List of Publications - Dr. Walter L. Kuehnlein March 28th, 2017 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS - Dr. Walter L. Kuehnlein Email: [email protected], http: Hamburg +49-40-2261 4633, Houston: +1-281-769-5350 Soeren Ehlers, Fai Cheng, Ian Jordaan, Walter Kuehnlein, Pentti Kujala, Yu Luo, Freeman Ralph, Kaj Riska, Jaideep Sirkar, Yeong-Tae Oh, Koij Terai, Janne Valkonen Towards mission-based structural design for arctic regions Ship Technology Research - Schiffstechnik 2017, has been assigned to manuscript number: STR140, not published yet. Walter L. Kuehnlein Design and Development Philosophies for Arctic Projects Proceedings of Arctic Technology Conference, ATC 2016, held in St. John’s, New Foundland, Paper OTC 27328. Soeren Ehlers, Fai Cheng, Ian Jordaan, Jaideep Sirkar, Janne Valkonen, Kaj Riska, Koji Terai, Pentti Kujala, Ralph Freeman, Walter L. Kuehnlein, Yeong Tae Oh, Yu Luo 19th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress ISSC 2015, 7 - 10 September 2015, Cascais, Portugal, Report of Committee V.6 (Artic Technology). Walter L. Kuehnlein 18th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress ISSC 2012, 9 - 13 September 2012, Rostock, Germany, Official Discusser of the report of Committee V.6 (Artic Technology). Walter L. Kuehnlein First offshore test rig for realistic conditions unveiled Ship&Offshore, The international publication for Offshore & Marine Technology 2011, No.5, Page 54. Walter L. Kuehnlein Projekt zur Ölgewinnung im nördlichen Kaspischen Meer Schiff&Hafen 2010, No. 12 (December 2010), Page 64-66, Fachzeitschrift für Schifffahrt, Schiffbau & OffshoreTechnologie, Karl-Heinz Rupp, Walter L. Kuehnlein Drilling in Ice Ship&Port 2009, No. 1, Pages 60-61, now Ship&Offshore, The international publication for Offshore & Marine Technology Walter L. Kuehnlein Philosophies for dynamic positioning in ice-covered waters Paper OTC-20019, 2009 Offshore Technology Conference held in Houston, USA, 4–7 May 2009. Arne Gürtner, Morten Bjerkås, Walter L Kuehnlein, Peter Jochmann, and Ibrahim Konuk NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF ICE ACTION TO A LIGHTHOUSE Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE’09, May 31st – June 5th, 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, OMAE2009-80164. Tuomo Kärnä, Yan Qu, and Walter L. Kuehnlein, A spectral model for forces due to ice crushing Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 129, May 2007. W.L. Kuehnlein (invited Speaker, Keynote Speech in Opening Session) Underwater Defense Technology meets Oil & Gas UDT 2006, December 6-8, 2006 in San Diego, USA. Page 1 of 4 List of Publications - Dr. Walter L. Kuehnlein March 28th, 2017 W.L. Kuehnlein, Jens-Holger Hellmann, and Karl-Heinz Rupp Model Tests – LNG Carriers in Ice. Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE’06, June 4-9, 2006, Hamburg, Germany, OMAE2006-92604. Janou Hennig, Heike Billerbeck, Kay-Enno Brink, Daniel Testa, G.F. Clauss, and W.L. Kuehnlein Qualitative and quantitative validation of a numerical code for the realistic simulation of various ship motion scenarios. Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE’06, June 4-9, 2006, Hamburg, Germany, OMAE2006-92245. W.L. Kuehnlein, Jens-Holger Hellmann, and Karl-Heinz Rupp Model tests in brash ice channels. Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE’05, June 12-17, 2005, Halkidiki, Greece, OMAE2005-67327. W.L. Kuehnlein, Tuomo Kärnä, and Yan Qu A new spectral method for modelling dynamic ice actions. Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE’04, June 20-25, 2004, Vancouver, Canada, OMAE2004-51360. W.L. Kuehnlein, Günther F. Clauss, Christian Schmittner, and Janou Hennig Nonlinear calculations of tailored wave trains for experimental investigations of extreme structure behaviour. Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE’04, June 20-25, 2004, Vancouver, Canada, OMAE2004-51195. W. L. Kuehnlein, Kay-Enno Brink, and Janou Hennig Innovative deterministic seakeeping test procedures. Proceedings of 8th International Conference on the Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, STAB 2003, September 1519, 2003, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Navales, Madrid, Spain, Paper No. 49. P. Jochmann, K.-U. Evers, and W.L. Kuehnlein Model testing of ice barriers used for reduction of design ice loads. Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE’03, June 8-13, 2003, Cancun, Mexico, OMAE2003-37385. W. L. Kuehnlein and Kay-Enno Brink Model tests for the validation of extreme roll motion predictions. Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. OMAE’02, June 23-28, 2002, Oslo, Norway. Walter L. Kuehnlein, Günther F. Clauss, and Janou Hennig Tailor made freak waves within irregular seas. Proceedings of OMAE ’02, 21st International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. OMAE, Oslo, Norway, June 23-28, 2002. W. L. Kuehnlein (invited Speaker, Keynote Speech in Opening Session) The North Caspian Project. Proceedings of the 12th International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Kitakyushu, Japan, May 26-31, 2002, ISBN 1-880653-58-3, ISSN 1098-6189. K.U. Evers, W. Spring, J. Folkes, P. Jochmann, and W.L. Kuehnlein. Ice model testing of an exploration platform for shallow waters in the North Caspian Sea. Proceedings of POAC´01, Aug 12th -Aug. 17th, 2001, Ottawa, Canada. ´ K.U. Evers, P. Jochmann, and W.L. Kuehnlein Ice model tests with an oil exploration barge in the North Caspian Sea. Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on Ice, Aug 28th -Sept. 1st, 2000 Gdansk, Poland. Page 2 of 4 List of Publications - Dr. Walter L. Kuehnlein March 28th, 2017 W.L. Kuehnlein Explorationsplattform für Flachwasser im nördlichen Kaspischen Meer. 3. Schiffbautag in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Rostock-Warnemünde, 11. November 1999, Schriftenreihe für Ingenieurwissenschaften, Herausgegeben von der Universität Rostock, Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften, 38. Jahrgang (1999) Heft Nr. 4, 120 S., ISSN 0036-6056, Rostock, Germany. G.F. Clauss, G. Kuhlmann, and W.L. Kuehnlein Hydrodynamic evaluation of multi-layer wave filters and absorbers. International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE' 98 - 367, 1998, Lisbon, Portugal. G.F. Clauss, L. Birk, and W.L. Kuehnlein Synthesis of innovative model testing and numerical optimization for advanced offshore design. Proceedings of the International Maritime Conference Indonesia, September 9-11, 1997, Jakarta, Indonesia. W.L. Kuehnlein Seegangsversuchstechnik mit transienter Systemanregung. Technische Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Verkehrswesen und Angewandte Mechanik Dissertation D83, 15. August 1997, Berlin, Germany. G.F. Clauss and W.L. Kuehnlein A new tool for seakeeping tests - nonlinear transient wave packets. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Behavior of Offshore Structures, BOSS' 97, Vol. 2, 1997, Delft, The Netherlands. G.F. Clauss and W.L. Kuehnlein Simulation of design storm wave condition with tailored wave groups. Proceedings of International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE, May 25-30, 1997, Honolulu, Hawaii. G.F. Clauss, L. Birk, and W.L. Kuehnlein Design by numerical optimization and innovative model testing. International Conference in Ocean Engineering ICOE' 96, December 1996, Madras, India. G.F. Clauss and W.L. Kuehnlein Simulation of design storm wave conditions with tailored wave groups. Discussion on the Report of Seakeeping Committee --- 21st International Towing Tank Conference, Vol. 2, pages 203205, September 15-21, 1996, Trondheim, Norway. G.F. Clauss and W.L. Kuehnlein Nonlinear transient wave excitation as a new tool in model testing. Proceedings of International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE' 96 - 552, June 1996, Florence, Italy. G.F. Clauss und W.L. Kuehnlein Seegangsversuchstechnik mit transienter Strukturanregung. STG' 95 - Jahrbuch Schiffbautechnische Gesellschaft, Fachvortrag auf der 90. Hauptversammlung, 1995. G.F. Clauss and W.L. Kuehnlein Transient wave packets - an efficient technique for seakeeping tests of self-propelled models in oblique waves. Third International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, pages 1193-1204, Vol. 2, September 1995, LuebeckTravemuende, Germany. G.F. Clauss and W.L. Kuehnlein Innovative vessels on the German oil spill recovery fleet. International Conference on Technologies for Marine Environment Preservation, September 1995, Tokyo, Japan. MARI-ENV'95 - Ab.No. 007. Page 3 of 4 List of Publications - Dr. Walter L. Kuehnlein March 28th, 2017 G.F. Clauss and W.L. Kuehnlein Seakeeping tests in transient wave packets. State of the Art: Report to Seakeeping Committee, International Towing Tank Conference, 1995. G.F. Clauss and W.L. Kuehnlein A new approach to seakeeping tests of self-propelled models in oblique waves with transient wave packets. Proceedings of International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE' 95 - 350, June 1995, Copenhagen, Denmark. G.F. Clauss and W.L. Kuehnlein Hydrodynamic optimization of selected oil-skimming systems. NAV' 94, International Conference on Ship and marine Research, October 1-9, 1994, Rome, Italy. G.F. Clauss and W.L. Kuehnlein Seakeeping tests of marine structures with deterministic wave groups and tank wall sidewall wave absorbers. Proceedings of BOSS' 94 Conference, July 12-15, 1994, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. G.F. Clauss and W.L. Kuehnlein Seakeeping tests with deterministic wave groups and tank wall sidewall wave absorbers. Discussion on the Report of Seakeeping Committee - 20th International Towing Tank Conference, September 19-25, 1993, San Francisco, California, USA. G.F. Clauss, W.L. Kuehnlein und M. Härtel Hydrodynamische Optimierung ausgewählter Ölräumfahrzeuge. 13. Workshop, Umweltschonender Seeverkehr, Rundbrief Nr. 15, Transferstelle Meerestechnik, Universität Bremen, Klagenfurter Straße, September 1993, Bremen, Germany. W.L. Kuehnlein Forschung im Bereich der Meerestechnik. TU-International, Nr. 18/19, Technische Universität Berlin, Februar 1993 ISSN: 0935-2740. Berlin, Germany. G.F. Clauss and W.L. Kuehnlein Oil skimming vessels: structure-seaway interaction problems and provisions for wave attenuation systems. Proceedings of Offshore Technology Conference, OTC' 92 - 6989, pages 68-76, Vol. 4, 1992, Houston, Texas, USA. G.F. Clauss, Y. Chen, and W.L. Kuehnlein Improvement of oil skimming vessel by wave attenuation systems. Offshore Engineering --- VIII International Symposium on Offshore Engineering, COPPE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, September 1991, Pentech Press, London, GB. G.F. Clauss and W.L. Kuehnlein Efficiency of selected oil-skimming systems in irregular seas. 1991 International Oil Spill Conference, March 1991, San Diego, California, USA. G.F. Clauss, W.L. Kuehnlein und R. Schmitz Entwicklung von Ölabschöpfsystem. Beiträge zum 11. Aufbauseminar Meerestechnik, TU Clausthal / TU Berlin, Juni 1990, Clausthal, Germany. Page 4 of 4
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