コミュニケーション専攻 HP)and fill in the application form by Feb.10th.
準備の都合上 2 月 10 日までに事前申し込みをお願いします
Teaching content courses in English (English-Medium Instruction, EMI) is becoming
popular in Asia as well as in the rest of the world. This symposium invited EMI specialists
from Korean, Taiwan, and Japan, and juxtaposes the EMI situations in the three
countries and explores future possibilities for better education.
“Korean Professors’ Experiences of English-Medium Instruction and
their Perceived Roles of L1 in the Non-English Context”
Jeongyeon KIM, Ph.D (Ulsan National Institute of Science and
Technology, the Republic of Korea)
“English-Medium Instruction (EMI): Perspectives and Practices in
Taiwanese Universities”
Yi-Ping HUANG, Ph.D. (National Chengchi University, Taiwan)
“Transitional EMI in a Japanese University: Challenges and
Possibilities” Co-authored by Emiko Yukawa, Ph.D and Miki
Horie, Ph.D
Miki HORIE, Ph.D. (Ritsumeikan University, Japan) and
Emiko YUKAWA, Ph.D. (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)