Presenter: Noella Mackenzie INTERACTIVE WRITING MEETS THE INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARD How does this process impact the learner? Introductions Why did you come to this workshop? Noella Mackenzie What do you already know about interac3ve wri3ng? "Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on" Noella Mackenzie Noella Mackenzie, CSU, 2014 . What are you thinking now? "Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on" Noella Mackenzie Teaching ‘the new’ through Co-construction Composing Interactive writing Recording Editing Publishing Noella Mackenzie CSU, 2014. The goal: To have independent writers who have many resources at their disposal for: Composing (ideas, crea1vity, confidence) Recording (vocabulary and structure) Edi1ng (spelling and Concepts about Print) Publishing (pride and skill) Constrained and unconstrained skills Noella Mackenzie CSU, 2014. . The Goal continued: “The broad goal of Interac1ve Wri1ng is to teach children the wri1ng skills, strategies, and conven1ons they need to become competent as independent writers’ (McCarrier, Pinnell & Fountas, 2000) Interac1ve wri1ng reflects what is known about a balanced and integrated approach to literacy teaching (Graves et al., 2003; Pressley, 2002; Snow et al., 1998) Noella Mackenzie CSU, 2014. Vygotsky ZPD Zone of potential development ZAD Zone of actual development Scaffolding new learning Noella Mackenzie CSU, 2014. ZPD Zone of proximal development Responsive model of teaching, Clay, 1991 Interactive writing provides opportunities for: Composing, recording and edi1ng • idea development, • vocabulary expansion • grammar and punctua1on, • construc1ng words in wri1ng (spelling and phonemic awareness), • taking words apart in reading, and • wri1ng structures. Noella Mackenzie CSU, 2014. . A writing apprenticeship: Children are appren3ces who work alongside a teacher who is the expert writer. (McCarrier, Pinnell & Fountas, 2000) In addi3on to guiding children in the act of wri3ng, the teacher might ‘think aloud’ to model for children processes related to wri3ng such as how to spell a word, how to form a leNer, or how to revise (Roth & Guinee, 2011). Noella Mackenzie CSU, 2014. . Process Step 1 Day 1: Compose Day 2-‐5: Reread and compose next part teacher takes the lead in shaping the composi1on Step 2 Every day: Joint construc3on -‐Teacher and children sharing the pen teacher selects teaching opportuni1es – vocab, grammar, spelling, punctua1on Noella Mackenzie CSU, 2014. . Example 1: What we know about bears Grizzly bears grow to be very big. (Monday) Some bears sleep in caves and eat fish. (Tuesday) Panda bears are black and white. (Wednesday) Bears can run very fast. (Thursday) Real bears are smart and toy bears are very cuddly and good to take to bed. (Friday) Noella Mackenzie CSU, 2014. . Noella Mackenzie CSU, 2014. Example 1: What we know about bears Grizzly bears grow to be very big. (Monday) Some bears sleep in caves and eat fish. (Tuesday) Panda bears are black and white. (Wednesday) Bears can run very fast. (Thursday) Real bears are smart and toy bears are very cuddly and good to take to bed. (Friday) Noella Mackenzie CSU, 2014. Working towards independence Interac3ve wri3ng is where you teach to the needs of the group Independent wri3ng is where children build on and prac3ce their developing skills and you teach to the needs of individual students. Emergent writers should be encouraged to draw – talk – write (Mackenzie, 2011) Noella Mackenzie CSU, 2014. Research findings: Students in the Interac/ve Wri/ng Group outperformed students in the control group on Ideas, Organisa/on, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, Spelling , Capitalisa/on, Punctua/on, and handwri/ng. Roth, K., & Guinee, K. (2011). Ten minutes a day: the impact of interactive writing instruction on first graders' independent writing. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 11(3), 331-361. Noella Mackenzie CSU, 2014. . Interactive Writing on the Interactive Whiteboard Why? How? Videos and examples courtesy of Jesse Wheaton Noella Mackenzie CSU, 2014. Noella Mackenzie, CSU, 2014 Noella Mackenzie, CSU, 2014 . Reciprocity Reading scaffolding wri3ng Wri3ng scaffolding reading Reading Knowledge Writing Kn owledge Combined Re ading and Writing (Litera cy) Kn owledge Noella Mackenzie, CSU, 2014 . What are you thinking now? "Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on" Noella Mackenzie Example (Retelling) The Three Billy Goats Gruff Once upon a time there lived three hungry goats. (M) The goats wanted to eat grass and get fat. To get to the grass on the hill they would have to cross the bridge. (T) The troll lived under the bridge and he didn’t want the goats to cross to the other side. He was a mean troll. (W) N.Mackenzie, CSU&, 2014 The goats tricked the troll and ran across the bridge. They were happy to have lots of grass to eat. The troll was sad. (Th) The goats stayed on the hill eating lots and lots of grass and got very fat. They didn’t see the troll ever again and they were very happy. (F) N.Mackenzie, CSU, 2014 N.Mackenzie: Supporting inquisitive young learners to become confident writers N.Mackenzie: Supporting inquisitive young learners to become confident writers Reflection How does this process impact the learner? What ideas are flying around in your head? What would you like to try? "Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on" Noella Mackenzie, CSU, 2014 . Questions and Thank you Dr Noella Mackenzie School of Educa1on Charles Sturt University Albury, 2640 Ph: 02 60 519405 [email protected] References: Brotherton, S., & Williams, C. (2002). Interactive writing instruction in a first grade title I literacy program. Journal of Reading Education, 27(3), 8-19. Roth, K., & Guinee, K. (2011). Ten minutes a day: the impact of interactive writing instruction on first graders' independent writing. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 11(3), 331-361. Mackenzie, N. M. (2010). Motivating young writers. In J. Fletcher, F. Parkhill & G. Gillon (Eds.), Motivating literacy learners in today's world (pp. 23-32). Auckland: New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER). Wall, H. (2008). Interactive writing beyond the primary grades. The Reading Teacher, 62(2), 149-152. Noella Mackenzie, CSU, 2014 . Please complete the evaluation form on your table to go into the prize draw for a complimentary registration to LTCON2015 36 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00 37 Presentation Title runs here l 00/00/00
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