Vortrag von Prof. Walter Russell Mead

09.03.2017, 18:00 Uhr
HS 1, Sowi
Prof. Walter Russell Mead
James Clark Chase Professor of Foreign Affairs and Humanities at
Bard College and Editor-at-Large of „The American Interest“.
The Jacksonian Tradition and American Foreign
Policy under Trump
Donald Trump’s victory and presidency is a shock to the American establishment,
but it isn’t totally unprecedented. Trump won on a wave of support from a loose
cultural coalition of Americans who have been a major force in American politics
since the victory of Andrew Jackson stunned the political elite in 1828. We are
experiencing another Jacksonian moment in America. What does it mean for
foreign policy?
In Kooperation mit der Botschaft der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika in Wien, dem Institut für
Politikwissenschaft und dem American Corner an der Universität Innsbruck sowie der International
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Studies Section der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft