LINARIS BIOLOGISCHE PRODUKTE Hab' ich eingestellt, sonst muss ich 'Abbrechen' alphabetisch geordnet PRIMÄRANTIKÖRPER-Veterinär erkennen: Schwein Fordern Sei bei Interesse unser Produkt-Datenblatt an! Stand: 12/2005 LINARIS Biologische Produkte GmbH Hotelstr. 11 D-97877 Wertheim-Bettingen Telefon Telefax email Internet VAT-Nr. ++49 (0)931 8595-0 ++49 (0)931 8595-28 [email protected] DE 146.581.219 Die angegebenen Nettopreise sind freibleibend (hinzu kommen noch die gesetzliche Mwst. und ggf. Fracht- & Verpackungskosten). Es gelten die Preise am Tage des Bestelleingangs. Mit Erscheinen dieser Preisliste verlieren alle bisher erscheinenen Preislisten ihre Gültigkeit. Es gelten unsere Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen. Abbreviations: AP APC APC-Cy7 Azide Free FITC HRP PE-TR RPE RPE-Cy5 RPE-Cy7 S/N TRiTC UC Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugate Allophycocyanin Conjugate Allophycocyanin-Cy7 Tandem Conjugate Preservative Free Fluorescein Isothiocyanate Conjugate Horseradish Peroxidase Conjugate R. Phycoerythrin-Texas Red Tandem Conjugate R. Phycoerythrin Conjugate R. Phycoerythrin-Cy-5 Tandem Conjugate R. Phycoerythrin-Cy-7 Tandem Conjugate Supernatant Rhodamine Conjugate Unconjugated Applications Key : * AC CC CDDE CDE CPE CS CT DAE DT E EC ED FC FN GS HA iB ICC ICH iD iDE iF iPT iR IRMA iSH iV NB NT PS RIA RS RTU SB SFU TAE TT WB Requires Special Conditions, See Datasheet Affinity Chromatography Cell and Tissue Culture Compound Direct DAS ELISA Compound Direct ELISA Cpmpetitive ELISA Cryostat Sections Cytotoxity Assay DAS-Elisa Depletion ELISA ELISA-Capture ELISA-Detection Flow-Cytometrie Functional Assay Gel supershift Haemagglutination Immunoblotting Immuncytochemie Immunhistochemie Immunodiffusion Indirect ELISA Immunofluorescence Immunoprecipitation IRMA Immun-Radio-Metrischer Assay In-situ-Hybridisation in-vivo-Assay Northern Blot Neutralization Paraffin Sections Radioimmunoassay Resin Sections Ready-to-Use Sothern Blot Serum Free Use Possible TAS-ELISA Tissue Typing Western Blot LINARIS PRIMÄRANTIKÖRPER-Veterinär erkennen: Schwein alphabetisch geordnet BIOLOGISCHE PRODUKTE Description Format Clone ACTH Actin Alpha Smooth Muscle Actin Alpha Smooth Muscle Actinin Alpha Adhalin Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone (ACTH) AFP Albumin Albumin Albumin Albumin Albumin Alpha Actinin Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) Angiotensin-II Type-1 Receptor #1 (ATII Type-1) Angiotensin-II Type-1 Receptor #1 (ATII Type-1) Angiotensin-II Type-1 Receptor Receptor #2 (ATII Type-1) Antitrypsin-Alpha-1 Antitrypsin-Alpha-1 B-Lymphocyte Subpopulation (Ileal Peyer's patch B lymphocytes) B-Lymphocyte Subpopulation (Ileal Peyer's patch B lymphocytes) B-Lymphocyte Subpopulation (Ileal Peyer's patch B lymphocytes) Bcl-2 Oncoprotein Bone Sialoprotein (native Protein) Bone Sialoprotein (native Protein) CABP28K #2 (Calbindin 1/CALB1/Spot35 Protein/Cholecalcin) CABP28K #2 (Calbindin 1/CALB1/Spot35 Protein/Cholecalcin) Calcitonin CD1 CD1 CD1 CD2 CD2 CD2 CD2 CD2 CD2 CD2a CD3 CD3 CD3 CD3 CD3 CD3 See Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Purified 1A4 Mouse RTU 1A4 Mouse S/N RBC2/1B6 Mouse See Sarcoglycan Alpha S/N 56 Mouse See Alpha Fetoprotein HRP Polyclonal Purified Polyclonal FITC Polyclonal Serum Polyclonal Purified Polyclonal See Actinin Alpha S/N C3 Serum Host Isotype Application IgG2a IgG2a IgG1 CS,PS, CS,PS, CS,WB, 0,1 ml 5 ml 1 ml K046 E046 VP-A102 IgG1 CS,PS, 1 ml VP-A101 IgG Sheep Sheep Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit IgG E, CS,ID, FC,iF, iD,iPt, iD,iPt, Mouse IgG2a CS,PS, Quantity Cat.No. 1 1 3 2 20 ml ml mg ml mg 1 ml LAH0102P LAH0102 LCF1614 LCY1614 LCE1614 VP-A104 Polyclonal Rabbit E, 0,1 ml AT11-S Aff. Purified Polyclonal Rabbit E, 0,1 mg AT11-A Aff. Purified Polyclonal Chicken E, 0,1 mg AT12-A Purified Purified Ascites Polyclonal Polyclonal BB6-10A10 Goat Goat Mouse IgG IgG IgM E, iPt, FC,iPt, 0,5 mg 10 mg 0,1 mg LCU2001YA LCU2001KB BB6-10A10-01 Ascites BB6-10A10 Mouse IgM FC,iPt, 0,5 mg BB6-10A10-05 Ascites BB6-10A10 Mouse IgM FC,iPt, 1 mg BB6-10A10-10 S/N Purified bcl2/100/D5 ID1.2 Mouse Mouse IgG1 IgG1 CS,PS*,WB, 1 ml CS,E,PS,RiA,WB, 0,01 mg VP-B201 MAK5209D Purified ID1.2 Mouse IgG1 CS,E,PS,RiA,WB, 0,1 mg MAK5209G Ascites D28K Mouse E,WB, 0,1 ml D28K12-A Aff. Purified Monoclonal Mouse E,WB, 0,1 ml MAK8048M Purified Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Rabbit Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Rat Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Polyclonal 76-7-4 76-7-4 76-7-4 MSA4 MSA4 MSA4 PG168A PG168A PG168A MAC83 2B3C 2B3C 2B3C 8C8 8C8 8C8 IgG2a IgG2a IgG2a IgG2a IgG2a IgG2a IgG3 IgG3 IgG3 IgM IgG2b IgG2b IgG2b IgG2a IgG2a IgG2a CS,PS, CS,FC, CS,FC, CS,FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC,FN, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, 0,5 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,25 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 ml mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg ml mg mg mg mg mg mg VP-C302 76-7-4-01 76-7-4-05 76-7-4-10 MSA4-01 MSA4-05 MSA4-10 PG168A-01 PG168A-05 PG168A-10 MAK1156 2B3C-01 2B3C-05 2B3C-10 8C8-01 8C8-05 8C8-10 LINARIS Biologische Produkte GmbH Hotelstrasse 11 D-97877 Wertheim-Bettingen Telefon: ++ 49 (0) 9342 / 8595-0 Telefax: ++ 49 (0) 9342 / 8595-28 Bank: Volksbank Wertheim, BLZ 673 900 00, Konto 642 542 00 eMail: [email protected] Internet: Amtsgericht Tauberbischofsheim, HRB-Nr. 182-W Geschäftsführerin: Karin Decker Page 5 LINARIS PRIMÄRANTIKÖRPER-Veterinär erkennen: Schwein alphabetisch geordnet BIOLOGISCHE PRODUKTE Description Format Clone Host Isotype Application Quantity Cat.No. CD3 CD3 CD3 CD3 epsilon (T-cell Receptor Complex TCR) CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4a CD4a CD4a CD5 CD5 CD5 CD5 CD5 CD5 CD6 CD6 CD6 CD6 CD8 CD8 CD8 CD8 CD8 CD8 CD8 CD8 CD8 CD8 Beta CD8 Beta CD8 Beta CD9 CD9 CD9 CD9 CD11a/18 CD11a/18 CD11a/CD18 CD11b CD11b-like CD11b-like CD11b-like CD11b/c? CD11d CD11R1 (Neutrophils/Eosinophils) CD14 Ascites Ascites Ascites Purified 8E6 8E6 8E6 CD3-12 Mouse Mouse Mouse Rat IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 FC,iPt, FC,iPt, FC,iPt, CS,FC*,PS**,WB, 0,1 0,5 1 0,2 mg mg mg mg 8E6-01 8E6-05 8E6-10 MAK1477 Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites FITC RPE S/N Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites S/N Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Biotin FITC Purified Purified Ascites Ascites Ascites S/N Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites S/N S/N PT90A PT90A 74-12-4 74-12-4 74-12-4 IL-A11 IL-A11 IL-A11 PT90A MIL17 MIL17 MIL17 9G12 9G12 9G12 PG114A PG114A PG114A MIL-8 PG90A PG90A PG90A 76-2-11 76-2-11 76-2-11 PT36B PT36B PT36B PT81B PT81B PT81B PG164A PG164A PG164A MM2/57 MM2/57 MM2/57 MM2/57 MUC76A MUC76A MUC76A CA16.3E10 PGBL1A PGBL1A PGBL1A PGBL18A CA16.3D3 MIL-4 Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse IgG2a IgG2a IgG2b IgG2b IgG2b IgG2a IgG2a IgG2a IgG2a IgG2b IgG2b IgG2b IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG2a IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG2a IgG2a IgG2a IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG2b IgG2b IgG2b IgG2a IgG2a IgG2a IgG2b IgG2b IgG2b IgG2b IgG2a IgG2a IgG2a IgG1 IgM IgM IgM IgM IgG2b IgG1 FC, FC, CS,FC, CS,FC, CS,FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, CS,FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, CS,FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, CS,FC,iPt, FC, FC, FC, FC, CS,FC, CS,FC, 0,1 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,5 0,1 100 2 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 2 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,1 0,5 1 2 0,1 0,5 1 0,5 2 2 mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg tests ml mg mg mg mg mg mg ml mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg ml mg mg mg mg ml ml PT90A-01 PT90A-10 74-12-4-01 74-12-4-05 74-12-4-10 IL-A11-01 IL-A11-05 IL-A11-10 PT90A-05 MAK1749F MAK1749PE MAK1749 9G12-01 9G12-05 9G12-10 PG114A-01 PG114A-05 PG114A-10 MAK1221 PG90A-01 PG90A-05 PG90A-10 76-2-11-01 76-2-11-05 76-2-11-10 PT36B-01 PT36B-05 PT36B-10 PT81B-01 PT81B-05 PT81B-10 PG164A-01 PG164A-05 PG164A-10 MAK0469B MAK0469F MAK0469GA MAK0469G MUC76A-01 MUC76A-05 MUC76A-10 MAK1777S PGBL1A-01 PGBL1A-05 PGBL1A-10 PGBL18A-05 MAK2039S MAK1220 Ascites CAM36A Mouse IgG1 FC,iF, 0,5 mg CAM36A-05 LINARIS Biologische Produkte GmbH Hotelstrasse 11 D-97877 Wertheim-Bettingen Page 6 Telefon: ++ 49 (0) 9342 / 8595-0 Telefax: ++ 49 (0) 9342 / 8595-28 Bank: Volksbank Wertheim, BLZ 673 900 00, Konto 642 542 00 eMail: [email protected] Internet: Amtsgericht Tauberbischofsheim, HRB-Nr. 182-W Geschäftsführerin: Karin Decker LINARIS PRIMÄRANTIKÖRPER-Veterinär erkennen: Schwein alphabetisch geordnet BIOLOGISCHE PRODUKTE Description Format Clone Host Isotype Application CD14 CD14 (Monocytes / Macrophages / Neutrophils) CD16 CD16 CD16 CD16 CD18 CD18 CD18 CD18 CD18 CD18 CD18 CD18 CD18a CD18a CD18a CD21 CD21 CD21 Mouse CD22 CD22 CD22 CD24-like (G+B) CD24-like (G+B) CD24-like (G+B) CD25 CD25 (Interleukin-2 Receptor) CD25 (Interleukin-2 Receptor) CD25 (Interleukin-2 Receptor) CD31 CD31 CD31 CD31 CD31 CD44 CD44 CD44 CD44 CD44 CD44 CD44 CD44 CD44 CD44 CD45 CD45 CD45 CD45 Ascites S/N CAM36A MIL-2 Mouse Mouse IgG1 IgG2b FC,iF, CS,FC, S/N FITC RPE Purified Ascites Ascites Ascites Purified Ascites Ascites Ascites RPE FITC S/N Purified Ascites Ascites Ascites FITC Azide Free Purified Ascites G7 BAQ30A BAQ30A BAQ30A CA1.4E9 H20A H20A H20A PNK-I PNK-I PNK-I PNK-I BB6-11C9 BB6-11C9 BB6-11C9 Ox97 OX97 Ox97 MUC106A Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Rat Rat Rat Mouse IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgM FC,iPt, FC, FC, FC,iPt, FC, FC, FC, CS,FC,iPt, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC,iPt, FC,iPt, FC,iPt, FC,iPt, FC,iPt, FC, FC, FC, FC, Ascites MUC106A Mouse IgM Ascites MUC106A Mouse S/N Ascites K231.3B2 PGBL25A Ascites Quantity Cat.No. 1 mg 2 ml 2 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,1 0,5 1 0,25 0,1 0,5 1 0,2 0,1 2 0,2 0,1 0,5 1,0 0,1 1 1 0,1 CAM36A-10 MAK1218 ml mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg ml mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg MAK1971S MAK1971F MAK1971PE MAK1971 BAQ30A-01 BAQ30A-05 BAQ30A-10 MAK1780 H20A-01 H20A-05 H20A-10 MAK1972PE MAK1972F MAK1972S MAK1972 BB6-11C9-01 BB6-11C9-05 BB6-11C9-10 MAK2187F MAK2187XZ MAK2187 MUC106A-01 FC, 0,5 mg MUC106A-05 IgM FC, 1 mg MUC106A-10 Mouse Mouse IgG1 IgG1 FC,iPt, FC, 2 ml 0,1 mg MAK1736 PGBL25A-01 PGBL25A Mouse IgG1 FC, 0,5 mg PGBL25A-05 Ascites PGBL25A Mouse IgG1 FC, 1 mg PGBL25A-10 FITC RPE Azide Free S/N S/N Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites FITC Ascites Ascites Ascites FITC LCI-4 LCI-4 LCI-4 LCI-4 LCI-9 BAG40A BAG40A BAG40A BAT31A BAT31A BAT31A PORC24A PORC24A PORC24A MAC329 74-9-3A1 74-9-3A1 74-9-3A1 K252-1E4 Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Rat Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgM IgG3 IgG3 IgG3 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG2a IgG2a IgG2a IgG1 IgM IgM IgM IgG1 FC, FC, CS,FC,iPt, CS,FC,iPt, CS,FC, FC, FC, FC, CS,FC, CS,FC, CS,FC, FC, FC, FC, CS,FC,iPt,PS, FC, FC, FC, FC, 0,1 100 1 2 2 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 100 0,1 0,5 1 100 mg tests mg ml ml mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg tests mg mg mg tests MAK1746F MAK1746PE MAK1746XZ MAK1746 MAK1747 BAG40A-01 BAG40A-05 BAG40A-10 BAT31A-01 BAT31A-05 BAT31A-10 PORC24A-01 PORC24A-05 PORC24A-10 MAK1449F 74-9-3A1-01 74-9-3A1-05 74-9-3A1-10 MAK1222F LINARIS Biologische Produkte GmbH Hotelstrasse 11 D-97877 Wertheim-Bettingen Telefon: ++ 49 (0) 9342 / 8595-0 Telefax: ++ 49 (0) 9342 / 8595-28 Bank: Volksbank Wertheim, BLZ 673 900 00, Konto 642 542 00 eMail: [email protected] Internet: Amtsgericht Tauberbischofsheim, HRB-Nr. 182-W Geschäftsführerin: Karin Decker Page 7 LINARIS PRIMÄRANTIKÖRPER-Veterinär erkennen: Schwein alphabetisch geordnet BIOLOGISCHE PRODUKTE Description Format Clone Host Isotype Application CD45 CD45 (Allotypic Variant) CD45R-like CD45R-like CD45R-like CD45R-like CD45R-like CD45R-like CD45R-like CD45R-like CD45R-like CD45R-like CD45R-like CD45R-like CD45RA CD45RA CD45RA CD45RC CD45RC CD47 CD49d (Integrin alpha 4 chain) CD49e CD49f (INTEGRIN-alpha 6) CD49f (INTEGRIN-alpha 6) CD49f CD49f (INTEGRIN-alpha 6) CD49f (INTEGRIN-alpha 6) CD56 (N-CAM) CD56 (N-CAM) CD56 (N-CAM) CD62e/CD62p (E-Selectin/P-Selectin) CD62e/CD62p (E-Selectin/P-Selctin) CD106 (VCAM-1) CD106 (VCAM-1) CD106 (VCAM-1) CD106 (VCAM-1) CD106 CD106 CD122 CD122 CD122 CD122 S/N Purified K252-1E4 MAC323 Mouse Mouse IgG1 IgG2a CS,FC, CS,FC,iPt,PS,RiA, Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites S/N FITC RPE S/N S/N Purified Purified PG167A PG167A PG167A PG96A PG96A PG96A PG97A PG97A PG97A PGB78A PGB78A PGB78A MIL-13 MIL13 MIL13 MIL-15 MIL-5 BRIC126 HP2/1 Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgM IgM IgM IgG2a IgG2a IgG2a IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgM IgG1 IgG2b IgG1 FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, CS,FC,PS, FC, FC, CS,FC,PS, CS,FC, CS,FC,iPt,WB, CS,FC,iPt, Purified Biotin JBS5 NKI-GoH3 Mouse Rat IgG IgG2a CS,FC,iPt, FC 0,2 mg 0,1 mg MAK1187 MAK0699B FITC NKI-GoH3 Rat IgG2a CS,FC, 0,1 mg MAK0699F Azide Free NKI-GoH3 Purified NKI-GoH3 Rat Rat IgG2a IgG2a CS,FC,FN,iPt, CS,FC,iPt 1 mg 0,1 mg MAK0699XZ MAK0699GA Purified Rat IgG2a CS,FC,iPt 0,2 mg MAK0699 Azide Free ERIC-1 Mouse IgG1 CS,WB, 1 mg MAK0591XZ S/N ERIC-1 Mouse IgG1 CS,WB, 1 ml VP-C359 Purified ERIC-1 Mouse IgG1 CS,E,WB, 0,2 mg MAK0591 FITC 1.2B6 Mouse IgG1 FC, 0,1 mg MAK0883F Purified 1.2B6 Mouse IgG1 CS,E,FC,iPt,WB*, 0,2 mg MAK0883 Biotin 1.G11B1 Mouse IgG1 CS,FC, 100 tests MAK0907B FITC 1.G11B1 Mouse IgG1 FC, 100 tests MAK0907F S/N 1.G11B1 Mouse IgG1 CS,E,FC,iPt, 2 ml MAK0907S Purified 1.G11B1 Mouse IgG1 CS,E,FC,iPt,WB, 0,2 mg MAK0907 FITC Purified Biotin FITC RPE Azide Free BB-1 BB-1 L316 L316 L316 L316 Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse IgM IgM IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 FC, CS,FC, FC*, FC*, FC*, FC*, 100 0,2 0,1 0,1 100 1 MAK1132F MAK1132 MAK2089B MAK2089F MAK2089PE MAK2089XZ NKI-GoH3 Quantity Cat.No. 2 ml 1 mg 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 2 0,1 100 2 2 0,2 0,2 mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg ml mg tests ml ml mg mg tests mg mg mg Tests mg MAK1222 MAK1447 PG167A-01 PG167A-05 PG167A-10 PG96A-01 PG96A-05 PG96A-10 PG97A-01 PG97A-05 PG97A-10 PGB78A-01 PGB78A-05 PGB78A-10 MAK1751 MAK1751F MAK1751PE MAK1750 MAK1857 MAK0911 MAK0697 LINARIS Biologische Produkte GmbH Hotelstrasse 11 D-97877 Wertheim-Bettingen Page 8 Telefon: ++ 49 (0) 9342 / 8595-0 Telefax: ++ 49 (0) 9342 / 8595-28 Bank: Volksbank Wertheim, BLZ 673 900 00, Konto 642 542 00 eMail: [email protected] Internet: Amtsgericht Tauberbischofsheim, HRB-Nr. 182-W Geschäftsführerin: Karin Decker LINARIS PRIMÄRANTIKÖRPER-Veterinär erkennen: Schwein alphabetisch geordnet BIOLOGISCHE PRODUKTE Description Format Clone Host Isotype Application CD122 CD144 (VE-Cadherin) CD172 (SWC3) CD172 (SWC3) CD172 (SWC3) CD172a (SWC3) CD172a (SWC3) CD172a (SWC3) CD172a (SWC3) CD172a (SWC3) CD172a (SWC3) Cell Separation Media Cholecystokinin-8 (CCK-8) Chromogranin A Chromogranin A Collagen Type-VII Cyclic Nucleotide Channel-1 #2 (CNG1) Cyclic Nucleotide Channel-1 #2 (CNG1) Cyclic Nucleotide Channel-1 #2 (CNG1) Cyclic Nucleotide Channel-1 #2 (CNG1) Cytokeratin-10 Cytokeratin-10 Cytokeratin-10 Dynorphin A Dynorphin B Dysferlin Dystroglycan Beta Dystrophin (Rod Domain) Elastin Endothelial Cells Ferritin #3 (L-chain; FTL) Ferritin #3 (L-chain; FTL) Fetoprotein Alpha Fibrinogen Fibronectin Glucagon Glucagon (1-29) Purified S/N L316 123 Mouse Rat IgG1 IgG2c FC*, CS, 0,25 mg 2 ml MAK2089 MAK1748 Ascites DH59B Mouse IgG1 FC, 0,1 mg DH59B-01 Ascites DH59B Mouse IgG1 FC, 0,5 mg DH59B-05 Ascites DH59B Mouse IgG1 FC, 1 mg DH59B-10 Ascites 74-22-15 Mouse IgG1 FC, 0,1 mg 74-22-15-01 Ascites 74-22-15 Mouse IgG1 FC, 0,5 mg 74-22-15-05 Ascites 74-22-15 Mouse IgG1 FC, 1 mg 74-22-15-10 Ascites 74-22-15A Mouse IgG2b FC, 0,1 mg 74-22-15A-01 Ascites 74-22-15A Mouse IgG2b FC, 0,5 mg 74-22-15A-05 Ascites 74-22-15A Mouse IgG2b FC, 1 mg 74-22-15A-10 See FicoLite and Metrizamide AG Serum Polyclonal Rabbit CS,PS, 0,1 ml LPE0025 CS,PS, CS,PS, CS, E,WB, 0,1 6 2 0,1 K001 E001 MAK0597 CNG12-S Purified RTU S/N Serum LK2H10 LK2H10 LH7.2 Polyclonal Mouse Mouse Mouse Rabbit Serum Polyclonal Rabbit E,WB, 0,1 ml PAK8306S Aff. Purified Polyclonal Rabbit E,WB, 0,1 mg CNG12-A Aff. Purified Polyclonal Rabbit E,WB, 0,1 mg PAK8305A S/N S/N S/N Serum Serum S/N S/N S/N Mouse Mouse Mouse Rabbit Rabbit Mouse Mouse Mouse 1 1 0,2 0,1 0,1 1 1 2,5 ml ml ml ml ml ml ml ml MAK1871 VP-C408 MAK1871T LAH0373 LAH0377 VP-D503 VP-B205 VP-D508 CS,E,iPt,PS*,WB, CS, E,WB, 0,5 ml 2 ml 0,1 mg MAK0057 MAK1752 FERL14-A E,WB, 0,1 mg FERL14-S 10 1 0,5 0,1 LHU2067KB LAH0008 VP-G806 LPE0032 LHP1 LHP1 LHP1 Polyclonal Polyclonal Ham1/7B6 43DAG1/8D5 Dy4/6D3 Ascites BA-4 S/N MIL-11 Aff. Purified Polyclonal Mouse Mouse Rabbit Purified Rabbit Polyclonal See Alpha Fetoprotein Purified Polyclonal Purified Polyclonal Serum Polyclonal Sheep Sheep Rabbit Rabbit IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 Quantity Cat.No. IgG1 IgG1, Kappa IgG1 IgG1 IgG2a IgG2a IgG1 IgE IgG CS,PS*, CS,PS*, CS,PS*, CS,PS,RiA, CS,RiA, CS,PS, CS,WB, CS,WB, iD,iPt,PS,WB, CS,ID, CS,PS, CS,RS,PS, mg ml ml ml mg ml ml ml LINARIS Biologische Produkte GmbH Hotelstrasse 11 D-97877 Wertheim-Bettingen Telefon: ++ 49 (0) 9342 / 8595-0 Telefax: ++ 49 (0) 9342 / 8595-28 Bank: Volksbank Wertheim, BLZ 673 900 00, Konto 642 542 00 eMail: [email protected] Internet: Amtsgericht Tauberbischofsheim, HRB-Nr. 182-W Geschäftsführerin: Karin Decker Page 9 LINARIS PRIMÄRANTIKÖRPER-Veterinär erkennen: Schwein alphabetisch geordnet BIOLOGISCHE PRODUKTE Description Format Clone Host Isotype Glucose Transporter-1 #1 (Glut-1) Granulocytes Granulocytes Granulocytes Haptoglobin Heparin Cofactor-II Heparin Cofactor-II Heparin Cofactor-II HLA Class-II DQ Specific Human Gastric Mucin IFN Alpha 1 (Interferon Alpha 1) IFN Gamma IFN Gamma IFN Gamma IFN Gamma (Interferon Gamma) Ig (light chain) Ig Sec. Component IgA IgA IgA IgA IgA IgG IgG IgG IgG IgG IgG1 IgG2 IgM IgM IgM IgM IgM IgM IgM IgM IgM IgM IgM Insulin Integrin Alpha M Aff. Purified Polyclonal Rabbit Ascites Ascites Ascites Purified HRP Purified Purified Purified S/N Azide Free PG68A PG68A PG68A Polyclonal Polyclonal Polyclonal Polyclonal SPV-L3 45M1 G16 Mouse Mouse Mouse Sheep Goat Goat Goat Mouse Mouse Mouse IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 Biotin FITC RPE Purified CC302 CC302 CC302 CC302 S/N IFN Gamma (Interferon Gamma) IFN Gamma (Interferon Gamma) Interleukin-2 Interleukin-2 Interleukin-2 Interleukin-4 (IL-4) Biotin A151D 13C5 Mouse IgG1 Purified A151D 5B8 Mouse Purified Biotin Purified RPE A150D 3F1 A150D 8H10 Polyclonal CC303 Mouse Mouse Rabbit Mouse Application Quantity Cat.No. E,IHC,WB, 0,1 mg GT11-A IgG IgG IgG IgG2a IgG1 IgG1 FC, FC, FC, CS,ID, E,WB, E,WB, iPt,N, CS,CT,FC,iPt, CS,PS*, E,FN,WB, 0,1 0,5 1 1 0,1 0,5 5 0,2 1 0,25 mg mg mg ml mg mg mg mg ml mg PG68A-01 PG68A-05 PG68A-10 LAH0082 LCH2070 LCU2070YA LCU2070EB MAK0379G VP-H911 MAK1935Z Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 E,FC*, FC*, FC*, E,FC*, 0,25 0,1 100 0,5 mg mg Tests mg MAK1783B MAK1783F MAK1783PE MAK1783 K139.3E1 Mouse IgG2a CS,E,FC,PS, S/N K60.1F1 Purified CDA2-42 S/N K61 1B4 FITC Polyclonal HRP Polyclonal Purified Polyclonal FITC Polyclonal HRP Polyclonal Purified Polyclonal Purified Polyclonal Serum Polyclonal S/N K139.3C8 S/N K68.Ig2 Ascites Plg45A Ascites Plg45A Ascites Plg45A Purified CM7 S/N K52 1C3 Ascites PG145A Ascites PG145A Ascites PG145A HRP Polyclonal Purified Polyclonal FITC Polyclonal S/N 2D11-H5 See CD011b Mouse Mouse Mouse Goat Goat Goat Goat Goat Goat Rabbit Sheep Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Goat Goat Goat Mouse IgG1 IgG2a IgG1 IgG2a IgG2a IgG2a CS,E, E,WB*, CS,E,FC, CS,FC, E, E,ID, CS,FC, E, E,ID, iD,iPt, ID, IgG1 E, IgG1 E, IgG2b FC, IgG2b FC, IgG2b FC, IgG1 E,FC,WB, IgG1 E,FC,WB, IgM FC, IgM FC, IgM FC, E, E,ID, CS,FC, IgG1, Kappa PS, 2 ml ml mg ml mg mg mg mg mg mg mg ml ml ml mg mg mg mg ml mg mg mg mg mg mg ml MAK0634 MAK1889 MAK0638 LAi0040F LAi0040P LAi0040 LAi0041F LAi0041P LAi0041 LCE2340 LAi0010 MAK0635 MAK0636 Plg45A-01 Plg45A-05 Plg45A-10 MAK1894 MAK0637 PG145A-01 PG145A-05 PG145A-10 LAi0039P LAi0039 LAi0039F VP-i250 E, 0,1 mg MAK2230B IgG1 E, 0,5 mg MAK2229 IgG2a IgG1 E, E, WB, FC*, 0,5 0,1 0,5 100 MAK2231 MAK2232B LAH0826Z MAK1820PE IgG2a 2 0,25 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 1 2 2 0,1 0,5 1 0,25 2 0,1 0,5 1 1 1 1,0 1 MAK0633 mg mg mg tests LINARIS Biologische Produkte GmbH Hotelstrasse 11 D-97877 Wertheim-Bettingen Page 10 Telefon: ++ 49 (0) 9342 / 8595-0 Telefax: ++ 49 (0) 9342 / 8595-28 Bank: Volksbank Wertheim, BLZ 673 900 00, Konto 642 542 00 eMail: [email protected] Internet: Amtsgericht Tauberbischofsheim, HRB-Nr. 182-W Geschäftsführerin: Karin Decker LINARIS PRIMÄRANTIKÖRPER-Veterinär erkennen: Schwein alphabetisch geordnet BIOLOGISCHE PRODUKTE Description Format Clone Host Isotype Application Quantity Cat.No. Interleukin-4 Interleukin-8 (IL-8) Interleukin-10 Interleukin-10 Interleukin-12 (IL-12) Interleukin-18 (IL-18) Interleukin-18 (IL-18) Involucrin Lamin A/C Laminin LFA-2 Macroglobulin Alpha-2 Macroglobulin Alpha-2 Macroglobulin Alpha-2 Macrophage Marker Macrophages MHC Class-I MHC Class-I MHC Class-I MHC Class-I MHC Class-I MHC Class-I MHC Class-I MHC Class-I MHC Class-I MHC Class-I MHC Class-I MHC Class-II MHC Class-II MHC Class-II MHC Class-II MHC Class-II MHC Class-II MHC Class-II MHC Class-II MHC Class-II MHC Class-II MHC Class-II MHC Class-II MHC Class-II MHC Class-II MHC Class-II MHC Class-II MHC Class-II MHC Class-II MHC Class-II MHC Class-II MHC Class-II MHC Class-II DQ Monocyte/Macrophage Monocyte/Macrophage Monocyte/Macrophage Purified Purified CC303 8M6 Mouse Mouse IgG2a IgG2a E,FC*, E,FC*,WB, 0,5 mg 0,25 mg MAK1820 MAK1660 Biotin 945A 1A29 26C2 Mouse Purified 945A 4C4 37B1Mouse Purified, Azide G9.2 Free Mouse IgG1 IgG1 IgG E, E, WB, 0,1 mg 0,5 mg 0,5 mg MAK2234B MAK2233 MAK2414Z Purified 5-C-5 Mouse IgG1 E,WB, 0,5 mg MAK2094 Purified 7-G-8 Mouse IgG1 E,WB, 0,5 mg MAK2093 S/N S/N S/N See CD2 HRP Purified Purified Purified FITC Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Purified Purified Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites S/N Purified Purified Purified SY5 636 LAM-89 Mouse Mouse Mouse IgG1 IgG2b IgG1 CS,PS, CS,PS*,WB, CS,PS*, 1 ml 1 ml 0,5 ml VP-i251 VP-L550 VP-L551 Polyclonal Polyclonal Polyclonal MAC387 MAC387 H58A H58A H58A PT85A PT85A 2G5 2G5 PT85A 74-11-10 74-11-10 74-11-10 H42A H42A H42A MSA3 MSA3 MSA3 TH14B TH14B TH14B TH16B TH16B TH16B TH21A TH21A TH21A TH22A5 TH22A5 TH22A5 TH81A5 TH81A5 TH81A5 K274.3G8 MAC387 MAC387 MAC387 Goat Goat Goat Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse IgG E,WB, IgG iPt, IgG E,WB, IgG1 CS,PS*, IgG1 FC, IgG2a FC, IgG2a FC, IgG2a FC, IgG2a iHC,FC, IgG2a FC, IgG2b Mouse FC,IPt, IgG2b Mouse FC,IPt, IgG2a FC, IgG2b FC, IgG2b FC, IgG2b FC, IgG2a FC, IgG2a FC, IgG2a FC, IgG2a FC, IgG2a FC, IgG2a FC, IgG2a FC, IgG2a FC, IgG2a FC, IgG2a FC, IgG2a FC, IgG2a FC, IgG2b FC, IgG2b FC, IgG2b FC, IgG2a FC, IgG2a FC, IgG2a FC, IgG2a FC, IgG2a FC, IgG2a FC, IgG1 CS,FC,PS, IgG1 CS*,FC*,PS*, IgG1 CS*,FC*,PS*, IgG1 CS*,FC*,PS*, 0,1 10 0,5 1 0,1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 0,1 0,25 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 2 0,02 0,1 0,2 mg mg mg ml mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg ml mg mg mg LCH2010 LCU2010KB LCU2010YA VP-M640 MAK0874F H58A-01 H58A-05 H58A-10 PT85A-01 PT85A-05 MAK2189B MAK2189 PT85A-10 74-11-10-01 74-11-10-05 74-11-10-10 H42A-01 H42A-05 H42A-10 MSA3-01 MSA3-05 MSA3-10 TH14B-01 TH14B-05 TH14B-10 TH16B-01 TH16B-05 TH16B-10 TH21A-01 TH21A-05 TH21A-10 TH22A5-01 TH22A5-05 TH22A5-10 TH81A5-01 TH81A5-05 TH81A5-10 MAK1335 MAK0874GT MAK0874GA MAK0874G LINARIS Biologische Produkte GmbH Hotelstrasse 11 D-97877 Wertheim-Bettingen Telefon: ++ 49 (0) 9342 / 8595-0 Telefax: ++ 49 (0) 9342 / 8595-28 Bank: Volksbank Wertheim, BLZ 673 900 00, Konto 642 542 00 eMail: [email protected] Internet: Amtsgericht Tauberbischofsheim, HRB-Nr. 182-W Geschäftsführerin: Karin Decker Page 11 LINARIS PRIMÄRANTIKÖRPER-Veterinär erkennen: Schwein alphabetisch geordnet BIOLOGISCHE PRODUKTE Description Format Clone Host Isotype Myosin Heavy Chain (Fast) Myosin Heavy Chain (Slow) Neo-Endorphin-Alpha Neurofilament 160kD Neurofilament 200kD Neurofilament H (200kD) Neurofilament H (200kD) Orexin-A #1 Orexin-A #1 Orexin-A #1 Pan-Lymphocyte Pan-Lymphocyte Pan-Lymphocyte Pan-Lymphocyte Pan-Lymphocyte Pan-Lymphocyte Plasminogen Plasminogen Po-M1 Po-M1 Po-M1 Po-N2 Po-N2 Po-N2 Po-N3 Po-N3 Po-N3 Po-TcR1-N1 (Gammadelta Sub) Po-TcR1-N1 (Gammadelta Sub) Po-TcR1-N1 (Gammadelta Sub) Po-TcR1-N4 (Gammadelta) Po-TcR1-N4 (Gammadelta) Po-TcR1-N4 (Gammadelta) Prolactin Protein C Inhibitor Protein C Inhibitor RBC Red Blood Cell Red Blood Cell Red Blood Cells S-100 Beta S-100 Beta S-100 Protein Sarcoglycan Alpha (Adhalin) Sarcoglycan Beta S/N WB-MHCf Mouse IgG1 CS, 1 ml VP-M665 S/N WB-MHCs Mouse IgG1 CS, 1 ml VP-M667 Serum S/N S/N Purified Polyclonal BF10 RT97 RT97 Rabbit Mouse Mouse Mouse IgG2a IgG1 IgG1 CS,RiA, CS,PS, CS,PS, CS,PS, Purified RT97 Mouse IgG1 CS,PS, Serum Serum Aff. Purified Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites HRP Purified Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Ascites Polyclonal Polyclonal Polyclonal PG106A PG106A PG106A PG89A PG89A PG89A Polyclonal Polyclonal PG130A PG130A PG130A PG92A PG92A PG92A PG94A PG94A PG94A PT79A Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Goat Goat Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse IgM IgM IgM IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG IgG IgM IgM IgM IgM IgM IgM IgM IgM IgM IgG2a E, E,IHC,WB, E,IHC,WB, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, E,WB, E,WB, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, FC, Ascites PT79A Mouse IgG2a FC, 0,5 mg PT79A-05 Ascites PT79A Mouse IgG2a FC, 1 mg PT79A-10 Ascites PGBL22A Mouse IgG1 FC, 0,1 mg PGBL22A-01 Ascites PGBL22A Mouse IgG1 FC, 0,5 mg PGBL22A-05 Ascites PGBL22A Mouse IgG1 FC, 1 mg PGBL22A-10 S/N INN-hPRL-3 HRP Polyclonal Purified Polyclonal See Red Blood Cells FITC Polyclonal Serum Polyclonal Purified Polyclonal Purified SH-B1 RTU SH-B1 Purified Polyclonal S/N Ad1/20A6 Mouse Goat Goat IgG3 IgG IgG CS,PS, E, DT,iPt, 1 ml 0,2 mg 10 mg VP-P979 LCH2100 LCU2100KB Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Mouse Mouse Rabbit Mouse IgG IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 CT,FC,IF, CT, CT, CS,PS, CS,PS, CS,PS, CS,WB, 3 2 20 0,1 5 1 1 mg ml mg ml ml ml ml LCF1684 LCY1684 LCE1684 K063 E063 VP-S276 VP-A105 S/N Mouse IgG1 CS, 1 ml VP-B206 ßSARC/5B1 Application Quantity Cat.No. 0,1 1 1 0,02 ml ml ml mg LAH0374 VP-N751 VP-N752 MAK1321T 0,2 mg MAK1321 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 0,5 1 0,1 PAK9115S OXA11-S OXA11-A PG106A-01 PG106A-05 PG106A-10 PG89A-01 PG89A-05 PG89A-10 LCH2085 LCU2085YA PG130A-01 PG130A-05 PG130A-10 PG92A-01 PG92A-05 PG92A-10 PG94A-01 PG94A-05 PG94A-10 PT79A-01 ml ml mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg mg LINARIS Biologische Produkte GmbH Hotelstrasse 11 D-97877 Wertheim-Bettingen Page 12 Telefon: ++ 49 (0) 9342 / 8595-0 Telefax: ++ 49 (0) 9342 / 8595-28 Bank: Volksbank Wertheim, BLZ 673 900 00, Konto 642 542 00 eMail: [email protected] Internet: Amtsgericht Tauberbischofsheim, HRB-Nr. 182-W Geschäftsführerin: Karin Decker LINARIS PRIMÄRANTIKÖRPER-Veterinär erkennen: Schwein alphabetisch geordnet BIOLOGISCHE PRODUKTE Description Format Clone Host Isotype Sarcoplasmic/Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+ ATPase 1 SGLT Smooth Muscle Cells Smooth Muscle Cells SNAP-25 (26-27Kd) SNAP-25 (26-27Kd) Sodium Glucose Transporter-2 #1 (SGLT-2) Sodium Glucose Transporter-2 #1 (SGLT-2) Sodium Glucose Transporter-3 #3 (SGLT-3/SAAT1) Sodium Glucose Transporter-3 #3 (SGLT-3/SAAT1) Sodium Glucose Transporter-3 #3 (SGLT-3/SAAT1) Sodium Glucose Transporter-3 #3 (SGLT-3/SAAT1) Sodium Glucose Transporter-3 #3 (SGLT-3/SAAT1) Sodium Glucose Transporter-3 #3 (SGLT-3/SAAT1) Sodium Glucose Transporter-3 #3 (SGLT-3/SAAT1) Sodium Glucose Transporter-3 #3 (SGLT-3/SAAT1) Sodium Glucose Transporter-3 #4 (SGLT-3/SAAT1) Sodium Glucose Transporter-3 #4 (SGLT-3/SAAT1) Sodium Glucose Transporter-3 #4 (SGLT-3/SAAT1) Sodium Glucose Transporter-3 #4 (SGLT-3/SAAT1) Sodium Glucose Transporter-3 #4 (SGLT-3/SAAT1) Sodium Glucose Transporter-3 #4 (SGLT-3/SAAT1) Sodium Glucose Transporter-3 #4 (SGLT-3/SAAT1) Sodium Glucose Transporter-3 #4 (SGLT-3/SAAT1) Somatostatin SWC1a SWC6 (Null cells) SWC8 SWC9 Synaptobrevin (VAMP) Synaptophysin Synaptophysin Synaptophysin Syntaxin Purified IID8 Mouse IgG1 See Sodium Glucose Transporter Aff. Purified HM19/2 Rat Purified HM19/2 Rat Purified SP12 Mouse IgM IgM IgG1 Purified SP12 Mouse IgG1 E,PS,WB, 0,2 mg MAK1308 Purified Polyclonal Rabbit IgG E,WB, 0,1 mg SG21-A Neat Serum Polyclonal Rabbit IgG E,WB, 0,1 mg SG21-S Polyclonal Rabbit E, 0,1 ml SG33-Sxx Polyclonal Rabbit E, 0,1 ml PAK9238S Serum Polyclonal Rabbit E, 0,1 ml SG33-S Serum Polyclonal Rabbit E, 0,1 ml PAK9237S Aff. Purified Polyclonal Rabbit E, 0,1 mg SG33-A Aff. Purified Polyclonal Rabbit E, 0,1 mg PAK9235A Aff. Purified Polyclonal Rabbit E, 0,1 mg SG33-Axx Aff. Purified Polyclonal Rabbit E, 0,1 mg PAK9236A Polyclonal Rabbit E, 0,1 ml SG34-Sxx Polyclonal Rabbit E, 0,1 ml PAK9242S Serum Polyclonal Rabbit E, 0,1 ml SG34-S Serum Polyclonal Rabbit E, 0,1 ml PAK9241S Aff. Purified Polyclonal Rabbit E, 0,1 mg SG34-A Aff. Purified Polyclonal Rabbit E, 0,1 mg PAK9239A Aff. Purified Polyclonal Rabbit E, 0,1 mg SG34-Axx Aff. Purified Polyclonal Rabbit E, 0,1 mg PAK9240A S/N S/N K263.3D7 MAC320 Rabbit Mouse Rat IgG1 IgG2a S/N S/N Purified MIL-3 PM18-7 SP11 Mouse Mouse Mouse IgM IgG1 IgG1 CS,FC, FC,iPt, E,PS,WB, Purified Purified Purified Purified SP15 Polyconal SP15 SP8 Mouse Rabbit Mouse Mouse IgM PS, CS,PS*, E,PS,WB, CS,E,WB, IgM IgG1 Application CS,PS, Quantity Cat.No. 0,5 ml CS,IF,iPt,IP,IF,PS, 2 mg CS,IF,IP,PS, 2 mg PS, 0,02 mg PS*, 0,25 ml FC, 2 ml CS,E,FC,iPt,PS, 2 ml 2 ml 2 ml 0,2 mg 0,02 1 0,2 0,2 mg ml mg mg VP-S277 LCU1002 LCA10002 MAK1308T VP-S282 MAK2088 MAK1448 MAK1219 MAK1973S MAK1309 MAK1307T VP-S284 MAK1307 MAK1323 LINARIS Biologische Produkte GmbH Hotelstrasse 11 D-97877 Wertheim-Bettingen Telefon: ++ 49 (0) 9342 / 8595-0 Telefax: ++ 49 (0) 9342 / 8595-28 Bank: Volksbank Wertheim, BLZ 673 900 00, Konto 642 542 00 eMail: [email protected] Internet: Amtsgericht Tauberbischofsheim, HRB-Nr. 182-W Geschäftsführerin: Karin Decker Page 13 LINARIS PRIMÄRANTIKÖRPER-Veterinär erkennen: Schwein alphabetisch geordnet BIOLOGISCHE PRODUKTE Description Format Clone Host Isotype TCR1 Subpopulation (TCR1-N7 cluster) TCR1 Subpopulation (TCR1-N7 cluster) TCR1 Subpopulation (TCR1-N7 cluster) Thymocytes/T-Subpopulation Thymocytes/T-Subpopulation Thymocytes/T-Subpopulation Transferrin Transferrin Transferrin Troponin-1 Tubulin Alpha Tubulin Alpha Tubulin Beta Class-III Uncoupling Protein-3 #2 (UCP3) Uncoupling Protein-3 #2 (UCP3) VAMP VasoIntestinal Peptide (VIP) VE-Cadherin Villin Vimentin Vimentin VIP von Willebrand-Factor von-Willebrand-Factor von-Willebrand-Factor WC1 WC1 WC4 wCD44 wCD8a wCD8a wCD8a Ascites 86D Mouse IgG1 CS,FC, 0,1 mg 86D-01 Ascites 86D Mouse IgG1 FC, 0,5 mg 86D-05 Ascites 86D Mouse IgG1 FC, 1 mg 86D-10 Ascites Ascites Ascites FITC Serum Purified Purified S/N Purified Purified Serum 2B11 2B11 2B11 Polyclonal Polyclonal Polyclonal 110 YL1/2 YL1/2 TU-20 Polyclonal Mouse Mouse Mouse Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Mouse Rat Rat Mouse Rabbit IgM IgM IgM IgG Aff. Purified Polyclonal Rabbit E,IHC,WB, 0,1 mg UCP32-A See Synaptobrevin Serum Polyclonal Rabbit CS,PS, 0,1 ml LPE0041 CS,WB, CS,PS*, CS,PS, 0,2 mg 5 ml 0,1 ml MAK0292 E034 K034 See CD144 Purified ID2 C3 Mouse RTU V9 Mouse Purified V9 Mouse See Vaso-Intestinal Peptide Purified Polyclonal Rabbit Aff. Purified Polyclonal Goat Purified Polyclonal Goat S/N CC101 Mouse S/N CC101 Mouse S/N CC55 Mouse S/N MAC329 Rat S/N MIL-12 Mouse FITC MIL12 Mouse RPE MIL12 Mouse IgG2a IgG2a IgG2a IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG IgG IgG IgG2a IgG2a IgG1 IgG1 IgG2a IgG2a IgG2a Application Quantity Cat.No. FC, 0,1 FC, 0,5 FC, 1 FC,iF, 3 iD,iPt, 2 iD,iPt, 20 E,WB, 0,25 CS,E,iF,iPt,RIA,WB, 5 CS,E,iF,iPt,RIA,WB, 0,5 CS,PS*,WB, 0,1 E,IHC,WB, 0,1 mg mg mg mg ml mg mg ml mg mg ml CS,E,iPt,PS*,WB, 1 ml CS,E,PS,WB, 0,5 mg CS,DT,E,iPt,PS, 2,5 mg CS,FC,iPt, 0,25 mg CS,FC,iPt, 2 ml FC,iPt, 2 ml CS,FC,iPt,PS, 2 ml CS,FC, 2 ml FC, 0,1 mg FC, 100 tests 2B11-01 2B11-05 2B11-10 LCF1624 LCY1624 LCE1624 MAK1208 MAK0077S MAK0077G MAK2047 UCP32-S PAK0010 LCU2175YA LCU2175AB MAK1655G MAK1655 MAK1648 MAK1449 MAK1223 MAK1223F MAK1223PE LINARIS Biologische Produkte GmbH Hotelstrasse 11 D-97877 Wertheim-Bettingen Page 14 Telefon: ++ 49 (0) 9342 / 8595-0 Telefax: ++ 49 (0) 9342 / 8595-28 Bank: Volksbank Wertheim, BLZ 673 900 00, Konto 642 542 00 eMail: [email protected] Internet: Amtsgericht Tauberbischofsheim, HRB-Nr. 182-W Geschäftsführerin: Karin Decker LINARIS BIOLOGISCHE PRODUKTE Unsere allgemeinen Verkaufs- und Lieferbedingungen LINARIS Groß- und Einzelhandel biologischer Produkte GmbH Hotelstraße 11 D-97877 Bettingen/Main Telefon: 09342/8595-0 Telefax: 09342/8595-28 Gerichtsstand: Amtsgericht Wertheim HRB W-182 1. Unsere Angebote sind freibleibend. Bestellungen sind für uns nach unserer schriftlichen Auftragsbestätigung verbindlich oder, wenn wir Ihnen durch Übersendung der Ware und der Rechnung entsprechen. Unsere allgemeinen Verkaufs- und Lieferbedingungen gelten für alle von uns getätigten Verkaufsgeschäfte, auch wenn wir nicht ausdrücklich auf diese Geltung hinweisen. Abweichungen gelten nur, wenn sie von uns schriftlich bestätigt werden. 2. Die Preise verstehen sich frei Bestimmungsort einschließlich üblicher Verpackung und zuzüglich der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer. Liegt der Netto-Auftragswert pro Einzelauftrag unter EUR 435,00, berechnen wir Versand- und Verpackungskosten und ggf. Trockeneis. 3. Die Lieferung erfolgt schnellstmöglich, gegebenenfalls als Teillieferungen. Unvorhergesehene Ereignisse, wie höhere Gewalt, Betriebsstörungen, Lieferfristüberschreitungen oder Lieferausfall von unseren Lieferanten, behördliche Anordnungen, Unruhe, Verzögerungen beim Transport, Streiks oder sonstige störende Ereignisse entbinden uns für die Dauer von der Pflicht zur rechtzeitiger Lieferung. Sie berechtigen uns außerdem, ganz oder teilweise vom Vertrag zurückzutreten. 4. Die Rechnungen sind innerhalb 14 Tage nach Rechnungserhalt ohne Abzug zahlbar. Bei Zahlungsverzögerung sind wir berechtigt, ohne Mahnung Fälligkeitszinsen in Höhe von 4% über dem Bundesbankdiskontsatz zu verlangen. 5. Unsere Produkte sind ausschließlich für die in-vitro-Verwendung, (ausgenommen die ABM-Produkte) bestimmt. Die Angaben bezüglich Reinheit, Eigenschaften und Anwendungs- möglichkeiten sind von uns mit größter Sorgfalt gemacht. Eine Haftung hierfür können wir jedoch nicht übernehmen. Wir setzen eine eigene Prüfung durch den Abnehmer voraus. Unsere Produkte unterliegen einer firmeninternen Qualitätskontrolle. Sie sind bei sachgerechter Lagerung bis zu dem auf der Packung angegebenen Verfallsdatum ohne Qualitätsminderung einsatzfähig. Die einwandfreie Beschaffenheit und Gebrauchsfähigkeit der gelieferten Geräte wird für die Dauer von 6 Monaten nach Übernahme durch den Kunden garantiert. Schäden infolge unsachgemäßer Verwendung, fehlerhafter oder nachlässiger Behandlung sowie unbefugt vorgenommener Veränderungen durch den Käufer oder Dritte sind von der Gewährleistung ausgenommen. 6. Mängel werden von uns nur anerkannt, wenn sie uns unverzüglich, spätestens innerhalb 14 Tagen nach Erhalt der Ware angezeigt werden. Bei begründeten Mängeln ist unsere Haftung nach unserer Wahl auf Nachbesserung oder Ersatzlieferung beschränkt. Eine weitergehende Haftung für Folgeschäden wird ausgeschlossen. 7. Wir behalten uns das Eigentum an den gelieferten Waren bis zur vollständigen Bezahlung des jeweiligen Rechnungsbetrages vor. Der Auftraggeber ist berechtigt, die Ware im Rahmen seines normalen Geschäftsverkehrs zu verwenden. Soweit er sie veräußert, tritt er bereits jetzt seine Forderungen aus der Veräußerung an uns ab. Wir sind berechtigt, die Abtretung jederzeit offen zu legen. 8. Nach Absprache nehmen wir Verkaufsverpackungen im Inland kostenlos zurück. 9. Ausschließlicher Gerichtsstand ist Wertheim. Deutsches Recht findet Anwendung. Stand: 01/2002 1
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