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FUNGraph Publications – List and Links, February 2014
C. D. Latham, M. I. Heggie, M. Alatalo, S. Öberg, P. R Briddon, The
contribution made by lattice vacancies to the Wigner effect in
radiation-damaged graphite, J. Phys: Cond. Matter: 25, 135403 (2013)
doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/25/13/135403
T. Trevethan, P. Dyulgerova, C. D. Latham, M. I. Heggie, C. R.
Seabourne, A. J. Scott, P. R. Briddon, M. J. Rayson, Extended
interplanar linking in graphite formed from vacancy aggregates. Phys.
Rev. Lett., 111, 095501 (2013) doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.095501
C. R. Seabourne, R. Brydson, M. I. Heggie, C. D. Latham, A. J. Scott.
Electron microscopy of nuclear graphite: A modelling approach. J.
Phys: Conf. Ser., 371, 012061 (2012) doi:
T. Trevethan, C. D. Latham, M. I. Heggie, P. R. Briddon and M. J. Rayson.
Vacancy diffusion and coalescence in graphene directed by defect strain
Nanoscale (Accepted)
L. Gong, R. J. Young, I. A. Kinloch, S. J. Haigh, J. H. Warner, J. A. Hinks, Z.
Xu, L. Li, F. Ding, I. Riaz, R. Jalil and K. S. Novoselov
Reversible Loss of Bernal Stacking during the Deformation of Few-Layer
Graphene in Nanocomposites
ACS Nano 7(8) (2013) p7287
J. A. Hinks, A. N. Jones, A. Theodosiou, J. A. van den Berg and S. E.
Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of Graphite under in situ Ion
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 371 (2012) p012046
J. A. Hinks, S. J. Haigh, G. Greaves, F. Sweeney, C. T. Pan, R. J. Young and
S. E. Donnelly
Dynamic Microstructural Evolution of Graphite under Displacing Irradiation
Carbon (2013) In press
J. A. Hinks, A. N. Jones and S. E. Donnelly
Effects of Displacing Radiation on Graphite Observed Using in situ
Transmission Electron Microscopy
MRS Proceedings 1383 (2012)
J. A. Hinks, G. Greaves, S. J. Haigh, C.-T. Pan and S. E. Donnelly
Kink Band Formation in Graphite under Ion Irradiation
Materials Transactions (2013) Accepted
DOI not yet available
F. S. Hage, D. M. Kepaptsoglou, C. R. Seabourne, A. J. Scott, Q. M.
Ramasse, Ø. Prytz, A. E. Gunnæs and G. Helgesen,
Dielectric Response of Pentagonal Defects in Multilayer Graphene NanoCones
Nanoscale, in press, DOI: 10.1039/C3NR05419E (2014).
A. S. Marriott, A. J. Hunt, E. Bergström, K. Wilson, V. L. Budarin, J. ThomasOates, J. H. Clark, R. Brydson,
Investigating the structure of biomass-derived non-graphitizing mesoporous
carbons by electron energy loss spectroscopy in the transmission electron
microscope and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Carbon, 67, 514, (2014). DOI
T. P. Hardcastle, C. R. Seabourne, R. Zan, R. M. D. Brydson, U. Bangert, Q.
M. Ramasse, K. Novoselov and A. J. Scott,
Metal adatoms on single layer, bilayer and trilayer graphene: an ab initio study
correlated with experimental electron microscopy data.
Physical Review B, 87, 195430, (2013). DOI
Q. M. Ramasse, C. R. Seabourne, R. Zan, D. M. Kepaptsoglou, U. Bangert
and A. J. Scott,
Probing the bonding and electronic structure of single atom dopants in
graphene with electron energy loss spectroscopy
NanoLetters, 13, 4989, (2012). DOI
Z. Zhang, R. Brydson, Z. Aslam, S. Reddy, A. Brown, A. Westwood and B.
Investigating the structure of non-graphitising carbons using electron energy
loss spectroscopy in the transmission electron microscope,
Carbon, 49, 5049, (2011). DOI
Aidan Westwood and Andrew Scott,
Life expectancy — graphite behaviour in nuclear reactors.
Materials World, 19 (7), 23, July, (2011). LINK
C. R. Seabourne, R. Brydson, A. P. Brown, C. D. Latham, M. I. Heggie and A.
J. Scott,
EELS modelling of graphitization.
EMAG 2013, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., in press.
B. Mironov, H. M. Freeman, R. Brydson, A. J. Scott, A. Westwood, J-P Da
Costa, B. Farbos, J. M. Leyssale,
Simulating Neutron Radiation Damage of Graphite by in-situ Electron
EMAG 2013, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., in press.
B. E. Mironov, A. V. K. Westwood, A. J. Scott, R. Brydson and A. N. Jones,
Structure of different grades of nuclear graphite.
EMAG 2011, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 371 012017, (2012).
B. E. Mironov, A. V. K Westwood, A. J. Scott, R. Brydson.
Structure of various grades of nuclear graphite.
Workshop on the "Order/Disorder in Bulk Carbon Materials: structure/texture,
quantification, imaging, modeling, structure-property relationship". Satellite
meeting (June 15-16, 2012) of the World conference on Carbon, CARBON2012, Krakow, Poland.
B. E. Mironov, A. V. K Westwood, A. J. Scott, R. Brydson and L. McDermott.
Characterisation of the filler and binder components in a nuclear graphite
using TEM and Raman Spectroscopy.
15th European Microscopy Congress, Manchester, UK, 16th - 21st
September 2012.
F S Hage, Q M Ramasse, D M Kepaptsoglou, G Helgesen, O Prytz, A E
Gunnaes, R Brydson,
Topologically induced confinement of collective modes in multilayer graphene
nanocones measured by momentum-resolved STEM-VEELS.
Physical Review B – Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88, 155408
(2013). DOI
Eason E D, Hall G N, Marsden B J, Heys G B. 2013. Models of bending
strength for Gilsocarbon graphites irradiated in inert and oxidising
environments. Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 436. Issue 1-3. pp 208-216.
May. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2012.06.034
Eason E D, Hall G N, Marsden B J, Heys G B. 2013. A Model of Youngs
Modulus for Gilsocarbon Graphites Irradiated in Oxidising Environments.
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 436. Issue 1-3. pp 201-207. May. DOI:
Eason E D, Hall G N, Marsden B J, Heys G B. 2013. Models of Coefficient of
Thermal Expansion (CTE) for Gilsocarbon Graphites Irradiated in Inert and
Oxidising Environments. Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 436. Issue 1-3. pp
191-200. May. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2012.08.022
Lasithiotakisa M, Marsden B J, Marrow T J. 2012. Application of an
independent parallel reactions model on the annealing kinetics of BEPO
irradiated graphite. Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 427. Issue 1-3. pp 95109. April. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2012.04.013
Mostafavi M, Schmidt M, Marsden B J, Marrow T J. 2012. Fracture behaviour
of an anisotropic polygranular graphite (PGA). Materials Science and
Engineering A. Vol. 558. pp 265-277. December. DOI:
Jones A N, Holmes R. A, Marsden B J. 2012. Development of Surface Marker
System for the Observation of Microstructural Changes in Nuclear Graphite
using Micro X-ray Tomography. Materials Letters. Vol. 1475. January. DOI:, Abstract
Lasithiotakis M, Marsden B J, Marrow T J. 2012. Annealing of ion irradiation
damage in nuclear graphite. Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 434. Issue 1-3.
pp 234-346. December. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2012.12.001
A. N. Jones, L. McDermott and B. J. Marsden. The Characterization of
Irradiation Damage in Reactor Graphite Using High Resolution Transmission
Electron Microscopy and Raman Spectroscopy. MRS Proceedings. 2012
January; 1475: . eScholarID:177167 | DOI:10.1557/opl.2012.561
Hagos B, Jones A, Marrow T, Marsden B. Microstructural analysis of
irradiated nuclear graphite waste. 2010; eScholarID:147051
Hall G, Marsden B, Jones A. Graphite for Nuclear Reactors. Transactions of
the American Nuclear Society. 2010; 102: 721-722. eScholarID:147045